Author Topic: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)  (Read 46275 times)

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #90 on: November 27, 2009, 11:58:14 AM »
Park Place

"Is that so?" says Rumia in response as she has a seat next to Rem. "I was in a tree and you started talking. You were saying some weird things, you know. But don't feel bad, people from outside are always saying weird things. I only kind know what's going on, but that guy didn't something really bad to you, didn't he? They way you were talking, it sounded like he did the worst thing in the world. Didn't he?"

Rumia stretches her legs against the ground, working out a bit of soreness from her time in the tree. "But then, you're talking about doing things worse than death and fate and all of that. That won't fix anything, you know? I've seen people get revenge a whole lotta times, and doesn't work. It just makes the other guy think he did the right thing, and nothing changes. And it probably wouldn't fix the really bad thing anyways. All that happens is that the other guys thinks he was still right and you don't feel any better. Then you just get really bitter until you forget about it. And even then, some days you'll remember it and get all angry and bitter again. But I know how you can do something that doesn't do that. And it feels really good!"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #91 on: November 27, 2009, 12:42:32 PM »
The Park

Rem looked up again after hearing what Rumia had to say.

"I have not forgotten the mistreatment I have suffered. If I have to be vengeful to bring them to justice, then so be it. It pains me to have to walk that path, but it is the only way. I still remember what he said to me, clear as day, and now, he expects me to work alongside him, with no thought of stabbing his back. He is crazy." Rem said, sighing. "I don't know what to do with myself. I was given this body not by natural means, but because I was tortured and I bore for many years. I shared this pain with my comrades, who this... guy dismembered and rendered them cripples. If I must suffer more grievance and pain while walking this way, I will no longer be afraid to shoulder it. I don't expect you to get it though, youkai. After all, you say our kind speak of weird things - it is true."

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Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #92 on: November 27, 2009, 12:58:50 PM »
Rumia nods. "I've heard things like that before. But justice still doesn't make anything feel better when you do it after things can't be changed; it just makes other people feel worse and that doesn't help anything. But you got the problem right. I bet that guy doesn't know how bad he got you. Maybe he thinks he does, but I bet he doesn't."

She stands up, turns to face Rem, and grins. "That's how you feel better. You make the other guy realize just how bad he messed up, and make him say he's sorry like he really means it. No pride or anything, just being honest! That's when it'll stop feeling better. So you make him do that!"

She pauses for a moment. Then visibly starts and adds, "Oh! But don't go too far in making him. So try not to break anything or stuff like that, or it just gets worse. You can borrow one of my spellcards if you want."

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #93 on: November 27, 2009, 08:27:47 PM »

Forte left Alice to her work and decided to go look for Marisa and Nazrin. They seemed to have vanished behind him during the tour. It was also a good excuse to wander aimlessly and see what there is to see. Unfortunaly, his stomach had other plans.

"Oh yeah, that's right, I haven't eaten anything yet. And I'm sure as hell not going to have any of that replicated crap in the frame." Forte muttered to himself as he walked towards the bar.

Bar and Grill

"Ah, welcome back, sir. Are you ready for more drinks?"

"Probably, but I'm here for some food. Haven't had anything to eat since the early hours."


"Yes, you know, military stuff and such. The all the military grade replecators I've come across give out crappy food"

"I see. Well, you look like you'd want a drink."

"Yes, well I think I'll leave the choice up to fate." Forte covered his eyes and pointed at the drink rack.

"Ah hah, the fates seem to favor you. This is Roja Corazon, one of our finest amontillados. It is also rare, as one has to consider this came from the Spanish region on Terran before the colony on Mars developed. It's dark color is a symbol of its rich taste, which is topped of with a hint of sweetness." The bartender poured a cup and placed it on the counter.

Forte sipped the amontillado and placed the cup on the counter. "Yes, this is indeed delicious. Say, what would you reccomend I have with this?"

"Ah, well, I would reccomend the Grilled Lamprey with seasoned rice. The small greens compliment the lamprey, and the saltiness of the meal is complimented by the amontillado."

"Excellent. I think I shall have that for my meal. Uh, where do I place the order?"

"You go down over to that counter over there. Don't worry, you can still eat here."

"Very good."

As Forte waited for the food, he noticed a bucket throwing darts at a dartboard. Taking the bottle of peach juice out of his pocket, he took a quick swig. He pocketed the bottle again and picked up a fork that was lying on the counter. He took aim, but common sense dictated that he try not hitting the dart board with a fork. Sighing, Forte put the fork back down and continued to wait for the food.

Hangar Bay

Alice sat in the cockpit of the Twilight moon and linked up to the Mana Core.

Ah, it's you again, Ms. Mechanic.

"Hello, Ares." Alice made herself comfortable as Shanghai proceeded to spit-shine a part of the Nightmare. "I have a question for you."

Ok, go ahead.

"Why didn't you let the Lunar Corporation Frame go? Even after you had recieved the command to release a number of times."

Because he has finally come.


The youth in the lunar frame is the one who has been destined to pilot the machine. It is he who I have chosen.

"I see..."

Is that all, Ms. Mechanic?

"One more thing, why do you rarely talk outside of battle"


With that, Alice disconnected from the mana core and went back to working on the Nightmare.

The Park

"Beep... beep... beep..." Marisa said as they walked

"Do you really have to make that sound?" Nazrin groaned as she searched the area with her dowsing rods.

"Well, your not making the sounds."

They continued to search for valuables when Nazrin spotted Rem.

"Hey, isn't that the guy Forte talked to earlier? What's he doing over there with Rumia?"

"I don't know, but I've got a bad feeling about that guy right now..."


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #94 on: November 28, 2009, 08:16:09 AM »
The Park

"Thank you for sage advice, Miss Rumia." Rem said, nodding approvingly. Suddenly, he jerked around because he thought he heard something. Some sort of awkward sound, it was as if someone was chanting a noise while walking around in search of... things. Rem stuffed his hands in his pockets and called out.

"Ho, who goes there! Show yourself!"

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Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #95 on: November 28, 2009, 09:48:20 AM »

Darts was not going well for Kisume. The part four games had gone bust, despite her best efforts. The double ring was just being such a pain to hit. "Rumia could hit the bloody thing," she mutters to herself, as she takes aim at the double ring 20 point section, trying to end at least hoping to end one game.

The dart flies straight and true, slamming into the metal rim separating the point region. Deflecting, it flips end over end through the air. Then with a plop it lands in a plate of grilled lamprey that had just been set in front of Forte. "Uh, sorry about that." says Kisume.


Rumia, having been standing across from Rem, notices the treasure hunters easily and waves at them.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #96 on: November 28, 2009, 08:02:03 PM »
The Park

"Um, we're not exactly hiding here, are we?" Nazrin asked Marisa.

"We're hiding in plain sight, ze!" Marisa declared. The two of them waved at Rumia, who they've encountered before. the two of them tun

"Well, I'm Marisa Kirisame, Magician Extrodinaire." Marisa said, doing a little salute.

"I'm Nazrin--"

"Mousine Metal Detector." Marisa interupted

"Is that going to be my title or something??" Nazrin.

"That's a good suggestion!"

"Man... Anyhow, I don't think we've met. What's you name?" Nazrin asked Rem politly.

Bar and Grill

Forte was thinking over the situation he is now in. Branded a traitor by the Lunar Corporation, he could never go back home. He has to leave behind all his friends, family, even the small dog he encountered on the base. This train of thought was interupted with a dart in his grilled Lampray.

"Uh, sorry about that." says Kisume.

"Eh, don't worry about it. Doctors say I need more iron in my diet." Forte took the dart out and tossed it at the board, hitting a spot at least 3 feet away from the board. "Damn. Alcohol usually improves my aim. Oh well, I'm not supposed to drink too much anyways." Forte indicated to one of the chair next to him. "Come, sit. Drinks are always better with company, don't you think?"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #97 on: November 29, 2009, 08:09:58 AM »
The Park

"Man... Anyhow, I don't think we've met. What's your name?" Nazrin asked Rem politely.

Rem faced Nazrin, the mouse and Marisa, a fairly ordinary looking magician wearing a witch's hat that was way too big for her. Rem smiled, and he knew to be nice to them. They didn't seem bad, despite that he knew they were in Forte's company, so he decided to return the pleasantries.

"Rem. Rem Farsalina." he said bluntly. "Hope to get along."

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Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #98 on: November 29, 2009, 05:35:15 PM »
Parker Bros

"Hi, I'm Rumia!' says Rumia helpfully to Marisa and Nazrin. "My buddy and I were talking about things!" She gives Rem a companionable pat on the shoulder, before returning her arms to their typical neutral outstretched position. "What about you?"

Bar and Grill

"Yeah, usually," answers Kisume as she bounces over toward Rem's table. While hardly what one could called a soft tread, Kisume's movements were fairly muted for a woman who easily weighs a few stone bouncing in a wooden bucket. "You seemed talkative enough. I was just kinda thinking about what happened before, though. The whole core thing..." She grimaces a little. "It was just weird, you know. I'm still a bit nervous, I guess. So, where are you from?"

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #99 on: November 29, 2009, 06:47:50 PM »
"Rem. Rem Farsalina." he said bluntly. "Hope to get along."

"Nice to meet you Rem."

"Hi, I'm Rumia!' says Rumia helpfully to Marisa and Nazrin. "My buddy and I were talking about things!" She gives Rem a companionable pat on the shoulder, before returning her arms to their typical neutral outstretched position. "What about you?"

"Oh, we're looking for something to pay my bill for cheese." Nazrin said sheepishly

"Hey, why don't you join us in our treasure hunt?" Marisa asked. "It's easier to look for things if there are more eyes to look."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #100 on: November 30, 2009, 09:21:18 AM »
"That sounds great!" says Rumia, "I didn't know we have any treasure around here!" She grabs Rem by the arm and tugs him toward Marisa and Nazrin. While Rumia is not particularly tall, particularly strong, or particularly heavy, she does generate enough for simply by throwing her weight against Rem to drag him along a couple steps.

Then she stops, and her smile fades. She looks Marisa and Nazrin an appraising look. "Wait a minute... You're not after my treasure, are you? Because if you are Rem and I are gonna have to bring the ruckus!"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #101 on: November 30, 2009, 09:35:46 AM »

Rem was suddenly dragged by Rumia across the park towards the witch and her mousy friend, immediately in his thoughts were Daaaamn, this youkai.... He was taken by surprise, but the noticed the words from the youkai of darkness' mouth. "Wait a minute... You're not after my treasure, are you? Because if you are Rem and I are gonna have to bring the ruckus!" she blurted. Rem was tempted to facepalm. No way, a fight here? In the middle of a park? With these two? One of them is a magician, no way I can even... Rem looked at Rumia. "Uhm... H, hey, Miss Rumia, are you sure it's a good idea...?" he asked.

Bar and Grill

Sariel was fidgeting with her fingers before noticing Forte in the distance. Sariel continued to look at Forte with such force from her body that she was positively sure the man could feel a resonance. A beckoning resonance.

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Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #102 on: November 30, 2009, 09:56:40 AM »

"If they're taking my treasure, it is!" says Rumia. "Because it's mine and they can't sell it for cheese! Even if it's really good cheese!"


"Hey," says Kisume, after letting her question hang a moment. She subtly gestures toward Sariel "Don't look now, but I think you have a secret admirer."

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #103 on: November 30, 2009, 06:18:13 PM »

"Well, if it comes to that, then--" Marisa was about to flash her mini-hakkero, but Nazrin stopped her.

"Look, if we find your treasure, we won't take it, ok? We aren't looking for a fight." Nazrin said calmly.

Bar and Grill

"Eh? really?" Forte said, turning to Sariel. "Anyhow, I'm from the moon. Sorry I did not answer immediately, but I got a chill, like someone was watching me. Apparantly my hunch was correct. Not so secret now, huh?" Forte thought for a sec. "You think I should go?" Forte asked, turning back to Kisume.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #104 on: November 30, 2009, 07:18:20 PM »
Bar and Grill

Kisume raises an eyebrow. "Huh. Weird." She glances over toward Sariel, then nods and adds,"Sure, go have fun! You might get lucky."


"Oh, good!" says Rumia, smiling once again as she resumes tugging Rem toward the treasure hunters. "Where're we going?"

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #105 on: November 30, 2009, 08:52:13 PM »

"Right, I was thinking we could look around the Park first, see if there's anything buried." Marisa turned to Nazrin. "Alright, get to beeping"

"What?!? But I don't want to beep!" Nazrin protested greatly.

"Come on, give it a try!"


And the newly-formed treasure hunters embarked on an epic journey for money to pay for cheese...

Bar and Grill

"alright, let's see what happens..." Forte got up and walked over to Sariel. "I couldn't help but notice you staring at me. Is there something you wish to talk to me about?"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #106 on: December 01, 2009, 08:19:31 AM »
Bar and Grill

Sariel looked pretty indigant towards Forte, although she meant no harm and seemed to harbour no feelings of any sort for him, both hostile and the other way. "You know very well what I want to talk about. Business." Sariel said. "Rem is pretty pissed off at you, you know that? He doesn't even want to kill you though, I fear he plans to do something worse. I think you should keep an eye on him. Both you and I are worried about what he could do - he's a destructive person both in a mech and outside one. Let's work together to change that, shall we?"


"H, hey, if you want shinies to pay off for some cheese, I think I've got something in my pockets that could satisfy you! Just don't drag me along this scavenger hunt..." Rem said in a resigned tone.

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Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #107 on: December 01, 2009, 02:31:06 PM »
Bar and Grill

Forte thought over what Sariel had said. "I would imagine that Rem would want to do something bad to me. It would not be good if I couldn't pilot anymore... Alright, let's work to chage that. For now, though, drinks." As Forte went over and sat back down at his seat, he couldn't help but think back to Rem. Well, of course, he had just talked about him. What was this bad thing that Rem had in store? In any case, if Forte couldn't help Sariel out, then he'd have to keep his promise of downing Rem, if it came to that...

Sitting back down, he returned to his drink. He turned back to Sariel and waved at her to come over to drink as well. The best way to make friends, after all, is over a pint.


Marisa turned to Rem with a hint of incredulity. "You have enough to pay for this?" Marisa said as she pulled out the bill. The number was high enough to send anyone into a fit.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #108 on: December 01, 2009, 02:37:54 PM »
The Park

"That's a pretty expensive bunch of cheese there," Rem commented idly, not seeming at all amazed. "I don't have THAT much money, but I guess what I have will help." He finished his statement by fidgeting in his pocket and throwing at the ground what appeared to be some sort of golden piece of jewelry. "Okay, so it's not quite... uh, liquified yet. It's a treasure of mine, I suppose, if you could call it that. I hear it fetches a heavy price in the market, I guess you could sell it for a quick buck or something."

Bar and Grill

Sariel sighed and sauntered over to Forte at the bar, and moped against the table. "He's trying his best to forget about the incident, but everytime you come up in his thoughts, he starts to become pretty moody and brooding," Sariel commented. "It's so depressing. I want him to stop already. I think you don't understand just how much you affected him..."

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Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #109 on: December 01, 2009, 03:50:30 PM »

Looks at the bauble that Rem tossed on the ground, then looks at him. "Got any more of those? I want one. I want two."

Barter Town

Kisume kept carefully quiet, looking toward the bar while Sariel and Forte talked, and did her best to eavesdrop. Unfortunately, she is only able to catch a couple words before the two make their way back to the table. "Hey," she says to Sariel, then listens as the winged woman talks about moodiness and the like. She looks at Forte for a moment, then back to Sariel. "Hi, I'm Kisume. And I think I missed something. Weren't you with that guy with the cloak?"

Forte will likely notice that his grilled lamprey is missing. The bed of rice is still there, but the fish is not. Kisume's mother must have been a vacuum cleaner.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #110 on: December 01, 2009, 05:51:03 PM »
The Park

Nazrin assayed the piece of jewelry the Rem had. "Hmm... this should pay for a good protion of the bill. Thank you, Rem."

Bar and Grill

"That so, huh? If that's the case, we need him to get him to think of something else, or not be all depressed and whatnot. What to do..." Forte looked down at his plate, thinking over how to solve the problem. He noticed a considerable lack of lamprey and frowned. He looked up at Kisume with a very sad face.

"I didn't even get to taste it..." Forte thought for a moment on how to make the plain rice enjoyable again. He pulled out the bottle of peach juice, dropped a bit of the juice in the rice, and pocketed the bottle. Taking a bite, he found it to be enjoyable, and went back to thinking.

"Do you have any ideas in mind, Sariel?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #111 on: December 01, 2009, 07:37:35 PM »
Bar and Grill

"Didn't get to taste what?" asks Kisume. She look at his empty plate, then says, "Hey, wasn't there a lamprey there?" Then she watches Forte give his rice some impromptu flavoring. For a moment, she considers asking him about it, before realizing how badly she just derailed the conversation. "Oh...uh...sorry about that." She says to Sariel.


Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #112 on: December 02, 2009, 12:51:01 AM »
Amaterasu Hanger

"Welcome back," Rinnosuke said as the pilots arrived.

"What a battle! so many targets!" Medicine exclaimed, still excited from the heat of combat, as she left the cockpit.

"Yes, so many," Commander replied as he put on his inhaler, "We have many new recruits too. I think we'll have to be careful of them though. That Anthony seems to have a grudge against corporations."

"If he hates corporations so much, why doesn't he join those rebels who seek to destroy all corporations?" Medicine asked.

"Maybe he simply hasn't met them. Anyways Rinnosuke, what kind of loot did we get from this?"

"It seems the there was lots of experimental stuff flying around. We picked up this rocket fist before the Avalon exploded and pieces of a warp blade. Nitori said she could build the rest with what we have, but it might take a while."

"I see, I'll go see who I can get to join our corporation, hmm better not use that word. These people have lost their home and livelihood. Perhaps we could stir them to vengeance or fill in for a purpose. hmm... vengeance might set them to be part of the front lines instead of a support role and they could lash against us. Alright, we'll recruit along the lines of a job that will help get them the skills to reclaim their homes...What jobs do we have? Maybe we could start a part-time job agency. I wonder if many nightmare mana cores could be combined to replace a divine mana core."

and with that he walked off to the area where most of refugees were.


Commander sat on a bench near the newly completed stand. The recruitment drive seemed to have some success. They found someone who always managed to find an open job to man the part-time agency. Now if that guy could be a little politer.

"Third class man? I have not mastered the secret of first class yet," the new hire spoke as another person came to see about a job.

Oh well, at least the frame parts stand guy next to him was polite.

He began looking over the data of the last battle. "Seems that if one faction can find a sanctuary ship, the others inevitably show up to see what the fuss is about. Seems that the Divine Mana Cores can be sacrificed to boost all nightmaremare in the area. We have many new recruits. Odd how if they crash and a girl rams her frame into theirs' theyll just join her. Maybe this can be worked to our advantage. Does anyone have any idea where the Avalon was going when it was attacked? Better ask around."

He then wandered off asking people where the Avalon was going before the attack.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #113 on: December 02, 2009, 09:07:58 AM »
Bar and Grill

"It's fine," Sariel said, looking back and thinking of a moment. "Anyway, you need to convince him that you've seen the error of your ways. He won't rest until he's assured that you've been properly dealt with and that you have been served justice." Sariel tapped her fingers on the table. "He can be quite vengeful, he has had quite the hefty past behind him, and the event that led him to us, that led him here, has all been because you killed some of his comrades in battle. My words won't touch him right now, he's still shellshocked that he has to fight alongside you. I'm sorry, but it is not as simple as trying to be buddy-buddy. It doesn't work that way with him, unfortunately."

The Park

Rem bat an eyelash to Rumia.

"Got any more of those? I want one. I want two."

Rem fidgeted in his pocket and procured an empty golden locket crusted with some jewels. "Here, have it. I have no value for such things anymore. It is a reminder of my cruel fate." he said idly, not realizing what he just said. He cursed under his breath.

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Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #114 on: December 02, 2009, 09:35:21 AM »
Bar and Grill

Kisume listens to Sariel's story with a frown, then looks over to Rem. "So, what'd you do to ruin this guy's life so bad?" Then she looks over to Sariel. "And while I'm thinking on it, how'd you run into him? You sure care a whole lot about the guy. Not that I blame you, mind, but most folks wouldn't...I so bound up into it."


"It worked!" says Rumia, "I can't believe it! Can you manipulate treasure?" She takes the locket and look over it, admiring the jewels and gold. She opens it, and peers closely into the empty space. Then she closes it and slips it around her neck. "Thank you, Rem! You can have my share of the treasure we find."


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #115 on: December 02, 2009, 09:54:00 AM »
Bar and Grill

"Rem and I go a long time back," Sariel said. "It was when Rem had already left the Terrans in search of this man, Forte, as well as a number of other things that plagued his mind. Shingyoku, Kikuri and I had escaped from a facility of an unknown faction that had been attacked by Lunarians, and we managed to leave on the embodiment of our Nachtmare core, Lorelei. Rem in his Solar Frame found us drifting in the middle of unknown territory and decided to help us out in our need of a home. Actually, Rem had no home but he had ways to get money, so we stuck. He told us about his plight, why he was there, how he even got to our area... everything. I felt compelled to help him."

Shingyoku, as a priest, shook his head at Sariel's story.

She was lying.

The Park

"It worked!" says Rumia, "I can't believe it! Can you manipulate treasure?"

Rem didn't bother listening to the last part about having a share of treasure, but he did have to clarify one thing. "Manipulating treasure? I wouldn't call it that, I suppose I just like trinkets in general and keep whatever I find in my travels. If it makes you happy to have my trinkets, then I guess it wouldn't hurt to give 'em away. I have no use for them, some of them serve as grim reminders..."
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 10:16:42 AM by Signum-hime »

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #116 on: December 02, 2009, 02:34:01 PM »
Bar and Grill

Forte sat, listening to what Sariel and Kisume had to say.

"What did I do to him? I think it goes back to the battle of the Cratios Research facility, I shot down one of his friends, and he shot me down with a vengance. Before my machine deactivated, I issued this proclamation. 'My name is Forte Zokuranu. Remember it, as it is the name of the one who shall meet you in the future, and shall win!'. As far as I remember, that's all I did to him. Quite frankly, he did more to me. He downed a lot of my friends, and sent me the closest to death that I had ever been. Plus, he shot me down again, in the Avalon."

Forte took another drink and turned to Sariel, deciding to ignore the incongruities in her story. "So how do you think I should show him how I have learned the error of my ways anyhow?"


The mood of the treasure hunt was starting to grim. But, if Rem did indeed have more valuables, then Nazrin was right to head to the park.

"Um, Rem?" Nazrin asked cautiously, "You think I could have one more bit of treasure? I won't ask for more, promise."


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #117 on: December 02, 2009, 02:56:19 PM »
Bar and Grill

So he's that indignant towards Forte... poor lad Sariel thought as she listened intently to Forte. "If that's the case, then I propose that you should try to assist him, instead of proving anything of yourself. It seems that he has indeed done more to you. But you have to understand that he has probably had a rougher childhood than you have. Otherwise, he wouldn't have acted so violently against you as he did that time. Also, I had no idea you were the person he shot down in the Avalon. I'm sorry about that. He's impulsive in the battlefield."

The Park

"Eh? More? One more? I suppose, if I still have some left in my pockets..." Rem said, shuffling through his pockets. There was one small trinket left in there, it felt round and spherical. "Oh, this one." he said, as he procured a small, crystal bauble from his pocket. "I heard you could see some pretty trippy stuff in there, but it doesn't work for me. Maybe it'll work for you."

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #118 on: December 02, 2009, 03:08:33 PM »
Bar and Grill

Kisume listens to both stories, resting her head against her knuckles and her elbow on her bucket. Lacking the information that the others do, she has no idea of any untruth in Sariel's story. "That's pretty harsh," says Kisume to Forte. "Maybe you killed his lover or something?"

She shifts, not particularly comfortable with this line of thought, and turns to Sariel instead. "I've been wondering; don't you guys come from branch of the tunnels? Like, you kinda remind me of some people I know underground. So, what were you doing outside like that? Weren't we supposed to stay hidden so that people wouldn't try to follow us back?" She pauses. "Hey. Maybe that's how they found Avalon..."


"I asked first," says Rumia in response to Nazrin.

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #119 on: December 02, 2009, 06:19:14 PM »
Bar and Grill

Jeez, if it was indeed his lover, thought Forte, there are definitly things afoot. The fact that he is ruthless on the battlefield makes things a lot more serious. And whatever happen in his childhood? I don't know...

"So, help Rem out, you say? Alright, I think I can help him out." Forte finished off his drink and poured himself another cup. "If he doesn't do something horrible to me first, that is..."


"But you already got more!" Nazrin squeaked, "And I need to pay for the cheese!"