Author Topic: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.  (Read 59287 times)


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #120 on: October 17, 2011, 10:07:40 PM »
Yeah I kinda freaked out because god damn, those sorority girls HURT.

Anyway, More on the ML- Having it high is the only way to allow all items to drop. 1 on allows a booze item to drop, 2 on allows a potion to drop, and 3 on allows an equip to drop, if I were to guess.

Either way, the ML has benefits- But I'd reccomend trying to turn it down before you finish up your own adventures!

Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #121 on: October 18, 2011, 06:53:37 PM »
Remember all those skill books that are too awesome to use because you have to perm them or lose them?

Skill books from limited-time events now turn into non-tradable used versions instead of vanishing.

Lunch breaks for all!


Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #122 on: October 18, 2011, 06:57:41 PM »
Whoa, whoa. What. Wait.

Does that mean they're reusable now? o___________________o

Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #123 on: October 18, 2011, 07:02:37 PM »
Does that mean they're reusable now? o___________________o


Still gonna have to perm them eventually if you want 'em for HC (or even really speedy SC since you probably don't wanna use pulls for them all the time), but in the meantime you can enjoy them in aftercore forever and ever! (The Traveling Trader books still require being the correct class to use, though, at least when new, I can't really check used without ascending so my Pastamancer one I just bought is used and I'm something different =P)


Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #124 on: October 18, 2011, 07:05:07 PM »
Oooh, neat! :D

Well then, I should try to get as many of those books before their prices skyrocket then. ~

EDIT: Done. Grabbed all of them except for the Crimbo Carols, Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy (I already used the one I had long ago :<), and the ones I already had.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 07:14:44 PM by Matsuringo Oginome »

Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #125 on: October 18, 2011, 07:12:59 PM »
Well then, I should try to get as many of those books before their prices skyrocket then. ~

I dunno, if anything I'd expect them to go down a smidge, since it means no one ever needs more than one. I mean, they'll still keep gradually going up over time as there's fewer in the system, but I don't expect them to go way up either.


Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #126 on: October 18, 2011, 07:16:07 PM »
Eh, I suppose so. Either way, I've collected pretty much all of them now, so yay reusables \o/

The only one that set me back a bit was Inigo's Incantation o(ry anyway. The rest are fairly inexpensive.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 07:23:20 PM by Matsuringo Oginome »


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #127 on: October 19, 2011, 04:09:23 PM »
>Crimbo Carols

I want a full set even more than ever now christ. I am meatfarming the moment the haunted house is over.

I think it's the only limited edition book I lack, too.

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #128 on: October 24, 2011, 07:05:39 PM »
Oh man, Arashi, Chaore, UK, all you folks, you are just burning up that sorority house. :D


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #129 on: October 24, 2011, 07:42:16 PM »

Tonight I'll be doing my solo run of the haunted house! Please to not be doing anything in it while I do that. (There might be an instance that needs clean up before I go though, check the IRC! It's not hard to use webchat, and we're in #maidensofloathing!)

Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #130 on: October 24, 2011, 08:13:08 PM »
Please to not be doing anything in it while I do that.

Well, I set up a user level for soloing dungeons (it's got no permissions aside from stash and adventuring/administrating Haunted House and also Slime Tube 'cause I wanna keep it around in case anyone else wants to solo stuff ever =P). I'll turn off adventure permission to all other user levels once current instance is cleared, gimme a head-up when you're done so I can promote you back up and let other levels adventure again. =P


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #131 on: October 25, 2011, 07:58:18 AM »
Cission Momplete, in 422 adventures! I have 200 to throw at further shenanigans tomorrow =D


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #132 on: October 25, 2011, 08:19:28 PM »
Important stats:
22 Ghost Traps used
18 Shotgun Shells used
25 Funhouse Mirrors used
26 Chainsaw Chains used
72 Staff Guides Used (I screwed up a couple)
Damage while punching vampires: 198 (+26) (+26) (+41) (+74) (+26)
Damage on First Form of Bromancer:  702 (+63) (+63) (+93) (+127) (+63)
Damage on Horde:  5029580 damage. Hadouken! (This was over 1,000,000 turns of Salamanderinity)
Damage on Second Form of Bromancer:  (Unrecorded D:)
10 Coolers Out of Space
The Necbromancer's Stein
The Necbronomicon


Oct 24 23:32:17 <UncertainKitten>   It was...a dark and stormy night. Well, it wasn't actually, in fact it's a quite clear evening, but that has little bearing on our story :|
Oct 24 23:33:13 <UncertainKitten>   An Initiate of the Surprising Fist approaches the dojo with trepidation, but swallows her fear...
Oct 24 23:33:34 <UncertainKitten>   She steps in the courtyard, and is immediately greeted by a wizened turtle that looks up at her, as if to say "follow me"
Oct 24 23:34:14 <UncertainKitten>   The turtle leads her to the entrance (slowly, of course)...a bolt of lightning cracks as she pushes open the wooden panel...
Oct 24 23:34:25 <UncertainKitten>   Probably some sauceror messing with forces they can't understand :|
Oct 24 23:34:54 <UncertainKitten>   A shadowy room awaits her, briefly lit up periodically with what appears to be flame, revealing a female figure in the darkness!
Oct 24 23:35:08 <UncertainKitten>   You notice her look up at the next gout of flame
Oct 24 23:35:30 <UncertainKitten>   "What is it, child of the Fist?" she says, in an old, wizened voice
Oct 24 23:35:52 <UncertainKitten>   The initiate gulps and says "You know...that voice isn't fooling anyone!"
Oct 24 23:36:24 <UncertainKitten>   The flames pause! "Oh, fine, geez, I try to be dramatic, Sakura, and you have to ruin everything!" a much more youthful voice, replies, in about her mid 20s
Oct 24 23:37:01 <UncertainKitten>   The figure steps over and turns on a light switch, revealing an ecletically garbed Turtle Tamer repeatedly doing her Salamander Kata
Oct 24 23:37:15 <UncertainKitten>   She has an impressive red aura around her by this point
Oct 24 23:37:20 <UncertainKitten>   "So, what is it anyway?"
Oct 24 23:37:46 <UncertainKitten>   Sakura responds after a proper bow to this Master of the Surprising Fist "I hear...that it's back"
Oct 24 23:38:16 <UncertainKitten>   "Oh, what, again? Fine, I guess I better get my stuff together..."
Oct 24 23:38:30 <UncertainKitten>   "Do you want me to call the others?"
Oct 24 23:38:38 <UncertainKitten>   "No...this time...I'll face him...alone"
Oct 25 00:08:15 <UncertainKitten>   Uncertainkitten, Master of the surprising fist, knew that she'd need to prepare for a long night. After eating many foods, with dangerous implements nearly as firey as herself, she headed down to the city of Hobos, Hobopolis
Oct 25 00:08:42 <UncertainKitten>   She looked around for the marketplace, punching hobos left and right until she found it, and then soon realized she couldn't actually understand the squiggles without her binder!
Oct 25 00:09:13 <UncertainKitten>   Blushing bashfully, she took it in hand as well as a lawn dart, and proceeded into the market to buy some of the greatest food and drink she's ever tasted
Oct 25 00:09:58 <UncertainKitten>   She found the drink area fine, and consumed Arthur Finn's World-Record Homebrew Stout, which invigorated her greatly!
Oct 25 00:10:17 <UncertainKitten>   She felt stronger, more awake...ready to deal with the necromancing menace in the haunted sorority house
Oct 25 00:10:49 <UncertainKitten>   She then proceeded to the food stand for a protein shake but...was puzzled when she couldn't find Big Merv!
Oct 25 00:11:05 <UncertainKitten>   She shrugged and got another frozen banquet, eaten with another one of those firey salad forks
Oct 25 00:11:25 <UncertainKitten>   Tossing aside the implements in her hands...she found her way to...the haunted sorority house!
Oct 25 00:15:50 <UncertainKitten>   As she approaches, she searches for that stack of staff guides she found on her way to the basement with the directions to the house...after reading it, she makes her way to the attic, finding a variety of interesting things
Oct 25 00:16:25 <UncertainKitten>   First a mimeograph she quickly uses to make more copies of staff guides, and she approaches the pile of broken appliances when...suddenly, she hears something
Oct 25 00:16:53 <UncertainKitten>   There's a banging noise picking up nearby...
Oct 25 00:16:58 <UncertainKitten>   She cautiously approaches it...
Oct 25 00:17:25 *   Anemone-Matsuri reaches into bag of infinite popcorn, joins the audience
Oct 25 00:17:43 <UncertainKitten>   After a twisting maze of cardboard boxes that she navigates by listening for the banging, she's nearly deafened as another one reports just a few feet away!
Oct 25 00:18:20 <UncertainKitten>   There's a frat boy with a shot gun, being menaced by a pack of cheerleading werewolves! Thinking quickly, Uncertainkitten fishes in her pocket for a silver shotgun shell, throwing it to the fratboy!
Oct 25 00:18:57 <UncertainKitten>   After a tense moment as the werewolves realize what just got thrown to the frat boy, a deafening bang occurs, and the bullet tears through the entire pack
Oct 25 00:19:07 <UncertainKitten>   "Shoulda shaved those pits, ladies," the fratboy sneers, as he re-pops his collar.
Oct 25 00:19:17 <UncertainKitten>   Uncertainkitten rolls her eyes, and continues exploring the house
Oct 25 00:19:57 <UncertainKitten>   Taking out another guide (she dropped the first one in surprise when she saw the werewolves), she decides to explore the main floor
Oct 25 00:20:46 <UncertainKitten>   There appear to be several room choices. Having eaten so much, she steers away from the dining room though, and ops to explore the closet, from which she hears a faint rattling
Oct 25 00:21:11 <UncertainKitten>   The door opens with a groan, that's echoed by UncertainKitten as she finds SKELETONS!
Oct 25 00:21:17 <UncertainKitten>   The groan would be at the implied joke
Oct 25 00:21:59 <UncertainKitten>   Unsurprised (for she is a master of the surprising fist), she steps back as they surge forward, pulling a funhouse mirror from her backpack (don't ask us how she fits things there, must be an ancient technique or something)
Oct 25 00:22:32 <UncertainKitten>   Anguished at their distorted figures, they wail and collapse, and UncertainKitten chuckles at their vanity
Oct 25 00:23:14 <UncertainKitten>   She searches for her staff guide again, seeing as she put it in her bag to show the girls their "figures", but is distressed as she can't find it
Oct 25 00:23:19 <UncertainKitten>   Grumbling, she pulls out another from her pocket
Oct 25 00:23:52 <UncertainKitten>   She considers heading to the basement, but knows there's absolutely nothing of interest there. At all.
Oct 25 00:24:15 <UncertainKitten>   She instead sighs and enters the dining room, trying to hold down her gorge at the thought of more food
Oct 25 00:25:05 <UncertainKitten>   She hears a faint groaning as she approaches, and opens the door hesitantly, and immediately notices a frat boy in gray coveralls and a stupid looking mask standing on a dining room table with a chain saw that doesn't appear to work
Oct 25 00:26:01 <UncertainKitten>   Ah, the folly of weapons, UncertainKitten thinks, but smiles as she pulls out a chainsaw blade quickly and throws it at a zombie, tearing into her skull
Oct 25 00:26:20 <UncertainKitten>   The frat boy jumps down and retrieves it, thanking UncertainKitten as he starts up his chainsaw
Oct 25 00:26:25 <UncertainKitten>   The engine starts up with a roar when he pulls the ripcord, and geysers of arterial blood fountain nearly to the ceiling as he begins decapitating the zombies with an exuberant cry of "Hail to the king, baby!"
Oct 25 00:26:50 <UncertainKitten>   UncertainKitten steps out, preferring her outfit not to get covered with blood, shaking her head at the frat boy
Oct 25 00:27:12 <UncertainKitten>   Anyway, she continues exploring the house, taking out zombies, skeletons, and werewolves left and right
Oct 25 00:29:03 <UncertainKitten>   UncertainKitten gets ready to deal with more werewolves in the attic, before noticing two strange things
Oct 25 00:29:25 <UncertainKitten>   One, there's no banging...and two, there seems to be a faint music playing...but it's far to quiet to discern what it is
Oct 25 00:29:33 <UncertainKitten>   Looking around, she spots a boom box, which she turns up curiously
Oct 25 00:29:38 <UncertainKitten>   Oh, it's spooky sound effects...
Oct 25 00:29:45 <UncertainKitten>   Despite knowing the source, she feels a chill down her spine...
Oct 25 00:29:46 <UncertainKitten>   Spoooooooky
Oct 25 00:34:07 <UncertainKitten>   UncertainKitten makes another trip up to the attic...that frat boy seems to find himself constantly in trouble!
Oct 25 00:34:30 <UncertainKitten>   She hears the now familiar banging of the gun as she winds her way through the boxes, having memorized the path
Oct 25 00:34:42 <UncertainKitten>   She looks around for the frat boy and werewolves but...fails to see either!
Oct 25 00:35:11 <UncertainKitten>   She still hears the banging though, and wonders what it could be coming from. With a quick search, she finds it's just a shudder on one of the attic's exterior windows
Oct 25 00:35:16 <UncertainKitten>   With a shrug, she leaves the basement
Oct 25 00:39:51 <UncertainKitten>   At one point when UncertainKitten approaches the house, chainsaw chain in hand, she notices someone in the distance pointing a bow and arrow at her!
Oct 25 00:40:33 <UncertainKitten>   She tries to dodge as the arrow is loosed, but it seeks her, planting itself firmly in her side. Rather than feeling injured though, she feels further invigorated!
Oct 25 00:40:57 <UncertainKitten>   There is a note attached to the arrow: "Thought you might need this, Master - Randomeh"
Oct 25 00:41:09 <UncertainKitten>   With a smile, she pulls the arrow out and puts it in her bag, and proceeds!
Oct 25 00:43:23 <UncertainKitten>   With a smirk, UncertainKitten approaches the dining room once again to see how many brains she can help serve.
Oct 25 00:43:45 <UncertainKitten>   To her surprise, there is merely a bowl of peeled grapes on the table...
Oct 25 00:43:50 <UncertainKitten>   Oh, and a bowl of cold cooked spaghetti
Oct 25 00:43:52 <UncertainKitten>   How childish
Oct 25 00:44:27 <UncertainKitten>   Then her glance reaches the end of the table. There are the remains of a frat boy with his stomach torn out, his intestines spilling out onto the floor in a bloody tangle
Oct 25 00:45:11 <UncertainKitten>   UncertainKitten cringes but does what she must, carrying the frat boy's body out for a proper burial, doing a chant of gentle repose so that he may reincarnate as something nice on the great wheel of life
Oct 25 00:45:20 <UncertainKitten>   Maybe a knob goblin!
Oct 25 00:45:45 <UncertainKitten>   Laying a single beer on his burial site, she steels herself to reenter the house
Oct 25 00:53:12 <UncertainKitten>   UncertainKitten once again approaches the closet, mirror at the ready. Those dumb sorority girls never learn, do they? It's a shame they didn't learn something useful, like martial arts. UncertainKitten fondly remembers her own Master, the famous Dynamite Superman Jones, who was so adept at kung fu fighting, that he was fast as lightning. It was a little bit frightening, but he taught her expert timing, which aided her discipline in the Way of the Surprising Fist
Oct 25 00:53:50 <UncertainKitten>   Shaking her head, having no time for such reminiscing, she approaches the closet, throwing open the door, gasping as she finds...coats
Oct 25 00:54:04 <UncertainKitten>   For good measure she punches a couple but there are very clearly no skeletons here
Oct 25 00:54:10 <UncertainKitten>   ...those coats will need repairs though
Oct 25 00:54:34 <UncertainKitten>   She closes the closet with a sigh. Her task is not done yet...there remain ghosts and vampires in this dark place...
Oct 25 00:55:55 <UncertainKitten>   She pulls several objects from her back, various potions she quaffs greedily, seeming to fade into near nonexistance as she puts on her headphones and ring, and rubs rock salt under her armpits
Oct 25 00:56:16 <UncertainKitten>   Humming a soft tune, she seems to fade out even more
Oct 25 00:57:16 <UncertainKitten>   She then quaffs a few elixirs, seeming to become much stronger, and much more attractive!
Oct 25 00:57:42 <UncertainKitten>   Doing a couple test punches, and injuring the air in the process, she starts wandering through the house!
Oct 25 00:58:26 <UncertainKitten>   She first wanders into a ghost, a faded apparition of a sorority orc in a sexy journalist outfit
Oct 25 00:58:50 <UncertainKitten>   She approaches, saying "oooh, what would you say is the spooooooookiest part of this house?"
Oct 25 00:59:19 <UncertainKitten>   Not wanting to be assailed by dumb questions, UncertainKitten withdraws a ghost trap and activates it, causing the ghost and several others to be sucked in as she steps back
Oct 25 00:59:47 <UncertainKitten>   "Like... noooooooooo!" she screams, but this is quickly replaced by a silence. UncertainKitten smirks, satisfied as she continues on
Oct 25 00:59:56 <UncertainKitten>   Oh, she also picks up a staff guide
Oct 25 01:00:31 <UncertainKitten>   She then finds herself in the main room again, and looks towards the windows
Oct 25 01:01:07 <UncertainKitten>   Moonlight filters through the windows, because despite the sorority girls' efforts to cover them up with black construction paper, they left the windows open
Oct 25 01:01:29 <UncertainKitten>   Rolling her eyes at their stupidity, she closes the windows and a chill runs down her spine
Oct 25 01:01:47 <UncertainKitten>   Mucccccch spooooookier...this is a much more appropriate atmosphere
Oct 25 01:02:03 <UncertainKitten>   She turns around to see a vampire facing her!
Oct 25 01:02:54 <UncertainKitten>   "Oh, need anything? Wine cooler or something?"
Oct 25 01:03:06 <UncertainKitten>   Er, says UncertainKitten non chalantly
Oct 25 01:03:22 <UncertainKitten>   "I never drink wine . . . coolers," replies the vampire, launching herself at UncertainKitten's throat
Oct 25 01:03:28 <UncertainKitten>   "How about a Knuckle Sandwich then!"
Oct 25 01:03:52 <UncertainKitten>   Deftly sidestepping the lunge, UncertainKitten punches the vampire in the mouth, shattering her fangs!
Oct 25 01:06:16 <UncertainKitten>   The vampire falls to the ground, beaten and bruised as UncertainKitten dusts off
Oct 25 01:06:22 <UncertainKitten>   "Well...I guess that sucks for you"
Oct 25 01:06:32 <UncertainKitten>   She says, sauntering off. Her fight has begun
Oct 25 01:07:30 <UncertainKitten>   She heads down into the basement, punching a few more vampires and catching a few ghosts on the way
Oct 25 01:08:16 <UncertainKitten>   She comes upon a fog machine, putting out soft gouts of fog, but nothing spooky at all.
Oct 25 01:08:43 <UncertainKitten>   Can't these girls do anything right? Even if the fog juice is a rip off, there's no point going in a halfway, that's just completely wasteful
Oct 25 01:09:00 <UncertainKitten>   As a firm tenant of her teachings being "waste not want not", she turns up the fog machine
Oct 25 01:09:23 <UncertainKitten>   She coughs as the foul smelling fog fills the air, and shivers as the atmosphere is as spooky as it can get...
Oct 25 01:09:30 <UncertainKitten>   This is gonna get dangerous...
Oct 25 01:09:54 <UncertainKitten>   She runs into another ghost that she traps quickly before making her way back upstairs
Oct 25 01:10:36 <UncertainKitten>   She punches through more vampires, finding them much tougher than they were before, even against her fearsome drunk baby style!
Oct 25 01:11:43 <UncertainKitten>   She switches to straight fighting, using her mixed martial arts to demonstrate some true Kung Fu Fighting
Oct 25 01:12:26 <UncertainKitten>   Once in awhile, her familiar, a pair of stomping boots crushes a vampire to paste. It's a bit grisly, but one must do what they have to...
Oct 25 01:34:44 <UncertainKitten>   UncertainKitten once again finds herself wandering in the basement, and then finds herself surrounded by vampires
Oct 25 01:35:03 <UncertainKitten>   "Like, welcome to our lair, right?" one purrs as she wiggles up to you. "Let us introduce you to the pleasures of the night. And stuff."
Oct 25 01:35:21 <UncertainKitten>   She looks at the girl oddly, but knows she's in a bad position idea alights upon her though!
Oct 25 01:35:35 <UncertainKitten>   "Okay," she says, nonchalantly, "wanna play a board game? I've got Settlers of Cataan."
Oct 25 01:35:51 <UncertainKitten>   Looks of disgust pass the girls' faces as they slink back to their coffins
Oct 25 01:35:55 <Shadoweh>   They died of boredom.
Oct 25 01:36:07 <UncertainKitten>   "Ugh, get lost, nerd,"
Oct 25 01:36:12 *   UncertainKitten shrugs
Oct 25 01:36:14 <UncertainKitten>   "Your loss"
Oct 25 01:36:24 <UncertainKitten>   She stalks back up the stairs to punch more vampires
Oct 25 01:36:50 <UncertainKitten>   She notices on her way up that she hasn't run into any ghosts for awhile
Oct 25 01:37:00 <UncertainKitten>   With a light chuckle she says "Well...I suppose they didn't stand...a ghost of a chance"
Oct 25 01:37:07 <UncertainKitten>   She immediately cringes afterwards for making such a bad joke
Oct 25 01:37:11 <UncertainKitten>   "I think I'll just move on"
Oct 25 01:54:57 <UncertainKitten>   Breathing heavily, UncertainKitten punches the lights out of her 100th vampire with her fists still covered in what practically looks like a rave of elemental energy...
Oct 25 01:55:14 <UncertainKitten>   However, the horde of vampires surrounding her hardly seems to be thinning at all!
Oct 25 01:55:43 <UncertainKitten>   The Initiate that approached her to tell her of this house suddenly runs up behind her!
Oct 25 01:55:53 <UncertainKitten>   "Here! I dub thee Employee of the Month!"
Oct 25 01:55:56 <UncertainKitten>   She rushes off again
Oct 25 01:56:25 <UncertainKitten>   UncertainKitten looks puzzledly at her, but lets the commendation sink in. Hey, that's kinda neat! She feels stronger, faster, smarter...and ready to punch hundreds of vampires in the face!
Oct 25 02:11:32 <UncertainKitten>   UncertainKitten continues punching her way through the vampire horde, her fists becoming raw against the flesh of these dark creatures of the night.
Oct 25 02:11:48 <UncertainKitten>   The horde seems to be thinning, she can see the door to the source of this evil in the distance...
Oct 25 02:12:04 <UncertainKitten>   An opening appears and she rushes towards it, only to be blocked by two particularly nasty looking vampires
Oct 25 02:13:16 <UncertainKitten>   With a heavy sigh, and sweat pouring from her brow, she enters her martial arts stance when SUDDENLY, Arashi, a fellow Master of the Surprising Fist slides by. Wait...that's not Arashi, that's Altrashi, her twin! She tosses vials of stuff at UncertainKitten, who drinks them greedily, becoming much stronger and faster
Oct 25 02:13:46 <UncertainKitten>   "Thanks! I needed that!" She replies as she floors the vampires, but finds herself surrounded again with no end in sight. Altrashi nods, leaving the area as quickly as she came!
Oct 25 02:32:51 <UncertainKitten>   Her muscles fading, and her speed dropping, UncertainKitten practically falls to one knee as she punches the final vampire out. The way to the Necbromancer is finally clear...
Oct 25 02:33:18 <UncertainKitten>   However, one would be foolish to go in unprepared. She pulls out a veritable pharmacy of potions as she prepares, to sharpen her vision and to increase her strength
Oct 25 02:34:09 <UncertainKitten>   She also changes her clothes, donning a straw hat, the shorts she obtained from the last time she fought the 'bromancer, a frosty halo, her war medal from long ago, when she destroyed two armies, and a monocle she got from an irritating rat...
Oct 25 02:48:26 <UncertainKitten>   Her many potions consumed, and her spleen filled to bursting, she busts into the Necbromancer's room!
Oct 25 02:49:14 <UncertainKitten>   Chilled by his icy stare, she returns it levelly regardless. "So, I'm supposed to say something dramatic here about how your evil deeds will be put to an end, but honestly, I just felt like kicking someone's ass"
Oct 25 02:50:35 <UncertainKitten>   The necbromancer chuckles malevolently. "Oh, s'that all bra? Well, you've drunk a bit more than you can handle, bra!"
Oct 25 02:51:05 <UncertainKitten>   He quickly casts a spell, frightening UncertainKitten a little, but she shakes it off and punches him in the face
Oct 25 02:51:32 <UncertainKitten>   It's a hard punch, shattering his jaw and covering him in elemental energy!
Oct 25 02:52:24 <UncertainKitten>   With a simple gesture, the Necbromancer draws the warmth from UncertainKitten's body, but she merely turns up her immense aura of heat!
Oct 25 02:52:50 <UncertainKitten>   She moves elegantly into kneeing the Necbromancer in the spleen, causing him to choke up a beer tab
Oct 25 02:52:56 <UncertainKitten>   "Heeey, thanks bra, I was wonderin where that went!"
Oct 25 02:53:13 <UncertainKitten>   Another giant paddle appears, not as frightening this time
Oct 25 02:53:27 <UncertainKitten>   "Don't you know any other tricks, you dark magician?" UncertainKitten replies
Oct 25 02:53:46 <UncertainKitten>   She follows up by two karate chops to his neck, rattling his skull a little
Oct 25 02:54:24 <UncertainKitten>   He slumps a little upon this, and mutters a few words, then stares UncertainKitten with eyes that glow an unearthly color. She steps back slightly, a little disturbed
Oct 25 02:54:47 <UncertainKitten>   But it's just to set up the stance for a Dragon Kidney kick, which the Necbromancer responds to with an oof!
Oct 25 02:55:23 <UncertainKitten>   He continues staring at her with those unearthly eyes, but she refocuses her chi, rapidly trampling him with kicks, flattening him to the ground
Oct 25 02:55:34 <UncertainKitten>   He raises his foul face to the sky, screams "WEAK, BRO!", and falls over backwards, his hands clutching at the earth.
Oct 25 02:55:47 *   UncertainKitten tenses as the earth shakes...
Oct 25 02:56:11 <UncertainKitten>   The ground splits beneath the Necbromancer, cracks radiating from where his fists grip handfuls of dirt. As the cracks get bigger, you see a horde of skeletons waiting just below the earth. They begin to trickle out, then pour forth from the wounded earth.
Oct 25 02:56:35 *   UncertainKitten regards them stoically, then focuses her flaming aura...
Oct 25 02:56:57 <UncertainKitten>   "Burn in the hell from whence you came! ...wait, that sounds kinda dramatic. I mean...uh...die a fiery death! Or undeath! Whatever!"
Oct 25 02:57:00 <UncertainKitten>   FLYING FIRE FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIST!
Oct 25 02:57:57 <UncertainKitten>   The skeletons are incinerated quickly, and UncertainKitten pants as such a large amount of power leaves her, her aura returning to a smaller, placid green.
Oct 25 02:58:30 <UncertainKitten>   As she gets ready to rest, something crawls out from under the bones...
Oct 25 02:58:45 <UncertainKitten>    The Necbromancer's gnarled hand reaches up from the bone pile, grasping and clenching. Then, in an explosion of tibiae, fibulae, patellae, and paella, he rockets from the pile and hovers above it, breathing heavily.
Oct 25 02:58:45 <UncertainKitten>    "Did you think that it would be so easy?" he asks. "Let's finish this, bro. I've got a date with a couple of chicks tonight: your mom and your sister."
Oct 25 02:59:05 <UncertainKitten>   "Your jocular humor has little effect on me. Here, have some ICE with your vodka!"
Oct 25 03:00:36 <UncertainKitten>   She pulls a sheet of paper from her bag, and starts...singing?
Oct 25 03:00:46 <UncertainKitten>   "Things are good between us, now,
Oct 25 03:00:46 <UncertainKitten>   There's nothing that we miss,
Oct 25 03:00:46 <UncertainKitten>   I have given you my vow
Oct 25 03:00:46 <UncertainKitten>   We'll always be like this."
Oct 25 03:01:03 <UncertainKitten>   It's a LOVE SONG, and the black heart of the Necbromancer breaks!
Oct 25 03:01:28 <UncertainKitten>   Shattered in two, the Necbromancer falls to his knees, turning to dust and being blown away, despite the fact UncertainKitten was fighting him indoors
<Bonus content from here because I was tired last night and didn't do the ending right>
A Stein, 10 wine coolers, and most importantly, the Necbronomicon drop from the Necbromancer's remains. UncertainKitten cautiously approached it, cracking it open to read the eldritch runes within. Necromantic power grabs her, causing her to fall flat on her back, unbreathing...Could this be her final adventure?
Oct 25 03:02:12 <UncertainKitten>, not really, she gets up like 5 minutes later and gets her loot
Oct 25 03:02:21 <UncertainKitten>   "Well, that's over!"
Oct 25 03:02:37 <UncertainKitten>   She leaves the haunted house as it explodes for no apparent reason, and is smart enough not to look back, and walk away slowly

Hopefully anyone who's read that won't be too scarred for life at my writing skill or lack thereof :P.


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
    • Animu List
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #134 on: October 25, 2011, 09:29:44 PM »
I forgot that I haven't distributed Ol' Scratch's stuff =O
Who wants the infernal pitchfork and the ash can?

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #135 on: October 25, 2011, 09:33:29 PM »
Fill out the damn loot sheet >=|


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #136 on: October 26, 2011, 04:14:17 AM »
I forgot that I haven't distributed Ol' Scratch's stuff =O
Who wants the infernal pitchfork and the ash can?
(srorry for spelling errso i'm pretty thoroguhly drguged at the moment)

I already won the pickhfork from an earlier hobopolis run, but I would not turn down the ash c an if you would part with that :O


Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #137 on: October 30, 2011, 02:06:09 AM »
I have two extra designer handbags from the VIP Room Claw Machine for anyone who wants them. They aren't doing any one any good sitting in my inventory, so whoever pokes me for one first can have one~

EDIT: One left~

EDIT2: Both have been given away~
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 08:10:14 PM by Matsuringo Oginome »


  • Here I am, dirty and faceless
  • waiting to heed your instruction
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #138 on: November 06, 2011, 09:12:28 AM »
The remaining Hobopolis side zones have been cleared out, leaving the bosses (minus Ol' Scratch). Chaore has indicated he wants to take down Zombo; if anyone wants to claim any of the other bosses, do so here.

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #139 on: November 10, 2011, 05:59:15 AM »
Hobopolis cleared, you're welcome. I want Hodge's Almanac and Chester's Medallion. The rest of the stuff is:

Wand of Oscus
Chester's Bag of Candy
Hodgman's porkpie hat  (This item is love)
Frosty's carrot

Feel free to fight over it.


Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #140 on: November 10, 2011, 06:05:05 AM »
I'm interested in the porkpie hat or the bag of candy, but I didn't do anything significant, so if anyone else wants them, obviously they should have the priority.

Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #141 on: November 10, 2011, 06:08:49 AM »
I'm interested in the porkpie hat or the bag of candy, but I didn't do anything significant, so if anyone else wants them, obviously they should have the priority.

Pretty similar, I don't mind if anyone chucks things my alt's way but it's no big deal, I was just down there farming nickels.

EDIT: Though I mean for pretty much any item, not just those two.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #142 on: November 10, 2011, 02:47:39 PM »
I spent most of my time in Exposure Esplanade and the town center, so I'm most interested in Frosty's Carrot, but I've been itching for an item that gives me Hobo power to turn into something, so the Porkpie hat would be nice unless someone really badly wants it.


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
    • Animu List
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #143 on: November 11, 2011, 04:02:49 AM »
If nobody wants it/minds, I'll take either the Wand or the bag of candy

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
  • *
  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #144 on: November 11, 2011, 07:10:26 AM »
I got my zombo stuff. I'm good.


Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #145 on: November 11, 2011, 06:09:32 PM »
Today is 11/11/11. That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.



Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #146 on: November 13, 2011, 07:15:30 AM »
Ever have a day where you screw almost every last adventure up because of careless mistakes? That's kind of what happened to me today, after screwing up the Pyramid portion of the MacGuffin quest three times in a row. I hope I'll still be able to get the extra karma for fistcore even though I'll be finishing late. >______<

On a more lighthearted note, the 11th's ridiculous belt/earrings/sunglasses are ridiculously expensive in the mall. This makes me smile. :P
« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 07:29:33 AM by Matsuringo Oginome »

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #147 on: November 13, 2011, 07:19:39 AM »
Thanks to my alt, I managed to end up with the sunglasses as well as the earring (and both the sandwiches and cocktails). I just need the belt to complete the triumvirate of ridiculous equipment that so symbolizes 11/11/11.


Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #148 on: November 16, 2011, 02:59:10 PM »

Yay, first HC completion~

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: A Kingdom of Loathing thread? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
« Reply #149 on: November 16, 2011, 07:02:14 PM »
So, who's already started on the new challenge path? I thought it looked hard due to misreading it, but upon further examination, this seems like a really good source of free karma.