Author Topic: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (PREPARE FOR WORLD MOVE!)  (Read 290883 times)


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #300 on: July 29, 2011, 08:34:44 AM »
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #301 on: July 29, 2011, 09:11:41 AM »
On that note, can't we simply have more than one dimension, like in DDR's, so both those who want more and less vanilla have their little space?

I think that sounds like a great idea!

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #302 on: July 29, 2011, 09:30:18 AM »
Layers and layers of reply goodness~  OH BOY!
As for the Moderators playing 97.5% vanilla as well, that is a great idea. Keeps things from getting far too easy to build *looks at subway system, Puella Magi sprites on old server* and retains the classic MC way of doing things. IMO the only time where using OP powers for building is somewhat understandable is for massive community-exclusive projects (subway, community houses/bases, maybe Anarchy Land borders) that involve much ground work.
WE Warp compass...well, that is another thing entirely. :V
This is primarily the reason why I asked that the potential Mods tone down on their powers. On DDR's server, it seems the Mods all went their separate ways and constructed their own projects through /item. PX and Jes had their sprites, EP had the subway, and I had the Jeweled Pagoda. After returning to "playing regularly" despite the extra commands, I can say that the sense of accomplishment outweighs the speed of construction. Maybe that's just me.
I'd like to avoid a similar situation with the new server if we ever install Moderators with such abilities. It's just to make sure that we all play the game together.
Certainly! No issues with how things were run..though I have some suggestions for the new one:
 - Don't give free resources so soon. Wait until there's an established village or two before adding 'free clay/slime/cocoa/other resource' chests.
 - I'd like to put down free sandstone as well. It's not terribly common....
 - Rails (all types) given for free are good too, but after people start spreading out.
 - The server is opened to public at an arranged date and time so that we get the full effect of a fresh start. Ops and Mods can come in earlier, but just for testing/scouting and not to, say, build a safe place for the spawn just yet (that makes it too easy).
 - Speaking of spawn, if we do end up getting a crappy spawn point like we did on this server I'd suggest not moving out but using the area instead to build a village. Adds to the challenge.
-I would like to keep the free harder-to-find resources, myself. However I suggest that we limit availability. Providing clay instead of brick called for the users to still do some work to get the bricks they wanted. I would like for us to still provide the clay in a chest near the spawn. As for slime, cocoa, rails, and possibly sandstone, I believe we should have them on a "as needed" basis. Just ask one of us and we'll oblige. They're not in that high of demand to warrant a full-time chest.
-I think that we should scout out a proper seed whenever establishing the spawn area for the new server. Chances are it would be a similar platform area, but I would like this to be the central point of the new village.(preferably at 0,0 for easier navigation) Once a suitable default spawn, we can open the server up and you guys can establish the town. On that note, let's name it something original rather than after another player. :V

Anyways the server worked well. Chunks loaded nice. Lag was minimum.
The nether was pretty poorly set up though, but I guess that just has to do with the random generation.
One thing I noticed on DDR's server is that the alternate worlds (Nether and Sphere) weren't generated based upon the seed of the main world. When both of those worlds got reset, they were generated differently.  What I'm getting at is, if the Nether gets generated all retarded-like, we can delete it and try again for a new layout.

Yeah the trouble is we don't actually know when 1.8 will be out. However, I suspect Mojang has been forced to go into speedy development to meet their release date later this year and are actually working hard for once; we're seeing screenshots of a lot more new content than there's been in the last few updates put together.

Either way I think I'll wait about two weeks before looking into starting the server again, I have some other stuff on my plate at the moment.
I wouldn't doubt that 1.8 would get pushed back all the way until the official release. They'll want something big and game-changing for the debut. Granted, I don't want to wait that long before establishing the new server. :V

I know you have your game project and other things going on right now. Two weeks is kinda  :ohdear: , though. I'll do some research on our new home in the meantime.

The only other thing I could see being good to hand out for free is sand(not sandstone, because you can make sandstone from sand), for the same reason we had the sand duper. Grabbing sand from the map always results in horribly torn and ruined deserts and beaches.
I'll be honest. I didn't care much for the sand duper. I didn't really want to rely on a bug to get free resources.
Not to mention, I couldn't operate it right :V
I don't know about handing out free sand, though. I had no problem going and finding my own, since there was a desert near the town.  I do understand where you're coming from, though. Since sand is needed for glass, sandstone, and TNT, it's demand is pretty high. But I think the freebies should remain for the harder-to-find items, or the ones that are unrealistic to obtain in mass quantities. Sand just doesn't fit that description for me..

OK, maybe we can keep the free clay blocks and add sand as well (never knew sand could be turned to sandstone :fail:) should Notch-ism fix that useful bug. As for rails, good point. I guess it'll be left for the community systems and those who are building them (namely myself).

Asking mods for free items would be a bit too demanding.
Whoops! Found this one too late. Yeah, it might become pretty demanding. "HEY GIMME STUFF". Which is why I'm batting around the idea of a Barter system of sorts. Any "payment" (ex: cobble) would be automatically donated to any community project... Just don't offer outlandish trades like cobble -> obsidian. :V

Strafe & Stuff - Don't be so hard on yourself! As the saying goes, "Hindsight's 20/20." It may be easy to blame yourself for not taking action against a potential problem that may or may not have ever arisen, but just because that problem did happen to pop up, that doesn't mean you should blame yourself for inaction retrospectively! No one can blame you for not being psychic and predicting this would happen. As far as a new server goes, I can't remember if I've asked this already or not, but can either of you handle hosting the server on your computer? If not, does anyone here have a computer strong enough to host a server? If anyone does, one amazing upside of doing so is having access to adding any plugin to your server that you see fit, at any time you want!
True, but I feel like I should've done more research into Brohoster's issues before deciding to go with them. No biggie, really.   Also, there's no chance of me hosting from my own machine. Like Stuffman, I use this computer for many things. I don't have another computer solely for dedicated server use, and my internet service can be really shitty at times. I'm more than happy to pay a hosting service for the server.
Strafe - I know I'm the minority here and have probably mentioned it before, but I'll throw it out again anyway: one thing I'd like to see is less vanilla gameplay. At the very least, less vanilla terrain, if nothing else! On one hand, I'd like to continue playing this game. On the other, after a year of playing on 90-100% vanilla servers with friends, it's gotten very repetitive and boring. Building new things, but with different textured blocks, essentially. There are many plugins out there that could help change this!
I hear you on this, really. Yes, vanilla gameplay loses its flair after a while. However, in my opinion, Minecraft is one of those sandbox games where you play as you go. The game is what you make of it. I'd like to be able to have nifty stuff like planes, grappling hooks, Aether goodies, etc. But maintaining those mods.... bleh. I remember after one Minecraft update on DDR's server, he remained offline while waiting for all his mods to become compatible with the update. Remaining vanilla as much as possible alleviates incidents like this.

But I really do understand your point. For example, I got bored with Terraria rather quickly after I had done everything. Haven't played it since. I went back to Minecraft because it has a stronger creative appeal for me.

Not sure how to evaluate my time on this server. Pretty good I guess. Haven't thought about that yet. Instead, I got myself plans of what to build on the next server and you are going to like these things more than the abandoned-style, plants-infested lame lighthouse (hopefully)...

Is there really no chance to retrieve the world files from the servers? No way whatsoever?
That would be nice. Hopefully, it will have it all saved (or at least a good chunk of it, including EES cause that's just plain awesome) I'll have my diamond back too! At least I hope. We'll see what happens. :ohdear:
I don't think we made any backups :derp: and I cannot access the server files. I'd like for us to retain our creations, yes, but it seems like it would be best to cut our losses and move on. If we could salvage any bits from the world, I'd probably use WE to paste them somewhere in the new map. If we end up waiting until 1.8, then the new map should theoretically have ruins and villages and stuff.

Also, I'll note that I still plan on rebuilding everything that I had lost due to all these server issues. Yep. All of them. Come here little sheep. I won't hurt ya...

On that note, can't we simply have more than one dimension, like in DDR's, so both those who want more and less vanilla have their little space?

Server load aside, I'm afraid this would split the group apart, but it's an idea
I thought about implementing the multiverse whenever people started talking about the Anarchy Zone. That way they could have their own world to do whatever, and leave the main world in peace. However, on DDR's server, the multiverse did fragment the userbase like you're saying. The main world was pretty much ignored once everyone began colonizing spheres. Stuffman and I haven't discussed multiverse, or any impacts it might have on the server load, but I doubt we'll use it.... I don't know.
We need a blockey arena, and league matches.
I still want to build that Battle Arena I mentioned a while ago.. Perhaps a Stadium would be good as well. This game looks very interesting.



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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #303 on: July 29, 2011, 09:57:39 AM »
Well... That's one church I'll miss.. *and never finish* T_T I guess a break from MC would be good.. DotS just had a major update and I wanna work this rust off and have some fun with ol pals.

*looks at Dr. Strafe*

I'll see you on the battle field..

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #304 on: July 29, 2011, 10:00:27 AM »
Well... That's one church I'll miss.. *and never finish* T_T I guess a break from MC would be good.. DotS just had a major update and I wanna work this rust off and have some fun with ol pals.

*looks at Dr. Strafe*

I'll see you on the battle field..
Uh.... I've never played DotS?  :ohdear:


  • resident walker
Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #305 on: July 29, 2011, 10:21:14 AM »
Uh.... I've never played DotS?  :ohdear:
so start.


Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #306 on: July 29, 2011, 10:51:00 AM »
Defense of the Shrines? The DotA clone for WC3 with Touhou characters? Where does one get it from anyway? Nvm think I got this. Now to find an English translation...

Man it's a shame that the lighthouse, two mob grind0rs, Evil Eye Σ and so on and so forth are now lost forever. Bro Hoster came at us when we fed it enough money for years and years of hosting in advance and now we have to deal with it like bosses. Oh well.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 10:52:39 AM by Cadrin »


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #307 on: July 29, 2011, 11:19:23 AM »
If not, does anyone here have a computer strong enough to host a server? If anyone does, one amazing upside of doing so is having access to adding any plugin to your server that you see fit, at any time you want!
Though my desktop is quite strong, my connection isn't as good and furthermore I'm about to RMA the board due to Source connection issues. Though the idea sounds enticing.

Strafe - I know I'm the minority here and have probably mentioned it before, but I'll throw it out again anyway: one thing I'd like to see is less vanilla gameplay. At the very least, less vanilla terrain, if nothing else! On one hand, I'd like to continue playing this game. On the other, after a year of playing on 90-100% vanilla servers with friends, it's gotten very repetitive and boring. Building new things, but with different textured blocks, essentially. There are many plugins out there that could help change this!
Less vanilla terrain? HELL YEAH :getdown:
PTM is your friend. Hope the new hosts allow it.

This is primarily the reason why I asked that the potential Mods tone down on their powers. On DDR's server, it seems the Mods all went their separate ways and constructed their own projects through /item. PX and Jes had their sprites, EP had the subway, and I had the Jeweled Pagoda. After returning to "playing regularly" despite the extra commands, I can say that the sense of accomplishment outweighs the speed of construction. Maybe that's just me.
I'd like to avoid a similar situation with the new server if we ever install Moderators with such abilities. It's just to make sure that we all play the game together.
Don't forget the Path to the Path of Trials! :D
Though subway to Rukinville still took forever to build even with WE and 4-player collaborative building (unless we're opting to count that 1.1 million block basement).
However, since we'll be starting over again this kind of speedy construction won't be as necessary (much of the Rukinville rail was built due to its sheer distance from everything, primarily).
I agree on that 'play together' bit, though.

-I would like to keep the free harder-to-find resources, myself. However I suggest that we limit availability. Providing clay instead of brick called for the users to still do some work to get the bricks they wanted. I would like for us to still provide the clay in a chest near the spawn. As for slime, cocoa, rails, and possibly sandstone, I believe we should have them on a "as needed" basis. Just ask one of us and we'll oblige. They're not in that high of demand to warrant a full-time chest.
...OK, I see. That works too.

-I think that we should scout out a proper seed whenever establishing the spawn area for the new server. Chances are it would be a similar platform area, but I would like this to be the central point of the new village.(preferably at 0,0 for easier navigation) Once a suitable default spawn, we can open the server up and you guys can establish the town. On that note, let's name it something original rather than after another player. :V
Well, I actually found the island spawn quite neat. Though of course I moved out soon after, it presented possible design challenges that would have made the game a bit more interesting.

One thing I noticed on DDR's server is that the alternate worlds (Nether and Sphere) weren't generated based upon the seed of the main world. When both of those worlds got reset, they were generated differently.  What I'm getting at is, if the Nether gets generated all retarded-like, we can delete it and try again for a new layout.
Seems about right.

I know you have your game project and other things going on right now. Two weeks is kinda  :ohdear: , though. I'll do some research on our new home in the meantime.
Recommended LethalDrive, personally, for that. But whichever host you go with, I'm completely fine.

I'll be honest. I didn't care much for the sand duper. I didn't really want to rely on a bug to get free resources.
Not to mention, I couldn't operate it right :V
I don't know about handing out free sand, though. I had no problem going and finding my own, since there was a desert near the town.  I do understand where you're coming from, though. Since sand is needed for glass, sandstone, and TNT, it's demand is pretty high. But I think the freebies should remain for the harder-to-find items, or the ones that are unrealistic to obtain in mass quantities. Sand just doesn't fit that description for me..
Sand is easy to obtain, but one nasty side effect is that it typically ruins the terrain greatly. Giving free sand would reduce that calamity.

Whoops! Found this one too late. Yeah, it might become pretty demanding. "HEY GIMME STUFF". Which is why I'm batting around the idea of a Barter system of sorts. Any "payment" (ex: cobble) would be automatically donated to any community project... Just don't offer outlandish trades like cobble -> obsidian. :V
Sounds nice but I hope this doesn't lead to economy mods being included.

I hear you on this, really. Yes, vanilla gameplay loses its flair after a while. However, in my opinion, Minecraft is one of those sandbox games where you play as you go. The game is what you make of it. I'd like to be able to have nifty stuff like planes, grappling hooks, Aether goodies, etc. But maintaining those mods.... bleh. I remember after one Minecraft update on DDR's server, he remained offline while waiting for all his mods to become compatible with the update. Remaining vanilla as much as possible alleviates incidents like this.

But I really do understand your point. For example, I got bored with Terraria rather quickly after I had done everything. Haven't played it since. I went back to Minecraft because it has a stronger creative appeal for me.
Agreed on what the goal of MC is.
As for mods, well, that's what the official modding API will be for. :V

I thought about implementing the multiverse whenever people started talking about the Anarchy Zone. That way they could have their own world to do whatever, and leave the main world in peace. However, on DDR's server, the multiverse did fragment the userbase like you're saying. The main world was pretty much ignored once everyone began colonizing spheres. Stuffman and I haven't discussed multiverse, or any impacts it might have on the server load, but I doubt we'll use it.... I don't know.
That sounds like a better idea than having a cordoned-off part of the world for anarchy. Plus you can adjust permissions to work differently there (similar to what occurred when mods entered Sphere on DDR's server) - some things I've seen suggested while mining there include 'no access to /home or /spawn' and 'disable /god and the warp compass, as well as /item'.
To increase the risk-reward assessment of going there, if PTM is supported try putting a higher-than-normal amount of ores and maybe some distinctive terrain (long spanning deserts, giant floating islands, etc.) as well.
The only probable rules in Anarchy Realm - the entry/exit areas (with portals to get to main world) are protected zones (to prevent "spawn-killing"), as well as mods and ops are free from liabilities there and the player enters at his/her own risk, being fully aware of the situation.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 11:34:18 AM by PARU Magnificent Breweries GmbH »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #308 on: July 29, 2011, 12:55:10 PM »
Note that if we went with LethalDrive it would likely be the exact same setup as Brohoster, i.e. bukkit mods only.


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #309 on: July 29, 2011, 01:18:13 PM »
Note that if we went with LethalDrive it would likely be the exact same setup as Brohoster, i.e. bukkit mods only.
OK ignore that suggestion then.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Nicole Artist

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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #310 on: July 29, 2011, 06:37:25 PM »
Well, minecraft became booring with no one to play with.
Honestly sence Im still new to it, the server was fine to me. Can't complain.
In the mean time Ill be abusing too many items on single for ideas for multi player and will also be sketching out ideas of stuff to build. (has a lot of grid and sketchbook paper)
Did I also mention
Giant cirno


  • Reimu is all of it
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #311 on: July 30, 2011, 05:13:30 AM »
I don't know about handing out free sand, though. I had no problem going and finding my own, since there was a desert near the town.  I do understand where you're coming from, though. Since sand is needed for glass, sandstone, and TNT, it's demand is pretty high. But I think the freebies should remain for the harder-to-find items, or the ones that are unrealistic to obtain in mass quantities. Sand just doesn't fit that description for me..
Well yes sand is everywhere. Sand, dirt and stone together p much form the landscape.
The difference being dirt is almost useless, and stone is found on every layer from surface to bedrock, while sand is damn useful, but it's only found on the surface, and the constant sand-grabbing inevitably tears horrible holes in the map :/
That's why I think handing it out wouldn't be an issue. Also because it's so easy to find, there's no actual merit in finding and mining sand, so free sand wouldn't have much of an impact in the mining part of the game.
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #312 on: July 30, 2011, 08:38:53 AM »
Point taken. I guess we'll see whenever the new server comes about.

Speaking of which, how can we make sure that the new Host will allow mods other than Bukkit? Do servers allow multiple plugin engines or are they all classified into different groups? I thought we had a decent setup for the server. I was even starting to like LogBlock. (I found the command that mimics the /bb log tool :D)

My question is, are we looking for a server that won't have any restrictions on which mods we use? Are we only looking for this for the sake of PTM?


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #313 on: July 30, 2011, 08:54:19 AM »
I think having less restrictions is very important, since we can't really know what ideas we'll have in the future so
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #314 on: July 30, 2011, 11:35:45 AM »
Now to find an English translation...

I can link ya to Lucky Charats most recent work.

DotS is a great game. I suggest everyone try it!


  • Red shroom
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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #315 on: July 30, 2011, 11:49:25 AM »
My question is, are we looking for a server that won't have any restrictions on which mods we use? Are we only looking for this for the sake of PTM?
I guess we are, since PTM-modded servers are immensely more fun than vanilla ones.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Agent of the BSoD

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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #316 on: July 31, 2011, 07:04:15 AM »
HEY HEY! I just connected to the server! Stuffman and Strafe, you should make backups ASAP. (though I'm on it as of the time of this post so :V)

Nice to be back~

EDIT: Off now. Looks like everything is fine and is as we left it.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 08:08:30 AM by Agent of the BSoD »
I figured out how to play midi in games with a different device on Win7 ^^
TF2 Backpack
Embodiment of Scarlet Hair English Patch is almost completed.
^ I didn't forget about this. I don't know what you're talking about. >_>


Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #317 on: July 31, 2011, 07:37:52 AM »
Woah, Brohoster's site is back up too, and looks just fine...

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #318 on: July 31, 2011, 08:29:45 AM »
Hm.... Ok. I'm logged in and initiating backup now. I'll try to see how much I can get before anything else catastrophic happens.

..... What does this mean for the future now?


Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #319 on: July 31, 2011, 09:09:34 AM »
I can link ya to Lucky Charats most recent work.

DotS is a great game. I suggest everyone try it!
Yeah, downloaded it. Shame the bots suck so hard compared to the ones of DotA AI maps. But it's all cool. The abilities are super pretty and the items are only extremely confusing, not utterly and hopelessly so. Gotta discuss the map in detail in the appropriate topic some time later.

HEY HEY! I just connected to the server! Stuffman and Strafe, you should make backups ASAP. (though I'm on it as of the time of this post so :V)

Nice to be back~

EDIT: Off now. Looks like everything is fine and is as we left it.
A NEW HOPE, once again!

I have no idea what the meaning of all this is, by the way. I guess the servers will be turned offline permamently soon, now that Brohoster "imploded", right? And even if it somehow didn't, we got to get them backups right away. Stuffman, Doc, please get to work on that. Need more info on what's going on with that hosting service. Its website does not seem to be saying anything whatsoever.

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #320 on: July 31, 2011, 09:25:27 AM »
A NEW HOPE, once again!

I have no idea what the meaning of all this is, by the way. I guess the servers will be turned offline permamently soon, now that Brohoster "imploded", right? And even if it somehow didn't, we got to get them backups right away. Stuffman, Doc, please get to work on that. Need more info on what's going on with that hosting service. Its website does not seem to be saying anything whatsoever.
Your guess is as good as mine. The Client Area of Brohoster is "down while [they] perform maintenance and update the billing center to the newest software version." I can log into the server files, and I'm pretty much saving everything there. The server file size is a bit large, probably due to the massive expansion to the east :V

I have tried using the backup function and it says "Backup started". However, there seems to be no indication of it actually doing anything, not to mention that it doesn't ever say "Backup complete"... I have resorted to making hard copies of everything that I can within the server controls. I am also saving a few areas to .schematic files as a failsafe. This is so we can place these files in a (possible) new world later. The .schematic files will be limited to the chunks that Koishiville occupies, the Sigma, and EP's fort to the south. I do not plan on saving Anarchy Zone this way, it is just too large. If I find anything else of interest, I shall give it the .schematic treatment as well.


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #321 on: July 31, 2011, 09:39:23 AM »

MAP RECOVERED  :dragonforce:

Basically they said the servers would be up for 72 hours to give people a chance to grab their stuff, looks like I managed to recover everything except logblock data (which is a SQL database I can't access) and the dynamic map (which is too big).

I was able to log in with FTP and I just grabbed everything that way with a mass copy-paste to my desktop. I was able to run the server on my computer just fine, so we shouldn't have any problems migrating this data to another server.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 09:44:47 AM by Stuffman »

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #322 on: July 31, 2011, 09:55:50 AM »

MAP RECOVERED  :dragonforce:
Yep. I also saved a schematic the Sigma for my offline world. :D   I WILL NOT LOSE IT AGAIN
Basically they said the servers would be up for 72 hours to give people a chance to grab their stuff, looks like I managed to recover everything except logblock data (which is a SQL database I can't access) and the dynamic map (which is too big).

I was able to log in with FTP and I just grabbed everything that way with a mass copy-paste to my desktop. I was able to run the server on my computer just fine, so we shouldn't have any problems migrating this data to another server.
Yeah, I just finished downloading my own backup of all of the server files. Everything is there and intact. Backup complete, the world is safe. We're in the clear, people!

Since the server will be up for a couple more days, it wouldn't hurt to play around in it. It's good to be back. (albeit temporarily)


Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #323 on: July 31, 2011, 10:33:50 AM »
Since the server will be up for a couple more days, it wouldn't hurt to play around in it. It's good to be back. (albeit temporarily)
Yeah, let's blow stuff up!


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Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #324 on: July 31, 2011, 10:42:28 AM »
I'm not going to bother making another backup if you play normally, so feel free to obliterate the map and send another server off to valhalla :V


  • resident walker
Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #325 on: July 31, 2011, 10:43:27 AM »
I'm not going to bother making another backup if you play normally, so feel free to obliterate the map and send another server off to valhalla :V
Oh god we're killing server maps like there's no tomorrow.

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #326 on: July 31, 2011, 11:03:26 AM »
Yeah, let's blow stuff up!
I'm not going to bother making another backup if you play normally, so feel free to obliterate the map and send another server off to valhalla :V
Waaaaaay ahead of ya.

It's time for some SCIENCE

Edit - SCIENCE complete. Please wait warmly while data is being compiled  :3
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 11:26:05 AM by Dr.Strafe »


  • resident walker
Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #327 on: July 31, 2011, 11:44:57 AM »
Meanwhile on the other side of the world.



Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #328 on: July 31, 2011, 12:08:21 PM »
koishiville forest has burned down

Re: [Minecraft] MotK Minecraft Server (CURRENTLY CLOSED)
« Reply #329 on: July 31, 2011, 12:42:21 PM »
Doc is now homeless.

A side note for "sending off" this server: Since we have a few days, I'd say let the people have first dibs at destroying their own stuff. After a day or so, we can go for the free-for-all.

I know that it doesn't matter in the end, but why should one person have all the fun? Meanwhile, massive SCIENCE will commence in the Anarchy Zone.