Author Topic: Crawl Relay Run - Over  (Read 109784 times)


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #240 on: July 30, 2009, 05:59:41 PM »
I shall not fail this time.

Which means I want to sign up.  Let's tackle the pits.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #241 on: July 30, 2009, 07:42:12 PM »
Okay, welcome to the Slime Pits.  Now, if I wanted to follow Totaku's line of thought about the hentai vault, I could call this the cum pits, but I won't.  Even if Patch is likely to get all slimy.

This is a slime creature.  Basically, it's a slime, except stronger.  And by that I mean, still wimpy.  Patch just hits it with fire and makes it into a hot slimy pile of goo.

Oh lords, there's more of them.  The amoeba, if I remember right, can make you ill by attacking you.  It's also the only thing that leaves corpses down here.  So after Patch makes it into a hot slimy pile of goo, she can drink it to feel up her empty belly (if she has poison resistance).

Shining Eye, it can mutate you.  And mutations are generally bad.  Can make things pop up in places and on people they really shouldn't.  Good news is that its AC and EV are horrible.  Kill it with fire.

Time to break out that wand of digging.  We got to drill into it somehow, right?  Onwards, pentrate the walls of the Slime Pits and enter the holes we form!

Oh wait, we've got teleport.  I take that back.  We just jump to somewhere else.

Brown ooze.  Stronger jelly.  Not sure if it leaves a corpse or not, but trust me, you really, really don't want to eat the brown pile of stuff.  There's all kinds of bad bacteria that exist there and no where else that you don't want in you.


Another dead end.  >_<  TELEPORTATION AWAY!

It's a giant spore!  Basically, touch it (with that gentle womanly touch) and it explodes and sends its seeds everywhere.  You really don't want to get hit by those.

Okay, now see that meatball with an eye?  That's an eye of draining.  It sucks MP.  See that eyeball?  That is a royal pain when with a group.  As stated before, it's killed me in my most recent run because it showed up while I was against a stone giant.

Solution?  Kill with fire(balls)!  Totally not gay when a fireBALL touches an eyeBALL.

Ah geez, Patch got some of the slime on her boots.  They're corroded.

Azure Jelly, I believe it's not acidic.  However, it is fast, and more importantly, has cold attacks.  This means that fire kills it.

Frick Patch, don't do that!

Death ooze.  It's undead, fast, and even stronger version of the slime creature.  What does this mean?  You can still kill it with fire.

After sending her bolt of fire down a long hallway to penetrate (and kill) another slime, Patch levels up!  We celebrate by memorizing delay fireball!

I give you, the book of SKY!  Sadly, Patch lacks Air magic, and it may not be worth investing in at this point in time.  I'll let Totaku decide.

While practicing summoning, I managed to pull up another creature from this place that we haven't seen yet, the eye of devastation.  It's attacks?  Energy bolt, energy bolt, energy bolt.  Those attacks hurt.

Pulsating Lump of Flesh.  It only has melee, but if it hits you, there's a chance of mutation.  All around lame and weak.  Patch penetrates it with fire bolt.

Welcome to the final floor of the slime pits.  Prepare to meet the Royal Jelly, which I might remind, won five matches in a row in the death matches and was only topped by a lord of hell.  It killed another one though.

Oh wait, let's memorized that deflect missile spell from our supply.

Okay, I've got a fireball at the ready and deflect missiles on (acidic blob pot shots).  Let's go!

TOTAKU!  RAGE!  This is NOT the time to be dealing with another one of your ghosts.  Human Chaos Knight, a fencer. We should be able to magically destroy him.

Piece of cake?  Moving on.

Great Orb of Eyes, another monster I summon while practicing summons.  It does all sorts of nasty stuff include disintegration, teleport other, paralyze, etc.  KILL IT BEFORE YOU CAN SEE THE WHITES OF ITS EYES!

Patch needs some new shoes.

It's The Royal Jelly!  Congrats, if you've gotten this far, know you're royally screwed.  No pun intended.

WAIT NO!  I hit s for swiftness, not d for blink!  NO!  WAIT WAIT, I hit ak for fireball, not zk for renewal of repel missiles.

PATCH! DON'T DIE!  Nnnnnoooooo....  Crawl, why do you hate me so?

Note to whoever goes next, repel missiles does not work about acid shots.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #242 on: July 30, 2009, 07:58:38 PM »
OK, I'll take Patch for a ride.
Mind you, I'm pretty much Hentai-proof, so no sex jokes this time.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #243 on: July 30, 2009, 08:51:28 PM »
OK, I'll take Patch for a ride.
Mind you, I'm pretty much Hentai-proof, so no sex jokes this time.
Sure, I by all means, I'll let you go ahead of me. I'm still a bit busy. But after your turn is done I'll be taking mine for sure.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #244 on: July 30, 2009, 09:51:31 PM »
Where did we left? Oh yeah, the Slime pits. Ramus already reviewed pretty much every monster around, so I'll focus on our findings.
After following Ramus' teleporting strategy (And also failing once), we reach the second floor.
Second floor was really boring (just some killing, and a proof that Patch sucks at Melee). Third floor go!

Oh. Turns out I do find an eye of devastation. BURN, BASTARD.
Two turns later, I find out that spellcasting does not wake up creatures. That, or I'm lucky.

Oh well. Time for the sixth floor.

Uh oh.

Ok, calm down. Ramus did it, I can do it as well.
And I did! Poor ghost only took four hits.


Oh hey, God Gift! It is...

A book of Warp! I'm pretty sure Controlled Blink will be useful later, so I'll keep it.
Wait, what-
Two critical acid shots! Patch didn't make it. The sad thing is that I didn't even make it to the Royal Jelly ;_;
And that's how my run ends.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #245 on: July 30, 2009, 10:14:29 PM »
Alas, we lost another to the Slime Pits.
Also, my strategy to beating it, in case anyone ever wants advice on this sort of thing.

[15:57] <Ramus> Anyway, here's the deal:
[15:57] <Ramus> Cover the area in an O.
[15:57] <Ramus> You'll want to find every upstairs possible.
[15:57] <Ramus> Enter every gray one and clear out any enemies as to minimize chances of being caught off guard.
[15:58] <Ramus> Then clear out one hallway and lure the RJ out and run with haste and swiftness on.
[15:58] <Ramus> Get it out in the open.
[15:58] <Ramus> Summon horrible things.
[15:58] <Ramus> As many as you need, and make sure to use your staff of wizardry for the best results.
[15:59] <Ramus> That should weaken it and kill off offspring.
[15:59] <Ramus> When there's an opening, shoot it with fire bolts.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #246 on: July 30, 2009, 11:14:56 PM »
OW! It seems were all having bad luck with the Slime Pits at the moment.

Let's see if Patch will be lucky in my turn...

As we begin Patch is just beginning to explore the slime pits! Already it is becoming a rather slimy area. Lots of slime and the like.

Ramus and Sword Cleaver(Zengar) have already covered most stuff here so I'll cover only the key points of the slime pit trip.

First off, Patch's conjouration reached level 24! While battling a gang of slime creatures....

Also Patchy decided to use sense surroundings to look for hidden areas which were out of sight as she traveled through the dungeon.

To a pretty good degree she was able to located most of the areas easily. Also her invocation increased to 3!

Second Floor! I don't quite like this combination! Too many accidic creatures, Oh well Patch too a gamble.

Took out the Acid Slime, then the Eye of Draining, then the brown ooze, and then the jelly.

Strange part was none of them woke up (except the acid blob only cause it could withstand a fire bolt)

Third Floor, nothing interesting happened... May have run into some acid blobs, and other slimes, but nothing special... NEXT!

Forth Floor also nothing special happened here.. more senseing more digging more slime killing....

Fifth Floor however was more interesting here.

First all...tons of slime creatures. Patch had to battle about 10 of these here alone..

During the fight, Patch's conjouration reached 25!

Then a little while later, Patch her self reached level 25! Two more to go!

Now a quick random fact Ramus forgot... Death Ooze can also make your body rot. But for them to do that. They must touch you. Luckly you won't let them get the chance if you play it smart.

Also got fire magic up to 17 as well.

Also Mima gave Patchy another book. Guess what Zengar, it's the same one you got!

After some digging, recharging and slime killing later Patch finally entered the last floor of the slime pit....

In this floor the space is open. Making it more dangerous. And it's filled with all sort of dangerous slime. But there is one slime down here that rules them all....The Royal Jelly We shall soon confront this strange, tasty substance.

Little did I know though that I was about to stir up a next of angry bees. As I was battling a death ooze, it ran into the royal jellie's chamber and as a result...Every slime creature in the area was alert and pretty much appered to be looking for patch now.

Patch had to run and fight while using the stairs to gain an edge...

As she kept fighting all the acid blobs and other jellies....

Conjouration is now level 26! One more level to go!

And when you think things can't get worse...

Yeah, the Royal Jelly's awake and very angry, and out in the open.

In the way, the royal jelly is like a boss. It has a big boat load of HP, can move very very fast, and can attack alot. But to top it all of.... Everytime you hit the royal jelly, it will release other little jellies that will aid him. Ranging from Azure Jelly, death Ooze and Acid Blobs. A very dangerous combo definetly....

The good part is though. The royal jelly cannot regenerate it's health. So take your time with it and look for an opening opprotunity....

Now's not the time though... too many slimes are alert and need to be removed. Plus there was an eye of devistation...not exactly what I want next to a royal jelly...

I want to exterminate it so badly... but...there just too much to fight down there to do so...


Well after a few more attempts Patch couldn't get too far, so she had to retreat up the floor and end her turn....

This concludes my run.

But just to note....

I kept hearing slurping sounds. I'm hoping this is just the royal jelly, cause... I mean usually that sound occurs when jelly's eat items.... *GASP*

Can't be possible....

Also be cautious. The slimes are awake and angry... Be prepared to the best of your ability.

And finally do whatever it takes to take down that Royal Jelly! As it's out in the open now.

Good luck!

And sign me up again!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 11:17:56 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #247 on: July 31, 2009, 01:27:10 AM »
This is it, the battle against The Royal Jelly.  Now, before we go in, let's get a clear idea of what it can do.

It's HP is absurd for Crawl, and from what I can tell, is somewhere between 200 and 250.  It's speed is 16.  What does this mean?  Encumbered characters DIE.  Hasted characters are still too slow.  Hasted and swifted means you're moving about the same speed, except slightly slower.  Hasted, swifted, and with boots of running, you'll be ever slightly faster than it.  We don't have that.

It also out guns you.  It can hit you with three acid attacks per turn in melee.  To make matters worse, if you melee it, it has a chance of splashing acid on you.  Even better, every time you hit it, there's about a 75% it'll have offspring of about three other rank 1 slimes.  The kind that kill you.  Including acid blobs which can hit you from afar.

Remember, it's consistently killed the fire lord of hell, has a 50/50 rate on the cold lord of hell, and it takes the place as the second strongest monster in Crawl, only being beaten by Cerebus, the grand fire lord of hell who kills you with at most, three blows.  And that's for heavily armed fighters.

Let's do the impossible again.  With the proper music to go in the background.

Sadly for me, the stairs Patch is on is also the one where the Royal Jelly is lurking under.  Patch makes her way to another set of stairs.  She also charges that fire ball on the way there.

Cast swift and summon horrible things.


Patch went down a different set of stairs only to be caught near by the Royal Jelly and its vast army.  Some blinking later and fireballs and Patch has managed to keep the enemies at bay.  Sadly, the Royal Jelly has been continually pumping out more fricking jellies and at a faster rate than Patch can kill.  All but a few of Patch's abominations are killed.

But wait, what's this?  A single bolt of fire managed to take it from moderately wounded to almost dead?  Could it be?  I can win this in twenty turns?



Alas, our fears came true.  There were jellies in the vaults, eating the non-artifact items.  However, Patch has something more pressing right now.  She's currently at a quarter of her life, zero MP, and rotting.  See, the true danger of the Royal Jelly is not its speed, damage, or even insane amount of HP, it's the army that it has.  Thus the name, The Royal Jelly.  What to do?

Patchouli's Delayed Fireball

Delay fireball the three blobs nearby and channeled energy from Mima.  Patch then blinked to an even less desirable spot.  Time to pull out the scroll of teleportation.

RNG, you're AWESOME!

Safety.  Down one potion of healing to stop that rot.  Patch sits here and recharges her magic while she heals.  But the job is not yet down.  There's still a lot of enemies to dispatch.  More so, we've got to salvage something from the vaults, hopefully the jellies haven't eaten everything.

Woo hoo, signs of the fact that not everything was destroyed.

Second vault is secure.

All but one is intact.  Plus, we have a surviving artifact in the fourth.

Let's break in.

Staff of Fire, awesome for Patch as she's all about fire.
Book of Minor Magic [Fire], lame, dumping.
Dwarven Crossbow of Fire, lame, dumping.
+3 Pair of Gloves "Gadoitit", gives +3 str.  Okay, but we've got better gloves.
Book of Unlife (god gift):

+0 mottled dragon armor of Kaysoirch, gives +3 strength.  Eh, okay for an artifact, we'll be using this to carry stuff back up.
Book of Air, useless...
Another book of air, joy...
Book of Warp, don't we already have one?
Wand of Disintegration, awesome.

To hell Patch goes.

And what do you know, there wasn't a single useful cloak or pair of boots.  Oh well, back to the surface (and with only one load to boot).  And since we won...

You just got pwn FTW!

That's where I end this run.  Sure, Patch got another rune, but did we really pull anything decent from the Pits?  We lost a cloak, that's for sure.  Need some good boots and cloak.

Because MediaFire hates me.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #248 on: July 31, 2009, 06:31:12 AM »
OK one last round for me before I'm done for the day....

So where to begin....

Ah yes, I started by looking for a cloak to replaced the ruined one that was used up during the slime pit exploration.....

Patch only had to go down to floor 6 to find it...

I guess you know what I bought. All I had to use was one remove curse scroll and it's set.

I also payed one last visit to the slime pit...

Why? Because I noticed Ramus forgot something....

The potion of mutation. Ramus you know that those potions have some importance even with the risks. I perffer getting them. Also grabbed those gloves that weren't so good and the book of warp.

Brought them back up....

And then Patch went to the vaults.... why? Were going to the Crypts! But for what reason would be be going there? We already dealt with everything right? Unless...

Yup! Today I'm feel like in the mood for something differnt! So were going to one of the more natourious dungeons!!!!

The Tombs of the Acients!

I will let you know now, that this is uncharted territory for me and Ramus as far as I recall. None no much about the area except that it is filled with mummies... tons of them!!!

Sure mummies aren't tough in general, and they can be eleminated easily. But one thing we have to worry most is the mummies' curse!

Let's begin with the garden varaity mummy. Weak, slow, but can be a problem. As usual killing a mummy results in cursing you...

How? A curse from a mummy can do so many things to you....

It can curse your equipment, make your body rot, it can make your body slow down. It can drain you, it can make you paralzed, convulse in pain, it can even send you to the abyss, but it can also make your potions decay!

It's a matter of what kind a mummy you confront and what kind of luck you have. This is a serious problem since this place is swarming with them...

So what is there to do?

Simple let your summons take the heat! By summoning creatures to attack the mummy. They will recive the curse instead! And you won't suffer from it at all. Sounds simple. But you'll see what kind of mummies one must deal with at the tomb....

Mummy gaurdians

They about the same as the mummy, but they can arm themselves with weapons if they find any. Again, use summons on these or prepare to face being cursed!

I've also mentioned sphinxes befroe so I don't need to explain about them again and I'll cover the mummy priest later... however while I was fighting one...

Patch has now officially mastered Conjouration!

As we travel further to the inner section of the crypt we confront another enemy....

The Mummy Priest.

Mummy Priests are pretty dangerous.

They have the power to summon the powers of hell to wreak your health! And can smite you. And to top it all of... they can summon small demons and ghosts to aid them. They can make things pretty hard...

This is why as you can see summoning abominations is key to surviving.

They are strong and can usually rip things apart when they're are enough of them. But it's also key that when you tell your creature to attack that you know a little bit about your surroundings cause the last thing you'd want to do is alert too many powerful mummies...

Also when tackling mummies like them. it's smart to run out of range of the mummy cause it may still try to hurt you badly.Just make sure the abominations are doing their job.

After figting some mummies, Patch's fire magic went up to 18!

Crap! Fell into a zot trap just as I passed the gate!

Now I have to find a way outta here...

And so we see Lugonu's (Yukari, wasn't it?) Alter, if one were to be desperate they may ask for his help to escape this evil area...but then again....after all Mima has given Patch, what sain magician would switch now?! We'll find the long way out thanks...

The world has shifted in the abyss.... meaning new things to see and find.... let's continue to find the exit...

I will note I had to fight a few demons here and biggie...


Once she escaped from that demonic place. Patch was back in the tombs to continue her quest...

As I can't stress enough. Summon is your friend here. And bringing all your malformed creations and tentacle monsters here will benifit you! Also you may have noticed Patch's intellengence was drained a bit...

A side result from summoning horrible things. They will drain a little bit of Patch's brain power. But fear not it's only tempoary....

Now this here is the greater mummy. The worst mummy seen so far inside the tomb. And it's only the first floor! They are like mummy priest in terms they can summon the powers of hell and smite you. But they can all call forth a varaitiy of more troublesome undead minions and higher rank demons!

These guys should be treated with caution! They tend to love to beat you down even when surrounded by  your summons at times.  If you have to, get out of the mummy's line of vision while your abomination do most of the dirty work.

The mummies were guarding a book? Was it an awesome book?

Sadly no... for it was a book of flame (conjouration). Rookie stuff....pass...

And then finally Patch found a set of stairs that went down! They're the only ones too? What gives?

What could be on floor 2?

Well Crap! This looks like a serious problem. Were in the middle of an open space, with mummies in different areas! And to top it off a unique cyclops and some death yaks to the left.

I performed a massive summon fest to take on these guys. But sadly the mummies were beatting most of them down. I made some progress but there then mummy preists and greater mummies came on into view...

Now it's become a problem... time to pull up mummies from the second to the first floor!

Well it works at least it works though it's a bit tough....

Patch has to blink after luring mummies up the stairs just to avoid getting beat down by them... It's likely going to be a slow process so... My turn however came to an end...

So now it's up to whoever wants to take the courage to help patch take on cleaning out the mummies that are likely to surround the stairs to the 2nd floor.

Here's the file...

And I'm signing up for another round!

Which I'll play later(like when I wake up tomorrow), so Ramus, if you or anyone else wants to dance with mummies, sign up and I'll let you go ahead.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #249 on: July 31, 2009, 12:16:57 PM »
Sending devastation upon my enemies with abominations and shadow creatures?  Good deal.

However, I'm going to busy for a good chunk of the day, so I can't guarantee when I'll get the chance to play.  If anyone else wants to go, I recommend doing so, Patch is fully armed with an insane amount of power, more than she should have at this point.

So long as you don't get too hasty (in both the definitions) and don't mishit keys twice in a row (like I did), you should be fine.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #250 on: July 31, 2009, 04:38:10 PM »
However, I'm going to busy for a good chunk of the day, so I can't guarantee when I'll get the chance to play.  If anyone else wants to go, I recommend doing so, Patch is fully armed with an insane amount of power, more than she should have at this point.
I am still bitter about what happened to me in Slime Pits 6.
I shall have my revenge.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #251 on: July 31, 2009, 04:45:49 PM »
I guess I shall be after Zengar then.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #252 on: July 31, 2009, 05:04:21 PM »
Ok it appers some of you posted while I was playing...maybe I should announce my play before going on....

And as I said, this morning I would go through another round in mummy land if no one could play when I woke up.

So let's continue the story...

In this episode, Patchouli continue to dance with the mummies as she tries to clear a way to enter the 2nd floor....

It took some time and patients, but eventually it would pay off...

Now with the room clear enough Patch could continue her journey through the tomb....

And it appears mummies were come from door ways that had been opened allowing them to come in her in groups... There might be goods in them too...

While not seen here it's important to know that this floor was filled with also more greater mummies. Which almost happened to surround Patch once. I was fortunate enough the summon abominations lasted as long as they did to stall one greater mummy while I weakened the other...

What's this? An unknown potion? I wonder what it could be there isn't many left to identify.... I suppose I'll drink it.

Hey I feel full! It was a potion of Proridgge. These potions are like the equivalant to consuming a bread or meat. So they can act as a good alternative food scourse though they are rare to come by...

Oh an what mummy tomb wouldn't be complete without traps.....tons of them! Yes there are tons of trap in the small rooms in the tomb and it makes traveling difficult....

But what was already really strange was...there was only one other set of stairs....and they go up? What gives?

What choice do we have, we might find something out of this....hopfully...

Whatcha know a hidden path inside of what I thought was the complete area of the tomb's first floor....and a bunch of greater mummies....They surely know how to mess up a magician's day...

However the greater mummies managed to outsmart the abominations and get right next to patch and pin her in while one of them attacked...And because the abomination was too disracted by the tormenter that the mummy summoned...Patch had no choice....

This is just a small taste of what a mummy's curse can do to you. It's a dreadful thing to deal with. Let's be thankful nothing happened to her potions or equipment...

Did I also forget to mention that Greater Mummies and Mummy priests have the power to use Abjuration.... That's right, they know how to send summons away.
 Luckly they're only strong enough to make them last less as long instead of vanquishing instantly...

But made this floor section very hard was dealing with greater mummies. Because they came in waves one after another...

I seemed almost non stop. I was fortunate Patch's int returned so she could continue the summon fest. But with so many greater Mummies, Patch was stuck wainting as her summons had to do the dirty work..

About 5 mummy waves later... PAtch continued her way down the hall and dealt with more greater mummies...(again)

One good thing I can say about this area is that your experience poll fills up super fast. I had the max amount before getting halfway through this hall...

Hey there Duane, whacha doing here? Duane is a big eared unique who's mainly a fighter with some basic spells. Not all that tough, but not all that easy either. Regardless though, he was exterminated easily.

Finally some stairs, after all that insane mummy exterminating. Well back to the second floor...

And yes, it turned out this took me to a hidden area on floor 2...

Lots of rooms were down here...and so were a ton of traps... And yes, Patch stepped on a zot trap anf got frozened, but her abominations suffered the most. :P

Ah finally a set of stairs to go down....Just how much more much patch put up with....

Before leaving though, Patch decided to explore some more... she found an unknwown scroll and ID it..

This scroll is mainly good for turning a regular weapon you have into a vapolized weapon. Meaning a regualr sword can become a sword of slicing, ect.

Also if you enchant a weapon when you use this. It will usually make it hold that enhantment permamently. Like say you use fire brand. Then use this scroll. Your sword will permamently be a sword of flaming.

Get the picture? Well too bad this didn't come earlier...

And just when when she exterminated a flying skull before going down stairs.... Mima gave Patch another gift!

It's about time!!! Patch needed this badly! I know I told Ramus to use this before. But I really am serious about defect missles. It works good esecially against enemies who cast spells or any projectile weapon. It's a stronger version of repel missle. Doen't work on acid though, but I know it's good against most spells.

Patch forgot Mephetic Cloud and learned this...

3rd floor! Now we got another floor full of mummies at the start...can't be bad right?
Well actually the only hard part was patch's int was at 31 at this point. And still summoning. The mummies kept coming wave...

After wave....

After wave...

The mummies seem to be coming non stop...I even had to fight a few preists among the guaridans... pure madness I tell you...

Fortunately after a 30 or so mummies, they seem to stopped for a bit. Patch advanced forward and got the shoes....were they worth it?

At least they're better...

Patch traveled to the left and dispatched some mummy preists
and reached a door way patchy found...

A vault full of money! So yeah, she picked up the gold, the scrolls and ate the apples..

Moving onward...

On the right side.... more mummy preist were exterminated...

And another door... inside?

A vault full of goods! and I do mean some nice goods...

Lots of differnet books including  book of ice...

A manual on Air Magic...

An awesome ring of Kuur which was a ring of substance with +3 str bonus.

And also problably the best item I found here was...

A Gourdman Amulet!

An amulet of Gourdman has the power to make even the meat of creature you eat so good that it'll make you consume them till your fully engourged. And to top it off, it can prevent you from getting sick.

But for the effects to take full effect, you have to wear it for a while...

Patch could of used it long ago... but that doesn't mean she shouldn't have it now. It's never too late to carry this amulet around...

This sword has draining effects, has +3 AC. I wonder if it's any good though?

Also found an elven chainmail of cold resistance +2. Patch's magic wasn't affected by much, but her summoning horrible things I don't think she should get it. (besides she's got better stuff as is...)

Finally there was one last thing that occured... a Greater mummy snuck into the vault and attempted to attack Patch. And while fighting it and summoning her abominations.... something special happend....


As of this point now Patch can no longer level up but can still gain experience for her other spells and skills...

but yeah she's pretty much top level now. After resting my turn came to an end. And here's a picture with her at level 27.

For the next person who plays note this:

Patch is heavily emcumbled. She will need to drop off some of the goods she's collected back to the hive or some place like that. She can't carry much more...

There is still more to the tomb, be sure to look everywhere there could be more tureasure....

Be ready for anything.

And also when not in the crypt or tomb...activate gordman and stuff your face like crazy on corpse meat!

Finally do note patch's int has been drained a bit summoing horrible things.... I still expect it her int to return, but if it become a burden don't be afriad to drink a potion of restore ability or royal jelly. We got plenty.

Good luck and I'm signing up again!
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 05:26:47 PM by Totaku »
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #253 on: July 31, 2009, 05:41:05 PM »
Heh, you guys can actually forget that I'd take a turn, since I died pretty quickly :V(Stupid gangraping mummies)


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #254 on: July 31, 2009, 07:00:32 PM »
Pics or it didn't happen :V

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #255 on: July 31, 2009, 07:17:43 PM »
What about a Morgue File?

[pesco]Yeah that's fine too. Don't feel like making a post.[/pesco]
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 07:20:16 PM by Pesco »


  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #256 on: July 31, 2009, 07:35:29 PM »
165258 | Slime:6 | HP: 4/93 [shot self (26)]

Wow, I suck.

I'll be starting my turn soon.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #257 on: July 31, 2009, 09:55:10 PM »
Let's get going again with Crawl.  Patch is at 101% with the weight she's carrying.   That should be enough right?  I say nay, we push it to the limit with 110%.

BAD BAD!  119% weight being carried, too much!


This halberd sucketh.

I'm so sick of all of these mummies.  I'd just like to grab that rune.

Woo hoo.  Rune retrieved, time and space is functional in this area again, etc.

Count that, that's five runes.


Make a second stop at the Tomb.  And now to go to the Abyss.

1.  Drop all weapons that Patch won't wield directly, we aren't going to retrieve if they fall out of the air in the Abyss.
2.  Drop any elemental wands.  They don't do jack against demons.
3.  Pick up food.  15 rations of meat and 3 rations of bread cause I'm paranoid.  Also, ring of sustenance, ALWAYS needed unless you're undead.

Into the darkness and evil that I can call home, known as the Abyss.

But first we've got to find a gate to the Abyss.  In all likelihood, there'll be one here.  So let's beat up Geryon while we're at it.

Whoops, looks like I edited that image file at some point and replaced Geryon with Yuka.  Oh well.  YUKA!  YOU'RE GOING DOWN!

Two fire bolts and she's down to moderately wounded.

Yuka:  Relinquish hope, thou prissy ill-breeding flax-wrench.

Yeah, it's Yuka, in medieval format.

And she can multiply!  Also know as a Beast.

Hentai violence!

Alas, she doesn't last long against them.  Nothing ever does.

Fire hell.

Yaktaur (better known as Yaktard) Captain.  Think of a centaur knight, except it has axes, a crossbow, and its fatter.  Yes, Yak people are native to Hell.

The Iron City of Dis.  Think of it as the Manhattan of hell.  Pandemonium is like the Washington DC of hell.

That's a vanilla Yaktard.  Pretty much the same as the captain, just weaker.

Negative hell, Paladins laugh at this place.

Cold hell, where Patch is likely going to end up.  Is known to contain the horrible being known as the goldfish.

Anyway, as I got told over IRC, there is no gate to the Abyss here.  But still, I've got about 2000 turns left, so...

Who's ready to invade hell like a badass?

Welcome to the bluest hell you'll ever see.  We don't want to stick around before the over looking evils will smite us with the powers of hell at their leisure, so every staircase you see you want to immediately head for.

They may also send demons and undead after you.  The worst of which are the ice fiends.  You don't mess with fiend demons.

And you thought I was lying about the goldfish.

Gift from Mima, a book that we really don't need.

But it doesn't make it any less painful for me.

Patch, not ready for hell yet.

Hell is a goldfish.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #258 on: July 31, 2009, 10:14:35 PM »
Anyway, as I got told over IRC, there is no gate to the Abyss here.  But still, I've got about 2000 turns left, so...
Don't we have a sword of distortion that can do that for us?


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #259 on: July 31, 2009, 10:20:33 PM »
Anyway, as I got told over IRC, there is no gate to the Abyss here.  But still, I've got about 2000 turns left, so...
Don't we have a sword of distortion that can do that for us?


Anyway, spritesheet per Totaku's request.

Yes, it has to be a .bmp


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #260 on: August 01, 2009, 06:24:20 AM »
Ah thanks Ramus, though I may need your help with one more thing. But it'll have to wait till your online. We can talk about it later like on IRC.

Anyway, it's time for the next chapter to begin....

In this episode, Patch continues her quest in the tombs.

There isn't alot to cover though as Ramus explained most of it already...

Long  story short, more mummy vanquishing Hooray!

Also I picked up a new pair of shoes! +2 Boots.

Finally got the golden rune and left!

Course I had to return once more after dropping off my stuff to pick up the books and stuff that were left there... After collecting them, I took the rune back to the lair with the other runes and dropped off a few things before venturing down the lair...

Floor 24....

Ok Ramus, I was off count by 2 floor... -_-; Sorry about that Ramus.

But yes on floor 24 there are 3 gate ways on the same floor. The gates to hell, abyss and Pandamonium.

Also I leveled up PAtchy's fire to level 19 Just one more to go before I make start making a change in plans...

Down in the bottom left area is the gates to Pandamonium and the abyss.

Here's a map of floor 24's layout. There are actually 4 gatways...

Where I'm located is the bottom left, and the blue spots near Patch's location are the gates to the abyss and Pandaland.

In the top center is the gatway to hell...

But what about the one on the bottom right?

That's just a simple archway where the Bazzar Caravan once use to be... That's long gone...

Now let's continue our trip to the...


Now why are we going down here? It's because down here in this dreadful place is actually a rune!

Where? Who knows, they say you have a better chance finding it if you can last for a long time down in the abyss. But to be honest, I'm going to play it safe for Patch's frail sake...

Cause the rune can still be found, it just may take longer...

Ah....this is why everyone's loves (or hates) this place... Just look at that mob of demons. They all must be adoring fans of patchouli. ^^;

Hasting my way out of this mess...

Just as I hasted, the world changed around patch (go figure...)

Patch has been picking up potions here and there along with some bread so far, she's fairing out well. Just how long can she put up with it?

And what's this? An Angel in a place like this? And he doesn't look happy.

Angels are servants of The Shining One (AKA Shikieki?), angels themselves are imposing if confronted at lower levels, but at this point of the game they're easy pickings....that is...if Patch had some magic.....running....

Curses, I forgot to remove my consevation radiation amulet now I'm mutating....

Now that not bad though. It's like an instant gourdman! Cool! Now Patch is honing in on her youkai instincts. The only catch is veggies will provide a little less nutrition. But it's bearly noticable...

Awesome a cure mutation potion. I seems to be finding these alot lately. This may be useful if Patch gets too badly mutated...

Patch then found a gateway out of the abyss. She needed to rest before jumping back into the den of lions....

After fully recovering, she returned into the abyss...

This here is a Deava. A high rank angel with the power to smite. Deava's also have a good load of HP too and can hit hard. It took a few bolts of fire to take him out. But Patch got something good out of it....

A long sword of holy Wrath.

Oh and that red firey dog down there is a hell hound. They can breath fire. But that's about it.  They're weak to ice. :P

I also found some scrolls of weapon enchantment 3 and 1 down here. Used them with the new sword.... Still mostly this traveling in the abyss has been more of a game of hide and seek.

OH CRAP, it's my ghost! I'm not ready for him! HASTE NOW!

It seems Patch keeps switching between her Ortus amulet, Mutation resistance, and conversation amulet alot.... smoke demons really make thing hard when they sticky flame. And the demons that can mutate you.... plus magic radiation.... sigh.... so much happens here....

What can make this trip any worse? An executioner!

Executioners are high rank demons who mainly consist of a head that have many rotating arms with blades on the end of them. They are dangerous melee beasts! When they attack along they can do 2-3 hits. But when they haste themselves that's when they're a deadly threat doing between 4-6 hits. Thier dammage is moderate pure hit, but it builds up rather quick. Let's be thankful for a shield...

After taking out that feindish beast, Patch had to find the exit and with alot of luck she managed to find the way out...and so Patchouli rested....

And as of this point. Patch has passed the 5000 mark, thus ending her turn...

Anyone else want to take a hand at the abyss?

And I'm signing up to play again...which I'll do sometime tomorrow... so I'll leave the file open for anyone to participate in until I say I'm ready to play.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2009, 05:19:20 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #261 on: August 01, 2009, 11:36:23 AM »
FRICKING IN!  There's no goldfish in the Abyss.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #262 on: August 01, 2009, 11:40:41 AM »
FRICKING IN!  There's no goldfish in the Abyss.

You wanna bet?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #263 on: August 01, 2009, 05:21:23 PM »
Then again, it would be drop dead halarious if there were goldfish in the abyss. XD

I was too tired to put up the file last night. So if you look at my post before this one. I'll have the file up there.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #264 on: August 01, 2009, 08:38:43 PM »
Okay, who's ready for 5000 turns of hardcore survival in the Abyss?  Not Patch.  Not yet anyway.  First off, she's encumbered, which is bad on many, many levels in the Abyss.  Secondly, too many unnecessary stuff, we're getting rid of books, useless wands, and every single sword except for the two falchions.

But wait, what's this?  Unexplored territory on floor 19?  Full of water?  Good thing we have levitation.

X-Ray vision says there's nothing but water.  Could be the big fish vault (which I've already killed 5 of).  Lord help me if there's goldfish.  Levitation GO!

Friggin' yay.

So back at the hive, Patch gets rid of all books (minus the tome of destruction, that's useful on a constant basis).  All swords are dropped, Tukima's Dance will not work as I'm not going back to pick up swords.  Fully charged wands are taken, namely teleportation, disintegration, enslave, and paralysis.  Also, 14 meat rations and 4 bread rations.  8800+ turns is a long time to stay in the Abyss.

The realm of the traitorous deity, Lugonu.  Everything is corrupt, wrong, and horrible.  There is no good or evil, just pure chaos.  And I'm at home here.  Note the comment under my avatar, and the avatar itself.  Celestian.  Daily irony, now back to work.

The Abyss.  I'll be giving pointers as I go.

First off, power levels are not consistent in this place.  The hellwing is a rank 3 demon if I remember right, the alien looking thing near me who's name I won't even try remembering how to spell can be killed by a level 1 character.  Thus how I managed to get a level 1 vampire chaos knight to level three and find a rune.

Whatcha-meh-callit can just run fast and hit you multiple times for almost no damage.  The hellwing does little more than throw fire and teleport you.  Note the teleport.  For level 1 chaos knights, this is golden.  Hellwings will teleport you out of bad situations.

Smoke demon.  Can smite, can hit you with sticky flames, and blasts of steam.  All of them hurt.  KILL IT ASAP.

Press E to find out how many turns you've got left.

...and you get this message.

Crawl, you suck.

Fireball.  It works.

Random indeed.  Doors that lead to no where.  No where at all.

It's a dwarf reaver.

I still hate you Totaku.  Luckily, I sneak away.

So random demon killing later and a Abyss regeneration (it does this at random)...


Cacodemon.  It's a lot like Homer Simpson.  Fat, lazy, and overrated.  Despite being a rank 1 demon (highest rank before domain lords), it's pretty weak and really only summons minor demons.

Leaving early is for wusses.

Another one less than ten squares away, Crawl is telling me something.

Abyss regeneration.  From the looks of things, I'm at the 2000 turn mark so far in the Abyss.  About now, I have about a 10% of a map generating the rune.


Non-randart.  Go for it!

This mace randomly changed its pluses and minuses every few turns while wielded.  It also can't be cursed (yayz).  We've got a better sword.

Oh shi- it blocks every stupid shot I aim at it.  ;_;

TOTAKU'S GHOST!  WHY WON'T IT SHOW UP WHEN I'M NOT BUSY?!  Time for teleportation.

Only to be smited and hit by a lucky shot from Totaku's ghost...

How well does deflect missiles work again?

Oh well, a Daeva and fricking evil Dwarf of doom will end anyone's Abyss trip, or even dungeon trip.  At least not with spellcasters.  Regardless, follow the general guidelines here and you should be fine.  Unless you run into a Daeva and Totaku's ghost at the same time.  Then you're royally fucked.

No worries.

Also, there are no goldfish in the Abyss.  I checked.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #265 on: August 02, 2009, 01:24:00 AM »
Well it's my turn so let's see what I can do here....

To begin, I didn't quite follow Ramus's guideline. ^^; I just simply dove back into the abyss. ^^;;

Why? well I had a few rings that could help even out the weight issue...

One was that ring of substance that gave patch a small boost in str. And the other was the ring of Rarth. Because of it's levitation.

So how can leviation be useful?

Well for starter is can actually make you you fly over water and lava. But it also make your invitory lighter. Just what I need to keep myself going! Just note that it does cost a little bit of energy to use....

The trip started off slow...

Most of the time Patch spent the course of time killing small demons and watching where she traveled. And if things got ugly, she hasted herself to get away from the demons and abominations...

Then when she confronted an orange brain an killed it. Pathch decided to chop it up and eat it!

Note eating orange brains is a risk taker! As it can alter you in ways! But at this point in the game....mutations are the only way Patch is going to get any better...or worse...

So what happened after she ate the brain?

She apperently developed a resistance for the cold! And to top it off! She's now robust!

Patch now has 107 HP!

It's also important to note that Patch found some potions of mutation and cure mutation down there as well. She consumes the mutation potion...

She's now smarter!

Now a for some of the most annoying things of this trip...

Ice imps....not because they could do anything to patch. But, because they kept damaging potions now and then... those little boogers are an annoyance!

Smoke Demons... These guys seem to love to sticky flame patch alot! This result in some scroll being lost to the flames....Still not an bad threat but still they know how to ruin one's day...

And finally....Sun Demons....
Yes, that yellow glowing light with legs....  No matter where I was in the abyss I was bound to run into these guys....

These guys don't do much when out of range but when they find out they'll start running up to you and if they get close enough...IT BURNSSS!!!

So yeah there were times Patch just put them out with bolts of ice....and there were times patch had no choice but to haste and run...But either way... one thing is noted... where ever patch went....a sun demon was near...almost all the time.....

Patch was starting to suffer from magic radiation again... time to switch to an amulet of prevent mutation.... It helped protect patch from some of the mutations...but not all of them...

Her muscles flexable. Which means she now has better dex, but worse str....

And also she felt uncertain...which meant...Teleportitis! What does that do? Well the simplest way to put it is that it make you teleport at random! This can be a good or bad thing. Personally I find this a bit of a problem, but for now in the abyss it's saved me on a few occasions....

Keep in mind what Patchouli had gotten so far...

After lots of travel and countless running, resting and demon slaying....

Patchouli found a embroiled cloak, could this be something good?

Heck yeah it is!

This cloak allows Patchouli to protect her items from damage to some degree form the elements! Now Patch needs not to worry about smoke demons and ice imps anymore!

The only other thing she had to worry about are Draconians. Since they came in all differt types.. But I'm not covering them till later... Let's just say they are strong and require some work to handle....

Eventually after some more demon and abomination slaying...

Alright! Now it's the crowning moment of truth! Let's hope Patch can find a safe spot.

After finding a small area where it seem no demons were near, Patch called upon Mima's power...

She forgot, Ozucubu's Armor, Repel Missles, and Conjoure Flame.

This left her with enough magic points to learn....


This is the first time I actually got it with a high rating. Alone it has a great success rate. But with a staff of wizadry, it increases to Excellent!

Let's give this a test somewhere....

Patch find a mid rank demon among a group and decide to test her spell on it...

Sun Sign [Royal Flare]!
(ok so it's not flashy, Ramus used the image I had in mine, but still thanks for finding me something)

Now that's what I call real fire power! Smiting range charateristics!  A 5-6 tiles blast zone filled with roaring heat! And  to top it all off it releases flaming vortexts that can further burn anything they come in touch with!

This my dear friend is one epic spell and Patchouli was meant for it!

(Just remember it clost tons of MP...use it wisely.)

Also after so much hasting and other unperdicable radiations...Patchouli's magic was weakend and she began to deterioate...

This is over the top... Patch needed to get rid of those ASAP. So she ended up consuming her two cure mutation potions she found while down there...

This was the end result...
It's sad, she lost a bunch of good things, but it was what needed to be done if she wanted to stop suffering from the bad effects...

After a long time traveling through the crazy world of thee abyss being randonly teleported, fighting demons, and running.... it finally happens...

After the world shifts in one occasion....Patchouli winds up right near the Abysmmal Rune of zot! (Right near 5000 turns stuck in the abyss)

This was her chance! Patch needed to get the Rune now and get out of there.... Patch was overloaded, but decided to resort to her Rauth ring to keep the weight from crushing her as she levitated... while trying to find an exit...

After countless demons chasing her and having to fight them off.. she finally came across a gate way and escaped!

And so with that Patchouli, returned up to the lair... and in a total of 5800 turns...she placed the rune down in the collection she has been gathering (making a total of 6 runes)...thus ending her turn...

What is left to do now?

There is still Hell. A dangerous place with 4 different regions composed of ice, fire, draining and iron..

And then there's Pandemonium, the demon capital.

And finally, the Zot Realm itself....

What's in store for us? Stay Tuned!

My advice: If you feel we're ready I say we should go to hell and visit Cocytus once more. I don't think we can face more death as strange as death by a gold fish, but still... :P

Other than that if you feel we need to stock up on stuff I suppose a revisit to the abyss wouldn't hurt either.

Choice is yours.

Here's the file

And I'm signing up again...
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 01:26:12 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 37, MoTK : 2
« Reply #266 on: August 02, 2009, 07:09:56 AM »
hi there. i returned from China.
and i found this thread. very surprised to see it still alive.


1. how do you change appearance in the game again?
please post this tip at the first post of thia thread?

2. how to kill Anateus of the Cocytus hell....
Assasins can land several backstabs, even when he's awake. i was so amazed when i first found out his weakness.

3. Fire Storm SUCKs.
use: Poison cloud(spell or rod) + ignite poison.

fire storm alerts creatures.
poison cloud and ignite poison doesn't.
fire storm only creates a 3 tile fire in a tight hallway.
poison cloud will create the standard 9-10 tile cloud in a tight hallway.
plus they are much easier to use, less hunger, more success.

4. i found out a cheap and cheat way to save artifacts.
i save them just for curiosity but i am aware they spoil the fun of the game.
the artifacts i collected over my adventures include:
Spriggan's Knife(lol no bonuses when used by spriggans)
Assasin's boots(most epic boots ever)
Assasin's blowgun
Sword of Power (best item for warriors. Max Enchant is +20, +20)
Sword of Doom Knight +13 +13. (good for death knights)
Riing of Mage
Vampire's Tooth
both Staffs of Dispater and Asmodeus
spear Wyrmbane (slay drag)
Glaive of Prune (lol)
Glaive of the Guard (epic)
Sword of jihad (the angry stat makes it meh)
Mitril Axe "Arga" *speed  +10 +6(best time to be a dwarf!)
+7 +6 Sceptre of torment (Torments regardless of torment resistance. Epic weapon for mummies and high level Demons)
+3 +11 Wrath of Trog
+10 +4 trident of Octopus King
+5 +5 mace of Brilliance *holy
+9 +12 sling Punk *frost
+8 +8 bow of Krisna "sharna"*speed (centaurs ftw!)
Singing Sword (meh)
+13 +13 Scythe of Curses
dagger Morg
Sword of Zonguldrok (creates hostile zombies. useless sword then. unless you dont mind killing zombies)
+2 Hat of the Alchemist (rF, rC, rElec MR) (best hat ever)
Gauntlets of War (you should have seen this already)
Cloak of Flash
Cloak of starlight
Robe of archmagi
(also other randart artefacts, some better than these unique artifacts. and a ton of spellbooks including the Necromicon and Annihilations and full set of manuals for all skills, and cloned legendary decks of wonders with 4 Exp cards. and a ton of potion of gain stats and gain exp...the list goes on.)

i think thats it.
i still have more to go and collect, including the elusive Staff of Olgreb. i had it once, but that was b4 i found of how to save artifacts. the +10 shield BullsEye was also epic. also that "+20 something artifact Weird looking armour which name i forgot".......
if any of you have other artifacts, plz give the save file to me as i like to collect them.

if you like, i can set up a save file to download to include an artifact of your choice.

5. Chaos monsters in Abyss is a new monster.
i came across one......
not very interesting apparently. i killed it too quickly to see what it can do other than miss me all the time.

6. the Crawl 0.5 apparently is supposed to have new vaults including Sewers and watnot.
but i didn't encounter it in the tiles ver.
maybe its in thte ASCII ver.
can anyone who isn't playing tiles confirm this?

7. max gain stat is +14. (gah! why did they put a limit!)
so if you have more than 14 potions of gain Dex for example, its useless.

sign me up too. i wont cheat, promise!
in fact. let me take on Panda Zoo.
those new unique pandemonium lords look kinda funny.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #267 on: August 02, 2009, 07:21:06 AM »
im pressin "-" and it doesn't work.
i remember from Motk1 that it takes 2 buttons to do it.....
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #268 on: August 02, 2009, 07:30:59 AM »
then does anyone know how to change appearance in 0.5?

and if i sign up, which ver should i use? 0.5 or earlier?

Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 43, MoTK : 6
« Reply #269 on: August 02, 2009, 08:03:02 AM »
Well here's a nice face to see for a change. ^^

Anyways welcome aboard.

And yes we are using 0.4.5 mainly because we can't transfer the saves to 0.5 when it was released a while ago (which was during when we were playing this crawl relay).

It's been mostly an uphill battle but I glad other wish to give patchouli a go.

I would like to point out though that Patchouli is mainly skilled within the field of fire, ice, and summoning, (Let alone mastered Spellcasting and conjouration). And in this late point in the game I don't think we'll have much time to practice on poison (it's only level 2 or 3). Besides as of right now, Patch has been wreaking havoc as is with her new magic. XD

Oh and we have a Suika(Dorf Warrior) run as well.

As for now I follow what Koishi said and get v0.4.5, make sure to get the sprite sheet Ramus placed up a few post ago and from there just replace the tile file with that and follow anathe's instructions for 0.4.5. Now that hard..

Afterward just wait till Ramus and I get our turn done. Shouldn't take long once Ramus is up.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
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