Author Topic: Keine Quest (Part 6): Broken History (Complete)  (Read 70959 times)


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Re: Keine Quest (Part 6): Broken History (Complete)
« Reply #1020 on: October 19, 2010, 02:12:53 PM »
> Did we miss any allies/people coming with us, at some point? Koishi maybe?

Re: Keine Quest (Part 6): Broken History (Complete)
« Reply #1021 on: October 21, 2010, 02:32:23 AM »
> Did we miss any allies/people coming with us, at some point? Koishi maybe?

>Youmu would have followed you basically anywhere if you'd told her that you were planning to set events back, and thus give her a chance to undo what she saw as her terrible mistake. If you'd released Utsuho in a more forceful manner, she could have been an ally against an ensuring battle with Kanako, although it might have been difficult to convince her to help in other matters after that. You might have gotten shorter-term companions out of a couple other people, such as Nitori (if you were using her help to infiltrate the facility), although, again, this would likely be for the duration of a single task and not the quest as a whole.
>Aside from that, there's always the outside chance of making companions in places not anticipated when the quest started. Rumia was originally intended as a one-shot encounter. You get a little information, she leaves, you never see her again. While most characters had their own lives and weren't likely to follow a stranger and potential loony (ie: you) to the ends of the earth on a mission that sounded like a flight of fancy, there's still sometimes the chance to come up with a good reason to convince them that I didn't expect.
>As for Koishi, she was off being her inscrutable and hard to find self. There would have been basically no chance of encountering her.

Re: Keine Quest (Part 6): Broken History (Complete)
« Reply #1022 on: October 21, 2010, 03:36:21 AM »
> If the freeing of Utsuho had gone differently (say, had Shikieiki refused to get involved) would we have had a chance at rescuing her by force? Personally, I think it would have been cool to gather an army and storm the mountain, give Kanako what for.

Re: Keine Quest (Part 6): Broken History (Complete)
« Reply #1023 on: October 21, 2010, 04:02:42 AM »
> If the freeing of Utsuho had gone differently (say, had Shikieiki refused to get involved) would we have had a chance at rescuing her by force? Personally, I think it would have been cool to gather an army and storm the mountain, give Kanako what for.

>Yes, you would absolutely have had a chance. In fact, you could have had a sizable army for it by that point, as well. Given how things had proceeded, you could have been readily accompanied by Ran, Mokou, Youmu, and Orin; Utsuho herself would likely have helped once you'd freed her. That's a lot of firepower to throw at one place.
>Arrayed against you would be the tengu guards, as well as some of the built-in security systems (although these were mostly passive, such as door lockdowns and such). It's almost certain Momiji would have gotten involved fairly shortly with a full security detail. Some of the kappa in the facility would also have had a few random technological tricks to throw at you, although most would have kept as far away from the invasion as they could manage. Eventually Kanako herself would have showed up.
>The Kanako in the alternate Gensokyo was significantly more powerful than her counterpart in the true Gensokyo, due to having the devoted faith of most of the population. She alone would probably have been a match for at least 3 of you; keep in mind that Utsuho would also be significantly off her form, having been confined for so long. Kanako's power, combined with the various other threats being thrown at you, would have made for a fairly close battle, but you definitely had the numbers to pull a frontal assault off.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Keine Quest (Part 6): Broken History (Complete)
« Reply #1024 on: October 21, 2010, 11:36:04 AM »
> If the freeing of Utsuho had gone differently (say, had Shikieiki refused to get involved) would we have had a chance at rescuing her by force? Personally, I think it would have been cool to gather an army and storm the mountain, give Kanako what for.

This was pretty much the back-up plan. But with an element of trying to seduce in Remilia ("Let's show that smug bitch a thing or two about how we do things in Gensokyo!") and the Oni ("Do you even know what they did to your mountain? Now they're meddling in your caverns, look at them trying to freeze you out!").

>Would either of those plans have worked?


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Re: Keine Quest (Part 6): Broken History (Complete)
« Reply #1025 on: October 21, 2010, 06:49:02 PM »
> Why did Mystia hate/attack us again? Year of Winter, or was it just hunger?


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Re: Keine Quest (Part 6): Broken History (Complete)
« Reply #1026 on: October 21, 2010, 07:29:56 PM »
>would there have been a difference if we had brought Reimu into the dream world if possible?
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Re: Keine Quest (Part 6): Broken History (Complete)
« Reply #1027 on: October 21, 2010, 08:24:11 PM »
This was pretty much the back-up plan. But with an element of trying to seduce in Remilia ("Let's show that smug bitch a thing or two about how we do things in Gensokyo!") and the Oni ("Do you even know what they did to your mountain? Now they're meddling in your caverns, look at them trying to freeze you out!").

>Would either of those plans have worked?

>Remilia would certainly have appreciated the idea of taking Kanako down a peg or two, although it might have taken a little spin doctoring to get her to actually come along. Possibly convincing her that you were following her lead, and not the other way around. It would have been possible, though.
>The oni would have been rather more unlikely. They know that Utsuho took battle to the surface of her own accord, and was then defeated in direct combat. They wouldn't regard Kanako's actions as aggression against them, no matter how much they were inconvenienced by the result. It was her victory, fair and square.

> Why did Mystia hate/attack us again? Year of Winter, or was it just hunger?

>The Keine of alternate Gensokyo came very close to killing her during the Year of Winter, both directly (some of the fighting got pretty nasty as the year dragged on), and indirectly (through nearly forcing her to starve to death as a consequence). Unlike Rumia, who was simply scared of Keine, and naive enough to be swayed fairly easily, Mystia never ever forgave her for this. However, alternate Keine tended not to leave the bounds of Kanako's domain, so Mystia was normally powerless to act against her. When you accidentally crossed her path, at night, a safe distance from town, it would have seemed almost too good to be true.

>would there have been a difference if we had brought Reimu into the dream world if possible?

>Although she would have grumbled about it, Reimu would have come to help if you'd asked her. However, the limits of Mugetsu's ability to bring others into Maribel's dream would mean Marisa would likely have had to be left behind. Reimu would have been more effective at a few tasks (such as defending Maribel from incoming attacks), but less effective at others (actually dissipating the shadows, which required mostly brute force rather than finesse). Also Mugetsu would probably have been more guarded around her since, as hinted in Marisa and Reimu's earlier dialog, only Reimu had encountered Mugetsu and Gengetsu before. To Mugetsu, Marisa was a stranger, but Reimu was someone who had invaded her home and beaten up both her and her sister for (essentially) no good reason.