Author Topic: Crawl Relay Run - Over  (Read 109773 times)


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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #270 on: August 02, 2009, 08:54:36 AM »
I see Barasia is also discovering the power of gapping items between games. It starts losing it's fun after the first time.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #271 on: August 02, 2009, 12:39:13 PM »
after reading up abit on the previous posts, i feel kinda dissapointed in the handling of elven halls, and Slime pits. i know it could?ve gone better.

so here's a tip the next time any of you want to be a spellcaster.


Alistair's Intoxication.
found in Book of Party tricks.
Transmigration and poison based.
as said in the description, this spell turns brain matter into alcohol for everyone that even  looks at you!
compared to ARSEFART cloud and Mass Confusion, this spell has 100% success rate on all intelligent creatures. (exlcuding undeads and demons and beasts in general)
humans, elves, orcs, centaurs, yaktuars, trolls, ogres, draconians are all effected.
even yourself will get drunk immeadiately, so an amulet of clarity is needed.
(or the right mutation)
this spell is INVALUABLE in orc mines and elven halls, and in any army of said creatures.

It is also EPIC in Vaults8, since all those guards will also get drunk.
who cares about drawing them up a level!. just intoxicate them and slip away to the treasure vault or STAB them(if you are a Ninja Wizard)

Ignite poison
found in book of Fire.
as the name implies, it makes everything with the name "poison" go BOOM like in Kirby's Reimu's [Hax sign] "Burn Everything"
Dont be carrying potions of poison!
Best used in Snake Pits and Hive.
this spells makes those levels EASY MODOE.
you can also easily create fire clouds in conjuction with a Conjure Poison cloud.
such a combo alerts creatures to a MINIMUM.

the ONLY thing Summonings are good for.

Selective Amnesia
for followers of Vehumet or other gods.

Dispel Undead
Ghosts, zombies, undeads are no longer a problem with Reimu's spells.

Detect creatures
You should all know how useful this spell is by now.

in book of Earth (i think).
Great for alerting every monster in the level to your direction.
useful in Labyrinth(thats cheating!), Tombs3 (go straight for the treasure!), and going Straight for the Orb of Zot, skipping most of the fight.....well.... if you're fast enough.
Especially good in Hell, where you want to MAKE A BACK DOOR in the Gahenna Hell to get straight to the rune.
Have ability to even kill those BEHIND walls.
Epic damage output.
Epic Hunger cost. (use staff of energy)
But a VERY USEFUL spell in both in damage output and in some special cases involving stone walls.

Ring of Fire
In book of Fire
A high level spell, that conjures a rotating storm of flame around you. Suits Patchy very well.
You can literally, WALK into an enemy and let the flames kill them.
With Swiftness/boots of running/quick mutation, you can leave a trail of fire everywhere that rivals the Fire Storm.

You become a Fire Tornado!

It makes you immune to fire, so no scroll burning, and every other fire attack has little effect on you.
High hunger cost too. Needs a staff of energy and a Ring of Mage to be effective.

Ozocubu?s (Letty Whiterock) Refrigeration
In Book of Ice.
Practise: Ice
Spell level 5.
This medium level spell is way more useful than it first looks.
It drains heat from everything that you see.
Especially useful in swarms in the early levels of dungeon. Best used when you see lots and lots of fleshy enemies.
Instantly kills ALL weak orcs you see in orc mines.
Quickly kills all elves in elven halls. Even the invisible ones(this applies to all invisible creatures).
Friendly creatures DON?T GET HOSTILE either when you hurt them using this spell.
Warning: Potions will freeze and get destroyed. Use Conservation or don?t bring them at all if you plan to use this spell regulary

My fav combo is using Alistair?s Intoxication and Letty?s Refrigeration in Elven halls, especially in elven hall7.
First, I barge into the middle, seeing all Annihilaters, demonologists, priests, deathmages etc.
I cast intoxication, to prevent them from doing a thing. (note this can cause some to fall into water and drown, or fall into lava and burn)
Then I freeze everyone at my own leisure at my own pace. A crystal orb of energy keeps the mana full so I can continually intoxicate everyone, as well as freeze and kill everyone.
You can kill all those high level elves in less than 50 turns, wracking up exp like a rocket.
This spell can effectively replace Ignite Poison for Snake pits and Hives, since this spell kills them just as easily.
It also makes Conjure Ice Cloud obsolete. Ice cloud(can be made by the ice Rod. So no point in wasting spell slots) is nice to have, but Letty?s refrigeration freezes everything you see, so you can be confident even when all your enemies are scattered all over the place.
I thus make is spell an ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE.
At least. Until you get to Hell or Pandemonium, where demons can resist ice.

Thus, with Letty?s Refrigeration, Conjure Poison Cloud(or use Venom Rod), and Ignite Poison, you can deadly in both Ice and Fire very quickly, as these are relatively mid level spells.

In book of  Sky
Practise: Air
Every wizard needs a low level base attack spell.
Whether that be Magic dart, or Mystic Blast, it?s the staple bullet attack that all spellcasters use regulary, even to kill that lowly rat.
But like most conjurations spell, these spells have limited range.
Airstrike is my preference for basic attack, as it doesn?t even require Conjurations/Enchantments etc.
A low level (cost 4 mana) spell, that has Full range, you can use this on ANY creature you SEE.
I mean it.
Just stand behind a glass wall, and kill your enemies as they helplessly try to get around the glass wall.
This spell has all the characteristics of a Smite, and since it costs no piety, and is easy to cast, and can easily be upgraded with a Staff of Air, this spell is a Must Have.
Note: only for early gamers. This spell becomes obsolete quickly when it comes to swarms and powerful enemies.

To sum up. My spell list would look like this:
a-   Letty?s refrigeration
b-   Some conjuration spell or Airstrike. Subject to change as I level up.
c-   Poison cloud
d-   Ignite poison
e-   Other low level spells such as detect creatures, or forescry or alistairs intoxication.

Must Have items:

Crystal ball of energy
with high enough Evocations, you are Machine Gun Cannon, with unlimited ammo.

Staff of energy
prevents your Machine Gun Cannon from tiring and heating up. (ie, no Hunger cost!)

Ring of Mage
Gap Hax anyone?

with these 3 item combinations, you can be a good spellcaster.

you need to make a plan for your levelling.
in my opinion, its pointless of level up summonings any more. Patchy is strong as she is. i doubt there's much use for summonings late in the game, even in Pandemonium or Halls of zot.
Also before you summon abominations, you can counter the int drain using a ring of sustain ability. Its not always foolproof, but it helps.

if you have  MP problems, you solve it using an crystal ball of energy. with evocations leveled up, you will never need to worry about wasting turns to regain energy, as a single turn can restore energy to full (usually).

For those taking on Cocytus Ice hell, please note that Anateus(the big boss)'s weakness is that he CANT SEE INVISIBLE.
Stop wasting time killing him.
kill the Ice Fiends first, then use Invisible.
while he's shooting in the dark, grab the rune, or try your luck at stabbing him many times (Ninja Wizards WTF!). He's the only Hell boss where high level Assasins can kill easily in less than 5 hits. (1-2 stabs with Stabbing Lvl27 and a good knive/dagger)

Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #272 on: August 02, 2009, 09:34:43 PM »
OK, I've come to inform you that Ramus had to cancel his run due to a situation and thus let me take my run.

He's asked to be placed behind Barasia until everything clears out...

Anyways, I now present you with my story...

As our journey begins, Patch has just recovered from her trip to the abyss and now started to make preperations for her next journey....

She goes down to the Elven halls....

Down in the elven halls was a sparkling fountain...

She drank from the fountain... why? Because her main objective was to achive benificial mutations... (Yes, I'm trying to mutate patch on purpose to give her better stuff.)

A sparkling fountain can do pretty much any potion effect when you drink form it. So it's bound to either be very good...or very bad. From HP recover, to porrige, to rot, to mutations to even gaining a stat point. It all comes from these fountains!

And as for a pro tip for the future, if you drink from the fountain in the Elven Hall's last floor till it's all gone.. it removes the uncontrolable teleport force...

Patch then traveled down the dungeon....when she reached the room where the water surrounded a stone structure, she decided to investigate...

She levitated and entered.... when she reached the other side (may I mention she bearly made it?)

She found some gold, a teleport scroll and a mutation potion...

She consumes the mutation potion...

Now this is good...

Patch is now more accurate and now she can spit poisonous loogies!

She's looking pretty good so far....

21st Floor. This is where the first gate to hell appears...

She enters...

Don't you just love that greeting...

Oh great just what I needed...

Yaktards to the bottoms...and Gey...uhh I mean PC-98 Yuka above.... And the Yaktard Captain's awake.... Time to take action...

Patch managed to take out the two awakened Yaktards until Yuka finally woke up...

Looks like she's serious....

Anyways, PC-98 Yuka (AKA Geyron) is a extremly buff powerhouse. She has tons of HP takes a long time to take out and worse of all... she can use her powers to summon PC Yuka clones (Beasts)

Beasts (PC Yuka)on the other hand are a melee creatures who can be quite vicious in groups. Best be taken out as quickly as you can...

Most of the time Patch had to take creatures out of the abyss and fight them in the dungeon but Patch did successfully do something good...

She managed to drag PC-98 Yuka out from hell into the narrow corridor.

This is when Yuka is not in her best condition. Because she cannot summon as many Yuka clones to aid her in battle. Thus rendering her an easy (but still long) fight.

Yuka attempt to summon her PC counter part onto the feild, but because she was located too far away and couldn't make contact with Patch she remained motionless...

It appears PC-98 Yuka's craving to eat Patchy...

Wasn't long after that when Patch took out PC 98 Yuka and only had to deal with the PC she blasted them with ice...

Ice now level 8!

Now it's time to get the horn Yuka had in her collection and return to hell!

Patch had to deal with all different degrees of trouble when returning back down there. Mainly in the form of Tentacle monsters and giants.... She used her Deflect Missles to avoid thier rocks and ice!

Enchantment leveled up!

As we keep going Patch continue to deal with everything a whole gang of monsters appear....Obviously she needed to get some crowd control.... the only way she knew how...

I am so loving this spell!  I don't care if it draws attention I haven't noticed it occuring that much

Also why are there hell knights all of a sudden? The answer was very obvious... a unique was near...

At the bottom right corner is Margery. A Powerful scorceress who controls a vairity of spells and is always accompanied by Hell Knights. She mainly kept her distants while launching bolts of fire. While the Hell Knights charged forward.

Due to Tentacle Monster complications. Patch had to retreat temporarly... Take out the tentacle monsters and then return to take out Margery and her crew.

During the battle Patch had to uses Mima's power to recharge...Evocation now up to level 8!

Not too long aftward Margary and the hell knight squad were exterminated...

Now it's time to open the gates to the other regions of hell!

This here is Tartarus. The negative hell. Full of draining and undead.

This here is the iron city of Dis. A hell that freatures demons of different varaities and is full of deadly earth things as well...

This here is Gehanna. The Firey Hell, full of lots of fire demons. Nuff said.

And finally our first destination we will be traveling to....Cocytus, the Icy Hell. In here is lots of ice demons to threaten Patch. Also it's the home of the most dreaded creature of the all.... The Goldfish from hell. :P (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Let's go in!

Right from te starting gate it seem things got crazy first there were skeleton warriors and then after that demonic forces summoned 2 demons...

To the top right is the Ice Feind. The Ice Feind is an elite high rank demon that has extremly dangerous ice powers and he can evoke the powers of hell to wipe out half of Patch's HP. This can only spell trouble. Luckly Patch is very resistant to ice right now so she should be able to stand up to it.

The other guy to the left is the Ice Devil. He basiclly just hits you with ice bolts and can freeze you. Other than that, no where near as deadly as an Ice Feind...

IT only took patch two direct hits with bolt of ice to put the ice feind out. And the ice devil fell shortly after...

You know what was fun after that?

I got sent to the abyss...Ah Hell, what can I do without ya..

Patch's mainly plan was to escape....

Again, another one of my creations and a far weaker one too. Fire should take care of it. Two hits and my ghost was down....

During my run to escape thing didn't go right...

I forgot to put on my amulet of resist I confronted a shining eye that mutated patch..end result?

Patch is now more in charater and frail now. (-10% HP) Considering her max was 95 and it dropped only 7 point to now 87? It's not a significant lose, but still in my view every HP counts....maybe we should find something to counter this mutation?

Finally, a gate! Let's get outta here! Patch managed to pick up an ID scroll and two poitions of heal wounds along the trip...

Back in Coctyus!

I didn't take any more pictures following this, but basiclly I went down to floor 2 of Cocytus, got teleported several times, fought off the ever dreadful goldfish, some reapers, skeltons and ice dragons(the only food source you'll get here) Also.... summoning abominations is your friend here! They can act as personal body gaurds while you rest to (hopefully) recover without interuption.

As of right now, Patch's HP is near or at full, her MP isn't and she has her abomination buddies right beside her if anything goes wrong.

Next person will need to recover some MP, and then from there explore more of coctyus or return upstairs and so forth.

As a good note to everyone. The moment you walk up stairs, you return to the Visitude of Hell automaticlly, no need to go through all the floors while facing hell's punishment. At the same time though you'll have to go down the stairs from floor one of coctyus again. (Go figure)

Also if you don't forget if patch becomes too overloaded be sure to drop your goods at the Hive as it's the closest location from where hell's at.

Ok Barasia, it's your go! (remember stay within 5000- 6000 turn limit.)

Final note for Barasia: One thing I wanted to point out. You suggestion for the staff of energy is a good choice, but I would like to point out that by the late point in the game, if you have put your focus on spellcasting. (Which patch has mastered) That staff will not be as useful. Since by the time you master it. You will not suffer any complications from casting spells allowing players like Patchouli to run through the dungeon without the slightest worry about hunger issues from any spell casting.

And I'm signing up again to go after Ramus!
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 11:04:52 PM by Totaku »
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #273 on: August 03, 2009, 01:50:31 AM »
was epic. thanks.
now, all i have to do is run for the rune and kill Anatues(big boss).

my strategy is to use Invisibility to dodge his shots etc.

do we have a potion on Inv, or a ring of Inv?
oh well, i'll jsut use Crtl-F

may take a while, since i am in uni right now :P
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #274 on: August 03, 2009, 02:06:43 AM »
was epic. thanks.
now, all i have to do is run for the rune and kill Anatues(big boss).

my strategy is to use Invisibility to dodge his shots etc.

do we have a potion on Inv, or a ring of Inv?
oh well, i'll jsut use Crtl-F

may take a while, since i am in uni right now :P

If what you say is true, then Invs + Deflect Missle should be a sure fire plan. XD

And yes, we have some potions of invisibility, should be in the hive or Lair. Just look on the first floors of those areas. (they're at floor 14 and floor 8 or 9) respectivly.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #275 on: August 03, 2009, 01:14:18 PM »
Skip my turn again.  I'll be away for most of the day.

EDIT:  I take that back, I'm going to be taking my turn anyway.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 04:51:23 PM by Ramus »


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #276 on: August 04, 2009, 07:22:09 AM »
wait wat?

i already done my turn.
i just need to tidy those image captures and uplaod them and write the story.

anyway, i done Cocytus, and my ultimate loot was the Amulet of Sky. ironic eh, finding such an item in the very place i need it the most.

wait till morning as i have over 30 img to crop and upload.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #277 on: August 04, 2009, 08:29:22 AM »

heres the save file.

story time yes?

here we go. that encumbered status makes me cringe. why the hell is a spellcaster encumbered?
Patchouli is anemic and asthmatic. you cruel people!

so much junk. dropping most of these junks.

why in the world are we carrying the HORN? (10 aum)
we opened the way right? we dont need no horn.

oh great. teleportitis. believe me, i WILL use a potion of curemutation when i return to the hive.

graet spell list, but officially forgeting Delayed fireball, Sticky flame, & detect curse.
those spells suck.

no hunger cost when weld staff of wizardry of ring of wizardry. take note ppl.

Invocations is obselete. dont practise it!
Evocations is TOO LOW. i will practise evocations using Evoke Sense Surroundings.

Patchy: no,no,no! my catness rating is too low! i need to reequip and get prepared better.

returning to the hive stash, patchy is completely shocked.
what she saw was totally unacceptable.

it looks like Marisa jsut ransacked through her stuff and left things in chaos!
where's Koakuma when you need her to put things into order?

as she was doing some manual exhausting housework, grumbling all the time at the lack of a Koakuma, suddenly that damn teleportitis kicked in.

and ended up in a new area!
frustrated at the interruption, she remembered to cure that mutation.

luckily, both bad mutations are cured, and still leaving the good mutation. not a bad outcome.

the result:

patchy then takes notes of several useful spells and lament she could have used these spells MUCH earlier in the game to save her LOTS of trouble and pain, particularly Ignite Poison, Alistair's INtoxication and Ozocubu's refrigeration.

Ring of Flames is an EPIC spell, and patchy wants to learn it, but ALAS!
no new spell slots! thus she selectively forgets Delayed fireball, Sticky flame, & detect curse to make room.

but hey...Patchouli noticed she hasn't even learned Abjuration yet!
how stupid! thats the most useful lowlevel spell ever!
she does abit of thinking for hours, and firgured its best to learn Abjuration and Forescry for now, as they come in VERY handy.

she also realizes that she is missing an important item. perhaps she left it back at the mansion? if she did all she can do is a Face-Book Palm.
an orb of energy is very useful item, but how could she have forget to bring it!
she uses magic to search through her memory to try to remember where she last saw an orb f energy. after some time, she remembers seeing it  in a shop in the swamp, and so takes the boring long journey back there to retrieve it.
on the way to the Lair, she also grabs some important items to bring back to the hive, since its much closer. when we enter the Lair, we need to take such a long trip to the stash, Fate tells us that in Endgame, this is VERY ridiculous, if we want those precious runes fast as we escape out of the dungeon.

much ordered. patchy is satisfied.

she continues her journey BETTER prepared....

with a more rational inventory.

as she enters, an Ice Fiend is summoned by hell. taking it down quickyly using 2 fire bolts, she gain lots of exp.
she trains Evocations.

patchouli takes note of this useful ability.

how nice. an ice dragon.
patchouli suddenly remembers a useful necromantic spell that converts flesh into mana. oh how she wishes they wwere more spell slots so she could use that useful spell. a dragon can give lots of flesh, meaninglots of instant mana. but oh well, an orb of energy will sufffice.

a water elemental.
suddenly patchouli wonders at the peculiarty of her spell list.

the last stair to the final level.
Sense suuroundings makes it VERY easy to get to the stais,
combined with Swiftness, this trip went well.

oh. so its THIS map.
luckily i have a ring of levitation.

You guys have no idea how powerful a Summon/Tukimadance + Cast Haste is.

patchouli laughs as she wonders why she didn't caste haste on her summons before.

more epic bloodshed to rival an Executioner.

using levitate from a ring, she moves to the next island.

i didn't bring scrolls of identify, so you have to identify the ring when you get back.

HOLY. you guys know what THAT is! i dont even need a scroll of identify. its the most epic item ever!
imagine this.
FLY + Swiftness.
you can almsot match the speed of the Royal jelly!

patchy casts Sun Sign Royal Flare on thhe sleeping fiends, and takes the Amulet of Sky.

NOW THIS IS TOUHOU. Touhou isn't complete without flying magical lolis.

oh crap. luckily they didn't awaken. patchy ducks backwards before they awake.

casting haste on her allies, she readies herself for an epic battle.
she fills the room with fire using RoyalFlare,
Anatues comesout lightly smoked.
Patchy sweatdrops.
she sends her hasted weapons and dragon zombie to attack Anateus, and she fires bolts of fire in openings.

Anateus defeats all weapons and the zombie. but he is moderately damaged.
Patchy sweatdrops somemore.
this is bad. VERY bad.

due to better management and analysis through a new guardian angel(me), she knows its best to keep her distance and advoid MELEE.
she cast swift.
Anateus fires an ice bolt.
she dodges.
she runs to the edge of the water. Anateus chases.
she evokes FLight and fly off of the edge, Anateus Just  missing a deadly melee grab(which will instantly end her, since Patchy can't match a hulky oversized Muscle-man)

she is nearly dead by this time, but now that she's out of Melee range, we can jsut sit back and take it easy, shouting insults at the HulkyHotMuscleMan.

except that the HulkyHotMuscleMan retaliates with Icebolts and Electric bolts.

she finishes him in an epic point blank(1 tile) range of Danmaku combat.
as proven.
only Touhou girls can do danmaku better than everyone else.

i take the rune.
its already a little bit past my 5000 turn quota.
it was 194000 turns lastime.
now its 199100 turns now.
i leave you here to RACE back to the exit,


Swift + FLy = SUPER SPEED.

and only ever use the orb when your mana is between 30/5--40/50 for safety reasons.
instant mana REFRESH.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 08:37:49 AM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #278 on: August 04, 2009, 08:43:06 AM »
oh yeah.

Anatues CAN see invible in this version.

in 0.5, he can't.

damn updates.

Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #279 on: August 04, 2009, 01:32:14 PM »
You are now officially Tsundere.  I'm taking my turn now.


  • soujiko x yousuke is my otp
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #280 on: August 04, 2009, 01:38:33 PM »
awesome stuff barasia, i knew i shld haf reminded u to join..

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #281 on: August 04, 2009, 03:16:23 PM »
Time for my run.  I'm planning on going to the City of Dis.  Since I'm playing, expect ironY.

Anyway, if no one minds me asking, why the heck are we carrying around the Archmagi robes?

Hello not-yet-looted-treasure.  No wait, it's just some gold and lame weak armor.  Also, why are we carrying around a book of conjurations?  Wait, the hell?  Why are we using ignite poison in hell in the first place?

Welcome back to the Abyss!  Oh hey, identify scroll!

My only reaction?  Wooptie freaking doo?  Back out of the Abyss before I know it.

Fricking yay.  Oh well, I identify the ring of sustain abilities and oh hey, a ring that gives +3 strength and teleportation control.  Awesome.

Welcome back to the top layer of hell.  To the HIVE!  I'm at the hive.  Time to do some brain cleaning:

Forgetting Forescry because as Patch, you shouldn't be hit anyway.

Welcome to New Jersey.  Theme song to go with it.

Stone Golem.  Erm, slightly tougher golem?

Da Reaper.  A skeleton with a branded scythe.  He's also weak to tentacles.

Hell hogs.  Um... they're useless?  Well, okay, they spit fire at you.  But LAME.

Executioner.  Really fast, like four times faster than you.  It can also haste itself.  And hit you eight times in a row.  Very deadly for someone like Patch.

Hell knight, tough guy with armor and demon weapon or a really heavy axe.  Beware, these guys can produce an executioner's axe of speed.


Welcome to the bottom of Dis.  Metal Gargoyles, like metal golems except faster and harder to kill.

There's the fortress we want to raid.  Boss to the right, loot to the left.  Let's first eliminate the big guy.

And it's Dispater!  The lord of Dis!  He likes to summon.   Alas, I die.  He got lucky with the summons and got three hellions that all hit me with the powers of hell.  I died in one turn at full health.  ;_;

Oh well.  However, I've got to say I've gotten too many bullshit deaths in a row.  It's getting rather annoying.  Whatever, go ahead whoever is going to play.

Resign me up.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 05:42:24 PM by Ramus »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #282 on: August 04, 2009, 07:35:04 PM »
Time to tell my story...

When we last left off, Patchouli had just defeated Letty (AKA Anthenus). And obtained the icy rune of zot.

With what left she had to do here, Patch decided to veture around the rest of the floor to see what she could pick up...

Overall, not so great tureasure, just some simple scrolls and some gold that was guarded by ice feinds. Nothing a little fire couldn't handle...

After she escaped she looked through her stuff...The amulet of air is some really awsome stuff as it let's you automaticlly fly when you invoke it's abilty, a supurior version of the ring of levitation. A definete must have.

The Monothesit ring... no good, dumping....

And this ring though is a keeper! Control teleport basiclly... there's been several thing Patch had in mind to do with her magic, but first she had to return to the hive...

It was there that she placed down most of her goods like the rings of invisibilty, see invisible and a bunch of other things...

(Seriously Barasia, what were you thinking caring those down there an no when we have a sword that can do "see invisible?!")

Mean time, looking at her magic once more Patch did some rethinking.... why did she toss out certain spells that were vital in place of Forscry and Abjuration?

(Seriously, I have a lot of questions regarding the choices of your magic barasia...also why did yo toss the sheild?!)

Regardless, after reassembling her equipment back to it's former way, she returned back down to Hell once more. And ventured into Dis.

With some alterations in her equipment...this is where she stands at the moment in her stats...

Welcome to Dis, the iron City of Hell. In this place you'll pretty much find most of hell's residents all mixed together here. Let's take a moment to meet some of them...

Meet the Iron Devil, a sturdy looking demon who's body is made of solid iron. He's partially immmune to all elements and is tough, but he can only melee thankfully...

This here is the Feind. The eliet class resisdent who's home is in Firey Hell. These guys contain powerful fire spells and of course like all feinds can call the powers of hell to rip through your HP... Push over with ice...

To the left is the tormenter, a creepy fellow who loves to tourtuer his victims with the blades that stick out from his body. Quite fast, but can be easily dispatched...

And here are two other firey resisdents form Hevanna. The the top right is the hellion. A mean demon who can cast hellfire upon you without hesitation and it has a smite range.

And to the left are hellhounds. Firey dogs who can bark out fire as well as a mean bite.

Either case though they are both easily eliminated with Ice.

It's important to note that the structure to Dis is simalar to the vault dungeon. So there can be items and weapons that can possibly be found in some rooms...

After frankticlly running and escaping from the residents of Hell, Patch finally reached the final floor of Dis....

What terror awaits her here.

Well Metal Gargoyals for started, but they're easy. Then armies of skelton warriors and a some feinds to toss in for good measure.

Hell sure does love to keep you busy...

Eventually Patch got into the fortress and being to explore in some vaults she found money.

In other places not so much. Either way, Patch realized that she needed to prepare and began to rest...not too soon after...

Into the abyss she went again...

So Patch had to try to escape.

During her escape... she found a scroll of aquirement, she used it for amor, why? Because I was hoping she obtain som better boots... sadly that didn't happen. (Got a scale mail...pass)

Also found a ring of was then I noticed...Barasia removed Detect curse... (BARASIA!!! Isn't there something better you could of tossed out?!)

A armor enchantment scroll and a weapon enchantment scroll III. Also Patch got mutated by a demon, but it was actually benificial to her....

She once again craved for meat! Definetly a good thing.

Not to long after, she escaped the abyss and returned to the spot she was sent from before..

She found a some more gold...

And even another Triple Sword! (AWESOME!)

But after that, that's when it all changed... She ran into the ruler of Dis....  and it was...

Yuugi?! Yes the oni of phenomenon's is our boss of the Steel Hell and she's not playing....Yuugi (AKA the Dispatcher) has great reiestance against most forms of magic and must be dealt with physically, but because of Patch's poor str she cannot do it herself, she must resort to her abominations to fight her off. Also Yuugi can call other demons to aid ranger from mid rank to elite high ranks. And to top it all off she can also send your summons back! Making this a rather up hill battle for Patch to fight.

In the battle, Yuugi contiue to attack Patch's summons as she kept summoning and there were times Patch had to retreat just to get some breathing space.

Eventually when she returned to the room, Yuugi was no where to be found... was she defeated?

Patch went into the main chamber and discovered to iron rune of zot! Which was guarded by it's own set of demons...

She lures them out for her summons to take care of... but...

I guess I spoke too soon...Yuugi had reappeared and was more angry than ever! She charged forward and tackled Patchy's abominations as she blinked away from Yuugi.

This was where things got ugly... Even though patch cleared a path to the rune and attempted to grab it. Right at the moment before Patch could get the rune, the forces of hell brought an executioner right in front of her!

Patch was force to step back and summon, To keep the excutioner busy but at the same time Yuugi was right behinder as she began to attack Patch. Patch was hurt badly and had to resort to using two potions of healing to survive Yuugi's onslaught as she was low on magic  and couldn't do much. However an opening appeared as the executioner was put down. Patch let her other abomination summon take on Yuugi while she grabbed the rune. She retreated to recharge and fight her, but once again, she was hiding....

Where could she be? That shouldn't matter now...let's get out of here!

Patch put on the evoke teleportation ring and use a teleport scroll. The warped right to the stairs and escaped dis with the rune...

She also took a moment to look at her new ring.... and it was trash!

This however concluded Patchy's trip through dis...

I've sent the file to Ramus already, but as a tip:

For Patch's sake, she must return and take on Yuugi. It just doesn't seem right to leave her around....

Also I skipped alot of things in Dis, because sometimes, dis carries some good items inside some of the vaults on the upper floors. Plus there's still alot unexplored on the final floor of Dis.

Finally, once we explore all of dis, we should take on Heevana. Patch should be prepared for that, also she should get herself ready for it as much as possible. So start casting ice people!

Also...sign me up again!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 10:52:26 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #283 on: August 04, 2009, 09:06:51 PM »
Err, skip my turn.  We'll just say I took the only files I had of winning and corrupted them.  ._.

HOWEVER, Totaku and barasia, a few things to carry along:

Staff of Wizardry (because you cast better with it)
The Orb (Because it regains MP for you)
The Tome of Destruction (It blows stuff up for you for free)

Things not to carry:

Robe of Archmagi, bad idea

Spells to know:
Abjuration (Geez, this was the only reason I could be Dispater (before I corrupted the files))
Detect Curse (Because we like our gear's usability to be known on the go)


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #284 on: August 05, 2009, 02:49:48 AM »
Why are we using ignite poison in hell in the first place?
i didn't learn ignite poison. i merely lamented that fact we didn't use it earlier to save turns.

It was there that she placed down most of her goods like the rings of invisibilty, see invisible and a bunch of other things...

(Seriously Barasia, what were you thinking caring those down there an no when we have a sword that can do "see invisible?!")

Mean time, looking at her magic once more Patch did some rethinking.... why did she toss out certain spells that were vital in place of Forscry and Abjuration?

(Seriously, I have a lot of questions regarding the choices of your magic barasia...also why did yo toss the sheild?!)

i dont like those weapons. to play as patchouli, i dislike carrying weapons.

Stuff killed by allies and Tukima's dance weapons yield LESS exp. thats why i NEVER use summons to kill.
i only ever used those two random weaps to soften Anatues a little.

Use Arbiter falcion if you want for its benefits/resistances.
but keep in mind you'll never hit anything with that.
i prefer staffs as they power up my spells.

in fact, i also rarely eat corpses.

you know why?
we have over freakin 10 meat rations!
just bring those and never worrying about corpses, EXCEPT, if you have [sublimination of Blood]

in my next turn(if i can), i do plan on forgetting some spells to learn [sublimination of Blood]
its a very good spell that turns flesh into mana with 100% success with no risk compared to the orb.

why throw away that shield?
SEE Skills Aptitude.
Patchy will NEVER block ANY attack at this stage of game.
i dont care if it has some resistances, it slows her actions and reduces her power.
its jsut MY style of playing, where spell casting should NOT involve shields.

i tossed out Delayed fireball, Sticky flame, & detect curse.
detect curse is wussy.
we have too many remove curse scrolls. i bet we also have too many detect curse scrolls too.
Identify is much better though, but there isn't enough spell slots room.
but if you wish, then go ahead and relearn detect curse.

Abjuration is too important to ignore. why do you think its not vital?
my judgement for learning forescry is my own judgement.
if you trust your own judgement that Patchy can dodge stuff without Fate at her side, then go ahead.

Yuugi?! Yes the oni of phenomenon's is our boss of the Steel Hell and she's not playing....Yuugi (AKA the Dispatcher) has great reiestance against most forms of magic and must be dealt with physically, but because of Patch's poor str she cannot do it herself, she must resort to her abominations to fight her off. Also Yuugi can call other demons to aid ranger from mid rank to elite high ranks. And to top it all off she can also send your summons back! Making this a rather up hill battle for Patch to fight.
i found it quite an EASY fight when using Crystal Spear in combo with Staffs of Conjure, and orb of energy. in fact, i use it on all bosses.
i wonder why we didn't learn that epic spell yet.

A few advices to take if you want to:

1.Staffs power up spells.  a powered up Mystic blast can make the difference between a 1 shot kill or 3 shot kill.
a powered up Haste on an ally can make the difference between it dying or surviving.
a powered up Swift can make the difference between it serving you, or its effects running out when oyu need it the most.
a powered up enchantment can make the difference between a Tukima dance lasting longer, or dropping far away when you need an ally the most.

Edit: let me explain. (you cant use staff when you want to use tukimadance.
i use robe of archmagi instead to powerup TukimaDance.
you may also get more Abominations or get Better Shadow Creatures when powered up with staff of summons

its my own judgement to carry these staffs, but you can drop the staff of fire and staff of ice.

2. Swift + fly= super speed. use the amulet of sky and swift AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.
you will encounter much less Hell punishments the shorter you stay in that place.

3. remember you have Sense Surrounds with your gloves.

4. use blink/tele with control tele to SAVE TURNS.
you can complete a hall way in 3 turns in Gahenna using controtele + Blink.
if the hall way is blocked, you can blinkpast them.
use this to escape precarious situations.
a random tele has the chance of putting out of the frying pan and into the fire.
a control blink gives you more security of where you want to go.
waste no turns killing small fry.
waste no turns WALKING.
only the Fiends and bosses ever yield any significant exp for me to care.

Edit: blink + controltele gives no magic contaminating. use as often without worry of Glowing.

5. only ever Use Orb when mana is 30/50--40/50
risky when 20/50--25/50. won't work when <19/50.
epic failure when used if mana is 50/50.
i hopefully level up Evocations enough for you guys to make it easy........but dont rely on it too much. you'll regret it, trust me.

Important Addtion: im not so sure about this.
when your mana bar has NO Fade blue at the end, using the orb works better.(or at least i find it so)
once, when i use the orb straight after casting a spell, the mana was 40/50, but the WHOLE bar is still colored. that is, the last 10 mana is light blue.
i used the orb and lost all my mana.
i am not so sure why there's a Faded blue color of the mana bar, to signify how much mana you used perhaps......but it MAY affect the rules of the Orb.
just speculating there.

6. level up evocations when you get the cahnce using Sense Surrounds.

7. learn Sublimination of blood.
you'll need it. find it in Book of Unlife. cost=2.
best spell ever, escpecially if you are NOT USED to using that orb.
only if your evocations is level 27, then you can totally rely on it to have a good effect, even when your mana is 30/50--40/50.
dont let Orb Miscasts end you. its embarrasing.

8. most important: START WITH A FULL STOMACH.
we have too many meat rations in the hive. bring taht 11 ration stash down.

good luck with killing Yuugi. you better use PoweredUP Mystic blast, cause thats the only spell she isn't resistant to.
what ever you do. ADVOID MELEE.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 04:52:37 AM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #285 on: August 05, 2009, 08:49:05 AM »
OK my turn is done! And it's time to reveal what happened....
As our adventure left off.... Patch had just obtain the Icy Rune of Zot.

She returned back up to the hive once again...

On her way back she froze a yak and...

Ice is now level 9 just 6 more to go before I try something new. XD

She dropped off the rune along with a bunch of other good that she found useless...

She chose to forget call undead and relearned detect curse once more... For she doesn't use to aid her as much as she depends on knowing the items she uses....

She returns back to Dis to deal with Yuugi once more... on her way down....she once again was sucked into the abyss....

And so Patch begins to hunt for a way out...

On her way out, she found another scroll of aquirement... Could she get shoes out of it?

Sadly no, she got a sheild of protection....still not good, but at least it's better, regardless, she discarded the sheild later on...

Eventually she found her way out again and continued through Dis...

At the bottom floor once again, Patch explored the floor to see what she could find, there were

more money and useless goods that she already had....

Plenty of iron residents. ^^;; and a room full of some somewhat god turesaure (like swords and gold and a robe of vinity which is suited for the Tarturus run)

And then it was time to settle the score with the oni...

Fortunatly, Yuugi was resting from her wounds and was unaware of Patch's presents.

Time to perpare a sneak attack!

Patch summoned a load of abominations and attempt to get close when Yuugi awoke.

Yuugi charged torward Patch and this was when Patch launched the assult...

IT WAS A SUCCESS! Yuugi was completely surrounded by a swarm of abominations! And even though she could pick them off in a hit or two. Having 8 of them around you constantly seriously adds up. She even calls an army of demons to assist her regardless though, she was over taken quickly and thus Yuugi was eaten alive by the abominations...

With Yuugi out of the way, Patch claimed the staff (or would that be horn?) of the disparter and left Dis as soon as possible.

Patch went and took her belonging she collected from the trip through Dis and took them back the hive and continued make plans for her next trip.

She put on her robe of vinity, a ring of life protection and Warding amulet...

Yes,...we're going to Tarturus...

Now it's time to put some music that should Fit this place perfectly... (ok this is also music from a game that has a "Tarturus" but it just seemed perfect for what I'm about to do)

Tarturus....the negative forces of hell live here. Most are either undead or dark forces with the power to drain or rot you....

Caution must be taken with these creatures...

All was quite till the 3rd floor....and then.... it happen...

"It's the Enemy!"

Patchouli engaged battle with skeleton warriors and necrophanges, it was almost like a trip through the crypts again...

Buth then there was more....

"Becarful!! I SENSE DEATH!!!"

Reapers, usually consist of weilding an enchanted syecth and can do some damage if they get near you.. otherwise pretty tame. Do not fear the reaper.....(The enemy's is weak against fire!)BURN HIM!
"There are three shadow remaining! Keep it up guys!"
Shadow imps, they are more natorious in the living world than down in Tarturus, they can raise corspes from the dead and can drain you with thier bolts of draining, but again, like alll imps, easy picking...especially with fire!

"There is one shadow remaining!"

Shadow demons, they are extremly stealthy and are invisible. Thus are hard to detect unless you use something to see invisible. Once found, putting them out of misery is the easy part. Burn or freeze it!

"The enemy has been defeated! Nice job everyone!"

Now, with that out of the way....we reach the the final section of Tarturus!

Down here the demons are more restless than ever, the area is more open, trouble can be found at every corner...

Oh and too the right is a rotting demon. A demon who's suffering from an extremly terrible skin condition and doesn't mind sharing it with you. Don't let him touch you for you'll rot. Burn it with fire. :P

I would like to note that while on the last floor I've seen a mix of some other residents here including the imfamous Hellion.... beware of them since Patch is lacking the proper protection from their hellfire at the moment....

But then this happened...the forces of hell finally brought upon a boss...


"Watch out! This shadow is stronger than the others! It must be protecting something!"

Shadow Fiends are another elite high rank demon who uses has massive power over draining magic. They are also slightly resistant to some forms of magic, but other than that they take a little bit of time to handle. Thankfully this one was summoned by the forces of hell meaning it's won't attack for one turn.... Also like all feinds, can use the powers of hell to crush your HP.

Time for Patch to get serious!


Ok maybe not. :P But she did launch a bolt of fire into his face.

It was then, Mima dropped a gift for Patchouli.

Anything good?

Patch launched a another bolt of fire and eleminated the fiend.

She then picks up the book...

Well I think we have this already, besides it has most of the spells Pathch has used. Regardless she took it...

As of right now Patch seems to be closing in on the main chamber where the shadow demon lord is located. Will she be able to stand up to him or her.

It was the 210000th turn (I wanted to round it off) And thus Patch's turn came to an end....

Final thought:
I really should of brought more potions of healing with me. I feel like a ⑨ for forgetting that one hell punishment is rot and it occurs more often here. She still has one more left, maybe if we're lucky, she'll hold out. Otherwise, don't be afraid to run and stock up so you can return and fight off the shadow demon lord...

Second, we need to make more trips to the abyss, speficily for more potions of healing wounds. We're running low.

Finally looking at Barasia's post:

I can understand the choices in the magic, it's just that there are some spell that I know we could of still held on to and some we could of dumped for these. (like call undead not useful in demon land, I ended up tossing it out to get back detect curse.)

Forscry and abjuration do have thier uses though so I thank you for the decision on that part.

And yeah I preffer some of my weapons mainly because of my "swiss army knife nature" Cause I never know when they'll help me...

Also yes, I use the sheild for safty reasons. Mainly because of the attributes it give patch over the sheilding. THough I've seen some low level sheilds block high stuff before. Not often, but it can be a life saver sometimes.

And finally I will note, that I'm trying to save the food we have for the Pandemonium Trip. I may not know much about this place, but if it's as dangerous as I think it is. I'll need to prepare for the worst since it may be a long time before PAtch can return. (or just use our distortion sword to escape via abyss.)

Better safe than sorry if you ask me. And yeah I take a cautious stance with my supplies and food. But overall I guess we can say, whatever works works. Do what ever methods are nessary to survive.

Anyways as for right now. Ramus infromed he he's signing up for another round so I'm putting the file for him to use when he's ready.
Also as I suggest to others....sign up! we can always have more players!

Also as for me, I'm signing up myself again as well.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 01:10:50 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #286 on: August 05, 2009, 12:38:49 PM »
Do we have a wand of digging?  No.  Wand of Disintegration?  Yes.  Oh goodie, we can actually start grabbing treasure.

I'll start up in a bit.

Also, dual wielding Sakuya coming to relay run near you soon!


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #287 on: August 05, 2009, 02:15:30 PM »
AH HA HA, hit post instead of preview.
Image coming in a moment.

More random Crawl facts:

Ally kills only halve leveling up experience, not skill experience.  So the exp. pool is totally good.
Patch sucks at Earth magic.  Can we fix that?  Sure.  Then she'll have all four elements at command.
Airstrike also works well against Dispater.

Anyway, I've got the judge of hell to kill.  Dun Na Naaaa!

Regardless, Totaku leaves me at 8 MP, jerk.  Oh well.

And so the final assault begins.


Alas, it is time that we duel to death.

Shiki, some things to know about her... first off, her crazy high 30 EV.  That's a high number.  You'll be missing a lot of shots on her if you're unlucky or are an axe user.  Secondly, crazy powerful necromancy spells.  Symbol of Torment crazy powerful.  And she'll summon shadow fiends, reapers, and what not to do her business.

Like so.

Blink is your best friend.  As well as some fireballs, fire bolts, and crystal ball abuse.


Go Patch!  VICTORY!

We'll start training earth magic with this sand spell.

Rune snatch.  Time for VICTORY THEME!

Also, Iron Bolt.  We're going with that instead for training.  And that's all Patch can carry.  Back to the surface!

Totaku, you need to do something about that book fetish of yours.

Time to start raiding.



Zot Trap killed me.  >_O  I don't know, the fact that it's either Patch who's paper thin for dying at 3/4 health or that this game hates me because I've been getting several one hit deaths.  And right, my one successful run ends in corrupted files.

Have fun guys.  I think I'll withdraw from Crawl for a while.  That marks my sixth BS death in a row.

EDIT:  Erm, actually, this would be a good of time as any to get back to Suika.  You guys have fun with your paper thin magician.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 02:31:56 PM by Ramus »

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #288 on: August 05, 2009, 03:04:26 PM »
EDIT:  Erm, actually, this would be a good of time as any to get back to Suika.  You guys have fun with your paper thin magician.
More than happy to do that.
Thus, the CLEAVE AND SMITE time with Zengar will come after Totaku's run.
PS: Now that I remember, when messing around with Suika I found out that the early floors of the slime pits weren't that bad for Suika. Might as well go there.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #289 on: August 05, 2009, 03:10:53 PM »
Nope.  Not much to gain there unless you can kill the big bad jelly.  Instead, get rid of the rune we currently have and head to the snake pits.  And get rid of some of the wands, I mean geez, that's a lot.

Also, I'm after Zengar.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #290 on: August 05, 2009, 03:19:14 PM »
And get rid of some of the wands, I mean geez, that's a lot.
Uh... how many wands do we have again?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #291 on: August 05, 2009, 03:25:16 PM »
ok time to continue the story...

As we left off, Patch was fixing to enter the lair where the shadow demon Lord to launch an attack. She approches the front gate... it's swarming with shadows.... nothing her abominations couldn't handle...

As she enters she confronts a slew of demons including another shadow fiend....

Eventually she finds a door way any....

Confronts the demon lord of the shadows!


Shikieiki (AKA Ereshkigal) mainly controls the shadow world and is skill in all feilds of magic in fire ice and draining. Also she can summon demons and call shadow feinds to aid her. She is rather resistant as well. So there's only one way to handle this....

Get an army of abominations to do the job! (And it appears Shikieki want to eat Patch's heart, what?!)

Shikieiki was overswarmed by abominations and tentacle monsters. Obviously the impurity of these creation were almost too much for her, but out of the blue, she summons a Balrug in the fray of abominations and by the time Patch noticed, she was blasted with flames.....

And because she's ill prepared to fight fire...she died....

Yeah I died rather quick there....

Signing up to attempt Patchy's run once more which I guess I'll post after Ramus get done with Suika.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #292 on: August 05, 2009, 03:33:50 PM »
And get rid of some of the wands, I mean geez, that's a lot.
Uh... how many wands do we have again?

Too many, drop a few of the slowing ones and one or two confusion ones.  Regardless, dump point is the temple if I remember right.  If you're going to the snake pits, beware of the Greater Nagas.  They hurt.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #293 on: August 05, 2009, 06:47:30 PM »
Suika, RIP AND TEAR, etc, etc. You know the drill already.

Mind you, I'm doing this on the university computers, so shared IP means no custom sprites besides the ones already in the relay folder. Also, .NET is very outdated here, so I'll have to crop the stuff manually. Crap.
Last time, we were returning from the Swamp with a rune in hand. Thus, we go to our vault (Temple according to Ramus) to drop some stuff.

Uhhh... looks like the temple was respawned. That means if anything was there, It's NO MORE THERE. (PS: Main Dungeon floor 1 was also respawned).
So well, might as well drop everything here.

66%, much better. To the Snake pits, floor 4!

Naga warriors, armed and dangerous (not). Also spits poison, like all nagas..
Oh hey, God Gift, right away!

...The one we have already is marginally better. Dropping.

Naga mage, does what its name says. Likes to poison you.

A beehive! After killing all the bees and the queen, I get some sweet honey as prize.

A +3 ring of evasion. I'll keep it, if we ever need it.

Oh look, a small vault-
Or not. It turns out that all the items but a potion of heal wounds are mimics. Oh well.

These are the Greater Nagas, the bane of Suika.
After escaping (Both Nagas were reinforced with other two Greater Nagas and a mage), we seem to be fine.

Catoire's ghost, a Spriggan Enchanter. Can put you to sleep, and cast Corona on you. Also blinks, confuses and teleports. Like what happened here.

Luckily, we manage to survive by teleporting the hell out.

And after retreating, I end my turn, proving that playing Suika is 10x better for me.
Mind that nagas are ganging up on us, so kill them SLOWLY.
Also, for some reason instead of reading a tele scroll, in one point I clicked the inmolate scroll, so we lost some other scrolls, but it saved me as well.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #294 on: August 05, 2009, 06:54:19 PM »
Whenever you find a vault guarded by a greater naga, all the items turn into mimics once he dies. Solution is to loot then kill or draw him away for a while.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #295 on: August 05, 2009, 07:44:40 PM »
Good news:  There weren't any runes in the temple to begin with.  Or anything anyway.  With that, I start my turn.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #296 on: August 05, 2009, 07:56:31 PM »
I accidentally my post. Here are the files.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #297 on: August 05, 2009, 10:11:35 PM »
Some exploration of floor reveals... nothing of importance.  Granted, there's a potion shop full of potions we don't need.  Wait, where's the potions of healing?!  The scrolls of teleportation?  WHERE'S THE BACK UP PLAN?!


Irony... >_O

One enemy induced teleport later and I think I say I'm fucked.  All that blood?  Not Greater Nagas.  The Greater Nagas are standing right outside.

I know you guys can't tell by the pictures but I'm deep within Greater Naga territory.  This is a stealth based mission for a none stealth character.

Yeah, I'm that close.  FRICK!  TELEPORTED OUT.  Actually, YES, teleported out.  Don't have the rune though...

TELEPORTED BACK IN!  WHEN WILL IT STOP?!  And back out I go via teleportation.  I think I know a good piece of music for this one.

Welcome back to greater naga territory.  Curtsy of Teleportation Airlines.

And before you can say "Teleportitis" I'm back out.

Welcome back with the cold harsh reality of teleporting!

Rune snatch you teleporting bastards!


AH HA HA- there's no more potions of healing?  Or scrolls of teleportation?  Now last time I checked, Suika had six potions of healing and four teleportation scrolls... whatever.  TWO RUNES GOT.

Number of enemy induced teleportations in this run:  Seven

Amount of turns spent in the Snake Pits Floor 5: 1500~

Next up, the hive.


Bees, and lots of them.

Bottom of the hive.


Alive after 37 bees.  GOD GIFT

Er... it's better than plain old +0 boots, right?

Queen Bee, which I editted to be Queen Wriggle.  She dies in three hits.


Nice.  Wait, no.  +6, -1, really Okawaru?  REALLY?

Remember that lake at the bottom of the hive?  There's a secret stash of wasps there.

Nice flail.  And a scroll of identify.   Nice haul actually.  +5, +1 T_T

Dump stuff on the first floor and that wraps up my turn.

Also:  I'M ALIVE.  AGAINST ALL ODDS, I SURVIVED!  Snake Pits floor 5, warrior without a potion of healing.  Let's see you do that.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #298 on: August 05, 2009, 10:26:18 PM »
was epic try against Shikeiki.
let me try, since i have a special strategy besides Abomination SPAM.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #299 on: August 05, 2009, 10:42:40 PM »
Right after Totaku's who taking his turn right. :V

EDIT:  Right, resigning up.  I'm after barasia.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 01:33:39 AM by Ramus »