Author Topic: Crawl Relay Run - Over  (Read 109369 times)


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #300 on: August 06, 2009, 03:16:31 AM »
Ok let me tell you what happen....I won't speak much about Tarturus... since you know my objective at the moment...

We know where Patch started...

We got inside and confronted Shikieki!

Go my minions! Eliminate the judge!

Patch was distracted by a shadow fiend in the middle of the fight and pulled back to fight it. By the time she returned the abominations had already pulverized the judge!

She retrives the bone rune of zot! Now it's time to loot the place!

She got the jelly bane sword some books and ventured forward...

She found a seperate room that was completely blocked off...

She used the wand of distingration...the room was gaurded by a shadow fiend, and a few minor ghost....

inside....there was close to nothing....

Just a ring of magical power. This is of course debatable but we already have one in our collection... this place doesn't have much purpose....pass!

She goes to the other room and tries to disinigrate the wall, nothing was found....just then she was sent to...

the abyss!

During her trip, Patch found a scroll of recharging, she regarched her disinigration wand! She obtained 19 shots!

After a long trip of hasting and wearing her mutation amulet to prevent her mutation from taking her over she finds the exit!

Now it's time to start blasting some holes!

Pretty cool stuff here! Though most of it was stuff Patch wasn't skilled in, so she grabbed the gold and...

This ring!

This looks like it could be useful for the zot run if you ask me. So we should keep it for later...

At the bottom left vault area, Patch used her wand to dig through the wall, she found rooms filled with zombies, shadows, and

Eventually the digging would all pay off!! Gold and tureasure ahoy!

Out of everything here, one thing stood out...

The cloak of darkness! Think of it as like a ring of invisibility when you equip it. Good only if your invotation is high enough though... Not good for demon land, but good for the zot world maybe. Keeping!


In the low right vault there was a room with a door that was hidden and a ring....

That ring is obviously usless to Patch.... avoid that ring and get the gold...

Afterward, Patch left Tarturus and took her rune back to the hive and dropped some of the other good she gather...

Onward to Gehanna!

Welcome to Gehanna! The firey hell! In this place fire is your biggest enemy so be ready to feel the burn!

In this hell, our pigs snort fire! Seriously, they can release sticky flames. (Ice works wonders on them though. :P)

Expect lots of fire explosion from our demonic Pyrotecnic!

And don't forget to check out the lava streams! You may even get to see the lava life that lives in here!

Salamanders are a bit of a nuseance, but at least they're weak to ice.

And here we have a stone giant, this guy is alot like the iron giants. But will less immunity to elements. Still best tackled with Patch's summons...

Long story short though, PAtchouli had to very short trip through the first 6 floors cause all the stairs were relatively close....

And hell's effects weren't as devistating....

Until she reached the 7th floor...

This is the final floor of the Gehanna and inside the fortress that is surrounded by lava should be the demon lord of fire.

Can I kill 2 lords in one run?

PAtchouli had to face the gargoyals and Hell knights...And oddly enough more hell knights came on the scene making a total of 6 hell knights and 4 necromancers on the scene...time summon like no tomorrow...

After dispatcing the necromancers and hell knights, patch ate the corpsed, she may have gotten a little sick, but nothing to worry about... I guess...

Even though she fought off more gargoyles, even more hell knights.. she eventually reached the inside of the fortress.... what  awaited for her inside?

It was the Serpent from hell!!! ( I so wanted to make this an orin sprite, but can't because I can't make the bmp with the same file size. :<)

The Serpent from hell is a terrifying beast. It can breath hell fight that can release devistating damage upon you and it's attacks are strong. Excersise extreme caution with this thing! And if I recall correctly, the creature, despite it's apperance, is not labeled to be a dragon. Dragon slaying spears will be ineffective against it. Other than that though, it's very weak to ice though. A big plus...

Patch took on the Serpent. Sending her abomination against it. It breathed it's hell flames all over the abominations, but Patch kept summoning..... The creatures was weakened terribly but something unexpected happened...

Despite that I had three abominations in front of patch.... the hell flames from the serpent exploded killing the first and continued through the other two and struck patch....

DOING A WHOPPING 57 damage! Patch was killed from the devistating blast... and I'm sad. ;_;

I was really hoping to take on the fire lord from hell in this run. ;_;

Oh well, there's next time unless Barasia survives. :P

Anyways, as some words of advise for you Barasia, if you don't get sent to the abyss and find a recharge scroll, you're probably going to have to go get a recharge scroll (and maybe a wand of digging to make life easier)from the hive and then return back to tarturus to get the hidden loot. I know some of the stuff there is promising.

Other than that, yeah I simply underestimanted the serpent and should of consumed another potion of healing to get rid of the sickness (or maybe not eat hell knights at all :P)... but I got greedy....)

Still very upsetting.... I know I could of done better, but yeah..

GO ahead and use Ramus's that he posted and continue patch's progress from there.

Meanwhile. I'm signing up again!
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #301 on: August 06, 2009, 07:41:27 AM »
may take a day to do. still busy with uni though.
(takes a day because of the image uploading)
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #302 on: August 06, 2009, 11:50:58 AM »
Really, it only takes me a few minutes to do that.  You know you can select multiple images with ctrl + click and several images next to each other with shift + click, right?  Individual uploading not needed.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #303 on: August 06, 2009, 11:56:57 AM »
...thats not what i meant.
i mean, due to slow internets, (average 30kb/sec) at my home, i only ever take an hour to upload a crawl run array of images, even when cropped.
combined with unexpected breaks/discoonect. i have to sometimes start all over.

with my uni internet it takes 5 mins.

but thats for tomorrow.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #304 on: August 06, 2009, 12:53:59 PM »
Ow, sorry about that one.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #305 on: August 08, 2009, 02:20:05 AM »
OMG. im so sorry about the delay.
on friday i was supposed to play and upload images, but i realised i had a test on that day, so i spent most of my uni time studying. by the end of the test, i only remebered about this by Friday evening, and quickly played. i only finished playing on Saturday morning, so i'm going to have to uplaod at Home, which takes time.

the problem?
i am a REALLY slow player. that is, sometimes it takes me an hour to even make 50 turns.
i tend to think too much about all the possibilities and strategies, but i supposed through this tedious thinking, i tend to make some really wise choices.
i'd glad to say i survived Gahenna, but just BARELY at one point. the battle with the Serpent went well for me, lasting jsut a 10 turns or so(you REALLY should haved planned for that one Totaku, as well as Asmodeus(big boss))

i'm uploading the images now (39).

another problem?

i finished early.
jsut under 3000turns.
the logical place to go is PandaZoo, but with my epic loot and analysis, i dont dare take the chances. if i die, i will face-book palm. losing this epic loot is not worth it so i end my turn.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #306 on: August 08, 2009, 03:52:05 AM »
Patchy's Guardian who was ever changing hands was in statis, when it was Barasia's turn one day. Barasia met sum inforseen tast and delayed the plying, making the fans inpatent.
So we went.

Patchy Guardian wet to his computer fast and loaded the commuter game to live up to his grawl name.
he took control of Pechouli Nowlege, and set out to get teh evil boss.
the guardian notices a strange obsessive compulsice behaviour, with turns ending at 210000.
"this is weird" said Patchouli.
"we know" sed the friendly zombie goasts surrounding here.

patchouli then went FAST toward the bossss door and played with shadows and friends. she shot fire bolts, and the friends went "hot! hot!"
Pathcouli smiled bcause it wa sfun.

patchouliwent to the bosss room then seid to the guardian "bcareful! i died here once!"
"i know. the last guardian wasn't very efficient in his choices wasn't he?" the guardian said.
"what?" patchuli said.
"what?" patchuli said.
Patchouli was getting angry, because she stop there and did nothing. but the guardian is her guardian and she cant move until  guardian move.
"just shoot their heds with ZC!" the guardian said after an hour
"ok"Patchouli said.

Patchouli saw hot dogs running around with old zombie goasts and a friend. the big boss ereskigral wasn't lookin.
Patchouli felt sad, because she was ereskigal, so she blewup the room and killed the hotdogs and bossess.

"well done patchu" said the guardian
patchuli smiled and said "i will live up to my family name and kill the demons!"
"no. u will livep to your familiy names and STUDY. study this spell now and pretice makes parfait" said the guardian.

Patchouli studied and wet to the door to take the rune.

"wat now guardian?" patchouli said.
"we go home to make parfait"
and then Patchouli weted for 4 hours while the guradian went to make parfiat.

when the guardian wokeup, patchu went home safe too, and dropps things on the floor to make home easy.

but pahuolie was mad bcause thare was no parfait, so she throw and tantum.
the guardian waas sad bcause patchouli was mad, so he went and sent patchouli to take some jelliesweets. pathcouli smiled because the guardian cared for her tastes.

on the way, an unexplored area is waiting.
patchouli laughed because the last guardians didn't know how to break into the vault.

patchouli fired fire at the sweetwalls and the wallls melted. she ate the melted walls but didn't find anyting else good. she took the sweets and went went back to Heil

"i have a plan" said the guardian.
"whats a plan?" said patchouli.

"you run as fast as you can patchu, run. then you run to the platform to get to the basemen where the nexxt boss keeps his rune where normal people die because they are in their basermind"
"just run!"
so she went.

patchuouli ran Fast and did blinkflips.

she went so fast that noone could catch her.

suddenly a fire lizard notice her and asked for her hell pass.
"im sorry lizard i cannot give you my hell pass"
"why not?" said the fire lizard
"because you are headcrabzombie pissweakfirelizard" said patchouli and shot the furliturd and went faster.

patchouli stoppped by to meet some friends.
"my firends! go back to your homes where we can be happy souls!" said patchouli
"but this is our home!" said the firends.
patchouli felt sad for them because they couldn't go home because they were silentsinners.
so she BOOMBOOMBOOM them up and and they were at piece.

she fianlly came to the basement and then the guardian said "well done. rest now because i have to look up the final bosses"
"did you say bosses?" said Patchouli
"there are 2 bosses here you knew?"
"is that so~"
"so that is~"

2 hours later, the guardian said "i knew his weakness now" and the guardian had a plan.
Patchouli went home fast like the spped of light with her blinkflips, and took her wepon to kill the last boss.
she flew through traffics to reached the basement again.

patchouli went fast to the bosses homes, and knocked.

she saw somemore bosses maids laughing at her "you will not defeat the boss you thinbook worm!"
"you will not laugh at me!" said patchouli and she use her wepons because that was the maid's weakness.

Patchouli went and found the first boss. the first boss was alseep, so patchouli felt sad because he is asleep.

patchouli woke him up they could fight, but the 1st boss drooled and was still half sleep so the wepon almsot killed him. patchouli killed the 1st boss so that she can get more exp. the guardian always said that its not nice to share exp with her zombie goast friends and she shuld grow up and be the man. so she killed her 1st boss and took the exp and said "the last boss must be over there" and went fast.

but her fuel ran out and patchouli is worried because she cannot run fast when her fuel ran out.
then, some bad people ambush her and tried to gangrope her, but she simple used the last fuel to run faster.

patchouli ran so fast and we blew up the room so the bad people cannot catch her.
but she ran too fat and had to catch breath, or she will die.
"i must rest 1st or i will die" said patchouli.
she rested and ate some sweets and felt sweeter.

patchouli wanted to fight the last boss but suddenly her guardian stop her and waited. the guardian said " do i get the rune or the threasure first?"
"idk. make minds up" said patchouli

after passtime, patchouli went to take treasure after shooting the fiendguards heads.

she saw the most beautiful blanket ever and said "that is my blanket! i want it!"
"you can take it if you say thank you" the guradian said.
"fankyou" said patchouli.
"close enough".

but there were other wepons here too so the guardian was happy.

patchouli found the last boss so she sat back down slowly

and she began to think. she think slowly like a turtle and decided to stick to the guardian plans to use the last boss weakness.

the last boss laughed HAHAHA but the wepons cut him and patchouli llaugh HEHEHE.

patchouli remember the guardian's advice, and said" NO! i will not share the exp with you flying sword!"
the flying sword looked sad becausse it wont get exp, but the last boss said" thats very greedy Patchouli"
"you will not call me greedy" said patchoili and she shot the last boss with ice becauseit was his weakness and took all the exp.

the last boss died, and patchouli and and the guardian was happy.
we planted pants on him so that there is good there ad we took away his toys for safekeeping.

we went back home safe and had more parfait.
patchouli said "i want more toys! lets go to the zoo!"
"no. the zoo is now next guardians hands. its not time"
and so the guardianwent.

Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #307 on: August 08, 2009, 04:02:16 AM »
Anyways, as some words of advise for you Barasia, if you don't get sent to the abyss and find a recharge scroll, you're probably going to have to go get a recharge scroll (and maybe a wand of digging to make life easier)from the hive and then return back to tarturus to get the hidden loot. I know some of the stuff there is promising.

sorry. by the looks of things, those treasure SUCK.
thats why i didn't waste any time getting them.

but more advice.

we should learn it from book of Paty Tricks before going to halls of zot.

Shatter is EPIC, but require level up of Transmigration and Earth to level 9 or so.

believe me. shatter will make our life much easier in final level of halls of zot.

therefore, we have 3 spells to learn.
Alistair;s intoxication.(Zun sign, Drunkeness!) (forget the spell right before we go enter final area with the orb guardians)
cast noise (replace alistair's intoxication)
thats my strategy to get the orb safely.

Edit: uploading save file nao
« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 04:06:49 AM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #308 on: August 08, 2009, 04:22:40 AM »
The whole story

Patchouli-Life: Full Life Consequenses!

Epic tale, would read again!
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #309 on: August 08, 2009, 12:17:46 PM »
the problem?
i am a REALLY slow player. that is, sometimes it takes me an hour to even make 50 turns.
i tend to think too much about all the possibilities and strategies, but i supposed through this tedious thinking, i tend to make some really wise choices.

This is a good thing.  It sure beats the other side that I tend to hang out on, continually moving fast even though I don't need to and then doing something very, very wrong.

Anyway, doing Suika's run now.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #310 on: August 08, 2009, 01:28:19 PM »
barasia, just do us a favor and keep the Suika, Patch, and ghost files together please.

Today we're just heading directly south in the Dungeon and covering whatever remains of it.  Also, dragon hide get.  Now I just need a scroll of enchant armor.

Oh ho ho, I remember this place.  And lookie here, an enchant armor scroll.  Congrats, you know have dragon armor, perfect for the fiery hell.

Invade Fort Yaktard!

Well, to put it bluntly, these things can wreck you up REAL bad.  Therefore it's a good idea to not face them at half health like I am.  Run.

God Gift


Gee, I'm assuming this is the difficulty spike in the dungeon, cause there's a lot of big bad dudes in the concentrated area.

Ready for a dragon?  I hope I am.

Gold Dragon.  What about these guys?  They're tough, one of the toughest dragons around, comparable to the quicksilver dragon.  They have just about every variety of breath and some resistance to just about every element.  Yeah, Suika just goes and attempts to punch it out.



And that was an easy fight.  Hmm... oh well.  Golden dragon hide GET!  Got a ring and some staves.  Woopie?  It's the Shaolin Ring.  Kickass if it wasn't for the fact that Suika doesn't need evade.  Back to the hive!  Gold dragon hide is the in hive whenever someone finds another enchant armor scroll.

Anyway, back to exploring, we get a potion of strength.  Nice.  33 strength, beat that!

Vaults, floor 19.  Sounds good, let's go.  Also, level up, number 18, strength goes up to 34.  And a plus 1, plus 2 ring of slaying.  How nice.

Is that what I think it is?  The glorious executioner's axe?  Runed?  Nope, useless.

Floor 2 of vaults and we see an ice dragon.  Might just complete the heavy dragon armor set today.


This is different.  FUCK!  Net trap and about six eels shooting me with lightning.  T_T

No file from me AGAIN.  Need to go invest in some ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #311 on: August 08, 2009, 02:46:19 PM »
barasia, just do us a favor and keep the Suika, Patch, and ghost files together please

i'm not sure if thats important. simply uploading patchouli files is adequate, because you can replace your old patchouli files.
but since you asked, i might try next time.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #312 on: August 08, 2009, 06:33:20 PM »
Resign me up too, I forgot to mention that.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess

Patchouli Knowleadge waited. The Fireballs above her blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in Pandemonium. She didn't see them, but had expected them for years. Her warnings to dieaty Mima were not listenend to and now it's too late. Far too late for now, anyways.

Patchouli was a magician for many years. When she was young she watched the adventurers go to the dungeon and she said to day "I want to go into those dungeons daddy!"

There was a time she believed him. Then as she got oldered she stopped, But now in the depth of the dungeon in a the region Pandemonium she new there were demons. "This is Mima" The voice crackered "You must fight the demons!"

So Patchouli gotted her mahjik book and blew up the wall.

"HE GOING TO KILL US!" said the demons!
"I will shoot at him." said the Panda Lord and he fired his mahjik missiles. Patchouli mahjiked at him and tried to blew him up. But the ceiling fell and they were trapped  and not able to kill.

"No! I must kill the demons!" she shouted.
The voice said "No Patchouli. You are the demons."

And then Patchouli was a zombie.


To make a summary, very first time I've been to Panda land ever. Madness I tell you and the Panda lords are hard as nails. This is like Extra mode of crawl in my perspective.

Also I should of just got the rune and then used the distortion sword to escape instead of traveling more.. Also where are the heal wound potions! They could of save my neck from that executioner @_@

So yeah, like Ramus always recommends, get the sword of distortion and some digging wands(and recharge scrolls) to help survive this place. Above all else wear that presevation cloack it's problmatic to loose your scrolls while fighting the demons. :P

And finally Kogasa's a bloddy coward.

I'm signing up again to go after Ramus.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 01:26:27 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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8lue Wizard

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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #314 on: August 09, 2009, 01:19:04 AM »
Hey, this game is pretty fun. How do you get a custom sprite in for your character? Or are y'all just shopping 'em in after the fact?

Either way, *signs up to take a pull, even though I'll surely die horribly*


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #315 on: August 09, 2009, 01:22:36 AM »
Hey, this game is pretty fun. How do you get a custom sprite in for your character? Or are y'all just shopping 'em in after the fact?

Either way, *signs up to take a pull, even though I'll surely die horribly*
Considering that this is version 0.4.5 from what I recall, they were sprites that were placed into the .bmp file. So yeah they're customized (by Ramus) using MS paint from what I recall When you DL the file you should see them in the tile file.

Oh and nice to see new faces. make sure you get 0.4.5 of crawl since that's the version we are playing in.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 01:36:44 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #316 on: August 09, 2009, 03:08:24 AM »
Doom- Repercussions of evil

i cans ssea wut u did thar

To make a summary, very first time I've been to Panda land ever.

congratulations. you've now battled a Panda lord.

keep in mind there are 4 UNIQUE runes in total to be collected here.
in 0.5 or 0.5.1, these unique runes have SPECIAL sprites to make them look cool(Hell runes also have special sprites)

after you collect 4 unique runes, get out.
and what ever you do.
the common rune is the Demonic rune. you can collect as many as you want.

Tip: if there's a unique rune, there's a special enviroment layout, such as a fortress like layout. or a large patterned map.
like the one you saw here.

This is like Extra mode of crawl in my perspective.
Hell is much harder, cause they always Torment you and punish you.
in Pandamonium you DONT GET PUNISHED.
thus, you can easily Rest and take it easy as long as you want.
you can also Exp harvest, by killing lots of Panda lords.


evoke sense surrounds dont work, only the orb of seeing does.
with Patchy's evocations leveled up, we can surely see our surroundings to determine whether if there's a special rune.
Note: to find one,
use Ctrl-F then type "Crystal ball" to see where are the other orbs.

Tips of Panda lords:

Use Fire storm. REpeatedly.
the fire may not kill them, but the BLAST will.
if its resistant to fire, fall back, and use Ice bolt.
if its BOTH resistant to fire and ice.....well.....USE YOUR WEPON.
even if you need to share exp with your stupid weapon.

oh yes, Ramus, Ally kills DO halfs Exp gains in Exp pool.
i'd rather not use allies, except to soften up enemys.
hence i dont hesitate to kill my allies using Fire Storm (they dont seem to mind, since they die quickly), if it means collateral kill on the enemys.

also, if Ramus wants to cahnge the sprites of the Special Pandamonium lords to include Touhou characters, please do provide the edited sprite file.

sign me up too, but do expect a days(or 2) delay.  i wanna level Earth so i can use Shatter.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2009, 03:11:12 AM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #317 on: August 09, 2009, 04:07:21 AM »
also, if Ramus wants to cahnge the sprites of the Special Pandamonium lords to include Touhou characters, please do provide the edited sprite file.

Ramus posted it back two pages ago. But I guess I'll have to post to make sure everyone can see it.

There you go, your sprites with Touhous in them. It should make things more interesting. :P
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #318 on: August 09, 2009, 05:07:18 AM »
ah. thank you.

even so, wouldn't it be nice if there were yukkuri in there?

if we were to ever play a new game, try replacing UglyThings with Yukkuris, or better yet, replace most monsters with Yukkuri types, ie, Eels with Iku-yukkuris, rats with Reimu yukkuris, and so on.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #319 on: August 09, 2009, 05:37:15 AM »
even so, wouldn't it be nice if there were yukkuri in there?

if we were to ever play a new game, try replacing UglyThings with Yukkuris, or better yet, replace most monsters with Yukkuri types, ie, Eels with Iku-yukkuris, rats with Reimu yukkuris, and so on.

I would do it myself if it weren't for the fact that the bmp file can't be changed at all in terms of it's file size and being a mac user I lack MS paint to do any work on the bmp file. :P

Hopefully, whenever this game gets finished and we jump to 0.5.1 I could probably be able to lend a hand in designing some sprites since all the sprite files are done on a png file there which I can work with without difficulty(though I really wish I knew how to compile the crawl file so I could make all sprites were 32x32, they're all set on their own indiviual sizes so I would have to work with what's given). But yeah for now what you have is what you got unless you can take it to the MS paint. :P
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #320 on: August 09, 2009, 03:57:19 PM »
Include a list of clearly defined suggestions for who should become what please.  I should have just about every Touhou character ever made in PatchCon style (pixiv raid, yay) along with some other series, Nanoha and Higurashi.  Power Rangers too.  So yeah, give me a list.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #321 on: August 10, 2009, 04:04:36 PM »
Photobucket is being a pain.  Sorry guys, no images.

Okay, back with Suika, didn't realize it was my turn.  Guess what we're doing today?  If you said invading the Gold Dragon Fortress, you're right!  So yeah, no screenshots since I've done this already.  Where to now?  If you guessed the Slime Pits because we now have uncorrodable armor, you're right!

Image 303

Oh crud, right, the acid spitting plant room.  >_O  If I want to get down further, I need to make it past this room.

Image 304

First rule to stealth, there's always a back door.  Also, I don't even have to go in there for the Slime Pits.  It's to the right of the place.  In we go.

No going to bother explaining this place, you've already heard about it from Patch.


Mace of Minimuunn
Dex +1

Useful for getting out of bad situations.  Let's check the plusses on this baby.

+11, -3

WTF?  Where's the damage on these things?!

And dead.  :D

Thank you giant eyeball and a room full of acid spitters.  Hope you enjoyed that folks.  Yeah, I didn't really try this time around due to the fact I wasn't in the mood.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #322 on: August 11, 2009, 09:08:37 AM »
Forgot to come say this earlier. The upload limit has been increased so you guys don't need to use filesharing sites anymore for a while.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #323 on: August 11, 2009, 02:44:19 PM »
You know what I have to say about Panda land so let's cut the chase here...

Where to begin....

After making preperations, Patch traveled down to Panda land on her way down she took out a few things.

Her Ice magic went up (just 5 to go!)

As well as her Traps and doors skills too.

Eventualy Patchouli reaches the gates and enters PAndemonium.... Here's hoping I survive....

First place wasn't bad.... pretty much minor demons, and maybe green deaths here and there. Easy picking. Patch spent her time fighting and...

She got fighting skills. This may not seem like much but in a way it can help as it can build her HP. Something she sort of needs...

No Pandalord though, floor was rather empty...

Next area... pretty open ended. Lot more demon varaities here. Still alot of weak demons... with your occasion feind here and there....

Then I found him... A panda lord!

I ran till I could recover some magic and use to crystal ball to replenish the rest but once I did I confronted him and....


Somehow he went down rather quick (or he vanished)but there was no rune in sight, guess I'll have to keep going deeper...

Third Floor....contained alot of shadow type demons. Here we have a demonic crawler. This freaky thing isn't all that tough, but is a little immune to fire and ice. Still a few case and he goes down easily.

Sure there were lotd of those and shadow demons, but what could make this place any worse?...



Could Patch be able to stand up against them coming at a regular basis? They always appered very often and as usual are very brutal.

Once thing was for sure, Patch was able to get her fire skills up. 3 more before she maxes out!

But in the end the Executioners got smart.....They hasted themselves and began to slicing patch like a salad. Eventually one execution manage to dodge every attack and slice patch so bad that she died...

This thus end my story....

Long sotry short...


OK wolf, it's your go!

and sign me up again
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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8lue Wizard

  • Cobalt Magician
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #324 on: August 11, 2009, 09:02:32 PM »
So I can has pretty screenshots like everyone else, can someone point me to a place I can download a Patchy-friendly player.bmp? It's not on the first page and I don't feel like trawling through the entire topic.

Also, to confirm, the most recent save is PatchoulisavefileGahennarune.rar from barasia's MediaFire folder, yes?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #325 on: August 11, 2009, 09:30:43 PM »
So I can has pretty screenshots like everyone else, can someone point me to a place I can download a Patchy-friendly player.bmp? It's not on the first page and I don't feel like trawling through the entire topic.

Also, to confirm, the most recent save is PatchoulisavefileGahennarune.rar from barasia's MediaFire folder, yes?

I take it you didn't see the post I made on this exact page here. It has the file your tile your looking for.

And yes, PatchoulisavefileGahennarune.rar is her recent save.

Now assuming you survive your this turn without dying. Is there any chance you can put this file in the most recent save from the Suika run within the "Crawl Relay Folder within the "Patchouli Folder? Barasaia was suppose to do that but left it in a seperate save.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #326 on: August 12, 2009, 05:16:36 AM »
i assume after wolf its my turn.

tips: use fire storm often. takes down the executioners fast. no dodging for tthem.
use fire storm multiple times, because the blast does more damage than the fire.

dont level up ice. its useless. fire level is too high.

level up EARTH and transmigration, PLEASE.
pratise Sandblast, to level those up, ESPECIALLY EARTH.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #327 on: August 12, 2009, 02:26:28 PM »
i assume after wolf its my turn.

tips: use fire storm often. takes down the executioners fast. no dodging for tthem.
use fire storm multiple times, because the blast does more damage than the fire.

dont level up ice. its useless. fire level is too high.

level up EARTH and transmigration, PLEASE.
pratise Sandblast, to level those up, ESPECIALLY EARTH.

I suppose I could try that next time, though I do have somthing I have to point out...

I can tell you want to use Shatter based on the spells you want Patch to focus on. But considering where we stand at....

Don't you think it'll take too long? (unless we find some manuals in those things?) For patch to learn them to the level that she can perform that? I mean it's a level 9 spell. And I think you'd have to get both Transfigurations and Earth up to about 15-20 and use a staff of wizardry to get something decent out of it. Otherwise it would be too risky.

Considering the number of time you have to use that spell it would take too long.

Perhaps we should settle for the second best thing like....Crystal Spear, It's very powerful and effective. And would be a terrific replacement for Mystic Blast. At least we could work on Earth magic to about 12-15 and then probably (if were lucky) Learn and use that spell along with a wand of wizardry with a great or excellent success rate.

Also the only reason I want to max out fire is because I want to increase the success rate and effectivness of fire storm. That spells already very good as I was able to take down a panda lord with it. But if I could get the success rate to perfect...then it would be impressive.

I also want to get ice up to a decent level and see if I can toss out things for Ice storm. Cause I suspect that one will be nearly as good. But I am still debating on the matter. Since I'll probably not have alot of time to work on that.

Other than that I also thing just for the sake of it. Patch should fight weak low rank demons in close range combat, she seems to handle them well. Only because if she gains a few levels in fighting, she can get extra HP.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 02:30:57 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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8lue Wizard

  • Cobalt Magician
  • (Apparently)
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #328 on: August 12, 2009, 06:14:40 PM »
That file is the Tile.bmp, actually, and it has all the enemies, but no Patchy or Suika. Meh. Ugly Patchy-less screenies from me, I guess.

Patchy must've stepped in a Befuddlement Trap, judging by her (temporary) makeover, and the fact that she doesn't really remember where she is or what she was doing. After wandering around for a while...

Hey! Something I recognize! Patchy visits Panda-land and begins exploring.

I have a baaaad feeling about this...

After smiting a few demons, the Great Sif Muna bestows a new spellbook upon our heroine!


Oh well. Back to exploring!

This is a bit creepy. Well, at least they can't hit me fr... wait they can!? RUN AWA-

>.> *coughcough* Yup. I'm out.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #329 on: August 12, 2009, 07:23:37 PM »
That would be an attack called smite.  It basically hits you from afar for unblockable damage.  All the enemies need to use it is line of sight.  Good news is that it costs a lot of MP and they can't use it often.  Bad news is, it still hurts.  So don't walk down that hallway, it would have been better if you blinked several times across as to speed up the travel without getting hit too much.

Also, don't worry, that kills a lot of people.