Shadi stuff then:
Largely dislike
the false dichotomy pushed there where either Serela "has no opinions and is scum" or "finds everyone scummy and is Town"; Serela not having opinions is not exclusive to a Scum!Serela. Feel better about the accusation that Serela'd lie low as Scum but generally don't remember past games well enough to know if that accusation is backed by past evidence. Obviously not a lot of time to go read Serela past games for this. Still dislike the false dichotomy there, though.
The vote for BT here is
untelegraphed and without case, and her whole day hasn't featured much of a push. While I hate Meta arguments I am used to Shadoweh having a somewhat more central presence so I'm ?_? at this, which means that it raises my hackles and rustles my jimmies. No, not that Jimmy.
The end of day shenanigans features Shadoweh jumping from wagon to wagon and then ultimately spurring on an Omba magic wagon... or something. The last few posts are a flurry of flailing of some flavour, although I don't get why Shadoweh would flail since normally she's pretty composed. I'm not so sure what to think of it but I can't compromise a Town!Shadoweh with a Clueless!Shadoweh. Better the idea that Scum!Shadoweh has no reads and thus flipflops around and votes untelegraphed.
Disagree with the reasoning that Shadoweh responded uncharacteristically in not calling LSD Scum, her thought process is pretty clear to me; She claimed Scum, makes no sense for Scum to claim Cop on a claimed Vanilla and go 1-for-1. Any arguments to the contrary need to be raised, I'm not seeing that. I do dislike how Shadoweh then proceeds to do nothing vaguely connected to Scum Hunting except from NK speculation (ymmv), but I am very pleased to see a gigantic spur of effort to get people to look in other directions and do stuff besides condemn Shadoweh.
Cut by cases on Shadoweh. Holy shit you're right. That's. Let me mull over for a bit. Getting this out there.