Would you prefer a lot of friends, or a small amount of closer friends?
Small amount of closer friends, pretty much the case now.
Do you have a job?
Nope. Been applying for internships, but haven't gotten any.
Are you a massive MMO player, and have you ever been accepted into a beta for one? Is there an Eight Holy Scripture?
I played in the Pangya closed beta. And I'm on the Aeria Games mailing list for unknown reasons and I'm pretty sure they've invited me to a few closed betas, but I've never played any of those.
Is there an Eight Holy Scripture?
I wouldn't put it past Nasu.
How many holes does your scripture have in it?
Countless, mostly in Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
If Sariel, Konngara, Mima, Yumemi, Yuka, and Shinki got into an all out brawl, how would you watch it?
Streamcast with running commentary by Team Baka.
And who would you put your money on winning? And who do you think would fall first?
Yumemi will win with the power of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Mima will get knocked out first due to the ego.
If a giant meteor was about to fall on your house, what would you use to catch it?
Portal to Activision headquarters.
What has been your favourite/memorable (and non-favourite) moment on MotK? (If this has been asked, or along those lines, then sorry. >< )
The most memorable in a non-favorite way was definitely the April Fools' disaster, whereas the favorite would be the charity drives. It's awesome to see how much good we can do when we come together.