Author Topic: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite  (Read 176803 times)

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #60 on: August 10, 2011, 04:55:26 AM »
(OOC: I feel so behind the pack  :P)

"I see... so then, that girl who turned invisible... maybe it wasn't a cloaking device?"

Newan thought about this. All these strange things that had been happening: the tentacles, the gradient hair, the falling, Kyouko, Nue; all of it confused him as a scientist. There was absolutely no scientific basis for these things, and many of them were physically impossible. Yet, here they stood, challenging the laws of nature itself. He began to toy with the idea that Gensokyo had its own set of rules, but he wasn't sure how such a place could exist within Japan.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #61 on: August 10, 2011, 04:56:01 AM »
OOC: Won't use the reward, but what does it do anyway? o_O?

Alyssa looks around, startled by what had just happened. Marisa seems to be indifferent, as if nothing happened. She looks at Alice, and they both have a mutual understanding that something was not right at that time. That moment, that moment was absolutely terrifiying, where something so absolutely mystical happened that Alyssa had only imagined, but never truly felt.

W-what just happened? Alyssa thinks to herself. She looks at Alice as if she might know the answer to her question.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #62 on: August 10, 2011, 04:59:38 AM »
Unable to say anything else, Vante mouthed, "What. The. Hell."

The power play before him was surreal. Flames poured wildly out of Mokou, while the other one, Kaguya, was conjuring bullets upon bullets. These were the things he only saw on TV. Was this a dream? Was this a dream inside a dream?

Impact was imminent; Vante put his back against his host's house, ready to run back in if he was about to get caught in the outcome. "What are you two doing?" he shouted.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #63 on: August 10, 2011, 05:01:09 AM »
"Wait, what's this Hakugy---" She stopped her sentence partway through (not like she could have pronounced that word anyways) as the boat sped through the same blood red flowers she'd been wondering about, and landed in a bunch of cherry petals.
"Wait, where did..."
... Too late.
"... Ngh... Great..."
She stood up carefully and tried to get her bearings.
As if that's going to happen. You don't know where you are, -again-, and now there's nobody around to help you.
Great going, Rhi. Just, excellent.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #64 on: August 10, 2011, 05:22:49 AM »

Kaguya stops, craning her neck to look at you, right out of the house. Her blue, bullet-like objects that surrounded her started to falter. She body began to shake... "Mokou... You... You..." Mokou flinched, she knew what Kaguya was thinking, and this could be very, very bad. Kaguya turned back to Mokou, tears rolling down her marvelous, beautiful face. "Fujiwara no Mokou! You've betrayed me! Tonight, you will dine in hell!" Kaguya screamed of releasing her anger into the blue danmaku. They started getting bigger, turned red. "DIE!"

Mokou looked at her and you in disbelief. Kaguya had mistaken something, and, this was going to hurt. Mokou shot a large ball of fire directly at Vante, hitting the earth right next to him. "RUN, RUN YOU FU-" Kaguya had released her bullets, and one had just hit Mokou in the stomach, leaving a burnt hole in it. Slowly, it healed, but Mokou felt the pain. You can't run. Fear piles up inside of you. Your legs wobble like jelly, slowly turning to nothingness, well that's what you feel. You watch as the two historical characters exchange blows, and finally, come to a tired stop. Blood drips from the sky, hitting your face. Mokou's regeneration is getting slower...

"Spell card!" Kaguya exclaims. "New Impossible Request! Red Stone of Aja!" Red lazers fly in all directions out of Kaguya, with one, main, wide red lazer with red balls circling it as it comes at high speed towards Mokou. Kaguya laughs and laughs, as her tears fall and glisten in the moonlight. Maybe we didn't have to fight If I told you I loved you. Kaguya thought, as the lazer closed in on Mokou...

With one, sudden abrupt turn, Mokou grazed the lazer by less then an inch, flying straight towards Kaguya, avoiding the countless, streaming red beams that flew all around her. Mokou doesn't attack, but does something right out of one of those Shojo mangas or something. She hugs Kaguya. "You know I'll never betray you. Maybe, we didn't have to always kill each other if I said that I loved you." Kaguya faltered. Her beams of red light disappeared, crying.

You're completely, utterly, stunned for your life. Mokou whispers something to Kaguya, and she nods, before flicking her hand. You fall face-first onto the rocky ground, before awaking in a village. The human village. You shut your eyes from the sudden glare of light. You're next to a oil lanturn.

(WHO KNOWS WHAT THE REWARD DOES? Oh, and this will be the last post of me using Alice.)

Alice clears her throat, sipping some tea, her hands shaking as she tries to put down the cup. "W-Well, I... I think-k that it's time w-we go get ourselves some answers." Marisa grabbed her hat, which had somehow fallen off her head, put it back on and adjusted it. "Right-ze. Where do we go?" Alice finishes her tea, her hands still shaking, but her face doesn't show an expression of shock.



"Yeah, that girl was Nue. She has the ability to transform into anything and everything, and to hide herself. Etc. Uhh, you know, like a shapeshifter? Yeah." Nanaya sighed, before eyeing the note in your hands. "A note? How'd you get that?" Nanaya tries to take it from you, but you hold it away, for an unknown reason. "Meanie." She mumbles, as she steps down the flight of white rock stairs towards Byakuren, while you follow her, as she explains how Gensokyo works. Danmaku, the people, the rules, stuff. You notice in the bushes to the right of the stairs, a... tail? Looks like a mouse.


You stride through the cherry pedals, and notice that it's a garden, with cherry blossoms all around you, and a grand house in the center. You stride through forward, making your way closer and closer into the house. Once you've reached it, you start knocking the door to try to get someone's attention. Knock, Knock, Knock. No answer. Knock, Knock, Knock. No answer. Eventually, you get fed-up, and just open the door.

It's a nicely decorated house, with many paintings and pink stuff, mostly japanese. Well, it did look japanese on the outside, so, might as well be on the inside. As you stride through the halls, you reach a room where there's two openings to the left and the right, a pond on the right and a smaller garden on the left. You poke your head in and notice a pink-haired woman looking into the lake, while eating something that looks like a chicken wing. Roasted chicken wing.

(I really can't post walls of text until all of you get your links up. Hehe.)

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #65 on: August 10, 2011, 05:29:36 AM »
I wonder... why is it so important that I keep this from her? This note... it's like it doesn't want me to hand it over.

Newan pointed to the tail in the bushes. "Um, is that also a person who lives at this temple?" To have a tail that big... must be a big mouse. Or, maybe it's like one of those cat girls you see in anime? I don't think I've ever seen a mouse version, but I guess it's not impossible.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #66 on: August 10, 2011, 05:42:14 AM »
As you walk down the stairs, Nanaya doesn't reply to you question, but walks over to the bush, grabs and pulls on the mouse tail. You hear a squeak, followed by some "Let me go!"s. Nanaya drags the person out of the bush. The most distinct features of her are her ears, tail, and that thing that looks like a Nazi symbol pulled apart. "This is Nazrin. She lives in the temple too. She's a mouse youkai." Well, that was straight forward. "She can like, uhh, seek stuff, you know, find things that we lost? Right about there." Nanaya finally lets go of Nazrin's tail, allowing her to get up and dust herself.

"Newcomer? Welcome to the Myouren Temple." She holds out her hand and you shake it. The note in  your other hand starts glowing blue slightly. "So, what's ya name?" Nazrin's tail flips about left and right.

"My name is Newan."

"Neat name, never heard of it before." Nazrin replies, before looking at Nanaya. "And why did you grab my tail anyway?" Nanaya giggles. "Because our... newcomer, wanted to meet you and look at your beautiful face." Nanaya teased Nazrin. The note glows brighter. Nanaya turns to it.

"Why's i-" The blue light fires into the sky, making it rain. Everything freezes. The clouds are now dark, nothing can move except the rain. Your eyes twitch, attempting to scan the area. Something isn't right. From the sky, a large, black gash rips open, and gigantic tentacles slowly crawl down, grabbing Nazrin. She can't move too... Even more tentacles reach down from the blackened sky, grabbing you, pulling you closer, before you and Nazrin fall, the tentacles have disappeared. You're now... Underwater? No. You''re in energy. Blue energy. The surrondings seem like water, but they flicker between black and blue. The water-like energy that covers the current landscape twists and spirls into a whirlpool, before it's center shoots up, turning into a watersprout. No... This isn't... Nazrin's in the watersprout, spinning and spinning. You're getting sucked in... You try to swim away, but no no avail.

The current pulls you in, and you are swept into the center of the watersprout with Nazrin. Together, your bodies colide which each other ad the two of you start melding together, spinning to the top. The watersprout looks like a drill... At the tip, lightning strikes the two of you. You and Nazrin open your eyes in shock.

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Links are now fixed. Nazrin is your chosen Touhou. The Death of one would mean the death of two.

-Achievement GET!
-Use now?

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #67 on: August 10, 2011, 05:57:03 AM »
Just as Alice finishes her tea, Alyssa finishes in unison. They both act as if nothing is wrong, and to most people they would seem like a normal bunch of happy people looking for something to do, but in reality, only Marisa vaguely resembles that description. Both are stunned by what had just happened, but Alice less so due to how she was so used to odd things happening, living her whole life in Gensokyo. Alyssa had yet to come to terms with what she had just experienced, and had no idea what to truly say or do. The group stands up, ready to set off to find this Reimu person who was enigmatic to Alyssa.

As soon as they start to leave, Shanghai flies off of Alyssa's head, going next to Alice instead. Another doll, a more ominous one, Hourai, appears behind Alice out of nowhere. Alice is deep in thought as the group goes out into the forest, heading to the Hakurei Shrine to find Reimu, a person who would be able to help them in this situation. Alyssa had yet to know her, but this time she didn't really care. More importantly, she wanted to know what had just happened, and if this Reimu person would be able to help her to do this, then she did not really care who or what she was.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #68 on: August 10, 2011, 05:59:53 AM »
Before he got up, there was a matter of filtering what happened last night. It was all real for sure, including the end. At least they made up. But it still scared the daylights out of him.

Thankfully, he didn't feel really tired or sleep-deprived, although his legs shook a bit. Checking his pocket, he was relieved to find his phone and the note still there. His right hand was clenched so tight he couldn't feel for anything he may be holding.

As he got himself away from where he was leaning, he took the note out again. "A little bird. Now, what could that be? Maybe it's a literal bird?" Mokou did represent a phoenix, the burning immortal bird, so maybe this one had something to do with birds.

He looked around, scanning his surroundings.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #69 on: August 10, 2011, 06:03:58 AM »
-Achievement GET!
-Use now?

(OOC: XD Awesome name. Going to save it for now.)

The two stared at each other for a moment. "Did you just-" Newan began.

"Yeah, I think so." Nazrin answered.

The two continued to stare at each other for a moment, before Nazrin let out a sigh. "Well, that was interesting, to say the least. Reminds me of the time the black-white let me try one of her mushrooms she uses for her spells."

Newan tilted his head in confusion. "Black-white...?"

"Yeah, she's a witch who lives in the Forest of magic. Her real name's Marisa, but black-white is easier to remember."

"I... I see." Newan answered, though he wasn't quite sure that he did understand.

Nazrin turned to Nanaya, and whispered in her ear. "Um... something really weird just happened. I have no clue what it was, and I doubt Newan does either. There was all this rain and tentacles and stuff, and now, it's like he's... really there. I don't know how else to describe it, it's like he just has more presence or something. More presence than anyone I've ever met."

Newan continued to simply look on in confusion. While everything else that had happened was weird, this just took the cake. Nothing could explain what just happened, unless it was some sort of hallucination. That both he and Nazrin experienced at the same time. Was that even possible?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #70 on: August 10, 2011, 06:52:21 AM »
-Current Gensokyo Time: 1:37pm
-Current Time in the Outside World: 3:37pm

---Newan's Scenario

"So, I hope you two experienced the same thing." Nanaya had put her arms around both of their necks from the back. "Enough with the talking about Marisa. We have work to do. " Nanaya sighed, something was happening in Gensokyo, but what? "So, you're here for a reason. A reason almost nobody knows. There's something affecting Gensokyo, but no one's hurt, or dead, or, exorcised. So, I don't really know what's up now. Yukari isn't the reason for why you're here too." Nanaya saw what happened, apparently.

"First," Nanaya pulled Nazrin's ear, prompting a squeak. "We're waiting for Shinki. As creator of Makai, she would know things that we don't. Lets go back in first. God knows how long it'll take for her to get here." Nanaya gives a wave to Byakuren, before pulling Nazrin and Newan into the Temple. Nanaya brings the two of them into a room near the far right, next to Byakuren's room. Opening the door, Nanaya lets them go. "Feel free to do anything you want while Shinki's on her way here." Nanaya slams the door shut, leaving Newan and Nazrin right outside her room.

(I just realised the tripple N. Newan Nazrin Nanaya.)

----Vante's Scenario

Well, It's in the afternoon, even though it felt like just ten seconds from when you fell on the ground. Kaguya must've did something to you. Nevermind that now. Looking around, you notice that you're obviously in a village, with few to no people strolling around, most of the shops are closed too. For what reason, you don't know. As you walk around the town, you notice that there's a large gathering of people near the center of town, with Truely Awesome MusicThe Group that Remixes Touhou Songs playing. There are three girls on the stage, each wearing similar outfits besides the color, playing a keyboard, trumpet and violin. Concert?

Next to them, you see an unmanned store, with a signboard saying "Out of Lamprey. Be Right Back."


As the three of you walk towards the exit of the Forest Of Magic, Marisa pulls Alice and you over to say Hi to Rinnosuke, and steal some stuff. After that fairly random encounter, the three of you start on your journey again. As you walk along the stone path near the exit, a man walks by you. He's wearing a brown shirt and long pants, and his face... He's that guy with Rinnosuke when you first got here. H-He... As you stand alone, Alice and Marisa upfront, you keep thinking about him, how he was...

Marisa and Alice call to you, and you flinch, before running to them. Marisa has been leading the way for sometime now and... Amazing, you've ended up in a gigantic lake of sorts. "M-Marisa, we were surposed to go to the village before going to Reimu's place. We're at Misty lake." Marisa grins. "About that. I thought we could get a short cut."

"Short cut? There's no short cut to the Hakurei Shrine from here..."

"Wait, where are we again-ze?" Marisa asks.

"Misty Lake." You reply, getting that infomation from Alice.

"Oh... Yeah... ON WARD THEN-ZE!" Marisa drags you and Alice back from where you came, eventually returning past Kourindo and reaching the outskirts of the Human village. You think you hear music playing.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 07:17:13 AM by Youkai Jesus »

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #71 on: August 10, 2011, 07:09:27 AM »
----Gale's Scenario
(I want an explanation. Oh, and most of TAM's works only need Lunasa. :V)

Vante sauntered on to the crowd, the musicians' performance ringing in his ears. The music was upbeat, but at the same time calming and pleasant. It was like three emotions mixed together...

Then he realized the time. It was the afternoon. And he just woke up. Right there, he felt his stomach rise in protest against his late waking, as well as his mouth. He mentally kicked himself, because he was not so tired last night, and yet he slept like a log.

But now, food and water was the more important issue. He did see a food stall beside the crowd, so he approached it and waited for the owner to come back. Lamprey sounded tasty, and his stomach wouldn't be complaining about whatever he gave it.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #72 on: August 10, 2011, 07:16:45 AM »
(Wahahaha, sorry. Mistyped. I keep reading, playing on my Iphone, and typing at the same time. I'm a busy person, doin' busy things.)

---Vante's Scenario

Your patience is rewarded when a girl, wearing an apron over a weird costume, with two elaborate wings with pink feathers, walks in. As you look up at her, you notice her elongated ears. Looks like an elf. Her hat also has feathers. "Hi. Never saw you around before. Thanks for waiting, I just got a new stock of Lamprey!" The girl exclaims. "How many do ya' want?"

As she says this, you feel the note in your hand. It seems to be giving off a dim, blue glow. The musician's performance starts getting louder as it reaches the Climax of the song. There's a banner at the side, saying that they're currently playing "Phantom Ensemble", and will be playing Neko Miko ReimuMaiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle, followed by a song called Necrofantasia.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #73 on: August 10, 2011, 07:19:28 AM »
As the two were left alone, Newan turned to Nazrin. "What do you think she meant by 'the same thing'?"

Nazrin thought about it for a moment, rubbing her ear where Nanaya had grabbed her. "Well... ever since she came around here, she and Byakuren have been pretty close. I guess those two experienced the same thing we did."

Newan considered this. "Hmm... so then, there might be others. Not only is assuming we had the only experience a violation of Copernican thought, the fact that Nanaya and Byakuren experienced the same thing proves that our experience is not the only one."

Nazrin blinked at him. "Eh? What's a Copernican? Sounds like some kind of nut."

"Copernicus was the first man to publicly theorize that the Earth and other planets in the solar system revolved around the sun, as opposed to the whole world revolving around the Earth. Since then, it has been a common approach of scientists to not believe that we are special; indeed, we are not in the only solar system, or the only galaxy, and we have no proof that other universes don't exist. We are not at the center of the galaxy, nor are we at one of the tips. To think that our experience was the only one would go against this approach."

Nazrin simply gave him a blank stare. "I have no idea what you just said, but you sounded pretty confident, so I guess I'll agree with you on whatever that was."

"Now you know how I felt when Nanaya tried to explain this 'danmaku' to me," Newan sighed.

"I'd say danmaku is pretty simple compared to all this 'universe' and 'galaxy' stuff," Nazrin retorted.

"I guess they are pretty complicated when you go into detail. But, there are much more complicated and interesting things out there. I'd tell you about them, but I don't think I'd have much luck. Anyway, would you mind showing me some of this 'danmaku'? It sounds quite interesting."

"Eh? You want me to shoot at you? You have no experience whatsoever, and while I'm tiny, you'd be surprised at how clever I am, especially with my spell cards."

"You have a point, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?" After all, if something really is happening, I'd like to at least stand a chance of defending myself...

Nazrin mulled it over for a few moments. "I guess you have a point. C'mon, I'll lead you to the area behind the shrine. There's plenty of space for me to let my spell cards off without damaging anything." With that, the two headed off.

(OOC: I didn't notice that, either. It's too bad it's not triple M; then they could be the three Mouseketeers, led by Nazr- er, Mazrin.

Man, I was not expecting this post to be so long. It was originally just going to be them discussing the other residents of the Myouren temple, but I guess it wrote itself along a different path.)
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 07:34:02 AM by Squawkermaru Aya »

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #74 on: August 10, 2011, 07:44:45 AM »
"Well, how much is one?" Vante asked. Wait a minute. Money.

He searched his left pocket in hopes of finding something to pay with, and found three 100 yen coins and two 500's. But considering that this was modern money and that this place didn't seem so modern, even finding the money wasn't exactly relieving.

But disregard that for a moment. The note was glowing now. Perhaps this was the bird? The wings did give a hint, after all.

(OOC: Does Vante have his stick with him? 'cause I think it isn't.)

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #75 on: August 10, 2011, 07:53:03 AM »
---The Elemental Plane
--Lair Of The Eternity and Spacetime
-Hall Of Infinity
Throneroom of Creation

Three beings are seated on their respective thrones, with one man standing next to one who is seated. The Second Throne, Imperial Soulfire. There sat Azeri Zenxsoul, next to him, Rinnosuke Morichika. "So, it's back?"

"Yes, and this time, It's more powerful then before... Sister got corrupted, but... It isn't making it's move... Why?"

"Brother, don't worry. We got this, like old times." The Third Throne, Death's Light. There sat the thirdborn of God. "Rinnosuke, you have Father's first blade. You have to keep it safe, from anything and everything."

"I understand, my lord, but why are humans from the outsi-"

"Because, Katelin left her human self there the last time, and It helped stop Chaos. Maybe again, It'll work." The Fourth Throne, Angelic Rupture. There sat the lastborn of God. "Trust me, it'll work. I have already sent the Dragon God to delay Chaos even longer. Maybe, the humans can accomplish something not even Katelin could... Our sister split herself into two, for the sake of this universe."

Azeri opened his demonic jaw, revealing two seperate jaws to the side, lined with teeth, and one, more draconic mouth where a human one should be. "We must, trust in her... It is, for the best." He glanced at the first seat. Crystallic Evolution. It was left untouched.

"Father shall return, take his seat, and recreate the universe with us, if your plan with the humans fails... But what we have done over the countless millienia will be lost. And you know Father doesn't give arguments a damn." The thirdborn hissed.

"Recreation is a must if Chaos is let to roam free... But there is a factor we haven't considered...." The Fourthborn spoke with elegance. "What if Father is corrupted?"

Silence filled the Throneroom of Creation. "Then, we will fight to the death... Against our Father. With a one-to-millionth chance of winning." Azeri spoke. Rinnosuke sighed.

---Newan's Scenario

As Newan and Nazrin step out to the back, the two of you see Nue... Planting flowers, and petting them. "N-Nue... What are you doing?" Nazrin's confuzzled. Nue turns to see the both of you, and disappears. "Funny... Nue never acted like this... Shes always so headstrong and stuff... Atleast she talks to Byakuren and Nanaya..." Nazrin sighs and the two of you go into the middle of the field at the back, careful not to step on Nue's flowers.

As the two of you get ready to prepare your... training, in Danmaku, a bright flash appears in the sky, one that would even blind the sun.

"Spell Card! Darkness! Gravity Field!" The two of you look up, only to see the sun being covered by a dark shadow, before rings of darkness fire out from it and spin around the shadowy ball, firing tons of black bullets towards a lone black ball.

"Spell Card! Black Reversal!" The black ball bursts, revealing a small, blonde girl wearing black, who puts her hand up into the sky before all of the bullets and rings fly towards her hand, compressing, before finally becoming a small ball that she eats.

"Nice one, Rumia! You've improved."

"Than-Munch-ks Mast-Munch-er!" The blonde girl spoke while eating. You and Nazrin are still looking up, at her talking to that cloud of black smoke of some kind.

---Vante's Scenario

(100 Yen = 1US)

"They're 400 yen each. Kinda expensive, I know, but It's hard to get Lamprey in this season..." The girl's ears point down. As she talks about the season. "Business is really good, but I keep running out of stock, and I have to go get more. It's tiresome to run back and forth..." Her wings flap a little. "So, how many would you like?"

The musicians have finished what would presumably be "Phantom Ensemble", and have started playing that "Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle" It's a more uplifting song to say the least, Haha. You pull out your money and think of how many to buy. I mean, your stomach is growling like a horse when it's mating. Well that was lame. The girl hums to herself.

"Oh yeah, new guy, name's Mystia. Almost forgot, what's yours?" The note glows brighter...

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #76 on: August 10, 2011, 08:11:20 AM »
"I'll have two," he handed over the 800 yen without hesitation, "And my name is Vante. Nice to meet you." This time, he did not give the slight bow he always did. As a result of the nervousness of actually giving the money to the girl, his clenched right hand freed itself of its restricted position, with sweat now forming on it.

"Say, have you seen..." How was he going to put this? "...newcomers to the village often?" Was he the first new face in this strange place, he was tempted to add.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #77 on: August 10, 2011, 08:45:57 AM »
Alyssa looks forward blankly, still troubled by having seen that odd man again. It reminded her that this world might be more dangerous than it seemed, especially with such people roaming around. However, that was something that she would have to worry about in the future. Right now, she was in a village, where the people seemed normal, and there was a vague sound of music that soothed her. As Alice and Marisa moved forward, she turned to the direction where the music came from. She felt like she wanted to go and listen.

"Alice! Marisa! Can we rest and listen to music for a little bit?" Alyssa asked in her most angelic voice. Alice and Marisa seemed to ponder over it for a moment, whether or not they could or could not waste this little bit of time taking a break.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #78 on: August 10, 2011, 10:31:58 AM »
(You know what, I'm not gonna do Alyssa's scenario. Listening to music is your choice. If you do, I'll then write a follow-up.)

---Vante's Scenario

"Two grilled Lamprey, coming right up!" Mystia says, after exchanging names and greetings, preparing to grill some lamprey. As she starts preparing, you begin to smell the smell of... AWESOMENESS. As you ask her questions, she begins to cook the lamprey. "Nah, newcomers come, every three months to about a year, so they're really rare. Most of'em are from the outside, too. But most of them usually get eaten by other Youkai before reaching here." The smell is FUGGIN AWESOME.

The music has stopped now, and you hear clapping. Lots of it, with many villagers shouting "Encore!" After a few moments, the musicians play one last song. It's quite nice to listen too... Wait, where have you heard this? It's quite familiar. Oh yeah! It's that song from Little Busters Ex! That game! Mystia has finished cooking the lamprey, and now hands them to you.

"Enjoy!" As you grab the plate from her hand, your right hand brushes hers. The note glows brighter.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #79 on: August 10, 2011, 10:50:56 AM »
(OOC: Getting closer!)

As he dug into the grilled lamprey, Vante couldn't help but think of salmon and barbecue. This thing was good! Easy to chew, and it didn't feel as slimy as it looked a while ago. Nevermind that it was hot, taste was always better when it came fresh!

"Mmm! Hey, Mystia, the price doesn't matter if the taste is much better! This really is more than its worth," Vante said in between bites. He breathed in more of the savory smelling air that rose from his food, making him breath deeper and faster.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #80 on: August 10, 2011, 10:54:46 AM »
"Sure! Why not-ze!" Marisa chorused, seemingly lacking a care in the world. Alice sighed in slight disappointment that the trip would be delayed, but there was not much to do if Alyssa truly did want to rest for a bit. A journey so long can take its toll on a child so young. Alyssa ran eagerly to the area where the songs were being played. The signs that are nearby the musicians seem say that the last song that they were going to play had just ended. It disappointed Alyssa slightly, but fortunately for her, the yells for an encore encourage the troupe to start playing another song. Alyssa watched intently from the side, enjoying the song although not knowing its origins. Alice and Marisa stand behind her as if her escorts, and with a look that Alyssa donned, it would seem as if a princess was in town.

"I do hope it ends quite soon..." Alice sighs as she listens in. It's a nice song, there's no dispute about that, but she wanted to hurry up and get to Reimu so that she could sort things out faster. To her, as a youkai, her energy was still high and the journey left very short. Shanghai floated about, seeming to enjoy the song. Hourai stoned beside Alice as usual. To Alice, the song seemed to last forever. Why wouldn't it just hurry up... Alyssa, on the other hand, took her time to take a breath and enjoy the smells, sounds and sights of the village.

The smell of food sure is nice here in this village. Alyssa thought to herself.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #81 on: August 10, 2011, 01:29:06 PM »
---Vante's and Alyssa's Scenario!
(Vante first. I'm combining the two since you're so close.)
As you munch happily on the hot, tasty, delicious, fantasmic, phantasm-modo like, grilled lamprey, the note in your other hand glows brighter. Mystia chuckles at your compliment. "Thanks. You've made my day by complimenting my food. I used to have it all the time, last time. Now people just come, order, pay up and say thanks before going on their merry way." Mystia sniffles suddenly, for completely no reason. Oh, there's the reason. The note flew on her face. Wait, you didn't let go of the note... The world turns yellow. You drop your roasted lamprey(Roasted and Grilled are the same... Right?).

Mystia pulls the note off her face, as it's blue glow, combined with the yellow surroundings, entwine with the two of you. The lamprey morphs, bulges, starts growing, weird, cancerous-like growths all over, before they burst into countless tentacles. It grows bigger and bigger as the spinning  yellow and blue light completely covers you and Mystia, and, the tentacle's vanish. All you see now is a complex series of floating images, uncomprehensable to your puny, mortal brain. You start imagining Cthulhu for some reason. You're gonna have to ask someone about that.

In the spiral of disorder, you and Mystia meld together, before being split apart as the world returns to normal.

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Link has been made. Mystia is your chosen Touhou. The Death of one would be the Death of Two.

-Achievement Get!
-Bird Of Prey
-Use Now?
You and Alice stand in shock as the scene where some stranger, and a weird bird-like girl meld together in a spiral of colours. The tentacles. The darkness. You could see it all. It's happening again, like how you and Alice finally got together. There's only one reason that this would happen.

There are people just like you.

As the scene ends, you and Alice stare at each other, before proceeding to meet up with Mystia and Vante.

(You can how communicate with other players! No real need for me until the plot advances/you leave the village. YOU GUYS SHOULD BE DARING ENOUGH TO USE THE ACHIEVEMENT REWARDS. RAWR.)

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #82 on: August 10, 2011, 01:40:39 PM »
Achievement GET!
-As Resolute as the Mountains...
-Use Now?



Okay, I think I'm going to go ahead and assume that whatever just happened was not normal. "Right. Um, does anyone have any idea what the hell just happened?"

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #83 on: August 10, 2011, 02:14:33 PM »
Pink hair?... I guess. I mean, I've apparently entered wherever this is through Hell, so...
She carefully started towards the pink-haired person.
"Er... Hello?"


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #84 on: August 10, 2011, 02:33:18 PM »
"Marisa! Stay here for a while! I have to run off and do some errands! I'll be bringing Alyssa along as well!" Alice told Marisa as Alyssa ran off ahead of the both of them. They knew that something had happened, something that the two of them had went through as well, and they wanted to know what. Shanghai and Hourai stayed with Marisa, making sure she stayed were she was. That was their mistress' orders.

Alyssa, the short little girl, was the first to get to the duo. She stood there, staring at them. Alyssa had realised that she did not really know what to say to the two, she was probably in as much shock as they. Alice, fortunately, came by and broke the silence.

"Um, good afternoon. Are you two... alright?" Alice had a tinge of concern in her tone, but she was more curious about what happened than concerned whether they were alright or not, since this had happened once before to them and they came out fine.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 07:38:45 AM by XinXin »
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?


  • Magical Pudding Sage
  • Fulfilling flan fantasies everywhere!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #85 on: August 10, 2011, 04:20:36 PM »
(Perhaps I should wait to use Nuclear Induced Insanity when Utsuho's not around.  Uh, wall of text incoming.)

Gale slowly stood up.  This dream was becoming less and less dream-like...but a dream was the only thing it could be.  Except a hallucination.

Oh, well.  It isn't real.  There's no harm in acting like it is, which seems like the only way to make any real progress here.

"'re a human?" Orin said, smiled in relief.  "I thought you were a zombie or something...I didn't want to cause any problems with the youkai up above..."

"Yes.  I'm a human."  Gale said.  "What just happened?"

Orin shrugged.  "I dunno.  This is weird.  And lots of weird stuff happens in Gensokyo."

"What's Gensokyo?" Gale asked.

Orin looked at Gale, surprised.  "Are you, uh, serious?  This is Gensokyo.  This place, this world.  Everything's Gensokyo."

"Ah...alright.  I'm from...another world, apparently."

"Huh?  Well...uh..."

Gale looked down at the unconscious Utsuho.  "What's up with her eye?  It seems like she has control over nuclear radiation, or something."

Orin nodded.  "Yeah!  She ate the sun god."


"Huh?  Well, it was in the Nuclear Furnace--all that fire you saw--and Utsuho ate it.  Anyway, then she decided she wanted to take over the world--"


Orin glared at Gale.  "Hey!  Let me finish!  But that would be a bad thing, so I sent a bunch of spirits up to the surface to lure someone down here to beat up Utsuho, and it worked.  Some human came down here and stopped Okuu from destroying everything."

Gale stared blankly at Orin.  "Um...okay.  So, uh...what does Utsuho do now?"

"She regulates the temperature in the Nuclear Furnace so that the gods up on the Youkai Mountain--oh, and the kappa, too--can perform experiments."

"Alright..." muttered Gale.  Scientists, here?  I think I'd like to meet them.  But did she mention gods?  Oh, whatever.  I feel like if I keep asking questions I'll just end up with more...ugh...

"Just one last question, Orin," Gale said, "for now.  What is this place?"

"It's the Palace of the Earth Spirits.  It's where my master and all her pets live.  It's pretty deep underground."  She looked up at the holes in the marble caused by the beam.  "Ooh, she's not gonna be happy with that.  And if some human appeared out of nowhere from some other world in the Furnace..."  She gulped.  "I should probably tell her."

She began hurrying off in another direction, pushing her cart in front of her.  Gale saw no other options, so he followed her.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 04:13:26 AM by Sampson »

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #86 on: August 10, 2011, 04:51:37 PM »
"Wow... that's much more incredible than I ever could have imagined," was Newan's only response.

Nazrin nodded. "Yeah, and those aren't even the highest level spells. You should see Byakuren's."

"So then, what did the smoke call that girl? Rumia?" Is she being trained by the smoke monster from that television show? I wouldn't put it past this Gensokyo place.

"Yeah, Rumia's a fairly weak Youkai. She's the Youkai of darkness, and she can make a ball of darkness around herself. I really only know about her by word of mouth." Although, it worries me that someone is training her. If the rumors were true, she's not at her full power right now. Why would someone want to return her to that level?

"Hmm... should we let them know we're here now?"

"Well, they probably heard us anyway, but I think we should just let them finish up. No need to interrupt them," Nazrin responded.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #87 on: August 10, 2011, 10:01:19 PM »
(OOC: I'm going to use Mythical Reunion and save the second one. Do I have control over Mystia now?.)

Vante and Mystia stared at each other, not knowing what had just happened.

"What... just... happened?" they asked at the same time. Vante started rubbing his eyes, while Mystia began breathing deeply. There was more to the question, and they both knew that.

After what seemed like an hour (only five minutes), Mystia was the first to act. Grabbing a stool, she walked over to the side of her stall and placed it there. "Hey," she gestured to Vante, "sit over here. I'd be crazy to get you out of my sights, so why don't you stay?"

"We're going to need to talk about this," Vante took his place at the stool, trying futilely to discern the meaning of the... whatever it was.

"Oh, I'm not complaining. The stall's going to be on for a long time, though. If we're gonna talk, then probably when the crowd's gone, we could," the night sparrow resumed preparing for another customer, keeping the shock as inconspicuous as possible.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #88 on: August 11, 2011, 09:24:17 AM »
(Yes, CrowCakes. *Swipes card* You have Control... Over Mystia. Oh, and you can interact with Alyssa and Alice too, so I'm not going to do your part, or XinXin's)
-Vante used Mythical Reunion!
-Pristine Dragon Scale Get!(Unknown use, as small as a bottle cap, in your pocket.)

-Aesera used As Resolute as the Mountains...
-Keystone Talisman Get!(Breaks if in life-threatening situations, in your pocket. Can be worn as a necklace.)

---Newan's Scenario

"Good job," The vibrating voice says, with such... arrogance. It's black, smoky form shifts and melds together as it speaks once more. "I think you're ready, but I'll only go half power, to see what happens." The black smoke fully compresses, revealing a woman, wearing bluish clothes, and long, silky green hair, and wielding a staff with a moon on it. You can't really see her clearly from the ground.

"Yes, Master!" Rumia shouts with much joy and enthusiasm. Two big, dark hawk-like wings emerge from the woman in blue, somewhat reminding you of Sephiroth. There could be a connection, but you have not yet seen any guys with gigantic swords on their backs, so you would'nt compare Gensokyo and Final Fantasy. Rumia readies her stance, and forces her hand to her head. You notice sparks of red lightning and the sound of glass slowly cracking. Something's happening...

"Yes!" The woman shouts, "More! You can do it!" Rumia starts sniffling, beginning to cry. There's blood dripping on her head and to the ground from her hand. It's almost like David and Goliath. There's almost no wa- Snap. Bones are breaking. You want to shout at her to stop hurting herself, but Nazrin stops you. You don't understand why she doesn't let you interfere. Is it because of her Master? Because of Rumia?

Rumia releases a scream from her throat, tearing off the ribbon that once held her power in check, in a seal. The seal's broken, you surpose as the sound of glass cracking has turned to shattering. Rumia smiles, before putting the ribbon back on. The woman laughs. "Your power drastically increased when you pulled it off. Now it's back to normal." Rumia pulls off the ribbon as she shouts, "Let the training begin!"

Rumia's small, child-like body starts to be enveloped in pure darkness. Rings lined up with runes surround her waist, wrists and ankles, before attaching themselves to her body. Her short blonde hair increases all the way to her chest, which grows significantly bigger too. Now taller, more mature-looking, and somewhat beautiful, the new Rumia opens her mouth. "Let's start, Master." Such a silky voice... You cover your ears as a loud bang is heard, the sky seems to turn dark on the area around her. Her right eye ignites, covering it with flames(Black Rock Shooter style, but it's red instead of blue.)

"Spell Card! Unholy Spark!" The green-haired woman shouts, releasing a green and black implosion from the tip of her crescent moon staff, before expanding and flying towards Rumia. "Spell Card! Blade Of AntiChrist!" Rumia exclaims as she charges at full speed to meet the incoming blast head on, a sword looking like a cross made of bone, tentacles and darkness, appear in her hands, as she swings it, the blast in cut in half, dissipating before your eyes. "One last thing." The green haired woman says.

"Spell Card! Twilight..." Her wings expand, cover the sun, engulfing all in complete twilight. She and Rumia fly up into the sky so high that you see them as tiny dots. The end of the sun's rule. She stands in mid air, pulling off her hat and holding it in her left hand. "SPARK!" With a snap of her fingers, a gold lazer about the size of the sun as you see it from here, unleashes from the black wings of the woman, carrying only Oblivion in it's wake. Rumia doesn't falter. "Spell Card! Event Horizon!" A vortex of black energy appears before Rumia, firing miniature beams of the one that the green-haired woman fired, only black. As the two being's powers colide, a shroud of grey covers the both of them before vanishing.

"You've learn well, my student, but you still have much to learn." The woman floats down to the ground with Rumia, landing on the roof of the Myouren Temple, looking at Nazrin and Newan. "Oh, Nazrin. Sorry about that. You may go on training your..." She eyes Newan, as Rumia puts back her ribbon. "Well, well, what do we have here? A human?" You don't respond, yet. "Name's Mima. Dis' Rumia." Rumia's back to her former, more childish-looking self now.

Achievement Unlocked!
-The Mother Of all Sparks(Normal)
-Use Now?

---Gale's Scenario

As you leave the unconscious Utsuho to fend for herself, there's some sort of rumbling from under you as you walk with Orin, who has, by now, slowed down. You notice her ears twitching as the two of you walk past countless of stained glass windows, brightly-colored statues and the occasional ball of floating white n' blue. As you approach the main hall, Orin's ears twitch again. There's a black, obsidian table in the front, and at the far end, sits a short, pink-haired girl with an eye on her chest.

The eye isn't attached to her chest like it is to Utsuho, but more like a floating, red one, suspended by long, thin red vein-like structures that seem to connect to various parts of her clothing. She sits there, silent for a moment, her eyes closed, before opening them. "Come my pet, and her friend human." How did she know you were human in the first place? "I see, I see. So something spectacular happened, and this human isn't just a random one that fell through, but one with significant meaning." As you and Orin walk closet to her, you start to ask many questions in your head, and begin to feel afraid, of how she knew what happened to you and Orin.

"Don't be afraid. No, the eye won't shoot lazers. No, I'm not from a dream. This isn't a dream, anyway. Don't worry about Utsuho, she can handle herself. Why I know what you're thinking? I can read minds." You're shocked.

---Aesera's Scenario(You now control Kanako)

Kanako walks out, sighing to herself. Once shes out of sight, you turn to Suwako and Sanae. "So, what just happened?" They seem to have completely no idea what you're talking about, and shrug their shoulders. You too, now, run out of the shrine, meeting up with Kanako, who seems to be sitting on some gigantic, pillar-like object. "What happened?!" You shout. You hear Kanako sigh.

"I don't know. It felt so... Alien... As if I was not a god anymore, having my power stripped away from me, then pushed back in... I...It felt like how I first came into Gensokyo." There's a slight pause before the next part. "I'll accompany you. To find why you're here, how you got here, and so on. I'll grant you my power. But first, we need to get to the Hakurei Shrine. We need to pay the Eternal Shrine Maiden a little house visit."

---Rhiseza's Scenario

The pink-haired woman flinches at the sudden appearance of your voice. "Oh," She turns as she says. "I didn't know we had guests. I'll get Youmu to serve us some food. Come come." She beacons to you as she steps up from the pond area, sitting on a wooden table. "Sit." You promptly take a seat at the other end of the table.

"If I remember, Komachi said you would come, I don't know why, as she gave such a vague explaination. Nevermind that though. We'll learn more about each other, and I can tell you what you want to know, as we wait for our food." Your stomach growls. "My name is Yuyuko. Yuyuko Saigyouji, princess of this land, called the Hakugyokurou. And this, is Gensokyo."
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 09:28:30 AM by Youkai Jesus »

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Magical Pudding Sage
  • Fulfilling flan fantasies everywhere!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #89 on: August 11, 2011, 02:43:04 PM »
Gale sighed.  Then it must be a hallucination.  Or this is a dream after all.

Turning to Orin, he whispered, "What's her name?  Er...and what is she?"

"Her full name is Satori Komeiji," muttered Orin.  "She's, uh, a satori."

"Um, okay," said Gale.  "Wait, is she the master of this place?  Is this place hers?"

"Pretty much.  I mean, she has a sister, but she's usually not around."

Gale felt relieved, and not just because there wasn't another satori roaming the mansion.  "Well, since she owns this big place, I'm sure she knows a bunch of people, right?  She might know someone who would know what's going on?"