Author Topic: Roll to Dodge: Arena  (Read 91401 times)


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Roll to Dodge: Arena
« on: November 03, 2015, 04:49:59 AM »
In Gensokyo, there is a stadium. In this stadium, the citizens await the coming of the Gap Youkai. Today's your lucky day, as she's decided to include you in this game.

Welcome to Roll to Dodge: Arena

In this Roll to Dodge, everything is mostly the same. You submit an action. I roll an online d6, and your action is completed (or not) depending on the result. If you are involved in conflict, the dice roll will determine your fate.

Lower than 0/Negatives = Death: You rolled into the negatives, likely do to a - bonus. You die.

0 = Invalid: Consider yourself lucky. Through getting just 0, the action is canceled. Nothing good happens, nothing bad happens. 0 or lower = Miss: The attacker misses the defender. (Yes, it's like a 4.)

1 = Worst Result: You did not do it. In fact, you probably did the opposite. 1 = Fatality: You die.

2 = Fail (-1 to next roll): You failed to do it. This failure stalks you for the next applicable roll as a -1. 2 = Serious Wound: You survived, but you really need help. If you can't recover in the next 3 turns, you'll die. If you are attacked again and don't roll a 3 or more, you die. Rolling a 3 will allow you to survive, but you'll still need to recover.

3 = Unexpected Result: It looks like you did it, but something went wrong... 3 = Scratched; You barely got hit but suffer no major injuries. It seems you're not on your A game. -1 to next applicable roll.

4 = Success!: You did it just as planned. Nothing more. Nothing less. 4 = Dodge: You dodged it. Somewhere, a caped pickle is proud of your standard feat.

5 = Best Result (+1 to next roll): You did it and the RNG favors you. Of course, if you were trying reverse psychology, at least you get a +1 to your next applicable roll. 5 = Graze: You dodged it beautifully. The act increased your self-confidence. +1 to your next applicable roll.

6 = Overshoot: You definetely, without a doubt, did it. But you may have done it too well, and might face consequences for doing such. 6 = Counter: Not only did you dodge, but you've gotten into position and countered the attackers!

7 = Lucky: Although a D6 is rolled, it's still possible to get higher with the bonus points. a 7 is the best result you can get. 7 = Lucky Dodge: If you get a 7 through bonus points when dodging, it'll be treated as a 4, but with something extra to help.

Higher than 7 = Death: You rolled too high a number, likely due to a + bonus. You die.

Bonus +1's and -1's or more/less will be applied to all of the owner's next possible rolls. This means, next turn, every roll will get the bonus unless bonuses can't be applied (such as if no actions are made involving the owner). This will go for AI as well.

As for updates, I will generally try to update when everyone has posted. But if there are many ungrateful inactive players, expect the update to come in a day or two. If you happen to miss an update, Yukari will be happy to pause anything that's going to happen to you until you make your turn. Please try not to make it a habit.

EX Rules.
1: References might be plentiful and google is my friend.
2: Yukari is invincible. .
4: Speaking of actions, players are normally allowed 3 actions to use on themselves and or on possible assists. Some items may alter this.
5: If you don't sacrifice one of your actions for an assist's one, I might do an action for them. You could just tell them not to do anything and not waste an action.
6: "If there are 3 6's in 1 situation, I, Satan, will resolve it. I don't care for using Dice." (Ex: You're being attacked by a fruit roll up. You roll a 6 and counter it! It rolls a 6 and counters you! You roll a 6 and counter it again summon Satan, who promptly devours the fruit roll up.) "If you manage to get 3 6's over the span of 3 individual posts, I might give you a blessing..."
7: Have fun. There's no perma-death because I'm a nice guy c:
8: As punishment for dying, your actions will be skipped until a 6 is rolled. Each time you fail to roll the requirement, the next revival roll will require 5 or higher, then at least 4, and so on then.(Actions while dead; Do a backflip, find a snack, eat the snack. Results; 4: You're still dead. 5: You revive and (6:) find a vicious snack. 3: You try to eat the snack. It must roll...) If that doesn't make enough sense, think of it like how 100% orange juice worked. Also yes, +/- bonuses apply to the revival roll.
9: Trying to influence posts directly will not be registered as an action either.

AI Rules. (Due to them working differently than players)
1: A character doesn't exist until they first appear.
2: NPC's suffer from death as their races would regularly. (Humans and others won't come back to life by themselves. Fairies will respawn.) They can't roll themselves back to life.
3: NPC's may have items or abilities to help them.
4: NPC's normally have 1 action per turn.
5: NPC's can be controlled by either the leader of said character, or the GM.
6: A NPC may disobey an action given by their leader if said action is ridiculous. (Ex: Kill yourself)

Please ask for clarification on something if it doesn't make sense.

I'll wait until at least 5 people post to start. Everyone caught up to speed? Okay, let's go.


Yukari Yakumo gaps in above the stadium. The crowd roars in response. She begins to drop the participants around in the arena through gaps...

With the Arena completely destroyed, it's rules and customs have been destroyed too. Welcome to another regular Roll to Dodge... (Refer to Reply #455 for cause and Reply #471 for effect.)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 12:03:16 AM by Miniking »


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2015, 05:09:09 AM »
> Stick the landing.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2015, 06:10:17 AM »
>tap unto high school fantasy ln protag powers to survive the fall, and somehow form a harem along the way
>Link to my Steam Account: Add me!

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2015, 07:22:12 AM »
>Land perfectly on my feet.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2015, 04:33:50 PM »
>perform a flip as I land, and in the process steal DNAbc's harem if it is comprised of attractive females.

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2015, 05:40:41 PM »
>Land without any injuries.


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2015, 05:43:27 PM »
> Land on head
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • School Idol?
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2015, 08:34:08 PM »
How do people constantly fail at RtD? Rolling a 1 makes you do the exact opposite, not just sit on there with an egg on your face.

>Reverse gravity

Mr Jovial

  • Commander of the Whale Legion
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  • ~Having a whale of a time~
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2015, 08:46:20 PM »
>Fail the landing, but fail it better than everyone else.

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2015, 09:55:48 PM »
>Transform into Yukari so that the obtained invincibility would nullify the fall damage.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2015, 10:09:06 PM »
> Stick the landing.
2: You weren't ready and land the wrong way, painfully twisting your ankle.
>tap unto high school fantasy ln protag powers to survive the fall, and somehow form a harem along the way
5: You land on a girl setting up equipment in the stadium. She falls in love with you when she see's your face. 3 other girls leap from the stands and tackle you down before you could stand up. They raise you into the air and begin carrying you. It seems you've made a great first impression on the audience.
>Land perfectly on my feet.
4: You land perfectly on your feet.
>perform a flip as I land, and in the process steal DNAbc's harem if it is comprised of attractive females.
1: You flip in midair and break your neck on the stadium's ground. DNAbc's harem carries him away from the bloody mess your body is now in. You've died
>Land without any injuries.
1: You land with ALL the injuries as your body makes a loud unidentifiable noise that the whole audience cringes at. You've died
> Land on head
6: You land on your head. Exactly that. Your head is below you, on the ground, and you're standing on it. It seems you can still survive with your head detached from your body. The crowd applauds with a mixture of "oohs" and "Ahs".
How do people constantly fail at RtD? Rolling a 1 makes you do the exact opposite, not just sit on there with an egg on your face.

>Reverse gravity
4: You reverse gravity. Everything flips upside down, but from everyone's perspective, it's all the same.
>Fail the landing, but fail it better than everyone else.
6: You fail the landing better than everyone, including Username, who somehow landed with ALL the injuries. Topping a fall like that was incomprehensible to the viewers, as everyone stands there with their jaws open in silence. Your body is nowhere to be seen...
>Transform into Yukari so that the obtained invincibility would nullify the fall damage.
2: You land and transform into Maribel instead. You need to get used to the new body.

"Haven't seen a fall like that in decades." Yukari chuckles from "above". She and her gap are upside down. Seems her and her gap world weren't affected by the recent gravity change.

Kasu has a broken ankle and a -1 to next roll.
DNAbc has a 4 girl harem carrying him and a +1 to next roll.
The Old Guy is standing in the stadium.
An Unmatched Sock died on impact with a broken neck and is waiting in the underworld.
Username died on impact with all the injuries and is waiting in the underworld.
Raikaria is standing atop their own head, waving to the audience.
PX is standing in the stadium, wondering why nothing seems to have changed.
Mr. Jovial died on impact and is receiving the award for worst landing in existence in the underworld.
Searinox119 is now Maribel Hearn.


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2015, 10:14:00 PM »
> Be Sekibanki
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2015, 10:31:19 PM »
Close enough.
>Pull off some boundary manipulation and add random increases and decreases to the rolls made in the next turn. We need more RNG!


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2015, 11:10:00 PM »
> Heal myself with the mystical healing powers of a band-aid.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2015, 11:11:41 PM »
>drop in a turn late
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2015, 11:36:55 PM »
>Look in my pocket for something useful.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2015, 03:02:43 AM »
>pray that my one and true waif, hoshii Miki  is amongst my newly established harem, proceed to date her if possible
>Link to my Steam Account: Add me!


  • School Idol?
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2015, 03:04:51 AM »
>Obtain magical idol powers

Edit for above: Time to change my avatar....

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2015, 04:21:29 AM »
> Fall.

Mr Jovial

  • Commander of the Whale Legion
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  • ~Having a whale of a time~
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2015, 01:26:24 PM »
>"Dun worreh guys, I can do it even better!"
>Fall out of the underworld and back into existence. Fail the landing even better than before.

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2015, 02:37:26 PM »
>Revive and attempt to land again.

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2015, 04:22:17 PM »
>Raise self from the dead with little more than through the power of SHEER DETERMINATION


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2015, 10:29:13 PM »
> Be Sekibanki
4: You remove your clever disguise and reveal your true self.
Close enough.
>Pull off some boundary manipulation and add random increases and decreases to the rolls made in the next turn. We need more RNG!
6-1=5: You quickly grow accustomed to your new body and test out border abilities. You've successfully manipulated the border of increase and decrease to net yourself a +1 for the next roll.
> Heal myself with the mystical healing powers of a band-aid.
5-1=4: You carefully peel off a band-aid and apply it to your ankle. It feels fine now, in fact, was it even twisted in the first place or were you overacting?
>drop in a turn late
6: You drop in really late. You haven't even gotten time to change out of your pj's nor have you finished the toast you've been carrying in your mouth.
>Look in my pocket for something useful.
6: You search in your pocket and find a rifle. Sweet! There's an inscription on it: "Anton Chekhov". Oh dear...
>pray that my one and true waif, hoshii Miki  is amongst my newly established harem, proceed to date her if possible
5+1=6: You look down in hopes that at least one of these girls is your idol... Turns out, all of them are. You are now on a date with 4 Hoshii Miki's.

>Satan rises from a gate to Hell with a script in his clutches. "If there are 3 6's in one situation..." He looks up at the participants for a second, then re-reads the script a few times."3 Individual posts... Alright, you 3 have earned my blessing for the next roll."
>Obtain magical idol powers

Edit for above: Time to change my avatar....
5: You've magically gained magical Idol powers, just like magic.
> Fall.
1: You don't fall. Instead you rise up from underneath the stadium. You're really dirty and probably the most unattractive participant in the arena so far.
>"Dun worreh guys, I can do it even better!"
>Fall out of the underworld and back into existence. Fail the landing even better than before.
3: You trip on a dead rock and fall out of the underworld. The sky opens up as you fall back into the arena right on your face. The fall wasn't as bad as last time, sadly.
>Revive and attempt to land again.
6: The sky splits even further in an instant and the sun shines down upon you as you descend from the heavens, landing fantastically right next to Mr. Jovial. You're presence is surrounded by a holy light.
>Raise self from the dead with little more than through the power of SHEER DETERMINATION
3: You wake up in darkness. Seems you're in one of the dark sides of the arena. In the lighted arena, your fellow participants are adjusting. Next to you, there is a golden flower. It begins to speak to you with a warm smile.
Golden Flower: "Howdy! I'm FLOWEY. FLOWEY the FLOWER!"
Yukari: "Ah, somebody already has Chekov's gun. Better them than me I suppose."

Raikaria is Sekibanki
Searinox119 is Maribel Hearn and has a +1 to her next roll.
Kasu has healed their ouchie with a Band-Aid.
LaserTurtle is still in their pj's and has toast in their mouth.
The Old Guy is in possession of Chekhov's gun. Good luck getting rid of it.
DNAbc has a Miki harem.
PX is a magical idol and has a +1 to their next roll.
The Hating Hater is the most unattractive participant in the arena, as he is covered in dirt from the underground.
Mr. Jovial is disappointed in his failed attempt at failing his latest fall.
Username's presence and charisma contrasts greatly with Mr. Jovial's failed failure.
Sock is in one of the darker sections of the stadium, talking to a golden flower.
The participants listed in red have one of Satan's blessing's. They are given a +1 for the next roll but will also have their outcome corrupted in some way, likely demonically.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2015, 11:51:24 PM »
> Steal LaserTurtle's toast through the power of SONG.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • School Idol?
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Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2015, 11:56:59 PM »
>Use the power of MUSIC to call forth a thunderstorm


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2015, 12:01:36 AM »
Out of ideas already damn

>preach the good word of idolism to my fellow motkers, obviously about actual GOOD IDOLS, not those idol hell bs idols
>Link to my Steam Account: Add me!

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2015, 01:07:50 AM »
>Reach into my pocket to confirm the presence of a ridiculously overpowered weapon.

Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2015, 01:41:24 AM »
>Clean the Hating Hater up.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • Seg Fault
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #28 on: November 05, 2015, 02:56:44 AM »
>Join the fray fashionably late.

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Roll to Dodge: Arena
« Reply #29 on: November 05, 2015, 05:38:27 AM »
> Take a shower.