Author Topic: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( New Server IP )  (Read 333079 times)

Mounting Jaggis

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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #690 on: October 22, 2011, 01:24:00 PM »
I'll probably send some compensation your way once I can log back on. But regardless, I'd have to say that everyone should prepare for a total loss of their inventory at any moment. Who knows when that could happen?

Thanks, but that isn't necessary. I'm just a little angry that lightning, not only struck me, not only killed me, but also destroyed all of my stuff I spent hours getting. Getting hit by lightning is rare enough, but killing me and destroying everything was just bullshit. I sort of got over it now.

But I think the server might hate me, I decided to reinforce the house I spawn in when I /home because the house is so small that if the creeper blows up any wall, the chest inside will be destroyed. So I wait at spawn until it's after noon and not raining to /home so there aren't any monsters nearby. Im almost done reinforcing it and when I look at the house I notice I forgot the wall that the chest is next to. Just as I place the first dirt block, a creeper blows up in my face. Since I didn't reinforce that wall, my chest was destroyed, but fortunately, I managed to save everything inside. I am now paranoid and afraid to go anywhere outside the spawn area.


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #691 on: October 22, 2011, 03:32:45 PM »
Alright let's into some math if we want to talk about limiting map size

- Relatively busy regions average around 5 MB.
- Each region is 32x32 chunks, or 512x512 blocks.

Let's say we want to set a rough max map size of 1 GB. That gives us 200 regions.

We can have two maps at 10 x 10 regions (5120 x 5120 blocks); or one map at 14 x 14 regions (7168 x 7168 blocks). This is quite large, you can look at the coordinates on the dynamic map to get a sense of the scale. Go out to about 2500/3500 from spawn, that's where the border would be.

The actual size of a map with these borders should be considerably smaller than 1 GB as most chunks are not inhabited. This, and the 1 GB headroom for other stuff, would leave room for the Nether, which we wipe often to replenish glowstone.

Doing two maps with set borders might be fun as we could establish a few portals that lead to the same coordinates on both maps.


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #692 on: October 22, 2011, 03:52:08 PM »
I think 2 maps at 10x10 regions is better, because we can have two completely different worlds (even now, we have a pretty mountainous 1.8 map, while the 1.7 world is relatively flat).
Plus that would avoid us having to walk a very long way to some of the buildings by having them closer to a second spawn (albeit in a different world).

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #693 on: October 22, 2011, 07:10:05 PM »
Nah, I'm not seeing any flight plugins that use hunger - most of them aren't even updated for 1.8. I'm sure someone will get the idea eventually, though.

Total size of all maps is about 500 MB right now, which is surprisingly not bad. We have a 2 GB limit.

Give me a tut how the stuff for minecraft have to look like, 3 days to get back into Java Programming and 3 days to programm and test it


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #694 on: October 22, 2011, 07:49:35 PM »
Regarding Cadrin and tom's stuff, I think that opening them up for public domain would be better than an auction. First come, first served.
That is also an idea.

Nah, I'm not seeing any flight plugins that use hunger - most of them aren't even updated for 1.8. I'm sure someone will get the idea eventually, though.
Give me a tut how the stuff for minecraft have to look like, 3 days to get back into Java Programming and 3 days to programm and test it

Alright let's into some math if we want to talk about limiting map size

- Relatively busy regions average around 5 MB.
- Each region is 32x32 chunks, or 512x512 blocks.

Let's say we want to set a rough max map size of 1 GB. That gives us 200 regions.

We can have two maps at 10 x 10 regions (5120 x 5120 blocks); or one map at 14 x 14 regions (7168 x 7168 blocks). This is quite large, you can look at the coordinates on the dynamic map to get a sense of the scale. Go out to about 2500/3500 from spawn, that's where the border would be.

The actual size of a map with these borders should be considerably smaller than 1 GB as most chunks are not inhabited. This, and the 1 GB headroom for other stuff, would leave room for the Nether, which we wipe often to replenish glowstone.
Hm, that is an idea, even though I only really advise map size limiting for the case of allowing infinite flight. It also seems a tad on the small end, IMO, so considering the actual usage of the map I think 16x16 regions (8192x8192) works better for a single-map configuration.

But as resources then become more finite here, the second world idea is a good idea as well. I'd first make it very unusual (Biosphere being an example) to give more challenge in obtaining resources, and then periodically (maybe every quarter) remove that world and regenerate a new one.

Doing two maps with set borders might be fun as we could establish a few portals that lead to the same coordinates on both maps.
OK, that sounds good.

I think 2 maps at 10x10 regions is better, because we can have two completely different worlds (even now, we have a pretty mountainous 1.8 map, while the 1.7 world is relatively flat).
Plus that would avoid us having to walk a very long way to some of the buildings by having them closer to a second spawn (albeit in a different world).
Well, we'll move stuff from the 1.73 world to a 1.9 one, and see above for my advice on second world.

However, note that we will also have Nether and End to deal with.
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #695 on: October 22, 2011, 09:08:44 PM »
Oh right the End. Also Sky Dimension...


Well that's why I left a GB open, but at the same time yeah we will definitely need some kind of border when 1.9 finally arrives.

Strafe has stated that he's willing to do the schematic nonsense again for 1.9, so we'll be starting a new map(s) when that hits. We just need to decide what kind of setup we want before then and what our limits are.


  • Red shroom
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #696 on: October 22, 2011, 09:20:14 PM »
Not 100% sure if the Sky Dimension will be there, as Notch seems to have refitted it as the End.

Also, this was something that I think may be a good idea for us hunting types - revolver mod.
This seems to be one of the better balanced gun mods (high cost of crafting needed parts, low fire rate, small clip size) and has quite a good range, making it (in combination with Optifine's zoom feature) great for sniping.
It only needs ModLoaderMp Server (Bukkit version linked) on server-side, ModLoader + AudioMod on clientside. However, its support on SMP seems ambiguous at this current time. It seems that this mod is not SMP compatible, as it does not use ModLoaderMP yet. :(
I did consider WW2 Guns instead due to SMP support, but the Bazooka and Panzer are potential griefer's heavens, and balance vs. bow and sword users is not quite there.

At that rate though you could also add chair mod, shelf mod, and others that have been requested. Then again, as a supporter of mild-moderate modded gameplay (usually just enhancements to the vanilla formula that encourage different uses of older items as well), this comes to little surprise that I would not mind seeing these as well.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 10:00:32 PM by あややや Newspapers Conglomerate »
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #697 on: October 22, 2011, 09:58:45 PM »
Strafe has stated that he's willing to do the schematic nonsense again for 1.9, so we'll be starting a new map(s) when that hits. We just need to decide what kind of setup we want before then and what our limits are.
In the meantime, we can look into other alternate worlds (sphere, for example) to give people some experience with them. We can decide as a group which setup that we will go with. I think that once we update to 1.9, we shouldn't need more than four worlds: Main, Nether, End, and Alternate. We don't have a terribly large group of players, so we really don't need to max out our HDD with chunks that people will likely not use.

Also, on the subject of map sizes. I've really been harping on them getting out of hand because I have been storing our backups locally. I don't have infinite HDD space myself, so having 1-2GB of backups each time is rather unnecessary. :ohdear: I mean, we're not thinking of establishing all of the chunks before we begin building, are we?

Now as for the update/transfer itself. Here's the thing about schematics.. I can save them in two different ways:
-Online in real time with the player there for immediate feedback. This method allows me to centralize the saving to my location, which makes placing it much easier and more accurate.
-Offline through MC Edit. Selecting the bounding field is much easier, since I can see through walls and fly through them as well. Accurate placement is completely thrown out the window, and it requires a bit more setup on my part. (uploading, etc.)

The last phase of schematics was a mixture of the two methods. Certain buildings benefited from each method. The only reason that the saving of schematics took me so long (besides the amount of them :V ) is the fact that I was stumbling about the PTM world, making schematics in a quite dangerous environment. Lots of scaffolding was involved. After the saving was complete, placing them was a breeze.. well, the ones I saved online were easy.. :V

I say all of this because I need to know when to begin the next phase of schematics. I will need to work with each player individually, and that is easy with the player live on location. However, that would mean that after we generate our new main world in 1.9, we would need to have the 1.8 and 1.7 worlds as the alternates. This is only temporary until I have completed the saving for the most part. Alternatively, I can save our final backup of the 1.7 and 1.8 worlds and do all of the saving offline, so that the upgrade/new world setup happens all at once. This method means that people will likely get their homes at a little slightly slower rate.. and they will need to tell me where and how big their facilities are.

The latter will likely be the path that we choose whenever we update again, therefore in the mean time, I will need to ask you all for some help on the planning phase. When it came to saving Stuffman's burrow from PTM, he marked the corners of the bounding field for me. I really liked that setup, because that meant that the measurements were handled before by the players themselves. I highly suggest that you guys do this as well, since you guys know your structures better than I do. It's simple: Imagine your facility inside of an invisible 3D barrier shaped like a cube. Place a block at opposite corners of the area. (ie. top-left-near and bottom-right-far) Colored wool works best because you can pick a color that stands out. Make sure that the "markers" are still visible in the world, and not covered up by anything. This method isn't required, but it greatly eases my burden, and ensures that I don't "forget" anything. :V

Once 1.9 hits, we will still have a slight waiting period to make sure that it's stable enough for the transfer. During that time, I suggest that people prepare their properties for the transfer and schematic saving. I would like to save as many of the schematics as possible online during this period. I will still save a backup of 1.7 and 1.8 worlds so that I can access them for offline needs.

Well, this turned out to be a larger post than I had intended..

EDIT- Almost forgot. I do still have the schematics that I have saved from the previous worlds. A few of the structures that have been imported haven't been changed or used since they were imported into this world. The Mushroom Kingdom is the best example of this that I can think of. Therefore, such places won't need to have another schematic created for them.

Anyway, if you guys can establish the bounding fields early for me, then this will go much smoother once the time comes. Thanks!
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 10:14:18 PM by Dr.Strafe »


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #698 on: October 22, 2011, 10:19:52 PM »
I think I like the idea of two smaller maps with multiple portals linking them, it'd be a very efficient use of space. Currently people complain if they have to walk out to Spardaville from spawn :V

Also, on the subject of map sizes. I've really been harping on them getting out of hand because I have been storing our backups locally. I don't have infinite HDD space myself, so having 1-2GB of backups each time is rather unnecessary.
You don't need to save "obsolete" backups. Just keep the two newest backups or so.

Offline schematics are best because it gives Strafe the "final" version of the building, with all chest inventories at their most recent contents. It also lets him work while I take the server down to update and redo plugins and such.

I'd go as far as to say that if you want a schematic made, you are required to place corner bounding blocks. This will speed things up tremendously.


  • Red shroom
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #699 on: October 22, 2011, 10:31:36 PM »
I think I like the idea of two smaller maps with multiple portals linking them, it'd be a very efficient use of space. Currently people complain if they have to walk out to Spardaville from spawn :V
They can't complain if they didn't walk to Rukinville :V </jk>

On a more serious note, yeah, I'd support that but I'd make the differences in the worlds very pronounced.

I'd go as far as to say that if you want a schematic made, you are required to place corner bounding blocks. This will speed things up tremendously.
Very well then! Putting them next time I get on.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 10:34:23 PM by あややや Newspapers Conglomerate »
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #700 on: October 22, 2011, 10:52:22 PM »
Very well then! Putting them next time I get on.

Well you don't need to yet, the 1.9 update is still some time away, and after that we need to wait for 1.9 Bukkit, so you'll have enough advance warning.

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #701 on: October 23, 2011, 01:22:05 AM »
How do we mark off underground portions?


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #702 on: October 23, 2011, 03:54:52 AM »
Not sure. Dig a trench and mark it on the surface, maybe? Or if it's really deep you'll probably have to show Strafe where they are.


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #703 on: October 23, 2011, 05:02:24 AM »

Nicole Artist

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Agent of the BSoD

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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #705 on: October 23, 2011, 05:16:22 AM »
I figured out how to play midi in games with a different device on Win7 ^^
TF2 Backpack
Embodiment of Scarlet Hair English Patch is almost completed.
^ I didn't forget about this. I don't know what you're talking about. >_>

Agent of the BSoD

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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #706 on: October 23, 2011, 07:36:37 AM »
Triple headed wolves are GO!!!

EDIT: Now what is this I don't even

EDIT 2: This is just plain epic. I now have 5 of each wolf I own. (though they're only doppelgangers)
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 07:52:18 AM by Agent of the BSoD »
I figured out how to play midi in games with a different device on Win7 ^^
TF2 Backpack
Embodiment of Scarlet Hair English Patch is almost completed.
^ I didn't forget about this. I don't know what you're talking about. >_>


  • Red shroom
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #707 on: October 23, 2011, 07:44:22 AM »
Don't Drink And Gap. - Public Service Message from Bunbunmaru Advising Advertising Board

Not the ultimate. YET. :V
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #708 on: October 23, 2011, 08:19:23 AM »
How do we mark off underground portions?
Two ways, really. Either find your X & Z value and then dig downward to the appropriate Y layer, or go to the Y layer first and carve your way to the X & Z. With the first option, I recommend placing something like glass or a hatch over the hole so that people don't fall to their doom. Anyway, this takes a fair amount of measurement and triangulating with the coordinates supplied through F3, but it's not too bad. For upper portions, just build scaffolding toward the correct position, place the marker and then you can destroy the scaffold.

Also, give yourself added space for any torches that are along walls, or any flooring that supports redstone work. But please be realistic, and don't reserve half of a county for your schematic. :V  NOTE: Hakurei Village will get a pass on this "requirement" for the markers, I plan to save the town in full, and that is easily done through MC Edit. Again, nothing below the surface level of Hakurei Village will be saved.

Like Stuffman said, we have plenty of time before all of this comes to pass. Feel free to track me down and ask me to weigh in on your area. I need to start compiling a list of areas to be saved.

That's hilarious. Now, where did I put my TNT? :V

Pictures of hideous freaks of nature
That's... frightening. Now, where did I put my lava bucket? >:D

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #709 on: October 23, 2011, 09:25:22 AM »
coordiantes are enought? Or do you need these markers aswell?

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #710 on: October 23, 2011, 09:52:30 AM »
Markers would help tremendously. I only ask for some roundabout coordinates so I can find your areas.

In your case, Dorakyura, I can save your underground facility through MC Edit just like last time. Yours is fairly tricky since it is completely underground. We can discuss this more in detail later.


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #711 on: October 24, 2011, 09:55:25 AM »
Apparently ep showed up in front of me....NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK.
It seriously popped out of nowhere :V  I guess ep is now the Horseless Headless Horsemann


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #712 on: October 24, 2011, 09:59:50 AM »
Apparently ep showed up in front of me....NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK.
How am I Steve? :V

I guess ep is now the Horseless Headless Horsemann
On another note: Uh..BOO!
* ShadyK gets stunned from my Rage attack
* EP beheads Shady with HHH's Headtaker
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #713 on: October 24, 2011, 10:08:28 AM »
Apparently ep showed up in front of me....NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK.
It seriously popped out of nowhere :V  I guess ep is now the Horseless Headless Horsemann
one, two. EP's coming for you~
three, four. Better lock the door~
five, six. Grab your crucifix~
seven, eight. Stay up late~
nine, ten. Never sleep again~


  • Red shroom
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #714 on: October 24, 2011, 10:43:01 AM »
Well, that crucifix won't do crap against the camera. :getdown:
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #715 on: October 24, 2011, 11:12:06 AM »
one, two. EP's coming for you~
three, four. Better lock the door~
five, six. Grab your crucifix~
seven, eight. Stay up late~
nine, ten. Never sleep again~

This came into my mind


  • Red shroom
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #716 on: October 24, 2011, 11:37:54 AM »
Strafe said it was a Nightmare on Elm Street reference, but I was thinking along your lines as well. :V

C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #717 on: October 24, 2011, 11:25:07 PM »
Probably retarded question: Will it work/mess something up if I try to log in the server with a 1.9p4 .jar?
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #718 on: October 24, 2011, 11:40:20 PM »
I don't think the server will let you. You'll likely get an "Outdated Server" message.  We are at 1.8.1, if you feel like joining us on that version.

Nicole Artist

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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server ( 1.8 - NEW WORLD(S) )
« Reply #719 on: October 25, 2011, 12:05:31 AM »
Sunny discovered skinedit
Sunny skins tiem!