Author Topic: 東方蒼神縁起 ~ THE GENIUS OF SAPPHEIROS (v1.07 is out!)  (Read 146199 times)


  • The DDR Maniac
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You guys realize an English patch will never be done unless we actually start working on it?


  • Long twintail-o-holic
You guys realize an English patch will never be done unless we actually start working on it?

As a rule to myself I never assume a game I'm interested in will be translated. However deranged already said he is interested in translating this, home appears to be translating certain things as well, and they already cracked the game meaning translating is possible... So uhhh, WTF haven't they started yet?


  • I can't brain today
  • I have the dumb
    • Tormod Plays Games
They -are- working on it.

Also, Esoterica: There are traits such as Meditation: 1 (Reimu's Gohei, at level 3 or 5, forget which; among others) which can regenerate MP each turn, or at a percentage when attacking (Staves 2?).  They're really handy, to say the least.

Started playing, currently (I assume) halfway through stage 2.  Recruited Mokou and Byakuren before even starting anything else.  I set Aya as team commander, as she seemed to be the only character that didn't have any noteworthy traits setting her apart from the other options (and her commander bonus to the team is pretty nifty).

Quick question: Is there a way to restore MP/bombs in a dungeon without having to run back to a magic circle?

Bombs, like lives, drop off enemies ocasionaly.
Mostly had Mokou as comander, especialy for bosses. Being able to res characters is just so useful (is that chance based or does it just revive one random downed character). Also having characters survive being one-shotted means you can run away from a fight if it tottaly overpowers you.


  • I can't brain today
  • I have the dumb
    • Tormod Plays Games
Mokou's great as a commander, but until you get Alice I prefer her as the party's tank, because she's got the only really high defense until then, and can still revive your team using her Last Word and she -should- be surviving long enough for that to happen.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Reimu gets Meditation upon attaining Gohei ABP 5.

1% MP drain off Stave attack is Staves ABP 3.

Bombs, like lives, drop off enemies ocasionaly.
Mostly had Mokou as comander, especialy for bosses. Being able to res characters is just so useful (is that chance based or does it just revive one random downed character). Also having characters survive being one-shotted means you can run away from a fight if it tottaly overpowers you.

It's one randomly downed character. So if you only have 1 downed character you will revive that one character.

Sanae gets her revive spell at Lv24.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Would someone care to explain to me how commanders work?  I know they provide a stat increase of some sort depending on the character, but I didn't know about support skills or how to use them.

Also, Alice is kicking my ass, what do

lv 10 Mokou
lv 8 Patchy
lv 10 Byakuren
lv 10 Sanae
lv 10 Reimu
lv 8 Nitori (Commander)

EDIT: ...well, just tried again.  Recorded this time, got BS'd out of a win.  I'm definitely uploading this because RAEG
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 08:13:27 PM by Esoterica »


  • This is my book! It's still all weird though.
You can use support skills in battle if you back out to that main menu type thing that shows up when you first enter battle, and it's either the X or Y option, I'm forgetful about it!

As for Alice, you mostly wanna keep one doll alive out of the ones she summons, and not kill it. For me, she summoned the elemental set thing, and I left the fire one alive so Mokou didn't take any damage for the most part, barring Alice's Last Spell/Whatever. Slice won't stop healing every turn, so you mostly wanna pile on damage to her and make sure not to hit the doll. If you do, try and do it with a Dark or Light Spell, they tend to take zero damage from those elements. After that, it's really a battle of attrition, I think one would call it. Just keep whaling on her and hope the leftover doll doesn't decide to hit someone like Patchy. Even if it does, you should be fairly fine, as Mokou's Last Word, will probably show up sometime. Just keep Sanae on healing, too, as Reimu can attack with her Light Spells and not harm the doll. You could also use Byakuren's defense buff on Mokou to see if it helps out with the physical attacking dolls, in case you wind up with those. I've only seen three sets: A group of  Dolls with shields, and quite a few of them too. Then there was four elemental dolls, and then four regular blah dolls who died really fast to Sanae's move that was her bomb in UFO. I think they took like, 600 damage or something.

After figuring it out, I had an easier time with Alice. The super hard part for me was killing all those dolls and living through their attacks, so Sanae is still super helpful with her multi and single target heals. Just keep going, and good luck with it <3

This post was originally a lot longer, but I forgot I had to verify and lost all that. I hope what I said has some sort of aid <3

You can use support skills in battle if you back out to that main menu type thing that shows up when you first enter battle, and it's either the X or Y option, I'm forgetful about it!

As for Alice, you mostly wanna keep one doll alive out of the ones she summons, and not kill it. For me, she summoned the elemental set thing, and I left the fire one alive so Mokou didn't take any damage for the most part, barring Alice's Last Spell/Whatever. Slice won't stop healing every turn, so you mostly wanna pile on damage to her and make sure not to hit the doll. If you do, try and do it with a Dark or Light Spell, they tend to take zero damage from those elements. After that, it's really a battle of attrition, I think one would call it. Just keep whaling on her and hope the leftover doll doesn't decide to hit someone like Patchy. Even if it does, you should be fairly fine, as Mokou's Last Word, will probably show up sometime. Just keep Sanae on healing, too, as Reimu can attack with her Light Spells and not harm the doll. You could also use Byakuren's defense buff on Mokou to see if it helps out with the physical attacking dolls, in case you wind up with those. I've only seen three sets: A group of  Dolls with shields, and quite a few of them too. Then there was four elemental dolls, and then four regular blah dolls who died really fast to Sanae's move that was her bomb in UFO. I think they took like, 600 damage or something.

After figuring it out, I had an easier time with Alice. The super hard part for me was killing all those dolls and living through their attacks, so Sanae is still super helpful with her multi and single target heals. Just keep going, and good luck with it <3

This post was originally a lot longer, but I forgot I had to verify and lost all that. I hope what I said has some sort of aid <3
That's more or less been my strategy for the most part, though I didn't know they specifically had Dark/Light resistance.  Is Alice equally resistant?  I had Silent Selene hit her for 1 damage once, even though Byakuren's dark spell was consistently hitting near-200s.  Anyway, I actually killed Alice last time, but the one doll remaining managed to screw me over.


  • This is my book! It's still all weird though.
Gahhhh I keep missing the verification and it's all blehhhh

For some reason, it was mostly Byakuren's LightDark Spells that hurt Alice specifically for me, and possibly Reimu's as well. Patchy's Light Version of Silent Selene did pretty much nothing for me as well. Regardless, if you only had one doll left, you're sure to get it next time! You could always try switching formations around toooooo , along with maybe switching up your commanders? Nitori's lovable and stuff, but if you need some last bit of extra damage quick, Aya's Papparazzi Support Spell could help you go first, and both of Marisa's Support Spells can be rather helpful as well.

On a separate note, what does investing in the Suwako/Kanako symbols for Sanae's Power Skill Tree type thing do~? If anyone could share, I'd greatly appreciate it, cause that's all I've been putting her Power into cause I like Kanako's treetrunk thingies :>
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 08:59:56 PM by Tangrelle »

Gahhhh I keep missing the verification and it's all blehhhh

For some reason, it was mostly Byakuren's LightDark Spells that hurt Alice specifically for me, and possibly Reimu's as well. Patchy's Light Version of Silent Selene did pretty much nothing for me as well. Regardless, if you only had one doll left, you're sure to get it next time! You could always try switching formations around toooooo , along with maybe switching up your commanders? Nitori's lovable and stuff, but if you need some last bit of extra damage quick, Aya's Papparazzi Support Spell could help you go first, and both of Marisa's Support Spells can be rather helpful as well.

On a separate note, what does investing in the Suwako/Kanako symbols for Sanae's Power Skill Tree type thing do~? If anyone could share, I'd greatly appreciate it, cause that's all I've been putting her Power into cause I like Kanako's treetrunk thingies :>
I'm sure I can win the fight, I just got screwed over on spell recharges when it was just a single doll left, and...bleh.

Can't help you on the Sanae bit, at least I don't think I can.  I'd imagine it's probably like that one skill tree Reimu has (the top-right one) that boosts random spells.

EDIT: Scratch that, it doesn't look like it's that type of skill tree.  I'm not sure then.


Still makes me mad.  Looks like the sound desynced slightly yet again near the end.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 11:00:57 PM by Esoterica »


  • I can't brain today
  • I have the dumb
    • Tormod Plays Games
I'd imagine it's probably like that one skill tree Reimu has (the top-right one) that boosts random spells.
We have a page on the Touhou Wiki which covers some info like this, you know.  Specifically, the top-right tree mostly boosts Reimu's supportive spells and her Needle-based danmaku; the top-left charges up the rest of her spells, especially Fantasy Seals, and makes her the best light-elemental attacker in the game.  The other two for her are more focused on stat boosts towards either offense or defense.

Each doll type is a specific element (and colour) and will counter if you hit with it's own (which it will resist), they're weak to the oposite as well.
Alice loses a turn re-summoning whenever they all get wiped out, she also takes more damage when she has none out.

Nuke using Marisa mostly (as her single target and area moves are good at avoiding counters) , then Patchy as well when the counter attack risk is gone (hit Alice with your axe, during the mean time). When she starts regening health, heal yourself then stop her (Sakuya, Killing World).

 Don't think I even had a tank for the fight just lots and lots of damage (and Sanae's evasion buff). Hell even Sanae was mostly being used for her nukes, the lighning one was v.good Vs the 3 doll formation.


  • I can't brain today
  • I have the dumb
    • Tormod Plays Games
Yeah, the three-doll formation is specifically weak to physical moves with earth/electric elements, which is what Sanae does.  If you don't have her, that formation... hurts.  A lot.

Also, I don't suggest just leaving a single doll alive, admittedly.  After about 5-6 turns with a specific formation out, she begins using an all-buff that becomes irritating - the physical forms get a huge attack power buff, which will cause you to be run out fast, and the elemental ones get a magic buff, which when combined with the elemental field advantage they build up will start doing some huge damage (Not to mention the healing spell cast during that one will be doubled in effect).

It's an ugly fight if, like most of the boss battles in this game, you don't choose a party carefully.

I'm a bit of a fan of SNES era RPGs, so I've really been enjoying the game, albeit I have no clue what the hell I'm doing or what's going on, but, enjoyable, regardless, and I'm kind of wondering if there's any one that could give some insight on Sanae's trees, since there's apparently nothing on them on the Wiki, speaking of which, has the game been crashing on the skill menu for any one else?

EDIT: Seems like it crashes whenever I try to select Reimu's Gohei tree, Marisa's Broom tree, and Sanae's Snake tree, somewhat annoying.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 06:00:07 PM by Fenrir Duskblade »

I didn't have internet since my last post until now, but I beat both Alice and got to the boss fight at the Former Hell this morning.

...and Okuu's last word is brutal.  What element is it?  I really doubt it's fire element when she's doing 350 to the whole party when the field is at maxed water.  I'm sure I can beat the fight either way though, having Nitori as commander certainly proves amazingly useful when it comes to Optic Camoflage.


  • This is my book! It's still all weird though.
Okuu's element is of the murderous variety D:< For me, I just whittled her down to a little less than half HP, and then blaster her with FantasyBluh/Philosopher's/whatever else I could get my hands on and hope to death she dies. It worked out, surprisingly nicely. Of course Orin was still alive and she kept reviving Patchy from the dead, so every turn I had to have Alice jab a Lance through her face D:

Palace of the Earth Spirits is just gahhhhh so many dead ends and wrong turns and bluhhhh. I'm about to fight Satori, haven't yet due to my untimely booting from the laptop. Alice's shield spell that pretty much murders whatever element of damage you pick is pretty nifty here, what with all the fire monstars <3 Still, the octopusface looking mages really are just raggggge. Their stupid all party paralysis attempt and OHKO moves are really getting on my nerves :< Is there some spell that'll make short work of them, or must I deal with their squidliness for a bit longer?

Okuu's element is of the murderous variety D:< For me, I just whittled her down to a little less than half HP, and then blaster her with FantasyBluh/Philosopher's/whatever else I could get my hands on and hope to death she dies. It worked out, surprisingly nicely. Of course Orin was still alive and she kept reviving Patchy from the dead, so every turn I had to have Alice jab a Lance through her face D:

Palace of the Earth Spirits is just gahhhhh so many dead ends and wrong turns and bluhhhh. I'm about to fight Satori, haven't yet due to my untimely booting from the laptop. Alice's shield spell that pretty much murders whatever element of damage you pick is pretty nifty here, what with all the fire monstars <3 Still, the octopusface looking mages really are just raggggge. Their stupid all party paralysis attempt and OHKO moves are really getting on my nerves :< Is there some spell that'll make short work of them, or must I deal with their squidliness for a bit longer?
Honestly, the random battles in this dungeon feel the easiest yet to me.  Level 13 Patchy pretty much partywipes every fight with even her beginning water spell.  Just use water and light element attacks and everything dies.

EDIT: Oh, the palace itself.  And...those mages.  I thought you were talking about the octomages that were in the Former Hell.  Yeah, those things are pretty damn annoying considering their resistances to both light and dark (Royal Flare hitting a 0 on them just resulted in game over for me :C).  I'd try fire magic, maybe.  Physical attacks seem to work well too.  Try using Mokou.

We have a page on the Touhou Wiki which covers some info like this, you know.  Specifically, the top-right tree mostly boosts Reimu's supportive spells and her Needle-based danmaku; the top-left charges up the rest of her spells, especially Fantasy Seals, and makes her the best light-elemental attacker in the game.  The other two for her are more focused on stat boosts towards either offense or defense.
We were talking about Sanae's skill trees, not Reimu's.  There isn't anything on the wiki for Sanae yet.

Also, random thought: Satori has a chance of learning enemy spells when she's hit by them.  Can she learn allied spells as well via friendly fire?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 08:22:26 PM by Esoterica »


  • I am a save frog
  • *wink*
This game does look pretty sweet, but I doubt I'd get far with it in Japanese =_=;;

I mean linear games that don't require you to understand the story (like the Stafy games or even various Touhou doujin such as MegaMari) I can go through but not a full-fledged RPG.

This game does look pretty sweet, but I doubt I'd get far with it in Japanese =_=;;

I mean linear games that don't require you to understand the story (like the Stafy games or even various Touhou doujin such as MegaMari) I can go through but not a full-fledged RPG.
Trust me, it's easier than you'd think.


  • This is my book! It's still all weird though.
EDIT: Oh, the palace itself.  And...those mages.  I thought you were talking about the octomages that were in the Former Hell.  Yeah, those things are pretty damn annoying considering their resistances to both light and dark (Royal Flare hitting a 0 on them just resulted in game over for me :C).  I'd try fire magic, maybe.  Physical attacks seem to work well too.  Try using Mokou.
Ah, I seem to have spotted their weakness, more or less! Every time I've run into one, Sakuya's Misdirection insta-death'd them every time. And I've been running around for a while because Satori is hard with her stupid defenses and the amount she heals. Oh, as well as casting that full heal on herself. I ended up with my whole party petrified gahhhh

So for now, leveling Sakuya so I can make use of the World Spell that prevents healing effects c:

EDIT: Well, not every time, but atleast it's something D:
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 10:24:59 PM by Tangrelle »

Okay, someone's going to need to explain to me what's going on in the Satori fight.  I start off  completely raping her with earth and light element attacks, then suddenly earth (AND wind) starts hitting 0s and light's barely breaking 90.  Then after awhile, Satori's regen went down to 100 per turn and everyone but Byakuren got petrified.

EDIT: Ah, I see.  She cycles elements, eh?  She should be beatable then if I don't get screwed over by petrification.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 11:15:44 PM by Esoterica »


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
This game does look pretty sweet, but I doubt I'd get far with it in Japanese =_=;;

The game is linear enough that lacking understanding of Japanese only gives you a hard time with the menus and stuff.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Moon Tiara Magic
The game is linear enough that lacking understanding of Japanese only gives you a hard time with the menus and stuff.
And, menus are being patched as we speak, according to Poolswimmer! :3

But at least some of the conversations do look rather interesting from the one video I saw. lul satori.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

And, menus are being patched as we speak, according to Poolswimmer! :3

But at least some of the conversations do look rather interesting from the one video I saw. lul satori.
Satori definitely looks like she makes every dialogue interesting.

I'm also interested in the dialogue before fighting Okuu and Orin.

...aaaaand Satori is officially annoying as hell to fight, what do.


  • I can't brain today
  • I have the dumb
    • Tormod Plays Games
Sanae's skill trees, huh?  Here's a quick summary:

Maiden: Enhances her buffing spells in several ways.  Note the bonus bomb at 10.
Miracles: Healing skill bonuses all the way.  Notably, 1, 5, and 16 provide direct bonuses to the effects of healing, 3 reduces casttime, and 20 reduces MP cost
Kanako & Suwako: Enhances Sanae's offensive stats and her Earth/Lightning spells
Faith: Pretty much all direct stat bonuses, mostly to Sanae's HP, MP, and defenses.  Extra bombs at 5 and 25.  Bonus dark resistance at 25.
Snakes: Kinda crappy stat boosts, actually, for a unique weapon; but she gets 1% MP Absorb at 7 and 3% at 20.  Since she doesn't get Staves, this is her only real option as a weapon for MP recovery.

Yes, I was able to figure that out just now.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 01:34:42 AM by Garlyle »

Sanae's skill trees, huh?  Here's a quick summary:

Shrine Maiden: Enhances her buffing spells in several ways.  Note the bonus bomb at 10.
Healing: Healing skill bonuses all the way.  Notably, 1, 5, and 16 provide direct bonuses to the effects of healing, 3 reduces casttime, and 20 reduces MP cost
Kanako & Suwako: Enhances Sanae's offensive stats and her Earth/Lightning spells
Faith: Pretty much all direct stat bonuses, mostly to Sanae's HP, MP, and defenses.  Extra bombs at 5 and 25.  Bonus dark resistance at 25.
Snakes: Kinda crappy stat boosts, actually, for a unique weapon; but she gets 1% MP Absorb at 7 and 3% at 20.  Since she doesn't get Staves, this is her only real option as a weapon for MP recovery.

Yes, I was able to figure that out just now.
By the time you posted this someone had edited the wiki with the info. :V  Thanks anyway though.



  • I can't brain today
  • I have the dumb
    • Tormod Plays Games
As in beating her or using her?

As in beating her or using her?
Beating her.  I'm looking forward to using her.

Which also brings me back to my previous question of "Can she learn allied spells as well if you friendly fire on her?"


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Which also brings me back to my previous question of "Can she learn allied spells as well if you friendly fire on her?"
That would be extremely weird.

And fyi, she can't learn ANY skill used on her, it's specific ones; like how Blue Mages work in FF games, although with a chance to learn when hit instead of guaranteed.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore