Author Topic: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite  (Read 176799 times)

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2011, 05:50:07 AM »
(OOC: I would like to say that Vante is currently speaking in Japanese.)

"Keine? I... don't know anyone named Keine, sorry about that. And, I'm not from..." Vante hesitated to say the next line, but went through anyway, "the 'village.'" Thank goodness, nothing happened when he asked to be accompanied.

Not only did he not understand what the woman was saying, but also realized her weirdness. Her lavender-white hair reached down to her ankles; he would have shrugged this off as some crazy cosplayer thing, but it looked too real. She also had red irises, an eye color he had never seen before. That looked real, too. Her musings sounded like it would fit with an elderly person, and there was a really thick accent to her words.

Bamboo Forest of the Lost? That sounded like it would fit in fantasy, he thought. Maybe he was in a fantasy. But why didn't he feel worried yet?

"Oh, where are my manners. I haven't introduced myself," he did a short bowing of the head, "My name is Vante."

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2011, 06:33:52 AM »

"Vante, erh? Neat name, never heard it before. I'm Fujuwara no Mokou, da owner of dis' ere yakitori stand, and guide to those that come into the Bamboo Forest of the Lost." She pulled out her right hand from her overall's pocket and placed it on your head. You begin to feel warm again, even with the icy cold breeze sweeping through the area.

"Now, ya' said that you're not from the village, eh? Den, where might you be from, young man?" Mokou flips her hair a little, looking to the sky. "Mmm, looks like she isn't coming today, or maybe she wil- Wait a minute..." Mokou looks at the seriously confused expression on your face.

"I guess dat you have compleleh no idea what I'm talkin' bout', Right...? Because everyone knows about me and her..." Mokou sighs. You feel something ruffle in your pocket.


"Oh, the US?" The little girl looks into your eyes as the hat's eyes seem to follow your every movement. "I've always wanted to go there, but whatever. So, you're from the outside... Uhh, how should I say this... Welcome to Gensokyo?" Suwako fakes a laugh.

"Well, so you arn't dreaming at all, and I reassure you, this is real. Really real, you know like... Real real?" Suwako seems to understand what she herself is saying, but it's confusing to you. "This shine's called the Moriya Shrine, and I... was the main god of it, anyway, until Kanako came..." Suwako seems to pout, before smiling at you once again.

"I don't have, like a full biological family, but I do have, like... uhh, a family-family here. Wanna meet them?" You feel something ruffle in your pocket.


"Unyu...SURE! Lets go find Orin!" Utsuho grabs your right arm, as the earth around her flares up, turning bright red. My god, it's hot. Really hot. Utsuho runs out of the cave with you in hand before pulling you into the sky as she flies upwards at a significantly faster speed then a car. Somehow, you're having no trouble to hold on. That large rod thing helps quite a bit. As you fly further with Utsuho from the constantly burning pits of hell, it feels much cooler, but darker. Utsuho's glowing eye helps too. She could be a handywoman!

"Now's the hard part! And the most fun!" You hear Utsuho shout... Hard... and fun? This isn't goo- Utsuho makes a quick, low sweep around a pillar and flies straight towards a wall, before abruptly turning up and spinning through another cave of sorts, over and over, like an obsitical course, she tortures you with motion sickness, dizzyness and such, before finally coming to a stop, on some weird, marble-like material that covers the floor, of a mansion-looking area.

"Here's where master and Orin live!" You promptly get off Utsuho, holding back your urge to puke everything you have eaten in the last... like what? Three days?

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2011, 08:03:13 AM »
"I get that a lot," Vante said, replying to the name comment. To the last question, Vante only shook his head. He felt twitchy and his head ached a little, feeling the need to know everything Mokou was talking about.

He noticed that Mokou used a really formal way of conveying her name. "Hey, why do you use 'no' in your name? Isn't that an archaic way of introducing your name?" he asked. Vante had the realization that he might have been taken to the past, and this made the whole thing look like a surreal anime plot to him.

The ruffling in his pocket startled Vante, and immediately, his hand rushed to dig whatever was causing it out of his pocket.

"Are we going yet?" he asked.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2011, 08:27:20 AM »
Alice? Alyssa wonders as she walks along after Marisa. Maybe she could have the answers she was looking for. After all, the people here did know that she was lost and if they were going to bring her to anyone it would either be to her death or to someone that has answers. It was probably the latter since she could not imagine anyone like Marisa bringing people to their deaths. Anyway, a more pressing question would be why she looked like an Alice fan in the first place. She paused for a moment in her head, still continuing to walk.

Alice... In Wonderland? THAT Alice? The shock blew Alyssa away just like that. She was in Wonderland, wasn't she? And that person leading her was the Mad Hatter's wife or something. Oh god, that doesn't make any sense either... Alyssa shook her head and flipped her hair behind her. She turned to Marisa. There was no point in pondering, if she could just go and find out.

"I'm ready."
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2011, 09:04:09 AM »

"Alright then, let's go-ze!" Marisa happy starts walking deeper into the forest, spinning the broom too. There isn't much to do as the two of you walk deeper into the dark forest. You can't really see the area clearly due to the trees blocking all the sunlight. The most fun you had during your little journey was helping Marisa pick the weird-looking, weird-smelling, totally weird, mushrooms. You do see some cute little furry things, though, like... Balls of fur with faces. OH GOD IT'S F.O.E!

I mean, uhh, yeah, that's about it. The trip's mostly silent, and you finally know the reason why Marisa isn't talking... She's listening to... An Ipod? She's humming too. It sounds familiar, you used to hear it somewhere in town, or something. You can't remember. Oh yeah, It's a Led Zeppelin song.

"Vikings are awesome-ze..." You hear Marisa say, and after a few more minutes, you finally see the bright rays of the sun.

"We're here-ze." Marisa pulls out her earphones and stuffs them in once of her large pockets along with the ipod. "Alice's house."

It's a large, white, almost mansion-looking house, but without a gate. It looks more like a cross between a western and an european house. (No, I'm not using the Hisoutensoku drawing of it.)


"Erh? My nam'? Ah, yeah, I'm from the Fujiwara clan. It's a lon' time ago, so it doesn't really matter now, I guess. I just like ta' keep the name the same as ol' dad's name was." Mokou puts her hand back into her overalls, sighing, as you ask if they were going.

"Naw, I don't think we'll go, or even make progress if we go, tonight. You could stay in my house if ya' want. She would'nt come into mai house anywaeh" Mokou points to the building just a few metres away from the Yakitori stand. "Oh, and about that "her" i was talkin' bout? Her name's Kaguya. We hate each other and crap, yadayadayada, we kill each other on a daily basis, yadayadayada. The works." You don't really understand what she meant by that, and you seem to hear her mumble something...

Maybe we didn't have to fight if I told her I- (Note that this is what you can hear from Mokou's mumblings.)

"So, what's da choice? Move or stay for da night?" Mokou asks as you pull out a paper note, with some words written on it.

The Phoenix and the Dragon, which would you choose? You may take one, but there is always the little bird in your heart.
(Meaning: Mokou and Kaguya, will you assist them in settling their feud? Or will you go on looking for Mystia?)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 09:06:58 AM by Youkai Jesus »

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2011, 09:38:06 AM »
The scenery around the forest was a breath of fresh air for Alyssa. Regular life in her mansion was boring and the forest was relaxing in its nature. Still, it had its little quirks like the funny mushrooms she picked up and those odd balls of fur that she might or might not have been hallucinating. Still, she did not know where she was so perhaps this might have been some exotic part of the world. What really bugged her was the fact that, while Marisa looked like she came out of books in the medieval times, she was listening to music that sounded vaguely like, or was, Led Zeppelin. Still, her knowledge of music was not far too vast, so it was completely possible that she heard wrong.

The house was rather unremarkable. Nothing really caught Alyssa's eye. Still, the most regular of houses always hold the largest surprises. Hearing so much about this Alice person, the place must have been pretty remarkable on the inside. Alyssa held Mira tightly as she followed Marisa inside.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2011, 09:47:48 AM »
Before shock could overthrow his mind, he pretended to wipe something off his mouth. So, he was talking to the daughter of a probably historical figure who has a grudge against a probably mythical character who, if he remembered correctly, came from the moon. What next, green pigs that steal eggs? And why wasn't he worried about any of this? He found the grip on his baston tightening as he pondered more.

"Well, I'll stay for the night. But you'll still bring me to the village tomorrow, right?" Truth to be told, this wasn't really interesting to Vante, but this sounded like overkill. More than a hundred years of hate? Despite it sounding outrageous, that was too serious. Maybe, he could help, and apparently, the note he took out was indicating that, too.

But there was the "little bird" as well. It'll have to wait, Vante told himself. Hopefully, he wasn't make the wrong choice.

(OOC: I have no idea what I am doing. Is Mystia in the Forest of Magic being a regular youkai, or near the Human Village being a vendor?)

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #37 on: August 08, 2011, 10:39:53 AM »
Well, this was new. The scythe certainly wasn't helping her situation and she wasn't sure she wanted to stick around here any more.
Then again... Do I have a choice? I don't even know where to go.
So with that, Rhiseza sat up and... Er... Poked the sleeping person. And hoped that she wouldn't wake up and, say, try to kill her.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2011, 11:29:34 AM »
(Well, Mystia flies around the Bamboo forest of the lost at night, all the way from the Forest of Magic, just so that she can compete with Mokou before they close shop. In the morning, she goes to the human village to sell her lamprey. So, shes only significantly hostile at night... Also...)

-Achievement Unlocked: Mythical Reunion, Vante. (EASY)
-Choose to use now? (Reward)

"Yea'. I'll send ya to da village tomorrow morning. I'll set up the guest room for you ta sleep in. I only sleep much lata, anyway." Mokou then proceeds to walk to the house, leaving you alone. You decide to follow her.  Inside the house, you notice that it's kind of... small, and old, for someone who's from a legendary clan of some sort. Quite obscure, actually. You don't seem to remember the word Fujiwara, unless it's that old samurai clan, or something. You can't quite put your tongue on it. Finally, the guest bedroom is done up.

"There ya' go. Have a good rest. We'll be up bright and early tomorrow to get to da village as soon as possible." Mokou walks out of the house and vanishes from sight. The sudden knock on the roof would indicate that somehow, she got on the roof.


You stand behind Marisa as she knocks on the door, before busting in by kicking the door, while shouting. "Yo Alice-ze! I'm home!" Funny, did she just say "I'm home?" Marisa steps in, throws her broom to the nearest wall, and sits on the neat white couch. As you walk in, you notice the array of dolls, each one different, in shelves, to the side near the staircase, and the others all dolls which are exactly the same. You clutch Mira tighter.

"Marisa, didn't I tell you to just use the doorknob?" You hear a girl's voice, around Marisa's age too. Down from the staircase comes down a... woman, by your perception, by the way she walks, her actions, all of it. Refined to an utmost limit. She wasn't trained, she was born this way. Here comes Alice Margatroid, Marisa's sweetheart, and... unknowningly, your Touhou. Along with her are two dolls, one that floats right next to her, wearing this cute little face which looks so cute that you could just HNNNGH, and the other, more dark and sinister looking, follows her at a distance.

"Oh, who's our lovely visitor?" Alice asks.


Your constant pokes and obvious rustling in the tall grass and blood red flowers don't wake the person up at all. She's either really tired, or plain lazy and is currently slacking. Now comes the warm breeze. It's refreshing, but it now carries the smell of honey. Weird, isn't it. Craning your neck to look around while trying to wake the sleeping woman, you manage to trip on your own foot. You're fantastic! You fall face-first into the woman's gigantic bust. It's comfy, but you know more then enough than to pull yourself up as soon as possible.

Once you've gotten off the woman, you hear a yawn from her, slowly opening her eyes.

"Erh? What are ya' doing here...? You arn't dead..." She doesn't cut you in half. What a relief.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #39 on: August 08, 2011, 12:01:18 PM »
Rhiseza lets out a relieved sigh.
"I was... Hoping you could tell me, actually. I don't know where I am much less why."
Right, just... Try not to give it away. Just... Yeah.
Don't think about it.
... She may or may not be blushing a bit.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #40 on: August 08, 2011, 12:38:33 PM »
So this was Alice. Alyssa looked at the girl, and noticed the similarities between them immediately. It was eerie in its nature, but it gave her a sense of calm. Perhaps she was the person who would give her answers, a doppelganger of sorts perhaps. In this weird world, she may be the only one who could truly understand her own situation, seemingly a person of the same personality as hers. What was exceptionally creepy about this place, however, was the multitude of dolls all over the place. Each and every doll was as if comparable to each of the characters Alyssa had connected with in each of her books. Some looked adorable, some were beautiful, and of course some were downright creepy.

"Hello, I'm Alyssa, Alyssa Crendelheim." Alyssa replies to Alice's question, bowing slightly as she does in respect. "I... don't exactly know what's going on here but... I hope I can find some answers here..."
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #41 on: August 08, 2011, 01:21:38 PM »
(OOC: Hopefully I'll be able to do more than one post in this per day for the next few days, possibly starting tomorrow. I'm just never on when all those other posts happen.)

Newan started in surprise. As odd as those tentacle things were, he decided not to ask about them for now. Apparently, weird things like this were common in "Gensokyo". the Gods Loved At least they weren't the tentacles from his dream. Something in the back of his mind was nagging him; something he should know about this person, or something that she looked like? He had the vague idea that she was some mythological creature, but he wasn't sure.

"Oh, hi. That Byakuren person outside said I needed to look for someone named Nanaya? Something about how she and I are here for the same reason, but I shouldn't be. I didn't quite understand it, but she said this Nanaya person can explain it to me. I'd appreciate it if you could help me find her."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2011, 01:29:44 PM »
Okay, just accept it. If I can wind up in some unknown place after falling through a crazy gap-thing, there's no telling what else might be here. Gods, magic, any of that stuff should be considered possible. And at least I have a name for this place now. 'Gensokyo', huh? There may be significance to that name. "Yes," Aesera said, "I think I would like to meet them." Maybe one of them can explain things more clearly.

As she spoke, Aesera reached into her pocket to remove and examine whatever was in it.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 03:03:19 PM by GuyYouMetOnline »


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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #43 on: August 08, 2011, 02:33:04 PM »
After a few seconds of breathing heavily, he finally turned his head to look around.  The place he was in was certainly an improvement to the Hell of Blazing Fires.  Looking up, he saw some large stained glass windows along the tall walls.

Huh.  Pretty.  Not sure why I'm still awake, though.

He turned to Utsuho again.  "Th-Thanks.  So, where is Orin?"

She said something about a master, too...I'd hate to meet whoever's in charge of her.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #44 on: August 09, 2011, 09:39:44 AM »

Something ruffles in your pocket as you admire the large, stained glass windows. You stuff your hand in your pocket, and pull out a slightly crumpled note. You fold it straight before reading it.

The Nuclear Angel shall light your path, surrounded by the souls of those that once lived. Think about the heaviness on your back. Search your subconscious. A cat awaits in your heart.
(Meaning: Utsuho will bring you to Orin. Always check your back. Where's Koishi?)

You ponder the meaning of this, as Utsuho grabs your arm once again, pulling you further into the hallways of the dark, mansion. You feel alittle hotter, and notice that the area inside is turning blue and red. It could be just your imagination again, but then again... Eventually, instead of flying, the two of you run up staircase after staircase, to near the main room of the house? You surpose. You half-expect to see some random-looking weird thing in your way, but It's just a girl, standing next to a wheelbarrow that covers something. Oh, and you can see cat ears too.

"Heres Orin!" Utsuho smiles.


You pull out a note from your pocket, slightly confused, you read it.

As firm as the mountain, as calm as the river. Your heart shall stand steadily on even the most pointed rock. Ice may befall the little creatures here. Take care of them.
(You shall meet one who is like a mountain and a river, one who stands tall among the others, proud, stubborn, and yet calm, wise, and resourceful. Save the frogs from Cirno!)

As you attempt to decipher the unusual note's meaning, you get pulled over to the side of the temple by Suwako, making you unseen by what appears to be, another girl. Green haired, slightly modified miko outfit. Yeah, it's the shrine maiden of this temple. Suwako pushes you to the back of the temple, as you start to hear the sweeping noises once again.

"It's not wise to meet Sanae just yet. She'll just confuse you." Suwako nods as she says this. You hear a rumbling from behind the back door of the shrine.

"Hey, Suwako. What's that weird nois-" The blueish-haired woman had opened the back door, seeing you and Suwako together. She's slightly taller then you are, wearing weird clothes and a band-like object on her head with autumn leaves, and has a mirror of some sort on her chest.

"Who're you?" She asks.


The tentacled girl flinches, before turning around, with a look of shock on her face. "How'd you... see me? I thought I made myself invisible..." Now you look more confused than you was before. You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out of it. You blink your eyes, and the girl is gone. You also realise you can speak now.

"...What're doing?" You turn, to see that girl that you landed on. Oh right, Nanaya.

"I guess you talked to Nue. Or something."  You really have so many questions to ask.


"Oh, what a fine girl you are, Alyssa." Alice replies, returning your bow with a slight nod of respect. Marisa grabs a seat in the couch. "Sit, sit." Alice says, waving her hands slightly. The doll at her side starts to fly into the kitchen. Alice too, takes a seat next to Marisa. "So, how did you somehow, get Marisa to bring you here? We seldom get... human visitors." Alice smiles politely, right before Marisa interjects. You pull out something from your pocket and read it as Marisa replies to Alice.

The precious of the noble serves only her. Place it into your hands, and to the black-white's, and warmly await your award. The dollmaker lies in your heart.

"Kourin asked me to bring her here. No idea why-ze." Marisa has this, sort of smug look on her face, as she pulls out a book from one of her big pockets. You recognise it. It's one of the books Rinnosuke was reading before he talked to you when you first arrived.

"Oh, Marisa. Stealing's bad, you know? Just like how you stole my precious thing~" Alice giggles.

"It's alright-ze! I'm just borrowing it... But i'm keeping your precious thing." Marisa laughs quite loudly at their joke combination.

"So, how did you get here, Alyssa?" Alice asks.


"Yup, definitely not dead. And you have two... death dates?" The woman looks at you and shrugs, before pulling her scythe to herself. "So, you don't know why you're here. I don't know too. I was sleeping for the past, uhh, three hours. Don't tell boss that." She laughs. You feel something ruffle in your pocket. As you pull the object out, the woman talks.

"So, if ya wanna meet my boss, who could like, uhh, tell you why and how you got here and stuff, I could send you there, Or I could drop ya off at where you can go back to not being dead land. Haha, if you know what I mean."

You pull out a note, and read it carefully.

Death can only hold one for so long, it's icy grasp cannot hold you forever, that is, unless you're half human and ghost, where you're trapped in a state of being completely between both borders. The cherry blossoms will gather around you. Find the only different color in the sea of pink.
(Youmu is in your heart. Find the butterfly which doesn't belong to Yuyuko, somewhere in the gardens.)
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 09:42:58 AM by Youkai Jesus »

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #45 on: August 09, 2011, 10:19:55 AM »
OOC: I didn't quite get the note. Also, haha, very funny name-dropping -_-

Alyssa stared at her note for a while, not quite catching what it was supposed to mean. It took her a while before her reaction kicked in and she realised they were talking to her.

"Oh... I'm sorry... Did you ask... how... I... got here?" Upon speaking the question again, a heavy feeling struck her as she realised what it was asking for. She recalled how she fell through the gash, a gash that seemed absolutely monstrous in nature as she was completely engulfed in it, being pulled to that little shophouse. "I... fell through a... portal." A word that she never expected to use in real life conversation. 'Portal' was a word reserved for the world of fantasy, a world that she now seemed to live in.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #46 on: August 09, 2011, 10:31:54 AM »
(OOC: I will use the reward later.)

Vante sighed. There was nothing to do now but sleep and wait for the morning to come.

He sat down on the futon that lay on the floor, placing his stick underneath it. Unmindful of the iPhone that was still in his pocket, he began to settle down in the bed. His eyes found the ceiling, and he stared at it like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Why was he here? Why was the "little bird" in the note important? Where was he, really?

Vante took a quick glance at his side. The aged wood reminded him a little of his childhood, when he would sometimes lie on the floor with only a mat separating his body from the cold tiles. But there was something different around here; he felt uneasy, as if someone was in the guest room staring at him.  Will anything be normal again, he asked himself.

It took a long time before he finally snoozed off.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2011, 01:21:05 PM »

You fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of the world outside, your daily, somewhat boring life... And your could-be-future...
What was tha-
You have been awakened from your little ditty, to hear explosions outside, sound that somewhat sound like from a sci-fi show. Crackling lightning of sorts. Burning. Fire. You run out of the makeshift house, and to your surprise and amazement, you are blinded by constant, flashing yellow and red lights. Eventually, you manage to open your eyes as they adapt to the light. You see Mokou and another girl. In the sky. Shooting at each other.

The other girl has a beautiful complexion that you can see from the light of the half-moon, wearing a long, silk-like robe that glistens in the light. This has to be Mokou's arch nemesis. Kaguya. The one who if you remember, comes from the moon. As Kaguya and Mokou exchange blows, you notice that they both arn't bleeding, and in further examination, their blood evaporates instantly in the air. Their wounds slowly heal. There's the constant sound of bone's breaking, but... They arn't affected in anyway... this can't be physically possible.

"Spell card!" Kaguya and Mokou say in union. "Immortal Bird! Flying Phoenix!" Mokou's body lights up on fire, eagle-like wings of pure, scarlet flames burst out of her back. The flames on her legs twist and spin, finally becoming talons. She lets loose a roar, that sounds almost exactly like how a phoenix would sound like. It's like an eagle's screech with a low growl, together. "New Impossible Request! Mysterium" Kaguya shouts...

As a gigantic, ball, filled will tens of who knows how many, blue, round bullet shaped objects surround her. They prepare to engage...


"Portal, you say? Did you see a long-haired blonde woman with a parasol and... weird clothing, my dear?" Alice's face seems to indicate genuine concern for you. It's weird, you just met the person. "I don't think Yukari did this-ze. I mean, why drop her off at Kourin's place?" Marisa interjects before you can say anything, again.

"It's just the main idea, Marisa. Yukari would do anything and everything. Sometimes for fun too." Alice sighs. "So, my dear, where did you come from?"

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #48 on: August 09, 2011, 01:45:34 PM »
Aesera gave a bow. "My name is Aesera. As I was just telling Suwako here, I don't really know where I am-Suwako said I'm from the 'outside world', but I don't really know what that means." She summarized what had happened. If gods and magic and all that exist here, it may not sound as crazy to them as it does to me.


  • Magical Pudding Sage
  • Fulfilling flan fantasies everywhere!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #49 on: August 09, 2011, 02:20:38 PM »
Gale stared at Orin for a moment.  He had no idea why she had four ears, but he decided to just let it go for now.  I'm just having a really, really weird dream.

"Uh, hello, Orin," he said.  His eyes drifted to her cat ears.

The note said something about a cat in my heart...why can't this dream just make sense?

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #50 on: August 09, 2011, 02:28:22 PM »
"Two death dates...?" ... Well that was more than a little confusing. Not more than the note, though. Half-ghost? Surely that's not possible...
"I think I would like to know where I am at least."

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #51 on: August 09, 2011, 03:43:57 PM »
Newan made a mental note to ask the tentacled girl where she got her cloaking device so he could study it and hopefully improve on it, then turned his attention to Nanaya. "Oh, I take it you're Nanaya? I'm Newan Kudo. I was talking to a girl with tentacles on her back, but then she vanished. Oh, um, sorry about falling on you earlier. I can understand you'd be startled if a person just fell out of the sky and landed on you like that."

Newan sighed as he explained. His original suspicions that this was a dream had returned, and this was way weirder than any other dream he had ever had. "So, the girl outside- I think she said her name was Byakuren- said something about how you and I are here for the same reason, but I shouldn't be here because nothing is happening. After that, she said to find you, because you'd be able to explain it more, or something like that. But really, if this is a dream, I'd rather just wake up now. If I'm not supposed to be here, I may as well just wake up and try sleeping again." Just as long as I don't have that other dream again... he added silently.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #52 on: August 09, 2011, 03:53:19 PM »
Alyssa tightly gripped Mira. She wondered if she should answer the question honestly, or fake an explanation. Who knows who this Yukari person was, perhaps going through her portal meant something. But still, these people seemed like they truly wanted to help, their faces seemed interested, and there was not at all a sense of artificiality. Although the fact that Alice was so interested made it seem as if they might be interested in something other than herself.

"I... I didn't see any weird lady..." Alyssa hugs Mira as she says the next line. "I came from the Royal Castle in England, the castle's library to be accurate." She knew this was a risky thing to say, being a person of such a status made it that people might see her differently, and in a world like this where things don't seem as they should, it might not have been the best of ideas to tell them something like this.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #53 on: August 10, 2011, 02:41:49 AM »

Alice listens intentively as you say that you're from some place called England. There's a glimmer of... surprise and such on her face when you mention the word "Royal" Well, you're guessing that they would now treat you better, maybe, maybe not. Marisa doesn't really react much, only looking quite bored indeed. she probably has no respect for you, yet. This world's confusing, isn't it? As you finish about the castle's library, the floating doll comes out from the kitchen with two cups of tea. Another, more french-like doll comes out with a cup of coffee. They serve the three of you. Tea for you and Alice, coffee for Marisa.

"So, It isn't Yukari. And you're like... a princess of some sort. Well, this makes it interesting..." Alice lifts up the teacup elegantly, taking a small sip before putting it down. The more, cute-looking doll suddenly plops on your head, bringing it's little legs up and down as it seems to listen in to the conversation. Marisa heartily gulps down the entire cup of coffee.

"Ahh, that hit da spot-ze!" Marisa exclaims, slouching down on the couch, not really caring much about your situation.

"So, you don't know why you're here and you're a little princess. Of course, we have to find out why you're here..." As Alice says this, the note glows in your hand. You should give it to Alice.

(The note from earlier means give Shanghai to Marisa while Alice is gone to receive a mushroom.)


"...Y-Yeah, I'm Nanaya. Nice to meet you... Newan." Katelin extends her hand out for you to shake it. You politely do so. "I wasn't startled that you fell out from the sky. That happens from time to time, and to normal humans too... rarely. I- It's just th-that..." You notice that she has pushed her head away to the right to avoid facing you directly. "Pervert." She mumbles.

"So... yeah... Uhh, You're from the outside, which is the world outside this place. Aka, our real world, where technology is everywhere and crap, where I used to play StarCraft 2 and stuff like that. It's going to be confusing to you at first, but you'll understand it later." Nanaya sighs, as she turns her head back to facing you. "Humans rarely are able to come here, and for them to somehow come, requires this land to either, be in danger, or to be pulled in after meeting a blonde woman with... really neat-looking clothes." Nanaya grips her hands together and starts to fiddle with her thumbs.

You have a utterly confused look on your face, but you are able to grasp the basic concept. Something ruffles in your pocket.

"You're not in a dream too. I don't know why you're here, but since you fell from the sky instead of suddenly appearing beside a wall or something, I doubt it's the latter." Nanaya starts walking to the main entrance. "Come, I'll show you about this world, called Gensokyo, and this certain place where I live. Myouren Temple."

You silently follow her as you pull out the note.

You shall seek one that seeks many. Seeker of the Seeker, she lies in your heart. The devil is coming.
(Nazrin is who you shall seek. Shinki's coming.)


"Erh? You're in hell." That surpurbly blunt sentence sends you staggering back, utterly shocked. Hell? This doesn't look like hell. Why are you here anyway? "So yeah, you're in the Higan. So now, tell me where ya' wanna go? I do have time to send you off before I have to..." She sighs. "Get back to work..."

"Oh, by the way, I'm Komachi. Nice'ta meet ya." She does some sort of hairflip that somewhat resembles Justin Bieber.


"Okku... Who's this?" Orin glares at you slightly, before looking back at Utsuho. You notice that you're surrounded by glowing blobs of white and blue. Astoundingly, you manage to ignore them quite well as they float around you, Orin and Utsuho.

"Unyu... He's a human I met in Hell!" Utsuho points in the direction of that blazing furnace you once stood in. Orin's shocked. Completely. Utterly. Her reaction's fast, grabbing you by the arm and throwing you to the floor.

"You! How did you survive the flames!? Wasn't it hot enough!? I thought that it's completely functional!" Orin's angry, and shocked. Your note glows in your hand.


"Oh, the outside...?" Kanako looks behind her, before turning back to the two of you. "Come in, come in. Let's talk inside." And with that, Kanako walks into the house, followed by Suwako and you. As you walk into the shrine, you realise that it's just like a modern-day house, just more japanese. Kanako takes a seat beside the glass dining table, in a, complicated sitting posture, as Suwako takes the seat next to her. You sit at the far back. Kanako claps her hands, and you hear the sweeping stop. "I'm Kanako Yasaka. God of this shrine."

You start explaining how you got here and such.

"So, from the outside erh? We were too. But anyway, this is Gensokyo, and the "outside" is just our normal world, where our Shrine maiden goes to school, and I drink beer all day. We're gods, so we don't have jobs... Hey, that rhymes!" Kanako says it, quite loudly.

Suwako Keros as a green-haired walks in with three cups of tea. "Oh, who're you?"

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Hakase Hakase Hakase!
  • Nano Nano Nano!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #54 on: August 10, 2011, 02:58:38 AM »
"Well... I'm not exactly a princess, just a noble." Alyssa takes a sip of her tea, almost mimicking Alice in her mannerisms. She looks at the little note in her hand, thinking of what it truly means. Suddenly, Alyssa notices that it starts to glow. It surprises her, and piques her curiousity. Perhaps Alice might have better luck with it, since they were in such a weirld world.

"Um... What do you think about this, Miss Alice?" Alyssa reluctantly passes the note to Alice. It would find more use in the hands of those who knew more about this world than she. She looks up from the corner of her eye and sees the two adorable doll feet shifting up and down. Alyssa then looks down at Mira, and then sighs in relief.

OOC: I've decided to remove the "Other" section where Mira might be sentient. I might decide to make a spirit possess her later, but for now she's just an adorable little doll.
Helloo world! Would you like a cookie?

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #55 on: August 10, 2011, 03:00:42 AM »
Newan blinked at her accusation. It's not like I did it on purpose... he thought, but decided that he shouldn't bring the matter back up.

Seek one that seeks? What is this, Seekception? And what's this about the devil? How did this get in my pocket, anyway? That's when something clicked in his head.

"Hold on. Myouren temple? As in, the Buddhist monk Myouren?" While he hadn't been in Japan very long, he had studied a good deal of Shinto and Buddhist stories and mythology, so he knew of a few mythological creatures and stories. Among these was the tale of Myouren, the Buddhist monk. "Hmm... I guess this underg- um, Gensokyo place knows about him too. Maybe it's more closely connected to Japan than I thought..."

(OOC: Yeah, I'm not sure whether I mentioned Newan's interest in Japanese mythology in this sign-up or Tir Na Nog's, but whatever.

A bit surprised at the whole Shinki thing, but I guess she has business with a certain Christ figure...)

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #56 on: August 10, 2011, 03:07:02 AM »
"And, uh... My name is Rhiseza. And... Do you know what this means, by chance?"
She holds out the note to Komachi. Maybe she'll get something a little clearer from her.
Or, given my luck, she'll be even more cryptic.


  • Magical Pudding Sage
  • Fulfilling flan fantasies everywhere!
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #57 on: August 10, 2011, 03:24:13 AM »
Gale looked up at Orin's angry face, confused.  That shock should've woken me up.  Why am I still dreaming?

"What do you mean, 'survive the flames?'  I was never in them!" Gale said, still pinned on the floor.  He saw no reason to fight back.  "I just...appeared on the cliff."  Wow.  It sounds even dumber when I say it.

He turned to the side and saw the glowing note.  "What...huh?" he muttered.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #58 on: August 10, 2011, 03:47:13 AM »
So she's Kanako. Looks the part of a god more than Suwako, certainly. Of course, that only shows that appearances can be deceptive. Anyways, this is good. A god has to be someone good to know. She might even be willing to aid me, although I'd assume she'd want something in return.

Aesera looked towards the newcommer. This must be Sanae. "My name is Aesera. I'm from the 'outside', at it seems you call it here."

Aesera turned back to Kanako. Okay, let's get this out there. "I think there are matters to attend to. My first instinctive desire, of course, is to get back to the world I'm from, but given what happened there, I don't know how much is left to go back to. And even if I did go back, there's no way to know it it's still happening or if it will happen again. So I think my first priority is to investigate, attempt to learn what exactly it was that happened and why. And given that the outside world doesn't believe something like that is possible, it would seem that Gensokyo is a better place to begin my investigation. But that brings up a problem, and I'm not referring to the fact that I have no idea where to start looking.

"You see, in the outside world, I'm quite capable of defending myself, but although I have seen little of Gensokyo, the mere existance of things such as gods and magic tells me that what I know would prove ineffective here. I realize that it may seem sudden that I'm saying something like this so soon after meeting you, but then, you are a god, so now that I think about it, you probably get asked for things by people you haven't met at all. Anyways, to get to the point, if I am going to investigate what happened, I will need to travel throughout Gensokyo, and if I am going to do that, it seems likely that I will need some variety of power. So I would like to ask if you could, in whatever manner, grant me power.

"Now, I understand that you would want something from me in exchange, so please, name your price. I will, of course, need to know what it is before agreeing to it, but there is very little that I am unwilling to do. So please, tell me what your price would be."

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
« Reply #59 on: August 10, 2011, 04:49:38 AM »

"Yeah," Nanaya talks while walking towards the entrance, you following behind her. "Byakuren's... deceased younger brother. Hes's a legend in Japan, but he...was real enough." Nanaya lets out a fake laugh, before walking out the large door. "And, Gensokyo's inside Japan." You now stand next to her, the sun shining down on you. Byakuren's still standing further out, waiting for her guest that she said she was having. The sweeping girl with weird hair and ears looks at you, smiles and starts waving.

"That's Kyouko. She's new here, so treat her well." You wave back. "In the land of Gensokyo, there are many things that you would'nt believe possible, everything from fantasy novels comes in here, I guess." Nanaya sighs.


Alice takes the note in hand, reading it... She seems captivated by it, as if it's completely new, so alien, so interesting, mysterious... The note glows blue, brighter and brighter. Marisa and Alice don't seem to notice the glow, only you can... Slowly, the room is completely engulfed in the blue light... Alice and you close your eyes at the same time, envisioning a field of black death, before slowly reversing to reveal grass growing, trees, the sun, rivers, animals... You and Alice open your eyes, the world around you swirling together, crystals rupture from the ground, forming a dome shape above the two of you. Blue Lightning bursts from the tip, sweeping the two of you up into the air, surrounding the two of you like a tornado as your bodies flux together, combining, before snapping apart. It ends and everything's back to normal...

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Links have been made. Alice is now your chosen Touhou. Death of one would mean death of two.

-Achievement GET!
-Artful Sacrifice(EASY)
-Use Now?


Komachi takes a look at the note, before handing it back to you, getting on her boat with her Scythe. "So, to Hakugyokurou it is. Top speed, as requested. You arn't dead yet anyway, so you can't see your life." You have no idea what she just said. She beacons to you, and you slowly make your way onto the boat, and instintively grab on tight to the wooden side of it. "Let's go. This will be one hell of a ride." And off you go. In about ten seconds of speeding past countless fields of blood-red flowers, coins and such, you reach a white light as it engulfs the boat as you two move forward, into the light...

"Seeya" You hear Komachi say... As you fall off the river onto a bed of Cherry Pedals.


The note flies to Orin, and she grabs it, scanning through it, fast... slower... slower... her eyes now fixated ont he note, her face shows no more of that anger and confusion that once plagued her mind. Orin stands from pinning you, and you gasp for air. Eventually, you stand, next to Utsuho as Orin keeps staring at the note. It glows red, brighter... Brighter... Utsuho's eye glows and starts pulsing. She falls to the floor, unconscious. You hear a squeal from your back, but as you turn behind, you see nothing. The red light shines throughout the entire hall, through the stained glass windows, through the marble-like floor. Everything is becoming transparent. It's...

You and Orin close your eyes, and imagine yourselves surrounded by the suffering of people who are slowly being devoured by a weird, tentacled darkness. Gaping maws filled with rows and rows of teeth surround you, with red, strip-like eyes emitting bloody lightning. As the two of you open your eyes, you feel like you're being watched from all around you. Eyes close in around you, and finally, a yellow beam from bellow the three of you cracks the earth, and shoots up into the sky, cutting through the roof. You and Orin spin around in the beam, your bodies mixing, half and half, before snapping apart. You fall flat on the ground and Orin lets go of the note. It flies back into your hand.

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Connection is now ready. Orin is your chosen Touhou. Death of one would be Death of two.

-Achievement GET!
-Nuclear-Induced Insanity(EASY)
-Use Now?


Sanae quietly puts the three cups infront of you, Kanako and Suwako, before stepping back. Such a good girl.

"Oh, so you want to find out why you're here, how did you get here, and that you want to go back? You do know that that's not an easy task to accomplish, given that Gensokyo is more... Fantastic then a normal human from the outside could imagine." Kanako drinks the tea, before looking at the fridge at the corner. Sanae knows she wants beer, but she has a guest, so, Sanae doesn't give her what she wants. "Tsh."

Suwako listens in to what's happening, while the eyes of that hat STARE INTO YOUR SOUL.

"Well well, you want power? Such a straightforward and blunt question. No, more like demand." Kanako chuckles. "No. That's my answer. In Gensokyo, although almost everyone has the power to at least... make energy visible... There is no way that someone could, like, transfer energy or give energy to another. There won't be a price, because even as a God, there are things that I cannot do. I am not Oh almighty Christ like how people are now believing in the Outside. I'm just one of the many gods that inhabit this land."

So, you're at a dead end. But as you start to let your sorry heart overcome yourself, the note in your hand glows. It floats to Kanako. She grabs it, and starts reading it.

"My my, you're in for a treat, girl. Looks like I'll be helping you. An old friend of mine just asked for me to accompan-" Kanako freezes, the note glows blue, the words are now gone, as the note floats away from her hand. Suwako and Sanae are turning grey... No, not only them, everything is... What is this...? Kanako gets off the chair and stands in the middle of the room. A thousand, rainbow-colored, needle-like objects are generated from her body. Crystals, green in color totally devastate the ground around the shrine, slowly coming inward, as you and Kanako close your eyes, you see the universe in one, the milky way, going further and further, then screams. Horrifying screams of despair. The void of space bursts right in your mind. A red object expands where the Milky way once was... You and Kanako open your eyes from shock, the green crystals surrounding you, reflecting lights across the area, the light spinning around you, like that warp from star trek. Your bodies mix, and split. Everything's back to normal... Kanako's visibly stunned.

Your Chaotic and Spiritual Connection is established. Kanako is your Chosen Touhou. The Death of One would mean the Death of Two.

Achievement GET!
-As Resolute as the Mountains...
-Use Now?

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.