Author Topic: Roll to Dodge: Arena  (Read 91534 times)


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Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2015, 08:02:49 AM »
> Fire danmaku lasers from eyes at someone
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2015, 04:19:57 PM »
>"Uh...Hi? long have you been over here? Don't flowers like light? I mean, you're obviously different than most, but I'm curious, is all..."
>Try to shake off this sudden bad vibe I'm feeling. Maybe it's just a talking flower and no more...

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2015, 05:58:17 PM »
>Cast Reflect on whomever Sekibanki/Raikaria is targeting.

Mr Jovial

  • Commander of the Whale Legion
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  • ~Having a whale of a time~
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2015, 06:02:38 PM »
Right, in the arena. Uhh...why is there nothing productive to do here :C
O well, let's be completely unproductive then.
>Throw myself at a random person and rig the odds so it's Username or Raikaria. How dare they do things and stuff, can't let that continue >:C
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 06:05:01 PM by Mr Jovial »

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2015, 07:28:56 PM »
Roll to Dodge 3: Super Advance 64 Golden Supreme U DS Collector's Edition & Knuckles
>be even more late than laserturtle
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2015, 01:24:44 AM »
> Steal LaserTurtle's toast through the power of SONG.
4: Kasu sings a beautiful song that only toast can hear. LaserTurtle ('s toast) must Roll To Dodge!
4: The toast in LaserTurtle's mouth was unaffected by the song.
>Use the power of MUSIC to call forth a thunderstorm
6+1=7...:As Kasu's song dies down, everything goes silent. The clouds above swirl into a thunderstorm, and with the first lightning strike, a strong orchestra begins to play from nowhere(Possible Spoilers). Lightning begins to strike in tune with the music... The entire arena is drowning in sorrow. (Everyone besides PX must roll to dodge at the end of the turn!)
Out of ideas already damn

>preach the good word of idolism to my fellow motkers, obviously about actual GOOD IDOLS, not those idol hell bs idols
4+1=5: DNAbc heads for the parts of the arena closest to the stands and preaches about how Idolism can save them from this disaster. The people begin to view Idols as gods, and as such, have developed a religion based on them with Hoshii Miki being their major God (+1). Idolism is now a religion.
>Reach into my pocket to confirm the presence of a ridiculously overpowered weapon.
2: You pull out a broken sword, cutting yourself on it's edge. (-1). It won't do much good in it's current state.
>Clean the Hating Hater up.
4+1=5: You grab a hose and hose off The Hating Hater. He's sparkly clean, besides all the blood you just sprayed onto him. Regardless, you feel karma will reward you anyways (+1)
>Join the fray fashionably late.
2: You try to join fashionably late, but your entrance is overshadowed by the giant musical thunderstorm that PX managed to conjure up. Your hard work being for nothing is very upsetting. (-1).
> Take a shower.
6: You manage to graze the rain falling from the thunderclouds in such a way that it cleans the blood off of you. Not only are you clean, but you looked good doing it. Too bad the audience was fixated on the giant musical thunderstorm.
> Fire danmaku lasers from eyes at someone
4: Your eyes glow and you shoot straight lasers at (Random number between 1 and 12......3)DNAbc. But...
>Cast Reflect on whomever Sekibanki/Raikaria is targeting.
5: Searinox casts Reflectaga on DNAbc and the lasers bounce off and back towards Raikaria. You are currently in MP Charge (+1). Raikaria must Roll to Dodge!
2: Raikaria attempts to shield herself from the lasers with her arms, but they go straight through them as well as her shoulder. This isn't good, you might die from blood loss soon... (3 turns left...)
>"Uh...Hi? long have you been over here? Don't flowers like light? I mean, you're obviously different than most, but I'm curious, is all..."
>Try to shake off this sudden bad vibe I'm feeling. Maybe it's just a talking flower and no more...
1: You try to shake off the bad feeling you're getting, but to no avail. You feel like...your life is going down a dangerous path.
Flowey: "Oh, I've been here for a while, and I am getting enough light. What's wrong with getting some darkness from time to time?" The flower winks at you with his tongue out as he finishes his sentence. "You shouldn't worry about me so much, but rather, yourself. I've been watching these people fight. They'll tear you apart in seconds.But with my help, you can survive. So, how about it buddy?"
Right, in the arena. Uhh...why is there nothing productive to do here :C
O well, let's be completely unproductive then.
>Throw myself at a random person and rig the odds so it's Username or Raikaria. How dare they do things and stuff, can't let that continue >:C
1: You throw yourself at yourself. Mr.Jovial must Roll to Dodge himself!
4: You dodge yourself, somehow. Soon enough, you realize that there are now 2 of you.
Roll to Dodge 3: Super Advance 64 Golden Supreme U DS Collector's Edition & Knuckles
>be even more late than laserturtle
3: You knew when LaserTurtle would come in, so you planned ahead and came a little later than him. You were surprised however, to see that he is still, in a sense, later than you. Darn, bested again.
Yukari: "Interesting. It's a shame that Reimu will want to resolve this incident before it spreads to the rest of Gensokyo."

The giant musical thunderstorm pelts the arena with it's lightning.
Kasu (5) grazes the lightning and receives a massive score bonus (+1)
DNAbc (3) DNAbc's life flashed before his eyes as he watched the lightning bolt head straight for him, only to be saved by one of the new believers of Idolism. The first loss of a believer...(-1)
Username (4) dives clear out of the way of a lightning bolt.
The Old Guy (6) extends his fingers into the sky and is hit directly by the lightning. As the lightning courses through him, he shoots it back out of his fingers towards the sky. Although it didn't do anything to the thundercloud, he may have learned firebending...
Evil Nazgul (3) just narrowly dodges the lightning. This just isn't their day (-1).
Hating Hater (2) is struck by the lightning. His body is engulfed in intense flames. (3 turns left...)
Raikaria (6) is struck dead center on the head by lightning. Her head oddly multiplies, and she now has 2 floating heads.
Sock (3) barely dodged the lightning. He realizes that his life really is dangerous (-1).
Searinox (3) didn't have any more mp left to reflect the lightning. This hit takes a toll on their score (-1).
Mr. Jovial (4) and his other self dodge the lightning.
Failure McFail (2) is struck by the lightning, supercharging their heart. If they don't calm it down soon, their heart will be overworked and stop beating. (3 turns left...)

Kasu is disappointed that they couldn't get the toast. On the bright side, they have a +1 next turn.
PX is laughing at the participants as their giant musical thunderstorm wrecks havoc.
DNAbc is grieving the first loss of a follower in their new religion, Idolism. (+1 -1 = 0)
Username is bleeding from a wound on his hand where he was cut by the broken sword. (-1)
The Old Guy is realizing that he might be a firebender. (+1)
Evil Nazgul is having the worst day ever! (-2)
The previously cleaned Hating Hater is now engulfed in flames. (3 turns left...)
Raikaria/Sekibanki has 2 floating heads, but is also bleeding from the wounds the lasers created. (3 turns left...)
An Unmatched Sock is conversing with Flowey. He has also realized, that his life is dangerous (-1).
Searinox is recovering from mp charge. (+1-1=0)
Mr. Jovial is talking to himself...........
Failure McFail has an overworking heart. They might die soon. (3 turns left...)
LaserTurtle is eating their toast in the corner of the arena. (missed post)

Gee, so much happened in one turn ._.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2015, 01:40:33 AM »
>Give my -2 to someone else by the power of "miscalculation error in my favor".

If I can't do that, then:
>Attempt to transmute the RNG's D6 into a D8. (Hey, you did say the rules were meant to be broken.)

And if neither of those are possible, then:
>Take a pill.

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #37 on: November 06, 2015, 02:51:39 AM »
>Increasing levels of skepticism faster than the gauge can read! But, that lightning...
>"Welp, you've got a point, Flowey. I'm not entirely sure what I'm even doing here at this point. I guess I could use all the help I could get, if you'd be so kind. Surviving is nice."
>Hope I don't wind up having a bad time.

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2015, 03:29:41 AM »
>Discharge heart into my fingertips for truly shocking attacks!

>gloat about pun
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2015, 03:35:04 AM »
> Make some EXTREME RICE.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2015, 03:56:28 AM »
The previously cleaned Hating Hater is now engulfed in flames. (3 turns left...)


>Take off my shirt and put Hating Hater out with it!
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2015, 04:14:43 AM »
> Cough. Then drop and roll. While looking cool doing it.


  • Chill - just chill
  • Keepin' it vanilla smooth
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #42 on: November 06, 2015, 04:37:32 AM »
>Just drop in. With a cup of tea.


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #43 on: November 06, 2015, 08:34:19 AM »
> Wonder why danmaku suddenly causes lethal injuries. Then recover because I was hit by danmaku. Not actual lasers.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 08:36:06 AM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • School Idol?
  • *
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #44 on: November 06, 2015, 09:10:19 AM »
>Pull out electric guitar and start rocking to call forth a mountain


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #45 on: November 06, 2015, 12:30:19 PM »

>Reenact ENDLESS FUSION KISARAGI, allocate giant robots for everyone!
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 12:32:55 PM by DNAbc »
>Link to my Steam Account: Add me!

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2015, 02:50:19 PM »
>Turn the broken sword into a Lightsaber.

Mr Jovial

  • Commander of the Whale Legion
  • *
  • ~Having a whale of a time~
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2015, 06:10:51 PM »
Ok, this is exactly 12000% better than expected.
"So me wat do you think we should do?"
"I dunno, what do you think we should do?"
"I dunno, what do you think we should do?"
"I dunno, what do you think we should do?"
>Keep throwing myself at myself until we (I?) outnumber the Idolists. Let's face it, when hasn't cloning to extreme levels gone well.

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2015, 06:18:52 PM »
Let's see... well, why not?
>Make sure RNG's dice for the next turn is the 'd1' dice.


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2015, 06:43:07 PM »
> Land in the arena safely, attempting to look cool as you do so.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #50 on: November 06, 2015, 10:14:53 PM »
>Give my -2 to someone else by the power of "miscalculation error in my favor".
This action would cancel itself due to having to roll your dice to complete it, as all actions do.
If I can't do that, then:
>Attempt to transmute the RNG's D6 into a D8. (Hey, you did say the rules were meant to be broken.)
5-2=3:You transmute your dice into a D8 with the power of the roll. You now have a D8 that you can replace your normal roll with for 1 turn.
>Increasing levels of skepticism faster than the gauge can read! But, that lightning...
>"Welp, you've got a point, Flowey. I'm not entirely sure what I'm even doing here at this point. I guess I could use all the help I could get, if you'd be so kind. Surviving is nice."
6-1=5: You are absolutely sure, without a doubt, that something's not right with this guy. Your skepticism prods the flower for what that could be... Flowey's subconscious must Roll to Dodge!
1: Not only have you read Flowey like a book, know his plans, and what's up with him, but you've also gained the power to read minds! Flowey seems to have 4 things inside him, wriggling about. In his thoughts, he seems to only think about killing the other participants and ensuring your safety at the moment. He also believes you are gullible. You can't reach any deeper at the moment, but your proud of your feat already (+1).
Flowey: "Your only chance of survival is to kill the other participants. I know it sounds grim, but just look. They're filled with hatred and greed for power. The dice everyone has rolls and determines the success of their actions when they will them. If you can out-luck a few of them, I can take their souls and change the dice for both of us. That way, we'll be unstoppable. I know your skeptic of me now, but I can assure you, I'm not out to kill you. You seem like a nice guy." Flowey Rolls for something...
3: Worn Bandage; Extends the dying timer to 4 turns, instead of 3 for the wearer. "Take it. I've gotta go, the others probably know what I'm doing for you now. Just call for me if you manage to kill any of them." Flowey gives Sock the Worn Bandage before un-sprouting into the ground.
>Discharge heart into my fingertips for truly shocking attacks!
5: You manage to revert the current in your heart into your fingertips. You are no longer dying, and you also very electrical fingers (+1).
> Make some EXTREME RICE.
2+1=3: You make some EXTREME RICE. Not reading the instructions, however, has resulted in you making REGULAR RICE. It's still good for rice though.
>Take off my shirt and put Hating Hater out with it!
2+1=3: You take off your shirt and begin slapping The Hating Hater with it. You've extinguished his flames and saved Hating Hater from dying.
> Cough. Then drop and roll. While looking cool doing it.
6: You cough smoke out of your mouth in a comedic fashion, before dropping to the ground and rolling. You were already extinguished, but the way you rolled on the ground almost created a new dance craze before the storm interrupted. It seems... It stole... Your thunder...
>Just drop in. With a cup of tea.
3: You drop from inside the musical thunderstorm with a chair and a cup of tea, before slowly drifting towards the ground. Oh dear, it seems you lost your umbrella back in the thunderstorm.
> Wonder why danmaku suddenly causes lethal injuries. Then recover because I was hit by danmaku. Not actual lasers.
6: You realize that the danmaku only stopped your non-spell and wasn't really lethal. You are no longer dying. This also leads you to realize that you can't shoot actual lasers, just danmaku ones.
>Pull out electric guitar and start rocking to call forth a mountain
5: You whip out an electric guitar and start rocking hard. A giant mountain rises from the arena and takes you above the stadium. You pass by Yukari before it the mountain stops growing above the musical thunderstorm. The music you play further enhances the Thunderstorm, and in seconds, it expands past the entire arena (+1). You can see really far and spot a witch and a girl dressed in red and white clothes apparently racing towards the arena. The witch is winning.

>Reenact ENDLESS FUSION KISARAGI, allocate giant robots for everyone!
3: You only create enough giant robots for you and your 4 Miki's.
>Turn the broken sword into a Lightsaber.
5-1=4: You turn the broken sword into a Lightsaber It's much more useful now.
>Keep throwing myself at myself until we (I?) outnumber the Idolists. Let's face it, when hasn't cloning to extreme levels gone well.
6: You begin throwing yourself at yourself. In seconds, you've created an army of 10,000 you's, greatly surpassing the number of Idolists in the stands.
>Make sure RNG's dice for the next turn is the 'd1' dice.
6: You've successfully ensured that, in the next turn, everyone will roll a "d1".
> Land in the arena safely, attempting to look cool as you do so.
6: You land right when the musical thunderstorm strikes the ground, and appear among the smoke. The crowd is in awe of your arrival...besides the Idolists, of course.
Satan emerges from the Hell Gate once again. "Another complete ritual, well done. How about something different..." Patorikku, Searinox, and Mr.Jovial have received an invitation to Hell and a customary t-shirt. It says: "Welcome Hell"

Two dots can be seen heading towards the Arena from afar...
The Musical Thunderstorm will strike in 2 turns!
LaserTurtle has been Gapped into safety by Yukari.
Yukari: "I'm sure the audience wouldn't want to see someone stand around eating toast. You can stay safe until you're ready to act in the Arena again."
The people of the Audience that have adopted Idolism are fighting over which one is the true IdolM@ster Idol God, PX or DNAbc?
Everyone will roll a "D1" next turn. Your action is guaranteed but nothing supernatural can happen unless your present powers allow it.

Evil Nazgul has a D8. The action he does when it's rolled will be more/less severe on higher/lower numbers.
Unmatched Sock has a +1 to their next, applicable roll, the power to try and read minds along with their normal action, and is wearing a Worn Bandage that extends the dying timer to 4 turns.
Failure McFail is no longer dying and has a +1 to their next, applicable roll.
Kasu has finished making their REGULAR RICE.
The Old Guy has saved Hating Hater from dying and is also shirtless. He still might be a firebender and is in possession of Chekhov's gun.
The Hating Hater tried to create a new dance move, but was interrupted by the Musical Thunderstorm.
qMyon is enjoying their tea in the middle of the Arena.
Raikaria/Sekibanki still has 2 heads that can only shoot danmaku type lasers. They are also no longer dying.
PX the Magical Idol is rocking above their Musical Thunderstorm atop a giant Mountain. They also have a +1 when applicable.
DNAbc and their 4 Hoshii Miki's are piloting giant robots.
Username has a Lightsaber.
Mr. Jovial is one of 10,000 of himself. They outnumber the Idolists greatly. They all have t-shirts that say "Welcome Hell" and Invitations to Hell.
Searinox/Maribel Hearn has ensured that everyone will roll a D1 for the next turn. She also has a t-shirt that says "Welcome Hell" and an Invitation to Hell.
Patorikku has made a flashy entrance. They also have a t-shirt that says "Welcome Hell" and an Invitation to Hell.
LaserTurtle is safe in Yukari's Gap world.
The characters in red have been gifted a t-shirt that says "Welcome Hell" and an Invitation to Hell, if it hasn't been said enough, by Satan. Upon closer inspection, the word "Former" can be seen written before "Hell".
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 10:34:37 PM by Miniking »


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2015, 10:30:52 PM »
> Convert the Idolists in the audience through the power of SHEER HOTBLOODED CATCHPHRASES.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2015, 10:46:51 PM »
> Barter for T-Shirt
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2015, 11:05:56 PM »
EDIT: Thanks for clarifying, Miniking.

>Become Azazel.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 11:19:19 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2015, 11:17:12 PM »
Everyone's rolling a guaranteed 4 for the D1. + and - don't apply this turn since it can only be a 4. Your D8 can be used once on any turn you want to apply onto your actual action, but it won't override the D1 this next turn, since it was technically applied first.
You can edit your post/action any time before the rolls. Just try to do so before one of the last people post or before a whole day.

Also Rolling a Lucky 7 (through bonus points to a roll {+1} or a different kind of dice) will net you the best outcome possible (Similar to PX's musical Thunderstorm that doesn't target them.) Rolling an 8 or above is the same result as a 4 but you will also have to Roll to Dodge. Anything 0 or below, and the action is invalid/stopped.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 11:44:51 PM by Miniking »


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2015, 11:40:17 PM »
>"Now, I become one with the winds!"

>Everyone shall participate in more suspiciously legal religious activities! Give everyone supernatural powers as the Fate of the World hangs in the balance
>Link to my Steam Account: Add me!

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2015, 12:43:15 AM »
> Try to become the Avatar.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #57 on: November 07, 2015, 12:48:04 AM »
>"Oh...okay...well, let's see..." Maybe if I have telepathy, then telekinesis isn't too far of a stretch, and would make
>choosing first target at random with a d13 (since there are 13 other participants as of the last GM update)...
>MORAL DETERMINATION APPEARS! (GM, if you could roll an arbitrary d6, 4-6 would be high moral standing, 1-3 not so much)
>>If 4-6: "...There's gotta be another way...I don't really want to hurt anyone, despite what Flowey says..." Walk out into the light area of the arena, making sure to not stupidly walk into an attack.
>>If 1-3: "If it'll make me stronger...and in this sort of arena, strength is what will matter..." Attempt to telekinesis PX (again, random decision) into submission. Only attempt the kill on a 1, but 2 or 3, just hold them still...
« Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 04:57:13 AM by an unmatched sock »


  • School Idol?
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #58 on: November 07, 2015, 01:34:22 AM »
>Call forth fire and cause the mountain to erupt


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #59 on: November 07, 2015, 01:55:05 AM »
> Now with the eyes of the crowd on you, summon up a red trident! Doesn't need to be too fancy, just has to look cool.

> Tie up your new t-shirt to appear as a cape, for added appeal and advertisement for hell.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.