Author Topic: Weekly Writing Challenge Thread the First  (Read 490005 times)


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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #360 on: September 01, 2010, 08:18:39 PM »
Starcraft? :)

Badass bookworms


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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #361 on: September 01, 2010, 10:58:34 PM »
Starcraft? :)
ohhhhhh no


can't stop thinkingggggggggggg

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #362 on: September 01, 2010, 11:30:24 PM »
Ha, classic with the Starcraft one. I missed the reference from the first one, though :ohdear:

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #363 on: September 05, 2010, 07:48:53 PM »
Sakana, preemptive reminder to read all of these submissions by about... oh, 10 more hours.

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #364 on: September 05, 2010, 07:52:02 PM »
Sakana, preemptive reminder to read all of these submissions by about... oh, 10 more hours.
Tell that one to my uni-work :P

I'll see what I can manage in time.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #365 on: September 05, 2010, 08:08:37 PM »
Oh, oh, before I forget.

I've gotten used to the two-week deadline thanks to summer, but now that it's winding up, I would like to ask the writers again if they want to go back to a one-week deadline or just keep the two-week deadline instead. Which works better for you guys?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #366 on: September 05, 2010, 09:09:15 PM »
Two weeks put less of a rush on me, tbh, considering I've got a bunch of other stories to write. :<


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #367 on: September 05, 2010, 10:04:31 PM »
I'm lazy so I'm okay with either duration. read about me playing league i guess


  • Pursuer of cute things
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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #368 on: September 06, 2010, 05:46:49 AM »
Ugh. Apparently studio this semester means  having no life whatsoever. At least for the first week. So here's my last minute joke entry.

Originally from this nifty song here.

Reimu Hakurei waited.
The sun above her shone
And flew across the air.
There were fairies in the shrine base.
She couldn't hear them and so expected them
All the time.
Her warnings to Miss Yukari
Were not listenend to
And now it was too late.
Far too late for now anyway.
Far too late for now anyway.

Reimu was a Shrine Space Maiden for 14 years.
When she was young she watched TV and thought to herself
'I wanna be be the Shrine Maiden.'
Satori said 'No.' You will
Be clip-deathed by fairies!
Be clip-deathed by fairies!
Be clip-deathed by fairies!
Be clip-deathed by fairies!
Be clip-deathed by fairies!
Be clip-deathed by fairies!
Be clip-deathed by fairies!
Be clip-deathed by fairies!

There was a time
When Reimu cared about that
But then when she found donations
She stopped.

Now in the space shrine base of Gensokyo she knew
There were fairies.

'This is Yukari,' the yin-yang giglead.
 'You must danmaku the fairies.'
So Reimu got her homing amulets
And set off to work.

'She going to clip-death us!' said the fairies.
'She going to clip-death us!' said the fairies.

'I will danmaku at her,' said the great Ice Fairy
And she fired Icicle Fall.
Reimu danmakaeued at her
And tried to pwn her up,
But then the icicles fell and they were trapped
And not able to clip-death.
And not able to clip-death.

'No I must danmaku the fairies!'
'Danmaku the fairies!'
'No I must danmaku the fairies!'
She shouted.

The Yin-yang said,
'No, Reimu,
this is easy modo.'

And then Raymoo was a zombie!
And then Raymoo was a zombie!
And then Raymoo was a zombie!

Yeah, that's all I got. Also, another for two weeks, I suppose. Makes it easier on those of us with hectic schedules.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #369 on: September 06, 2010, 06:27:07 AM »
ayuka I love you

marry me read about me playing league i guess

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #370 on: September 06, 2010, 08:01:59 AM »
Oh my god that song had me in tears of laughter

I really can't stop listening :ohdear:

* Ruroko Nakajima listens again
* Ruroko Nakajima listens again
* Ruroko Nakajima is now the fairies

Ahem! Okay now it is time to judge things. There was a remarkably small pool to choose from, and this makes me sad, because now I have to get to the point faster. How dare you. :(

Roukanken! Small pool of entries, but yours was by far the biggest individual submission, and definitely one of your longest submissions to the WWC to date! And it was also very good; like Ammy's before yours, it really managed to nail the atmosphere. Have some Spechul Membah etc you know the drill from winning this before. :P

Oh man oh man thank goodness tomorrow is Labour Day in the States (and if you don't live in the States, then... who cares about you, anyway?). So much work to do, and it's only the first week or so of classes! I really don't have time for any of this, do I?

September 5, 2010: "Sanae Kotiya's Day Off"

Those writers whose submissions are held back by common sense will incur a -10% penalty to their papers.

This theme should be simple: Back to school, eh? Sailor uniforms, juvenile delinquents, fifth-grade elementary student lolis, sexy nurses, beautiful and brilliant history teachers, and the green-haired principal going off on her lectures about justice-- they're all here! School setting is the only constraint on this challenge, so go crazy, and don't you dare be held back by common sense!

Have fun writing, folks!


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #371 on: September 06, 2010, 10:42:59 AM »
Congrats, Rou! Well deserved.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #372 on: September 06, 2010, 04:31:24 PM »
I only just noticed that my name was blue all of a sudden. Thanks, Ruro!

Those writers whose submissions are held back by common sense will incur a -10% penalty to their papers.
Since that's a double-negative, I get a 10% bonus, right? (Also, who wants to tell Suwako that she forgot about Ora-WAIT.)

Considering that DRK has a highschool setting, and that Power Rangers parody I still have hanging has it as well, I'm not sure how much gradey goodness I have left to offer. I've got something I might give a try, but :V


Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #373 on: September 06, 2010, 04:40:09 PM »
This gives me a perfect chance to try out the idea I've been kicking around for a while. Maybe I'll submit something~


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #374 on: September 06, 2010, 08:39:34 PM »
(Also, who wants to tell Suwako that she forgot about Ora-WAIT.)

I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that was almost a Robotic Rainbow Unicorn Attack (or w/e) reference there, but just in case it's not....



  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #375 on: September 06, 2010, 09:45:51 PM »
Congrats Rouken.

I've got an idea for this.  And my common sense left me during the eighth grade.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Touhous IN SPACE!"
« Reply #376 on: September 06, 2010, 10:30:33 PM »
I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that was almost a Robotic Rainbow Unicorn Attack (or w/e) reference there, but just in case it's not....

Look at the rainbow Suwako is painting. What colour has been forgotten?


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #377 on: September 06, 2010, 10:58:13 PM »
SDO Confirmed for CDO Sequel. :V

Also, I expect gratuitous school uniforms or someone is losing points. >: <

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #378 on: September 07, 2010, 10:44:08 PM »
I swore I'd never write this.  But I can't be restrained by common sense right?


?Man, that fairy was strong.  I wonder...?

Marisa swore as the alarm went off ripping her out of her dreams.  She backhanded the thing quickly and felt relieved when it finally shut up.  She was just going back to sleep when someone poked her.

?Time to get up Marisa.?

Marisa muttered something that high school students weren't supposed to say and moved away from her tormentor.  It didn't help.  ?Don't make me actually hit you with this stick.  I'm suffering too because of your lazy ass, so get up and get ready for school.?

Marisa sighed then forced herself upright.  ?Mrghph~.?  She blinked for a few moments before recognizing her roommate Reimu.  She briefly wondered why the hell she bothered waking up this early in the morning.  Then she remembered if she failed out she'd have to go back home and live with her old man.  That finished waking her up.

She yawned then stood.  ?Thanks Reimu.  Sorry about waking you up early when you don't have morning duties.?

Reimu shrugged and moved to the kitchen where she started preparing a bento.  ?It's okay.  I need to tend the local shrine anyway.  I think a mouse has moved in or something.?

Marisa stretched a few more times then tossed on her school uniform.  She'd stuck to the simple black dress and white half jacket that she favored, with a couple of star clips for her hair.  Ryuumonbuchi High School was terribly relaxed about uniforms, but Marisa wasn't all that standoffish.  Besides she wasn't ultra rich like most of the girls.

She had no idea how Reimu got away with wearing her old red and white school uniform.  Maybe because the school knew she was too poor to get something that actually met the school's standards.  Maybe because the teachers were too cowed by the student council to actually try enforcing the rules.  Still the clothes seemed to fit the schools resident scholarship girl.  They matched the miko robes she wore so often.

When she'd finished adjusting her ribbons Marisa grabbed a pastry from her cabinet and ran for the door.  ?I'm off,? she called to Reimu as she kicked on her shoes.

?See you later!? came Reimu's reply.

Marisa jogged the route to school, not because she was late, but because she just felt like running today.  Maybe it was because she felt energetic because of that dream.

What had that dream been about anyway?

Marisa shook her head.  She had to keep focused on the path.  The trails here were maintained decently well, but there was still the chance you'd trip on a root or something.

The high school dorm building was located across the park from the high school itself behind a small forest.  Marisa thought the design was pretty neat.  That way when you got 'home' you could still forget about school, instead of having the place staring at your window all day.  Apparently the college dorms were similar.

Soon however she was past the forest and coming up on the school building.  For all the school's money, it was designed in the same boring way as most other schools were.  Maybe it was so the students would have an easier time remembering where everything was.  Aside from the fourth floor that contained the club rooms, it was the same as middle school after all.

Marisa passed through the front doors and quickly swapped her shoes when she heard voices at the stairwell.  That was odd.  She was certain only Izayoi and her had class duty today.

Marisa wandered over to find Izayoi standing at the foot of the stairway, looking at it like it was a puzzle that stood between her and treasure.  The reason for that was readily apparent.  Next to Izayoi sat Konpaku Youmu of 2-C in her wheelchair.  Behind her was the white haired janitor that Marisa had always found odd.

Izayoi of course noticed her arrival immediately.  ?Ah, Kirisame.  Could you help us here.  We need to get Konpaku here up the stairs.?

The short haired girl sank slightly into her wheelchair.  ?Sorry to bother you.  It's just the staff elevator is broken, and well....?

The janitor patted Konpaku on the head.  ?My fault for not checking it at the end of the day.  I promise you it'll be up by lunch.?

Konpaku still seemed embarrassed but Marisa figured she knew what to do.  ?Don't worry about it.  We're happy to help.  Let's see, we need you and the chair to go up, so!?  Marisa stepped forward and gently picked Konpaku up off her wheelchair.  ?I'll take you and the others can bring up the chair.?

Konpaku normally pale countenance flushed crimson as Marisa pulled her body in close for balance.  ?Um!  That's not!  I mean!  That is...?

Marisa simply winked at the girl.  ?Like I said don't worry.  I'm just taking the best job.?

The janitor laughed lightly, while Sakuya just rolled her eyes.  ?Typical Kirisame.  You grab the girl and leave us to actually work.?  Still the two grabbed Konpaku's wheelchair and began following Marisa as she went up the stairs.

Konpaku sputtered for a couple of steps, but then she just grabbed a hold of Marisa and blushed.  As she went up the stairs with the girl, Marisa was surprised at how light she was.  It was almost like she was only carrying half a person.

That was an odd turn of phrase.  Marisa wondered why she'd thought of it.

At the top Marisa turned and waited for Izayoi and the janitor to finish bringing up the wheelchair.  After she was sure it was set down and braced properly Marisa carefully set Konpaku down in it.  ?There you go.  Another problem solved, courtesy of Marisa Kirisame!?

?Oi, don't steal all the credit for yourself kid,? the janitor said with a half smile.  She adjusted her cap then started walking down the stairs.  ?Still, thanks for your help.  You too maid girl.  I'll be getting to work on the elevator.  See you later Youmu.?  And with a causal wave back she was gone.

?Thank you Miss Fujiwara.? Konpaku called out before turning her wheelchair to face her fellow classmates.  ?And thank you Kirisame and... um....?

?Izayoi Sakuya,? Izayoi said.  ?And think nothing of it.?

?Thank you,? repeated Konpaku before starting off towards her own class.

Marisa and Izayoi turned and started walking towards their own class building.  ?Nice girl.  Shame she's so frail.  I wonder if she has to come early every day just in case something like this happens??

Sakuya frowned.  ?I would hope not.  It seems incredibly unfair.?

The two girls wandered into their classroom and began tidying things up.  After a few moments Marisa said, ?You know, your uniform does look kinda like a maid uniform, Izayoi.?

Sakuya shrugged.  ?I suppose.  I'm surprised it took so long for you to notice though.  Everyone except you and Hakurei mentioned it first day.?

Marisa thought on the matter a while.  ?I guess it just suits you.?

Sakuya smiled brightly.  ?Thank you.?


School progressed normally from there.  Reimu showed up just as the bell rung, like she always did.  The only real change was when Physics rolled along.  The entire class sat up a little straighter when instead of their normal teacher a girl only a little older then them walked into the room.  She quickly walked over to the chalkboard and wrote ?Yumemi Okazaki? on it before turning to the class.  ?I'll be filling in for Tanara-sensei while he goes to visit his daughter.  Let's get a few things out of the way quickly.  First call me Yumemi-sensei, yes I am at teacher at 19, no you can't date me, and yes I am insulted to be forced to teach High School students instead of at the University level.?

Yumemi brought her hand down on the desk with a sharp crack, silencing the whispers that had started up.  ?Anyway we'll be starting on Astrophysics now.  Most of what you'll be learning is simplified junk, but you'll need to understand it before I can explain the higher principles of the field to you, so you can help me put all those ignorant fools in their place about magical energy sources.?

There light laughter sweeped the classroom at that but Yumemi just grinned evilly.  ?So pay attention class.  I'm going to pack two grade levels into this semester.?

Marisa groaned along with the rest, and sharpened her pencil in anticipation of the note taking frenzy.  Fortunately she'd always been good with math.  She was terrible at remembering the formulas, but once she had a formula it was all simple.

Still something about the way Yumemi had said magic struck a chord with her.  I rambled around in her head, familiar yet just out of reach.  Like chorus to a song that you can't remember the rest of the words to.


Marisa massaged the sore muscles of her writing hand.  ?This sucks.  I'm going to end up with callouses for sure,? she said to Reimu.

Reimu just shrugged.  ?You should hold the pencil differently then.?

?But I can't write fast enough if I grip it like that.  It's too weak a hold,? Marisa replied.

?You have to learn that more power doesn't always improve things,? Reimu retorted.

Marisa just went back to massaging her hand.  No reason arguing with Reimu like that.

As the two friends passed the club bulletin board Reimu tossed it a glance.  ?Oh right, we have to join clubs soon.  You have any ideas??

Marisa considered the matter for a moment.  ?Wasn't there an occult studies club??

Reimu sighed and shook her head.  ?Nope they all graduated year before last.  The flier was just to see if any newbies wanted to keep it going.?

?Dang,? Marisa peered at the board as if it were a venomous snake.  ?What were you thinking of Reimu??

Reimu pointed at a small flier in the corner.  ?I'm thinking of going into the fortune telling club.  It overlaps with the miko stuff I have to do for my scholarship so....?

Marisa sighed again.  That sounded dull.  ?I'd rather get fortunes then make them.  Hmm....?  Finally Marisa closed her eyes and tossed her pen at the board.

?What are you doing!?? Reimu asked.

?Choosing!? Marisa replied, looking for the pen mark.  ?And here we are.  Mahjong Club!?

?Eh?  You're going to join the mahjong club just like that??

?What?  Is that a big deal?? Marisa asked.

?You didn't know!??  Reimu stared at her friend.  ?They placed second in the regional championships!  The year before that they went to the nationals!?

Marisa smiled and went to go switch her shoes.  ?Cool!  Sounds like they'll be able to teach me a few tricks.?

Reimu shook her head.  ?Seriously I can't believe you think you can keep up with that kind of talent...?  Reimu reached for her own shoes then followed Marisa out of the school.  ?Besides I heard that their captain was Ryuumonbuchi Touka.  You know, the daughter of the guy the schools named after.?

Marisa laughed at that.  ?Since when have I ever cared about something like that Reimu??

Reimu just shook her head.  ?Boundless confidence eh??

?That's right!  Full speed ahead!?

Reimu frowned then stopped in her tracks.  Marisa turned to look at her.  ?What, is something wrong about that??

Reimu shook her head.  ?What's wrong is this forest.  It shouldn't be this dark, and we should be at the dorms by now.?

Marisa's heart began to beat faster as she looked around.  The forest was darker, and far thicker then it should have been.  She took a few steps back the way she came, but everything seemed dark that way as well.

Then the darkness began to slither forward.

?What the hell is that!? cried Reimu.

?I~ I don't know!?  Let's get out of here!? Marisa grabbed Reimu's hand and turned to run in the opposite direction.  Then she stopped.  There were more of the creatures pulling their way out of the darkness in the other direction.

Marisa's head felt light as she watched the odd ooze of hands and legs crawl out of the blackness.  'That's it?' her mind asked.  'I'm going to die?'

There was a sudden mechanical roar, followed by a screeching as a motorcycle plowed into the ground in front of Marisa and Reimu.  The slide kicked up a massive spray of earth as the machine to a came to a halt.

The janitor from before pushed herself off the almost horizontal bike and pulled what looked like a gun from her shirt.  Then she pointed the muzzle at her head and pulled the trigger.  ?Keine!?

Marisa swore that time had frozen for that glorious moment.  A thousand motes of light sprang from the girl in front of them, then coalesced into a giant woman in a green dress with large horns.  The  phantasm looked down at the dark pools of shadow beneath her and simply stomped down, kicking up a shockwave.

Marisa braced for impact, but the wave didn't seem to touch her.  However it splattered the two blobs in front of the girls into tiny rapidly disintegrating pieces.

The janitor, 'Fujiwara' the tiny part of her brain that hadn't gone on strike due to panic noted, turned and pulled two more of the strange guns off the fallen bike.  ?Here!  Use these, remember Gensoukyo!?

That seemed an odd thing to say thought Marisa.  Then she decided that whatever brainpower she had let would probably have been better spent catching the gun instead of worrying about that.  The pistol like object hit her in the chest then fell to the ground.

That apparently was the signal for her to snap back into reality.  Her heart started beating like the cylinders on the bike had been, and she frantically grabbed for the pistol.  She managed to get a hold of the item, but only by falling on her butt.

Reimu of course had caught the gun perfectly.  Marisa saw her holding it, looking at the shadows approaching from where they had run.  Then her face tightened in determination.  Reimu put the gun to her temple and yelled ?Aya!? as she pulled the trigger.

Once again a shower of sparks reached into the air, but this time the figure that formed was smaller.  A black haired girl with a camera and a leaf fan floated above her friends head.  Then it spoke.  ?So long as I'm remembered I'll always be here to give my report.  Pure and honest reporter Shameimaru Aya is here!?

And with that the figure waved it's fan and a tornado flew out to strike the monsters.  Marisa could only sit in amazement as five of the six things just vanished with the wind.

Unfortunately the sixth started running for her.

Marisa pulled up the weapon and put it to her head, but then she froze again.  'There has to be more to it then this,' she thought.  'Remember Gensoukyo.  What does that mean!??  Then a hazy fragment of her dream from last night flashed into her mind.  With that she pulled the trigger.

The impact slammed into her head like a hammer blow, and a thousand scenes flew through her mind.  Over a misty lake, in the spring snow, amid flower blossoms, once during the day and once at night, and a thousand other little meetings.  As the pictures flew through her consciousness a name appeared.  ?Cirno!? she yelled out to the heavens.

As she did so the sparks flew forth to make another figure, smaller then even Reimu's.  The six winged ice fairy looked at the shadow and smirked.  ?So long as you remember the strongest I'm here to fight!  I'll freeze you with a side of beef!?

Marisa smiled as the little fairy raised her hand to summon her ice shards.  Then the girl screamed as white hot pain seared through her mind.  The phantasm above her head seemed to twist then vanished in a static haze.

As Marisa's head continued to throb the haze reformed into a pale girl in a dress, about ten or twelve.  In her hands was a bound book, and there was murder in her eyes.  Her gaze seemed to stop even the shadow in it's tracks.

It spoke in a harsh whisper that carried through the forest.  ?You made them forget me.  You made her forget me.?

?You've been very very bad.  You have to be punished.  Mother isn't here to punish you, so I'll have to punish you.?

The little girl pointed at the shadow creature.  ?Die for me!?

Marisa blacked out.


Marisa opened her eyes and looked around.  There was no Reimu, no janitor (Mokou her mind recalled) and no forest.  There was a lot of random floating rocks.  And where she was there was what looked to be a very expensive private lounge all done in shades of blue.

?I must be dreaming,? Marisa muttered.

?Welcome to the Velvet Room.?

Marisa turned towards the voice.  There sitting next to a well furnished table, was a small man with a very prominent nose.  He inclined his head to Marisa.  ?I am Igor.?

For some reason this seemed perfectly normal to Marisa.  So normal in fact that she found herself sitting down across from the man.  ?Nice place.  How'd I get here??

The man chuckled.  ?You are on the border of dreams and reality.  I have to say, I was not expecting your arrival, I was expecting your friend.  But I suppose this makes sense too.  She stood at the boundaries of things.  You are purely born of the realm of fantasy, no matter how real you are.?

Marisa tried to ponder the matter but she found it hard to concentrate.  Just like it was in a dream.  ?So you gonna explain things to me?  Like how I'm here??

Igor waved his hand.  ?You are here because this is where you are meant to be.  I am here because I owe a friend a small favor.  As for explanations, I can explain some things, but not all.  For it is your journey to find those answers that will give you the strength to restore your rightful place.?

Marisa frowned.  "I'm meant to be here?  Kinda dull isn't it?"

Igor smirked.  "It is now.  Before though it was your home.  A place of dreams and wishes.  Before someone stole it from you and replaced your past with a lie.  Friends that conveniently moved and old schools that are conveniently closed."

Marisa paused.  Now that the guy mentioned the fact, it was kinda odd that her past was so inaccessible.  Now that she thought about it that was true for Reimu as well.

"You must find your dream and restore it.  I do not know who is responsible, but I know unless you do, you'll never learn the truth about your past."

Igor leaned forward and rested his head on his hands.  ?I can record your memories here so they cannot be stolen away again.  I've already placed your memories of Cirno here, so you can summon her again, if need be.  And as you meet new people and forge bonds with them you will remember other friends.  When you remember them I can help you give those memories form.?

?I'll be speaking with you again soon, after you've learned a little more, but for now it's time for you to wake up.?

?You've got a long adventure ahead of you.  And I'm very interested to see where it leads...?


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    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #379 on: September 07, 2010, 11:29:41 PM »


also persona persona persona persona :V

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #380 on: September 07, 2010, 11:40:46 PM »

I have since produced two ideas that, if I were to write, would effectively be crucifictions of Touhou and everything that is good about it. One is appealing to me more than the other, mainly because it fits the high school theme better, but the thought of writing it makes me want to kill myself and then be violently ill, in that order.

In other words, I'll probably start on it tomorrow. :V

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #381 on: September 07, 2010, 11:56:37 PM »

I'm sorry.   :ohdear:  I only had the human half to work with.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #382 on: September 08, 2010, 01:58:18 AM »
Honestly, when I saw Igor, I instantly thought of "persona persona persona social links social links social links" XD I am happy about this. 5 Gaps out of 5 :3

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #383 on: September 08, 2010, 02:03:51 AM »
social links social links social links

Also, I've always liked it when Aya is called/refers to herself as a "pure and honest reporter". I don't know why, but I do. Nice one!


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #384 on: September 08, 2010, 02:57:58 AM »

You guys have to outdo that now. Get on it folks.


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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #385 on: September 08, 2010, 04:41:21 AM »

You guys have to outdo that now. Get on it folks.


Yeah, right :derp:


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #386 on: September 09, 2010, 03:32:43 PM »
I'm Lunesa and I start my senior year today.  My younger sisters are more excited about it than I am.  Merlin, who is going to be a junior, took it upon her self to wake me up this morning by barging in my room and making as much noise as humanly possible.  I gave her a black eye for her troubles.  Even with a black eye, she still has boundless energy and is hopelessly upbeat.

?Lyrica's not up yet,? Lyrica, the youngest, is going to be a freshman this year.

?Why don't you go wake her up, you're so good it after all.?

?Kay!? she grabbed for her trumpet.  I grabbed her wrist.

?No, do it normally.?

?Bah, doing it normally is so boring,? she sighed and went up stairs.  They was a loud crashing noise as she inevitably kicked the door open, followed by a lot of screaming.  I sighed and continued eating breakfast.  They came down a few moments later and joined me at the table.  After breakfast, we all left for school.

The school grounds were large, the entrance way alone was two thousand feet.  Rumor has it, the super attendant wanted to put a hedge maze up.  The school itself was four stories with the freshman at the bottom, the juniors on the second floor, and the seniors on the third floor.  No one knows what's on the fourth floor and there's a club building in the back with a gym and a pool to the side.  There's also a track and tennis courts on the far side.  There's also a forest behind the school with a large abandoned building somewhere deep inside, as the rumors go.

We walked inside and I waved good bye as I headed up the stairs.  I was in class 3-F at the far end of the school.  I opened the door and didn't see a lot of people here yet.  Even still, someone was in my seat.  I like setting up front in the middle.  I took the seat next to her.

?Hi, I'm Reisen,? she introduced herself to me.

?I'm Lunesa,? I responded back.

?Looks like we're early,? she said looking around.  I took another look around, there was Alice in the back seat looking out the window.  There was Reimu and Sanae in the two middle seats and Tenshi by the back exit.  The front exit swung open with a mighty thud and a blond girl somersaulted in and she stood up with her arms extended above her head.

?Marisa!  What the hell are you doing?? Alice yelled from the back seat.

?Making an entrance,? she stated.

I've heard of her, she places high on all the tests and does really well in all the athletic events too.  And she as a really loud personality.  After that more people started piling in and the teacher arrived shortly after.

The bell rang and morning announcements came on, ?This is your Vice Principal Mokou speaking.  First of all a welcome to all the new faces joining us this year.  There will be a new way of determining the student council, but we'll go over the details tomorrow.  For now just have a nice day and get acquainted with everything.  Take it easy.?  There was static as she signed off.

?Alright now,? the teacher clapped her hands together, ?I'm your homeroom teacher, Ms. Keine.  I was given a memo from the super attendant to partner you up.  She doesn't say why, so I'm giving you free range to pick your partner,? she smiled and muttered under her breath, ?this is probably another stupid game for her.?

?ALICE!  ALICE!  PST ALICEALICEALICE!  HEY ALICE BE MY PARTNER!  PST!? Marisa was shouting from seat directly in front her.

?Ugh, fine,? Alice sighed.

?Uhh, I don't know anyone here.  Would you want to be partners?? Reisen asked me.

?Sure, why not,? I shrugged.

?I have to write it down, everyone and your partner step up,? Keine instructed.  ?Let's see: Alice and Marisa, Sanae and Reimu, Lunesa and Reisen, Tenshi and Iku,...? she listed all the partners.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.  The teachers came in and talked about there plans for the year and gave us free time.  There was a lot of buzz about what the partners were for in the hallways.

It was the next day, ?Good morning, this is Vice Principal Mokou.  Everyone seems curious about the partnering up and I'm here to explain it to you.  But first, I'll tell you about how to join the student council.  You're going to have to fight for it.?

?WHAT!?? everyone in the school yelled in unison.

?That's where the partners come into play.  This week you and your partner will fight side by side at designated times and the partners with the best record at the end of the week will be our Student Council President and Vice-President!?


?To go over the rules here's your principal Kaguya.?

?Good morning this your Principal speaking.  You and your partner will be given two stars; a heaven star and an earth star.  The heaven star has to go on the right shoulder, but the earth star can go anywhere.  You will also be given two wooden swords.  The object is to take your opponents heaven star.  It is up to the earth star to protect the heaven star.  But if the earth star is hit, they can no longer participate in the fight.

?The fights will be announced with the ringing of a gong.  You have fifteen minutes after the first gong to capture your opponents star.  The gong will ring again at the end of the fifteen minute period announcing the end of the round.

This first week is going to determine the student council.  The top three teams at the end of the week will make up the student council for the rest of the year.  You can always opt out of the fights.  However, the more you win this week, the higher your rank will be.  And at the end of the year those of Rank B and higher can get anything from money to a recommendation letter.  So go out and fight!?

There was a knock at the door following the announcements.  A tall guy with a large box, followed by a little girl with a small briefcase, came in.  ?These are the swords,? he said and put the box on the ground and turned around to the girl, ?and those are the stars.  I'm going to need all the Heaven Stars to come up first.?

?Wait a minute here!  They haven't had any time to decide this stuff yet!? Keine interjected.

?OH!  ME ME ME!  I WANNA BE A HEAVEN STAR!? Marisa jumped up from her seat and ran to the front of the class.

?I guess it can't be helped,? Reimu said and nodded at Sanae and went to the front of the class.

?Go Tenshi!  Be the Heaven Star!  It's your destiny!? Iku yelled and pushed Tenshi forward.

?I think I'll be the Heaven Star,? Reisen said and stood up.  Everyone stood up front and had their stars put on their shoulders.

?Now look everyone!? the delivery guy shouted, ?as Earth Stars, these are your targets!  Defend them with your life!  Now come up and get your stars!?

Everyone else rose and went to the front of the class.  After he left, the bell for first period rang.  The teacher's were given instructions for the school to have a free period.  Marisa grabbed Alice and ran out into the hall.  It was in the air, the first battle was quickly approaching.

?So?? Reisen said, interrupting my thoughts.


?Are we going to fight??

?Of course, having a recommendation letter from this school will guarantee me a spot in most collages.  What about you??

?Oh well, my parents would probably kill me if ran away from a challenge.?

?Maybe we should go out like Marisa and look for opponents,? I suggested.  She nodded in agreement and we left the classroom.  The hallways were busy with everyone running around talking.  We went down stairs to the first floor, it wasn't nearly as crowded.  ?I guess everyone went up to challenge us.?

?Maybe, unless there was someone down here they didn't want to challenge.?

?Sister!? I heard yelled and turned to look.  Lyrica was being carried by someone running at us at full speed.  This person was really tall, she had a red checkered dress and vest covering a white button down shirt, with shirt wavy green hair cut just above her shoulders.

?Who is that??

?I am the GREAT Yuuka Kazami!? she yelled.  And with that the bell rang.

?What?  Already?? Reisen stumbled around.

?HA HA HA!  We must be ready at ALL times!  COME NOW!  LET US FIGHT!?

?Stand back Reisen, if you get hit it's all over!?  I looked and saw my sister was the Heaven Star.  She was standing behind her partner with her arms crossed and smirking.

?HA!  You want to take us both on at the same time!  YOU have brass ONES!?  Yuuka interrupted my thoughts.  My sister has never been one do things herself and always has me or Merlin do them for her.  It looks like it'll be the same here.  If I can just get past Yuuka than--

?UGH!? there was a sharp pain in my stomach.  I looked down, Yuuka had jabbed me with her sword, it was a wooden sword, so there was no penetration.  But it knocked my breath away.  I doubled over in pain.

?Are you okay?? Reisen yelled and started to run over to me.  I wanted to yell to stay back, but I couldn't.  It was too late, there was a deafening thwack noise as Yuuka's sword came down hard on Reisen's shoulder.

?VICTORY IS OURS!? she yelled.

?So that's Yuuka?? someone said behind us.  It was Aya, she was just a second year student, but already had a reputation for sticking her nose where it didn't belong.  If anything happens in this school, she'd be the first to know.  ?So I guess the rumors of a giant freshmen were true.  And challenging them on the first day too?  That was pretty reckless, you should see the nurse.?  Reisen's eyes became wide when she said nurse.

?I, I'm fine!  This doesn't hurt at all,? Aya poked her shoulder and Reisen collapsed to the ground like a rag doll.

?Also, I was hiding out in the nurses office and she gave me a note to give you,? she held out the note for me.  I grimmaced and stood up to take the note.

?Come see me, Eirin,? I read the note out loud.  We were lead to the nurses office by Aya.  The bell announcing the end of the round just rang.

?Everyone, report back to your class,? Vice Principal Mokou instructed over the intercom.

?You heard the Vice Principal, we should go,? Reisen said and started heading away.

?No you don't,? Aya said and jumped in front of her.  ?You're seeing Eirin now.?

We entered the nurses office and she was on the phone.  ?Yes, they just walked in now.  I'll talk to you later.?  She hung up the phone and turned to face us.  ?I just finished talking with your parents,? Reisen gulped, ?they weren't too happy to hear about your lose on the first day.  They told me to tell you they will be coming by next week for special training.?

?Sp,special training??

?Yes, special training.  For the both of you.?

?What?? I interrupted.

?I'm not going to repeat myself for a third time.  Now come over here and let me get a look at you,? she pointed at me.  I walked over and she lifted up my shirt.  ?She did this with a wooden sword??  I looked down and my entire stomach was bruised.  The spot she hit was a very dark shade of violet.  She put my shirt down and went into the back room.

?What kind of training?? I asked Reisen when Eirin was gone.

?We,we're gonna die!? she yelled.

?What!??  But before she could answer Eirin came back with a jar.

?Here, lift up your shirt.  This may sting a little, but this ointment will speed up the healing process.  She opened the jar and dipped two fingers in it and rubbed them over my stomach.  I grimmaced a little, but tried to stay still.

?Good, now let me look at your shoulder,? she turned to Reisen.  ?That's not good, it looks dislocated.?  she turned to me, ?I'm going to take her for a few days.  I want you to make sure she gets all her homework when she comes back.?  I nodded and turned to her desk and wrote a note.  ?Now take this and give it to the teacher.?

The rest of the week flew by.  Rumors of the giant first year student quickly spread.  Everyone who had something to prove all went and challenged her and every time they were beaten down in a matter a seconds.  She doesn't have any stance or tactics, she just uses brute force.  The only real tactic they have is Lyrica standing directly behind her forcing the opponents to rush in and get beaten.

It was Saturday morning and the last bell was going to ring today.  I walked in the class room and saw Reisen was back at her desk.  She waved me over.

?Looks like your shoulder is all healed up.?

?Yea, just in time for training too,? she sighed.

?What kind of training are we--?  I was interrupted by the morning announcements.

?This is Vice Principal Mokou, I would at the time like to tell you the top five teams.  In fifth place, we have Cirno and Daiyousei at 3 and 3.  In fourth place we have Youmu and Momiji at 4 and 2.  In third place we have Sanae and Youmu at 5 and 1.  And tied for first with have team Marisa and Alice and Yuuka and Lyrica, that it all.?

And as soon as the announcements were over Marisa ran out of the classroom and Keine walked in.  ?I wonder where she's going,? she rolled her eyes.  And just a couple of minutes later, she came rushing back in.

?I have challenged Yuuka to a fight!? she proclaimed.

?Be careful with her,? Reimu warned.  ?Every fight has been won in just a couple of turns and she put Reisen there in the hospital for a few days.?

?Hrmm,? Marisa started scratching her chin, ?Alice you gotta think of something.?

?Of course I do,? she sighed.  The intercom came on again.

?This just in, Team Marisa has issued a formal challenge to Team Lyrica.  If you see any member of either team after the gong rings you are not allowed to challenge them,? Mokou signed off.

?This is ridiculous,? Keine said under her breath. 

The rest of the day went by normally until lunch period.  I walked outside the school to get some fresh air.  I passed a lot of opinionated people along the way.  ?I don't know if I want a first year to be president.?  ?I don't think Marisa would be any better.?  ?Alice would probably make a good president, but I don't see her doing it.?  A bunch of these people didn't even pick up a sword the entire week.

?Hey!? Reisen came over to me.

?Hey, the bell will probably ring soon.  Are you up to fighting anyone??

?I don't know what good it will do.  And I really want to watch the fight for the president.?

?I'm with the teacher, this is just ridiculous.  This is no way to pick the student council president.?

?I agree,? she nodded.

?So about this training?? I started, but was interrupted by the gong ringing.  ?You've got to be kidding me!?

?Come on, let's go find Yuuka.  We don't want to miss it!?  We took off running across the field.

?HOLD IT!? some one yelled at us.  We turned and saw two people standing there; a girl with rabbit ears and a pink dress and another girl with cat ears and Chinese clothes.

?Tewi!?  Reisen exclaimed, ?what do you want??

?To fight of course,? she shrugged.

?Well, we don't want to.?

?That's too bad.  Everyone's been to afraid to fight us cause they've been worried Ran will come down on them.  And we finally got a green like from the higher ups that have Ran's hands tied and she can't interfere in this match.?

?The higher ups?? I asked.

?Let's just say another group separate from the school that holds a lot of power.?

?Why would they want us to fight?? Reisen asked.

?To see if you really need the training or not.?

Reisen turned to me and nodded.  ?Let's go!?

?Chen's the Heaven Star!? I pointed out.  Reisen ran past me and locked blades with Tewi.

?Then go after her,? she yelled.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chen jump up and after Reisen's star.

?Like I'd let you,? I jumped up and hit Chen out of the way.  She fell back and flipped back to her feet before she hit the ground.  ?Your opponent is me!?

?What are you doing?  Trying to sound cool or something, it doesn't really sound right coming from you,? Tewi said.

?Reisen, hurry up and find her star,? I said and ran over to Chen.  She wasn't waiting and quickly jumped at me.  I tried to dodge, but she still hit the side of my ribs.  My star was on my belt, as long as that was safe we were fine.  I swung up at her and she jumped back avoiding the hit and when her feet touched the ground she jumped straight at me again.

She was aiming at my star this time.  I gripped my sword and waited for her to come into range and swung upwards again with all my might.  The impact of the two swords hitting stung my hands, but I held on.  Chen, who wasn?t expecting it, dropped her sword.

?Now's my chance,? I said and ran at Chen.  I jabbed with my sword and she ducked, but it wasn't fast enough.  I heard her star make a buzzing noise.  We had won.

?Congratulations,? someone from the sidelines said.  We turned and saw Eirin standing there.

?Does this mean we don't have to have special training anymore?? Reisen's eyes lit up.

?What?  No, this just means they can up the ante now that we know you can take it.?

?You, you tricked us!? Reisen yelled at Tewi.

?Eh, it's what I do,? she shrugged.  We started walking back to the school when the bell announcing the  end of the round was over.  It was quickly followed by the announcements.

?This is Vice Principal Mokou.  Everyone report to the auditorium for a mandatory assembly.?

We all went to the auditorium and it was packed with students.  Everyone was abuzz about who the new president was going to be  when Vice Principal Mokou walked out on stage.

?I wonder why the principal herself isn't coming out,? Reisen whispered to me.

?I don't know.  I don't think I've ever seen the principal in person,? I whispered back.

?Now that I think about it, me either.?

?This is Vice Principal Mokou.  I would like to introduce you all to the new student council.  The secretary, Alice Margatroid.?  She walked out on stage and took her seat without saying anything.  ?The treasurer, Marisa Kirisame.?  She jumped to the middle of the stage and rolled to the table and jumped into the seat.  The auditorium erupted in applause.

?Now the Vice-President Lyrica Prismriver,? my sister walked on the stage and flashed a smile at everyone before taking her seat.  ?And now for the President, Yuuka Kazami!?  She walked out to the middle of the stage.

?I want to create a world filled with flowers!? she yelled.  The auditorium fell silent.

?Um, okay?  Take your seat now,? Mokou said and motioned to her chair.  She held up two peace signs above her head and walked to her chair.  ?Now that this week is over, your ranks have been assigned.  Next week you will be given special outfits so that the others will know what rank you're in and challenge you accordingly.  And of course, non-combatants can continue to wear their normal clothes.  That is all, have a nice day off.?

Everyone went outside the auditorium.  There was a big bulletin board outside the auditorium.  I went up to look.  It went from Rank E to Rank SSS.  I looked for our names, we were in the middle of Rank E.  Looks like my senior year just became more interesting. 


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #387 on: September 11, 2010, 10:04:55 PM »
Soaks. You had to wonder if they could have given the place a more appropriate name, given that days without rain there were about as rare as hen's teeth. The little town seemed to be constantly covered by a cape of clouds, and only the fact that it had been built on a mountain side had stopped the inevitable flooding from occurring. Looking at it from the car as we drove into the city, there was a feeling of disconnection, like Soaks was somehow separate from the rest of the world.

It was definitely wetter, that was for sure. I'd been warned beforehand and packed an umbrella for the journey, but even metal was only so strong. If the rain here was always this heavy, I had to wonder how many weather-related injuries the city had.

"Don't worry, honey. It's just a spring shower. It'll lighten up soon."

My mother turned away from the wheel for a moment to offer me a hint of comfort. That was just like her - insistent on consoling the people around her, and not bothering to think a single step ahead in terms of consequences. When I was four, it was a cute trait that showed how much she loved me; by the time I turned seventeen, it was just plain irresponsible.

We weren't very talkative - I'd never managed to get on with my mother very well. Maybe she was too clingy to me in my early years, and in an urge to stand up for myself I'd emotionally cut off from her. Her words reached me, but I was never really listening.

" don't have to do this. You can live with your father back i-"

"Papa is insane. You know it, I know it, and I'm sick of defending him."

She seemed hurt by that. It was the truth, though - even as a child my dad had been quick to try and convert me to his beliefs. He would insist on reading me Bram Stoker's works when I was barely literate, and when I wanted to wear a cape and fangs for Halloween he grounded me instead.

My father, you see, was a self-proclaimed vampire hunter. Choosing between him and this dreary life in the middle of nowhere had been difficult, but this was the lesser of two evils. Maybe I wouldn't fit in well here, maybe I would live out the rest of my life in anonymity, but at least no-one would know me as the daughter of the local maniac. Even if it was a tiny chance, maybe now I could enjoy a relatively normal life.

I couldn't have known it then, but fate plays games with people who try to change their destiny. And when you run from it, it simply pulls you back in twice as hard.


How was I meant to prepare for my first day at a school I'd never visited before? I didn't know a face, a class, anything. Mother had been helpful as ever, throwing uniforms and books at me, and even going so far as to hand me a self-drawn map of the school. The writing on it was childish enough to make me wonder if she'd made this herself in her own school years.

The uniform fit me neatly, though as always there was an uncomfortable flatness around the chest area. I'd experimented with padding for a short while, but it turned out that pad jokes were more popular to the masses than flat-chest jokes. I wondered momentarily if I could pass for a man.

Then again, men didn't have hair like this. It was silver, the colour of a keenly sharpened blade, running down my back halfway down my chest in a well-tied ponytail. The colour, thankfully, wasn't an issue anymore - nowadays, it was a trend for girls my age to dye their hair ridiculous colours, so being naturally grey wouldn't earn me any snide remarks. In fact, it'd probably bring around a compliment or two.

On the stand next to the mirror sat a silver pocket watch with a chain on it. I stared at it for a moment, sighing, not sure whether it was right to take it with me - it was my grandfather's, the only present of my father's I had bothered to hold on to. Mentally I told myself that it had nothing to do with the self-proclaimed vampire slayer, otherwise I would have thrown it away long ago. After a long mental debate, I finally gave in and stuffed it into a pocket, hoping that I wasn't unlucky enough to be robbed on my first day.

It was an awkward walk towards the school, surrounded by dozens of kids my age who were busy chatting about petty things like the weather and what they'd done the day before. The cliques had been set up in my absence - everyone had set themselves up as a member of one group in particular, and didn't bother conversing with anyone outside their circle of friends.

Which left a newcomer like me with little to do but follow awkwardly, waiting for someone to care enough to look at me. Naturally, no luck - now that silver hair wasn't a big deal anymore, there was literally nothing about me that stood out. Though in a way, that was a relief - having a big deal made about me was something I was used to, and not very fond of.

The introduction to my class was about as embarrassing as could be expected. The instant the teacher decided to mispronounce my name as 'Sakooya', I knew things were going to go badly. I was ordered into a chair at the back of the room shortly afterward before English started. Fortunately, I was a good enough student, so I managed to avoid adding 'class dunce' to my ever-growing list of mockable traits. I answered questions when they came to me, but otherwise did what I could to keep low.

Next came math, and uncertain of where the class was I pulled out my mother's map for help. As usual, she had failed to plan ahead and written it in still-wet ink, so when I'd folded it up for class the map effectively destroyed itself. My hopes of keeping quiet had come to an end, so now there was no choice but to ask for help.

As it turned out, I was offered it before I could ask.

"Hey, new kid! You lost?"

The girl who spoke up to me was one of the...slower members of the class, with short blonde hair and a red ribbon tied in it. She seemed to be living in her own little world, arms outstretched like she was trying to fly.

"It's my first day, isn't it? That should hardly be surprising."

"Is that so~? Well, name's Rumia, and I can get you where you need to go. We have classes together, so maybe we can talk as well?"

Her helpfulness was saccharine-sweet. It reminded me too much of my mother. At the same time, I had to make it to my next class, so I accepted as begrudgingly as possible. She introduced me to several friends of hers, each of them equally smothering and condescending. The leader was a determined looking girl with bright blue hair, who declared me to be the newest member of the Super Study Club.

I asked if membership was mandatory, and received several puzzled faces. Apparently none of these Study Club members had ever sat down with a dictionary. Would I call them friends? Most likely not, but it was better than being absolutely alone.

The first few periods went surprisingly smoothly. No notes being passed on calling me a lunatic, or Moon Struck Jack, or the incredibly inventive Sakuya Belmont. It was dull by normal standards, but that was exactly what I needed.

Lunch was where things all began to fall apart. Sure enough, I was invited to the table along with Rumia's Super Study Club, who were now discussing their plans for the future. It was during a long, dull monologue about running a lamprey stand that I turned away from these 'friends' and examined the cafeteria in full.

It was then that I saw the table pulled away from the rest, made separate from the rest of the school, and the five girls sitting at it. They sat in silence, looking at their lunch trays like science exhibits without having taken a single bite. To the left sat a tall-looking woman with flowing red hair; across from her, a slightly nerdy girl in glasses whose hair was slightly short, but a similar colour. To the nerd's side sat a girl who looked like she belonged in a hospital bed - her eyes were dreary, her lips pale, her skin ashen white. In spite of this, her violet hair ran behind her back looking like it was in the pinnacle of good health.

And then there were the two sitting in the middle. They looked younger than their counterparts, too young for this school in fact, but the severe looks on their faces wouldn't have looked out of place on my grandmother. There was a slight difference in age; the younger sister seemed the least distracted of them all, playing slightly with her food and running a hand down her blonde hair; the elder sister may as well have been a statue, glaring at nothing in particular, and with blue hair that looked almost natural.

But most disturbing of all was their eyes. I had never seen eyes that colour - crimson red, as if they were bleeding. It felt like a stare from those eyes would be enough to chill my bones, and I quickly looked back to the Study Club members. I did what I could to keep the panic from spreading onto my face.

"Um. Who are those people over there?"

Rumia took a moment to glance in the direction I was pointing, then offered a laugh.

"Oh, them? They're the Scarlet sisters. Remilia and Flandre, the scary looking kids in the middle, anyway. Moved to Soaks a couple'a years back, and the other three girls 'round the table apparently work for them. No-one really hangs around them, though - I'm guessing you picked up on that whole eerie jibe everyone else gets whenever you look in their direction?"

I nodded vehemently in response to that. There had been a fear running through me as I looked at that one table in the middle of nowhere, a fear I'd never experienced in my life. Even turning my gaze in their direction felt like a crime punishable by death, so I took a sudden interest in my 'friends' for the rest of lunch.

There was still a feeling of unease as the bell rang for next period, though. I looked vaguely in their direction once a few minutes before the end of lunch, and the table they'd been sitting at was completely empty. The cafeteria was small enough that I should have been able to hear them leave, but there had been no sound at all from that direction.

At least I was rid of them now. It made sense, didn't it? Every school had one or two oddballs. Or five. No point dwelling, I had to move on and think about anything else other than the Scarlet sisters. My interest in the upcoming English class was stronger than I'd had for any class so far.

It was not a pleasant surprise to find a certain blue-haired young girl sitting next to me.

Unconsciously, I shuffled my seat a few inches to the right, away from the girl who'd been introduced to me as Remilia Scarlet. She didn't seem aware of my discomfort; in fact, she didn't seem to be aware of much, with her eyes glazed over while she stared at the board and her hands making strange gestures in midair. I let myself sigh a little.

"OK, class, this is a group assignment. I want you to work with whoever is next to you."

A pair of crimson eyes fell on me. Dammit.

"Alright, now I want you to recite the following passage with your partner. The first speaker will be whoever is on the left."

Scripts were handed out to each student, an ornate-looking exchange between two aggressive sounding men. No names had been given, and from the nonsensical first line it was clear this was not the beginning of the conversation. Fortunately English had been one of my stronger subjects - the last thing I needed now was to embarrass myself with a slip-up in from of an intimidating creature like her.

"I'm to start, then?"

Remilia's voice was confident but soft. From the look in her eye she knew full well she was starting first; she wanted to simply test whether I would argue with her. I didn't give her the pleasure.

With everyone speaking at once, I was the only one who could make out Remilia Scarlet's performance. Perhaps that was just as well, because there was a tone of foreboding in it that made it feel like it was beyond simply reciting a foreign language. Beyond acting, even. The words slipped out of her mouth with perfect fluidity, as if she meant every last one.

"Oh, but this world invited me. Your own kind called me forth with praise and tribute."

Who was she performing as? Some sort of monster? Demon? The role suited her disturbingly well, but supposedly it was my job to stand up to her. I responded with all the conviction I could muster.

"Tribute? You're a thief. You steal men's souls, their freedom!"

"Freedom is always sacrificed to faith, good hunter."

She leaned over the desk towards me, smiling confidently. I wasn't sure if the threat behind her words was aimed at my character, or at me.

"Or are you truly here by choice?"

I bit my lip. These words hit home a little harder than I would have liked, so my response was more violent than confident this time around.

"All I'm here for is you. To hell with your heresy! You're nothing but a blight on mankind!"

Remilia added a little laugh, a proud 'hah!' that wasn't in the original script.


This time I knew she was staring at me, not whoever I was acting as. My heart began to pound uncontrollably.

"A cesspit of hatred and lies."

She spoke as if the words didn't apply to her, as if she wasn't a member of this petty race of humans. But that was impossible, wasn't it? It had to be.

"Fight for them, then...and die for their sins."

The passage stopped abruptly there, presumably to signal the start of combat between the two. We obviously weren't meant to act that part out, but so help me I wanted to. The smug look in Remilia's eyes made me want to punch her, but at the same time I knew that if I laid a finger on her I wouldn't live to regret it. She didn't even look physically strong, but her eyes glared at me so powerfully I wondered if they were looking through me at the next desk along.

The bell signalling the end of class was a welcome relief. I almost jumped out of my seat, running up to Rumia to claim that I was lost and had no idea where the next class was. I could still feel Remilia's eyes glaring at me, even when I looked away, and as I glanced back I found her still in her chair, waving me farewell.

The wave had a disturbing sense of finality to it, like she knew she was never going to see me again.


After that encounter, the rest of the day was thankfully uneventful. Occasionally I bumped into the tall-foreboding redhead - was she Chinese? She didn't look like she was very local - or the anaemic purple-haired girl, but neither of them seemed to be any more welcoming than their so called mistress. The bell rung at last, and I would have run for the doorway if Rumia hadn't pulled me back and insisted on talking some more about the weather or whatever it was people spoke about to pass time here in Soaks.

Walking out into the car park presented me with the usual display of pouring rain. I groaned as I realised I'd have to walk home in this, pulling out the umbrella in my backpack I'd prepared for just such an occasion. Rumia decided to borrow my cover, holding her arms out still damp in the rain.

I felt a familiar pair of eyes falling on me, and this time I couldn't help to look up to it. The Scarlet sisters were standing along with their companions next to their car - an archaic, ancient model, something that must have been decades old. The tall redhead was holding an umbrella over the entire group, and all of them were staring in my direction.

Panic started to flood my brain.

"Hey, Sakuya-?!"

I didn't realise I was running until Rumia called out for me, but I still didn't stop. I couldn't be near them, I knew that much. Every brain cell in my body was screaming at me to run, and I did nothing to resist. The gateway was open, and when I made it out there I was home free-


A scream. A skidding.

I looked to my side, and saw a ton of metal on four tires driving towards me. The driver had hit the brakes hard, but everyone watching knew there was no way he would stop in time.

The umbrella flew out of my hand. I didn't even have time to scream. I put my hand over my face, unable to bring myself to watch my own death rain down on me. I waited for the sound of the collision, to feel my body fly across the car park and land lifelessly in the rain.

Nothing happened.


The world around me was silent, save for an ungodly ticking noise in my ears. I worked up the nerve to move my hand away, looking at the car that would inevitably kill me. It stood still, having come to a stop only inches away from my chest. I thought for a moment that I'd just been wrong, and that he had managed to stop the car in time to avoid hitting me.

Then I realised that the car wasn't the only thing that had stopped. So had everything else.

The rain hung in mid-air, as if gravity had been forgotten. A dozen faces were watching me from the side, Rumia and her friends screaming in vain for me to get out of the way. In the distance, Remilia and her companions looked on with uninterested faces.


No-one reacted. No-one responded to anything I said. Was this all some sort of dream? A near-death experience? It had to be, the alternative was something absurd. I stepped out of the way of the car, first of all, walking back to Rumia and clicking my fingers in her face. She didn't so much as blink.

This was insane. It couldn't even be a prank against me on my first day, because no prank could stop rain from falling. The world around me had literally frozen in time, and I was the only one aware of it.

I took a few seconds to realise my hand was in my pocket. I gripped its contents tightly, and suddenly everything clicked into place.

I had no idea why I had done it, or how it had worked, but my hand was clasped tightly around my grandfather's pocket watch.

"...So, then if I..."

I let go of the silver watch, removing my hand from my pocket.

The world exploded back into life.

"Oh, god! Sakuya, are you okay?!"

Rumia wrapped her arms around me the instant she could, sobbing along with the rain. I'd frightened her, and her friends were joining in the embrace as well.

"...Really, I'm fine,'s alright..."

It was anything but, and I knew it. I couldn't explain what had happened, and from the looks of things none of my classmates were even aware of what had taken place. I felt alone again, and I knew there was no way I could explain what had just happened without being written off as a maniac.

I was forced to stay behind until the police arrived to file insurance claims. The driver was as dumbfounded as I was, swearing that I'd been in front of the car one moment and gone the next. He was written off as suffering from shock, and his testimony given no credit. My friends moved on to go home, offering their well-wishes and heading out the entrance.

Watching them go, I caught one more look at the Scarlet family, expecting to see them remain as emotionless as ever. Instead, I caught a look of Remilia Scarlet looking at me with utter shock. Whatever charisma she'd had before had been completely broken.

I won't lie, it was satisfying to see.


It took a good hour to get through the paperwork the police needed me to fill out. The school was empty by the time I left, and I earned myself the pleasure of walking home, in the rain, completely alone. My umbrella had been trashed by the car - I'd forgotten to pick it up and leave with it, so now I was simply left to hope I didn't get too soaked.

The route home was easy to remember, at least. I'd probably be due another lecture from my mother about how I was being incredibly dangerous and how I should look both ways and blah, blah, blah. The difference was that right now I was desperate for her maternal clinginess - I wanted someone to hold me, explain what was going on, look at me and believe me when I claimed something absurd had happened to me in the middle of the car park today.

I didn't expect someone to be waiting for me on the way home. Especially not that diminutive figure, on her own for a change, holding a petite pink umbrella to shield her from the rain.

"You are a strange one, Miss Izayoi."

She spoke with a more respectful tone this time, and I shuddered for reasons beyond the cold rain. Was she aware of what had happened? Was that even possible? And if so, what did that make her?

"Fate is typically a fickle mistress, and one whose hand moves both swiftly and without relent. And a little bird informed me that you were fated to die today, Miss Izayoi..."

She looked on me with something combining wonder and confusion.

"And yet, here you are. Perhaps I was too hasty in my judgement of you."

Her words were solving nothing - if anything, they just made the situation even more confusing. Every emotion I was feeling now spilled out in one shout, one desperate cry for answers that rung through the street unheard by anyone beyond the two of us.

"Tell me, please! What's happening to me?! What did I do?!"

Remilia smiled. She clearly knew something, and I didn't.

"Now, I shouldn't have to explain a thing to you in that regard, should I? You should know of your lineage."

My face froze. My family wasn't noble, and it certainly wasn't magical. The only descendant of note was my maniac father, convinced that there were vampires in the world that had to be sla-


Oh god.

Then...that would make Remilia...oh, god, no, that's impossible, that's insane...

Before I knew it, I was on my knees. The water from the puddles flooded into my socks, but I was too numb to feel the cold. I could hear Remilia's steps trailing into the distance as she left me to ponder.

"Farewell, Miss Izayoi. Perhaps the next time we meet, it will be on...less friendly terms. Assuming that your father's wishes are dear to you?"

With that, her footsteps disappeared. I was alone, and more than I'd ever been in my life - I was being asked to accept a truth that no-one else believed, and live in a world no-one else thought existed. In fact, 'asked' was too nice a term - there was no backing out now, and I was facing this fact whether I liked it or not.

I don't remember how long I stayed there on my knees in the street as the rain beat down on my cold, soaking body. Nor do I remember how long my tears had been falling along with the raindrops as I silently wept for the normal life I'd been trying so hard to live.

I'd done everything I could to escape my father's insanity, but instead I'd only proven that he was right all along. Vampires were real, and they were among us.

And now one of them was very, very interested in me.


And so, by writing a Touhou edition of Twilight, I have earned myself an exile from Librarianhood, MotK, and indeed the entire Touhou community. It's been fun, guys, and I wish all of you the best. o/


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #388 on: September 13, 2010, 02:54:26 AM »


  • Good gravy!
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #389 on: September 18, 2010, 02:36:18 AM »
This story should've totally been better but WHATEVER

A loud, piercing beep rang through the bedroom. It was a simple room, furnished only with a desk, bookshelf, and bed. Everything in the room was organized in an almost obsessive fashion, whether it was books on the bookcase(in alphabetical order) or writing utensils on the desk(sorted by size).

A slender hand emerged from the bedsheets, flailing about until it finally found the clock radio on the desk, stopping the incessant beeping. Wordlessly, the young, purple haired girl began to prepare for her day. After a quick shower and brushing her teeth, she selected a uniform hanging in her closet(sorted by colour and season) and put it on. Downstairs, she found a meal waiting for her, along with her schoolbag. It seems her servants had done their job well. She quickly ate her meal, took her bag, and headed out the door.

There was no way she would be late for her first day of high school.

The walk to school passed by without event, and the girl stood at the gates of her new high school. Gensoukan High was a recent addition to the town, and it showed. The gates were still gleaming with polish and the school windows were spotless. It looked like something out of a photo album or a movie. She recalled that first year students were to report to the
auditorium first before going to class, so she headed there. It was quite easy to find, considering a large and colourful "FIRST YEARS REPORT HERE!" sign in front of the building.
As she entered, she saw row upon row of folding chairs sitting in front of a large stage. Finding a nice looking spot in the middle, she sat down and waited.

As time passed, students began to flow into the building, seating themselves and waiting patiently. The room slowly grew louder and louder with the chatter of excited students. The bell rang, and soon students began to look towards the stage. Right on cue, a woman emerged on stage, positioning herself in front of the podium.

"...Is this on?" the woman poked at the microphone, causing a loud screech and probably permanent ear damage to the students sitting next to the speakers. "Oh, it is!~"

"Hello everyone, and welcome to Gensoukan High! I'm the principal, Yukari Yakumo. Is everyone excited to begin class?"

Most of the student body responded with a hearty "NO". The woman named Yukari giggled.

"Anyway, I'm here to tell you our school's vision, and philosophy. You see..."

Yukari began a lecture about the school, but the purple haired girl had more important matters on her mind. She stared at her knees, while Yukari droned on about goals and other such things. After what felt like an eternity, Yukari finished her speech, but began introducing new people who had just appeared on stage. The girl looked up, hearing Yukari's words
but not really listening. Finally, the meeting appeared to be over, and students noisily got up to go to class. She was only too eager to comply, and walked out of the building as fast as she could.

"HEY! WAIT!" She heard someone shout behind her. Probably calling someone else.

"HELLOOOO? CAN'T YOU HEAR ME?" Or maybe not? She turned around, and saw a blonde girl with her hair tied on one side running towards her.

", you walk pretty fast for such a short girl!" the girl said, finally catching up. "You're Akyu, right?"

"Y-yes, I am. How did you know my name?" Akyu said, taken aback.

"You left your bag in the auditorium, so I got it for you!" the girl said, proud of her good deed. "Here you go!"

"Oh...thank you. And your name is?"

"I'm Marisa, nice to meet ya! Anyway, I gotta run, my class is on the other side of the school. See ya later!" She ran off, leaving Akyu in the dust.

"She seemed...energetic."

Akyu shrugged, and walked into school for her first class. Walking into the classroom, it was obvious that this was a math class, and was not ashamed to be one. The walls were plastered with math jokes and posters, such as a picture of a pie with the values of pi on the pie tin. Akyu sighed and seated herself at a desk. More students began to arrive, and finally the teacher walked in. She wore a blue dress with too many pockets, and a green cap. She put down the backpack she was carrying and tossed her cap on the desk, revealing bright blue hair.

"Wow, small class this year." the teacher mumbled. "Alrighty, I'm Nitori Kawashiro, and I'm going to be your math teacher this semester. I'll start off by taking attendance."

"Aki? Minoriko Aki?"

"Here." A blonde haired girl called out.

"Hieda? Hieda Akyu?"

"H-Here!" Akyu raised her hand. Nitori did a double take.

"...Huh? Aren't you a little young to be here, kid? How old are you anyway?"

"I'm ten...and I skipped a few grades." Akyu looked at her knees. She could feel the entire class looking at her.

"Alright, fair enough. Houjuu?"

"Here!" A mischievous looking girl with black hair responded.

Nitori scrolled through the rest of the attendance, but Akyu wasn't listening anymore. Everyone always treated her like a child at school, and she was sick of it. She had the desire to learn, and that was that. Sure, her photographic memory helped a lot, and she was a little younger than everyone else. Why should that matter? She worked just as hard as everyone else!

The class continued on. Nitori explained what they were to learn in the coming months, and gave a short lecture ending with the first assignment. The entire class groaned in unison, considering the "simple first assignment" was five pages long. The class was longer than usual due to the morning meeting with the principal, so everyone had a chance to work on the homework.

"Unyu....Orin, help meeeeee..." the girl sitting behind Akyu begged to her neighbour.

"What's wrong, Okuu?" the girl named Orin asked.

"I don't understand this assignment at all!" Okuu cried.

"I'd love to help you, but I don't really get it either..." Orin said sadly. She turned to Akyu. "Say, are you really ten years old?"

"Yes I am." Akyu turned around. "Why?"

"Well, if you're only ten and you're here, you must be pretty smart. Would you mind helping us a bit with the homework? I
had someone else in mind, but...." she pointed over to the other side of the class, where a pink haired girl was struggling with another girl with silver hair.

"Pleeeaaaassseee?" Okuu pleaded, tears forming in her eyes. "I'll do anything!"

"Um...alright." Akyu agreed.

"Great! Well, I'm Rin, but everyone calls me Orin. This is Utsuho, but we like calling her Okuu."

"Nice to meet you both. Well, let's get started, shall we?"

Akyu looked over the assignment. It didn't look too hard, but she flipped open her textbook and memorized the chapter's contents to make sure she was doing it right. As time passed, Akyu managed to help Orin and Okuu through 4 pages, finishing her assignment as well. The lunch bell rang, and students began to leave.

"Wow, we're almost done already! Thank you so much!" Okuu hugged Akyu, almost crying with joy.

"Are you ready to go?" The pink haired girl from earlier asked. Akyu hadn't even noticed that she was there. "We have to run a few errands before we eat."

"Yep. Thanks a lot, Akyu!" Orin said. "Come on Okuu, let's go!"

"Bye Akyuuuun~! See you later!"

"Bye..." Akyu waved farewell as the three left with the silver haired girl.

'Later'? What was that supposed to mean? Next time she needed help on an assignment, like all of Akyu's previous 'friends'? That was the only reason anyone talked to her. It was homework this or assignment that. Nobody ever seemed to notice the 'kid' in the corner, unless it was for their own benefit. Akyu didn't even feel like moving anymore, but she somehow dragged herself out of the classroom.

After math came lunch, and Akyu was not looking forward to it. The first lunch at a new school was always a nightmare, since you hardly knew anyone. It was even worse at this school, since it seemed the entire student body ate together. She got her lunch from the school lunch ladies just fine, but afterwards she had no idea where to go. It's not like this was anything new though. At her old school, sh-

"HEY, OVER HERE!" a familiar voice called out to her. Akyu looked around, spotting Marisa sitting with some other girls. Akyu had nowhere else to go, so sat down with them.

"Marisa, who's this?" a stern looking girl with brown hair asked.

"Yeah, I didn't know you were friends with elementary school students...." said the silver haired girl sitting next to her.

"I-I'm a high school student, just like you!" Akyu said, indignant.

"Calm down everyone, I'm sure Marisa has an explanation." said the green haired girl next to Marisa. "....Right?"

"Er, yeah! I helped her out in the morning before class." Marisa explained, scratching her head. "Here, I'll introduce you to

"Reimu's the one with the brown hair and the weird double hair ties. She's kinda snarky but she means well."

"...Excuse me?" Reimu cracked her knuckles. Marisa chuckled nervously.

"Sakuya's the one with the silver hair that makes her look really ol-I mean, ancien-I mean, 'refined.'" Sakuya was not

"And this is Sanae. Her and I are pretty much the only sane one-" Reimu smacked Marisa before she could get the rest of her words out.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Sanae said kindly, shaking Akyu's hand. "What's your name?"

"I'm Akyu..." Akyu blushed. Nobody had ever shaken her hand like an equal before. "I'm a little younger than everyone else
because I skipped a couple grades, so I can see why people would think I'm in elementary school."

"Skipped a couple grades?! Man, you're one of those 'child prodigies', right? Wanna help me with my homework? You owe me from this morning, right?" Marisa sounded increasingly desperate with every word.

"Oh, so you give her a backpack and suddenly she has to do your homework for you? What are you, some con artist?" Reimu sighed. "How did you ever get through elementary school?"

"The power of cramming, of course!" Marisa declared as if that were something to be proud of. Sanae giggled.

"Yeah, because cramming is such a smart idea." Sakuya rolled her eyes.

"But Sakuya, don't you cram too?" Marisa asked.

"That's not cramming, that's 'concentrated studying'. It's different." Sakuya explained. "Besides, once I really get into it, it's like time stops until I'm done."

"Sounds like the same thing to me....Hey Akyu, how do you study?"

"Er...well, I just flip through the pages and I remember the words every page."

"Oh, a photographic memory? That sounds convenient!" Sanae said.

"I wish I had one of those...then I'd never have to study." Marisa sighed.

"Stop complaining and study more." Reimu said.

"Yeah, yeah...say, we should eat before the food gets cold." Marisa said. The group murmured in agreement.

Akyu ate in silence. They probably only invited her over out of pity, she reasoned. She poked her noodles with her fork. Of course, why would anyone talk with her if it weren't for schoolwork? That's all she was good for, just studying and homework an-

"AKYUUUU~N!" A couple of arms appeared out of nowhere and squeezed the breath out of Akyu.

"We're baaaack! Koishi sure does spend a lot of money on dolls..." It was the girls from math class, Orin and Okuu.

"Yeah, she's pretty, you know...koo koo." Marisa twirled her finger around her ear.

"You're one to talk." Reimu scoffed, and the stage was set for a comeback duel.

"Well at least I have some fashion style. I mean, look at your hair! Double hair ties are so out of fashion." Marisa rolled her eyes.

"Why you-"

"You're back? What are you talking about?" Akyu asked, ignoring the fighting beside her.

"Gee Akyu, for a genius you can be pretty slow sometimes, can't you?" Okuu smirked. "I said I'd see you later, remember?"

That's right. So that was what she meant by 'later'. As usual, Akyu had assumed the worst, and was ready to shun everyone around her at a moment's notice. No wonder she never had any friends. She felt awful.

"You know, Marisa...You might want to take back what you said about Koishi. Her and Satori are having a party today and only people who were invited are allowed to enter..."  Orin smiled with a cat-like grin.

"Wait. You serious?!" Marisa's widened. "Man, you guys always have the best party food! I totally take back what I said! Dolls can be pretty cool, y'know? I mean, Alice loves 'em so how bad could they be?"

"Oh, that sounds interesting! Can I come?" Sanae asked.

"This'll probably cut in on my study time, but...meh. Why not." Sakuya nodded in confirmation.

"I'm always up for free food." Reimu said unashamedly.

"Great! Akyu, what about you? Do you want to come too?"

"...Huh?" Akyu snapped out of her stupor. "W-why would you invite me?"

"Akyuuuuuuuu, you're in your own little world, aren't you?" Okuu waved her hand in Akyu's face. "Why wouldn't we invite you?"

"Yeah Akyu, you're acting really weird about this." Orin frowned. "I mean, you're our friend, right?"

What was this, some sort of ruse? Some trick to win her over? No, Akyu wasn't this stupid. She wouldn't fall for such a dumb trick....assuming it was a trick at all. In fact, there was no reason to believe that this was a trick. So why did her instinct tell her not to believe? Her instincts have never done her any favours. The reason she never had any real friends was probably because of this stupid instinct, instantly dismissing anything anyone said as false. The reason she never established any real relationships wasn't because of the other people, it was because of herself. It was time for that childishness to end.

"You know what, you're right. Count me in." Akyu said with a carefree smile.