Author Topic: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!  (Read 174473 times)

Hello Purvis

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Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #900 on: July 21, 2011, 03:42:06 PM »
>Oh my, she's trying to bait us.
>"Naw, I don't mess around with the closets. Here, let me help."
>Go to assist, let's see how she takes it~

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #901 on: July 21, 2011, 05:06:20 PM »
>Oh my, she's trying to bait us.
>"Naw, I don't mess around with the closets. Here, let me help."
>Go to assist, let's see how she takes it~
> You're too wily to get caught in her traps!
> Sanae shifts in front of the closet, keeping you from getting inside. 'No, I have this, thank you. Go do something else," she snaps at you.
> "Look in the basket at the bottom," Kanako says as she squeezes by the both of you, heading for the stair case. Sanae looks, and triumphantly pulls out several washrags.
> "Thank you, Miss Kanako!" Sanae says, before retreating into the kitchen. "Mother, I found them!"
> "Ah, good, good... hey, did I hear Sango come in?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #902 on: July 22, 2011, 04:12:28 AM »
>Teehee. Suck it, Buttcheese.
>"Hi, Maw!"

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #903 on: July 22, 2011, 02:31:18 PM »
>Teehee. Suck it, Buttcheese.
>"Hi, Maw!"
> Smug smug smug~
> Suwako sticks her head out of the kitchen, wearing a yellow apron with cartoon frogs dancing on it. "Sango! Welcome back! Why don't you and your friends head to the table? We're almost ready to serve everything." She begins taking off her apron, and glances back at Sanae, who has disappeared into the kitchen. "Can you go ahead and put some of those dishes in the sink? We'll clean after we eat."
> "Yes, Mother," Sanae replies with a cheery sing-song tone.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #904 on: July 22, 2011, 03:05:22 PM »
>She better do that washing. >=[
>Head for the table. "This way, Harami!"
>Be sure to claim a seat next to Utsuho.

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #905 on: July 22, 2011, 03:29:20 PM »
>She better do that washing. >=[
>Head for the table. "This way, Harami!"
>Be sure to claim a seat next to Utsuho.
> Sanae had better do that washing!
> You lead the other girls to the living room that connects to the kitchen, where a low table with plates and cushions already set out. You claim a spot right next to Utsuho, who had plopped down in the center of one of the long sides; glancing around her, you can see Rin claim Utsuho's other side, and she gives you a bit of a stinkeye. Harami almost sits at the head of the table, but hesitates, before moving around to a place directly opposite of you.
> A few moments later, Suwako comes out carrying a humongous covered dish, larger than herself; you can smell the delicious arouma of the mahi-mahi coming from it. She gives you and Utsuho a look as she sets down the dish, the plates clattering a bit, and pouts. "Aw, I wanted to sit next to Sango-chan..."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #906 on: July 22, 2011, 03:46:25 PM »
>"It's better this way, I have sharp elbows and bad self control when there's tasty things around."
>Wait for things to be properly served.

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #907 on: July 22, 2011, 06:13:54 PM »
>"It's better this way, I have sharp elbows and bad self control when there's tasty things around."
>Wait for things to be properly served.
> Suwako chortles at that. "I feel sorry for Utsuho-chan, then! Looks like Rin-chan's just the same as well!"
> Rin grins sheepishly as Utsuho wriggles backwards a bit, out of range of your elbows. "Well, Miss Suwako's mahi-mahi is delicious!"
> Sanae comes in with more covered trays of food, smaller than the one Suwako dragged in, and a pitcher of tea. "Definitely, and I helped out with it, too. How are you doing, Rin? It's been a while since you and Utsuho have been here." Rin chuckles awkwardly as Sanae sets down the food and sits next to Harami. "Oh, so you're the girl that Rin and Utsuho are taking care of? I'm Sanae, it's nice to meet you."
> Harami drags her eyes away from the dish hiding the fish, and nods to Sanae. "It's a pleasure. I'm Harami."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #908 on: July 22, 2011, 09:09:30 PM »
>Grin at Okuu as she scoots away.
>Observe interactions between Sanae and Harami.

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #909 on: July 22, 2011, 10:58:27 PM »
>Grin at Okuu as she scoots away.
>Observe interactions between Sanae and Harami.
> Utsuho blinks at you owlishly when you grin at her. "I don't want to be elbowed," she answers matter of factly.
> All of you are waiting for Kanako to return, and while you're waiting, you watch Sanae and Harami interact.

> "So, you're from outside Gensoushima?" Sanae asks as she's pouring some iced tea for Harami, and then herself.
> "Ah, yes. My family was having problems, and, well... I came here." A soft frown comes across Sanae's face.
> "That's so sad... and by yourself? It's a good thing that you're in the dorms with Rin and Utsuho, the island's safe, but it's not somewhere you should live in the streets."
> Harami frowns a bit. "But... Sango's there, too." A scowl appears on Sanae's face.
> "Trust me, you'll want to stick with the others before her."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #910 on: July 22, 2011, 11:14:00 PM »
>Grin. "Yeah, it's just funny you think I would, Utsuho."
>Upon listening to Sanae:  Looks like it's go time.
>"It's just because Sanae doesn't want anyone getting in between us. She was heartbroken when I moved out."

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #911 on: July 23, 2011, 12:04:51 AM »
>Grin. "Yeah, it's just funny you think I would, Utsuho."
>Upon listening to Sanae:  Looks like it's go time.
>"It's just because Sanae doesn't want anyone getting in between us. She was heartbroken when I moved out."
> Utsuho smiles back, weakly and uncertainly.
> Oh yeah, let's do this! You remark about how Sanae was so distraught when you moved out, and Sanae flinches backwards as though physically hit, and even reddens. Then, a smirk crosses her face, and she leans forward towards you. "Oh, don't worry, Sango-chan~, I won't get your way. Oh, not that it matters. Just how long have you been at Utsuho, again?" Utsuho is looking between you and Sanae, looking confused as to why she was mentioned. Harami is looking just as befuddled, and Rin has her face in her hands. Suwako, on the other hand, is waving her hands at the both of you.
> "Now now, girls, settle down. Kanako'll be here soon, and we can eat," she chuckles.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #912 on: July 23, 2011, 12:35:02 AM »
>Is this it, poking fun at our significantly more advanced love life?
>Give Sanae a wink with whatever eye that Suwako won't see. And a half grin.
>Wait for Kanako to manifest.

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #913 on: July 23, 2011, 07:07:06 PM »
>Is this it, poking fun at our significantly more advanced love life?
>Give Sanae a wink with whatever eye that Suwako won't see. And a half grin.
>Wait for Kanako to manifest.
> Hah, what a maroon, trying to poke fun at your love life when you haven't reached first base with the girl you have a crush on while she's the most popular girl in school and can probably get a boyfriend in a blink of an eye...
> ... This is kind of sad.

> You aim a wink and a smirk at Sanae, keeping it hidden from Suwako. Sanae's brows furrow, as though trying to figure out just what you were trying to get across to her, but she shakes her head and continues making small talk with Harami.
> It's only a few minutes later (though, for you, it felt like hours of being tortured by the aroma of the fish) when Kanako arrives. She had changed out of her hakama, and into a red and black shirt/skirt combo made out of some light material. Suwako stands up and points childishly at her. "You're late!"
> "Sorry, sorry," Kanako says as she sits at the head of the table across from Suwako. "Is everyone ready to eat?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #914 on: July 23, 2011, 07:34:43 PM »
>Well yeah she could. But we have standards.
>"Been looking forward to it all afternoon! It smells wonderful!"
>Let serving occur, then dig in!

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #915 on: July 24, 2011, 12:46:47 AM »
>Well yeah she could. But we have standards.
>"Been looking forward to it all afternoon! It smells wonderful!"
>Let serving occur, then dig in!
> Damn right you do.
> "Hee hee~, dig in!"
> Covers are removed, revealing a fine spread: buttered asparagus, fresh baked Hawaiian bread, garlic mashed potatoes, and, of course, the Mahi-Mahi, served with tomato bits and spices and you're really not sure what else; Suwako's cuisine is mostly foreign, non Japanese. You attack the food, and a cascade of sensations overwhelm you. It is sooo delicious. You can see Rin attacking the fish with just as much gusto, and Harami, while keeping impeccable table manners, is annihilating her own portions. Kanako and Sanae are both eating much slower than you three, but seem to be enjoying the meal, and Suwako alternates between eating large portions neatly and cracking jokes or commenting. Utsuho is eating the slowest, skipping the asparagus and the potatoes and going for the bread and fish.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #916 on: July 24, 2011, 01:01:56 AM »
>Can we tell what is slowing Utsuho up? Is she distracted, unsteady with her hands? Does she at least seem to be enjoying it?
>Slow down after the initial barrage for now. No need to rush through if Utsuho isn't.
>"So, how've things been around here lately?"

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #917 on: July 26, 2011, 03:48:46 AM »
>Can we tell what is slowing Utsuho up? Is she distracted, unsteady with her hands? Does she at least seem to be enjoying it?
>Slow down after the initial barrage for now. No need to rush through if Utsuho isn't.
>"So, how've things been around here lately?"
> She just seems to be eating slowly, though she does pause every now and then as though lost in thought. You like to think you can read Utsuho, and you feel as though she's enjoying the meal.
> You slow down on your chowing down: might as well savor the meal, as well as keep pace with Utsuho.
> Suwako shrugs. "Nothing much since when you asked earlier. Just been real quiet without you here. Hey, you sure you don't want to move back in? Your room hasn't been touched since you left!" Sanae looks like she bit into something sour.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #918 on: July 26, 2011, 03:59:48 AM »
>"Oh, I've love to."
>Keep a discrete eye on Sanae's reaction.
>"But, I have so many things to keep track of there that it's best I stay there. Besides, the dorm peoples would miss me so much. But, thanks for keeping my room together. That really makes me happy!"
>"So, Sanae, what've you been up to?"

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #919 on: July 28, 2011, 02:23:25 AM »
>"Oh, I've love to."
>Keep a discrete eye on Sanae's reaction.
> When you say that you'd love to come back and live at the shrine, you watch as Sanae jerks and drops her fork onto her plate with a loud clatter, garnering her a look from Harami.
>"But, I have so many things to keep track of there that it's best I stay there. Besides, the dorm peoples would miss me so much. But, thanks for keeping my room together. That really makes me happy!"
>"So, Sanae, what've you been up to?"
> When you finish the pronouncement, Sanae gives you a dark look, and picks her fork up from where she dropped it. Suwako has a disappointed expression, and Rin is just shaking her head.
> Sanae gives you a suspicious look when you ask her what she's been up to. "Why are you so interested?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #920 on: July 28, 2011, 02:25:35 AM »
>"Why wouldn't I be interested? You're my sister, after all."

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #921 on: July 28, 2011, 02:50:46 AM »
>"Why wouldn't I be interested? You're my sister, after all."
> Sanae's looks at you with confusion and suspicion, and her face is getting a little red. Man, you're really on a roll, Rin looks like she's trying to hold back a smile, and even Utsuho is looking at Sanae curiously :3. Unfortunately, she regains her composure, picking at her food. "Nothing much, really, just helping out around here, making it onto the honor roll, doing some work for the Student Council, playing softball. You know, not getting into trouble with the teachers or being 'sick' all day. Oh, Mother, did you know that the coach is thinking about putting me as the starting pitcher when we go play on the mainland?"
> "Hmm, that's really good, Sanae, congratulations," Suwako replies, making Sanae bask in the praise. "Hey, Sango-chan, how's the swim team going for you? You're gonna win nationals this year, right?" Suwako asks; you can see Sanae's expression dip.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #922 on: July 28, 2011, 02:56:45 AM »
>"We'll win or drown trying. How's the pitching going, Sis?"

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #923 on: August 01, 2011, 03:30:33 PM »
>"We'll win or drown trying. How's the pitching going, Sis?"
> Suwako grins. "That's my girl!"
> Sanae's looking even more disgruntled, poking at her food. "Why so interested in me all of a sudden? You moved out, so stay out of my business."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #924 on: August 01, 2011, 07:15:06 PM »
>Without looking around blatantly, can we see any reaction out of Suwako or Kanako?
>Frown, try to look a little surprised. "Well, I guess it would be mean to pry, huh? I was just wondering and all."

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #925 on: August 02, 2011, 01:17:47 AM »
After Purvis...

>"I mean, you ARE my sister after all."

>How is Harami doing next to Sanae?

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #926 on: August 02, 2011, 01:38:37 AM »
>Without looking around blatantly, can we see any reaction out of Suwako or Kanako?
>Frown, try to look a little surprised. "Well, I guess it would be mean to pry, huh? I was just wondering and all."
>"I mean, you ARE my sister after all."
>How is Harami doing next to Sanae?
> Mwahahaha~
> You glance at Suwako and Kanako: Suwako is grinning as usual, eating her food, but Kanako has a frown on her face, and is looking more at you than Sanae.
> You frown and affect a surprised look, saying that you were just wondering since she's your sister. Sanae glowers, face still pink, and stabs at the remains of her food. She doesn't seem to have a response.
> Harami is looking back and forth between you and Sanae, but she doesn't seem uncomfortable or alarmed: she seems more intrigued than anything.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #927 on: August 02, 2011, 01:40:08 AM »
>Ah well, back to dining. No need to push this any further right now.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #928 on: August 02, 2011, 05:24:40 PM »
>Plus, no one can spoil this tasty food!

>Once we've finished...

>"So, how do you rate the cooking of the shrine, Harami?"

Re: Sango Quest - Phwee Phwee Style, Phwee Phwee Grace!
« Reply #929 on: August 02, 2011, 10:05:06 PM »
>Ah well, back to dining. No need to push this any further right now.
>Plus, no one can spoil this tasty food!
>Once we've finished...
>"So, how do you rate the cooking of the shrine, Harami?"
> You resume eating, enjoying the taste of the food. Sanae finishes quickly and excuses herself from the table. Everyone else soon eats their fill: little Harami looks extremely content, almost like she wants to fall back and relax. Utsuho didn't eat all of her food, though at least she finished off the fish.
> You ask Harami how she liked the food, and she gives Suwako a smile, probably the widest and most sincere one you've seen from her. "It was very delicious, Miss Moriya. I've never had fish prepared like that before." Suwako chortles, and hops around the table to give Harami a hug.
> "That's so sweet of you, Harami-chan! Man, I wish I can just keep you here so I can listen to you praise me all the time!"
> "Ease up on her, Suwako," Kanako murmurs as she sips some tea, "you're embarassing the poor girl." Harami does look rather red and uncomfortable at the familiarity that Suwako's treating her with. Suwako responds to the other adult by sticking her tongue out at her, prompting a sigh from the shrine priestess. "It's getting closer to curfew, you four should probably head back to the dorms."