Author Topic: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation  (Read 256447 times)

東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:00:35 AM »
The most recent game from Strawberry Bose, the creators of The Genius of Sappheiros!
The gameplay is much similar to its predecessor The Genius of Sappheiros, with slight differences, such as the absence of spell cards, lives, bombs, ability growth or commanders, and the introduction of shikigami. A maximum of three shikigami can be assigned to one playable character, and each are responsible for their own variety of casting spells. Excluding those who act as playable characters, every single canon Touhou character up to Double Spoiler is present within the game as a shikigami. Up to five characters can be used to form a party set to a specific battle formation. As the characters progressively win battles, EXP is gained, which contributes towards levelling up, which increases their stats. Shikigami gain EXP along with playable characters, as long as they are equipped. Characters may learn new abilities at random in the middle of battle.

Hello once again everyone! I hope we can all work together and get a great game translated.
There are three different parts of the game which need translations: Tables, Images, and Scripts.

Every table is csv file. The Japanese text uses Shift-JIS. Notepad++ and Open office cal support Shift-JIS. Using cal also strips away the quotes and commas making the files easier to look at.
Brevity is an important part of the translation as it's very easy for text to go out of set graphics bounds. Be aware if the table has an extra text lines available that the Japanese text may not have needed.

The current csv tables are as follows:

chr.csv - Contains the names and abilities of all usable characters. I've filled in the Touhou cast's names.  - Trancehime is working on this file.
cond.csv - Contains the names and descriptions of the various positive and negative conditions in the game.
item.csv - Contains information on all of the items and skills.
letter.csv - A key of various game terms, such as formation positions and attack targeting types.
line.csv - Formation information.
rfe.csv - Some passive abilities.

Deranged is working on the story files and Cogwheel on the monster list. Thank you both!
item and chr are the hefty tables.

The interface is primarily composed of images, so it's important that these be worked on.
Here is a .zip of all the images in need of translation and then editing.
A translator needs to make a file that a editor can use as a reference.  Character names, game menu's and button labels are examples of images.

Unlike the tables, game scripts are replaced by address. This means that any update has a chance making the files need a recheck. Since an expansion may be in the works, we'll currently just work on the big important script file. Script files are mostly messages for the system. The only things that need to be translated are strings that the player is meant to see. These are usually: non cutscene dialogue, sign information, user alerts e.g"Ran away from battle". You may have to guess what should or should not be translated. If you really aren't sure about a line, translate it anyway and I'll make the final call.
Here is a text file printout of the global script file
All I need back is a file with two columns "Address of line", "Translated string"

A Few Notes For Consistency
To keep things in order it would be best to refer to the translations used in GoS. Here are a few translations just to avoid any discrepancies between files.

行動不能 -disable
行動制限 - Restrict
斬 - Slash
突 - Stab
殴 -Strike
超越 - Transcendent
付喪神 - Tsukumogami (Or should we use Artifact Spirit?)
神霊結界 - Divine Barrier
退魔の力 - Exorcism
魔 - Mystic (when used as the element)
雷 -Electricity (Always shorten to Elec for space)

Feel free to bring up any others.
It's likely that the game will receive an expansion,  and more files may be dug up if the current files don't cover everything. The more translated now, the less to worry about later.
Let me know what you choice to work on so that we don't have any wasted effort, also let me know any questions you might have.
Everyone's work is appreciated and thank you to all who volunteer! 
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 05:26:23 PM by TheNewGuy »

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 11:07:52 AM »
I'm... doing monsters? Interesting! Was not aware of this. Or that I was even accepted to the team. Not sure when I was told thi-

Wait. PMs. Disregard me, just being an idiot.

Anyway! Couple nitpicks, and a question. Firstly, shikigami, as far as I know, do not learn abilities in mid-battle. It's just weapon skills for characters. Secondly, Tsukumogami works if you want to get it exactly right. Unlike "oni", though, there are somewhat more accurate western analogues. Artifact spirit is fine, as is a simple "animated object". Anything's going to be a bit cumbersome, though. Maybe we should abbreviate types in tooltips, since they'll mostly be 5~9 characters instead of three at most.  超越 as Celestial, given the Angel type, might be a bad idea. At the risk of going a bit D&D, how about Outsider? The designers themselves, having given the type to some demons, Eiki and a couple things besides, seem to have no idea what they're going for, but the icon for it indicates something very strange from elsewhere, so that seems about right. Just a thought.

I don't suppose we have some sort of IRC to discuss these things on? I could throw one together, if we don't have one/anyone's interested.

Edit: I've never used calc before. I seem to be facing an endless, monstrous expanse of maddening word salad. This is going to get interesting..

Also, a quick check for our stance on translation. Sometimes, things just aren't going to survive the transition between languages, doubly so when it's Japanese to English. Do we try anyway and ignore any bits that sound odd as a result, or do we Woolsey things up and just make something "in the spirit of" the original? That can make a fairly huge difference, and it's best to be sure beforehand. In fact, the monster files already have an example of this right away, in ブルブル, the name of one of the (very early game) enemies. Which I can translate as weird, slightly out of place onomatopoeia, or as "shiver". Thoughts?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 12:30:22 PM by Cogwheel »


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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 01:51:40 PM »
Downloaded chr.csv, expect a finished .csv by the end of the week.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
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  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 02:42:31 PM »
If Celestial is meant as one of the monster typings that Slayer affects... that wasn't in the translation patch for GoS either  :3 Screenshot from the 2.09 patch ->

I imagine it's the one currently listed as "Foreign God" there? It had covered the Angels, Demons, and literal foreign gods like Kanako/Suwako/Three Sister combo form. And then Komachi too I suppose. (So many mecha-angels in strange forms... o_O)

edit:Well Trance got me there (Sort of awkward to respond to a post after this one, but it felt even weirder to make another post). Transcendent was a bit of a weirdo grab bag in GoS, but it... sort of... overall... fit...? I didn't think that was what it was here because Cogwheel said demons/Shikieiki and "Outsider", which seemed vastly more like the other one.

That being said, "Which translation fits better?" is probably the only sort of thing I'll be responding to in here, unless I suddenly try out image editing and think it's just the bees knees, which would probably only happen if no one else showed up for that until the translation was about done. I don't know them moon runes, sadly. I do super appreciate everyone's effort though. My heart about stopped when I saw this thread in the list :3
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 03:08:06 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 02:53:21 PM »
超越  is Transcendent, actually...

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2012, 02:57:57 PM »
超越  is Transcendent, actually...

Yes, that. I believe Foreign God got cut since.

Anyway, Transcendent works! I hadn't actually thought of it, but a direct translation is pretty good here. I mean, seeing as it's a type with no readily apparent unifying theme beyond "we didn't want to call this a demon or angel" (particularly baffling since at least one Transcendent has "demon" in the name), we might as well just use an impressive-sounding and technically correct word.

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2012, 06:01:05 PM »
In the case of translating things it's often best to make something in the spirit of the original, rather than be left with something nonsensical or inadequate.   For GoS's translation ブルブル was translated as Shivering and ブラブラ was Swaying. So these would work fine.

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2012, 06:49:36 PM »
In the case of translating things it's often best to make something in the spirit of the original, rather than be left with something nonsensical or inadequate.   For GoS's translation ブルブル was translated as Shivering and ブラブラ was Swaying. So these would work fine.

Right. That's just not how a lot of fan translations seem to be handled, so I figured it might be an actual unofficial policy of sorts. Good to know!

Will be doing this for all of tomorrow. Expect a progress report in 20ish hours, if I remember. And thanks for the Calc help!


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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2012, 07:05:48 PM »
Shiver and Sway might make a bit more sense, but I'm nitpicking.  Great to see you guys starting on this! :)

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2012, 08:01:24 PM »
Shiver and Sway might make a bit more sense, but I'm nitpicking.  Great to see you guys starting on this! :)

I think so too, actually. But then, consistency matters, and it's not really my call to make.

Edit: Working on the monster files reminded me of something terrible. Proof that DoD is, at its core, a horror game.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 08:23:48 AM by Cogwheel »

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2012, 10:30:01 AM »
And we're done:

Left the stuff at the end (past the billionth iteration of "Anra Menaug", as if she hadn't been tiresome enough in the game itself already) alone, since it looked vaguely technical. I didn't recognize seeing that stuff in any context in-game, at least, so I figured it might break the game. That or it's twitter-related.

What's next?

P.S.: Sent a separate PM to TheNewGuy.

Edit: In hindsight, some of these names may be too long. Let me know if they need abbreviating or, better yet, if there's a hard character limit I need to work with.

Further edit-wizardry: Fixed a few errors. Thanks, trancehime!
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 01:11:32 PM by Cogwheel »


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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2012, 12:34:48 PM »
Anra Menaug --> Angra Mainyu, I think...

The .csv on my part may be delayed because I forgot the English names of some of the spellcards.
It will also need some proofreading, mostly in making sure i copied the right numbers.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 12:46:43 PM by trancehime »

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2012, 12:54:37 PM »
Anra Menaug --> Angra Mainyu, I think...

The .csv on my part may be delayed because I forgot the English names of some of the spellcards.
It will also need some proofreading, mostly in making sure i copied the right numbers.

...You don't say. It never occurred to me that they might be taking their OCs from mythology. Sorry about that. I'll fix it now.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2012, 08:14:33 PM »
UBOAAAaaaあああぁぁぁぁ TYRE :V


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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2012, 09:19:36 PM »
So, the game is finally being translated. YAY!
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 09:22:48 PM by MewMewHeart »
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2012, 02:12:29 AM »
So, the game is finally being translated. YAY!

I wouldn't get my hopes up, if I were you. The monster files seem to have been left with some kind of hopeless clown of a translator.


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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2012, 12:42:56 PM »
I wouldn't get my hopes up, if I were you. The monster files seem to have been left with some kind of hopeless clown of a translator.

Once I'm done with chr.csv I can proofread the monster files. Hopefully chr.csv won't be delayed but I can't promise anything, work is really overbearing. I expect to burst through chr.csv during the weekend so I can post the finished file by Sunday.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2012, 01:18:34 PM »
Once I'm done with chr.csv I can proofread the monster files. Hopefully chr.csv won't be delayed but I can't promise anything, work is really overbearing. I expect to burst through chr.csv during the weekend so I can post the finished file by Sunday.

Thanks a lot, much appreciated. Hopefully I haven't botched it too badly.

In two or three days (tentative, since I'm busy on the weekend and not entirely sure about when I'll have time anyway), if either is left unclaimed, I'll probably pick up cond.csv or rfe.csv. Nothing's set in stone, though.


  • Hermit Mode on!
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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2012, 04:12:10 AM »
I wouldn't get my hopes up, if I were you. The monster files seem to have been left with some kind of hopeless clown of a translator.
Well as long as the game is getting translated time doesn't matter. Take your time and weed out those bugs.  :derp:
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?


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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2012, 11:06:12 PM »
* TranceHime facepalms and orzes

Yeah, I was supposed to finish the damn thing yesterday but schoolwork took longer than expected, plus I'm really super busy this week =___= I'm really sorry. But I'll have it up ASAP, okay? X)

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2012, 12:41:50 AM »
* TranceHime facepalms and orzes

Yeah, I was supposed to finish the damn thing yesterday but schoolwork took longer than expected, plus I'm really super busy this week =___= I'm really sorry. But I'll have it up ASAP, okay? X)

That's fine, translation isn't a race. Take as much time as you need to produce good work.


  • 不聖女
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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2012, 01:07:04 AM »
That's fine, translation isn't a race. Take as much time as you need to produce good work.

Thanks for the heads up, I have like a pile of deadlines looming me over the face (i can hear my death knells) so please watch warmly as I get through everything. Once Holy Week rolls around I can sit down and actually do well on this. :)

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2012, 01:12:51 AM »
I think I'm going to have to drop indefinitely (though I'd love to come back if this is still going when I'm capable of working on it), in light of my recent hospitalization, combined with the fact that I still have to work in this state. I don't have the time, energy or presence of mind to work on something like this along with work, in my current condition. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2012, 07:22:04 AM »
I think I'm going to have to drop indefinitely (though I'd love to come back if this is still going when I'm capable of working on it), in light of my recent hospitalization, combined with the fact that I still have to work in this state. I don't have the time, energy or presence of mind to work on something like this along with work, in my current condition. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Sounds rough. I hope your condition improves. Good luck!

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2012, 01:04:15 PM »
I figure I should probably post here since I'm actually helping to translate.

There's no way I'll be able to match my speed for GoS in terms of translation, but I'll still try to pop out a few files every week or so. I'll also give weekly status updates, partly so that I can motivate myself to actually get things done too. My contribution for this week is these two, which I'll upload for testing purposes, just to make sure it doesn't break anything:
(Good grief, uploading to mediafire without an account is such a pain now...)

I've not actually played this game, so if I've done something horribly wrong due to lack of context, feel free to fix it/let me know.  And TNG, do you want me to upload the files I finish every week, or wait until I accumulate a whole bunch?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2012, 01:31:59 PM »
For the sake of context, about how many files do the story files take up? (For the sake of knowing it's, say, 2 out of 15 compared to 2 out of 30, etc)

But in any case, the effort is appreciated <3
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2012, 07:07:33 PM »
Thanks for your work Deranged! Using those two files it looks like we wont have any issues with the speech bubbles, so that's good.
You can upload whenever you have a few of them done, so I can check for missing newlines and the like.

Also if anyone could upload a nearly complete game file, that I can use for eventually testing of equipment and characters. That would be great.


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Re: 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline Translation
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2012, 07:13:49 PM »
I have one.  It's at the final dungeon with two of the gears unlocked.  I'll put it up when I get home!

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson