Author Topic: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Completed]  (Read 266452 times)


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #930 on: February 10, 2013, 06:15:35 PM »
Yo, I think Nazrin's Magic Find bonus might be busted. I'm finding obscene amounts of uniques, just in Act 1.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #931 on: February 10, 2013, 06:59:57 PM »
Getting a lot of uniques is fine because they seem like nice items but at the level you can equip them, you can get something better from crafting or gambling (in the full release).

Favourite class is easily Voile Fairy because it has fun spells in every build.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #932 on: February 11, 2013, 04:51:56 AM »
The new item sprites are amazing and seem to mesh well with the vanilla D2 sprites.

Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie" nextdelay added.
I-it's not like I wanted to make a reverie Marisa in the final release or anything ;_;

Anyway, in the current build my favorite is Kasha Warlock, great synergy and lots of fun possibilities with every build (haven't tried Alice though).
"you never know, you may have the best strats in the world" - Zil

Immortal Momiji!


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #933 on: February 11, 2013, 05:12:06 AM »
I-it's not like I wanted to make a reverie Marisa in the final release or anything ;_;

It broke my heart to add that nextdelay.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #934 on: February 11, 2013, 06:01:47 AM »
I'm not entirely sure what nextdelay means. Is it a term for a cooldown timer or something?

On a different note didn't you say that you were mostly waiting on the item sprites before releasing the patch? Does that mean the patch will be coming relatively soon? I don't want to sound impatient but I am looking forward to playing after my characters get wiped. (It'll save me the time as I'd probably have deleted 75% of my characters anyways)

I'm a bit curious about a whirlwind aya build, especially with the remake to Sarutahiko's Guidance. I'm a bit torn over which weapon to use, the fan obviously boosts whirlwind damage and has good base attack speed as well but it's range is really short, I remember whirlwind barbarians usually used spears. (I think... I've never actually seen one or used whirlwind myself) Perhaps a more experienced player would be willing to share their input?

Edit: Also does the crit chance and open wounds from God Sign "Eight Million of the Red Leaf God" apply to melee attacks as well as ranged attacks?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 06:55:36 AM by Tarmo »
This isn't a very clever signature...

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #935 on: February 11, 2013, 12:57:03 PM »
I'm not entirely sure what nextdelay means. Is it a term for a cooldown timer or something?
You could call it invincibility frames a target receives after being damaged. Haven't tried a Marisa myself, but it's probably a slow, widespread, or persistent attack that ends up hitting more often than it should.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #936 on: February 11, 2013, 01:29:34 PM »
Nextdelay gives a monster immunity to missiles for a certain number of frames. Stardust Reverie can do stupidly high amounts of damage because a monster is too big and eats several streams of stars at close range. The nextdelay ensures that the monsters only takes damage from one stream.

I'm waiting on my new loadscreen and some dialogue rewrites. I believe the loadscreen will be ready before the dialogues. But I will also not be releasing a screenshot of it early because I think it should be something special.

Since whirlwind barbs use polearms for the reach, I think it should be quite viable in conjunction with the recent buffs I made to the magic affixes. non-class specific weapons have a chance to spawn with leech affixes. I recall these were core on those kind of builds.

I'll need to check but I think I made it so the crit and open wounds only worked on ranged attacks.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #937 on: February 11, 2013, 03:03:52 PM »
If by leech you mean life leech and mana leech then hell yeah that'll help. I was mostly wondering if the loss of +wind would be significant enough to outweigh the higher damage and longer reach of spears/polearms. Also the fact that you don't benefit from the crit chance and damage bonus you get from fan mastery, overall I'm still kind of torn. I feel like the shorter range wouldn't matter too much as aya builds should be fast now that we have incentive to put more points in the wind skill. And having a shield with +wind couldn't hurt right? (That is assuming yuuka's sunflower shield can spawn with +wind)

New loadscreen should be epic =o. Is it made by stuffman as well or is it someone else? Or perhaps you want that to be a surprise too? :P (Get it? Surprise? Kogasa? ...I'm going to hell for that one)
This isn't a very clever signature...


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #938 on: February 11, 2013, 04:33:09 PM »
I didn't want to burden Stuffman with too much when he has his own things going on. I got an artist I had my eye on since the very start for a loadscreen to do it.

Sunflower shields can spawn with +wind. Otherwise just craft it on.


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.92 released]
« Reply #939 on: February 17, 2013, 11:30:20 AM »
And the last bits of dialogue are submitted. Sorry for the epic delays. Will be running the final iteration of my Kasha once we're good to go.
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Complete]
« Reply #940 on: February 17, 2013, 04:41:03 PM »
Ver 1.00 - 28713 kb - 17-02-2013

Story Reimu's lightning attack minimum distance reduced and animation changed.
Story bosses given proc skills.
Character stats affixes removed from all common items.
Magic item affixes improved and expanded.
Character core skills stat base value and scaling increased, also synergises off the skill level.
Unused item sprites removed.
Enemies given debuff proc effects.
Side area enemies given proc effects.
Danmaku Archers side area implemented.
The Netherlands side area implemented.
Bugged runewords disabled.
IN rabbits resists adjusted.
Ten Desires side area item drops implemented.
NPC sprites changed.
Game dialogues rewritten.
New title screen added.
Title screen music added.
Character screen info page expanded.

Oni Brawler
"Night Parade of One Million Demons" mana scaling decreased and synergy bonus increased.
Four Devas Arcanum "Knock Out In Three Steps" remade.
Feat of Strength "Storm on Mt. Ooe" description corrected.
Flood "Venus of the Bilge" mana cost removed and damage increased.
Harbor Sign "Phantom Ship Harbor" skill calculation descriptions fixed.
Buriallusion "Phantasmic Killer" mana cost removed and damage scaling increased.
Strange Art "Misdirection" damage scaling decreased.

Voile Fairy
"Deluge Forty Days" duration calculation corrected.
Sun Sign "Royal Flare" mana scaling and cost increased.
Fire Water Wood Metal Earth Sign "Philosopher's Stone" mana scaling and cost increased.
Electric Sign "Thunder Drum Shot" mana scaling reduced.
Star Light "Light Dragon's Sigh" mana scaling removed.
Fish Sign "Dragonfish Drill" mana cost description added.
Deathless "Xu Fu's Dimension" mana scaling removed.
Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie" nextdelay added.
Love Sign "Master Spark" animation changed.
"Possessed by Phoenix" rescaled.
Fog Sign "Gassing Garden" animation changed.

Spirit Hermit
Flower Sign "Wilting of Juniper" hp scaling reduced and number of summons scaling added.
Flower Field "Garden of the Sun" remade.
Flower Sign "The Reflowering of Gensokyo" duration increased, mana scaling added and cooldown increased.
Phantasm "The Beauty of Nature" bonus calculation corrected.
Squall "Sarutahiko's Guidance" remade.
Kappa "Dried Shirikodama" mana scaling and cost reduced.
Wilted Path "Lost Windrow" mana cost description added.
Leaf Sign "Falling Leaves of Madness" mana cost description added.
Autumn Sign "Falling Blast" mana cost description added.
Burning Star "Fixed Star" damage and scaling increased.

Youkai Hunter
Brilliance "Rainbow Brilliance Palm" mana scaling removed and cost decreased.
Tewi trap animations changed to normal cast animations.
"Ancient Duper" duration rescaled and bonus trap summons synergy scaling reduced.
Nue Sign "Danmaku Chimera" scaling and bonus calculation corrected.
Grudge Bow "The Bow of Genzanmi Yorimasa" animation changed.

Phantom Kensei
Frost Sign "Frost Columns" mana scaling removed and cost increased.
Freeze Sign "Perfect Freeze" damage increased, chill removed from initial nova and damage removed from secondary nova.
Obsessor "Slash of the Eternity" bonus calculation corrected.
Dog Sign "Rabies Bite" animation changed.
Dog Sign "Feral Wolf" bonus calculation corrected.
Tengu "Maple Vanguard" proc effect added.
Taboo "Cranberry Trap" mana cost removed and maximum damage increased.
Taboo "Forbidden Games" remade.

Human Miko
Dream Sign "Evil-Sealing Circle" description expanded.
Tiger Sign "Hungry Tiger" scaling increased and bonus calculation corrected.
Buddhist Art "Most Valuable Vajra" bonus calculation corrected.
Frog Sign "Wily Toad" proc effect added.
Snake Sign "Orochi of Ancient Times" proc effect added.
Sea Opening "The Day the Sea Split" mana scaling and cost reduced.

Kasha Warlock
Bad Luck Sign "Bad Fortune" synergy changed.
Spider "Cave Spider's Nest" remade.
Small Thread "Kandata's Rope" remade.
Cat Sign "Cat's Walk" remade.
Cursed Sprite "Zombie Fairy" hp scaling and synergy bonus increased.
Youkai "Blazing Wheel" proc effect changed.
Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Demon World-" mana cost added, degen and range scaling increased.
"Resurrection Butterfly -20% Reflowering-" base duration reduced, duration scaling added and damage scaling fixed.
Butterfly Sign "Death Lance
" mana scaling reduced.
Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -Divine Soul-" synergy calculation corrected and reduced.
Poor Fate "Short Life Expectancy" description calculation corrected and synergy bonus reduced.

Character stats automagic spawn levels increased and capped.
Kusari-gama base weapon type changed to 2-handed thrown weapon.
Mochi Pounder attack speed increased.
General item drops adjusted to favour armour over weapons.
Orin full set bonus skill changed to proc on getting hit effect.
Base item sprites implemented.
Some item sizes adjusted.


New thread here. Mod is done and so is this thread. Discuss everything there from now on.

Even though I said I would break all saves from past versions, you may have been spared that. I've managed to put in what I wanted and the old saves seemed to be fine still. Nonetheless, if something doesn't work then I don't care because you should be making new characters anyway.