Author Topic: [Intro/Social]Shanghai's Artist Coalition Headquarters(AKA Alice's Tea Cupboard)  (Read 222703 times)

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
I had an idea.
What if we collaborate and make a music album, sell it at some touhou event and donate the cash to a charity?
Oh gee, I just thought of that idea while listening to music (specifically unused PC-98 tracks) while thinking of how to remix it! >//////<

Then combine it with
And as thoroughly unrealistic as it is for all the Artists++ to make a compilation doujin, I must confess it is a neat idea.
*astounded*?????? :*

? Gweh, new page! o_o;; *hides*
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer


  • Demonic★Moe
  • *
cmon, let's do it

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
cmon, let's do it

8) :dragonforce: 8) :dragonforce: 8) :dragonforce: 8) :dragonforce:


  • The Great Southern Trendkill
  • *
  • Whats up amigo?
    • My Youtube
So whatcha got in mind? Just putting our individual songs on a CD, or collaboration? If its the former than thats easy, just gotta designate someone to put it together. If its the latter then  :X


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Hmm ... Last night I had this idea of organizing an "Exquisite Corpse" comic -- basically, we get a bunch of different artists together, and each one makes a single page, and everyone sees only the previous page.
I like this idea :3c

I used to play a game like this a lot with my school friends. Whenever we had free time we'd sit on the ground in a circle, get several sheets of paper, and each person would write one single line on the paper, then pass it around, without reading the rest, and following an especific order, such as "At first (line 1), then (line 2), and so (line 3)", and so forth, with as many lines as players, so that each player would write one line per story. After just a few minutes we'd have a bunch of completely absurd stories, it was hilarious.

Doing that in art form, each page with an artist's style, should create interesting results :3
It's also a simple idea we could arrange easily
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Oh yeah -- I found myself toying with the idea of running a Touhou Exquisite Corpse. Basically: a bunch of artists get together, and they make different pages of a comic book in succession, but nobody sees anything except the previous page until it is complete. It'd get more surreal than you know what to do with really quick. And this one would Touhou-themed~


  • Demonic★Moe
  • *
no idea. we should hold some sorta meeting about it! there's already an irc channel for it after all.

perhaps forming a doujin circle first?


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Well I'd get involved. It sounds like a lot of fun, if you ask me.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.

Um, that's what I said after you had already said it? :derp:
anyway let's do it fgt
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

In that case, where doing it man. Where making this hapen. *goes off to start new topic*

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
In behalf of the other musicians, please add:
Code: [Select]
[url=,6359.0.html]Acoustic Touhou Arrangements  by flamezero16[/url]
[url=,6378.0.html]Making melodies need love!  by Anunsew[/url]
[url=,6470.0.html]PT8's Tonedeaf Works[/url]
[url=,6703.0.html]Piano in Pseudo Paradise  by Squidtentacle[/url]
[url=,6884.0.html]Venture! Timid Youkai!  by Lloyd Dunamis[/url]

Quote from: Gappy
For those of you who want their art/music thread links replaced with a logo or icon, just post it here and let me know. Please make sure it's 150x150px, just for uniformity.
150x150, so it could be sized like our avvies? Hnn?
I'm wondering if the limit could be restrained similar to (standardized?) banners that most JP sites use -- small:200x40 ; medium:468x60?
That way, we'll save vertical space in the thread page as well. Eheh, just a thought :3

?Not like I'm creating one, anyway :<, though this might lead me to.
, perhaps after drafting my Ijiyatsu chara's design? 8D
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Dropping by just to say #Atelier-Magna is a very pretty and happy place where we debate art all day long and there's always someone sharing their work first-hand to us so yeah please everyone's invited~
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
I don't get to see you and others when I'm around though T.T

Agreeing with Haku that there's stuff, and experience, you wouldn't find here that you might see only in IRC >w<
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 06:54:42 AM by Lloyd Dunamis »
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer


  • Demonic★Moe
  • *
*epic previews of my songs only on irc*


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Phew! Finally updated the list with the new music entries.

Anyone else here who wishes to have their art thread posted in the directory, please post here~


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.

[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....


Thread where?  :V

Would help if you link your threads, thanks!  :3


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.

My bad.
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Hello Artists,
look at your Acolyte Gappy, now back to me, now back at Gappy, now back to me.
Unfortunately, she isn't around much.
But if she had someone to help out with tasks, things would be better.
Look down, back up.
You now have a second Acolyte.
I'm multiacolyting.


Anyway, as you may have noticed, Gappy's barely around at the moment due to real life being harsh, and stuff like the last Art challenge taking... was it two months?.... to judge is kinda not so pretty. And the current challenge is nearing deadline without any signs of Gappy around.

So to keep AAA running smoothly, mainly in terms of challenges and adding new Art threads to the Listing, I have been appointed to help out as a second Acolyte around here.
Anything you would usually contact Gappy about, I'm here for now, so don't hesitate to contact me on IRC or via PM.

I might also drop in on #atelier-magna from time to time if something's up, else you can always find me on #scarlet-library, the PSL-channel.

Well then, keep up the good work everyone and let's keep AAA the nice place it is  :D


  • The Great Southern Trendkill
  • *
  • Whats up amigo?
    • My Youtube
Sure amigo, long as boss aproved then I don't mind. Will I need to resubmit this months contest entry?

Also good luck~

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Sure amigo, long as boss aproved then I don't mind.
She doesn't know yet, since she is not around. I can assure you though that if there's someone she will trust with helping out here, it's me.

Will I need to resubmit this months contest entry?
Indeed you will. I will mention it in the Contest thread later as well. Since I have no idea if Gappy will be around when deadline hits, I would like if all entries were submitted to me as well.


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
you can always find me on #scarlet-library, the PSL-channel.

Why the hell do you think we're just gonna walk into enemy territory unarmed with a big smile on our faces
Think we're gonna fall for that?

Your strategies won't fool me :<
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Why the hell do you think we're just gonna walk into enemy territory unarmed with a big smile on our faces
Think we're gonna fall for that?

Your strategies won't fool me :<
Well, Gappy got the idea for an AAA-channel from PSL in the first place.

Also, due to her inactivity Gappy's nick and consequently #atelier-magna were unregistered, so I re-registered the channel. So... I now own both the AAA- and PSL-channels. How's that for a take-over? :V


  • Demonic★Moe
  • *
Well, Gappy got the idea for an AAA-channel from PSL in the first place.
*takes a sip from tea*
This must be taking a lot of time from you, dear Sakana. *smiles* I have yet to see someone with as much dedication as you.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Cause we're at war with the library and because we want to be just like them, but better Because the possibility of a separate IRC channel for the Atelier was discussed earlier with a certain librarian, I thought it'd be nice to set it up for our Atelier community.

But really, drop the sarcasm please, there's no reason to be so edgy. If you don't like me helping out here, say so outright and propose another course of action.

Welcome to the Atelier, Sakana. And good luck.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


  • Demonic★Moe
  • *
But really, drop the sarcasm please, there's no reason to be so edgy. If you don't like me helping out here, say so outright and propose another course of action.
there was no sarcasm in there!
sorry if it seemed like that.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
there was no sarcasm in there!
sorry if it seemed like that.
Okay, sorry for misinterpreting. ^^


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Heh :smug:
You take stuff too seriously
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

I'm in need of some artistic assistance with Create.swf Adventures (I didn't really get any response on my own site, and when I emailed the people who did say they were interested I didn't get any response); the "show me some example-work" bit probably won't be necessary because, well, people here have already posted art and I can go look. ;)

But yeah, can anyone help out a bit, if they have some time?