Author Topic: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo  (Read 93805 times)

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #90 on: June 25, 2010, 01:12:49 AM »
im really not sure, if Mauller meant "next episode" as a continuation in his next post, or that was this actual run.
since theres no save file uploaded yet, i'll assume its still not a completed run.  :D

oops (fixed now)

since you've found Regeneration, Mauller, branching into Necromancy will be essential. the rabbit knights offer a heap of exp, and its prime opportunity to practice.
just a suggestion there, but play it your way if you want.

Necromancy is an absolute must, since it leads up to Best Form (aka Necromutation.)  Also Borgjnor's Revivification, Death's Door, and Haunt.  I just hope we're not too thinly spread experience-wise already.

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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #91 on: June 25, 2010, 01:43:51 AM »
Ah, finally, will satrt this afternoon. although, an update ony tomorrow....


heres an idea. if theres sukusuku hakutakus, there must an equivalent.
beware. mind-f%^& ahead.
although, you may already know about it.

Edit: in the next version, a player.png and monster.txt file will do.
maybe Hellhogs will be the fire  version of Moko-sheep.

Oklobs =

the minotaur should be Keine, as it fits her.
her ability to manipulate history affects player's memories, as they forget the layout of the labyrinth.
as for why she's guarding the loot......who knows.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 02:50:53 AM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #92 on: June 25, 2010, 06:37:24 AM »
Currently at 60000 turns.

i spent a little under 5000 turns.
although....i was hoping i can have 10000 turns, since i'm retirng for 2 weeks of China trip next week.

2000 turns= tidying up. no seriously. you will LOVE me for my 2000 turns spent in reconaissance. Sakuya would be proud.
Notable Loot found:

The god gifted wand Mauller left on the ground was  WAND OF HEALING! (4 charges. i used 2 up durng my trip. this will be VERY USEFUL)

Book of morphology. Found on same starting level in Eintei. Has Shatter spell. left in Lair*
Glaive of Reaching. Found on same starting level in Eintei.bought in that shop on the level for $300 Brought along to trainpolearms.
Spent lots of time searching for Staffs using CTRL+F "staff".
Staffs so far: Poison, Death, Air (all ditched in lair),
Energy ,Channeling (brought along, i told you that you'll love me)
also spent the turns HAULLING 42 confusion potions to the Lair.
Spent turns seperating Potions of confusion and honeycombs into managable chunck.
i'll teach you how to manage large quantities.(ie, having >40 potions in one stash is crazy. seperate them!)

the rest 3000 turns was spent going to Yukanako pits. Almost cleared Level 4. nice loot so far.
loot found in Yukanako pits:
Ring of Fire. used to BUFF throw flame spell.
robe of fire resist.
ring of invisibility. (useful for first few levels of elven halls)
Flail of draning (OMG! with level 10 maces skill, this wepon rocks!)
staff of summoning (may be useful in future)
scroll of torment (?! not using it now. i'm not that risky~, butit may be useful tactic in the last level of yukanako pits)
Necromicon. (WTF?! Necrofantasia Necromutation here we come~ )
some nice polearms  :D

i also had 3 near deaths.
1: trapped between a Tank yukanako and several others. the Tank yukanako had a shield that blocked all my attacks. spent 1 Wand of Heal charge + scroll of blink to survive.
2. raped by 2 black mambas at once. spent 1 wand of heal charge. used teleport ring to escape.
3. close encounter with the dreaded orange statue. was LUCKILY prepared for it.

Therefore, requesting an EXTEND so i can try to take on YUKANNONs or does Psieye like to try to take on an offensive of the YUKANNONS?

@ psieye, dl the latest mod

and insert save files.

i will post my adventure soon~

edit: for the Nue sprite, press -
Put All equipment such as legs, helms, gloves, boots etc to "none"
except for Right Hand and Left Hand which should be "equiped"
to set to equip, press *

« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 06:42:29 AM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #93 on: June 25, 2010, 09:41:04 AM »
I can't touch it for 24 hours, maybe even 36 hours due to RL. Let's see if the rules will change and you get your extension. Else I'll get on this on Sunday or so. Depending on what I see, I may go hit the Shoals instead of the last level of the snake pits.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #94 on: June 25, 2010, 01:14:43 PM »
Due to some miscommunication (mostly pretty much entirely on my part) the resize code is NOT permitted either-- anything over 640x480 and/or 150kb MUST to be thumbnailed or linked.


Nue: "Arrgh! i've spent long time underground before, the denizens of hell are so much more fun than these weaklings. yet......i'm still weak....."

Guardian:   "Weak you are, but im sure you know that you'll restore your true powers when you find the Beer of Zun!"

Nue: "that voice again.....although it sounds different.....i was interested because everyone else seemed to have embarked to find it. But i didn't know that once i entered the dungeon, that i become reduced to such a weakling! if i had known.... and now i seem to have lingering pains. im not sure what is real or my imagination. i seem to remember being severely injured at some point, it felt so real, like dying, but  somehow, it turns out to be my imagination. and as i snap out of this imagination a new voice come into my head. sometimes the voice jsut you know anything about this?"

Guardian: "Nope. i have no idea what you're talking about. you're jsut being delusional."

"Nue: "i can hide my true form, but hiding true reality.......that never happened to me before....."

Guardian: "enough talk!, lets move on to find that Beer of Zun before someone beat you to it! besides we shouldn't make Flandre bored"

Nue: "Ah yes lets. i kind of like Flandre's sense of humour though, i'd to met her in person one day."

Guardian: "trust me, you dont want to"

Nue: "..."

Guardian: "first things first, show me what you've got. much useless junk~"

Nue: "eh? first i pick them up, now i have to drop them?"

Guardian: "hmm, why'd you leave that wand flandre gave you? oh dear, you just dropped a wand of healing! you shouldn't leave valuable things on the ground like that"

Nue:  "i have a feeling its going to be long day"

items dropped:
Buckler (its useless)
Lamp (not good in fire magic nor evo)
all bad potions (at the entrance of elven halls)

The book of Morphology i found in this level will come in handy. the shatter spell will be useful in the future.

After visiting the shop, i decided to buy that glaive. its a glaive of reaching, which means we can extend our attack range by 1 tile.

Nue: "its not as good as my trident (where did it go anyway?) but this is okay. i seem to have forgotten how to thrust again.... <does some practise thrusting and swinging>"

Guardian: "its never too late to start.......remembering how to use one. lets stash our loot back at the shrine"

Back at the shrine, i decided to move some stuff to our lowest stash at the lair.
including that unsightly 42 potions of confusion.

Nue: "ugh! this heavy lifting is supposed to done by men!" <Nue's knees are trembling with every step she can't seem to go up the stairs>

Guardian: "well... <snickers> if its a man's job you say......drink this!"

<Nue suddenly became MANLY. Cho-Nue ftw?!>

<Flandre went 8| >

Nue: "noooo! this has to be the worst form i've ever been in! this feels......weird"

Nue made it up the stairs but halfway, the potion worn off and by the time she made it to the Lair, she collapsed in a heap, exhausted.

Guardian: "theres no time to be lazying around! sort out this mess!"

Nue:  "i thought we're supposed to be find that Beer....."

Guardian: "i just can't stand messiness"

Note the trick of seperating large numbers of similiar items.
i seperated the potions and honeycombs into managable chunks.
to seperate them, press"f" to throw.
then "i" to access inventory.
then, the letter corresponding to the item you want to seperate. you can thorw the items at a wall. that way you seperate large numbers of items.
i cant seem to think of  a more elegant way of doing this. if someone knows, do tell us.

Note the new equipment setting*
Note the arrow swap with poison arrows. as poison arrows used in sticks to snakes is more powerful*

After that, i did a memory search on Nue to find all Staffs.
a few hundred turns later, i Id'd some nice staves. Keeping the staff of energy and channeling.
Turn quota:2000

Guardian: "Okay, lets try to get that tab in the yukanako pits. with this new equipment, theres no need to hold back! blast your spells all the way!"

Nue:  "in there? ugh.....i seem to remember something horrible happening there, but that can't be right. are you sure its a good idea?"

Guardian: "yes, yes. but we should go prepared! it seems you'll mostly just fight close combat, and you have a weak fire spell. your potions wont work on them though, so we wont bring any. any suggestions from you?"

Nue:  "how about my new ability to make things go boom? i think its Flandre's doing"

Guardian: "that'll come in handy but its risky...."

Nue: "why are we going in so light weight anyway?"

Guardian: "i've sorted out what we need, you dont want to bring the kitchen sink too do you?"

Guardian: "ah, the yukanakos! ATTACK!"

Using staff of energy, Nue used Ice form.
the yukanakos brought Nue to half life and then a black mamba came and molested her behind.
we were forced to use 1 healing wand charge AND a heal potion to prevent death.

Nue: " ooow.....that was pathethic! i can't believe Im so weak. can't we use any weapons? fighting bare handed against weapons dont seem fair"

Guardian: "we have a whip, which you're experienced at, but i doubt it'll hurt them. lets try our new glaive!"

Nue:  "i wonder how powerful is this flame shot? hmm? it seems pretty effective after all, stupid snake didnt even scratch me"

Guardian: "true but, all your mana got spent just to kill one snake. i think we have a strategy coming on...."

Note: weaken enemys with flame shot before engaging in combat. use staff of channeling to get mana. better to spend 10-15 turns channeling rather thatn rest for 50-80 turns.

Nue: "Hmm? whats with all that smoke over there? i see a new ring there on the ground"

Guardian: "i dont know. lets check it out, it could be- OH FUUUUUUU-"

Nue: "Ah? wha? its some kind of strange sta-"

Guardian: "ShutupandShootwiththeDisintegrator!"

After the dust settles...

Nue:  <cough cough> "that was relatively easy, we should use this device more.....hey....are you alright?"

Guardian: <Guardian pants heavily in relief>

Nue:  "geez, calm down..."

Note the huge exp boost from the Orange Statue* (Btw Totaku, i think it should be Koishi statue, or something, since it messes with our minds)

we spend our exp abit on polearms.

Nue:  "This maze is getting annoying"

Guardian: "i have an idea, since we have the staff of energy, just blast your way through the walls!"

Nue:  "i like this idea"

as we take it easy on this level, Flandre gets a bit bored and pushes us. what a bitch.

We come across a black mamba that almost killed us. Ice form doesn't seem strong enough to fight well against a mamba (or it could just be Flan draining our hp to half earlier)

As a last resort, (you can see our very low hp), we use Disintegrator and BOOM. a shower of blood and guts.

Nue: "wahahaha! i really like this device now."

Guardian: "dont overuse it, save it for emergencies like just now"


We meet a unique orc spellcaster Nergalle. Apparently she's ugly.
in this situation, this is where the Glaive of reaching shines.
we kill  Nergalle easily from a distance as well as the two snakes.

Guardian: "even though you are swinging that glaive like a feather duster-"

Nue: "hey...."

Guardian: "-this glaive seems unusually powerful."

Uh oh. the irony. Flaaaaaaannnn~


our loot in level3 is:

a ring of invisible. good for Upper Eintei and other tough enemies. take note of it.

robe of fire resist. officially wearing it. but you could cahnge back to leather Negative resist if you want.

and before we proceed to next level, Flandre gave us a new weapon!

Ice Form or Spider form is now awesmoe.

Level 4!

Nue: "Hell yeah, good form dont you think?"

Guardian: "Tank yukanako! It means business!"

Guardian: "also Flandre! THATS KILL STEAL" :P

Nue: "OH SHI-"

Guardian: "this looks bad. lets bail."

Nue: "agreed!"

We use 1 heal wand charge and 1 blink scroll  to escape up. after resting, we came down using different stairs.

Nue: "HA! i knew weapons were much more powerful! now, we're even in terms of firepower!"

Note, NO WONDER ITS POWAFU! its +3+5, thats a full $300 +8 enchanted glaive bought. well worth the money!

Flandre takes us on a tour of the map.
we see more yukanako tanks and a magic using yukanako. (which we kill eventually)

Flandre is being nice.....well, maybe.

Nue: "i dont need these weak subordinates. you see, just a few of these yukanakos took them out."

Guardian: "at least you still can reach over them from behind and weaken the yukanakos"

Nue: "wow, a magical book. huh? i can't seem to read it"

Guardian: "then it must be a good one......definitely keeping it"

We reencounter the yukanako tank that almost kill us.

Guardian: "alright! lets flex this new ability of yours!"

<uses about 60 hp>

Nue: "alright, that was epic pwn. but it hurts like hell.lets not do it again okay?"

Note: Hellfire is unadvoidable. like Fireball. it seems to be Smite targetting which makes it awesmoe! (i haven't comfirmed this yet)
You can try to CHOKEPOINTFU some yukanakos and use your hellfire to kill up to 9 of them.
you can see that it takes 2 hellfires to kill a Tank yukanako.
Keep watch on your hp though. each hell fire costs about 30 hp!

Flandre approves of this Risky move! <gives some money>

Guardian: "hah, sorry Nue, but you bet i'll do it even harder!"

Nue: "but please be gentle...."

Guardian: "..."

We find better polearms as well as a flail of draining (OMG!) from the dead yukanakos.

as well as a ring of fire.

Now we can power up Flame shot.
we also have scroll of torment. use it when lots of enemies in Line of sight. (beware, it halfs enemy hp as well as yours!)

keep resist poison ring on.
Use ring of Fire, and shoot enemies with flame shot.
If enemies get close, Before engage in close combat, take off Ring of fire, and put on Ring of Evasion.
Nue survive so far because she dodged all attacks. i found out that as soon as i take off ring of evasion, she starts taking hits.

Stage is 99% clear.
Flandre seems pleased with our run so far.

Nue: "hah! im getting pretty confident now. things are going pretty smoothly."

Guardian: "But keep in mind, when the going gets easy, you actually going Downhill."

Nue: "well, yes we ARE going DOWN the levels, are we not?"

Guardian: "you're missing the point..."

The flail of draining is over powered. with Maces level10, its the best weapon so far.
BUT keep this in mind.
ANY kills by this weapon will only give HALF exp.
i recommend you weaken the enemy with this flail, then switch to another method for the finishing attack. DONT kill using this weapon if you want more exp.

order of businees?
i recommend:

1.  go back and charge Wand of healing. just use ONE recharge scroll for now. Bring wand of Draining (note kills using draining halves exp). i forgot to bring the draining wand :P

2. bring some food. i ate my rations. you'll need some for the upcoming fight.

3. return to Stash and drop the 'staff of summons', 'Necromicon', and other stuff you think not neccesary such as 'spear of dragon slaying' and 'trident of poison'.
also drop all potions of poison. its useless in this area but may be useful in Eintei.
Note: Big Snakes, Tank Yukanakos give Strong Poison (except for wimpy small ones). Normal yukanakos give normal poison.
Dont over do it and make over 50 poison potions......even if you do, do seperate them.


Take note of hunger costs of spells. use staff of energy accordingly.
Use Staff of channelling to get mana. it saves turns.
Use Ctrl+G to quick travel.
Repeat Last Command using ~. you can use that for Channeling, or repeated shooting at a target.
Dont hesitate to blast your way through walls using Dig. Hunger irrelevent using Staff of energy.This is great for making hallways and chokepoints.
ALWAYS keep ring of evasion on when fighting melee.
switch to ring of Fire for ranged combat.
Yukanakos are slow. Dont hesitate to play keep away, and spam fire, as well as retreat and Channel more mana. its sometimes dangerous to fight melee on groups of yukanakos.
you can try to melee one on one, but dont fight more than 3 at once.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 10:41:37 PM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #95 on: June 25, 2010, 01:55:07 PM »
Note the trick of seperating large numbers of similiar items.
i seperated the potions and honeycombs into managable chunks.
to seperate them, press"f" to throw.
then "i" to access inventory.
then, the letter corresponding to the item you want to seperate. you can thorw the items at a wall. that way you seperate large numbers of items.
i cant seem to think of  a more elegant way of doing this. if someone knows, do tell us.
You can tell the game only to drop # of a stack and likewise, to only pick up # of a stack. For example, if I have a tile with 50 poison potions and 30 confusion potions, I can do "g-?-8-a" to pick up only 8 poison potions and leave the rest behind. Likewise for dropping say 22 of 28 potions is "d-22-[letter of potion in inventory]".

Ah and draining attacks don't reduce your EXP gain provided it's not a killing blow? That's good to know. So we have both a gourment amulet and a rage amulet back at the temple... Maybe the yukanakos are reasonable, though I still have bad memories of being teleported all over the place. I'll do a full evaluation once I get the save which I'll only do once I'm done with my RL assignment here.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #96 on: June 25, 2010, 02:38:36 PM »
Gah, I have so much to go over, but I'll start with three points...

1. Barasia, your doing a pretty good run, I would like to point out that you can get Nue's wings to appear if you switch the drac wings on 2/10  or somethig like that.

2. I am not sure we should do a 10000 turn run, that would very uninviting to new player or those that are interested in playing. Because I know many of us die in less than 5000 turns. So I have to say nay on that one for now (maybe we can consider it for late game, but not now.)

3. Psieye, I didn't see you say that you signed up anywhere, but I know you expressed intrest. I guess I can let you go after Barasia. I have alot of things to look over for the next mod step.

Ah, finally, will satrt this afternoon. although, an update ony tomorrow....


heres an idea. if theres sukusuku hakutakus, there must an equivalent.
beware. mind-f%^& ahead.
although, you may already know about it.

Edit: in the next version, a player.png and monster.txt file will do.
maybe Hellhogs will be the fire  version of Moko-sheep.

Oklobs =

the minotaur should be Keine, as it fits her.
her ability to manipulate history affects player's memories, as they forget the layout of the labyrinth.
as for why she's guarding the loot......who knows.

Ok I'm still sorting out the rabbits but let's review what you suggested:

1. Moko-sheep to replace sheep? Oddly interesting. Seems weird, but I guess it would work. Will consider working on that.

2. Oklob yuka plant?....I think a yukakkuri could work very well in it's place.

3. This one I already thought up of, sadly I already slayed a minotuar, so if only we're lucky, we might find another one. Otherwise, yeah it was obviously that Keine would be the Minotaur.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 02:45:32 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #97 on: June 25, 2010, 02:44:51 PM »
Ah yeah, I didn't word my intent clearly back here. Ok so we're sticking with 5000 turn limits, I'll wait until Sunday GMT to see your status Totaku and then go. I meant to go at the end of the queue but seems it's gotten muddled up again.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #98 on: June 25, 2010, 03:03:28 PM »
Ah yeah, I didn't word my intent clearly back here. Ok so we're sticking with 5000 turn limits, I'll wait until Sunday GMT to see your status Totaku and then go. I meant to go at the end of the queue but seems it's gotten muddled up again.

YEah sorry, I've been rather busy. Got alot of things on my plate. But if you really wanted to be placed on the end of the Qurey, that would the turn order from the time you signed up would be:


At least that's where it would stand for now. If your fine with that.  If I do this, I won't be able to post anything till about Sunday at the earliest since I will spend most of the time doing mod work.

I got a whole new idea for the Elven halls and it'll require some testing to make sure the tiles works properly. Course I'm willing to let you go first since I already placed you there by accident. ^^;;

Once again sorry for the mixup.
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #99 on: June 25, 2010, 03:35:54 PM »
Let's stick to the rules then, so I go to the end of the queue and barasia's turn is over with no re-signup until he's back from his travels. If you want to keep the game going by postponing your turn Totaku, that means it's MaullarMaullar's priority to get a turn in before Sunday unless he also wants to pass that on to me.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #100 on: June 25, 2010, 04:41:11 PM »
Ok, fine then, I will still take my turn. Which I should be able to get to this Sunday. So far I got the yukka oklob done.  And currently working on the bunnies...

All 15 bunnies done!

Still debating about Eirin and the Nessos, and Master archer issue.

Anyways here's a sneak peek.

And here's all the bunny graphics.

Couldn't figure out the last one... I assume it's a wizlab specialty. More insight on that sprite would be nice.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 11:27:39 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #101 on: June 25, 2010, 11:02:10 PM »
the save file was in Reply 97 btw.
if you missed it here it is.;topic=6008.0;attach=7222

Barasia, your doing a pretty good run
not really, i just didn't go to lower levels of Yukanako pits yet.
the story might change there.
Nue can't handle more than 3 yukanakos at once.
Even ONE Tank yukanako is a big challenge for her.
Even ONE black mamba is a pain in the ass, (unless you weaken it with fire blasts before melee)
i was playing Keep Away for the most part :P

I would like to point out that you can get Nue's wings to appear if you switch the drac wings on 2/10  or somethig like that.
i think i did so.
you could put Master Archers as bunny's if you want. since Nessos is already replaced by Eirin.
as for why the bunnies exists there, it could be that making a stronghold downbelow makes it easier to search for the Beer of Zun.
Afterall, Bunny parties exist below, particulary in the Vaults and lower Dungeons.
nice Bunny graphics btw. it seems it was a good idea to hold of Eintei until you modded it.

Couldn't figure out the last one... I assume it's a wizlab specialty. More insight on that sprite would be nice.
the last one is actually from Cigotuvi's Fleshworks Wizlab.
Basically some insane lab of a wizard named Cigotuvi? as in Cigotuvi's Degeneration?
in there are some pretty sick holding cells, where he experiemented on some poor fellows. you'll find poor deformed and experimented humans, orcs and bunnies. as well as lots of strange things like the FOE.
going inside will cause losof mutations so make sure you have amulet of resist mutations or just plan to make Flandre entertained. Rewards? jsut some spells tailored towards transmutations.

Let's stick to the rules then, so I go to the end of the queue and barasia's turn is over with no re-signup until he's back from his travels. If you want to keep the game going by postponing your turn Totaku, that means it's MaullarMaullar's priority to get a turn in before Sunday unless he also wants to pass that on to me.

my turn still stands btw.
im gone on the 6th of July.
so if its not my turn BEFORE 4th of July(i need time to do the run and upload pics and so on), then you can skip it.
that gives me roughly ten more days.

as for the actual Queue list...could it be.....

Barasia (if save file was posted on 4th July, then skip my turn)

i belive this is correct, since Maullar and me had the turn not too long ago.
before Psieye came , totaku should have the turn, then marks as end of the list. thats where Psieye comes in.
God, this is so confusing @.@

« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 11:55:59 PM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #102 on: June 26, 2010, 04:11:30 AM »
Ok here it is, I went through and did an entire overhaul of the Elven Halls. Walls, and floor to top it off. So as of this point, it'll be called Enietei

Please let me know what you think. And do you think this'll do? Do you think there needs to be changes. Your feedback is appriciated. I'm surprised I got through this in a single day. I guess I was motivated today compared to my usual self.... I will probably mod a few more things before I start work on my game.

Edit: Bah I forgot, the Hall of Blades has the same time of wall setting as the Elven Halls..... I hope you don't mind a nice bamboo setting when fighting a bunch of flying weapons.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 04:38:21 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #103 on: June 26, 2010, 05:46:58 AM »
It is okay, but i think that the floor is abit too light colored.

<goes to pay Imperishable night>

yup. the floor is actaully dark brown in IN
see attached screenshot of IN scene
(you may use that screenshot a a referene :P )

Edit: never mind about the Hall of Blades. lets jsut say its one of Eirin's traps.

i went to do some research. it appars im wrong about the final blow only draining exp.
but thats just me, since its difficult to see the true effects of Draining.
heck, it doesn't even tell us by HOW MUCH exp is actaully drained.

good luck for your run Totaku. i persoanlly think yukanako pits is easier than Eintei.
just remember, i leveled Nue up in my run.  she has TWO free spell slots.
Level up one more time, and Return to Lair stash, and get Regeneration(it costs 3 spell slots) in Book of war chants.
the hunger costs at this stage is irrelevent, since we have staff of energy. its better to cast regen than to rest, since Flandre doesn't like to be bored....
your regen might even counter a poison effect!
well, slightly.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 05:55:20 AM by barasia »
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #104 on: June 26, 2010, 08:37:40 AM »
Eientei has wooden floorboards on the corridors and tatami mats within its rooms (see Inaba^2 for reference). Since we can't choose which areas get specific floor tiles, both work fine and I personally prefer tatami mats - gives a more oriental feel than the common floorboards. Hall of Blades having the same Eientei architecture makes perfect sense - gives it a very Reisen feel to it as you fight what must feel like an insane illusion to the adventurer characters. Nice touch on the master archer bunny having similar clothes to Eirin.

As for Elven Halls vs Snake Pits in difficulty, I'd think that elves are an easier time for mage characters (mephitic cloud, evaporate confusion potions) and nagas are easier for tank characters with poison resist. I have too many bad memories of amazingly fast snakes ruining my life in the pits... With elves I never had any persistent trouble (as mage characters) unless I got really unlucky when climbing down stairs and getting nuked by 10 elves at once.

Edit: OMFG IS THAT A MIKO BUNNY AS HIGH PRIEST? *Psieye explodes from Awesomeness overload*
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 08:43:55 AM by Psieye »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #105 on: June 26, 2010, 11:36:41 PM »
It is okay, but i think that the floor is abit too light colored.

As Psieye pointed out thier Tatami matts.  If I had the power I would actually make certain rooms into tatami mats and narrow hallways into doors. Heck I'd remodel the Elven halls in general so it would be more like a house like setting, but since I have a computer that lacks the proper compiling, that's not quite possible...yet....

And after adjusting the color, I'm going to say the tatami mat looking lighter seems better. as it fits the atmosphere much better. I only slightly darken them a bit, but they're still pretty much the same.
Edit: OMFG IS THAT A MIKO BUNNY AS HIGH PRIEST? *Psieye explodes from Awesomeness overload*

A waki miko rabbit at that. May be a bit hard to see the armpits so she may look too simalar to the miko rabbit. So I gave her a gohei (related to Sanae's) to make her at least different.

I'm almost done with the graphic modding. I only got two more to go before I begin my run. The moko sheep and Keine.   As for right now here's some Aki sisters replacing the elven twins... (like were ever going to see them)

Just seemed suiting since when one sister dies the other is bound to retaliate.
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #106 on: June 27, 2010, 01:14:33 AM »
im surprised you guys haven't meet them yet. (the elven twins that is)
in ALL my 0.6.0 runs, i've met them. they are quite the challenge.
The wrath of the sword weilding one......ugh.
the wrath of the magic using one is still palpable.

(nice graphics btw. although the older sister Shizuha Aki seems to be trying to show off her skirt XD.  otherwise its fine. Heck, i even see Shizuha being a few pixels TALLER than Minoriko. Such attention to detail makes you AWESMOE)

Other suggestions:

Teleport trap = Yukari Gap. this could be easy for you, since its just a curvy purple shape with red eyes in it.
Edit: with ribbons at the end too!

Toadstools, Mushrooms, BasillyBLAGH = Sunflowers.
If Yuka-God grants us the power to "Grow Flowers at any time", i suppose its only fitting that we replace the mushroom grahics with flowers.
*theres TWO grahics for toadstools. maybe just make 2 different colored flowers.
BassilyBLAH(that weird named flower) = Sunflowers. theres two types, a normal stanced one, and the other "active" one where it can create MORE Sunflowers.
Also the "Spore" graphic that Lily White(that exploding Spring Spore) spreads could be Spring Essesnce (jsut replace with pink color?)
Normal guessed it, a flower.
As for the Wandering Mushrooms, maybe its a variety of Yukakurri......

Orb of Destruction(the purple orbs) = Nukes. Ie, jsut Utsuho styled orbs with the Radioactive warnings in it. this turn it into Utsuho NEWCLER bombs.

Reaper = Komachikurri? or jsut Komachi?

Also, i've only meet those creepy wepon weilding statues ONCE.
 it was in elven halls......and i met a bow using statue. GOD, it was hard to kill, since its immune to ALL magics, except earth transmutations. even fighting melee ws difficult because itsa STATUE!
and i didnt ahve any Disintegrators at the time.
have anyone encountered these weird weapon usin statues yet? especially the green ones?

Orb Guardians = Mannosukes? like last time?its a bit early to speculate what the Beer Guardian looks like...we might hold this off til the end, but there the nagging question that if this is a Touhou theme Crawl, Halls of Zot will be an epic part of the run, so wat should the residents of Zot/Zun be?

shall we leave draconians as they are?
currently the Draconians have an interesting graphics system. they have a "naked" body, with different colors, AND a uniform system that FITS ON TOP of all draconian body.
this means you only need a base design of a Body, and then you focus more attention to the details of the uniforms(Knight, Callers, Warpers,Monks and what not).
i just can't think of a race in Touhou that fits into this Last bosses theme.
sorry, theres no suggestions from me for that, only questions. its very early to bring it up, but it could be important to think about, seeing how epic Halls of Zot is.

thats all i can think of now. Keep up the fine work Totaku!

Edit: i just thought of it jsut now.
Since the orbs of Destruction has THREE graphics that loops to shw it pulsate, you can change them to make the Radioactive sign flash!
that wasy, as the Utsuho NEWCLER bombs fly at you, you can see the radioactive sign flash alarmingly. it really shows off itspower in style.
if you want, you can put WARNING borders around the orb (its a big graphic after all) too.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 01:22:05 AM by barasia »
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #107 on: June 27, 2010, 05:55:07 AM »
(nice graphics btw. although the older sister Shizuha Aki seems to be trying to show off her skirt XD.  otherwise its fine. Heck, i even see Shizuha being a few pixels TALLER than Minoriko. Such attention to detail makes you AWESMOE)

Well to be honest, the sprite size between the two elves were different. And because of Crawl's new sprite system, I can't do much to alter it. Thankfully I had plan to make Minoriko shorter anyways. (though to be honest, I would have preffer her being one pixel shorter rather than two... but what can I do, until I can get a computer that can allow me to using a compliling program I can't exactly do much except fit them in the margins given.
Other suggestions:

Teleport trap = Yukari Gap. this could be easy for you, since its just a curvy purple shape with red eyes in it.
Edit: with ribbons at the end too!
If you look hard enough, they exsit.

Toadstools, Mushrooms, BasillyBLAGH = Sunflowers.
If Yuka-God grants us the power to "Grow Flowers at any time", i suppose its only fitting that we replace the mushroom grahics with flowers.
*theres TWO grahics for toadstools. maybe just make 2 different colored flowers.
BassilyBLAH(that weird named flower) = Sunflowers. theres two types, a normal stanced one, and the other "active" one where it can create MORE Sunflowers.
Also the "Spore" graphic that Lily White(that exploding Spring Spore) spreads could be Spring Essesnce (jsut replace with pink color?)
Normal guessed it, a flower.
As for the Wandering Mushrooms, maybe its a variety of Yukakurri......

And what about Marisa? I know what your thinking about, but the main reason I kept the mushroom theme was for Marisa :P Though I think a good alternative to this would be..... the grass! The grass can become sunflowers! Even more suiting for when you have a sunflower turn into a yukkakkuri!

Orb of Destruction(the purple orbs) = Nukes. Ie, jsut Utsuho styled orbs with the Radioactive warnings in it. this turn it into Utsuho NEWCLER bombs.

This one's on the possible list, I haven't decided yet, but I know exactly what your thinking, I did some playtesting and got to see some orbs of destruction in action. Rather neat stuff.... I just wish it make a firey explosion ala fire storm. That would be more Utsuho like. But whatever.. I think that one over...

Reaper = Komachikurri? or jsut Komachi?

This one I already thought up of, I just haven't implimented it yet.... I'll let you guess which one I picked.

Orb Guardians = Mannosukes? like last time?its a bit early to speculate what the Beer Guardian looks like...we might hold this off til the end, but there the nagging question that if this is a Touhou theme Crawl, Halls of Zot will be an epic part of the run, so wat should the residents of Zot/Zun be?
I'll tell you the truth here. The Mannosuke idea from the last game was well fitting for an orb guardian...much better than those....fetus looking things.... And considering that this should be called the Halls of ZUN.... it would only make sense the deep down inside of it, the girl would face something they should never confront....manly men!

shall we leave draconians as they are?
currently the Draconians have an interesting graphics system. they have a "naked" body, with different colors, AND a uniform system that FITS ON TOP of all draconian body.
this means you only need a base design of a Body, and then you focus more attention to the details of the uniforms(Knight, Callers, Warpers,Monks and what not).
i just can't think of a race in Touhou that fits into this Last bosses theme.
sorry, theres no suggestions from me for that, only questions. its very early to bring it up, but it could be important to think about, seeing how epic Halls of Zot is.

To be honest....draconions should stay as they are. It can link to what ZUN mentioned about dragons....being the most powerful beings known in Gensokyo... Course draconions are humanoid dragons, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous....

Edit: i just thought of it jsut now.
Since the orbs of Destruction has THREE graphics that loops to shw it pulsate, you can change them to make the Radioactive sign flash!
that wasy, as the Utsuho NEWCLER bombs fly at you, you can see the radioactive sign flash alarmingly. it really shows off itspower in style.
if you want, you can put WARNING borders around the orb (its a big graphic after all) too.

Again something to think about... I'm not too certain about how much I want to do with that yet. It could get too confusing if I make it really flashy...

Anyways, Keine and the Mokosheep are done.... I wish I did better with the Moko sheep, but it'll do for now (in too big of a rush...) So as of right now I will now give out the new mod....

This mod has as load of changes as I've changed a whole bunch of things, uniques, the elves are now rabbits, the Elven halls is now an Enitei setting, and I've replaced the Minotuar and sheep too!

So now I'm going to stop modding for a bit and start taking my run. So I'll be back with a report....sooner or later...
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #108 on: June 27, 2010, 06:50:39 AM »
Hm, i just realised.
The Front Page/First post of this thread doesn't reflect the latest mod :P

While Acidus(thread starter) isn't always following the progress, maybe you could talk with Pesco to insert a post after Acidus's post to show all mod versions and what not.

Link on Acidus's post:

Your current one as of NOW:

im still a noob when it comes to mediafire, but i wonder if you can delete the original version, then somehow replace it with the latest version, under the SAME LINK. so that when newcomers go to Front Page, they automatically dl the latest ver.

if that isn't possible, then making Pesco Put in Your post right after Acidus post, so you can simple "Modify Post" to update any changes.....

The newest version is quite alright....
I see waht you did with the Deformed bunny. the poor thing.... :V
Moko-Sheep looks like a trace over the original. i sort of imagined it to be, to put it into words of a commentor on Danbooru, "a riceball with a head on it".
quite like my avatar :P

you could try to crop and resize said avatar
then make small edits and try to paste over the sheep graphic?
its just a suggestion, to conform with the feel of the fanbase. you could do it in your next streak of motivation :P

Grass as Sunflowers is a good idea. you could ake the Grey Grass wilted sunflowers too(i think it appears in entrance to Crypt? its random map generated i think....)
Oh yeah, you know how Spores/Lily White leave a trail of green spores on the ground? you could change the color into pink(the graphics in dngn.png, very bottom grahics), so Lily spreads spring essence which i was talkng about.

Can't wait to see your run~
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #109 on: June 27, 2010, 07:47:03 AM »
Hm, i just realised.
The Front Page/First post of this thread doesn't reflect the latest mod :P

Yeah, I've been bugging Anathe about changing it for a while. But I don't know if she's going to get off her arse to do it. I'll try bugging her once more...

If she doesn't come through, I'll pester Pesco about a possible way to mod the first post...

The newest version is quite alright....
I see waht you did with the Deformed bunny. the poor thing.... :V
Moko-Sheep looks like a trace over the original. i sort of imagined it to be, to put it into words of a commentor on Danbooru, "a riceball with a head on it".
quite like my avatar :P

you could try to crop and resize said avatar
then make small edits and try to paste over the sheep graphic?
its just a suggestion, to conform with the feel of the fanbase. you could do it in your next streak of motivation :P

I'll just say it here. Yes, the moko-sheep was rushed. I basiclly used the sheep's template and basiclly removed the legs and head and did a few small adjustments to it. So does look rushed and incomplete.

It was sort of a race against time since I'm trying to get everything done at once....

Grass as Sunflowers is a good idea. you could ake the Grey Grass wilted sunflowers too(i think it appears in entrance to Crypt? its random map generated i think....)
Oh yeah, you know how Spores/Lily White leave a trail of green spores on the ground? you could change the color into pink(the graphics in dngn.png, very bottom grahics), so Lily spreads spring essence which i was talkng about.

This idea seems amusing.... but how do cherry blossoms contaminate your food?! That's a question even I have to give a second thought about regarding Lily White / Spore modding....

There's also the Ballsyotics.... which I assume are cherry blossom trees... I donno. But if you have a good explantion for the cherry blossoms... I might be able to go with it.

Now it's time for the Crawl report:

When we were last left off, Nue had nearly cleared the snake pits. She was down on floor 4 and after exploring everywhere, she returned back up to the top of the Lair where she decided to start setting down some supplies to make some room. Mostly some of her pole arms, some rings, and a few other small things and then picked up 2 loaves of bread in case of an emergency....

And so Nue attempts to enter into the 5 floor of the snake pits once again..

Now what's this?! Frederick again?!!! What does this man want?! Why does he insist on haunting this floor?! Thankfully he was asleep so Nue decided to avoid this man since it would likely spell distater like before...

Course it wasn't long before Nue ran into a group of Yukanakos...

Always running about spitting poisonous loogies....

And there was also the concern of Anacondas too...

But what really messed Nue up was....

Flan, she decided to have a teleport ride set for Nue. And where did she wind up?

About 6 steps away from the Rune...that's what....full of sleeping yukanakkos.... yeaaaahhhh....

So what did I decide to do?

I decided Flan was trying to tell me to get the Rune....

So I tried to move....


Pretty much everyone was awake and knew I was there. And the yukannons hasted them selves....

As a desperate attempt, Nue used her blink scroll and grabed the rune... but the yukkannon reached to her and was hitting HARD!!!!(due to it's speed I'm guessing)

She tries to use the scroll of fear... no good....

Teleport!...died....before she could teleport....

For some reason, despite Flan teleporting me near the Rune, I felt that if I played my cards right I would  of gotten the rune and got out.....

Sadly... I didn't...

I should of blinked to the rune, grabbed it, teleported myself and then use a scroll of fear on all possible enemies that threathened me..... That would of played out better if I did it that way.....maybe?

Anyways, the turn order after discussing things with Psieye is set like this:

Turn order:


So Maullar, good luck and happy crawlling!
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #110 on: June 27, 2010, 08:53:32 AM »
This one's on the possible list, I haven't decided yet, but I know exactly what your thinking, I did some playtesting and got to see some orbs of destruction in action. Rather neat stuff.... I just wish it make a firey explosion ala fire storm. That would be more Utsuho like. But whatever.. I think that one over...
Okuu's th12.3 6B ball. Not everything she does explodes in glorious fire.

This idea seems amusing.... but how do cherry blossoms contaminate your food?! That's a question even I have to give a second thought about regarding Lily White / Spore modding....

There's also the Ballsyotics.... which I assume are cherry blossom trees... I donno. But if you have a good explantion for the cherry blossoms... I might be able to go with it.
Youkai cherry blossoms. Not very convincing I know, considering they'd rather eat your soul than your food.

Ouch and Flan tempted you with the rune. I dunno, I go with a strict "kill everything... eventually" mentality and since the runes don't actually do anything except open the Zot realm, I don't bother collecting them until the endgame.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 08:59:14 AM by Psieye »


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #111 on: June 27, 2010, 09:54:08 AM »
well, i didnt really say "cherry blossoms", i only said "spring essence".
And since Spring Essence encourages LIVING things to grow, a concentrated form of Spring Essence will cause heavily accelerated growth.

of what you say?
Well, the bacteria living in your food of course!
(thats why potions of porridge isn't affected sinced it a closed enviroment and possibly full of preservatives.....yuck!)

Touche  ;)

thus is why spring essence also causes those accelerated mushroom/sunflower growth. If you worship Yuka, using Rain + sunlight causes plants to grow, but VERY slowly and unlikely.
a Lily White shouting "Spring is Here!" will 100% guarentee some growth of mushrooms etc.

As for BallsyBLAGH, its just the Spring Essence causing accelerated reproduction. hence thats why you call them Active BallsyBLARGH.

(strangely enough, direct contact with Spring Essence damages you.....lets just say its pure form is damaging(like bullets in PCB?), but when Lily White explodes, the energy is diluted and can be used by the bacteria and surrounding Fauna.)

ok, thats my BS explanation. take it or leave it :P

Sigh, Flandre.
It is still true that the last level of yukanako is easier than the last level of Eintei.
The problem is, when Flandre comes into the equation, things can go horribly wrong OR just stupidly easy.
And that totally depends on the skill of the player. Flandre teleporting you right infront of the rune is UNHEARD OF.
(why! why wont you be that nice to me flan~).
i was expecting you to come in from the front door and engage in an epic chokepoint battle, but that teleport was unexpected..... as expected from Flan~

also, WTF! my save file didnt have last level of yukanako pits, AND STILL FREDERICK SPAWNS? DEJAVU?!
in my entire crawl experience, i never encounter the same unique on the same level.
Edit: Except for the obvious ones like Sigmund, Iyjib etc

that has to be a freak of luck. (maybe all that work on Eintei has made Tewi play a cruel prank on you :P )
So much for the Dev team promising "you'll never have the crawl experience twice".

I should of blinked to the rune, grabbed it, teleported myself and then use a scroll of fear on all possible enemies that threathened me..... That would of played out better if I did it that way.....maybe?

heh, when somethng bad like that happens you should do what i do:
1. freak out first, but stay away from the keyboard
2. calm down
3. perform detailed analysis of all possible options, all possible scenarios and conclude on a reasonable plan.
step 3 for me takes about 10-15 minutes.

so yeah, you should done what you just said. Being surrounded like that would set off a thousand alarm bells in my head(Nue can't handle more than 3 Yukanakos as i found out earlier).
also, what you 'should' have done is
1. initiate tele first (it kicks in about 3-4 turns)
2. blink to rune
3. grab it

1. moving willalert the monsters, but reading scrolls(that only affect you) have less chance of doing so (wtf! that didnt make sense! but that seems to be my experience)
2. if something bad happens or your plan didnt go to plan, your tele effect will save you.

i doubt Flandre will give such an opportunity again.....or maybe i spoke too soon.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 11:22:04 AM by barasia »
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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #112 on: June 29, 2010, 04:27:38 AM »
First things first, I double back to the stash at Lair:1 so we can stop becoming Encumbered every time we use Blade Hands.  Inter alia, I ditch the +3 ring of dexterity, as we already have a higher-enchanted ring of dexterity, and the +5 ring of evasion obsoletes it anyway.

The trident of venom and spear of dragon slaying go because we already have a venom weapon and the spear just isn't that useful.  The glaive stays with us--despite our poor Polearms skill and already desperately spread-out skills--because we can poke past people with it.  This is more useful than it sounds.

"I hope it's more interesting than it sounds, 'cause I'm dozing here."

Also, Flandre smiles on us.

  "Oh, hell ye--"

...but Flandre giveth, and Flandre taketh away.


"You see that?  That's what I can do to you.  You already got the horns and scales--how about I go for a hat trick?"

"N-no, I'm fine.  Thank you."

Anyway, I also recharge that wand of healing and burn a scroll of detect curse on some of the mystery weapons in our stash, as well as a ring I picked up.  No sense in burning an identify scroll when the ring could be one of those that identifies just from putting it on...

"Oh hell yes!"

"You do realize AC's been nerfed into oblivion?"

"Why are you still here?  Go piss up a rope!  I bet Maullar would be into it!"

"Excuse me?  I don't have to take this... this abuse!  In fact, I'm taking over this LP--"


We finish up Snake Kanako:4 and return to the Elven Halls Eientei.  Oh, and I just wanna give a shout-out to the Staff of Channeling, which can be wielded and evoked to swap food for MP.  Usually a good deal--and for us with our Gourmand, a great deal.

"Leaves this chalky taste in your mouth, though.  Blech."

We also get some more gifts...


"I think I'll pass, but thanks."

"Aww, come on!  Take one for the team!"

"What team?"



"Oh, go away.  This is why I prefer the company of Blade Hands."

We find an antique weapon store...

Nice.  Polearms of speed were dummied out of 0.6 (except randarts) because they were too good, combining the damage of a battleaxe with the attack speed of a dagger.  This is worth turning Polearms back on for--especially since we'll be getting demon tridents later.

"Plus I can tell enemies, 'Allow me to share the Wealth with you,' before I stab them."

Moving on, an inaba knight manages to pierce our magic resistance!

"My mother knew that I would die one day!"

"Hahahaha!  God, you can't buy -this- any more."

"Seriously.  Not since that one guy died on Wipeout."

"A snake rode a motorcycle seven miles!"

We take care of that and move on.  Now, inaba conjurers should be confused ASAP--their bolt spells are not to be trifled with.

And this isn't a good sign.

"Oh, is Satori around?  She still has my Lost DVDs."

No.  No, it's not Satori.

If Azrael's hellfire isn't bad enough, he comes with an entourage of hell hounds and fire elementals.  Fortunately, hell hounds don't have much magic resistance, and we just happened to pick up a wand of enslavement on this floor...

"Ahhhhh!  You idiots!  It's her you want!  What's SHE done for you lately?  Did SHE raise you?  Did SHE wake up at 5 in the morning every day to feed you?  Did SHE buy you those adorable sweaters with the--HRKKKKKKKK"

Having survived that fiery encounter, we're done with this episode.  I'll be seeing you again in a few days.

"So who's doing the preview this time?  Sara had to... leave the show early."


"I guess you'll do."

"I know you haven't been seeing much of me lately, but Maullar actually used Spider Form once to get away from some summoned mammals!  Mammals!  He was so ashamed he cut the picture from this upd--"

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Would the next player please put the amulet of the gourmand back on, I switched it for conservation during the Azrael battle
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 04:38:00 AM by Bad Appellant!! »

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Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #113 on: June 29, 2010, 05:05:52 AM »
Ok, save and mod grabbed, will handle this after I'm back from work.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #114 on: June 29, 2010, 09:47:19 AM »
very nice find there. A bardiche of speed XD.

Btw. learned Regeneration yet?
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #115 on: June 30, 2010, 01:49:49 AM »
Ok turn done (wow that took longer than I thought), now uploading images and will edit  this post once done. Here's the save in advance.


Ok so let's see, I start with the counter at 65134 turns.

Our current skills:

Flan's mood... darn, Nue is a Special Plaything, this is gonna hurt. Looking at logs, she thought that fight with Azrael was hilarious so at least she's well amused.

Our spells:

And our stats summary:

Huh wait, a Bardiche is a base delay 200% weapon? I need to get a spear to train up on, even if it's a Speed brand it's still unwieldly at Polearms Lv 2. Though because I'm curious and we have a lot of identify scrolls, I'm going to read one now to see just how good the Wealth is: +1, +6. Worthy indeed.

Since we want to train up Polearms I'm switching off Transmutations, Unarmed Combat and Dodging since they're going to suck up a lot of EXP. Also, swapping the rF+ ring for the artifact MR, MP+9 ring.

Going down to Halls 4... oh, that's where the Azrael fight was...

And I wanted a gentle start to my turn, oh well. Oh drat, shapeshifting removed our Strength bonus from our gloves, I was encumbered briefly. Ice form, Speed Potion and Heal Wounds Potion were used. Crisis averted. Oh and I used a Fear scroll to get rid of a rabbit that was approach too. Need Regeneration... Spellcasting is at 95% EXP so I'll visit the Lair soon.

Since Flan would be pissed off if I sat around doing nothing (I NEED REGENERATION) I keep advancing while at low health. I encounter an open room full of rabbits.

Love the descriptions:

Commence liberal application of boiling potions:

No good, I'm retreating as I'm out of mana too. Will heal as I go back to Lair to pick up that book of War Chants. Got a few kills out of that scuffle but not going to risk more. Flan decided to be merciful and did nothing ("chill runs through your body"), though she didn't change her mood either. Put on Sustenance ring, Spider form and off we go.

I meet a Suwako Hat on my way to the Lair. The Ice form transformation I did to fight it gave me the EXP I needed to push Spellcasting to Lv 7. Regeneration learnt. I also pick up the dragon slaying spear to use as a training weapon. Then I drop fractions of our Remove Curse, Identify and Detect Curse scrolls since they weigh a lot and you never need all that many at a time (srsly, I just removed 30 aum off Nue's shoudlers by doing that).

While I keep the rC+ robe in inventory, I put on the rN+ leather armour. Ice form and Dig are slightly worse in success chance but otherwise Nue is still an apt caster. I put down the resist Mutation amulet for the Rage amulet (Berserk is good). Also I stock up on evaporate ammunition. Oh and the rN+ ring is put down as well as this "dyed elven leather armour" because we need inventory space to carry loot back. Finally, in case I need to entertain Flan in an emergency, I take the curse armour scroll and a Random Effects wand.

As I make my way back to the Elven Halls Eientei, Flan "notices you" and does something useless, but demotes us to Very Special Plaything. Not good indeed... Now that I'm back here, just to speed up future travels I use the Disintegration wand to make a shortcut at the entrance to Eientei 1. Oh and I make a mini-stash here so we can carry more loot back from down there:

Back at Eientei 4, a seemingly harmless Inbaba soldier (weakest of the lot) demonstrates surprising danger by zapping a Draining wand:

No mercy, Confusion potion then I change to Ice form and take advantage of poison resistance to kill the rabbit. Oh that rabbit also picked up Azrael's flame scimitar, I'm confiscating that even though we won't use it ourselves.

So many interruptions, can't I eat this rabbit in peace?

Ok I hid in a room to eat 2 rabbits. Now that we're very full, I'm putting on the Rage amulet and the poison resist ring so I can practice with this spear while standing in noxious clouds. Even though I've taken off the Gourmand amulet, I still chop up corpses to hinder any necromancy the Inaba Mikos do (oh drat, forgot we're a Transmuter and we potion corpses... Oh well only 1 corpse lost). Ooh and we pick up an acquirement scroll! I put it upstairs for safekeeping in case I get hit by fire while it's in my inventory:

As I turn a corner I encounter...

No I'm going to sneak behind that rabbit first. Uh, a group of rabbits actually, but Confusion potions make this easy. One soldier gets into a hasted magic fight with me, so I use my Elona-trained instincts for taking down quick mobs - Poison:

Incidentaly, in Elona there was this 'harmless' mob that got its turns 40 times faster than you, was fragile but had fast regen and would vanish after some time (permanently disappearing with the high gold drop it always has). Poison is the only way to reliably kill those buggers.

Oh, just realised I wasn't using Nue graphics, whoops rectified:

Maybe I should show my weapon at least. Another Air staff was spotted but since we already have one at the Lair, I ignore it. Right, Sakuya time:

I decide to gamble and use the Random wand. Flan is pleased:

Wow you really have bad luck dear Inaba Miko, you walked into the last remains of noxious fumes:

Ok so Sakuya had a distortion dagger (so that's how she blinked...) and 4 curare needles, as well as a blowgun. I'm taking them all in case someone finds a use for them.

Darn, a summoner appeared and brought in a Neqoxec before I could close the distance:

That thing is poison resistant and has long-range mutation/stat-drain attacks. I'm getting out of here and coming back via another staircase. But I didn't get away far enough:

We're now inefficient at getting nutrition from meat. Just means more corpses need to be consumed for Gourmand. Ack it even got off a -1 Int and a -1 Dex mutation as I tried to get away. I miss having blink and controlled teleport.

I find an unidentified ring when my inventory is full, so I try putting it on. Didn't self-identify so I use an ID scroll to find it's a +3/+3 Slaying ring! Ok I'm feeling offense minded, I replace the +5 EV ring for this. Also, that ID scroll gave me 2 free idents afterwards so I checked how many shots 2 of our wands have. Darn, this Teleport wand Flan gave us has 4 shots remaining even after we zapped it 5 times. Also, I picked up a Wand of Fire (6 shots) a while ago. Time to empty the inventory at Eientei 1.

Flan decided Nue needed some adjustments:

Oh and a small Inaba party was encountered, during which the spear was identified as +2/+1 (much easier to train with than the unwieldly Bardiche):

Well, since I'll be travelling for a while anyway... Hellfire! Right I do inventory maintenance at Eientei 1 entrance, oh and I drop the surplus weapons outside Eientei, in the Orc Mines since I'd rather some random orcs picked them up instead of rabbits:

Darn it, the Gourmand amulet needed more time to kick in, I got sickness from eating rabbit meat. Oh hey there Waki Miko Inaba, I didn't need to stun you since you were right around the corner, at melee range:

Proof we're still a special plaything to Flandre (that's bad, we want to be a toy not a plaything):

Thankfully it's harmless to us thanks to the ring.

Nue recovered from food poisoning. She admitted Flan's last antic of venomous nose fumes was amusing, but only because she was immune to its toxicity right now. As she rounded a corner, she met a well-trained Inaba fighter that immediately got out her bow.

"I hate archers", Nue muttered as she threw a choking bomb at the archer. The Heian era may have been centuries ago but the memory of being shot as she got exterminated back then was still a sour one when it was recalled. Before long, the rabbit fighter was staggering in a daze as Nue felt frustrated even her trident skills got forgotten when she entered this dungeon. She cursed how she couldn't land a solid shot when the rabbit girl briefly had her back turned to her. A bite and a headbutt didn't do much good either but finally she got her spear to plunge into the rabbit's torso through the fighter's dyed leather armour. One more stab and the rabbit gave up on life.

Floor cleared, Eientei 5 go! Immediately I face Louise the heavily armoured spellcaster. As if that helps against noxious fumes. Next turn... WHY? WHY IS AIZULKANAKO HERE? No, just no. I'm abandoning the Eientei exploration. That there is a real powerhouse of a Unique, who once mangled me for 41 damage after throwing out poison arrows (cannot be resisted even with poison resist unless you're undead) and venom bolts. Thankfully the stairs are near me:

Oh and here's her bio:

By the way, I somehow managed to bring Louise upstairs with me and killed her. Afterwards, thanks to a random fighter that became a sparring opponent, I got Polearms to Lv 3 as well as a Freeze long sword. For reference, I'm leaving behind a small stash of food and evaporate ammo at the entrance to Eientei for when we come back in the future:

Oh and I used a Detect Curses scroll to see what Louise's armour was: +3 Dwarven Chain Mail. It's Dwarven, so it's especially bad for spellcasting, but I'll bring it back in case we need to be 100% fighter in some unusual circumstance (yeah right, I'm just a hoarder). I'm also leaving behind my remaining Detect Curse and Remove Curse scrolls in the Orc Mines just outside Eientei's entrance staircase so we can use them later when we do Eientei properly. This also cleared up my inventory to take my loot back.

Ok we got 2 Acquirement scrolls now, but I see nothing we urgently need so I'm letting them gather dust. Oh cool and Louise's weapon was a flail of protection! Ok this might be useful so I'm keeping it on us. More inventory maintenance back at Lair and... off to the Shoals! Oh I'm leaving the rF+ robe and Wealth Bardiche behind since I don't foresee them being used in the Shoals. But I will be using the levitation ring, oh yes indeed. I'm uncomfortable with the lack of heal potions (both kinds) we have but nothing we can do about that.

Shoals 1, we get a Monster Manual spellbook. I recommend learning Summon Small Mammals (actually I'd really like Butterflies) to use as chaffs when running away in narrow corridors. But since the Shoals don't have corridors, I won't learn it yet. Oh we get a casket too. Dropping these (and any food I find in there since harpies can even eat them under your feet) off at the Lair just outside the Shoals entrance.

Ah right yes, Manticores drown even though they have wings. Oh and we meet our first kappa:


Why's a Kappa wielding a bow? They're all about thrownig stuff dammit. Well, it went away while I went back to grab a throwing net I forgot about (useful to get stab attacks in at melee range, do not throw from far away as that ruins the net's integrity). Oh and Flandre did something useless - my spear glowed bronze coloured a while. Oh wait, she did something else too - after 3 teleports I'm... right next to a snapping turtle:

These things HURT if they hit, so I'm going to throw out every poison we got if it wakes up... ok good, I get to STAB it. Drat, we're no good at stabbing and this isn't a short blade so it didn't do much good. Plan B, Poison it. Oh and that kappa from before snuck up on me and threw a spear at me. Yeah, poor thing's wielding a cursed bow, that's why he's stuck like that. Perfect opportunity for some spear training. The turtle from before died to poison while wandering out to sea lost.

Oh hey, so that's what happens when the tide comes in while you're in the water - you get pushed back. I grabbed this Random Wand just in time before it got sucked into the high tide. Now then... Sea Snake alert!

Thankfully we're poison immune, because these snakes have the worst poison attack of all snakes I believe - once I found myself losing 12 HP a turn because of this poison... Also, since it's a cold-blooded organism, ice attacks slow it. Free EXP for transmuters~

I drown another Manticore (hah, it thought it was in a good position to pepper me with spikes while on an island fast sinking).

Uh hey... is this Mara of the dreaded "I make illusions of you and myself"?

As Sikieiki?

If that really is an out-of-depth Mara, I am in huge trouble... SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT IT ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:

By the way, here's the kappa cryotechnician bio, from all these illusions (it's actually a plant):

I use a teleport scroll and a blink scroll to grab this wand and then hopefully escape far away. Wow though, I'm even seeing the primordial Orb of Fire while Misled:


I read another teleport scroll and keep spamming Sticks to Snakes to act as distractions. Being Misled sure brings all sorts of interesting bios to view:

Yeah, you can see Nue's illusion now:

Ok so this is where the Teleport puts me:

Good enough, spider form and I'm getting out of this place. Yeah you see all that scary stuff over there? Those are all plants:

Ok, time to think. I've still got 2500 turns to play. Shoals and Eientei have thrown me bastard out-of-depth Uniques (considered awesome enough to be replaced with Touhou powerhouses) that I'm not going back into them. We've cleared the Snake Pits until floor 4 and floor 5 is a death trap as far as I'm concerned until we're much stronger. Hive has also been completed. That leaves me with the Vault... Ok back to our stash for more re-organisation. Again, I leave behind some food and evaporate ammo in front of the Shoals for our eventual return.

............ I'm scared, I really am:



BURNNNNNNNNNN!!!! Wand of Fire well used. Ok, damage report:

Most of our stash is intact. Right, I'm taking the bone lantern instead of learning summon expendable creatures (small mammals). Also, I'm leaving behind the Flail of draining, blade hands is plenty good enough for doing melee damage - we actually have better attack stats with blade hands than Flails at Lv 10 skill.

D:13. Flandre poked me for "you hear a sizzling sound" - i.e. nothing happened. Oh hey, if I'm seeing this many killer bees, there must be a mini-hive around here:

Oh hi there Yuyuko Yukkuri:

And now Sukusuku Hakutaku join the poisonous fun too. After much spear grinding... Flandre decides to make this more amusing:

Right, problem sorted. Nue feasted until she was Engorged and now she's got the Rage amulet back on. By the way the wand I got while running away from Mara Siki was a Dig wand. Now... why did I forget we're bad at stabbing...

Oh and Flan buffed us. Time to stay alive to make good use of that buff. Spam evaporate! You know we could really do with some Enchantment levels to make Regeneration have some power behind it. There we go:

Ah? Centaurs are Eirin Yukkuris?

.................................. *FACEPALM* I should have inscribed "!D" on that spear, that or change the hotkeys around... I just wasted our training spear of dragon slaying by accidentally making it a snake. Ok I went back and grabbed a random spear. Time to resume.

D:14, here be Alice and some nasties:

Well that was no problem, viva poison resistance and evaporate! Now then, the good news is we're Flan's favourite toy again:

You can see what the bad news is. Well, after a party of orcs, she shows us a token of her new favour: a ring mail. A +0/+0 ring mail. Oh well it's the thought that counts. And we're a Beloved Toy now. And we just encountered Uruk. I turn back and find a new wand. Hmm, yes let's entertain Flan a little. But while I try to sneak up on Uruk and polar bear...

Oh yeah that's why we keep a disintegrate wand around... A scroll shop was found, nothing too interesting. While trying to look around for a way to Uruk I encounter:

I step away quietly for now, I'll deal with them later when I have space in my inventory. Actually no, I run into them from a different direction. Oh aren't you kind Flan to give me a gift right when I'm trying to run away?

Threw away some junk item to pick it up. Running for now. Picked up Disintegrate wand and looks like I'll have just enough time to get Uruk before I end my turn. Oh looks like Flan wanted to spice things up:

Yes, she wants me to take on Uruk fast. Let's do this! Evaporatex2! Equip unidentified ring! Zap unidentified wand! Uh that was the plan, but actually...

Well, I still manage to entertain Flan by using an unknown wand in a very dangerous situation:

Now get me out of here! Oh the polar bear was a shapeshifter, doing stuff like this:

Catch and rape huh?

Please let this degeneratino potion give off a foul pestilance cloud instead of poison when I throw it at the Rankkuri... YES! Well, it didn't do that much damage in the end, so I ended up spamming wands until that 7-tailed Rankkuri died. Now for the remainder of this mess... BLADE HANDS, REGEN, BERSERK, GO!!! Ohhhhh, Flandre decided to help us:

Oh wow... that was a ridiculously short berserk:

Ok, let's use Flan's help to buy us time while Nue runs away. Right, so I've got less than 50 turns left and this is my situation:

Back at the mini-stash, safe. Best I end my turn now instead of leaving Nue in some predicament for the next player.


So to summarise... Shoals 1 and Eientei 5 are death traps due to uber out-of-depth uniques. I lost our dragon-slaying spear due to a fuckup. Slimes spawned in Lair 1 but most of our stash is intact. Turn ended with a huge messy scuffle waiting to be re-joined (just walk east, then south after the long corridor).

Sign me up again. Oh and tell me which images didn't upload properly.

Edit: ok, images sync'd up.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 03:37:28 PM by Psieye »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #116 on: June 30, 2010, 03:12:11 AM »
Man, what upsets me is that Maullar was right....


This has convinced me that we should move the entire stash down a floor. Most likely we won't run into any slime coming down from the dungeon if we do this... (talk about someone going to have to waste a turn to make sure everythings safe....)

Also yeah.... I also wished I had enough time to swtich Shikieki with Reisen....she would of made a better Mara. I probably will still do that on my turn. Also since Azreiel is dead, we won't be seeing a Mokou sprite for this game. But I'll still make her so that I can easily transfer her to the next game.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 03:14:57 AM by Totaku »
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #117 on: June 30, 2010, 03:49:18 AM »

 >:(  >:(  >:(  <---- my face.

so supposed to move all out stash down a level?

seriously horrid mutations? (stat degrade ftw! also no flesh eating?)

also, all the tough oppoenents left for me to kick their ass?

i say: BRING IT ON!

but seriously......
Flandre has done NOTHING nice or useful for us.

Shall we ditch Flandre?
also, Makleb/Vehumet is always a good choice.

Or do you still plan to keep Flandre for purely the challenge?

for now, i'll still keep her. for the lulz

Edit: @ psieye, most of your pics are out of sync with your descriptions, particularly the shoals part.
also, a thumbnail code will be nice.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 03:50:49 AM by barasia »
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o

Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #118 on: June 30, 2010, 05:27:27 AM »
I'll fix it up later, that's what I get for copy-pasting the urls. I must have messed up the numbering somewhere.

By the way, level 1 of Vegetarian doesn't prevent eating flesh - I've got a mage who went very far despite having htat mutation and no Gourmand amulet. You just get less nutrition from meat.


  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Crawl Relay Part 2: Dungeon Boogaloo
« Reply #119 on: June 30, 2010, 10:02:30 AM »
meh. currently at 2500 turns.
i'll say this.

All important stuff moved to Lair 2.
Did Ctrl+F "artefact"
you will be surprised how much SUPER LOOT we have left behind or ignored to pick up, particularly in Lairs.
i spent much turns finding the stuff, and testing it on plants to find its characteristics.
needless to say, i found a gem equivalent to that epic bardiche of Wealth.
( who did Lair and neglected to pick these up!?)

after i did all that im at 2000 turns, (omfg, its only my SECOND run and i wasted 4000 turns already doing housework?!)

spent 500 turns going to Snake Pit 5. yes people, you bet im going in. i have a very special strategy.

And just my luck. (the previous loot finds were not luck, it was neglect from previous Guardians._
found 2 cure mutation potions. (my first lucky find for this run)
shamelessly downed them.
cured all bad mutations (WOW? is cure mutation potions targetting all "bad" mutations first and leaving "good" mutations last?)
lets jsut say,  no more stat drain, no Vegetarian1, and several other minor mutations.
yeah, no more horns too. that means Nue can't headbutt anymore, but oh well.
keeping amulet of resist mutation permanently ON.

i stopped just out side the place of yukannons, to have a break(to have dinner). its going to be a big fight.

Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o