Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Fates - More waifu, more husbando, more sales!  (Read 106438 times)


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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #180 on: April 08, 2016, 06:42:14 PM »
I'm getting pretty close to the end of Revelation. Elements of it are pretty stupid honestly, but the balance hits a fairly nice stride.

I married Camilla, pseudo-incest be damned. Unsurprisingly the entire proposal conversation is both parties just going "So this is okay, right?". I've got a pleasing symmetry thing going on where Corrin and Camilla are married, they're both best friends with their principal retainers (Beruka and Kaze), those retainers are married to each-other, and both of them are the recipients of special class items with Kaze as a Dread Fighter to cover Corrin's horrible Resist and Beruka as a Dark Flier to take out archers before they can get to Camilla.

I'm actually using Midori this time, and she is fucking adorable. Inheriting Lunge has made her an amazing tech unit, and by the time she gets Replicate she's going to be a serious nightmare with a Saizo's Star. Replicate is scary. It reminds me of Summon, arguably the most broken mechanic in any Fire Emblem game, but at least it's high-risk to go with the high reward.
Try replicate with Leathality with a Sazio's star on Midori NOW THAT'S A NIGHTMARE.
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #181 on: April 08, 2016, 06:50:08 PM »
Yeah, that did occur to me, especially since she's always chugging Skill Tonics. It would take too much grinding to get Lethality and Replicate on her, and it's probably not really a real strategy since it's so RNG, but it would be cool.

Hell, as long as we're getting impractical give her Replicate, Lethality, and Gale Force and watch her accidentally beat entire chapters solo.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 06:56:00 PM by commandercool »
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #182 on: April 08, 2016, 07:00:20 PM »
Yeah, that did occur to me, especially since she's always chugging Skill Tonics. It would take too much grinding to get Lethality and Replicate on her, and it's probably not really a real strategy dince it's so RNG, but it would be cool.

Hell, as long as we're getting impractical give her Replicate, Lethality, and Gale Force and watch her accidentally beat entire chapters solo.
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?


  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #183 on: April 10, 2016, 04:43:02 AM »
Plot spoilers:

There's a reveal late in Revelation that seems like it creates a huge incest web. Mikoto is Azura's mother's sister. Has anyone tried marrying Azura to Corrin, Takumi, or Ryoma? Does it actually work? Do they have anything to say after that point? Some kind of incest reveal was inevitable, but I'm curious as to how the game handles it.
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  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #184 on: April 12, 2016, 02:10:58 AM »
Alright, I just finished Revelation. Hard mode, no DLC (although I did use my path bonuses this time because fuck it why not). Didn't lose a single character this time.

My spoiler-free review is this: Fire Emblem Fates is a deeply flawed game, but all Fire Emblem games are deeply flawed and this was probably the most complete and satisfying game in the franchise to date. At least the modern franchise, I can't speak for the ones that we never got. It has a lot of pacing and difficulty problems and there are places I wish the story had gone that it didn't, but I liked the mechanics much more than Awakening despite not loving the new weapon system and not being fully convinced that this pair-up system completely works, although it is miles better than Awakening and it's become such a big part of the games that it can't be removed entirely.

Below are some general thoughts that could be considered spoiler-adjacent, but with no outright plot spoilers:

I was pretty disappointed with parts of the relationship system. The gay relationships are a great addition, but I wish there had been more of them. One gay character per campaign is still below the statistical average, and those characters can still get straight married so I feel like it would be only fair if anyone could marry anyone. And it sucks that they can't have kids. An adoption option, or even some kind of bullshit magical explanation, would be really nice. I was also kind of turned off by the way all almost all relationship stuff is patrilineal. Only the men actually have set children and set relationships with them, with the women contributing only hair color and a barely-customized generic conversation with their kids.

Arguably even worse is the way their endgame epilogue cards work. If two characters are married only the man gets an epilogue with "and his wife was totally there too" tacked on to the end. Female characters actually lose story if they get married. That's terrible! I know a unique marriage epilogue for every single possible pair is next to impossible, but if that's the case just keep giving me their unmarried epilogues. "And all the women retired and became homemakers" is kind of a sour note to end the entire game on in my opinion.

Also, I didn't realize until we see a full-body shot of her in the final cut scene, but Sakura is waaaaay younger than I thought she was this entire time. I didn't realize she was supposed to be as young as Elise, since her combat model doesn't look that young to me. But yeah, apparently she's like ten years old. And it looks like people can still marry her. She doesn't have a kid, does she? I suspect she does unfortunately. Can we get the pedophilic marriages removed from future Fire Emblems please Nintendo? Or at least localization team?

Regarding Revelation as a game, I guess it's about what I wanted it to be. It's certainly not hard, I'd say it's as easy as Birthright if not even a little easier, but the lack of difficulty comes from a more interesting place this time. It's easier because you have so many resources that you can craft a really efficient, fully fleshed out, well-equipped army to steamroll the moderately difficult stages, which at least makes it feel like you're doing something. I feel like they could have notched the difficulty up a little more by at least giving the enemies some abilities and slightly smarter AI, but I'm willing to accept it the way it is. The one place where it really, really fell short for me difficulty-wise though was the castle battles. For optional fights that give you such a ludicrous advantage with your mountains of fortifications, and for how soul-crushingly difficult they were in Conquest, I really wanted to put my badass tricked out castle to a hell of a test. But instead we got pathetically weak, brick-stupid enemies blundering into traps and rolling in in extremely slow, sparse waves. I wanted a monstrously difficult Invasion 3 at least, but I was sorely disappointed by that.

And below here are some actual plot spoilers:

I wasn't super impressed by the way the three stories tie together. in fact, they don't really. Gunter is the traitor in Revelation, and there's a brief hint of that in Conquest, but shouldn't we get a bad end in Conquest and Birthright because we don't actually stop Anankos or give Gunter a change of heart? I know Gunter's epilogue arguably refers to his betrayal or lack thereof, but that still doesn't explain why Anankos is never heard from again. The way the epilogues are formatted we know this isn't even a matter of staving off the end of the world for a few generations either, since they're written as ancient history. There are threads that tie the three stories together, but in other way they're completely unrelated, which is bizarre and kind of disappointing. What I really would have loved to see would have been the alternate Corrins having to team up to finish off Anankos, but I guess that wasn't meant to be. A more consistent through-line would have made the games feel a lot more connected and would have made playing them all more rewarding.

The whole Valla element seemed badly rushed to me. I'm not sure how it could have been much different, but seeing how the citizens live under the tyranny of Anankos would have fleshed it out some. And why are they still mostly invisible in their own dimension? I thought they were only like that because they were travelling outside of Valla, but no, no new models for them in their own country.

I was also disappointed that the awakening of the Fire Emblem was so abrupt in Revelation. In the other campaigns you slowly power it up over time, but never get to finish it. In Revelation you complete it but all four powerups come at the same time. A sense of progression where you power it up over the course of the whole Valla segment would have given a little more forward motion to that part of the game. It's not a major complaint, but I do feel like that progression was a tiny bit lacking.

If Nintendo can take the foundation of this game and tweak it even further in the next one I think we could get something really amazing. I hope they don't feel obligated to carry through all of the gimmicks of this game into the next one like they did with Awakening's generation gimmick though. I would be completely okay with offspring and the multiple paths staying in the games they're native to.

So the big question is, what about the $80 pricetag? I'm still not really sure how to answer that. I was extremely skeptical of it at first and I can't say I've been fully convinced it was fair. Don't get me wrong, there's a ton of game here and I feel pretty satisfied by how much Fire Emblem I got, but I still wouldn't really recommend most people play all three campaigns. My roommate is going to play my copy now that I'm done. He's not a huge Fire Emblem fan, and I kind of doubt he'll have the interest level to play this game three times. Maybe twice, but three is a bit much, especially with how comparatively weak of an experience I found Birthright to be.

So while I certainly wouldn't call it a total failure or anything I hope we don't see this distribution method again. Unfortunately (for me anyway) the community seems to have spoken with their dollars and easy mode Fire Emblem seems to be what the people want, so if it's a choice between overpaying for the game or only getting a Birthright-level difficulty I guess I'll grudgingly fork over for another abnormally expensive multigame.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 05:06:19 AM by commandercool »
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #185 on: April 18, 2016, 02:42:18 AM »
Does anyone know just how difficult Revelation Lunatic is? I really want to try out some of the offspring characters that I missed (let's be direct and say that I'm talking pretty much exclusively about Forrest :V) so I'm considering replaying it, but I'm not looking forward to the prospect of the stages being the same. I found Revelation Hard to be excessively easy, but is Lunatic a massive step up in difficulty?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 04:53:28 AM by commandercool »
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #186 on: April 18, 2016, 04:45:14 AM »
I hope you enjoy half the units you get at the beginning dealing 0 damage and getting one shotted. It's alright


  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #187 on: April 24, 2016, 03:33:17 PM »
I'm on chapter nine of my Lunatic playthrough of Revelation, and the only differences I really noticed up to this point were a lower experience yield and that a few enemies have abilities now. Then I got to my first paralogue (I've been rushing offspring units because I didn't play with them very much before and I want to try them) and hoooooly shit. I married Azura to Jakob and tried the Dwyer mission first and got wrecked hard and repeatedly. The mission itself is fine, but there are a handful of units with advanced classes scattered around the map and they're so heavily overstated compared to my level ~12-15 base class characters that I can barely scratch them. My entire team working together is lucky to take one down in a full round if it's alone, and even then I'm left with everyone at a few HP. And they travel in pairs for the most part, with additional trash units. This is going to be interesting...

Also, I was at a tabletop event yesterday and was playing Fire Emblem between rounds. Somebody else at the event Streetpassed me, noticed that I had a DS out and connected the dots, and came over to me to talk about it. He noticed that my units were low-level in the Streetpass strength check and started giving me unsolicited early-game advice. :D I was unsure whether to just thank him and go back to my game or be all like "Boy, you're playing Birthright on easy, I've already beaten all these games on hard, I'll give you the advice". I decided to be nice about it and we talked for a minute. Streetpass is fun when it works.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

The Greatest Dog

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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #188 on: April 25, 2016, 07:16:48 PM »
Damn, Xander, you scary.

Casually handling four of the promoted enemies in Conquest 19 like it's nothing. Sure am glad I'd only have to fight him on the easy route. :V

(Lodestar class probably saved him instead of being a Paladin there though)

I made the terrible mistake of not naming Corrin, "


  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #189 on: April 25, 2016, 07:34:48 PM »
Xander is a bitch when you fight him in Birthright. He can barely scratch you and gets one-shotted or near enough by magic-based Corrin's freakish mega damage. He's super solid on your team though, I just wish he wasn't such a toolbag.

Ryoma in Birthright blows him out of the water for playable big bro, but he falls a little short in Revelation while Xander doesn't. Hell, you could probably clear Birthright 100% with just Ryoma paired with literally anyway if you really wanted to. Glass cannon+Vantage+bullshit personal weapon+enemies with bad stats is brutal.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 07:36:27 PM by commandercool »
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #190 on: April 25, 2016, 07:58:50 PM »
Xander is a bitch when you fight him in Birthright. He can barely scratch you and gets one-shotted or near enough by magic-based Corrin's freakish mega damage. He's super solid on your team though, I just wish he wasn't such a toolbag.

Ryoma in Birthright blows him out of the water for playable big bro, but he falls a little short in Revelation while Xander doesn't. Hell, you could probably clear Birthright 100% with just Ryoma paired with literally anyway if you really wanted to. Glass cannon+Vantage+bullshit personal weapon+enemies with bad stats is brutal.

Xander is a much better unit than Ryoma. :fiteme:


  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #191 on: April 25, 2016, 08:28:21 PM »
I agree, mostly. In the context of Birthright Ryoma dominates to a ridiculous degree that Xander can never come close to, but who cares? Amazing game-dominating units aren't necessary in Birthright, while super-tanks are needed in the other campaigns.

Both of them are douchebags though.

Edit: I think my Lilith is broken on this playthrough. She hasn't gained a single stat in her last five or six levels at least. And her stats don't appear to be capped. Does she have like an incredibly, ridiculously low growth rate in every state on lunatic?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 02:34:08 AM by commandercool »
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #192 on: April 27, 2016, 03:34:46 AM »
Edit: I think my Lilith is broken on this playthrough. She hasn't gained a single stat in her last five or six levels at least. And her stats don't appear to be capped. Does she have like an incredibly, ridiculously low growth rate in every state on lunatic?
Did you upgrade the shrine?  She has effective caps until you upgrade it.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #193 on: April 27, 2016, 03:43:21 AM »
Yeah, that was definitely the problem, but I swear her stats turned green when they hit effective caps in previous playthroughs. Guess not.

By the way, does anyone know exactly how the offspring system works as far as mannerisms go? I guess what I'm asking specifically is, in this playthrough Midori (best character in the game BTW. Not my favorite although she is close, but strongest IMO) is the child of Kaze and Mozu. Obviously she inherits Mozu's hair color and a trait from each, but I've noticed her using a lot of Mozu's verbal tics. For example, in a support conversation with Shigure she refers to some vegetables in her garden as "these buddies", which is something Mozu says or would say. Is this actually a variable, or does she always say that and it just happens that they use similar turns of phrase?

I'm also a little unclear as to how character-specific the child/mother support conversations are. They're definitely just generic conversations, but again characters with unique speech patterns seem to mostly maintain them. Does that mean there are a number of subtle variations on those generic conversations for different characters? Some of them just straight-up don't work, like when Beruka was Midori's mother in a previous campaign and her dialogue was completely unfitting, but some effort seems to have been taken to keep them at least a little personalized. Or am I imagining that?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 04:04:04 AM by commandercool »
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The Greatest Dog

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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #194 on: April 27, 2016, 06:23:51 AM »
Can definitely confirm that Charlotte has very a fitting "(Gods, I hope nobody sees this)" line when Velouria tries to hug her in the C-Support.

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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #195 on: April 28, 2016, 08:19:54 AM »
So. I am Birthrighting. I have Ebon Wings and Dread scrolls because I am a commodity fetishist.

Who should I use 'em on to spice things up? (Birthright's early line-up is not nearly as pleasing as Conquest's).  And also when? Are they base or advanced classes?

Also also I miss Niles ;_;


  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #196 on: April 28, 2016, 12:50:28 PM »
If I recall, Dread Fighter and Dark Flier are weird parallel base classes in the same way Azura's personal class or Gunter/Jakob/Felicia's advanced classes are. That means they go from level 1-40 and can't change class using a Master seal. So you can chamge into them whenever you feel like you have all of the things you want from a character's current class.

As for who to use them on, I don't really know. My best guess is that you want to make a Dread Fighter out of someone who's already viable in close combat, but who struggles fighting magic users. It massively jacks up your magic defense, so using it to bandaid characters who are weak there might be good. I made Kaze into one and found it to be pretty redundant since he's already got great resist.

Meanwhile, I have no idea who should be a Dark Flier. I made Beruka into one and she just ended up feeling underpowered for the whole game. I don't know if Dark Flier got severely nerfed, I got bad stat growths on her, or she was just a bad choice, but I felt like she needed to fish for critical hits to take down even fairly week enemies throughout the whole game. And her critical rate was always good, but never great. So maybe pick someone with naturally amazing strength or magic, or maybe just put it on a support character and plan to primarily use it for the situational-but-amazing Rally Move.

If you think Birthright's earlygame lineup is uninspiring wait until you see Revelation. Ugh...
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  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #197 on: May 10, 2016, 04:02:58 AM »
Alright, Revelation cleared on lunatic. Took about 50 hours, much of that was grinding relationships. Parts of it were hard, most of it wasn't that hard. I think Conquest on hard is harder than Revelation on lunatic. Played with a team of ridiculously minmaxed offspring, married Forrest, nobody died.

Somebody needs to take this game away from me or I might play it again. No idea what I would do (Conquest lunatic run maybe), but I'm going to be sad to say goodbye to these characters finally.

Yeah, turns out I got my money's worth from this game... Even at $80.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #198 on: May 11, 2016, 12:32:21 AM »
Dread Fighter and Dark Flier are 40-level classes, with stat bases comparable to promoted classes.  The most useful feature about them (and the seals from the Before Awakening DLC) is a little bit cheesy - just use them on someone, anyone, right away.  The stat boost they get will put you well above most enemies and gives you a couple much tougher units to work with who won't suffer an exp penalty.  You can also use a Heart/Partner/Friendship Seal on them after level 21 and they can switch to any promoted class, so it technically saves you a Master Seal (only really relevant on Conquest and its insanely tight budget, but still).

Dread Fighter and Dark Flier both give a pretty nice boost to resistance, but Dark Flier is otherwise quite squishy - it gives no boost to HP or Def growths, and HP growths in particular are perilously low in Fates as is.  Hinata is probably the best bet for Dark Flier.  Dread Fighter is pretty good on any physical character.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #199 on: May 21, 2016, 07:02:23 AM »
Hitting this because it's out in EU now.

For some reason; on my E-Shop; there was only 'Fire Emblem: Fates'. No Conquest or Birthrite. Not sure how this is gonna work. I've just started it up and I literally don't know what version I have.

Edit: It appears I have the version I wanted; Conquest. Still; nothing on the E-Shop gave a choice or even said which version it was... it was just 'Fates'.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 07:12:21 AM by Raikaria »
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Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #200 on: May 21, 2016, 08:40:40 AM »
Finally its in Europe ^~^

Hitting this because it's out in EU now.

For some reason; on my E-Shop; there was only 'Fire Emblem: Fates'. No Conquest or Birthrite. Not sure how this is gonna work. I've just started it up and I literally don't know what version I have.

Edit: It appears I have the version I wanted; Conquest. Still; nothing on the E-Shop gave a choice or even said which version it was... it was just 'Fates'.

Aparently you get the choice of versions at chapter 6 or something like that, read it in the description.
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #201 on: May 21, 2016, 08:47:42 AM »
Ah; I didn't see a description thing.

It seems weird that I get a choice in-game. Does it lock away the other content in future playthroughs; or does the EU version work like FE7; where there's Hector and Eliwood stories?
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #202 on: May 21, 2016, 11:41:35 AM »
I think that when you get the choice, the game basically tuns from:

FE Fates into FE Conquest/Birthright depending on the path you choose, then you have to buy the other path i think.

By the way how hard is Conquest in relation to Birthright?

I'm more interested in Conquest but i've read that one person spent 12 hours on a single lvl.
Extra Mode: Ran Yakumo, Okina Matara


  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #203 on: May 21, 2016, 12:57:53 PM »
Conquest is MUCH more difficult. Birthright s by far the easiest Fire Emblem ever released in English (I would say much too easy) and Conquest is by far the hardest (to the point of being pretty unfair a few times). I never spent twelve hours in a chapter in Conquest, but I definitely spent 4-5 hours on a number of different chapters.

I only played each of those games on hard by the way, so I can't speak to any other difficulty. Maybe the differences are more or less pronounced on other difficulties.
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #204 on: May 21, 2016, 03:02:48 PM »
Well being me I have both versions. Decided to play Birthright first to get back into Fire Emblem. Conquest can be done afterwards. By then Path 3 should be released.

I can already say that I feel sorry for Felicia. But I can't help but laugh at her support conversations either. She's also one of my favorite units right now because of her ranged debuffing before someone who deals more damage hits them; combined with her healing.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #205 on: May 21, 2016, 03:20:06 PM »
Just for the record because I've had this come up with a few people, the first six chapters are the same for both sides, and the difficulty is somewhere in the middle. So if you find them too easy, maybe go Conquest. If you find them hard, maybe go Birthright.
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #206 on: May 21, 2016, 07:40:18 PM »
Progressing. I found the new Donnel. I fond Mozu a lot more likable than Donnel was. That and she's more useful from go.

Also help I'm already sinking into the shipping quagmires and I probobly don't even have all the characters. Kaze and Rinkah's C Support literally immediately made me start shipping them. [Also Rinkah is the first Fighter-style character I've actually liked using/managed not to get killed]

Although I do find the fact that you can S-Support with your sisters a little... strange. Also how the females seem to blush every other line they say to anyone.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 07:47:11 PM by Raikaria »
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Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • alter cool
Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #207 on: May 21, 2016, 07:53:33 PM »
Just a word of warning about Mozu, she will never be Donnel. Stat growths just aren't as high in this game.

Not all S-rank supports are marriages. The kid units just become bestest friends. That said, who Corrin is actually blood-related to is a complex web. Not sure if you can actually get incest married by blood, but you sure can by law.
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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #208 on: May 21, 2016, 08:00:16 PM »
Just a word of warning about Mozu, she will never be Donnel. Stat growths just aren't as high in this game.

Not all S-rank supports are marriages. The kid units just become bestest friends. That said, who Corrin is actually blood-related to is a complex web. Not sure if you can actually get incest married by blood, but you sure can by law.

I don't use characters to break the game. Well; except one time where I made Severa a super solider and then got bored of Awakening when she could literally solo the game but that's besides the point. I tend to make a mix between the characters I personally like and having a mixture of classes.

Donnel was dead weight before he was reclassed. Mozu is useful already and is hitting for ~10 damage and can selfheal. Also there's the little things like Mozu's terrified animation before she attacks. It kinda makes me want to make her get more confident. Although I'm unsure if the animation is character-based on class-based.

Also I'm a terrible person who wants to force someone scared to fight and break her into a confident warrior. I'm a terrible person.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: So, The New Fire Emblem Game Just Released...
« Reply #209 on: May 21, 2016, 08:01:06 PM »
They do address the incest thing if you S-Rank Ryoma