Author Topic: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye  (Read 177020 times)


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #60 on: June 10, 2011, 02:47:44 AM »
>"You're lying to me again, sis. You're telling me that you want to be a prisoner, and we both know it's not true. I can understand your hesitation a little, you don't want to be a burden. You never did. Why else did you choose to hide away in that rocky prison? Why else do you do consent to hide from people? Why do you not really stand up for yourself? So I did, and I helped you at the same time. And you loved it. Your actions in that paradise prove it beyond any protest you can give me. You loved it. You were free and happy, and so was everyone else. It was better, for us and all others."
>Satori inhales, then exhales.
>"I'm not saying I want to be a prisoner. I am saying that I accept what I am, a satori, and if being a prisoner is what comes with it, then fine. You, however, run away from what you are and what this world is like, and your heart isn't quite strong enough to accept that. And I don't think my actions in Gensokyo Isle count for much, since I wasn't completely myself at the time."

>"And that crow, that damn stupid crow, tore it down. She forced our curse back upon us, she took away what everyone had there. Why? Because she couldn't live without power. She's the enemy of all satori, whether you've forgiven her or not. Every time you look toward that awful city and wince at just imagining the weight of all the thoughts there, every time you miss the sun on your shoulders, every time you think of the friends you've lost, you know in your heart is was she who tore them from you. And how has the world improved for it, sis? What did it get back in exchange for cursing us anew?"
>"'Enemy of all satori' is an overstatement. You simply don't like her because she reverted the changes you made. Because of that, you thought up a reason to believe Utsuho was wrong and you were right, namely that she only reverted Gensokyo Isle to get her power back. I do indeed miss not having the weight of thoughts on myself and feeling the sun, but I really should have moved aboveground by now. And how has the world improved? Well, now Gensokyo is what it should be and you can stop running away from your personal problems."
>"Now, if you still think I'm not being totally honest, say why you think so."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #61 on: June 10, 2011, 03:52:28 AM »
Stay in character. Koishi has no reason whatsoever to concede anything at all. Especially when she's fully convinced that Satori isn't being fully honest for her own reasons.

I thought that last comment worked (I'm trying to get Satori to say that Utsuho asked her about changing things back, since, y'know, that's what happened). But I was more referring to why you seem determined to make the situation with Koishi as hard to resolve as possible; it's not exactly very productive, and there are other ways this could be played without breaking character.

>Koishi: "Because I know you. I know you really wanted to stay in that world, and if Utsuho really cared about what you wanted, she would've let you. But she didn't. She just changed things back because she wanted to, and the fact that she didn't ask you about it kind of hurts her claim that she did it for you."
>Shiki: "So we should assume that people can't change? We should assume that everyone who's caused an incident is going to do it again?"
>Keep firing.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #62 on: June 10, 2011, 04:06:39 AM »
>Koishi: "Because I know you. I know you really wanted to stay in that world, and if Utsuho really cared about what you wanted, she would've let you. But she didn't. She just changed things back because she wanted to, and the fact that she didn't ask you about it kind of hurts her claim that she did it for you."
>"She did ask about it. I told her that I trusted that she would do the right thing."

>Shiki: "So we should assume that people can't change? We should assume that everyone who's caused an incident is going to do it again?"
>"No, but these people pretty much-" she narrowly dodges a danmaku bullet- "caused three incidents!"

>Keep firing.
>You keep firing lasers. She keeps weaving through the swarm of bullets around her. Which is a feat, considering that there are three people firing at her.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #63 on: June 10, 2011, 04:25:29 AM »
>Koishi: "She didn't ask you because she didn't wait what?"
>"Oh, you just told her to 'do what was right'? Yeah, that means a lot. Obviously she didn't do what was right. She certainly didn't do what you wanted. Or are you trying to tell me that even when in that world, you still chose this one? Surely you can't even believe that one yourself."
>Shiki: Wait, only three people firing? Who's missing: Kanako, Suwako, or Sanae?
>Fire basic shots at Reimu. Attempt to provoke her into responding in kind. When she does, charge at her full-speed, going right through her shots and taking the hits, and laser her at point-blank range. She won't expect that.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #64 on: June 10, 2011, 11:24:15 AM »
Guy: Given I'm the one who actually engineered the motivations and reactions to such in question? Yeah, I think I know what I'm talking about.

>"Satori, if a person is born unable to walk, and lives their life confirmed to a house. If this person is cured, and leaves their home to enjoy life, are they "not completely themselves?" It was the same for you, your curse was taken away. It the person I see before me that isn't completely herself, the one whose affliction keeps her from being who she truly is. It breaks my heart to see you try to claim otherwise."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #65 on: June 10, 2011, 02:31:36 PM »
This isn't your quest, though. Yes, it's set paralell to Maribel Quest, but it's not your quest. And Koishi's a PC now, so you don't get to completely dictate how she's played. Her character here is not going to be completely identical to what you had in your quests, since you're not the only one deciding what she does now. You only have the same say as the rest of us.

Also, you seem intent on preventing any resolution of the Koishi/Utsuho thing, and I fail to see how that's productive (although I think I've got a way to get things moving towards a resolution).

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #66 on: June 10, 2011, 02:55:33 PM »
No, I just know exactly why she did what she did, and how she feels about it. Given that Blitzer has said it's based off of that, those motivations and such would apply. Otherwise, the events and such would not have gone as they did.

And of course it's going to be prevented from Koishi's side, she has no interest whatsoever in reconciling with the person she views as the one who forced her to be cursed again! She's much more interested in winning Satori over to her side. Why would she have any interest in reconciling with Utsuho at all?


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #67 on: June 10, 2011, 03:30:01 PM »
Yes, those motivations and such apply, but you don't get to decide just by yourself how they're incorporated into Koishi's character here. And I understand about Koishi's feelings on the situation, but as I said, there are other ways that could've been played. But whatever. As I said, I think I've got a way to resolve this.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #68 on: June 10, 2011, 04:12:23 PM »
>"Satori, if a person is born unable to walk, and lives their life confirmed to a house. If this person is cured, and leaves their home to enjoy life, are they "not completely themselves?" It was the same for you, your curse was taken away. It the person I see before me that isn't completely herself, the one whose affliction keeps her from being who she truly is. It breaks my heart to see you try to claim otherwise."
>"If it involves totally rewriting the lives of the people who lived there, then yes."

>Shiki: Wait, only three people firing? Who's missing: Kanako, Suwako, or Sanae?

>Fire basic shots at Reimu. Attempt to provoke her into responding in kind. When she does, charge at her full-speed, going right through her shots and taking the hits, and laser her at point-blank range. She won't expect that.
>You fire danmaku at Reimu in an attempt to provoke her, but your danmaku is basically overshadowed by the large amounts of danmaku Kanako and Suwako are firing at her. Reimu hardly notices.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #69 on: June 10, 2011, 04:19:12 PM »
>Ideon: "But i did not. Everything that made you who you are was still there, save for the curse. Not only that, you were still surrounded by the ones you loved. Don't overstate what was changed, you and I both know the primacy of the persona in this kind of thing. You didn't give it up because you hated it, sister. Rather, you did so in spite of your love for your life as a free woman."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #70 on: June 10, 2011, 05:57:18 PM »
>Shiki: Right, this needs to end, and now. Charge Reimu at full speed, going right through any shots in the way, and laser her at point-blank range. Then follow her if she tries to move away, staying in her face and hitting her with everything we've got. Only pull away if she uses a spellcard, and then move back in as soon as it's done.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #71 on: June 10, 2011, 11:55:30 PM »
>Terrapin Troublemaker: The Yama is annoying, but she's not the one responsible for this. She's being an idiot getting involved, but she's not the priority.
>Try to break out of the center of attack and sneak around to flank Suwako; take her down, and fast!

>Someryut Range: "Thank you again, Orin dear. If you see Utsuho before us, do let her know that Reimu really wants to talk to her about the incident a bit ago that she helped take care of. I believe it had to do with Koishi and the Moriyas as well."
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #72 on: June 11, 2011, 12:57:41 AM »
>Shiki: Don't let Reimu get away! Pursue her and keep up the point-blank assault! This fight needs to end now!


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #73 on: June 11, 2011, 05:01:03 AM »
>Ideon: "But I did not. Everything that made you who you are was still there, save for the curse. Not only that, you were still surrounded by the ones you loved. Don't overstate what was changed, you and I both know the primacy of the persona in this kind of thing. You didn't give it up because you hated it, sister. Rather, you did so in spite of your love for your life as a free woman."
>"I never said I hated my life as a human. I believed it was time to restore the world to its rightful state."

>Shiki: Right, this needs to end, and now. Charge Reimu at full speed, going right through any shots in the way, and laser her at point-blank range. Then follow her if she tries to move away, staying in her face and hitting her with everything we've got. Only pull away if she uses a spellcard, and then move back in as soon as it's done.
>You charge at Reimu, ignoring any danmaku that happen to hit you. You take it like a woman. You come close to Reimu, firing at her.

>Terrapin Troublemaker: The Yama is annoying, but she's not the one responsible for this. She's being an idiot getting involved, but she's not the priority.
>You see the Yama charge at you, but you decide to ignore the Yama.

>Try to break out of the center of attack and sneak around to flank Suwako; take her down, and fast!
>You attempt to break through the center of assault, but you would need some time to weave through the bullets. Time that you unfortunately don't have. Do you wish to bomb instead?

>Shiki: Don't let Reimu get away! Pursue her and keep up the point-blank assault! This fight needs to end now!
>You pursue Reimu and keep attacking her at close range. She dodges your danmaku just in time, giving her a few seconds.

>Someryut Range: "Thank you again, Orin dear. If you see Utsuho before us, do let her know that Reimu really wants to talk to her about the incident a bit ago that she helped take care of. I believe it had to do with Koishi and the Moriyas as well."
>"Ah, so Reimu found out about that. She must not be very happy about it..."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #74 on: June 11, 2011, 05:16:29 AM »
>Reimu: Bomb.
>Shiki: Back away just enough to avoid the bomb. As soon as the bomb's done, charge in and tackle Reimu to the ground. Then blast her hard.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #75 on: June 11, 2011, 11:24:38 AM »
>Eros Eater: "How is it 'rightful' for us to be cursed, Satori? How is it 'rightful' for you to be in that prison, frightened of the people who live around you merely become you think? How is it 'rightful' for us to be feared, hated, or pitied for something entirely out of our control? What is right about this at all? What is better about this, sister? Tell me. What could possibly make this worth living through again, after experiencing the wonders of freedom?"


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #76 on: June 12, 2011, 03:22:29 AM »
>Armadillo Aggressor: But if she's going to be THAT much of a pain, not to mention borderline suicidal, then fine. Attack the Yama at least enough to get her to back off - or pass out, if she's taken that much of a beating.

>Kitiyut Ranges: "Oh, she did seem rather upset, yes. I think she'd like to know if Utsuho punished them properly for the whole affair. I believe she left to... speak with Kanako and Suwako."
>"And if that's all, then I believe we'll be off. Give Satori our regards!"
>Explore the city with Suika for a while; ask around for more location details for Utsuho, Yuugi, Renko, and Maribel.
>And enjoy the sights.
>Density Doorknocker: Keep an eye out for any old friends to butt heads with!
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #77 on: June 12, 2011, 03:35:42 AM »
>Shiki: After slamming Reimu into the ground, back away.
>"We don't have time for this, Reimu. I don't have time for this. I tried to stop you here because you have been following my lead and fall under my responsibility while doing so, but the situation is too important to allow something such as this to interfere. We've turned against each other. We have done nothing but wander around looking for clues, and now when we finally have a lead, we become split, fractured. I will not tolerate this. I will not let our efforts so far be ruined by this."
>"I am going to settle the situation with Koishi, and then I am going to find the cause of this 'overlay'. The previous incident can wait until later, as we have an incident on our hands right now. If you are intent on choosing your desire for vengence over your duty to resolve incidents, then this is where we part ways."
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 03:37:54 AM by GuyYouMetOnline »


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #78 on: June 13, 2011, 02:11:32 AM »
>Reimu: Bomb.
>You declare Spirit Sign 「Fantasy Seal」. Kanako manages to avoid the light balls since she's quite far from you, but Suwako, who is much closer to you, gets smacked by a light ball while she's surprised.

>Shiki: Back away just enough to avoid the bomb...
>You back away just enough to avoid the bomb, which is too far from Reimu to immediately charge back at her and tackle her down, even at full speed. You charge back in, but Reimu still has time to react to you.

>Armadillo Aggressor: But if she's going to be THAT much of a pain, not to mention borderline suicidal, then fine. Attack the Yama at least enough to get her to back off - or pass out, if she's taken that much of a beating.
>You attack the Yama, but she's too determined to stop this fight to at least look harmed by the bullets.

>As soon as the bomb's done, charge in and tackle Reimu to the ground. Then blast her hard.
>You tackle Reimu to the ground and hammer her with your danmaku.  Shel rolls over to dodge the danmaku, but you knock her down again.

>Shiki: After slamming Reimu into the ground, back away.
>You back away. Reimu gets up.

>"We don't have time for this, Reimu. I don't have time for this. I tried to stop you here because you have been following my lead and fall under my responsibility while doing so, but the situation is too important to allow something such as this to interfere. We've turned against each other. We have done nothing but wander around looking for clues, and now when we finally have a lead, we become split, fractured. I will not tolerate this. I will not let our efforts so far be ruined by this."
>"I am going to settle the situation with Koishi, and then I am going to find the cause of this 'overlay'. The previous incident can wait until later, as we have an incident on our hands right now. If you are intent on choosing your desire for vengeance over your duty to resolve incidents, then this is where we part ways."
>Reimu says "Fine." with just a hint of anger in her voice.
>Kanako flies down to where you are, looks at you for a moment, then down at Reimu. "Will you stop attacking if I explain everything?"

>Eros Eater: "How is it 'rightful' for us to be cursed, Satori? How is it 'rightful' for you to be in that prison, frightened of the people who live around you merely become you think? How is it 'rightful' for us to be feared, hated, or pitied for something entirely out of our control? What is right about this at all? What is better about this, sister? Tell me. What could possibly make this worth living through again, after experiencing the wonders of freedom?"
>"If you interfere with the world, nothing good will come of it. As long Gensokyo Isle existed, there would always be people that realize the world is wrong. Do you even know how that feels?"

>Kitiyut Ranges: "Oh, she did seem rather upset, yes. I think she'd like to know if Utsuho punished them properly for the whole affair. I believe she left to... speak with Kanako and Suwako."
>"And if that's all, then I believe we'll be off. Give Satori our regards!"
>"I suppose that's it, then."

>Explore the city with Suika for a while; ask around for more location details for Utsuho, Yuugi, Renko, and Maribel.
>And enjoy the sights.
>Density Doorknocker: Keep an eye out for any old friends to butt heads with!
>You leave the mansion. Orin calls out "Bye!"
>You both try to enjoy the sights and sounds along the way. Which is, well, not much. Oni are not known for their creativity, so there aren't a lot of interesting landmarks. You both also ask around for Yuugi's location. Most of the oni recognize you (as Suika), so they mostly treat you with respect. As Suika, you unfortunately don't find any old friends. Eventually, you find an oni, a medium-sized old man with bull horns, who does know Yuugi's location.
>"She's in that bar across the street, with her girlfriend and that hell raven nobody's allowed to give drinks to. *hic*"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #79 on: June 13, 2011, 02:33:03 AM »
>Superego Sapper: "And if I leave it alone, we remained cursed. What's the problem with this trade?"


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #80 on: June 13, 2011, 02:41:51 AM »
>Superego Sapper: "And if I leave it alone, we remained cursed. What's the problem with this trade?"
>"Satori can at least try to control their interactions like I honestly have never tried before, except by being a shut-in. You can't avoid that feeling you get when you realize the world in wrong, though."


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #81 on: June 13, 2011, 03:40:02 AM »
>Reptile Regulator: "Maybe. This had better be good, Kanako."
>Glare. Where's Suwako?

>Pettan Promoter: "How's she doin', anyway?"
>Would a dish of sake as a gift be a good idea?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #82 on: June 13, 2011, 03:44:25 AM »
>Hindbrain Harrier: "And I have tried it. It doesn't work. And even if it did, would it do anything to change the stigma we bear? Not even a little. People would still be suspicious, they'd still wonder what would happen, they'd still be afraid. I know, and so do you. You've seen the fears that people have of us. And they're right to have it! We both know that too. We invade them, whether either of us like it or not."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #83 on: June 13, 2011, 04:01:05 AM »
>Shiki: "You get their explanation, Reimu. I still have another situation to deal with."
>"Yukari, what's the situation with Koishi?"
>If Yukari says anything about privacy: "Just give me a general idea, then."
>After Yukari's explanation: "Right. Okay, Yukari, I think I have a plan, but I'm going to need several gaps in a short period of time. Are you up for that?"
>Assuming she says yes: "Okay. First, I need to know the location of Utsuho Reiuji. Send Yuyuko and Suika to wherever she is."
>If Yukari can't find Utsuho: "Perhaps Yuyuko and Suika have heard something. Ask them, please."
>Assuming that Yukari knows that Yuyuko and Suika are just across the street from Utsuho (or upon hearing through Yukari that Yuyuko and Sukia just heard that she's right across the street): "Excellent. That makes things easier."
>"Okay, here's the deal. Talking to Koishi isn't getting anywhere, but I think I know a way to change this. I want Yuyuko and Suika to ask Utsuho if it is okay for me to take Koishi into her mind. Satori, too, as I'm sure her presence there will alleviate any concerns Utsuho may have about Koishi tampering with her mind-and I, of course, will also ensure that Koishi does no such thing. The purpose of entering Utsuho's mind is to locate Utsuho's memories of the incident, especially anything related to the reason Utsuho was so determined to set things right. I realize this will not cause a sudden change of heart in Koishi, but it will be a step towards that, as it will show her that Utsuho did not act out of a desire for power. I have realized that it will take some time before Koishi is ready to forgive Utsuho, but this will be the start of the process."
>"While Yuyuko and Suika are securing Utsuho's cooperation, I need you to send me back to Koishi and Satori. I'll explain the plan, and assuming everyone agrees to it, I'll need you to send us into Utsuho's mind. We will find the relevant memories, and then we will exit."
>"That's the plan. Please inform Yuyuko and Suika of their role, then open a gap to Satori and Koishi."


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #84 on: June 13, 2011, 04:34:53 AM »
>Reptile Regulator: "Maybe. This had better be good, Kanako."
>"Very well then, ask the questions, and then I'll answer them."

>Glare. Where's Suwako?
>She's nowhere to be seen oh wait she just appeared right next to you.

>Pettan Promoter: "How's she doin', anyway?"
>"Fine, although I don't get how she can share a girlfriend and not wreck the city while doin' it."

>Would a dish of sake as a gift be a good idea?
>Good idea? Sure. Required? Probably not.

>Hindbrain Harrier: "And I have tried it. It doesn't work. And even if it did, would it do anything to change the stigma we bear? Not even a little. People would still be suspicious, they'd still wonder what would happen, they'd still be afraid. I know, and so do you. You've seen the fears that people have of us. And they're right to have it! We both know that too. We invade them, whether either of us like it or not."
>"You haven't been trying hard enough, then. There are communities made solely of satori out there. Whether you care about what other races think of you, though, that's another story."

>Shiki: "You get their explanation, Reimu. I still have another situation to deal with."
>"Yukari, what's the situation with Koishi?"
>"Koishi wanted privacy."

>If Yukari says anything about privacy: "Just give me a general idea, then."
>"Satori is still discussing this with Koishi in a grove of trees at the base of Youkai Mountain. I have no idea how well it is going for Satori."

>After Yukari's explanation: "Right. Okay, Yukari, I think I have a plan, but I'm going to need several gaps in a short period of time. Are you up for that?"

>Assuming she says yes: "Okay. First, I need to know the location of Utsuho Reiuji. Send Yuyuko and Suika to wherever she is."
>"Oh, she's at a bar called the Rose and Weasel in the underground city. Yuyuko and Suika are already there."

>Assuming that Yukari knows that Yuyuko and Suika are just across the street from Utsuho (or upon hearing through Yukari that Yuyuko and Suika just heard that she's right across the street): "Excellent. That makes things easier."
>"Okay, here's the deal. Talking to Koishi isn't getting anywhere, but I think I know a way to change this. I want Yuyuko and Suika to ask Utsuho if it is okay for me to take Koishi into her mind. Satori, too, as I'm sure her presence there will alleviate any concerns Utsuho may have about Koishi tampering with her mind-and I, of course, will also ensure that Koishi does no such thing. The purpose of entering Utsuho's mind is to locate Utsuho's memories of the incident, especially anything related to the reason Utsuho was so determined to set things right. I realize this will not cause a sudden change of heart in Koishi, but it will be a step towards that, as it will show her that Utsuho did not act out of a desire for power. I have realized that it will take some time before Koishi is ready to forgive Utsuho, but this will be the start of the process."
>"While Yuyuko and Suika are securing Utsuho's cooperation, I need you to send me back to Koishi and Satori. I'll explain the plan, and assuming everyone agrees to it, I'll need you to send us into Utsuho's mind. We will find the relevant memories, and then we will exit."
>"That's the plan. Please inform Yuyuko and Suika of their role, then open a gap to Satori and Koishi."
>"I shall."
>As Yuyuko, you hear Yukari whisper "After you're done talking with the oni, please find a private place so we can chat for a bit before going in the bar Utsuho's in."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #85 on: June 13, 2011, 04:42:09 AM »
>Yuyuko: Leave Suika talking to the oni and wander into an empty alley or something.
>"Okay, I'm alone."
>Shiki: Once the gap is done forming, enter it.
>Reimu: "Right. Start talking. How did you do it? And why?"


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #86 on: June 13, 2011, 05:22:06 AM »
>Yuyuko: Leave Suika talking to the oni and wander into an empty alley or something.
>You leave Suika and walk into a nearby alley.

>"Okay, I'm alone."
>"Good. You see, the Yama came up with a plan to help Koishi realize that Utsuho did not revert the world for selfish reasons. You need to explain to Utsuho the situation and that Shikieiki wants to enter her mind with Koishi and Satori."

>Shiki: Once the gap is done forming, enter it.
>As Koishi, you suddenly detect one of Yukari's gaps. "The Yama would like to see you now."
>You wait as a gap enters for...a minute and a half. Thankfully, you have nearly infinite patience. You enter the gap.
>You find yourself in a forest clearing. You see Youkai Mountain ahead of you.
>But more importantly, you see Koishi and Satori looking at you.
>Koishi says "What do you want? Trying to make sure that your selfish plan is being furthered?"

>Reimu: "Right. Start talking. How did you do it? And why?"
>"Suwako and I are gods. We simply molded out Gensokyo Isle. Koishi was responsible for changing everyone's memories so it would seem that Gensokyo Isle always existed. Suwako and I did it because we wanted to fullfill a lifelong dream of Sanae's."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #87 on: June 13, 2011, 05:53:34 AM »
>Reimu: "Oh, yeah? And just what 'desire' would that be?"
>"So you two made Gensokyo Isle and Koishi screwed up everyone's memories. And you expect me to believe that's all there is to it? Sorry, but I'm not that stupid. So you might just want to go ahead and tell me right now: how did you make the change?"
>Shiki: "This is not about me. I want us to determine the truth of something you said. Specifically, you said that Utsuho only changed Gensokyo back for her own sake. There is a way to know whether or not this is true. If you cooperate with me on this, I will not push further on the issue with Utsuho and we can resume our investigation into the overlay."
>"The plan is simple. right now, Yuyuko and Suika should be speaking to Utsuho. Assuming that Utsuho consents, you, Satori, and myself will enter her mind and locate her memories of the Gensokyo Isle incident. This will tell us beyond a doubt what her motives were for changing Gensokyo back. And as I said, once we have seen those memories, I will drop the issue, and I will also stand against Reimu should she move against you in any way."
>Yuyuko: "Does she? That's great! Okay, I'll do that."
>Return to Suika.
>"I'm heading in. You want to keep talking with your friend or come in with me?"
>Suika: "Yuugi's in there, right? Yeah, let's go."
Yuyuko/Suika: Enter the tavern.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #88 on: June 13, 2011, 08:41:47 PM »
>Reimu: "Oh, yeah? And just what 'desire' would that be?"
>"She always wanted to pilot a jet."

>"So you two made Gensokyo Isle and Koishi screwed up everyone's memories. And you expect me to believe that's all there is to it? Sorry, but I'm not that stupid. So you might just want to go ahead and tell me right now: how did you make the change?"
>"What did my explanation not explain?"

>Shiki: "This is not about me. I want us to determine the truth of something you said. Specifically, you said that Utsuho only changed Gensokyo back for her own sake. There is a way to know whether or not this is true. If you cooperate with me on this, I will not push further on the issue with Utsuho and we can resume our investigation into the overlay."
>"The plan is simple. right now, Yuyuko and Suika should be speaking to Utsuho. Assuming that Utsuho consents, you, Satori, and myself will enter her mind and locate her memories of the Gensokyo Isle incident. This will tell us beyond a doubt what her motives were for changing Gensokyo back. And as I said, once we have seen those memories, I will drop the issue, and I will also stand against Reimu should she move against you in any way."
>"Do you think I want to associate with you anymore?"

>Yuyuko: "Does she? That's great! Okay, I'll do that."
>"Thank you, Yuyuko."

>Return to Suika.
>You return to Suika, who's still taking with the oni from earlier.

>"I'm heading in. You want to keep talking with your friend or come in with me?"
>Suika: "Yuugi's in there, right? Yeah, let's go."
Yuyuko/Suika: Enter the tavern.
>You both head into the tavern. It isn't terribly crowded in here. You see Yuugi sitting at a table to your right with a girl with wings, a cape, and a red eye on her chest and another girl with green eyes and very strange clothes.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 3rd - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #89 on: June 14, 2011, 01:44:34 AM »
>Shiki: "For the same reasons you decided to come with me in the first place. Those concerns still exist. And as I said, I will put this issue behind us, and I will ensure that the others know not to bring it up."
>"And here's something else to consider, Koishi. The voice pushed for you to forgive Utsuho, something I went along with only because I also felt that you should do such a thing. But look where that got us. We're all split up, you're in a bad way, Reimu's on the warpath-I actually just finished a battle against her-and there's substantial hostility, especially from Reimu. This is tearing the group apart, and what if that was the voice's intent? To set us against each other? I, for one, am not going to allow that to happen. So we are going to enter Utsuho's mind, assuming she agrees, and we are going to see for certain why she did what she did. That question is what initially set you against me, so we will end this by finding the answer. And then we wil move on. I will not mention the issue again, and I will ensure that none of the others do, either. And I will ensure that no harm comes to you, whether it be from the voice, Reimu, or someone else. Remember, Koishi, that you are a target of this voice. Simply deciding not to come with me will not remove you from this; it will simply return you to the danger you were in before joining us. If you do not want the topic of Utsuho or your actions in the Gensokyo Isle incident to be brought up, it will not be mentioned."
>Koishi: "...Fine. I'll proove I'm right."
>Look at Satori.
>"And once I do, I don't want to hear anything more about how she did the right thing, or about how this world is better, or anything like that. You'll see that I'm right, and you'll have no choice but to admit that I am and that Utsuho deserved everything I said."

>Yuyuko/Suika: Head over to Yuugi's table.
>Suika: "Hey, Yuugi!"