So, does this mean that even the popular people around here don't get free passes for being jerks to other members? Also, just to see if I understand, the rules being pointed out in this announcement are:
- Don't express or talk about perverted stuff unless it's just adding to a civil discussion of such stuff. Aka <insertpornyfetishexpressionhere> is a no-no, while something like "Because of X, Y, Z, etc, sexualization of A is seen throughout the world as something socially unacceptable. Look at the history of B; these views have been around for a heck of a long time." is fine.
- Don't be rude to a mod, moreso than being rude to anyone else; it's an even worse idea to show them open hostility when they're trying to be civil with you about whatever happened.
- Don't be hostile towards to any other members, even if your rude statements were just meant to be humorous.
That right?