Books arrived. Yay.
And manic is only a little dangerous. It can be harnessed for a great amount of...awesome I guess.
Depressive likewise, is only a little dangerous. You usually are too unmotivated to actually hurt yourself
It's the inbetween that makes bipolar deadly. Manic enough to do it, depressive enough to want to. Hurt yourself I mean.
That's the most openly deadly part, yes, but the others hurt you as well. And not all harm is physical, humiliation fetishism should show that, right? You can seriously hurt yourself with mania or depression, just not the same way; I scraped my knees badly being manic about thinking I could ride a bike down a steep hill since I did it once months ago, and if I had a car odds are good I'd be several thousand in repayment debt or dead if that incident repeated itself. Middle ground is most dangerous for intentionally and overtly harming yourself, but mania can get you openly hurt just because you're being full of yourself.
And depression meaning not doing anything is only part of it; you ARE doing something, it just tends to be, uh, hating/feeling sorry for yourself rather than anything visible or productive. So you're just lazy. Or is that one of my excuses for laziness? I don't want to know, since it probably is! Or is that just the depression talking? Either way, being depressed can easily end with being cast away as useless by social/financial standards.
They're all dangerous, just in different ways. The worse part about bipolar is that it makes which part to deal with unpredictable; mania needs to be reigned in, but doing that would make depression worse, wouldn't it? And depending on what the person is supposed to be doing, or the personality they feel they're supposed to present at the time, how certain is it that the current mood isn't a front?
And this is without looking into the subconsciousness parts of it... I should really do that sometime.
..... yet, strangely... I remember doing several of the things I'm most proud of when both somewhat depressed and hyper... or at least, that I was proud of at the time, after less than perfectly glowing praise made me back away from them...
As it happens...I've taken a few psych classes and know a few CBT things...maybe I can try to help you out a little that way?
I'm a psych major looking into a tolerate/positive-psychology-esque topic for my thesis. But maybe I forgot the basics. :V
Well, we get a bit weird here. Just know that I am not afraid to say no, I just choose not to much of the time.
At any rate, we are getting a bit tied up in the submission/dominance aspect. Let's unworry about that for now. What I'd like to know is what anime you like, if any. I mean, it's as good a place to start as any
Man I haven't really watched anime in years.
I'm actually pretty easy to please; some that come to mind are Azumanga, TTGL (as others here are more than aware of), Ranma 1/2, Slayers, and what I've seen of Yakitake!! Japan. Probably others I'd enjoy if I bothered with it, but I keep getting distracted with what 'I'd' do with the story and wandering off to ponder for no reason. Been reading manga more, recently...
(9:50:08 PM) UltrosCMC: How far is this thing supposed to go? Is cybering next~?
(9:57:45 PM) UltrosCMC: *poke*
(9:57:56 PM) E mouse2000: I'm going to post that.
(9:58:41 PM) UltrosCMC: Heehee.
(9:59:09 PM) UltrosCMC: Let her know your boyfriends looks forward to seeing how it turns out 
(9:59:12 PM) UltrosCMC: *boyfriend
(9:59:37 PM) E mouse2000: This is both wonderful and terrible.
(10:00:03 PM) UltrosCMC: *lick* I'm off for a nap. Enjoy your naughty talk.