Author Topic: Weekly Writing Challenge Thread the First  (Read 489066 times)


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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #420 on: September 28, 2010, 05:09:09 AM »
That's also an excellent way to introduce yourself here, too. Nice work on such a well-done grand entrance!

If I may make just one teensy little suggestion - try using the 'horizontal rule' tag instead of triple x's for your scene breaks. It's [hr], if you're curious.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #421 on: September 28, 2010, 07:16:27 AM »
itt I actually enter something. this whole idea started a few weeks ago when esi showed me this (danbo etc) and I was like DUDE SPY CIRNO. also speaking of esi he insists that I use the music he found so they will be asterisked at appropriate scenes.

   Something stunk. Cirno paced around back of the van, stroking her chin. Wriggle sighed and continued monitoring the manor they were parked in front of via her extensive computer system lodged in the back.

   ?Stop freaking out.?

   ?Hmph.? Cirno folded her arms and leaned over Wriggle?s chair. ?You sayin? you don?t think this job is a bit weird??

   ?It?s not weird. We get asked to steal information by masked people with voice modulators over secure internet connections all the time.?

   ?That?s not the point.? Cirno ground her teeth together. ?It?s. Something. Something is off.?

   ?Well,? Wriggle let out a long breath and leaned back in her chair. ?They did give us an entry plan. That?s weird, but I?m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.?

   ?I?m not too fond of that plan either!? Cirno straightened up and put her hands behind her head. ?Sneaking in through a party! I?d rather just break in at night. Dressing up in fancy gowns isn?t my kinda thing; I don?t get why Mystia likes it so much.?

   Wriggle leaned over and pulled open a cupboard under one of the consoles. ?You?re not the kind of person to understand girly things like that, I guess.?

   ?You?re the last person I want to hear that from.?

   ?The hell?s that supposed to mean?? Wriggle growled as she pulled out some expensive looking fabrics and stitching set. ?I?m very feminine. See? I sew.?

   ?You sew listening devices and bullet proof weaves into clothes. That?s hardly feminine.? Cirno crossed her arms and leaned against the flickering panels behind her.

   ?That?s...? Wriggle furrowed her eyebrows into a frustrated glare. ?Okay, so that?s true. But I made this!? She held up what was the upper half of a partially completed purple party dress. ?It?s for Myschi, since you ruined her last one.?

   ?-I- didn?t ruin it. ?Enemy gunfire- ruined it.? Cirno waved her finger at Wriggle. ?It was too poofy anyway.?

   ?She wouldn?t have been in the path of ?enemy gunfire- if it wasn?t for your plan!? Wriggle set the dress along her keyboard and started cutting at a larger piece of fabric. ?I hate it when Myschi?s on the front like that...? She began folding the fabric she had just cut. ?So I?m making this from scratch to ensure  she?s protected. Which is feminine.?

   ?Making a bullet proof gown isn?t feminine.?

   ?Yeah, you sew frills onto something and tell me it?s not feminine.?

   ?Well, you?? Cirno?s rebuttal was cut off by movement on the monitor. ?Hey, is that the owner of this shack??

   ?Huh?? Wriggle blinked and looked up from the unfinished dress. She grabbed the computer?s mouse and clicked zoom a few times, focusing in on the elaborate outdoor garden. A man?s pixellated body was center stage on the monitor.

   ?This looks like crap.? Cirno tapped the screen with her finger. ?Can?t you enhance the image or something??

   ?Uh. No.? Wriggle?s antennae twitched. ?Stop watching crime dramas.?

   ?I don?t see what that?? Another figure appeared on the screen, speaking to the man. ?Who?s that??

   ?Um.? Wriggle used a little analog stick to move the camera. ?Looks familiar.?

   ?Wait, isn?t that Rinnosuke??

   ?The art appraiser?? Wriggle hummed and leaned in closer to the monitor. ?Yeah, looks like it.?

   ?I see.? Cirno rubbed the tip of her chin. ?The guy must be throwin? the party to show off his new loot.? Cirno walked to the front of the van and leaned over the driver?s seat, grabbing for a yellow folder on the dash. She flipped through it?s contents, skimming over the words. ?Ah, here?s something,? she began to read the contents aloud, ?...just purchased the legendary artifact ?Sword of Hisou? and is planning on displaying it as the centerpiece of the ball. Because of this, much of the security will be moved to the center room blah blah blah.?

   ?That?s convenient. Leaves the safe nice and open.?

   ?Yeah. Convenient.? Cirno ground her teeth together again. This job was too easy on paper. ?I want the full team on this.?

   ?What?? Wriggle groaned. ?We?d be fine with just Chen. In and out. No problem.?

   ?I have a bad feeling.? Cirno muttered as she pulled out her cellphone, hitting one of her quick calls. ?Rumia? Yeah. We?re all in on it.? Cirno nodded. ?Yeah. Take Chen and... yeah. Okay. Yeah. Bye.? Cirno flipped the phone shut. ?Wriggle, could you get us the schematics to this place??

   ?Sure...? Wriggle nodded and began typing at her console. ?I think you?re just being paranoid, though.?

   ?Yeah, well.? Cirno shrugged. ?You look like a dude.?


   Chen knocked on the door tucked away in the corner of some shady apartment building long since forgotten by time. Two knocks on the top, two on the bottom, a firm pound in the middle and the declaration: ?Fantasy is Reality!? The door clicked and swung open.

   ?Chen!? An absurdly tall woman threw her arms around the younger girl. ?I missed youuuu, you need to visit more!?

   Chen returned the hug. ?Miss Ran! It?s nice to see you again!?

   ?It?s nice to see you, Miss Kyuubi!? Mystia perked up, Rumia standing silently behind her.

   ?Mystia, Rumia! It?s a pleasure, as always. Where are Cirno and Wriggle??

   ?Surveillance.? Rumia answered.

   Ran?s face lowered, her smile dimming. ?So this is about work??

   ?Yep!? Chen nodded. ?We need some stuff.?

   Ran sighed. ?Come in.? She stepped aside and closed the door behind the group. The apartment within was surprisingly well furnished, with plush carpeting, expensive decorations and a huge, -huge- TV. Ran led them through the living area into an office tucked in the back, and sat in a large, leather sit positioned behind a rather ornate wooden desk. ?What is it that you need??

   ?Explosives.? Rumia said. ?About ten pounds of C4. We also need our usual resupply of ammunition and supplies.?

   ?That?s...? Ran closed her eyes and did some math in her head. ?Gonna run you about ten k.?

   ?Wow, really?? Chen sighed. ?That?s so much...?

   ?Miss Kyuubi...? Mystia frowned. ?We?ve been having a really rough time, recently...?

   ?No one will hire us!? Chen whined.

   ?We?re running low on cash! We?re gonna starve!?

   Rumia shifted uncomfortably in her seat and tugged at the collar of her blouse. ?What they said.?

   ?Ugh.? Ran covered her face with her hands. ?You guys are damn cheaters. I can probably get what you need for eight.?

   ?Miss Ran, you?re so great!? Chen stood and leaned over the table, throwing her arms around the older woman?s neck.

   ?Yeah, yeah, I?ll have what you need in a few days.?

   ?Thanks soooo much, Miss Kyuubi!? Mystia clapped her hands together and smiled brightly.

   Rumia smiled softly as well, but she just wanted to get to the part where something blew up. It came as a great relief to her when the business was settled and they finally departed the building to head home.

   Later, the group reconvened at their hideout, a large former auto-shop turned to house-slash-garage-slash-armory. Cirno had a large printout of the manor?s schematics laid out across a table in their War Room-slash-Dining Room, heavily modified with a lot of red marker. The plan was set.

   ?So we all good?? Cirno leaned back and folded her arms.

   ?I?m okay with this.? Mystia smiled. Rumia nodded silently.

   ?That safe won?t be an issue.? Chen pat herself on the chest.

   Wriggle rubbed the back of her head. ?I don?t think their system will pose any problems, either.?

   ?Good.? Cirno gave a confident grin.

   ?But, um.? Mystia eyed her confident leader with a bemused expression. ?Cirno. Wriggle. Why are you... um, covered in bruises??

   Cirno and Wriggle began to laugh uncomfortably. ?I?m gonna load the van with weapons.? Cirno stood and strode out of the room.

   ?I?m gonna go research the security system.? Wriggle, too, excused herself.

   ?They got into a fight, didn?t they...?? Mystia sighed, folding her arms across her chest.

   Chen nodded. ?Yeah, no doubt about it.?

   ?They seem fine, though, so I wouldn?t worry.? Rumia was now pouring over the building schematics, marking certain spots with tiny xs and smiling devilishly as she did so. ?We have a robbery to prepare for, so let?s get to it.?

   The next several days were spent cleaning guns, checking and double-checking the van(both the van itself and its computer systems), going over the plan and eating a lot of cheap yogurt and fast food. When the day finally came around, Cirno was tense. The rest of the team was as normal as could be, but Cirno still couldn?t shake that feeling that something wasn?t right.

   ?Well, have fun, ladies.? Wriggle grinned as the rest of the group jumped out of the back of the van.

   ?Don?t look so smug.? Cirno huffed. ?Next time I?ll be the one covering you in glitter.? Wriggle paled a bit before slamming the van door shut.

   ?What, you don?t like makeup, Cirno?? Mystia teased, looking glamorous in her cosmetics and elaborate purple themed gown.

   ?Not at all. I look just fine without it.? Cirno crossed her arms.

   ?We need to blend in.? Chen pointed out, looking slightly out of place in her Chinese-themed dress.

   Rumia silently nodded, her simple black gown contrasting with her blonde hair and pale skin.

   ?I know, I know.? Cirno threw her arms in the air. ?But I still don?t like it. Or these puffy clothes.?

   *The group reached the front door, where a large man in a tuxedo was checking for invitations. They each flashed him their (forged) paperwork(another generous donation of their employer), and he let them pass. The simplicity of it made Cirno grind her teeth together.

   Once inside, the sound of a waltz flooded their ears. Cirno broke off from the group to assess the main ballroom while Mystia, Chen and Rumia headed off to the restroom. Mystia rushed ahead and caught the attention of another tuxedoed guard standing at the entrance to the bathrooms. ?Excuse me! Could you answer a question for me?? She flashed him her brightest smile, while Rumia and Chen slipped into the restroom behind his back.

   Once inside, Chen and Rumia made practiced small talk at the mirror while waiting for the room to empty. As soon as the last woman was out the door, the two climbed to a ventilation shaft situated above one of the stalls. Quick and quiet, the two were gone and the vent was replaced.

   Rumia brought her bracelet to her mouth. ?We?re in.?

   The words came across their communications link into a small device in everyone?s ear. Mystia excused herself from the guard and hurried across the floor to find Cirno. She found their azure haired leader entertaining herself at the punch bar.

   ?So far so good~.? She smiled.

   Cirno nodded. ?Yeah. I wish guys would stop asking me to dance, though.? Mystia opened her mouth to respond, but Cirno kept speaking, ?the guards are all armed. Pistols and I think the ones with canes are actually ones with cane swords.?

   ?That?s kind of impractical.? Mystia put her hands on her hips and tilted her head.

   ?Someone probably thinks it looks cool.? Cirno shrugged. ?Anyway, we need to move on to the next phase of the plan.?

   ?No problem,? Mystia winked and disappeared into the crowd.

   The waltz continued, men in elaborate aged getups and women in overdesigned gowns with dresses that flew almost too high with each spin. Now that the plan was in motion, Cirno had time to take in the surroundings. The attire here was far too gaudy for her liking(though she felt quite snappy in her own getup), and the armed tuxedo-guards made her feel nervous. While she waited for everyone to get in to position, she strode over to the center area where the Sword of Hisou was on display.

   It wasn?t as big as she had expected. About three-and-a-half feet in length, yellow in color with odd black runes etched into the blade itself. It reflected light with an odd red hue Cirno couldn?t explain. She began to tap her foot impatiently. ?Report,? she muttered into the comm unit sewn into her collar.

   ?My, you?re quite the dancer!? Mystia?s voice was the first to respond. Cirno gave a sigh of relief, catching sight Mystia in the dancing crowd with the owner of the manor?and the Sword of Hisou.

   ?I?m in position.? Chen was next. ?I?m ready to go for the safe on your call, Cirno.?

   ?I?m about half way through planting our backup plan.? Rumia?s voice crackled over their radio. ?We can set them off when we?re done, right??

   ?No.? Cirno responded quickly. Rumia gave a disappointed sigh and went silent.

   ?Wriggle, are you ready??

   ?Yes, I just finished up here.? There was a distinct sound of clacking keys. ?I have access to all their cameras, automated locking systems and personel files, blah blah blah.?

   ?Are you ready to direct Chen??


   ?Just give me the word, Wriggle.? Chen?s voice was tense with excitement.

   Wriggle looked over her monitors. ?Let?s see. There?s one guard patrolling the hallway directly beneath you. Take him out and stow him in the room to the north. It?s a broom closet.?

   Chen silently lifted the grate of the ventilation shaft. Below her, the guard had conveniently paused to fix the tie of his tuxedo. She took the chance to strike, diving out of the opening and striking at the nape of the man?s neck with a vicious kick. A small groan escaped his lips as he fell to the ground, unconscious.

   She quickly hefted the man?s body up and dragged him into the broom closet. ?Okay, now what?? Chen began searching the closet.

   ?Exit the closet and go down the hallway to your left.? Wriggle, in the van, was tracing over the schematics. ?The door at the very end will lead into the main office, and the safe is located at the far end of the room.?

   Chen had found a roll of duct tape and had already bound the man?s arms and legs and disarmed him. ?Any guards in the room?? She asked as she slapped a piece over his mouth.

   ?Two. They?re watching TV.?

   Chen nodded to herself and exited the closet. She darted down the hall soudlessly like a gust of wind. She flung the door open and immediately assessed where the two men were. As they were turning their heads in confusion and surprise, she dashed across the room and pounched on one, throwing him to the ground and striking his solar plexus. The second man was above her, having drawn his pistol and was lining up a shot. She struck out with her leg, kicking the weapon from his hand and sending it flying across the room. Before he could regain his balance, Chen twisted her body and kicked the man again, this time across the face, sending him sprawling to the ground.

   When Chen was confident that both men were unconscious, she bound their bodies with the tape and collected their weapons. She strode across the room?filled with all sorts of expensive looking furniture and decorations. Behind the main desk, there was a large portrait of the owner of the manor. Chen smirked and removed it from the wall, revealing a large safe locked by a dial and keypad.

   ?I found the safe.? Chen reported as she withdrew a small fingerprinting set from her pocket. ?Just give me a few minutes.?

   ?Right.? Cirno responded. ?Good luck, Chen.? She had taken to walking slowly around the dance, keeping a keen eye on Mystia and the owner.

   ?This is Rumia. I finished planting the explosives, so I?m going to link up with Chen.?

   ?Why me??

   There was a slight pause and a small cough from Rumia. ?In case you need help.?

   Chen grinned to herself as she began dusting the keypad. ?I?m not going to need any help, but you?re welcome to come and watch.?

   Cirno continued pacing around the party. She was getting tired of turning down dance requests and the minutes felt like they were dragging into hours. As she waited for Chen to report in again, the normally tense feeling and mental preparation of an alarm was tripled by the unnerving feeling that something was wrong.

   The music suddenly died down, and a tuxedo-guard strode across the floor and gave the owner a microphone. ?Hello, I?d like to thank you all for coming!? The crowd parted around him. Cirno grit her teeth as it became apparent that the man was still holding on to Mystia. She wore a pleasant face, but something about her eyes told Cirno that she wasn?t in a safe situation.

   ?Wriggle!? Cirno hissed .?Something?s up. I need you to activate the spr?Wriggle?? The white noise of the comm was dead. There was just silence. Cirno quitely swore, not taking her eyes away from Mystia.

   The man reached within the pocket of his king-styled suit and withdrew a shiny, silver plated pistol. ?But it?s time for you all to leave.? There were disconcerted murmurs through the crowd as people slowly started shuffling towards the door. Their calm reaction to the situation frustrated Cirno?these people were clearly used to such things and not the normal rich simpletons she had pegged them for. ?However, to the thief in this room, I would like to request that you stay.? He drew the gun to Mystia?s head. ?Or your friend dies.?

   *Slowly, the crowd trickled out of the manor until all that remained were Cirno, Mystia, the man with the gun, and his legion of guards. As the door shut on the last of the guests, the man began to laugh. ?Man, I can?t believe how lucky I am. Having YOU guys rob ME.? He chuckled again, pressing the barrel of the gun uncomfortably close to Mystia?s face. ?You have any idea how much certain people are willing to pay for your heads on a silver platter??

   ?I wouldn?t sound so confident just yet.? Mystia?s normal floaty voice was gone, replaced by a lower, annoyed sounding voice. ?You?re really underestimating us.?

   The man laughed again. ?What, got some ?secret weapon?? This isn?t the movies... whatever little trick you have won?t be enough to stop all my men.?

   Cirno swore again. If only the comms were working, she could signal Rumia and Wriggle. If only there was some water...

   The sprinkler system activated. A smile grew across Cirno?s face and Mystia noticeably became less tense. The man looked up, annoyed by the water. ?Is this it? Your secret wea?? an icicle shot through the man?s shoulder, cutting off his sentence and causing him to release his hold on Mystia.

   ?Yeah. It is.? Cirno was grinning madly, her eyes now gently radiating a soft blue light. Mystia took advantage of her captor?s surprise and stomped on his foot, twirling on her heel and ramming him in the stomach with her elbow. The man went flying back and collided with a table. Cirno rushed forward to Mystia and grabbed her arm.

   ?What are you waiting for?!? The man yelled, clutching his arm. ?Kill them!!?

   Cirno stomped on the ground, knocking up water around her foot. A sphere of ice grew and surrounded the two moments before the guards opened fire. The sounds of cracking ice surrounded the two as the wall absorbed the bullets.

   ?...rno! Myschi!? Wriggle?s voice came over the comm. ?Someone, respond!?

   ?Wriggle!? Mystia gave a sigh of relief.

   ?Something knocked out our comms, so I kicked on the sprinklers.?

   ?Saved our lives!? Cirno smiled.? Rumia, Chen, do you read? They know we?re here, you?re in danger!?

   ?Oh, is that fuckin? so?!? Rumia?s voice came with the sound of gunfire.

   ?We?re pinned down behind the desk!? Chen yelled. ?I?m glad that rich people use such thick wood, but we can?t get out of here!?

   ?We?re pinned down, too!? Cirno ducked as a bullet broke through the upper portion of the sphere, raining shards of ice on them. ?Wriggle, we need an exit strategy!?

   ?Dammit.? Wriggle hissed. ?The front door is the only way out. You need to get rid of some of those men somehow!?

   ?Rumia!? Cirno shouted as another bullet broke through the shield. ?Do it!!?

   ?I?ve been waiting to hear that!? Rumia smiled as she drew a small switch out of her pocket. She hesitated for a moment and then pulled another piece of plastic explosive from her pocket and shaped it into a ball. She pulled a detonator from her stocking and shoved it into the C4, before hurling it over the desk into the crowd of guards covering the room. And then she flipped the switch.

   A thunderous explosion shook the building as the explosives simultaneously detonated, throwing rock and wood shrapnel across the main hall, shattering even Cirno?s ice wall. Under the cover of the smoke and mist, Mystia dove under a large table. The tips of Cirno?s fingers on her right hand glowed the same color as her eyes, and she drew a blade of ice from the air.

   ?W-What are you?!? The owner of the manor stood, clutching another bleeding wound.

   ?Just a mercenary.? Cirno answered. ?Why? Feel a chill down your spine??

   ?Did you seriously just use a chill pun?? Wriggle?s voice came over the comm. Cirno ignored her.

   Guards were beginning to flee the building. The man growled and yelped. ?Whoever kills her gets a hundred thousand dollars!? This proposition was enough to stop some of the men from fleeing, and to motivate others from the ground.

   A guard drew a gun, but before he could point it, the metal had already become so cold it blistered his hand. Another guard pulled a thin sword out of his cane and lunged at Cirno, but a quick flash of her blade and his weapon shattered to pieces. One attempted to grab her from behind, but a quick tap of her foot sent a pillar of ice through the space between the two, slamming the man in the chest.

   Seeing this,  the rest of the guards saw fit to retreat from the building. ?Dammit!? The man hissed, stumbling back into a table. ?She said this would be easy!?


   Clapping filled the hall. A blue-haired woman stepped out from behind the broken display case in the center of the room, holding the Sword of Hisou. ?Well done! Much better than expected!?

   ?Who the hell are you?!? Cirno barked.

   The woman chuckled. ?That doesn?t matter. This was fun! But unfortunately, I have to get that data I told you to steal, so you have to die.? She lunged forward at a ridiculous speed and swung the blade. Cirno barely raised her own in time to block it, and a red mist permeated forward to surround her.

   Cirno pushed the woman?s blade back and countered with a swift strike to her side, which the woman deflected and used the opening to kick Cirno in the chest. Cirno stumbled backwards and in an instant, the woman was attacking again, bearing down on Cirno with a powerful strike that made her ice blade vibrate dangerously in her hands. ?But why?? Cirno choked out, the red mist surrounding them making it difficult to breathe. ?Why didn?t you just have us deliver it??

   The woman sneered. ?I needed the sword, too. What better way to get that than to raise a little bit of havoc?!? She struck again, cracking Cirno?s blade. ?You did surprisingly well, but I?m afraid this is it.? She raised the Sword of Hisou again.

   A crack rang out through the room and the woman cried out in pain. A bullet hole had opened up in her left arm and sent her stumbling back. Cirno turned her head to see Chen holding a pistol leveled at the woman?s head. Behind her, Rumia was carrying a large sack that Cirno presumed contained the contents of the safe.

   Cirno looked back to the woman, who was wearing an arrogant smile. She kicked up a table in front of her and ducked behind it.

   ?That won?t save you!? Chen yelled, stepping forward with Rumia following.

   ?No.? The woman answered. ?But this will.? She stood, holding Mystia by her hair and pointing the tip of the Sword of Hisou at her throat.

   ?You son of a bitch!? Cirno seethed. ?Let Mystia go!?

   ?Myschi?? Wriggle?s voice came over the comm. ?Myschi?s in trouble??

   ?I want the data.? The woman demanded. Cirno growled.

   ?Myschi...? Myschi...?!?

   ?Dammit... Rumia, give her what she wants!? Cirno was studying every inch of the woman, but there was no way she could get an icicle in without risking Mystia. Chen hadn?t lowered her gun, but she too felt that she couldn?t make the shot without risking hitting Mystia. Slowly, Rumia withdrew a plastic-wrapped hard drive from the bag and began stepping forward.

   *?Myyyssschiiiiii!!? Wriggle screamed. A bright light suddenly flooded the room and what sounded distinctly like a van crashing through the wall echoed through the hall. The van spun on the slippery, wet floor and came to a stop in the center. The woman had momentarily lost grip of Mystia, who immediately grabbed the woman?s upper arm and flipped her onto a table.

   The back door of the van flew open. Wriggle stood with a vicious, bloodthirsty face. ?Get in!? Mystia was the first to respond, retreating from the woman and climbing into the back. Chen and Rumia rushed after. Cirno stood behind for a moment, and then stomped hard, sending a line of ice from her foot to where the woman was lying, encasing her body in ice. Cirno then joined her comrades, slamming the van door behind her.

   ?I have never been more happy to see you in my life.? Cirno pat Wriggle on the shoulder.

   ?Yeah, well, we?re not out of this yet.? Wriggle jumped into the driver?s seat. ?Cops are coming.?

   ?What?? Cirno blinked. ?It?s too... too soon...? She began to waver and threw an arm against the side of the van to support herself.

   ?Cirno, sit down.? Mystia pushed her in to the computer seat. ?You overexerted yourself again.?

   Wriggle had driven the van out of the building and onto the road. Sirens wailed behind them. ?We have company!?

   Rumia climbed into the passenger seat. ?We can?t ever get through a mission without a car chase, can we??

   While Chen and Mystia watched over Cirno, Wriggle was nagivating the streets of the city. She sped into a hard left through oncoming traffic, but the police managed to stay on her tail. She took a right through a narrow alley, but they still were right behind her. She gripped the wheel until her knuckles went white.

   ?Turn here.? Rumia spoke suddenly. ?Into this building.?

   Wriggle conceded, flying into the empty warehouse at top speed. Rumia closed her eyes and held a hand to her chest. Within moments, everything went blank.

   ?Dammit Rumia!? Wriggle snapped. ?I can?t see a thing!?

   ?Well... neither can they. Just turn around and drive slowly.?

   Wriggle wiped some sweat from her forehead before turning the van around and inching her way through the darkness. Not even the lights of the police cars or the officer?s flashlights could be seen. Miraculously, the van eked out into the visible night without colliding into anything, and Wriggle took to the streets again and the shortest route home.

   It was a few hours later when Cirno awoke. She had passed out at some point during the car chase, and now she was laying in her bed at the hideout with a wet towel against her forehead. There was a slight knocking at the door.

   ?Yeah, I?m up.?

   The door swung open to reveal the tired form of Wriggle, complete with deep purple bags under her eyes. ?I?ve been going over the stuff we got from the safe.?

   ?What was in it?? Cirno stretched her arms out and rubbed the back of her head.

   ?Money. A few files. But the hard drive is...? Wriggle pulled up a chair from Cirno?s desk and took a seat. ?It contains a lot of data about a crime lord named Yakumo.?


   ?Listen... this woman is apparently one of those secret players. You know, the types no one knows about, the kind of horror stories mob bosses tell each other??

   ?Yeah...? Cirno folded her arms. ?I always thought those stories were a bunch of crap.?

   ?The woman that attacked you... Tenshi Hinanawi. She was after Yakumo. And...?

   Cirno cocked an eyebrow.

   ?It?s Chen?s mom. Ran. This information links her directly to Yakumo.?

   Cirno?s face toughened, but she sighed. ?We can worry about that some other time.?

   Wriggle shook her head. ?No, you see... this information was sent to other people. If Tenshi finds them...?

   Cirno?s brow furrowed. ?If she finds them, Ran?s in trouble.? read about me playing league i guess


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #422 on: September 28, 2010, 07:25:39 AM »
It is expected that by the time the second song comes up, you should stop the waltz if it hasn't ended already. Nurrr.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #423 on: September 28, 2010, 11:55:20 PM »
Here's your reference.
Apologies in advance, but I didn't want to leave this contest unentered. :V


How long have I been posted at this dump, anyway?

Shou had stopped counting after so long. All that it had done was make her wish longer and longer for leave, but The Administrator didn't take kindly to people leaving their posts for any more than five minutes at a time. She hadn't truly understood the feeling of sleep deprivation until 3-minute naps became all she functioned on.

And what exactly am I here for? Protecting some stupid pagoda?

True, it was an artifact of absurd power, but no-one wanted it. They'd been holed up in this ship under orders to keep it safe, and it had been the easiest job she'd ever taken. The closest they'd ever had to a threat was some tengu journalist asking what was being kept here and who they were working for. As per protocol, said journalist was given an address to visit, where she would meet a group of young oni armed with paddles and be 'convinced' to drop the lead.

Sometimes she wondered if she was working for the bad guys. Then again, she'd heard the other team were sort of jerks as well, and the money had to come from somewhere.

Shou sighed, wondering if she could get away with a little nap. There was no way The Administrator could be looking everywhere all the time, after all. All her job entailed was watching a massive wall of lights and sounding the alarm if any of them happened to go off. There were lights for any and every sort of emergency, from 'Shrine Maiden Infiltration' to 'Celestial Temper Tantrum'. Of course, none of these lights had ever gone off in her time here, which sometimes led Shou to wonder if they actually worked.

She found out soon after she closed her eyes, trying to earn herself her first nap of the week.


Shou sat up so straight so quickly she smacked her head off the back of her seat. The contraption in front of her had started to let off a deafening ringing, as above her the voice of the Administrator rang in her ears. A trio of lights had lit up on the panel in front of her, spelling out a message. Just in case Shou had been illiterate, the Administrator was generous enough to yell it at her anyway.


She'd never understood the semantics. They were the Blue team, fighting the Red team. When it came to war, she always imagined the names being a little more...fancy. Not just The War Of The Primary Colours, something elegant and powerful, and what was she doing thinking this stuff when she had a job to do!?

"A red spy is in the base?!"

There was only one thing that any spy here would want, and that was the pagoda. Shou suddenly forgot her fatigue, jumping out of her chair and running for the treasury. She grabbed her familiar spear on the way out, just in case she encountered the intruder on the way there.

Bells were ringing all the way along the corridor as Shou made her way to the treasury. Surely after one or two the point would have been made, but a dozen seemed to be overkill. The ringing would probably hang in her ears long after she was done.


The Administrator continued to yell through the intercom, and now she'd heard it for the first time in months Shou finally remembered just how annoying that woman's voice could be. She still had vague memories of the time when, in order to 'test the intercom system', she continued to spout the word OVERTIME through the microphone, throughout the entire base, for an entire day.* If it were possible to punch a voice, Shou would have done it long ago.

At least the treasury was in sight, though. There weren't any bells in there, so maybe her ears would get a rest. With the door in sight, she soon realised she wasn't alone.

"Hey, Shou. Little help with this thing?"

Nazrin had made it to the room first, as she usually did, but she was struggling in vain with the door. There was a keypad on the side, but given the way Nazrin was trying to yank the door open she had forgotten the code.

"Alright, outta the way. I got this."

Shou nudged Nazrin to the side, looking down on the keypad herself. She stared at it for 5 seconds before remembering that she didn't know the code to this door either. She reached down with one finger, entering the first code that came to her mind.


Well, at least the spy wouldn't be able to steal the code off them at this rate. If they couldn't get in, neither could she-


A third voice bellowed out as both Shou and Nazrin heard the sound of thundering footsteps. A third hooded figure was charging towards them, and the pink cloud floating in front of her had long since transformed into a fist. The pair charged towards the door, taking no interest in the tiger and mouse standing between them and their target. Their victims took one look at their surroundings, confirming that there was no way to sidestep the oncoming onslaught.

Shou closed her eyes. If she didn't see it, it couldn't hurt her, if she didn't see it, it couldn't hurt he-


It hurt. It hurt a lot. The door collapsed entirely under the weight of Unzan's fist, sending Shou and Nazrin straight into the altar where the pagoda was standing. Perhaps inspired by the bells in the previous corridor, the trio were screaming at the top of their lungs.



"Aaaaaaaaaahey, it's still here."

Nazrin placed a hand on the jewelled pagoda, confirming that it was the real deal. That, at least, was a relief - the spy hadn't managed to make it here before they did. Now it was a simple matter of holding the fort until the intruder was captured-


The voice that seeped in from the outside corridor was suave, but severe. Three heads turned to face it at once, and were greeted by a short-looking woman in a black dress, with six oddly-shaped wings emerging from her back. She was carrying a body over her shoulder, but if it was slowing her down in any way, it certainly didn't show.


Nue Houjuu was the one mercenary posted here that they knew the least about. That was more or less in her job description - she was serving as the spy for this Blue team base, and spies by nature had to be sufficiently mysterious or else they were doing their jobs wrong. On that count, at least, Nue was one of the best in the business.

"I see the pagoda is still here."

"Yup, safe and sound."

Shou let a hint of pride work its way into her voice, neglecting to consider the fact that she hadn't actually done anything to help. Nue shot her an unimpressed glare as she walked towards the altar, still holding a body in one arm. She looked around the room, inspecting the shadows and finding nothing.

"Tell me...did any of you happen to kill a Red Spy on the way here?"

She let the question hang in the air for a moment, waiting for a response. She received nothing.


Nue's face fell.

"Then we still have a problem."

She laid the body down on the altar next to the pagoda, face-down. The unfortunate victim was a member of the outer guard - a young karakasa, still clinging to her parasol companion even now. As Nue placed her face-down, her allies could easily see what had done Kogasa in - a single white rose, lodged firmly in her back.

Shou grimaced.

"She's got taste, I guess...?"

Nazrin seemed slightly less impressed by the gesture, reaching down and grabbing the rose that had been impaled in Kogasa's back. Like all injuries around here, it wasn't fatal - the intention was to knock out the enemy long enough to either rob them or destroy their property. Painful as it was, it wouldn't kill her.

"Huh, no problem. I've taken out plenty of spies in my time. They're just cheap labour, working for the highest bidder and betraying their boss the instant a better offer shows up. Y'know, like you."

Nazrin attempted to twirl the rose around in her hand, a gesture that quickly led to a pricked finger and a dropped rose.

"Ow. ...No offense, of course."

Nue sighed, taking the rose from the altar and showing Nazrin how it was meant to be wielded. She spun it effortlessly in a beautiful but useless display of fingerwork.

"If you were able to defeat them, mouse, then I can assure you they were nothing like me. And nothing...NOTHING like the woman that the Red Army has sent to infiltrate us."

Nue's face turned severe as she looked down the corridor, watching in case anyone happened to walk in.

"They call her Komeiji. No-one knows anything about her other than her name and her calling card - a white rose, found at the scene of every infiltration. She's never been caught, stopped, or even identified. Without a doubt, she's one of the best."

Nazrin sniggered slightly as Nue continued to compliment the enemy.

"With the way you're throwing that praise around, you sound like her biggest fan."

Shou and Ichirin joined in shortly afterward, but Nue saw no reason to laugh. She sighed, pulling out a small file of papers.

"No, Nazrin. I'm afraid that would be our tiger friend over here."

She dropped the file onto the altar, its contents spilling out quickly. Shou's eyes widened as a series of photographs slid out, featuring two bodies in tangled positions, with faces of passion and desire. One always seemed to stay just out of shot, but her partner was a very eager-looking Shou.

The blood drained from her face, as quickly Nazrin's eyes moved from shock to disgust. The two had been something of a couple before, but now there was no chance.

"What the...but I...I don't..."

"That's one of Komeiji's specialties. She has a way to get in your head and convince you that she was never there. She uses you, then wipes your mind of ever meeting her. ...That said, it looks like she gave you one hell of a ride."

Nazrin was examining the pictures in detail, holding them up to the light and inspecting the various positions Shou and Komeiji had taken up. Some of these didn't even seem physically possible at first glance, but Shou knocked them out of her hands before she could look too closely. Behind, Ichirin was generally intruiged, while Unzan examined the pictures of naked women with an eager eye.

Nue, of course, was the only one focused on the job ahead of her. She lit a cigar, taking a quick puff before speaking.

"We know for a fact that Komeiji has already pierced our defenses. I found Private Murasa in the bottom decks, knocked out with no signs of a scuffle, along with our trademark rose."

"Wait, did she get to the bottom decks? The main entrance was covered by our sniper, wasn't it? If she'd tried to walk towards us, Kogasa would've filled her with holes."

Nue sighed, letting out a breath of smoke.

"That was the plan, yes. But there is more than one entrance into this complex. There is a second point of entry, one which most would be unable to access - namely, entering through the airlock on the bottom of the ship. Obviously, the trip would normally take too long for most people to survive, but Komeiji came prepared..."


This is ridiculous.

It was one of the latest technological the Red Army, but she had to question its design. Koishi was all well and good with these sorts of inventions, but she wished that the scientists developing them could be a little less insane.

The technical term for the device was the Electronic Water Inhaler, but it was generally shortened down to EWI. It did its job perfectly fine - she hadn't bothered listening to the kappa explanation - but the design they'd chosen for it was awkward, to say the least. She'd asked if there was any other way to work the machine, but she was told fervently that it was this or nothing.

Which explained why, if anyone were to be looking at her, they'd see a young girl playing a woodwind instrument underwater. They'd spewed some nonsense about pressing the buttons to regulate the gas levels inside the gadget, but the fact it also happened to produce a nice-sounding tune* had her seriously questioning her superior's professionalism (not to mention her sanity).

At least she got to keep the suit. This was an invention she was much more satisfied with - all the functionality of a wetsuit, but all the elegance and class of dining wear. It didn't have a nonsensical name like the EWI, but that was a good thing in Koishi's mind. She could take this outfit seriously now, and she did as much by adjusting her collar as she snuck onboard the ship.

Needless to say, she was relieved when she'd finished entering the override codes for the airlock. The room closed itself off, and as the water drained she allowed herself to savour real air for a change. She'd discard the EWI as soon as she got the chance - most likely the Blue Army would just think it was an instrument and pay it no mind. Actually, that seemed like a valid enough reason for its design, but not valid enough that she wouldn't complain about it.

There was trouble, of course. The private on duty would had found out about the airlock being accessed without her authorisation, and would inevitably be on her way to investigate. No matter, though - this was always the easiest part of the job. She quickly stepped out into the corridor, hiding in the first side room she could find.

"Gah, what's going on down here? Stupid computer is giving me false signals or something..."

In her state of worry, the private made no attempt to check the side rooms, heading straight for the airlock. By that point, she'd shown her back, and there was practically a sign saying STAB ME on her back.

She made no attempt to disobey the sign's orders.


"Komeiji knows how people tick. She takes advantage of the blind spots in your mind and exploits them for all they're worth. And they're worth a LOT."

Nue grew more serious with every puff from her cigar. Now, she was looking at the body of Kogasa, still lying prone on the altar.

"This girl here at least put up a fight, but Komeiji was too much for her as well...or more likely, she played dirty."


Sniper at the window. It wasn't necessary to take her out, technically, but it would save her from having to leave the way she came. That EWI was...kind of cute, honestly, but she had her honour as a professional to consider.

"C'mon, people...I wanna surprise someone with a bullet to the head, already."

The sniper clearly hadn't considered the need to stay quiet, giving away her location immediately. Koishi grinned, preparing another rose. This one would be easy, at least. She snuck carefully into the room, already seeing her opponent's back pointed to her.

The floorboards creaked beneath her.

Koishi only had time to let out a little gasp as the sniper turned around on the spot, quickly grabbing a parasol at her side and swinging it towards her. She pulled her head back, the tip of the umbrella missing her face by less than an inch.

"Didn't expect that, did you!?"

The sniper pressed at the advantage, taking another swing with her weapon. Koishi had more time to respond to this one, rolling to the side and disappearing from the karakasa's sight. No problem, thought Kogasa - all she had to do was turn around, and the intruder wouldn't have anywhere to run-


Nothing. She turned around to where Koishi had to be, the only place she could have stopped rolling, but the intruder was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes scanned the area intently, but they caught nothing.

"W-What is this...?"

Kogasa looked around the room in a panic, totally confused by her opponent's disappearance. She looked behind her again, seeing if this was all some glorious, incredible feint.

It was, to an extent. Koishi had been standing in front of her the entire time, and shifted back into existence the moment Kogasa turned her back. That was enough to end the fight instantly.

The karakasa heard only one word before she felt something stab into her spine.



Nue sighed.

"Komeiji doesn't play by the rules. If she's losing, she screws with your head to make you think she isn't even there. Some people say it's some sort of special power she has, one she got thanks to some sort of childhood screwup, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that we're up against an opponent who could be anywhere, at any time."

She turned back, facing the rest of her crewmates.

"And that includes in this room, right now, among the four of us."

There was a moment of silence as the room absorbed what Nue had just said. Ichirin was the first to speak.

"Um...are you saying that Komeiji could of us?"

Nue growled, but nodded.

"Her subconscious mind-screwery doesn't end with being able to appear and disappear. She can trick you into thinking she's someone else - mimic their face, their shape, their voice, even their personality to a tee. The only way to tell if it's the real deal is to attack them and hope for the best."

Nue was growing more paranoid now, concerned. Her voice started to gain a sense of urgency.

"I'm not trying to panic you now, but it's very likely she's here right now. She could be you. She could be me! She could even be-"

Nue's last sentence was cut violently short as a spear found its way into her chest.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Toramaru-san, what are you-!?"

Shou sighed, pulling her weapon out of Nue. The spy fell to the floor with a stunned look on her face, incapacitated.

"Come on, don't pretend it wasn't obvious! She was Komeiji, trying to get us to doubt each other so she could step in and beat us all senseless! Look, just watch. She'll turn back any second now."

Shou and Ichirin crept forward slightly, examining Nue's fallen body and watching it for any sign of change. They knelt down, staying close so the change didn't escape them.

"...Aaany second now."

Nazrin looked over to the altar, where Nue had dropped the rose earlier. She picked it up, twirling it perfectly between her fingers.

"...Hm. Y'know, I think I might have made a mistake with this."
Shou and Ichirin were too distracted to notice it at the time, but behind them Nazrin...changed. The real Nazrin, of course, had never been here - she was lying in her barracks, unconscious. Koishi had needed a disguise, so what better tactic than to take a guise before anyone even realise she was here.

"...So, we still have a problem?"

"...Yeah. A big, big problem."

Shou sighed, frustrated but hardly heartbroken. Anything was better than sitting around doing nothing, and she'd never particularly liked Nue anyway. She gave Ichirin a resigned look, still unaware of the spy sneaking up on them right this minute.

"Alright. Anyone here got a clue where to start looking for this Komeiji?"

She raised two roses, one in each hand, poised to strike with both.

"Right behind you."


The two bodies slumped to the floor without much resistance. There was no way either of them could have responded to the attack in time, which was why she'd allowed herself a moment to gloat.

"...Ugh. There's blood on my suit."

She straightened her collar again, grimacing at a nasty stain that had formed on her trouser leg. Maybe a swim out of here would do her good after all if she could get this suit cleaned. She took the pagoda, starting to make her way out of the complex in peace now that no-one was conscious enough to oppose her.

Her last deed in the building was to offer Shou one last touching, ruffling her golden hair.

"Ah, la mia stella brillante."

And with that as her farewell, Koishi disappeared, leaving nothing but a building of unconscious Blue soldiers in her wake.

Mission Accomplished.


  • serial time-waster
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #424 on: September 29, 2010, 12:52:17 AM »

Well done.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #425 on: September 30, 2010, 03:26:48 AM »
The restaurant is a terrible dive.  The lights are dim less to keep the atmosphere muted then to keep the customers from seeing how dilapidated the place is.  All along the walls there are pictures and reviews talking about the place?s older glories, but it?s obvious those are long gone.

I guess I have a lot in common with the place.

The only good thing about the restaurant is its off corp net scanners, meaning you had to hack the place personally to get intel.  And they have a couple of nice private rooms in the back, where people like me can talk business.  Which is the main, scratch that, the only reason I?m here.

As I walk into the back room my ocular camera takes a few quick pics, then tosses them on the public net.  There one of Hatate?s little programs compares them to previous shots of the back room to find the differences.  After about a millisecond, Momiji and I get the images back.  Voila.  We now know where all the hidden bodyguards are.

It seems like there are 4 this time.  More then usual, but still within nominal limits.  A proper runner doesn?t visit their grandmother without an intel run, backup and an escape route after all.

Fortunately or unfortunately, my specialization is doing those intel runs.  There aren?t many people who actually know how to use their eye cams out there, at least outside of professional journalists.  Hell, most journalists suck at it these days.  The new kids don?t know how to do any research outside the net.  Not like us old timers.

?Now what,? you may ask, ?is a journalist doing making freelance black ops intel runs??  Well you see, I had to leave my old job because I did a very bad thing.  I told the truth.  You remember the story about Hakugyokurou causing the famine that killed New Dallas?  The one that used facts, sources and proof?  That?s my work.

Of course I wasn?t expecting my little journalistic hissy fit to go viral.  But apparently some smart kid at SDM Enterprises saw a chance and pushed the thing all over the net.  At which point I found myself being accused of crimes I didn?t think were possible anymore, with a full battalion of corp bounty hunters on my tail.  The type that think not being dead when they kick in the door is ?resisting arrest.?

So I trashed my SIN, went off grid and moved to Chinatown.  Been working as a runner ever since.

Anyways since the room was mostly clean, Momiji and I take a seat down at the table to wait for ?Mr Johnson? to show up.  Momiji gives each of the hidden guards a glance, just to let ?em know we were still sharp, then she sets her katana down.  She?s the only muscle for our little group, but she?s damn good at her job.  I have no idea how she afforded her cyberware though.  Sure wasn?t from the security job I got her fired from.

We wait for a minute, then Hatate gives us the heads up, and our contact walks in.

When I see Sanae?s face, I can tell something big is going down.  Normally she?s all smiles.  Now she looks concerned.  Last time I saw her like this, the job was doing an intel run for a revenge hit on some half assed kidnappers that?d popped a family member.  I don?t like those kinda jobs.

She sits down, nods once to both of us, then places a briefcase on the table.  ?I?m sorry to do this to you, but I?ve got a rush job.?

This doesn?t bode well.  My pulse quickens a bit as I think through the possibilities.

Still I can tell by her posture that Sanae is in a hurry herself.  So I decide to wait.  First rule of interviews, hasty people make mistakes.  And in this interview her mistakes can save my life.

To be clear, Sanae is one of my favorite job suppliers, if for no other reason then she doesn?t have an obsessive need to hide from my camera.  That sort of trust meant she isn?t likely to shoot us all after a run, just cause.  And that?s always a good deal.  But a contact never gives you all the info you need.  It?s a corp thing.

The seconds tick by.  I?m good at waiting.  Finally Sanae continues,  ?I?m not sure I really want to give this job to you.  You?ve done a lot of good work for Yasuka corp, and I kinda like you.  Well I like Momiji at least.?  Sanae manages a smile with that.

I snort, while Momiji smirks.  Sanae sits up and says, ?First off, I need you to understand, once I tell you this mission you can?t refuse it.  It?s that serious.  And if you fail it, you will die.  So if you want to walk, walk now.?

Most runners either walk out or jump at the offer here.  Most runners are morons.  I decide once again to wait.  Or specifically to stall for time while Hatate looks up possible leads.  ?Can you tell us how much it pays without having to kill us??

Sanae?s smile widens a bit, but it quickly fades.  ?6.7 million nuyen.?

I feel my throat tighten as I fight to keep from choking.  I fail to keep my face straight that?s for sure.  From the corner of my eye I see Momiji actually start a little.  That?s 10 times the normal rate.  I hope that Hatate and Nitori weren?t drinking anything when they heard that.

However 6.7 mil doesn?t mean anything to a dead guy.  I push for more info.  ?If this is anything other then an intel grab no sell.  With that kinda money you?re better off hiring an assault team.?

Sanae shakes her head.  ?It?s an intel run.  In fact if the intel is damaged the run is a failure.  We need everything intact.?

Finally Hatate comes through.  The name ?Eientei Associates? appears in my matrix view.  It?s a big biotech company, lots of cyberware stuff.  Likely to have seriously dangerous security.

But then, I?m not the type to get caught.

Momiji gives me a slight nod, while Hatate and Nitori give their thumbs up over the net.  I nod to Sanae.  ?We?ll do it.?

Sanae returns the nod, then flips open the briefcase to reveal a huge mess of paper documents.  CDs are better in my mind, but paper is harder to steal via hacking.  ?We need some information from Eientei Associates within the week.  We?ve got a map of their corporate net, as well as their direct login access points.  You need to find these 5 files,? Sanae shows me a card with 5 names, so I take a picture and save it to personal memory.  ?I?ve circled the most likely places for the data, but it could be anywhere.  You need to get them and bring them here.  I don?t care what you do to the originals, just get us those files.  Intact.  Decrypted would be best, though we can do it ourselves if you get it to us a day early.  Casualties are not an issue.?

I have to ask, ?What are those files.?

?Something I?m sure you?d love to have on your blog.? Sanae says simply.  ?In fact if you want to publish it go ahead.  We don?t care.?

That sounds interesting.  ?It?s hard to blackmail people when you?ve already released the material you know.?

Sanae stands.  ?It?s not about blackmail.  It?s about survival.?  As she walks away, she says, ?I hope you can pull this off.  Because if not, we?re all going to be in trouble.?

I?m a little worried by the dramatics, but not too much.  Succeed or die has been the story of my life for the past couple of years.  I?ve succeeded.

At least, so far.

Sanae?d clears the room, so Momiji grabs the case and we head out. As we pass the bar Hatate stands, pours her drink on the pants of the guy who?d been sitting next to her, and starts following us out.

I?m about to ask Hatate why she?d done that, when the stupid punk jumps up yelling something generally obscene and flips out a switchblade.  As Hatate dashes past me, I turn to reach for my holdout piece.  Then there are two cracks from a silenced pistol, and the punks brain decides to try to escape his head.  I finish my turn but Momiji?d already reholstered her piece.

Wired reflexes are impressive things.

As me and the rest of the crowd stand about trying to think of what to do next, Momiji just flips the guy behind the bar a credstick.  ?Sorry about the mess.?  Then she puts her gun to safe, and goes back to walking.

There?s a reason she gets the same share as I do.

I take a few photos of the still to know who we might have pissed off, then I walk away myself.   As we hit the street I ask our resident decker, ?Why?d you let that bozo get so close to you??

Hatate rolls her eyes, then focuses back on her hacking, ?Damn wannabe was making moves on me while I was working.  Took my gasp at the pay dirt as being impressed with whatever the he was talking about.  Stupid fuck couldn?t tell I didn?t give a damn about meatspace.?

Kids.  ?And you call yourself a journalist....?

Hatate absentmindedly gives me a rude gesture.  ?I?m not a journalist anymore, remember Aya?  I?m a hacker.  Thanks to you.?

?You were never a real journalist to begin with, Miss steal other people?s photos,? is what I wanted to reply, but that would only start a fight.  And while she?s a shitty reporter, she?s an excellent hacker.  We need her to have any chance of success.

Besides she?s the one who clued me in to the thug army coming to sift my brain for information with an icepick.  And she?d gotten on the hit list because of it.  I kinda owed her for that.

I check to make sure Nitori was actually in the car before hopping in.  Pulled too many Taxi switches to fall for that crap.  The little Rigger kicks her machine into gear as soon as we were all in.  ?So,? she asks cheerily, ?I bet you want to see Marisa, right??

Nitori?s always on the ball.  ?You called it.?

?Why Marisa?? Momiji asks me.

?We need someone to help us with the security.  There?s no way it?s all going to be online.  Which means we need a thief,? I explain.

Momiji considers the matter for a moment then shrugs.  ?Well considering the payout her usual fee won?t be too bad.?

Hatate pulls herself out of net mode long enough to add, ?And we can get our cyberware checked while we?re at it.?


Marisa looks at the name on the card I flashed her and simply shakes her head.  ?Not interested.?

?Eh??  Nitori pouts at her old friend, Marisa.  ?I thought you were willing to steal from anyone!?

?I?ll steal from anyone, but only on my own timeframe,? states Marisa simply.  ?There?s no way you?ll have the kinda info I?d want for a raid on Eientei in a week.  I?d want a month of intel gathering before I stepped foot in the place.?

Well this is information.  Not the information I want but info none the less.  ?Why would you need that much time?  What makes this corp special??

Marisa frowns, probably considering whether or not she can skim a few nuyen off us.  I won?t budge of course, and while Nitori doesn?t have much of a poker face, she didn?t catch Marisa?s wordless bribe request.  Nitori?s the only reason we met Marisa, but she still is terrible at reading the thief.  Amusing how that works out.  Of course Nitori?s really terrible at reading anything other then traffic.  But her engineering and driving skills are second to none.

Finally Marisa gives in.  ?The firm?s biotech yeah, but military grade biotech.  The way they do high security?  They flood areas with bugs and chem agents and your clearance is they give you the antibodies and filters you need to not die.  Heard they give their employees a warning when they enter secure areas cause they?re polite, but anyone who?ll use smallpox to keep you out of their filing cabinets is not to be fucked with.?

Okay, this?  This is bullshit.  I?m good at being sneaky.  Hell we?re all good at being sneaky, but that?s just ridiculous.

Then again, the way Marisa's talking maybe she has another option.  Might as well give it a shot right?

?I don?t suppose you know a way to get around this??

I watch Marisa?s face closely as she chews her lip.  ?I... know someone.  Or rather Alice knows someone.  But I can?t make any guarantees.  In fact it may be worse bringing her along then not.?

Marisa claiming someone?s trouble?  They must be a saint or the devil themselves.  Still... ?Somehow I can?t imagine taking her along would be worse then smallpox.  Who is she??

?Used to work for Eientei.  She actually managed to get fired for ethics violations.  Somehow,? Marisa said.

Of course I konw better then to trust the official report on events.  After all I had apparently ?advocated the violent overthrow of the government,? even though we don?t HAVE a government anymore.  ?Real ethics violations or trumped up ones??

?Real ones,? Marisa sighs and shrugs.  ?Though I suppose she could have been the fall guy for a project that got blown to the public.?

I consider some of the ethical violations I had committed in the last week and decide to take my chances.  With an interview at least.  We can deal with the rest later.  ?Could you set us up a meeting??

Marisa reluctantly nods.  ?I?ll ask Alice when she?s finished jabbing electrodes in your friends.?

I shake my head.  ?I?ll never understand how those two can stand it.?

For some reason Marisa and Nitori both give me an incredulous look.  ?You had people replace your eyes, Aya,? Nitori says.  ?After the other two are done, you?re going to have Alice stick needles in them to check for retinal damage.?

?That?s different.  The eye cams are for real work.?


The interview with Medicine went perfectly.  The fact that she didn?t show late was a mark against her, but she did sweep the room properly before heading to the booth the rest of the team was sitting at.  Best of all the girl was all smiles.  The best way to avoid suspicion is to look like you know what you?re doing.

Seemed like I?d been right.  She?d been the fall girl for one of Eientei?s more questionable experiments.  She was guilty as sin of course, but these days morality was a good way to get executed by internal security.

Hatate of course ran a background check, and we spent two days confirming she could be trusted on the run.  But after she cleared out we had a new member, for the low price of 600k nuyen.  Most payable on completion of course.  Never run with someone who asks for more then 1/6 cash in advance.  You want being sold out to the corp you?re hitting to be a net loss.

One more trip to Alice?s chow shop later we had new nose nanofilters and antibodies for a slew of diseases that?s existence in weaponized form probably violated several of those old treaties.

Then came the hard part.  Hitting the place.


?So that?s the plan?? Medicine texts me as we sat in the subway.  ?Seems kinda simple.?

?Simple is best kid,? I text her back.  ?Especially with security this good.?

Hatate nods while pretending to be engrossed in her matrix game of minesweeper.  ?The better the tech security the less likely people are to question those inside the security.  Same with net stuff.?

Momiji jerks her head slightly as she pretends to scan the subway for runners like us.  I nod and go back to scanning recent medical reports.  Corp security would be scanning the local net soon.  They weren?t supposed to, but only a moron thought they didn?t.  And it?d only get worse on the corps internal net.  It was time to shut up.

Still Hatate was straight on.  When she?d hacked the net to put our SINs in the big database of wage slaves she?d found there were only two notes attached to them, employee or executive.  They didn?t bother writing down who was cleared for what, figuring their agents would handle it.

Bet some bright eyed hacker kid thought that was a real slick way of keeping things simple.

As the train comes to a stop I take a deep breath and step on out into the human traffic jam, quickly followed by my ?assistant,? my ?programmer,? and my ?security.?  I?d of course taken pictures of everyone when they were all dressed up in corp ware.  I thought Medicine and I filled out the lab coats nicely, and I know Momiji would be getting more stares at her "natural assets" then at her mechanical aids.  Hatate, of course, looked like her mom had forced her to wear the suit (it was Nitori actually) but it fit her hacker charm.  I?m sure on certain message boards pictures of her would gain an appreciative following.  Which is why I posted them.

Okay that?s not the truth.  I posted them to calm my nerves, because what was coming up is the most dangerous part of this whole mess.

I can?t spare a glance behind me, as I walk through the crowds.  A professional wouldn?t do that.  What I'm supposed to do was get in the security line, swipe my ID like a good like scientist, then walk on and start making money for the company.

So I get in line.  I imagine for the regs it's dull as all out, but for me it's like walking on pins and needles.  I try to pass the time by reading the scientific journals. 

As I sort through the half truths, I wonder if Medicine is doing the same.  Hatate?s of course playing minesweeper, and Momiji probably is as well.  Never did figure out where she?d got that habit.

Finally we get towards the front of the line.  I frown in annoyance when the idiot in front of me swipes their card wrong and has to do it again.  As the idiot sheepishly moves on I swipe my card properly, then walk through the detectors.  The security man sees my gun of course, checks to confirm I'm allowed to pack it, then nods me through as he see's I'm legit.

As I walk through the outside matrix nodes shut off.  That's the reason we have to go through this garbage of course.  No corp let the outside net in their buildings.  This isn?t the old days when hackers like Hatate could waste a system from the comfort of their own home.  You have to walk into the building and log in to their private network.

Finally I can look behind me.  I can?t go on without my support staff after all.

Medicine passes with flying colors.  I was a little worried that someone might recognize her, but apparently her fall from grace had been a while back, and largely unreported.

Hatate?s next.  She pisses off the security guards with all her eye rolling and sarcasm, but that was standard for Hatate.  When we?d started this line of work I?d worried about it.  By now I just figured it was in character and let it slide.

Momiji just flashes her card and walks through.  She knows exactly how far she can push her security outfit apparently, because the guards don?t even blink.  Seeing that everyone is all in line, I turn to face the hallways again.  ?Alright let?s get to work.  I want the samples all cataloged by lunch.?

Medicine plays along smoothly.  ?Sure thing boss!?

?Just remember to let me get on net before you start dictating,? Hatate says.

I start down the hallway while I pull up the special research article I?d prepared for this.  Accessing a map would set off all kinds of flags, but a report on underground science work by famed renegade journalist Aya Shameimaru?  That was good reading for a little corp worker bee like ?Maya Sharon.?  The fact that the first letter of each paragraph happened to give me the directions I needed for the building?  Well that was just gravy.

First thing I take a left through some vacuum sealed doors.  A little pop up tells me that if I wasn?t allowed into a Red clearance room I?d die horribly due to nerve gas if I didn?t turn around.  How thoughtful.

I ignore my hearts demands that it be allowed to run out of my chest, and passed the message on to my stomach as well.  My face would only show boredom.  I was allowed to be here.  The only thing that was happening was that security was wasting a little more company time.

There's a decontamination blast, in case we were leaving I guess, then the inner doors open.  I walk down the sterile white hallways, ignoring the random people in lab coats and suits walking around me.

I have to admit, I was very happy I didn?t die horribly.

I keep ignoring everyone as I walk.  They aren?t important to my perfectly legitimate job.  Let me see...  Down the hall, take a left, down two flights of stairs.  The reason my movements aren?t perfectly smooth is because I'm one of those jerks that reads and walks at the same time.  Not because I'm a spy.  Just another boring coworker.

We enter another security gate.  This time the pop up informed me that people without Gold clearance would die of weaponized Ebola.  Fun.  The decon blast hits us, then the inner doors open.

I make a mental note to thank Alice and Medicine later when I fail to die of Ebola.

The hallways here are still pure white, but there are a lot less people.  Makes sense, we?re entering more secure areas.  Still the guards ignore us.  Of course we have full right to be here, they think.  We aren?t dead after all.

Now if I could only tell my nerves to calm down as well I?d be the perfect spy.

This time Medicine takes the lead.  Somehow she's still smiling.

First we go down a corridor with lots of steel grey lab doors.  Then down an escalator.  Straight down another empty hallway, then a left past the bathrooms.  Another left past the water cooler, and down another long uninteresting hallway.  Finally Medicine stops at an elevator and hits the down arrow.  The doors open and we walk in.

Just as the doors start closing a security guy runs over and jams his hand in the door.  The doors open again and my heart stops.  But it starts again as I see the bored look on his face.

He hits the button for the floor above ours and gets off without saying a word.  We all get off on the next floor.

The entire floor is secure, so right out of the elevator we hit a security gate.  This pop up states that anyone without White clearance should just turn around.  They didn?t even bother telling you what you?ll die of.  If you?re cleared for that you?ll know what?s not killing you,  I guess.

The inner doors open.  We walk in.

The halls are almost completely empty.  My eyecams however pick up loads of hidden surveillance. This was obviously high security.

I turn towards Hatate, ?Alright let?s hurry up and get this done with.  We have more important things to be doing back in the lab.?

Hatate put on a terribly fake smile.  ?Of course Ms Sharon.  If you want speed we?ll need to get closer to the main signal.?

I put on my best frown for the cameras.  ?Of course.  Medea if you?d lead the way??

Medicine isn?t as quick on the uptake with her fake name, but I don?t think the cameras will notice.  ?Uh, sure Maya.  Let?s go.?

I follow Medicine as she heads off.  I'm really glad we?d found her.  Even with a map I was lost down here.  And somehow I don?t think the black clad security guards we were passing would give directions.

Finally we reach a door with an actual keypad.  Hatate is busy setting up her programs still, so I take a quick pic of the room.  The cameras appear in red, and then their range of view appear as well.  I move to block off the cameras? view of the pin pad then plug myself in.  A press of a button wakes the pad up and it generates random numbers on each key.  I press in a random code and it beeps in protest as the code fails.

Of course when it checked the code it sent the correct code to my wares.  I quickly punch in the code that popped up and slip the wires back into my sleeve as the door opens.

And everything goes to shit.

There?s a woman inside.  Purple hair, red eyes.  Sleepy look.  Uniform is obviously corp high end security.  That?s bad.

Her eyes open wide.  ?Medicine!?  But you got fired!?

That?s worse.

The woman has her pistol halfway out, when Momiji springs through the door and takes a cut at the woman with her combat knife.  The woman is fast though.  She catches the knife hand at the wrist and draws her own blade, which Momiji catches at hilt with her armored gloves.

Medicine?s dragged Hatate through the doors like a good girl, when I pull my own piece into play.  Of course against people moving that fast I?m just an annoyance, but I pride myself at being a good annoyance.

The woman?s already seen my gun and jumped back a full 4 feet and to the side when I pull the trigger.  Sadly for her there?s no bullet, but a massive flash.

Even full eye replacements can?t handle that kind of strobe without blinking.  She blinks.

Which is more then enough time for Momiji to draw her gun and empty the clip in the woman.

The alarms start blaring the very next second.  I barely manage to roll through the doorway before the security door slams shut.

Momiji is already placing the explosives for our exit.  Medicine is checking the security girls pulse, and Hatate is in her hacker trance.  I wander over to Hatate first to see if I can get any idea on what?s going on.  Normally net fights are completely hidden until shit goes wrong.  Fortunately, Hatate likes to talk to herself when hacking.

Sure enough she?s muttering away.  ?Okay, black ice, no issue.  The DDoS feints I set up should be keeping corp from getting reinfocement.  Let the worm go do it?s work and get ready for security.  Oh there you are.  Pretending to be a subroutine.  Let?s rock.?

It sounds like Hatate has things under control, so I turn to Medicine.  She?s arranging the body now.  I walk up to her.  There?s a journalist trick to asking very touchy questions, one that?s served me well in this line of work too.  ?Was she a friend of yours??

Medicine shook her head.  ?Not really, it?s just, she was the one who helped me keep the money I needed to survive after getting fired, what with all the lawsuits and whatnot.  She seemed like a nice person.?

 We manage to shoot the only nice person in the building.  Wonderful.

?What was her name??

Medicine wipes her eyes and says, ?Reisen.?

I nod.  ?I?ll write up something good for her, okay.?

Medicine looks away.  ?Seems wrong for the people who shot her to do that.?

?Hey, if everyone agrees you were a nice person, the public will probably believe it.?

Medicine just nods.  Momiji?s walks over and puts a hand on her shoulder.

After a few seconds she says, ?They?re going to realize that the nerve gasses they?re pumping in aren?t working soon.  We?ve got maybe 2 minutes before they?re here in force.?

I stand up and walk back to Hatate.  She?s frowning now.  ?Damn!  Double teaming's bullshit.  Got 4 of five.  Maybe I can...  Got it!  Disconnected bitch!  Now to grab the last file....?

?We need to hurry,? I say in the calmest voice I can manage.

?I?m downloading now it?s just, SHIT!? Hatate stabs at her holographic keyboard then screams.  I grab her as she convulses.  Her pupils are wide and there?s blood leaking from her nose.  Dammit, everything was going fine until now!

?Pull out Hatate!? I yell.

Hatate takes a breath and sits up.  ?Just five seconds!  Take that!  Ha, formatted the bitch?s brain.  Okay security?s gone, and the file is ours.  Wait, there?s an embedded ICE file!?  It?s okay internal will clean it out just need to distract it for....?

I see her eyes widen in terror and I slam her decks shutoff switch.  The whole thing shorts, and I scream as pain rips through my hand.

Hatate stiffens, then limply collapses into my arms.*

I quickly place her on her back and reach for a pulse.  ?Hatate!  Hatate!?  There?s no response.  Her eyes are blank.

I rip open my lab coat looking for the pocket difibulator.  It takes me too long to find it, far too long, but I?m not going to give up.  I place the pads on Hatate?s chest and trigger the pulse.  Nothing.  I do it again.  Nothing.  Again!  The piece of shit goes red.  ?I don?t have time to recharge!? I scream at it.

A hand falls on my shoulder.  I know what that means.  All the energy leaves my body.

Fortunately Momiji does all the work that needs to be done.  She pops the memory core out of the deck, then pulls the pin on an ID trash grenade and places it almost reverently on Hatate?s chest.

The grenade goes off quietly, but Hatate?s body catches fire almost instantly.  A runners final sendoff.

I notice Medicine helping me up and I start pulling myself together.  I don?t have time to recognize the hole in my heart.  I have to ignore it and move on, or we?re all dead.

I still keep watching until the flames die down.

Then I give a nod to Medicine and look towards our escape route.  Momiji?d already cut down to the abandoned storm drains that were our escape route.  I guess I?d missed that.  I can?t afford to sit any longer, so I run to the hole and jump in.

It?s a stupid move, but I manage to not twist my ankle somehow.  Medicine drops down after, and Momiji is with us a second later.  She takes the lead again as we started running down the tunnels.

A few seconds after we make it out the explosives we?d planted go off.  The corp boys would have to find their own way into these tunnels.

With that blast done I switch to IR and shut off my flashlight.  ?Medicine, you have IR eyes??

?No,? the small red blob next to me said.

?Then take my hand.  I?ll guide you.?

The small woman cautiously takes my hand, then catches it in a death grip as she turns off her flashlight.  I hold on to her as well as I can, then follow Momiji down the cool blue storm drain.

We run for about ten minutes, taking turns seemingly at random.  The map in my system however told us we were on course.

Then, as we round a corner, the place explodes in light.

My eyes immediately switch to normal vision, just in time to see muzzle flashes start.  I dive for cover and Medicine gets separated from me.  Probably for the best, since people are trying to tag me with tracers.  I pull out my flash gun, and shoot off a strobe followed by a quick pic.

There?s a bit more gunfire, then silence.

?Clear,? says Momiji.

I flip on my light and confirm that all the targets are down.  ?Nice work catching them before they could move from those spots.?  Then I look behind to see where Medicine is.*

She?s lying on the ground.  Even in the terrible light I can see blood spreading out.

We?re both over there in a flash.  It looks bad.  Really bad.  Her eyes are unfocused.  Momiji pulls out some quick bandages, while I grab her hand.  ?Hey Medicine, I?m right here, just hold on a bit okay??

Her eyes seem to move towards my voice and she smiles.  ?Oh... good.  I thought... I?d gotten lost, again.?

Then she slowly goes limp.

I wipe my eyes as Momiji arranges her neatly and closes her eyes, then pulls out another grenade.  I promise myself her family would get her cut, if she had any.  She?d guided us true.

We stand next to the blue flames until they finally die down, no matter how stupid it may be.

This time it's my turn to bring Momiji back to the mission.  I place my hand on her head, and she stands quickly and starts running again.  Her pace is more brutal now, but I can take it.  Especially since I want to live.

We make it out of the storm drains without any more incident, and hop into the real sewer.  Then it?s just a few more blocks until we head up, popping up in an alleyway.  We run to the end of it and catch Nitori pumping the meter full of creds.  Her eyes grow wide as we run up to her.  ?Where are the others??

?Gone,? I mange to say.  ?We need to go.  Now.?

Poor Nitori looks heartbroken, but she jumps in the car fast as she can.  Momiji gets into the back and helps me get in as well, before Nitori peals off.  I doubt there will be any more pursuit, but we?re still going to lie low for a bit.

Nitori obviously wants to know what went down, but I?m in no state to tell her.  Later I?ll write it up like a proper reporter.  But now....

I look over to where Momiji?s inspecting the data core.  ?I hope whatever is in there is worth it,? I say.

Momiji simply shakes her head.  ?Nothing was worth that,? she says.

I look at Hatate?s empty seat, then think on Medicine?s smiling face and close my eyes.   She?s right.


We hide for another day before signaling the drop off.  Without Hatate we can't decrypt the files so I want to pass them off early.

I still feel like shit, and given the whimpering Momiji was doing in her sleep, so does she.  Nitori just spent the whole day crying.  I wished I could have let her talk it out with Marisa, but until the run was over that was far too dangerous.  For both of us.

Nitori solemnly drives us to the meeting place, and Momiji and I get out.  The restaurant is still a shitty dive when we come in.  But at least no one cared we?d shot someone there before.  We head to the back room.

I realize something is wrong the second we open the door.  My mind makes the connections immediately.  Sanae?s already there, and the corp goons are standing in the open.  I move to shut the door and run, when pain exploded in my kidney.  Like someone say, slammed the barrel of a gun there.

I get the hint, and allow the man behind me to steer me with the gun to one of the chairs.  To my disappointment Momiji ends up in the chair next to me.

I open my mouth to say something harsh to Sanae, but then I see the fear and pain in her eyes.  She didn?t sell us out.

?So how?d you find us?? I ask casually.

?Simple.  We just made some guesses from the camera information.  You use this place as a drop point far too often.?  A figure walks in from behind us.  An older woman.  My mind matches her face to some press releases.  Eirin Yagokoro, IntSec of Eientei.

?Sorry about that mistake,? Sanae says to us.  I give her a friendly nod.  Have to keep my cool.  It's all I got left.

Eirin?s eyes unfocus a bit as she checks some messages, then she sits down in her own chair, sadly out of arms reach.  ?So now that we?ve dealt with your friend, we can get down to business.?

A cold emptiness began to fill me again.  I try to shake it off.  Nitori was good, and getting an ambush set up would be harder outside.  She might have made an escape.  ?Well, if you want my personal opinion Ms Yagokoro, that red and blue striped tie makes you look like a tool.?

Pain erupts in my head as the thug behind me pistol whips me.  Tears sting my eyes.  Eirin just smiles, the smug bitch.  ?I?m more concerned about why you went after those files, and where the backups are.  If you?d be so kind to tell me.?

Sanae shrugs.  ?You know why we want the files.  We were going to use them to destroy you.  Or at least keep you hiding from the press so you couldn?t pull that little hostile takeover.?

Eirin sighs.  ?How plebian.  I suppose I shouldn?t have expected much better.?  She pulls out her own pistol.  ?Still they could cause problems.?  She turns to us.  ?Where?s the data and your backups??

?If we tell you are you going to let us go?? I ask sarcastically.

Eirin gives that smug smile again.  ?Sorry, we find that killing people that target us is a good deterrence.  However, your friend here,? she waves the pistol absently at Sanae, ?could be left alive.  She?d have to go to prison of course, but that?s better then dead.?

?Having infiltrated a prison I can say that?s not true for you corp weaklings,? Momiji says.  The guy behind her slams her face into the table, but Momiji doesn?t seem to care.

Eirin ignores the violence and simply nods.  ?Well there?s also the fact that I?ll torture you if you don?t tell me.  Normally bodies with ?signs of torture? are as good a deterrent as bodies of people you actually tortured, and much safer.  But Reisen was a close personal friend of mine, so in this case I really tempted to make an exception.?

Momiji gave a sigh.  ?Well if you want a bit of a hint, you should fire your security.?

I look over at Momiji and see her giving her special ?I?m gonna do something awesome? stare.  It gives me a bit of hope.

Eirin must have missed it though, because she plays right along.  ?Why is that??

?Because they can?t tell the difference between your corp boys' second rate kidney bombs and my room clearer.?

Eirin drops her pistol, while Sanae and I just stare.  Who knew Momiji?d been wandering around with the ability to waste the whole room with an errant thought?

Finally Sanae smiles.  ?I always did like you Momiji.?

The goons finish playing catchup to the conversation and start to panic.  A few run for the door, but the latch is a bitch.  They won?t make it.

Eirin snaps out of it and gives us a nod of respect.  Then she pulls another pistol.  I guess she figures it?s better to die shooting then sitting.

Me?  I want a question answered.  I turn to my friend.  ?So Momiji, where did you get the money for all that fancy gear??

She smiles broadly.  Biggest smile I?ve ever seen on her face.  ?I?ll tell you later.?


I can?t help but chuckle.

Eirin?s pistol goes off with a crack, and I dump my final memories into the net  as the room explodes.

That's a runner epitaph after all.


[I'm sure I did the music wrong.  Oh well.  Blame Keine for that.  The rest is my fault.]
« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 05:37:54 AM by IcedFairy »


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #426 on: September 30, 2010, 07:25:32 AM »
Iced, it starts as intriguing and thrilling.

Then it descends into tear jerker as soon as the music starts playing.

Then Momiji does awesome stuff and gets the best last line ever.

tl;dr I hate you and I love you for writing this because it's great but sad ;_;


  • ~La, la, la~
  • Texas Chensaw Massacre
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #427 on: September 30, 2010, 07:48:43 PM »
You know, that story seemed like something that could actually happen in a Ghost in the Shell-esque universe.  All together, it was pretty awesome.

Badass bookworms

Luna Moth Child

  • I do say, bzzzzzzz
    • Winterdrake Productions
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #428 on: October 02, 2010, 05:06:26 AM »
Note: Some parts are less quality than others, that is probably due to time constraints and almost running out of time.

Sorry, I'm so late.

Edit: turns out the story was too long, so I'm splitting it into several posts... again, sorry

Live for Tomorrow, Die for Yesterday
By Username

Part 1: New World Order

Reimu Hakurei was not having a good day.

This above phrase is an understatement.

Last night she had gone to sleep in her shrine, Suika passed out drunk in the other room, in her wonderful fantasy land Gensokyo.  Today, she woke up as a spy in the service of the Republic of Gensokyo.

Deep breaths, thats what was needed. Okay, she decided as she sat down on the park bench, she needed to recap. This morning, she had woken up naked in bed with Suwako, Suwako! Of all people, why her? In addition, she seemed to be investigating the Moriya Foundation for supplying weapons to "Crazy General Yakumo", which meant that in some capacity, Yukari could be blamed for this.

Suwako seemed to be too willing to give her an optical disc with the info she required, which was unusually cooperative, but given the various "toys" that had been lying around the room, something freaky had happened the night before.

Then, Moriya Foundation thugs burst through the door, shot at her, shot at her! She managed to escape through the eighth story window thinking she could fly to safety... physics worked much different here and she ended up plummeting. Somehow, she tapped into acrobatic spy skills she didn't know she had and managed to grab onto the building and climb down.

In addition, she had this bizarre suspicion that this unprecedented incident would not be solved by her.

She sighed, today would get worse before it got better.

Elly was having a great day.

The above phrase is a massive understatment.

One moment she'd been guarding Yuuka's mansion, the next thing she knew she's a freelance spy wandering around the Teufel, the capital of the great communist land called the Union der Scharlach Sozialistisch Republiken, better known as the USSR and informally known as the Scarlet Union.

Also, it seemed as if she'd been granted a wonderful power, granted she couldn't use it for anything practical, but it had made her incredibly genre savvy... she had been granted the power to see metaphysical "walls" a power few in the world had and she thanked her lucky stars that this world saw her fit to receive it.

She realized something, Elly wasn't the greatest name for a spy, whatever happened to big names like James Bond, Ethan Hunt, Austin Powers, Joanna Dark, Cate Archer... Yomiko Readman, all the great spies had catchy names that would be remembered.

Then there were villians, Alec Trevalyan, Dr. Evil, Ernst Blofeld, Max Zorin, Revolver Ocelot.  In this business, your name was everything; it could make you, and it could destory you.

"Bond, James Bond..." she mused to herself, trying to think of a name that would be catchy.

"Rose." the name rolled off her tongue, "Elly Rose, at your service."

She paused at a window, staring into it for moments, studying her features, appearance, everything.  She repeated it again, it just clicked,  Elly Rose was the perfect name for an elegant spy such as herself. It didn't really matter that she actually didn't have a last name, that was semantics. The point was that Elly Rose sounded good, it sounded credible, it sounded badass

She took a look at the metaphysical wall, yes, Elly Rose was the name meant for a hero such as herself.

She knew she did not belong here, that she was simply playing a role in someone's creation. Who's creation it was did not matter, what mattered was that she was likely the only one aware of the change AND could interact with the "walls".
It was some hours later when the snow began to really come down that she down a path in the central park of Teufel where she spied a young woman sleeping on a nearby bench. For a moment she thought about leaving her, but seeing her sleeping in the cold on a bench near a "Statue of the Great Leader" stirred some sense of pity in her. She pulled out her scythe and prodded her with the handle.

"Hey, you're going to catch your death sleeping in the cold."

The young woman stirred, finally sitting up and turning her eyes to Elly, who was shocked to discover Reimu Hakurei sleeping on the park bench, why was Reimu there, what was her role in this world she wondered.

"Hey... I know you... you're that shrine maiden who beat me up a long time ago."

She scolded herself, roles, right, play the role, have fun with it.

"You're Reimu Hakurei, aren't you?"
"What if I am? Do I know you?"
"Perhaps by reputation, name's Rose, Elly Rose."
It clicked something in Reimu's mind. "I thought your name was just Elly."
"Wait... you're aware that you're not from this world?"
"... I'm missing something... you must be responsible!"
"Your habit going around beating people up until an incident gets solved is not going to help you in this world... so I'll help you, I am freelance after all."

Elly put her scythe away and held out a hand, Reimu was looking at her hesitantlly, she could tell, but finally took her hand reluctantly. She placed her legs on the ground and stood up, Elly was clearly excited, she let go of Reimu's hand and jumped up and down.

"D-d-d-da dadada da! Reimu has joined the party!" She paused as Reimu looked on semi-shocked. "I'm actually on my way to meet a contact."

Elly led Reimu deeper into the park, they talked for a while, Reimu shared what this version of her knew of the events surrounding the Moriya Foudnation's connection to General Yakumo. Elly shared some of the things she had figured out, some people such as themselves did have some knowledge. She also shared some interesting info about talks the the Makai Imperial Army was on the move, but that was in addition to scattered rumors of revolution.

She didn't mention it, but she had managed to locate Kurumi by some miracle and used her observational power of the metaphysical wall to impart some knowledge of this meta-world to her, thus reducing her to a roleplayer, not a puppet of whatever insanity had created this.

She had no intention of doing this with anyone else, but Kurumi was the closest thing to a sidekick she had, given they had both worked for the same person. Offhandedly she wondered what happened to her master, Yuuka, what sort of role had the world given her?

They arrived at a well sitting in plain sight in the park near a small monument, probably to the party or something. Reimu glanced at Elly questioningly, and somewhat angrily.

"This is my contact, K Branch... shout down what you know. The guy's paranoid as hell."

Reimu hesitated for a moment, she wasn't sure how much she could trust Elly, but it wasn't like she could trust anyone else in this world. After all, hours ago she'd been shot at by Moriya Foundation thugs who practically worked for Suwako, she couldn't fly, her miko powers seemed to be weaker, what choice did she have?

"Suwako Moriya gave me an this." She held up the optical disc for a moment.
"Can I see that for a moment?"
"I guess..." The disc was handed to Elly.
"Hmm... I see... I see... this'll work."

Elly examined the disc closely through its jewel case before placing it in the oddly oversized well bucket and knocking on the well itself in a carefully patterned set of knocks. There was squeaking, the bucket dropped into the well at incredible speed. Reimu looked down rather curiously.

"Hey one sec, please don't look too carefully!" A childlike voice shouted up from below.
"Reimu, just listen to the kid."

As they waited, they both gained this odd notion that they were being watched from somewhere. Reimu's first reaction was to turn to the direction she thought their tail was in and glared angrily. On the inverse, Elly pretended she didn't notice anything so not to arouse suspicion, after a little bit, that feeling was gone, but it seemed Reimu was still glaring.

Eventually, a laptop with mounds of info info displayed on screen was brought back up in the bucket raised with a pen sitting on the keyboard. A post-it sat on the screen that read: "Do not take the laptop, oh, sign if you accept your mission." Elly took the pen and signed her name on the post-it before handing it to Reimu. She began to carefully scan the documents displayed on the computer screen, soon joined by Reimu.

"Well... it's just like you suspected, and here it is in black and white... financial records of Moriya Foundation's dealings with General Yakumo..."

She shifted through some miscellaneous files, it seemed agents of the infamous Satori Directorate of the Chireiden have been taking an interest in the whole affair as well. Among other miscellaneous things mentioned various Moriya Foundation operations in third-world countries.

"What's this?" Reimu pointed at some techical specs in another file.
"Hmm..." Elly examined them carefully. "They seem to be blueprints for some sort of device... some kind of new weapon maybe?"
"So many big words..."
"Being a spy doesn't grant you the ability to understand the technobabble, but it does grant you the skills you need to kill the people who do."

Elly did the secret knock on the well again and the laptop lowered back into the well and when the bucket rose back up, Kisume came with it dressed in thermally insulated clothing. She was surprised to find that her contact was this little green-haired girl, she had always thought that the contact was a male... well, in her role she did at least.

"Okay you two, I figured you'd be getting on this right away so I have gadgets for you two."
"Aww, how sweet, you always take care of me." Elly smiled.
"Miss Rose, flattery will not work if you keep breaking my gadgets." She pulled a gohei out of a bag and handed it to Reimu. "This gohei can do many things, create smoke screens," she mumbled something quietly through the next part. "but the most important thing is that it makes a wonderful grappling hook... I don't think you'll need it though."
"What do I get?"
"A bad apple." She handed Elly a brilliant red apple.
"It looks fine to me."
"It's a bad apple. Pull the stem out and it'll explode like a grenade, plus its completely edible."
"Okay, anything else?" Reimu asked, while Elly made slashing motions at her neck with her fingers trying to tell her to be quiet.
"Oh, grow up Miss Rose, won't you?" Kisume waved at them. "And to answer your question Agent Hakurei, nothing else. Well, that's all, bye bye!"

The bucket dropped back into the well leaving the two on their own once more.

"So... gadgets..." Reimu said questioningly
"All spies carry gadgets." Elly replied

There was a moment of awkward silence between the two

"Where to?"
"We check out the Moriya Foundation facilities in town, then we hit the airport and head for one of those miscellaneous operations mentioned in the file, I think the best one would be the one in in Gensokyo."
"How do you know so much about this?"
"Oh, cliches and magic, but mostly magic.."

As they walked towards the exit to the park they were met by a young woman with silver hair. Elly was clueless as to who it was, but Reimu instantly recognized her as Sakuya.

"Good evening Miss Hakurei, Miss Rose, my name is Sakuya Izayoi, personal assistant to the Premier."

Inwardly Elly cheered, giving herself a last name had affected the meta-world as a whole, and offhandedly she wondered what other extensions the ability to see the metaphysical walls of the world could do for her.

"After one of our operatives became aware of your presence in town, Premier Scarlet sent me to invite you to a state dinner at the Scarlet Misty Forest and we would be delighted if you could attend."

Scarlet Misty Forest? She'd briefly  heard of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but Scarlet Misty Forest... after thinking for a moment, she understood and laughed on the inside.  She then returned to reality, Reimu was about to refuse, but Elly answered for her.

"Sure, why not. I never pass up the opportunity to mingle with statesmen."
"This way. Proper attire will be provided for you both." Sakuya turned and walked away.
Reimu glared at Elly, she may not have understood this world, but she did understand that the communists were the bad guys. "We shouldn't be doing this. They're the bad guys."
"State dinners are always a good place to gather info, and how often do you get invited, you usually have to crash 'em."

Reimu sighed and followed Sakuya out, with Elly short behind. She stopped for a moment, taking a moment to take a look at the "Statue of the Great Leader" and the sharp, elegant wings it sported. You had to admit, it was probably carved by only the best, the Great Leader is always conceited in some way. She hurried and caught up with Reimu and Sakuya.

Elly's evening was going downhill.

Sakuya brought the pair to the party as planned. In the limo neither of them really talked at all, even the genre savvy Elly found it somewhat creepy the way Sakuya sharpened her knives and aimed them at her like darts. She sighed, why couldn't she have jokingly aimed them at Reimu instead, why did it have to be her?

As they mingled, pretty as princesses in their elegant evening dresses, Reimu looked Elly over, a fact that she did not miss.

"Reimu Hakurei," she said in a way that was both scolding and joking at the same time. "are you checking me out?"
"No... I'm just wondering what you did with your scythe."
"There are tons of places for a girl to hide a scythe." Reimu's eyes drifted down to her crotch area. "No Reimu, not there."

Eventually a girl in red met them, it was Premier Flandre Scarlet. Elly noted that her sharp, colorful, crystalline wings looked better in person than on a statue. Reimu was just renderede speechless from the fact that Flandre was the head of state. If Elly had known who Flandre was, she'd be as shocked and or frightened as Reimu was.

"Miss Rose, Miss Hakurei, I'm glad you both could make it."
"I'm sure." Reimu added sarcastically.
"Reimu." Elly elbowed her, trying to tell her to be quiet.
"Really, to meet two of the most famous spies of the east in person."
"Excuse me, I'll let you two talk, I would like to drink." Elly didn't want to get drunk at all, but it was a good excuse to duck away from the conversation.

She drifted over to a waiter, using it as an excuse to move closer to a girl she briefly saw when she came in. Immediately she ignored the waiter and walked to the girl. She was somewhat beautiful, with shortish black hair. What caught her careful eyes were the three plain white pins that sat on her hair on the left side of her face and that white jacket of hers... something seemed veeery familiar about this girl.

"Hello there."
"Oh, hello" the girl turned to face Elly.
"I'm Elly, Elly Rose."
"Morning Mist, but I usually go by Kasumi." the girl smiled. "What do you do?"
For some reason, Elly felt compelled to answer. "Freelance spy."
"I'm an agent from the Imperial State of Makai."
"I see..."

She wanted to ask more, to ask about the state of affairs in Makai, but something about this girl was almost dominating. She was absolutely unable to inquire more for some odd reason, and it bothered her beyond belief. The girl smiled, bowed slightly, and walked away. As she watched, little did she know that the evening was going to go even further down the drain.

"Hey, may I have this dance?"

She turned and found Momiji Inubashiri standing before her, granted, she didn't actually KNOW who she was, but it didn't mean that Momiji wasn't standing there. She examined this girl carefully, Momiji seemed to radiate trouble from her person. Oh, who was she kidding, James Bond didn't run from danger, and neither would Elly Rose.

"I'd be delighted."
"Great." Momiji took Elly's hand and began to dance.
"What is it you really want?"
"Help. you'll get a signal, you'll know what it is when it happens, and I want you to make the biggest scene you can."
"What sort of scheme am I helping out."
"That's a secret." One of her fingers flew in front of her lips. "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."
"I want the truth."
"You can't handle the truth Miss Rose."
"Fine fine."

Momiji spun Elly around and then vanished into the crowd, leaving her partner slightly dazed from over spinning. Elly blamed the alcohol for making her sick, but then she realized that she hadn't actually drank any alcohol. Not wanting to deal with the idea that dizziness easily made her sick, after all, when did James Bond ever get sick, she just decided that being in close proximity to alcohol had made her drunk.

She spent a few minutes debating the idea instead of doing something useful, such as pumping the premier for information. Finally, someone came up behind her and grabbed her ass. Her first idea was to get angry but then she remembered Momiji's words: "you'll know what it is when it happens." Privately she cursed Momiji and vowed to get back at her somehow, but if she was gonna be Elly Rose, she had to act the part too.

She turned around and slapped the person who grabbed her ass. After doing so, she smiled wide, it was that magician who had kicked her ass in the past, and if she was gonna make a scene...

"You look angry... I'm just doing what she I was paid to, ze."
"You bitch! How dare you grope me like a common thug! I'm going to kick your fucking ass!"
"Wait... wait! I wasn't paid for this!"
"You better start being paid, Kirisame!" It suddenly occured to her that she had never actually learned Marisa's name back in the past. Still, even if her Ellyself didn't know, it was likely that Elly Rose did.

As they screamed at eachother, they had attracted the attention of the guests, guards, and statesmen. Elly wondered if this was a big enough distraction for whatever that femme fatale of a wolf was planning.

"Who the hell do..." the voice was silenced quickly.

There was gunfire, Elly looked around, Flandre was still standing only she was missing her head, whoever cleaved it off had done it so cleanly that it hadn't even thrown her off balance. As a trio of thugs, presumably working for the Moriya Foundation, were forcing Reimu out a side door while Momiji stood gesturing for some unseen figure to go.

"Come on! We have to go!"

Elly decided she didn't care who the other operative was, they had Reimu and she was going to stop them. She grabbed Marisa's hand and started dragging her away through an emergency exit, hopefully before anyone noticed that their distraction just got a world leader assassinated and brought the world closer to nuclear war. After all, Flandre was the reasonable one, and that was saying alot given that both Scarlet siblings were hardline communist lunatics with visions of a communist Manifest Destiny.

Her sister would want to retaliate, she was sure of that, blood for blood. And there was no way in hell that she intended of being a scrifical lamb to that slaughter of vengence. With luck, the transferrence of power from younger sister to elder would take some time and they'd be safely out of Teufel by than.

"Where are we going?"
"Miss Kirisame, if you didn't notice, a head of state was just assassinated due to a distraction we caused, I don't want to be here when the KGB starts making the rounds."
"Why not?"
"You must be new at this... Okay, Patchouli Knowledge may seem like nothing but a glorified bookworm, but she's an evil micromanaging queen of numbers and the most iron-fisted head the KGB has ever had, some people think she's the most powerful person in the USSR... she WILL find us."
"Patchy, eh? Maybe I shouldn't have stolen so many of her books."

Elly cursed her luck, babysitting Reimu was one thing, Reimu was too used to youkai extermination and was having difficulties adjusting to her role here. But now here was Marisa, also aware that this wasn't her world... but she played her role too well... so well that she was very likely to get her killed.

"Do you have a car Kirisame?"
"I have a name."
"Yes it's Marisa, but you're also inexperienced so I'll call you whatever I damn well please."

Marisa was having a wonderful night.

The above statement was utter fabrication.

She had been paid only to cause a distraction, not to escape with a freelance agent such as Elly Rose.

She'd assimilated into this world well enough, it almost seemed like it'd been made for someone genre savvy like herself, either you had it or you didn't, but she could inately tell that Elly Rose was something unique all her own.

"This is it!" She stopped at at a cheap sedan.
"Where's your sense of adventure newbie? Why not requisition something high preformance for a change? I always do." And she had no reason to doubt those words of Elly's either.

A group of soldiers came charging around the corner, assault rifles at the ready, Elly was right, she was new at this, still learning. She tossed the keys to Elly, who seemed better qualified to handle the situation.

She may not have had a complete grasp on this world as a whole, but as she pulled the Walther PPK from its holster, she knew exactly what to do with it. She fired on the soldiers, hitting three and causing the others to duck behind cover.

The door was unlocked, and she got in.

As Elly shifted into gear and set the fuel-efficient Eientei made automobile into motion.

The vehicle peeled out of its parking spot, pulling a tight turn into an alley. She had no idea where Elly was trying to go, but whatever, having a partner to blame for your death was better than admitting to the queen of the dead that you were done in by your own stupidity.

As they turned out of the alley onto a main street, a military jeep appeared behind them.

"We've got pursuers."
"I'm aware of that Kirisame." Elly swerved into traffic with the jeep following behind her.
"This flimsy pistol can't really do much against a heavy duty jeep like that."
"Do you have a radio?"
"Yeah, ze."
"I need you to get it running."

A heavy machine gun opened fire behind them, Elly seemed to have expected this at some point as she swerved out of the way. The machine gun perforated a car, killing everyone inside and sending it spinning out of control. The military vehicle ran into it and tipped over skidding into the middle of the intersection. A car couldn't stop in time and due to the unwritten law that every car is a pinto, exploded upon impact.

Elly was having a horrific night.

Well... that actually hasn't been decided yet.

She finally got some action, she had been getting bored. But it felt like response was building, choppers were put in the air, police put on alert. In truth, this was a realistic response for a country that has just had it's head of state assassinated... but somehow she suspected that Chairman Knowledge was behind it, and not the automatic threat response to a public assassination.

If this was true, if  Patchouli were truly behind this, then escape would be pretty fucking difficult, let alone a rescue of Reimu, all she could do was radio her contact for an escape and possibly a plan.

"Okay, tune into frequency 138.32 ghz."

Elly Swerved through traffic, in an attempt to escape the pursuing vehicles, although that would do nothing for the watchful eyes of the choppers.

"Is it all ready?"
"Everything's ready."

Elly grabbed the transmitter and spoke into the radio. "K Branch, are you there."
"I'm here, I'm here, what's the commotion."
"Reimu's been abducted, Flandre Scarlet's assassinated, I'm stuck with a rookie named Kirisame."
"And you need my help?"
"We need an escape, and some idea of where to find Reimu, I think the mercenaries that grabbed her were employed by the Moriya Foundation."
"Swing by the well, I'll help you out. No secret knock, pull the rope three times and I'll pull you down. Over and out."

Elly was somewhat stunned, pull her down? Did she actually mean down the well? What was even down that thing? Did K really live down there?

"Hey, Elly, who was that?"
"That was K Branch, my contact."

Elly skidded the shitty sedan to a stop, a roadblock was blocking the road in front of her. She jammed her foot on the reverse as the soldiers standing guard began firing on them and turned down an alley, flooring the accelerator.

She shot across an intersection as a swarm of local authorities and military chased them, constantly able to keep up no matter how they evaded due to the helicopters in the sky.

She went up the curve into the park and drove, reaching her  destination she aimed the vehicle in the direction of Flandre's statue where she had first encountered Reimu. If the chase had to end, she was going to have a cool ending.

"Kirisame, jump."

She didn't stay around long enough to see if Marisa jumped in time, all she cared about was that she herself got out in time. She pulled her landing perfectly, but of course she did, she's the heroine. The car exploded upon impact with the statue of Flandre, but of course it did, it was a shoddily made car. After all, fuel efficiency didn't always mean it was made well.

"Wow, that was some ride, ze"

Well what did we know, Marisa had jumped in time. Elly signaled to her with her hands, with everyone on their tail, time was of the essence. A squad filed through around the corner, she immediately pulled her own gun and shot at them.

"Come on Marisa, follow!"

Marisa followed, taking out a few more soldiers, stopping only long enough to grab an assault rifle one of them had been holding. She led her new partner to the well with the soldiers close behind. It occurred to her that she still had no idea what she was supposed to do at this point so she did the one thing she thought of: she climbed into the bucket, it had always looked oversized to her.

Marisa paused for a moment to cover her, unloading on the approaching soldiers with her assault rifle. The steady stream of fire stopped, and it wasn't the ammo, she still had a few rounds, the gun itself had jammed. With bullets flying around her she went and dived into the bucket, turning and firing behind her as she did so.

The catch on the bucket released and it plunged into the depths of the well, where they were both met by Kisume.

"Come on, we've all got to get out of here."
"Wait, hold on a moment."

Marisa pulled a pen out of her pocket, clicked it three times than tossed it into the bucket. Immediately she hit the button that raised the bucket once more.

"Now we run!"
"What was that?"

Behind them the the bucket raised to the surface and exploded, annhilating the well, the bucket, the investigating soldiers, and collapsing part of the tunnel behind them. She had to give the Kirisame girl credit, she could really think on her feet.

Kisume led them through the tunnels towards an underground waterway where a bucket sat in the water tied to a small pole. Looking around her, Elly realized that none of this was built recently, it was probably old as heck dating back hundreds or even thousands of years.

"Don't fall in, the water's freezing this time of year."
Elly looked at her incredulously, as if to say "no duh."

As Marisa climbed into the bucket, Kisume took Elly aside to talk.

"We can only fit two, she'll go with me, besides, she's a novice."
Elly nodded, understanding the logic behind that. "Okay, what's the plan."
"I got camera footage that that says that Reimu's been put on a train heading into the Coldlands, it's officially registered to..."
"...the Moriya Foundation." she finished Kisume's sentence for her.
"Correct, but there's no record of any facility in the Coldlands. I'm guessing it's high security and that the only way in is on board that train."
"Hmm... then wfhat's my mode of insertion?"
"I've got a chopper pilot all ready for you, Tokiko, great pilot. She'll get you on board the train."
"And her?" She gestured to Marisa, curious as to what the plan was for her.
"I'll take care of her, I'll have her checking out a military operated by General Yakumo."
"Anything else?"
Kisume handed her a watch, which she slipped on her wrist. "It can do many things, detonator, limited charge laser, it even has a garroting wire... it also tells time. Don't break it, it may save your life."

As Elly began to walk away, Kisume stopped her. "By the way, I provided your winged friend with some equipment, don't know if you'll run into her, but I just thought it might help if you knew you could reach her by radio or CODEC"

There went Elly's genre saviness, a CODEC? Why the hell a CODEC, this was not Metal Gear Solid. No, she decided, usage of a CODEC in a Bond type experience was a complete and total farce, she would not go along with it, she absolutely refused.

"Thanks, it's good to know that Kurumi's taken care of." Elly's words were only half-hearted, she was still internally pissed about the whole CODEC business.

End Part 1
« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 05:08:19 AM by This is a Username »

Luna Moth Child

  • I do say, bzzzzzzz
    • Winterdrake Productions
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #429 on: October 02, 2010, 05:09:31 AM »
Part 2: In For a Penny...

It's the dawn of a new day.

"Agent Rose, it's time to get up."

Elly yawned and sat up, it was great to have gotten some sleep on the chopper en route to the train. She had specifically made instructions that either Tokiko or her assistant Parsee wake her when they had the train in sight.

"Thanks Parsee."
"Okay Tokiko, ETA?"
"Time on target is twelve minutes, get ready to drop. Parsee, warm up the gun."
"How do I go down?"
"There's a cable hooked to the floor and a hatch nearby, you open the hatch and drop down."

Elly nodded and looked at the the train, it was well... a train, lengthy and long. There were a few passenger cars near the front, mostly cargo, a few flatbeds, some tankers containing god only knew what. Parsee glanced at her, envy in her eyes.

"You get to do fieldwork... I'm jealous."
"I should be jealous of you Mizuhashi, you're the one who's not going to get your ass shot up."
"Time on target five minutes, in position everyone."

The gun was charged, Parsee was ready, it fell to Elly to open the hatch, throw the rope down and climb down. As she climbed down the rope, the cold tundra wind stung her body, she doubted she'd have more than two chances at this. In honestly, Elly believed that one chance was all she had.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a SAM launcher rise out of a hatch in one of the freight cars. It turned and focused on the chopper, with an immediate lock on. It was too early to let go, if she did she'd go skidding into the snow. A missile launched from it, the helicopter pulled evasive maneuvers, dodging to the left.

This was it, now or never. She swung and let go of the rope and plunged in the direction of the train. She pulled out her scythe and put as much force into a physical blow as she possibly could, sinking the blade into the top of one of the cars. She used her grip on the scythe to climb onto the train car.

There was a spray of machine gun fire and an explosion, Elly looked back up into the sky. She had to admit that Tokiko was a decent pilot and that Parsee was a decent door gunner... the chopper plummeted from the sky in flames... well, other than Parsee nailed the missile too close to the chopper and got them both killed... K was definitely not going to be happy about this.

She pulled her scythe out of the train car and spun it a few times, putting it away immediately afterwards. Spotting a hatch on the car, she opened it and climbed in, pulling it shut behind her.

"Well... looks like this is the last one."

The nameless minion opened the door of the boxcar to find Elly staring at him. She waved rather charmingly. "Hi there." before pulling him into the car and knocking him out with a swift strike to the head.

She slipped out of the boxcar and took a look around. The train was stopped on the upper level of some sort of internal cargo station inside whatever classified Moriya Foundation facility was being hidden out here in the middle of nowhere.

She looked walked to the edge of a platform and looked over a railing, Reimu was being led a way by several of the facility soldiers and Momiji was being met by a young woman with green hair. She wasn't entirely sure at this distance, but she was almost positive that the girl was Sanae Kochiya, the heiress to the entire Moriya fortune.

She climbed over the side and leapt down, adeptly landing on her feet, showing experience beyond the two days she'd spent in this world. She could have erred on the side of caution, infiltrated the facility through vents or corridors, but she wanted to know what Momiji and Sanae were talking about.

She dashed around a set of containers. A guard with an assault rifle stood at the ready looking on Momiji as she made small talk with Sanae. Elly put an arm around his neck and pulled her hand over his face and pulled him behind the container, rendering him unconscious with a chokehold. She took the assault rifle and watched over the two, Reimu was no longer with them, and she had no idea where the Moriya Foundation met them.

Sanae slapped Momiji. "You imbecile, do you have any idea what you've done!?"
"I... I did the job I was paid to do."
"You were not paid to assassinate a head of state."
"She saw everything Director Kochiya, you said no witnesses."
"I refer to my previous statement." she paused momentarily. "Why aren't you handing me the disc?"
"She didn't have it."
"What do you mean she didn't have it, what the hell are we paying you for!?"
"To gr..."
"I wasn't asking you!"
Cirno walked up to them and looked. "Umm... what's going on?"
"Grishenko, we pay you to program, not ask questions."
"I'm the strongest!"

Sanae was about to hit her for being an idiot again, Cirno Grishenko was the best programmer they had, but when it came right down to it, ultimately she was an adult child. But then she thought better of hitting her and unholstered a sidearm.

"The strongest, huh? Would you like a chance to prove it?"
Momiji was getting nervous, even though she was only being ignored for a moment, it was very unsettling given the circumstances. "You aren't going to kill me are, you?"
"Of course not, I don't believe in killing someone in cold blood." she handed the gun to Cirno. "Show her how strong you are. Kill her."
"Please... I'm sorry..."

Cirno looked at the gun for a moment trying to determine what Sanae wanted her to do with it. Then she realized it was a test of loyalty.
"I'm the strongest!"

Cirno pulled the trigger once, and then continued pulling the trigger until she had emptied the entier magazine into Momiji, who slumped to the ground in a very dead fashion.

"Hah, give a girl a gun and she's Superman."

Two audible clicks sounded behind Elly, and she was pushed  out from behind the container by someone she couldn't see.

"Give her two, and she's God." Both the ambusher and Sanae laughed at the reply despite that an intruder was being held right there." Elly thought she recognized the voice but couldn't place it.
"You need to improve security around here Kochiya, this rodent slipped in."

Sanae took the gun from Cirno and waved her off, and then walked over to Elly.
"Well well, a spy... perhaps she might know where the disc is."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
The mystery assailant hit her from behind, bringing her to her knees. "I don't think that's going to work, I think we'll have to apply... duress."
"Hmm... maybe, let's do it, I doubt we'll get anything from Hakurei, but we can do her afterwards."

The girl behind Elly pistol whipped her over the head, knocking her out.

It was hours later.

Darkness... voices...

"So this is the intruder." An unfamiliar voice, the accent was profoundly Slavic.
"Rumia? I was expecting Commander Chen." It seemed Director Kochiya was there too.
"There's suspicious activity in the neutral zone between the borders of Mayohiga, Makai, and the Scarlet Union. She sent me in her place." So the unfamiliar one was named Rumia?

The door opened and footsteps entered the room. There was the sound of a pistol being unholstered, what was being done with it?

"How did it go?" it was Sanae.
"Hakurei wouldn't talk, she may genuinely not know anything." That voice again, the one who ambushed her, she KNEW the voice, who was it?
"I thought we were going to do her afterwards." Sanae paused, carefully thinking her next words. "You didn't accidently..."
"No, she's still very much intact." There was a scowl of anger in that voice.

Elly's eyes fluttered open slowly, she was in a room... there were three other people, Sanae, the Rumia girl, and... Kasumi!? She was the one who ambushed her?

"Well well well, back to the land of the living are we Agent Rose?"

Elly tied to move only to find she was strapped to a table of some sort, and seemed to be in a room meant for interrogation... this seemed very deja vu. Suddenly the table rotated vertically and it occured to her that her clothes other than her underwear were missing.

"Where are my clothes?"
"That's a good question Asagiri, where are her clothes?"
"She doesn't need them for this." Rumia held her arms out.
"I didn't ask you Rumia, I asked the agent from Makai!" Sanae snapped at the girl.
"Is that so~"
"Rumia had it right, she doesn't need her clothes for this."
"What do you mean I don't need my clothes?"
"Ignore her." Kasumi said.

They went back to talking amongst themselves.

"Director, what about that devil?"
"No clue Asagiri, she killed twelve men. Whoever she is, she's some kind of lunatic."
"Bastard took my hand... How could she have gotten in here?"

Rumia and Sanae looked at eachother questioningly, then at Kasumi.

"You're not missing a hand." Rumia pointed out
"Perhaps there's a spy among us... Momiji is dead."
"Kasumi said you had Cirno kill her."
"We've also got to find out what killed Baker and Octopus." Kasumi added in.
"Who the hell are Baker and Octopus?" Sanae was confused at this point. "Whatever. We're shorthanded, so make this little torture show as short as possible."
"Torture? This is an interrogation."
"As you wish." Sanae shrugged and turned away. "I have to prepare for the positioning of the final satellite."

Asagiri turned and looked at Rumia as Sanae walked out of the room.

"What about you? Wanna stay for the show?"
"I'm not interested... it's time to eat the family."
"You mean feed the family... right?"
"Eat, feed... makes no difference to me."
"So you prefer the darkness to my show, huh?"

The door opened, but Elly noted that Rumia hadn't walked out of it, it had almost been as if she had faded away somewhere.

"Finally, just the two of us."
"What about Rumia?"
"Do you see her?"
"I see... Kasumi..."
"Where's Reimu?"
"She's not dead, yet... thank Rumia for that one, but its up to you if you want her to stay that way."

Kasumi walked away and began inputting things into a nearby computer.

"Where's the disc? That weasel Moriya stole a disc and got it to Reimu Hakurei... you two were at the party together."
"Hell if I know."
"I see..." Kasumi reached for her left gun. "No problem then." She tried to spin it but dropped it in the process. She quickly bent down and grabbed it, pointing it at Elly.

"You're just going to shoot me?"
"We're going to play a game Elly Rose, and we're going to find out what kind of woman you really are. When the pain becomes to great to bear, just give up and your suffering will end. But if you do, the girl's life is mine."

It suddenly occured to Elly why every word was adding to a growing sense of deja vu that was enveloping her; this was awfully similiar to the Metal Gear Solid torture scene... which somewhat explained her lack of clothing, likely a shoutout to the second game's torture scene... why the hell was she lampshading this in her mind, did that really change anything?

"You do realize you are both paraphrasing and quoting the MGS torture sequence word for word, right?"
"Yes, yes I do." Kasumi's response was so quick that it gave Elly an unsettled feeling.
"Good to know... are you going to go through the whole tirade about pressing the resist button and how long its been since I saved my game?"
"Life's not a game. You're a tough gal Elly, but I got some bad news for you. You're no POW, you're a hostage. There's no Geneva Convention, no one is coming to save you."
"... Aren't you going to tell me what you're gonna do to me?"
"What's the point, you already know... okay, lets get started."

Kasumi's hands flew through a few keys causing Elly to scream in pain as a high voltage electical current was run through the table. If there were resist or submit buttons to press, she probably would have been pressing one of them. But this was her life, an incident created by something and slowly killing people, it was not Metal Gear Solid... even if it seemed like it was becoming awfully like it.

The other Elly, the Elly who guarded Yuuka Kazami's mansion on a day to day basis and was ineffective a gatekeeper as Hong Meiling wouldn't have been able to endure this torture. But the Elly of this world, Elly Rose... she was a spy, she had been trained to resist torture and interrogation. The idea that she had a legend and that she was building onto it helped her cling to the notion of resisting Kasumi's torture.

Finally the current was stopped and Kasumi looked at her carefully, what was she thinking? Oh well, it didn't matter, she managed to resist, Reimu would be safe... at least if this sadist kept to her word.

"You're tougher than you look." She slowly turned and circled, bitterness and envy at this hero swirling in her mind, she hated Elly, she wished she were the hero... and she'd make sure she got her chance... oh yes, soon enough... "Guards! Get her down and put her in a cell!"

Two guards filed into the room, Elly immedately began jittering her wrist trying to slip her watch within reach of her nimble fingers. The guards bent down and released the claps holding her legs in place, she made her move. She swung her legs out and wrapped them around the neck of one of the guards.

She immediately twisted her legs swiftly and decisively, snapping the man's neck. All the shaking from her right hand had put the watch within grasp of her fingers, she pushed a button and a laser shot out melting through the clasp holding her left hand. She quickly undid her right hand and went for the attached garroting wire within the watch and wrapped it around the guard's neck as she fell upon him.

Kasumi approached her reaching for her both sidearms at the same time but Elly was too quick, she quickly put both ends of the wire in one hand and put pressure on the guard as she strangled him and pulled out her scythe holding it at Kasumi's neck.

"Ah ah... drop them."
"Where the hell were you keeping that thing!?" Kasumi was completely shocked at the scythe that seemed to appear from nowhere and just dropped both of her guns.
"A girl can hide a scythe in alot of places."
"I'm sure." She was clearly skeptical about how it was done.

The guard went limp below her, she released the clasp on the garrote and attached it back to the watch nimbly with one hand, slipping it back around the wrist. She stood up completely and circled Kasumi.

"Agent of Makai, huh?"
"Doesn't mean I can't sell my services to the highest bidder."
"And that happened to be the Moriya Foundation."
"Does it matter?"
"I guess not."

Elly delivered a swift spinning kick to Kasumi's head knocking her unconscious. She moved on quickly, taking the girl's keycard and was about to leave the room when it suddenly occured to her to take the her radio. She moved to the room and took the Kasumi's radio and wireless earpiece.

The first thing she did upon taking the radio was set it to her own frequency that she had used with her radio given to her by K. As she slunk down a corridor, staying hidden in the shadows, it suddenly occured to her that she had no clue where her clothes and equipment were. A call came in through the radio.

"Elly, be careful! There's guards that way, find aother route."
"Who are you?" Elly didn't recognize the voice
"Just call me Deepthroat."
Elly did not want to go along with this. "If I find out you're crazed ninja wielding a katana, I'm going to kill you."
"You're supposed to say "Deepthroat? The informant from the Watergate scandal?" aren't you?"
"No. I refuse."
"You need to get out of there."
"I've lost all my gear... I also need to find Reimu."
"She was never factored into the simulation. Leave her out of this."

Elly let that pause carry for awhile, now MGS2 was being quoted. She sat there wondering if this conversation used "flags" like in dating sims or if the other voice just wouldn't talk until she spoke her line or even a line.

"I can't do much naked, especially in this temperature."
"That's true -- you won't be able to attack or enter the hanging mode either."
"If you tell me I have to head to a place called the Rectum and fight 25 metal gears, I'm going to be very upset."
"Wow, you must be a satori, that's exactly what you have to do."

She changed her frequency to an alternate one she also used that K ALSO knew and began sneaking around again, without clothes it was embarassing to move around. She decided that if they fit, she'd steal clothes from the next guard she saw.

She eventually moved into a large room, there were several catwalks and a few guards lounging about, but the abundance of cover allowed her to easily slip past them. She couldn't take their clothes because one of them would have noticed. She needed to ambush a lone guard who's disappearance wouldn't be immediately noticed. Another call came in on the radio, she immediately assumed it would be K... she was wrong.

"I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!"
"I don't care who you are. When I find you, I am so going to kill you."
"Please don't. Patchouli-sama will be very upset."
It took her a moment to process that. "Wait what!? Who are you!?"
"Koakuma, personal assistant to Patchouli Knowledge, Chairman of the KGB."
"Okay... since you seem to be watching me... where are you?"
"Security Room 7-B."

Finally, Elly was getting some of the answers she desired and things were becoming less quoted word for word.

"If you're here, I'm guessing Chairman Knowledge is somewhere close behind."
"Err... no." It was an obvious and transparent lie.
"Alright than... what do you know about my clothing and equipment?"
"The winged girl took it, she's blonde, long hair..."
"White bow?"
"How did you know?"
"Lucky guess." Not really, by then it was a little obvious that she was describing Kurumi.
"You can get your stuff from her, I'll direct you..."
"No way, I'm not going any further unless I'm wearing clothes."
The voice on the other end sighed. "Fine, I'll direct her."

There didn't even need to be a reply, her tone of voice made it very clear that she was serious about not doing anything without clothing, even if they did leave her panties, which defied the reference given that Raiden was left completely naked. She hid behind a container and waited for Kurumi to come by with her stuff, at least this was assuming that it was Kurumi that Kokauma had been talking about... K, huh? There were too many K names surrounding her at the present moment.

Someone was coming by, was it an enemy? Elly quickly stepped out and pulled the person behind the container.
"Hey! Let go!"
"What the hell did you think I was? A cyberdemon?"
"Well... yes!" Well... maybe not a cyberdemon, but she was imagining something sinister lurking that she had to kill before it killed her.
"I managed to get ahold of your stuff."
"That better include my clothes."
"It does."
"Give them over"

Kurumi handed Elly's clothing over to her, it wasn't the dress she was used to, but then again, that was the other Elly that wore the dress... She did keep the hat though... closer examination revealed it to have some sort of blade... it was an Oddjob hat, lovely.

These clothes were fitting of Elly Rose, casual, comfortable, snazzy, and all without being promiscuous in any way whatsoever, the miracle of the 60's and 70's... speaking of which, what year was it here? Eh, that didn't really matter.

As she began getting dressed, she suddenly stopped when she realized Kurumi was watching her. She'd been stripped and tortured in a cliche scene that had been used already, the least Kurumi could afford her was the privacy to get dressed without being spied on.

"Kurumi, can you give me some privacy?"
"Oh, um... I'm sorry." Kurumi blushed bright red and a bit away.

"Okay Kurumi, I'm dressed."

Kurumi returned to her friend and companion and nodded at her.

"Okay, you've been lurking awhile, do you know where Reimu is?"
"Yeah, I had planned on rescuing you first, but it seems you didn't need it."
"What about a way out, got one of those planned?"
"There's an airstrip within the facility's grounds, we can get out from there."
"Okay, you rescue Reimu, I'll clear us a path."

An explosion sounded from above, klaxons began to blare.

"That didn't sound good..."
"Means we have to double time it, on the double!"

Kurumi stopped Elly before she ran off and gave her a pair of night vision goggles.

"Something's happening up top, if they hit the generators than you might need these."

Elly nodded in a thankful manner and ran off down a corridor that according to a radio message from Koakuma was supposed to be the way to central control. She had asked for the directions there because she wanted to shut down whatever operation was being based from this facility before she left. Eventually Elly found herself in a large room that was completely dark other than the red sirens, but even those faded.

"My prey at last." It was Rumia's voice, it seemed to come from everywhere at once.
"You're Rumia?"
"Isn't it a little dark for an ambush?"
"I like the darkness."
"Why not fight and kill me normally?"
"It's not fun that way."

Elly ducked behind a pillar and immediately put on the NV goggles that Kurumi had given her. This would either be a battle of patience, or a battle of who could find, track, and kill the other first. Either way, Elly didn't think that running around was a good idea.

The moment she turned on the nightvision goggles she found herself in for a nasty surprise, the batteries were dead, meaning: no night vision. Conclusion: she would have to fight in absolute darkness.

"So are you just going to hunt me?"
"If you insist, then you're going to leave this room in a bodybag."
"Is that so~" Rumia giggled. "Well then, you're going to be leaving this room in my belly."

Oh wonderful, this cute innocent girl was actually some sort of headhunting cannibal, what a wonderful thing to be stuck in a room with: someone who wants to eat you for dinner. Elly was not happy, but she guessed that she would either have to fight or die. That's how it is with spies, right? Do or die?

She had to slink carefully and quietly, if she didn't the sound would have given away her position to Rumia... not that it did much good, being quiet didn't help her find the girl, not one single bit.

She slunk around one of the pillars, an audible shot surrounded breezing just to her left, Rumia couldn't see her so she was going by sound. To pierce these pillars... she must have been carrying some sort of massive armor-piercing rifle.

A rumble from above, part of the ceiling collapsed letting abit of light into the room. Both Rumia and Elly avoided the light, they were hunting eachother in the dark, the light would only impede the hunt and get them caught by the other.

Sound, huh? Sound... sound... damn it was hard to focus with explosions rocking the surface. There it was, a shuffle, Rumia was nearby. She silently moved around a corner... she'd moved in the wrong direction... wait! Behind her!?

Elly was lucky, Rumia hadn't seen that she could pull her scythe out of nowhere, otherwise she may have approached her differently instead of sneaking up from behind. An act that Elly had expected very much.

The scythe was quickly pulled out and used to cleave the wild girl in half, she didn't stay to see what the slice had done to Rumia, blood and gore never really facinated her. After all, you're a spy, you see one dead body, you've seen them all... unless it's something truly bizarre like that guy who drove his car into that giant waste tank and drowned in shit, that was just weird.

Elly came into the satellite positioning control room. A few guards and techs shuffeled about but that was about it. Nearby Cirno was stationed at a computer typing away but there was no sign of Sanae...

She snuck around the corner, Sanae came bursting into the room.
"Shut it down, shut it all down!"
"Ma'am?" Cirno looked at her.
"The KGB's on to us, Hong Meiling's here with the entire Scarlet army. It's over, pack up what you can, destroy the rest, we'll resume operations from the facility in Makai."

Makai? So that's where this goes? Another classified facility huh? It was another place to start searching for answers. A flash of red hair above her, she didn't know it but she had caught a brief glimpse of Koakuma as she set explosives above which should be enough to level most of the facility or at the very least this one room.

Elly paid no mind, this was no time for distractions. She decided to make herself known to Sanae.

"You're right about one thing, it is over!" She unholstered her sidearm and aimed it at Sanae, deciding to save on the scythe usage for now.
"Well well, Elly Rose, escaped your torture I see?"
"Kasumi was right, you really do need to increase security here."
"Kasumi? Who the hell is Kasumi?"
"The girl who was torturing me."
"Oh! You mean As..." she stopped herself, "yeah Kasumi Asagiri, that's her."

The computers all shut down, Cirno had finished her job and began to pull on Sanae's dress.
"Miss Sanae..."
"Quiet Grishenko."
"Tell me about her." Elly was suspicious, she wanted to know who Kasumi was, and she wanted that info by yesterday.
"Not much I can tell you, she's a freelance agent, a rogue from Makai."
"Miss Sanae!"
"Goddamnit, I am sick of putting up with you!"
"But there's a b..."

Sanae smacked Cirno who responded by tackling her to the ground. As she did so, she managed to get ahold of Sanae's gun. Meanwhile Elly, having understood what Cirno was trying to say took this time to move towards the escape hatch in the corner. Cirno pulled the trigger, splattering part of Sanae's head across the floor.

"I'm the strongest!" There was a beep from above. "Oh crap, I forgot."

Elly was running full speed now as an explosion ripped through the upper area of the room. As it turned out, Koakuma had been wrong in identifying those tanks as fuel, in reality they were liquid nitrogen. They unleashed their contents freezing her alive, Elly was already partially up the ladder and managed to avoid being frozen. The only thing she could do was climb.

Elly breached the surface on near the airstrip, the surface was total chaos, Patchouli's carefully executed plot had paralyzed the entire base's comms and had prevented them from calling in reinforcements froem either HQ or their ally General Yakumo. And with Sanae Kochiya dead, the command structure was in total disarray, everyone was shooting everyone, no one knew who was in charge or whether they should be defending or escaping, all they knew was that they were being slaughtered.

Elly climbed into a jeep, what luck, the keys had been left inside it. A call came in from the radio.

"It's all going to hell Elly! Get here or we're going to leave without you!"
"Start the plane Kurumi, I'll be fine!"

Elly put the jeep into gear and took off, above her a rocket struck a guard tower bring the whole damn thing down behind her. A helicopter hovered low, and a voice sounded from a loudspeaker.

"Elly Rose, stop the jeep and surrender, you will not be harmed!"

She slammed on the gas, that was Koakuma's voice, Chairman Knowledge was here! In the distance, a plane was beginning to depart from the runway, Kurumi was waving out the door as if to beckon her forward. A poorly aimed rocket struck the ground in front of her, it could ahve easily killed her, it missed intentionally... what was Patcouli playing at?

She pulled a hard turn onto the runway and began running parallel to the plane. Now or never? Right? She lept from the jeep, landing in a roll on the tarmac, the runaway vehicle swerving into a pile of gasoline drums and exploding an impressive show of flame.

Elly ran, to catch up with the plane, if Kurumi was at the door, was Reimu flying the thing!?

"Take my hand!"

Elly reached out as far as she could and grabbed Kurumi's hand. Her partner promptly pulled her into the plane. The first thing Elly did was climb into the cockpit and take the pilot's seat.

"Reimu, that's the co-pilot's seat."
"Sorry... I've never flown one of these before."
"Me neither, but Elly Rose probably has, there's a first for everything..."

She pulled back on the controls, bringing the plane into the air, and as she did so she kept her mind on her next destination: Pandaemonium, the capital of Makai.

End Part 2

Luna Moth Child

  • I do say, bzzzzzzz
    • Winterdrake Productions
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #430 on: October 02, 2010, 05:10:38 AM »
Part 3: One Bad Apple...

Elly's morning was getting interesting.

The above phrase is true.

She flew the plane with surprising skill given that she'd never flown a plane before. Then again, that was Elly, guardian of Mugenkan, Elly Rose had probably flown a plane numerous times. After everything she'd learned, she and Reimu both agreed that the key to everything lay in the Imperial State of Makai

Reimu Hakurei slept in the seat next to her somewhat tired by her experience in the Moriya Foundation's base in the Coldlands of the Scarlet Union. Elly didn't mind, it was easier to watch someone who was sleeping. In the back Kurumi lounged, having determined that she couldn't leave her pal Elly alone and decided to tag along for the long run.

Two fighter planes pulled up on either side of the plane and a voice came from the radio.

"Attention unidentified aircraft, you are in violation of Mayohiga airspace, turn back or you will be shot down."
"That's impossible!" Kurumi sprang from the back. "We're in neutral ground, they have no authority here."
"So they're bluffing?"
"They have to be, it'd be a violation of international treaty for them to shoot us down over neutral ground."

"This is your final warning, turn back or we will be forced to open fire."
"It's a bluff."

Out of nowhere a missile streaked out from below and struck one of the unfriendly escorts, the other plane quickly bugged out. The splash damage from the explosion damaged their plane however, and they began to lose altitude.

"Hold on Kurumi, its gonna be a bumpy landing... Kurumi?"

She looked back, one of the doors to the plane was already open, Kurumi was gone, apparently having decide to jump out and use her wings to fly to safety rather than crashing in a plane.

"That bitch."

Elly crawled out of the wreckage of the craft as the sun rose in the background of the empty desert. She could hear soldiers shuffling all around her, on a nearby ridge a rusty SAM that had probably been there since the second great war languished like a dying behemoth.

"You idiot! You shot down one of ours!"
"I-It's not my fault, Commander Chen, this piece of junk has been here for years.
"Forget it, search the site for survivors, and bring them to me."

Elly did her best to hide behind a rocky outcropping, maybe they'd go away. She wasn't entirely sure about Reimu though, if she died here then that whole rescue was pointless other than learning that Makai was somehow involved in this whole mess.

There was gunfire, it seemed they had found Reimu, what probably happened was that she tried to fight back. Didn't she know that it was better to feign surrender in situations like this and wait for an opening to escape? Unlike the base, there was nowhere for them to be taken to, escape could easily be carried out during transport.

"Don't move."

The voice came from behind Elly, she was supposed to be a great spy but this was the second time a soldier had snuck up on her and taken her captive in the last week. A couple times over the career is fine, but twice in a week...

Shouting could be heard now.

"Damnit Corporal, I told you to bring them to me, not kill them."
"She shot at me! I was protecting myself."

The Mayohiga soldier brought her around the side of the plane where she could plainly see Reimu lying dead in the sand. Commander Chen stood nearby somewhat angrily glaring at Iku Nagae while some sort of propaganda speech played on a nearby radio.

"Well... at least someone is capable of following orders." She turned to Iku, apparently the soldier who had shot Reimu. "Unlike some people... speaking of which, as of now you are no longer a soldier in our army. When we get back to base you weill be detained and executed via firing squad."
"Why did you shoot us down? We're travelling to Makai."
"I suppose you stole this plane from the Moriya Foundation?"
"Again with the Moriya Foundation... what the fuck kind of weapon did they build for you people?"
"That is none of your concern... and what of my friend Rumia?"
"No comment."
"I see..." Chen understood that no comment meant that she was dead.

A voice came in on Chen's radio.

"Ran-sama, please refer to me by my rank, it's embarassing when you address me like that when I'm in front of my men."
"I'm sorry, Commander Chen, I guess I was a little excited."
"That's okay General, sir."
"We shot down a plane stolen from the Moriya Foundation facility where the satellite array was being programmed, designed, and launched from."
"Two, but one of my men killed one."
"Kill the other, no witnesses... and get back ASAP, we had some amateur who tried to infiltrate the base... she found out everything, we had to take her out. But someone might look for her."
"Orders understood, over and out."

Chen unholstered her sidearm and pointed it at Elly.
"Well, it looks like today just isn't your lucky day."
"Don't I get last words?"
"What do I look like? A priest?"
"I guess not."
"Say your prayers."
"I thought you weren't a priest."

Chen squeezed down on the trigger and there was a loud gunshot... Elly was expecting to be dead, but found herself surprised when Chen dropped over, apparently hit by a sniper's bullet, but not dead. The guard who had brought Elly over on this side of the plane was next as an operative with fiery red hair styled into braided pig tails stormed the soldiers with a loud battle cry of "Yeah! Smoke the mother!"

Under her breath Elly muttered "For the king is an example of a good battlecry, smoke the mother is not."

As combat began between Rin Kaenbyou and Commander Chen's troops Iku just stood there not doing anything while Elly ran for it.
"Nagae, what are you doing? Go after her!"
"If I recall, I'm no longer a soldier in your army."
"I never did like you, Commander."

Iku pointed her sidearm at her former commander and finished her off, meanwhile Kurumi swooped down from the sky and grabbed Elly to assist her.
"You're late!"
"Sorry to disappoint."
"Let me back down, the calvary had arrived."
"I dunno... we're pretty high up."
"Don't be an idiot, Kurumi, fly lower and let me down."

Kurumi had swooped lower and let Elly down close to the ground. The first thing she did upon landing was grab Chen's gun. By this point Iku had seemingly vanished, probably deserting, just a punch clock villian. But as it turned out, she didn't need the gun, everyone was already dead.

She turned to Rin. "I suppose I have you to thank for this."
"Don't thank me, thank my companion Koishi, if she hadn't sniped the Commander here," She kicked Chen's corpse for emphasis, not bothering to bring up that Koishi hadn't actually killed her. "then you'd be pushing up daisies."
"Hehe, don't mention it, really."

Elly had a bad feeling, and she knew Kurumi could tell. She knew why she had this feeling of dread too. These people weren't just spies, they were Satori Directorate operatives of the Chireiden, said to be the most deadly and efficient covert operatives in the world.

"So you're from the Satori Directorate?"
"Yeah... we've been quite interested in the activities of General Yakumo some time now. Anyway someone gave us an anonymous tip that something was happening out here... and here we are, just in time too."
"I see... what do you know?"
"You're heading to Pandaemonium, right? I think we'll have alot to talk about on the way..."

En Route to Pandaemonium, two operatives of the Satori Directorate had filled the Elly and Kurumi in on everything. General Yakumo and Kanako Yasaka had been working with God-Empress Shinki, which explained the involvement of Kasumi, the agent from Makai. She hadn't sold her services to the highest bidder, she was acting under orders from her employer.

"Why would the God-Empress buy into this?"
"Who knows." Rin shrugged. "The Komeiji sisters are paid to think, Reiuji and I just charge in guns blazing with battlecries such as "Drop the mother!", or other things of the like."
"Utsuho Reiuji, my usual partner. She got stuck with Satori cleaning up that mess you made in the Scarlet Union. You know, Knowledge is really out to get you after what happened to the Premier."
Elly waved her off. "Bah."
"So where to?"
"We're skipping Pandaemonium, whatever's happening, it's probably happening in the palace itself."
"Are you sure that's wise Elly?" Kurumi sounded worried.
"Kasumi, Director Kochiya, General Yakumo... if there was a hidden base in Makai, the God-Empress herself would know about it."

As the helicopter hovered low over Pandaemonium heading in the direction of Shinki's palace, she noticed something, the streets were ablaze with fire and conflict. General Yakumo's troops had moved in and were doing battle with the military of Makai.

"Shit!" Rin was shocked with the scene.
"Screw the conflict, everyone who knows something has been killed by someone else who knows something. Momiji by Sanae, Sanae by Cirno, Cirno by Patchouli's men, Chen by you..."
"That was Koishi, remember? And we were saving your bacon!" Rin protested.
"Whatever, the point is that if we don't go for the palace first, Shinki might not be alive when we get there, and she's the only one who would know what the hell is going on."

The palace was finally within sight, they just needed a decent place to land. Rin climbed into the co-pilot's seat and examined things carefully, pointing out a large balcony.


Koishi landed the chopper on the large second floor balcony and they they entered the room by smashing the window and opening it from the inside. The room was of little interest and they quickly departed into a corridor, all they found was blood and death. Someone had been here before them and they had left no witnesses alive.

"Let's split up, Koishi you stay with Rin, I'll go with Kurumi."
"Agreed, I'm more suited to kill whoever did this." Rin said delightedly, while Koishi just shook her head in disappointment.
"Yeeeah... you do that."

Elly took Kurumi with her and headed in what she assumed was the direction of the throne room. It was a palace right, all palaces were the same. Granted, her personal experience was with the Mugenkan, but palace... large mansion... it was close enough for the moment.

When they rounded a corner, they saw the God-Emperess's servant Yumeko limping through the hallway, bracing against the wall for support. She was in truly pitiful condition, blood trailing behind her and leaking from her mouth.
"You have... to stop her... she's going to kill Shinki..."
"Stop who!? Who did this to you?"

Yumeko slumped to the ground dead, one of her swords sticking out of her back, it was a miracle she managed to get this far with an injury like that, she had probably been going on force of will alone. It suddenly occured to her, whatever was happening between General Yakumo, the Moriya Foundation, and God-Empress Shinki, some sort of internal conflict was tearing the alliance apart. And then she knew, there was never ever any girl named Kasumi, only Asagi Asagiri using an alias... she had used them all.

She had been tempted to walk away from the conflict, but this knew knowledge drove her, it would bring her to the center of the incident. Asagi Asagiri, a fine rival to have.

"Kurumi, go get Rin and Koishi."

She felt bad almost, she was trying to get rid of her friend, and for what? To create some sort of outdated movie showdown? To protect her? Things were becoming murky in her mind, was she doing this with good or bad intent  in mind?

"What about..."
"Just go!"

She followed the corridor to the throne room where the throne had been moved to the side revealing an an elevator. This was it, beyond this elevator and whatever it led to lay her destiny...

The elevator had led to a tram, but the moment the tram arrived at the facility, she knew something was wrong. She should have been greeted by angry soldiers with their guns at the ready, instead she was greated by blood, death, and destruction.

She stepped out, if Asagi had only recently put that sword in Yumeko's back, then this all had just happened, there was a chance to stop her before she killed off everyone who had answers of some sort.

The keycard she had swiped from Asagi back in the torture room worked on the doors here as she quickly found out, not that she needed to use it that much, in several places the doors had been literally destroyed. Asagi had taken no chances at mistakes, she had simply gone for violence.

It was beyond one of these broken down doors that she encountered Marisa sitting against the wall, dying of several bullet wounds but not dead yet... wait... why was Marisa here? Hadn't K sent her into one of General Yakumo's facilities? Could that have been here?

"Heh..." Marisa coughed "It looks like I screwed up."
"What happened."
"That Asagi girl... she went batshit insane, decided to set up the weapon array and started killing anyone and everyone who got in her way, even people who didn't."
"What did you learn."
"She's insane... ze..."
"That's not much."
"Be careful... something's not right about that weapon..." She was coughing up blood now, she didn't have much time left.
"I'll try."
"I'm passing the torch, its up to you now, ze..."

Elly wanted to cry, the designated heroes were dead, what was she supposed to do? Was she really supposed to save the world? She was beginning to revert back to her normal Elly self, this was too much responsibility for her. She was a gate guard, not the youkai extermination specialist, she didn't solve incidents.

The part of her that was Elly Rose reminded her that she had to be strong, that she could do this, even if everyone was dying around her, she could do this. She would do this, even if she died doing so, she would stop Asagi.

She arrived in the control room to find that the countdown sequence had begun and that the entire room had been riddled with bullets. A fierce firefight had taken place here and it had killed both General Yakumo and Kanako Yasaka from the Moriya Foundation... along with everyone who got in between them all.

Guards, technicians, scientists, no one was spared Asagi's wrath, it was as if the four horsemen themselves had swept through her. She briefly saw a flash of a white jacket on someone as they fled the room. Elly knew, it was Asagi, she would know. She would know everything. She would finally get the answers she desired.

Her pursuit of Asagi lead her to a large antenna high above the facility, the centerpoint of the weapon array, although she had arrived too late to prevent her from executing the God-Empress Shinki.


The moment that exchange had taken place, the fourth wall itself had completly crumbled to pieces, and both girls knew that. Neither would have to act or play out their roles anymore, they knew who they were, and nothing would change that. Even if in the whole sequence they had faithfully played their roles as the fourth wall observers of this world, in this one moment when a decisive battle would decide who reigned supreme they would be themselves without any facades hiding who they truly were.

"I guess I don't really need to introduce myself."
"We aren't so different Elly."
"This is the circle of extinction speech, where yout try to pursuade me to join you, tell me how alike we are..."
"We are alike, we were abandoned by our creators, given false promises, only remembered by fans who find our tragedy funny."
"That's you. I'm remembered because of the Bad Apple vid on youtube. I'm famous. What about you? You aren't even a Touhou character, you're the girl from the Nippon Ichi games."
"Hah, you only appeared in a PC-98 game, you're Yuuka's battle butler but you didn't even get to be the stage 5 boss like Sakuya or Youmu, noooo... you were stage 3."
"At least I appeared in a game."
"As a crapass midboss, I was going to have my own game."
"Yeah, they cancelled the funding, isn't it sad Sacchin? Push me further and I'll use my Mystic Eyes of Death Perception on you."
"Tsukihime this is not."
"Then it's probably not Fate Stay Night either, is it?"
"You're annoying me you outdated hag, you die here!"

Elly circled Asagi, drawing her scythe as she did so. Asagi responded by drawing one of her pistols and circling Elly back, the two rivals circling eachother like wolves vying for supremecy of the pack.

"Really, I die here?"
"You don't scare me with that hammerspace scythe of yours."
"Not hammerspace, victoria's secret compartment."
"Oh shut up, that trope does not describe it, you pulled that damn thing out of nowhere when you escaped the torture room and you know it."
"What can I say, there's alot of places for a gal like me to hide a scythe... and I still say that Metal Gear Solid references are overused."
"I actually found it quite refereshing to play the role of Revolver Ocelot."
"Why aren't we killing eachother yet?"
"You get as much pleasure out of killing as I do, so why don't you admit it."
"I admit killing you would be a pleasure."
"Then you should have done so when you first saw me. On the other hand, the English don't consider it sporting to kill in cold blood, do they?"
"Asagi, as much as I'm sure you'd like to be, you are not Francisco Scaramanga."
"You still don't get it, do you Elly?"

Finally things were changing, the fourth wall was being rebuilt... wait... what? What was there to get, was there something she was missing? Wasn't this array just a gigantic doomsday weapon of mass destruction being used to hold the world hostage, that's how it always was in the Bond movies... had Marisa been right?

"We're standing in the center of the most powerful alchemic transmutation circle ever concieved, we're at the crossroads of history itself. Once I kill you and become the hero, I'll absorb the power of the array and finally have my own game."
"World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they're Napoleon. Or God."
"World domination? You're thining too narrow, what could be achieved with this array is greater than the Philosopher's Stone, it would turn the laws of equivalent exchange upside down, I'm talking the power of God itself!"
"Please note the phrase "Or God" in my last sentence."
"Don't you get it Elly? Join me, you could be the queen of the new Gensokyo."
"Gensokyo is not not enough."
"Foolish sentiment."
"Family motto... say... isn't it about time we stop quoting or paraphrasing Bond movies?"

Asagi unholstered her other pistol and began spinning them both, the battle between rivals was imminent. It was a classic showdown, pistols at dawn, except for the part that Elly had a scythe instead of a pistol... Those who live by the sword are shot by those who live by the gun, aren't they?

"Give a man a gun and he's Superman, give him two and he's God."
"Hard Boiled, describing Tequila... a little guns akimbo are we. Rule of cool doesn't run the world."
"He who has the nickel plating makes the rules, right?" Asagi waved her pistols tauntingly.
"I'm still the one with the big-ass scythe that can cut you in two."
"I'd like to see you try!"

Asagi backed away moving for an elevated position, always attack from high ground as they say. Elly immediately threw her scythe at her, which was swiftly dodged with a backflip. The other girl strafed the upper catwalk firing down at Elly the whole time.

She knew she needed to outmaneuver Asagi somehow, but how, she didn't want to lose her scythe as she seemed to have thrown it a bit too hard. It was going to come back now, any minute. She wasn't going to wait. She jumped onto a ledge and propelled herself into he air, catching the scythe mid-flight and landing in a frontflip on another catwalk of the array.

Asagi didn't have good view anymore, she dived off her catwalk pulling the trigger and letting bullet after bullet fly without even bothering to check for accuracy. Elly spun her scythe deflecting the ones that were aimed with some degree of skill.

She climbed up a ladder to another level and took shelter behind a railing.

"Hey, shouldn't you be reloading by now?"
"Look for a moment." As Elly ducked out and looked, Asagi pointed at her bandanna. "Unlimited ammo, got it memorized?"
"Yeah yeah... lovely..." It suddenly occured to Elly that her scythe was a bit like a one bullet gun... that you had to retrieve the bullet for everytime you threw it. If she had that bandanna... maybe she could keep throwing hammerspace scythes without fear of running out.

Of course, that would require she get to Asagi... and maybe that wasn't such a bad idea. She leapt from the walkway and tackled Asagi to the ground, managing to knock one of the guns from her hand.

Asagi smacked her foe across the face and kicked her off, Elly immeadiately went for Asagi's other gun. But by the time it was in her remaining gun at her head.

"Game over, no continues left."

Elly looked at her for a moment dazed and reached into her bag and pulled out a delicious red apple.

"Mind if I have this?"
"Go ahead t'll make a wonderful last meal for you, Bad Apple girl."

Elly took a single bite.

"Mmm... delicous..." Then she ripped off the stem with her teeth and tossed the apple across the platformj
"Why'd the hell you do that? It was your last meal as a condemned woman."

Elly charged Asagi taclking her across the platform as the apple exploded. Part of the platform collapsed in the explosion and Asagi with it. Out of some outdated sense of drama, Elly grabbed her legs and kept her from flaling. As Asaga dangled from the platform, held up solely by Elly's grace and mercy, she got in one last taunt.

"For Gensokyo, Elly?"
"No, for me."

Elly let go of Asagi's legs and let her drop off the antenna cradle. All the while the girl was laughing maniacially as she plunged to her death before hitting the ground with an audible thump.

Elly returned to the array's center only to find Shinki more alive than dead, seemingly waiting for her in the center of the technoalchemic array as it charged... and there was something else that hadn't been there before: Yukari Yakumo bound to the central receiver itself above her.

"The Avatar of Change arrives."
"What are you talking about?" She was too shocked by the fact she was alive to protest the fact that Asagi had executed her.
"You Elly, you are the Avatar of Change."
"In fifteen minutes time when the array triggers and Yukari Yakumo is sacrificed for the most powerful alchemic spell ever concieved, you could become one of the most powerful youkai. More than Yukari up there, more than your master Yuuka... all it takes is desire."
"More than you?"
Shinki paused, she wasn't sure of what to say. "Perhaps with time."

It was then that Elly truly understood Shinki. This wasn't a version of Shinki altered by this world, this was the real deal. She would have asked if she had created this world as it was, but there was no point, she knew then that this was Shinki's world, a creation she had forcefully imposed on Gensokyo with her incredible power.

"Are you going to make a Circle of Extinction speech now too?"
"You had this conversation with Asagi, didn't you."
"Yes I did, now I'm having it with you Shinki. You'll tell me how we're not so different, how we have similiar motivations."
"And then you'll ask why you." Shinki continued, helping Elly to paraphrase the conversation.

That's when Elly realized, why was she picked? It could have been anyone who could have been standing here being offered ultimate power but it was her. No, she knew, she had been picked because she was the one who figured it all out. Roles had been assigned and everyone had been given equal chance to figure it out. It wasn't that everyone forgot who they were, they became too attached to who they had become.

Only her and Asagi had remained, and Asagi was dead now. And then there was one indeed... no, Shinki stood before her, there were two who remained. Herself and Shinki.

"No I won't, I know why me."
"Interesting... I was actually expecting it to be Kanako until Asagi went crazy and started killing everyone and everything in sight... then she became my favorite to win this survival game."
"This game!? This is not Mirai Nikki, you are not dying and choosing someone to take your place as god."
"But it's awfully similiar."
"I refuse."
"Excuse me?"
"I refuse to be your pawn, your plaything! I will accept the power and then I will destroy you with it!"
"I destroyed Makai with my power when I battled Reimu, I'll destroy you just as easily!"
"No you wouldn't, you can't risk damaging the array."

The world around them began to tremble, the alchemic array was ripping apart the fabric of the world itself, the time limit until charge complete was ten minutes thirty-seven seconds and counting.

Conscious of the world crumbling around her, Elly brandished her scythe with an intent to kill the goddess.

Shinki smiled confidently at the wayward youkai girl, the look she gave her was as a Sith Lord knowing that it was the time the apprentice would attempt to kill him. She wouldn't even need a fraction of her power to stop Elly.

All it took was a blast of energy to stop her, and then she knew she had won. Elly would not inheirit the power of the array, she decided that she herself would take it.

That was that, it was over for Elly, she couldn't stand up to Shinki's power. Even weakened as she was, the goddess of Makai was just too strong. Suddenly there was a burst of powerful blast of flame enveloped Shinki bringing her to the ground.

"I knew if I waited, the time would come."

Elly looked up and found Patchouli standing there, book in hand. She understood, Patchouli had remained herself, she didn't become attached to the role, she had merely utilized it as Kanako had. She used her power and position as the head of the KGB to follow the two people who she believed held the answers: Elly Rose and Asagi Asagiri.

"Thank you for weakening Shinki for me."
"No problem, but you should be thanking Asagi... Say, you were herding me, weren't you?"
"I'm impressed at your ability to stay on your toes, your catness is 90 points."
"Wonderful... I don't suppose I can count on a circle of extinction speech from you, something along the lines of "join me or die", maybe?" Elly didn't want to fight, she was seeking a way out.
"So the gang's all here... what do you plan to do with Yukari"
"Same thing you plan to do, sacrifice her on the altar of change, you and Shinki are just bonuses."
"Heh." Elly was unimpressed with Patchy's intent.
"This place is comparable to the Gran Grimoire, don't you agree?"
"It'd help if it were called Lea Monde."
"The region this antenna lies in IS called Lea Monde." Patchy's voice was calm, matter of factly.
"Well shit."

Silently she reflected, Lea Monde was a city in which a dark ritual had taken place, sacrificing everyone in the name of a dark power. Many came to seek the Gran Grimoire, but Lea Monde itself was the Gran Grimoire... wait... the array is pointless!? The array had no meaning in the grand scheme of things, Makai itself was the transmutation circle, the array only served to focus the power into a central point. She needed to distract Patchouli before she realized that, unless she already knew.

"I'll wager a guess that you were the one who tipped off the Satori Directorate as to the activity in the neutral zone."
"Satori efficiency always amazes me, kill first, ask questions later."
"What do you want from the array?"
"It's almost cliche, you seek ultimate power but you give no thought as to what you're gonna do with it."
"I don't suppose you had a plan either, your whole plan was to keep Asagi from getting it."
"So what if it was." Elly was challenging her.
"It means you had no plan yourself."

Elly was reaching for her scythe but Patchouli kicked it out of reach before she could, that always happens in the movies, the hero goes for the gun and the villian kicks it away. It was the suspenseful scene, it meant the battle was coming soon, it meant someone was about to die.

"I know my plan." Elly was lying at the moment, she had no clue what she had intended to do with this power, the idea of its existence had been sprung on her so suddenly.
"This alchemic array amazes me, the sheer size of it... I could write an entire library of spells based off this one single array. The goddess of Makai wields some truly impressive magic."
"Key word, alchemic. Meaning that there is equivalent exchange involved."
"Yes yes... I know... but the power I could attain far outweighs the costs to attain it."
"I said this to Asagi, and I'll say it to you: our asylums are full of people who think they're Napoleon. Or God."
"God? No, that's not me. I'm a scholar in the magical arts first and foremost."
"You'd throw away your loyalty to your Mistress?"
"Haven't you?"

At that moment it suddenly occured to her that Patchouli was right, she had cast aside her loyalty to her mistress in the name of having fun. Instead of trying to save the world, she could have been trying to find Yuuka and bestow the knowledge of the meta-world upon her as she had done with Kurumi... where had she gone wrong? Well, the road to hell is paved in good intentions...

The book was opened, she knew then that she was finished. Her scythe was out of reach, there was no way she could withstand a spell... wait... a spell!? It answered everything, once you entered the array your role ceased to exist, you were once again a youkai of Gensokyo.

Even if that were true... Elly didn't have spell cards of her own. It didn't matter to her, she decided she would make one last ditch effort to resist. She charged at Patchouli like an stampeding rhino and tackled her to the ground knocking the spellbook from her hand. She had a chance, she could do this, it was time to go.

The asthmatic girl struggled valiantly, pushing Elly off her. She reached for the book and smashed Elly on the head.

"So that's how you want to play it?" She kicked Elly knocking her a few feet away, unknowingly putting her closer to her scythe. "I'll show you the true meaning of fear."

The book was opened, and for the first time throughout all this, Elly was truly frightened. She had awoken a monster within Patchouli, and whatever spell she was about to unleash, it would likely obliterate her and most of the platform with her. Even if she got ahold of her scythe, it wouldn't be quick enough to stop the spell.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Shinki stirring, it seemed like Shinki was angry. Patchouli showing up had completely thrown everything off, she hadn't expected anyone else to arrive at the array. She would deal with her... and then Elly would be next. Weakly she held her palm out towards Patchouli.

It only took a moment for the powerful laser to completely obliterate the One Week Magician, she hadn't even had time to blink before it happened, one second she was there and the next she was gone.

Elly had no time before Shinki would turn her attention to her, she lunged for her scythe and struck the fallen Goddess quickly and decisively. The blow had severed the goddess's arm, injuring but not killing her. If anything Shinki had been expecting a finishing blow from Elly, she didn't think she would be spared... why?

The entire antenna cradle began to glow with light, holes in the universe were more apparent, there wasn't much more time. Shinki knew she had tasted defeat, but at least she would witness the birth of a goddess.

The array was finished charging, Elly knew what she desired. Both Yukari and Shinki would be sacrificed on this technological altar of change, but it was for the greater good. Live for tomorrow, die for yesterday, right? Emphasis on yesterday, given this chance, she would gladly sacrifice the other two, gladly sacrifice herself...

There was labored breathing, Elly turned, Asagi was alive!? She had dropped off the array itself... well... in retrospect, she should have expected it. After all, Alec Trevalyan had survived his fall off the antenna cradle in Goldeneye.

"You're alive..."
"You only live twice. Once when you're born, and once when you look death in the face."
"I was always better."
"For England Alec?" Elly meant it as a taunt, but she was probably playing into Asagi's delusions of grandeur by saying it.
"For England James."

They stared eachother down, they were both weak and neither could go on, one more blow would do it, Asagi and Elly drew their guns at the same time but Asagi was a moment faster and found herself pointing her finger at Elly menacingly, that was right, she dropped one and... Elly had gotten the other one.

"I know where you keep your gun."

The entire magazine was emptied into Asagi. Taking no chances with an implacable man like Asagi, Elly walked over and swiftly beheaded her with the scythe.

This was it, no one was left, as the survivor of this incident, she was the one with the right and responsibility to use this power... she thought for a moment, what she wanted... what she could have... and then she made her wish upon the array's ultimate power.

A light glittered within the array and spread out. Elly only had a nanosecond before it engulfed her, and then...

End Part 3

Epilouge: The Price of Power

The world was naught but chaos, for a split second she saw that, the forces of the the universe, the forces of creation itself. She was as a god, even if only a moment, but it made everything clear on how power had driven Shinki insane, what price had she paid to create this universe? What price was she herself paying to fix everything? If this array truly combined technology, godly power, and alchemy, some equivalent exchange had taken place... but what?

The split second seemed like it took years as Elly saw the creation of Gensokyo itself happen before her, a process that awed her and made her realize that in the grand scheme of everything, she was truly insignificant. It was as if the secrets of the universe had been laid out bare for her to see in that one moment. She had become truly enlightened, but she did not desire the powers of a Goddess, and as was her wish, thus would it be granted.

And then it was all over, she was guarding Mugenkan once again, where she had been before all this occurred. Her memory of everything was erased, as was everyone else's, but that sense of enlightenment had somehow remained. She thought about staying, but for some reason she couldn't see a reason to want to.

The price she had paid to recreate Gensokyo had been her old life and all memory she had of it, but it didn't matter anymore, she made her decision and wouldn't look back. As she walked away from Mugenkan, never to return, she decided what she would do with her life from now on.

She would travel Gensokyo, make her own legend.

The old Elly had died for yesterday, but the new one would live for tomorrow.


  • Fallen Angel
  • I, the Fallen Angel, will knock you all down!
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #431 on: October 02, 2010, 02:11:46 PM »
I'll assume the comp for spies is still going, eh? This is just a little drabble I whipped up; it's more or less a prologue to something than anything really big. But meh. Enjoy it, and if you guys want I might continue it.

Marisa lowered the brim of her hat so it just shaded her eyes, said golden eyes gleaming with mischief as she surveyed the destruction before her. It was a scene that was by now rapidly becoming familiar; the Hakurei Shrine in pieces and Reimu, her face a wreck, sitting down with her head in her hands at the top of the stairs leading to her home. If one were to look down at the destruction from above, the shape and possible cause of it was immediately apparent: A massive footprint that had crushed the shrine into toothpicks.

The most likely culprit was currently on her knees with tears coming from her eyes as she swore again and again to the completely oblivious Reimu that it wasn't her. "It washen me, Reimoo! I shwear, it washen me!" A combination of drunkenness and tears somehow did nothing to disguise what she was trying to say.

The witch went up to the oni and tapped one of her horns. "Ease it up, Sui-sui. Way she is now she ain't hearing no one, ze." The little oni stared up at her through eyes full of tears, then down at her feet. Marisa noticed that her trademark gourd of infinite sake was at her belt and not in her hand as per usual, which made her wonder if this was really that serious to Suika. "Look, cheer up. What say you and me go look for the critter who did this, eh?"

The change that came over the oni's face was drastic. The tears dried up and a look of focused determination (that DID look rather funny on her small face) came over her features, and she balled a hand into a fist. "...Okai. Wheel'l findem. And whens we do, aile dooder tolkin." She fumbled at her hip for a moment, grabbed her gourd and uncorked it with a swift practised motion, putting it to her mouth and taking a huge chug. "Re~i~mu~, way~it~ hi~ere~, I'll~ be~ bak~ sooooon~"

Marisa's eyes were wide in admiration. She had caught a whiff of the sake as Suika had lifted it up and the smell alone nearly made her drunk herself. That was strong stuff, and the fact that the oni could still talk after that was admirable in of itself. "O...kay! Let's go then, Sui-sui! You got any leads?"

Suika was already marching down the steps. "Oni foot. Wheel go to the oni veelaij." Her feet found the steps easily even in her drunken state, and Marisa had to actually run to keep up with her. "Suika not onree wan wif saiz chenji." The witch's face was creased in concentration as she tried to decipher what the drunk girl had said. "Uh... Suika? Cut down on the booze, ze. You're givin' me a headache tryin' to make y'words out."

The oni stopped descending the stairs abruptly, her eyes wide as she stared at the witch again. "Axe cuse me? Cut dawn?" She shook her head, seemed to think for a little while, then nodded once. When she next spoke, it was slowly and jerkily, like someone getting used to speaking again after a long time. "This better?"

Marisa shook her head in awe. "How did you do that?"

"It's... simple. Most people think I... I'm drunk and cannot ta... speak properly. So I didn't bother trying. It's been a long time. A hundred years or so."

The magician pondered that for a bit, then solemnly said, "Remind me to be careful what I talk about around you. Wouldn't want to lose trade secrets." She winked. "Now that we've stopped anyways, I've got a few questions. Where's the oni village? Why haven't I heard about it before? I know the oni are all underground now, but I didn't know they still live in villages."

Suika winked, but the effort seemed to bring on a hangover and she hastily took another swig from her gourd. "Trade secret. But only oni are... allowed in or out."

"And how am I supposed to get in there? I'm just a normal human, you know." Marisa scratched her head under her hat. She knew oni were ridiculously strong, far beyond that of even a professionally trained human warrior. The secret to exterminating an oni for good was lost centuries, millenia ago. How she, a physically inept human, would be able to enter an oni village was a mystery to her. To her that is. Suika was tapping her horn knowingly.

"You will be a... spy. A... dis...guise. That thingy of yours, for Sparking, you will use it. To fake strength. An oni..." She trailed off into silence. As Marisa waited for her to continue, a small snore escaped her nose.

"Oi, Suika, wake up, ze!" Marisa shouted.

"Gweh, boo shuu... Wha? Where ish dish...?" The oni blurted out some more gibberish, then her eyes focused again. "...Ah. ...So... An oni... She is strong, and your thingy... You will use to fake strength."

It kinda made sense, and kinda not. The witch tilted her head to one side. "...How?"

The oni grinned. "Trade secret."


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #432 on: October 04, 2010, 05:17:17 AM »

Please wait warmly; our judges are currently coming together to critique and judge, contrast and compare!

We've had several entries this time around, and many of them have a lot of promise. Don't wander too far! We'll have your results shortly~

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #433 on: October 04, 2010, 06:28:58 AM »
Please wait warmly; our judges are currently coming together to critique and judge, contrast and compare!

We've had several entries this time around, and many of them have a lot of promise. Don't wander too far! We'll have your results shortly~
When you are not one of the judges, don't make promises to people, Esi. Unless I have to read that as you volunteering this time >:D


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #434 on: October 04, 2010, 07:38:39 AM »
Well, I DID read all the entries, already.

I was also the one who suggested this topic, so I've been a little interested in seeing what comes of it.

If you want me to send in my scores, just ask.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #435 on: October 04, 2010, 07:42:37 AM »
Well, I DID read all the entries, already.

I was also the one who suggested this topic, so I've been a little interested in seeing what comes of it.

If you want me to send in my scores, just ask.
Well, in that case, I think it would be pretty cool to have your vote as well. Sure thing, send it in.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #436 on: October 05, 2010, 01:04:33 AM »
Crap. Sorry for being late with the judgement, there was quite a bit of material here to digest. A lot. I won't name any names, but their initials are Luna Moth Child. Seriously, is that the single longest entry to the WWC since we set it up? I think it is.

The quality of the entries for this contest was exceptional. Seriously. I found myself liking ALL of them for one reason or other, making my judging hard. I know the other two judges, Esifex and Sakana, read the entries online, but I was short enough on time that I printed them out from my campus computer, nearly 70 pages' worth of content. It did have the fun side effect of utterly mixing up who the writers were so I couldn't be biased, so I think I may try that again if the lab monitor doesn't hunt me down for all the pages I'm taking from the lab. :3

Anyways, what you've been waiting for-- the judgment.

Now I'm going to steal compliments from my fellow judges for the honourable mentions, because DAMN I wish I could have picked more than one winner.

Ryuu, as usual you manage to make Team ⑨ incredibly fantastic. Like Sakana, I loved the story for its mix of seriousness and lighthearted moments. And since it was written like the first part of something longer, I finished the story wanting to see it continue.

Esifex probably summed up my reaction to Chibi Reaper's fic better than I could've:
"A very confident way to introduce themselves, very well written, and manages to maintain the spy theme in the standard Gensokyo that we're all familiar with, without relying on spytech or scenary swaps. The twist ending with Momiji snapping at Aya was priceless, as well."
I definitely want to see more of your stuff, Chibi Reaper. :3

Though, because of how majority rule works, I had to cast my vote in the end and choose one, and it was:

Iced Fairy! As soon as I started to read this entry, I braced for awesome. I was not ready. This was... wow, just stunning. For me, the effect of the music was unfortunately lost since I read it in printed form, but having gone back to re-read it and turn the music on at just the right time, it was a punch in the gut.

Hatate. Medi. Reisen. ;_; And HELL YEAH Aya and Momizi.

Iced, this was great. Props to you.

We're gonna go for something slightly less... story-like, shall we say? I know some people actually prefer writing this way, and I think it would be neat to do something like this now that most of us (except for certain sociology grad students COUGH COUGH SAKANA COUGH) are back in college for the semester.

October 3, 2010: "A Brief Account of the History of Gensokyo"

No one will get this reference.

Because I just love to torture our students by giving them more essays to write!

This is not a history contest, despite what it looks like. No, this is a format-based challenge. When I first came to the Touhou fandom two years ago, I found myself interested in absorbing every last bit of information I could. I ended up finding this collection of essays, which I read in a trice.

However, in the years since then, I have found that there aren't too many other essays written on this kind of thing. I would like to see more Touhou essays, that explore topics that no one thinks about or writes about in more conventional fiction.

So yes, this challenge is for essays. Citations (fake or otherwise) are encouraged, and I wonder what you guys will come up with! Have fun writing, folks!


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #437 on: October 05, 2010, 01:38:45 AM »
Special thanks to Esifex, while it's still in the air.

Saved me from hours of mouseless fic reading. >>

Luna Moth Child

  • I do say, bzzzzzzz
    • Winterdrake Productions
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #438 on: October 05, 2010, 02:02:40 AM »
Is the expectation to write the essay from the point of view of a historian, or us, as in a Touhou fan sitting at a computer writing an essay?

Its kinda not entirely clear to me.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #439 on: October 05, 2010, 02:06:14 AM »
Is the expectation to write the essay from the point of view of a historian, or us, as in a Touhou fan sitting at a computer writing an essay?

Its kinda not entirely clear to me.
Either way is fine. You could do it Akyu-style, from the inside of Gensokyo, or you could write it as a fan looking in. It's really all up to you, though I imagine the former would be a bit easier.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #440 on: October 05, 2010, 03:24:00 AM »
I think I have just the idea for this.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #441 on: October 05, 2010, 04:25:54 AM »
.... And finished! That went surprisingly quickly.

A brief account of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and the inhabitants thereof.

It was in approximately the year 1584 that the Scarlet Devil settled down into the mansion, after forcibly evicting its current occupants, a family of nobility, but rapidly declining wealth and social standing, the Barwicke family, including extended family and their spouses and children. Prior to this, Remilia had been something of a wandering vagrant, along with her mad sister, moving from one castle or dilapidated church to the next, passing through countries as she hunted, keeping herself and her sister fed, and had never truly settled down anywhere. Her doing so is in large part attributed to the Barwickes- while the majority were content to seek fortune and glory for their name elsewhere, some number returned to beg lodgings of Remilia, in return for loyal servitude. It is believed that this was an unexpected offer, as Remilia requested a night to consider it, and in the morning spoke privately with several of the remaining Barwickes before announcing her approval.

Conflicting journal entries of the time both suggest that she was eager to seal the deal, and that she was exceptionally uninterested in it, but was swayed against her better judgement. At the time of this writing, there is no way of determining which is correct through records alone.

The first recorded action taken as head of the household was to order that her new servants re-paint the mansion in shades of red, and rechristen herself as Remilia Scarlet. What her familial name may have been prior to this, or if she had such a name to change, is currently unknown.

For a time, the Scarlet Mansion languished in a state near poverty, at times scarcely managing to afford essential food and drink, or proper upkeep of the mansion. However, in the year 1585, Queen Elizabeth declared war upon Catholic Spain, opening vast opportunity for profit to those unafraid to seek it. Remilia then took all wealth that was not strictly required to keep her servants fed and healthy and sold it, earning enough from the proceeds to commission a Fleut from dutch shipworkers, and a half-dozen young and fearless Barwickes volunteered to man the ship, most bringing a friend or two from the nearby town along on promise of treasure.

It was such, then, that the Scarlet Cross first took to the waters, her red sails soon to strike fear into the hearts of Spanish vessels as she struck, less motivated by love of country than a privateer's love of plunder. The Scarlet Mansion grew wealthy from the proceeds of the attacks, though no less than two more iterations of the Scarlet Cross had to be commissioned, as battle damage rapidly accumulated to the point where she could no longer be considered seaworthy. It is believed that the Scarlet Crosses played a heavy role in weakening the Spanish navy, and hastening the beginning of England's naval rise, as the armada was completely defeated by 1588. Edward Barwicke, acknowledged captain of the vessel, later recieved commendations from the crown for service to country, and it was overlooked that his piracies continued well after the war finally came to an end in 1603, having taken a taste to the life. Equally ignored was the matter that he would on occasion capture an opposing vessel's entire crew as well as their cargo, and transport them back to the Mansion, from which they would never emerge.

The remaining Barwickes returned to the Scarlet Mansion, leaving the Scarlet Cross to be crewed by hired-hands. Along the way, rumors flew regarding them, that they were 'truly devils' to have so delighted in enriching themselves through the slaughter of other men, and that the unseen Lady Remilia they paid respect and homage to 'was the biggest devil of them all'. Appropriately, the Scarlet Mansion soon after came to be called the Scarlet Devil Mansion, a name which remains to this very day.

Interestingly, tithe returned to the mansion plummeted drastically as Edward delighted in the privileges of captaincy, with reduced responsibilities, until his later disappearance in 1613. While there were significant rumors to suggest a mutiny, every member of the crew staunchly insisted that Captain Barwicke had simply taken a drunken walk around the ship, wearing every article of his full regalia save pants, and then slipped and fallen overboard to drown.

The tithe paid to the mansion ceased entirely as the Cross was taken up by independent leadership, and soon disappeared from the face of history entirely. However, this was of little import, as the Mansion had acquired a new source of revenue. In 1607, the first english colony in North America, Jamestown, was built, opening new avenues of wealth to be gained from across the Atlantic. Again, several Barwickes offered to risk their lives in Remilia's service, some having crewed the Cross, and crossed the sea for the sake of profit, as tobacco farmers in the fertile lands of Virginia. Profits dwindled eventually, however, and eventually Remilia sent the order to sell the crop-lands before the soil had entirely worn out and become useless, and return home, as more domestic opportunities came to hand.

Eventually, war broke out anew in England. The first English Civil War began in 1642 and, sensing profit to be made to shore up their coffers, the Scarlet Devil Mansion began to quietly manufacture arms from base stock, which they sold to both the Royalists and the Parliamentarians, profiting enough from the venture over the three-year period of the war that they were able to mostly withdraw into isolation by the time the Parliamentarians won their brief victory, and records indicate that Remilia was vaguely amused when, in 1660, the monarchy was restored with Charles II's return to London.

In 1665, London was struck with a plague, and the Mansion ceased traffic with the capital, for fear of infection. They re-opened their gates after the sickness had left, and it was almost ironic that another disaster struck only months following, the Great Fire of 1666. Although, while records indicate that Remilia herself was rather apathetic about the plague, the same could not be said of this new disaster. All indications, including her foul temper and rush to personally retrieve 'something', when she had not previously left the Mansion for decades, as well as later dire grumblings of 'punishments', seem to suggest that Flandre, Remilia's young sister, was somehow involved with the blaze, if indeed she had not set it herself.

Following this, the Mansion became significantly more insular, and kept almost entirely to themselves as the years passed. During the 1700's, Remilia seemed to begin to succumb to the bored ennui of immortality as the core staff of Barwickes slowly dwindled until, by the early 1800's only a few remained. Whether this was due to, as rumor would have it, Remilia systematically killing off her loyal servants, or having Flandre do so in her stead, or if they simply grew equally bored and chose to leave employment at the Scarlet Devil Mansion of their own volition is unclear. In any case, it was around this time that the Mansion began to hire out for most of their servants and maids, and the turnover of staff was notoriously rapid, such that managing to remain employed within for even a fortnight was a remarkable achievement, and almost certain to guarantee employment wherever such a maid might choose.

Nothing in particular seemed to be capable of catching the Scarlet Devil's interest for more than the briefest of moments, until the year 1888, when a series of brutal serial murders began, and instantly ensnared Remilia's attention. As Britain spoke in hushed whispers about this depraved killer, dubbed 'Jack the Ripper' out of some need for melodrama, Remilia left the Mansion for the first time in over a century, intent on investigating the Whitechapel district of London.

Some time later, she returned with one pale, grey-haired girl in tow, whom she promptly declared to be Sakuya Izayoi, who would immediately begin employment as a maid, completely heedless of the torn, disheveled, and bloodstained state of their clothing. While there is no solid evidence linking her to the rash of murders that were even then still occurring in London, it seems a reasonable conclusion that she may indeed have been involved in at least the five murders widely confirmed to be unmistakeably 'the Ripper's handiwork'.

Staff began to turn over faster than ever, and there were no few unusual disappearances investigated by the police, but Remilia had once more taken an interest in the world. More specifically, she had awoken a desire to see other parts of it than the small chunk of Europe she had occupied. The fact remained, however, that while she was more than capable of behaving appropriately, and not drawing attention to herself, the same could not be said of her younger sister, who she flatly refused to leave unsupervised, fearing, and perhaps rightly, that there would be no mansion to return to should she do so.

Clearly, the solution then was to remain within the mansion, but to move the mansion itself. Such a feat would require significant arcane ability, however, and Remilia herself was no more than a dabbler, despite being the most accomplished in that regard of the household. Once more, she turned towards the outside, seeking a suitable individual to bring into her graces.

The final remaining Barwicke lived long enough to greet the arrival of the sickly magician, Patchouli Knowledge, in the spring of 1928, and assist in the transport of her library before himself dying only months later, of old age. Following this, it becomes difficult to locate suitable records, however as the Scarlet Devil Mansion disappeared entirely from England in the early 1930's, it seems safe to make the assumption that it took no longer than a few years for an appropriate spell to be devised.

From there, sketchy reports detail seeing a 'red mansion' spring up overnight in numerous places around the world, though few were able to overcome their superstitions regarding suddenly-appearing houses in order to investigate in enough detail to confirm if this was the Mansion or not. It is confirmed, however, that at the very least the Mansion came to a rest in each of the inhabited continents at least twice during the decades-long globetrotting.

At the time of this writing, the Scarlet Devil Mansion finds its resting place here in Gensokyo, on the north shore of the lake, and while they seem to have picked up a new pair of inhabitants, Patchouli's assistant Koakuma, and the gateguard Hong Meiling, alias 'China', they have not made a significant impact upon the general populace, aside from the 'Scarlet Mist' incident documented in Bunbunmaru news. Whether they intend to remain permanently, or if not, how long they intend to remain, is uncertain.

This history penned, sealed, and consumed by Kamashirasawa Keine.


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #442 on: October 05, 2010, 10:26:51 PM »
This history penned, sealed, and consumed by Kamashirasawa Keine.

I giggled


  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #443 on: October 06, 2010, 08:30:19 AM »
Being a history enthusiast, that was very good, makes me want to write something myself but I suck at writing fanfics and long stories in general. Oh well.


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #444 on: October 06, 2010, 03:54:38 PM »
Being a history enthusiast, that was very good, makes me want to write something myself but I suck at writing fanfics and long stories in general. Oh well.


These are essays. They don't follow typical story-telling conventions. Give it a shot!

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #445 on: October 07, 2010, 01:23:47 AM »
Also, y'know, you'd probably do better than I did, which would be interesting to read. I typed the whole thing out while flipping between wordpad and the wikipedia article on british history, to keep the dates straight. Actually knowing what you're talking about would likely be a huge plus.


  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #446 on: October 09, 2010, 10:15:49 AM »
I suck at writing in general (The first story I ever wrote is currently stuck half way through prologue for over a year now) but I guess I'll try one, now I just have to think of something...

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #447 on: October 09, 2010, 10:00:06 PM »
You know I think I have an idea.

I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #448 on: October 10, 2010, 02:50:30 AM »
Gensokyo Chronicle
Hieda no Akyu

Appendix MCMLXXI

A Brief Account of Other Incidents in Gensokyo

Not every incident of note in Gensokyo is addressed by the Hakurei miko and her friend, Marisa Kirisame. In some cases, there have been a number of incidents that were resolved by youkai alone. News of them sometimes never reached humans. Other incidents were dismissed as not worthy of being called incidents.1 Overall, there are numerous goings-ons that are more obscure to common knowledge than others. For the sake of posterity, of course, these will all be recorded.

In the previous century, there have been five examples of note:

The Beehive: This unfortunate affair began when Cirno and Wriggle Nightbug got into an argument over the theory that bees' wings are actually too small to lift them, so the source of their power of flight is a mystery. Wriggle contended that bees were not magical beings so their wings alone must be enough to enable them to fly. Cirno contended the opposite. After a heated discussion, Cirno offered to prove her point. The ice fairy led Wriggle to a large hornet's nest in a fallen tree near the shores of the Misty Lake. Cirno then challenged the hornets to a spell card battle, giving the tree trunk a belligerent kick. This upset the swarm, who set upon Cirno before she had time to react, while Wriggle stood by, laughing. Although the stingers of the hornets could not penetrate Cirno's skin, she was still terrified by the hundreds of bees swarming over her head and arms. After a few seconds she found her wits and froze the swarm, breaking herself free from the thin ice shell she had to form around herself. Cirno did not speak to Wriggle for months afterwards.2

Myouren Court: While the Myouren Shrine gained an initial surge of attention, both for its appearance and its novelty, attendance eventually began to wane. To remedy this, the monk announced that her shrine would also serve as a court for settling disagreements, so long as both parties who appeared for judgement agreed to accept the monk's verdict as final.3 For a small fee, Byakuren settled numerous small domestic claims. Word traveled that the monk was a fair judge, and people came from across Gensokyo to bring disputes. This brought in numerous donations for the shrine as popularity grew. However, a mysterious human woman wearing a large hooded robe that concealed her face appeared at the shrine alone one day, saying that she wanted to challenge the relevance of the spell card rules. The ensuing trial, which called in expert witnesses from across Gensokyo, practically bankrupted the shrine as testimony dragged on, eventually leading to no conclusion. The monk declared the trial stalemated, and court was adjourned permanently. To this day, no one knows the plaintiff's identity.4

The Oni in the Forest of Magic: Suika Ibuki, apparently bored of drinking on Youkai Mountain, went to the Forest of Magic to find youkai she could celebrate the full moon with. Finding no one, she instead decided to generate replicas of herself, and drink sake with them. Alice Margatroid, hearing the noise of the party, at first waited for Marisa Kirisame to take care of it, but she was occupied elsewhere.5 After hours had passed without any cessation in the noise, Alice was driven to a rage from lack of sleep, and went to investigate. When she discovered the oni, the magician summoned a group of dolls to attack. The oni naturally defended herself. As the tide quickly turned in Suika's favor, Alice surrendered. The oni continued the party at the magician's house for several days after that before returning to Youkai Mountain.6

Food Poisoning in Eientei: After the palanquin ship was converted from a granary to a shrine, the monk Byakuren purchased a hefty portion of the grain and donated it. Some of this grain ended up in Eientei. However, it was stored improperly, and an odd rot appeared on it. Odorless and flavorless, the substance was unnoticed by Eientei residents as they ate loaf after loaf of bread. Within hours, they were all suffering from severely distorted vision and hearing, and as a group madness set in, they became convinced that the humans were planning to attack, and so headed for the human village. Youkai who stood in their way were quickly dispatched7 Fortunately, the Fujiwara girl intercepted the party, engaging the moon princess for several hours while hundreds of intoxicated rabbits sat motionless and watched the danmaku. Hours later, they began to recover from their sickness, and returned home. Kaguya and Mokou fought until the following evening, when the moon princess withdrew for her tea.

The Hiking Incident: Five humans from the village decided to visit the Moriya Shrine. Their apparent plan was to give offerings of food to kappa, tengu and other youkai they might encounter along the way, in order to appease them and make a safe journey. However, the kappa they encountered took all of their food, yet sent the humans onwards, up the mountain. Utterly defenseless, they were soon set upon by a flock of tengu, who tormented them mercilessly by picking them up, flying them very fast up into the sky, and then dropping them from a great height into the arms of a waiting tengu below, who would then repeat the process. The terrified screams of the humans were reported to have been heard as far away as the Forest of Magic.8 The kappa Nitori Kawashiro, hearing the men's cries, quickly made her way up the mountain to investigate. By this point the men were passing in and out of unconsciousness. Nitori asked the tengu to take the humans to the foot of the mountain and let them go. When the tengu refused, Nitori went back to her lab, and retrieved the fan to an airboat that would later win her acclaim.9 Hauling it back up the mountain, she aimed it skyward, and engaged the motor. Convinced the machine was a weapon, the tengu flew off, and released the men at the foot of the mountain. The kappa hasn't ventured up Youkai Mountain since.

1 "Village Ignores Mystia's Dance Party Mishap", Bunbunmaru Newspaper.
2 "Bugs Are the Enemies of All Living Things and Should Be All Dead Or Chased Away," Letters to the Editor, Bunbunmaru Newspaper.
3 "Humans and Youkai, Bask Under the Glow of My Scroll", Opinion Section, Bunbunmaru Newspaper.
4 "'I Don't Have to Listen to These Wild Allegations' Says Hakurei Shrine Maiden", Bunbunmaru Newspaper.
5 "Red Mist Prompts Magician to Act: 'It's Pay Day!'", Bunbunmaru Newspaper.
6 "Doll Magician Spotted Living at Human Village Inn", Village Gazette.
7 "Night Sparrow Stall a Smoking Ruin", Mystia's Magazine of Incredibleness (Coupons Inside).
8 "Doll Magician Reports Shrieks of Terror Coming from Youkai Mountain", Bunbunmaru Newspaper: Tanabata Edition!
9 "Kappa Wins Misty Lake Airboat Jousting Tournament," Village Gazette.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 02:52:50 AM by Tsukiko »

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhou Essays!"
« Reply #449 on: October 10, 2010, 04:12:07 AM »
9 "Kappa Wins Misty Lake Airboat Jousting Tournament," Village Gazette.

This needs to be elaborated upon, and ideally, drawn.