Author Topic: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office  (Read 23421 times)


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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #90 on: September 20, 2012, 02:36:30 AM »

I love the way you draw your figures and I certainly love the range of emotions on this one.
Art Thread -->
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 What a nice day to complain about mobage!


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #91 on: October 03, 2012, 05:39:48 AM »
Oh hey look at that. Touhou related stuff.

Yes, that would be Sakuya in the top left, a genderbent Marisa to her right, Alice in Carl Clover's garb below them, and Minato being a badass beside her. Apparently, I can't go one page without deviating from the original idea.

But hey, more sketched work.

The Youmei stuff is from months ago, so quality is not guaranteed. Also, some more rough coloured work.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #92 on: October 18, 2012, 05:12:58 AM »
Jeez, I cannot keep at this thread that well, can I? Well, regardless, for those of you who're still looking for me, for whatever reason, I'm still around. And what, pray tell, do I have for this update? A possibly finished piece of work! HOLY F--  :o

Wow, I mean I actually finished something for once! Well, I think it might be finished, anyway, but if there are glaring flaws that you guys or some other people catch, I'll probably be on those in a millisecond.

So, what's wrong with this update other than an actually completed and coloured work? The lack of uncoloured and impulsive sketch pages, of course! I have some, of course, but I haven't scanned them for one reason and one reason alone: I'm lazy. Lately, I've been getting into League of Legends a LOT, which really isn't a good idea for a few reasons, (mainly losing sleep in favour of planting shrooms and firing skill shots across the map) and while I've still got my sketching hand going, it's not moving as often.

Also, I seem to be slipping back into drawing Touhou characters, sort of. Maybe my laziness is preventing me from going full-force back into Touhou territory, since any given girl in the series is more detailed than any given character in my own as far as outfits are concerned, but I dunno. If you want me to draw one of the girls, two of the girls, or whatever amount of the girls, I'll try dedicating an entire page to them for the sake of practice. Recommend a pose, too, because I do too many portrait images!

Oh, and here's the rough that I would've posted earlier had I not finished(?) the above pic.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #93 on: November 01, 2012, 07:31:57 PM »
So I got some stuff done last night after my internet crapped out in the middle of a League match. FFFFF--

I like yordles.

Also, here's some stuff I didn't do yesterday night within the span of one hour, but probably took just as long to do.

I've done it again, though. I've committed a crime against humanity. One Winged Yordle. This is the image that will forever haunt my nightmares. By the way, support Amumu actually rocks. Don't let anyone ever tell you different.

EDIT: Beta Photobucket doesn't have the usual [URL whateverwhatever /URL] nonsense it usually has for the thumbnail link. Joy.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 07:44:00 PM by Patorikku »

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.