Author Topic: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba  (Read 28946 times)


  • Fighter than anyone else
Soccer is the winner in this short poll. I'll let the second choice hang about for the moment.

I see.

Times like this I wish I had a PSP.

Persona 4 is for the PS2, if I understand your comment correctly.

Day 7, April 17, 2011.

Souji comes downstairs to find Nanako alone in the living room. He remarks that she is up early on a Sunday, and Nanako replies that she woke up at the same time Dojima did.

It was breaking my heart leaving the kid all alone on such a nice day, but I could not leave this be any longer.

Souji rushes over to Junes, and meets up with Yosuke, who, we learn, had been looking for equipment for their trip into the other world.

I have to say, the sword and dagger were pretty awesome, although Yosuke must?ve caught my case of the stupids when he started waving them about in the middle of the food court. Waving them well, I might add! Apparently they?re Junes stock ? I?d guess he?s been messing about with them since he came here. Still, the police weren?t impressed.

In the police station, Dojima berates Souji for his uncharacteristic behaviour, but lets the two off lightly. On the way out, Souji overhears the conversation between two police officers, who comment about the disappearance of Yukiko. A quick talk with Adachi, who divulges the information on account of Yosuke and Souji being Yukiko?s friends, confirms this. As Souji and Yosuke discuss this information, Chie manages to catch up with them, informing the three that she had been by Yukiko?s home earlier that day and learned that the girl definitely disappeared. The conclusion to head over to the other world is unanimous, Chie refusing to listen to recommendations to let Souji and Yosuke investigate.

Chie was so nonchalant when she mentioned she knew where to get weapons it was almost worrying.

Chie leads the team to Daidara Metalworks, a shop festooned in all sorts of wartime implements.

Yosuke suggests that she sit this one out, and Chie well near explodes on him. The two must be really close. I remember how often Chie talks about Yukiko. Still, she doesn?t have magical powers, and who knows what other Shadows might be out there. I try to take Yosuke?s side, but she?s completely made up her mind.

The three gear up and decide to meet up at Junes when the store is no longer crowded.

I get some armour for myself. Survivability is going to be key.

Just as he leaves the store, Souji runs across a strange, glowing door that only he can see, adorned in the same blues as the Velvet Room. Igor?s voice rings out loud in his head, informing him that it is through such doors that Souji would be able to enter the Velvet Room. Inside the strange space, Igor explains that his main function is the creation of new Personas by fusing Persona cards together. Such cards, he claims, can be acquired by defeating enemies. Finally, he reminds Souji that Personas of a type that resonates with strong Social Links would be more powerful than usual. Margaret tells Souji that, should he wish to inspect Personas he had collected, he need but ask her.

It seems that I?m really diving into the deep end here ? my contract is failed not only if I die, but also if I fail some other conditions. I? have an idea what these might be, and they may be related to off-red chewy sweets.

I leave the Velvet Room and decide to take the time to check out this small shopping district ? perhaps I can find some other gems like Daidara?s store here. I find a vending machine and load up on TaP ? I love the stuff, and it seems to restore SP.

With nothing else catching his eye, Souji heads to Junes. Chie and Yosuke are already there, Chie once again expressing her determination to tag along. Once there are few enough customers for the three to move, they head into the realm on the other end of the television screen.

Looks like Teddie?s been doing some thinking. And thinking up bear puns. Mostly the latter, it seems ? he hasn?t figured anything out about himself.

Teddie does confirm that Yukiko had shown up in the realm sometime yesterday, although he cannot determine who it is. He offers to guide the party to where he believes the new presence is. Chie rushes off ahead, and Teddie, Yosuke and Souji catch up to her outside a large, castle-like structure. Chie expresses her confusion at the Yukiko she had seen on the Midnight Channel acting far from normal, and Yosuke agrees, suggesting that what they saw could have been similar to what had happened to Yosuke himself. Once again, Chie rushes ahead.

I noticed Teddie carrying some stuff around ? useful items, he gave them to me to use as I wanted. Without looking back, I walked inside the castle.

As soon as I walked in, Teddie informs me that the Shadows will be aggressive. I?m ready.

The first Shadow was trivial, and, upon defeating it, I immediately see what Igor was on about. I snatch a card out of the air ? the Persona Slime, which appears to be resistant to physical damage. I think it will come in handy, so I equip it right away. I also level up.

I wreck my way through the first floor of the castle, picking up an Angel, a Pixie and an Apsaras before heading up to the second floor. The latter two have Dia, a healing spell, and will definitely be necessary in the future.

A set of double doors greets Yosuke and I as we enter the second floor. We should be catching up to Chie soon enough.

Indeed, Chie stands in the middle of the next room. Souji and Yosuke sense that something is terribly wrong.

Yukiko?s voice was echoing around the room. Red does look good on her, but that?s neither here nor there. I think I was right about Yukiko?s self-deprecation, as that?s all her voice went on about ? her being cold and worthless.

Yosuke states that these must be Yukiko?s inner thoughts, and Teddie suggests that the castle appeared due to Yukiko?s influence.

The Yukiko voice continued on about how Chie gave her life meaning, how Chie has everything Yukiko doesn?t?

And then Chie mark two appears.

Chie?s Shadow stands before Chie and starts laying bare many of the secrets that Chie herself is afraid to admit. Indeed, the Shadow revels in Yukiko?s feelings of low self-esteem, espousing jealousy at Yukiko?s attractiveness, and the immense sensation of schadenfreude as she realized that Yukiko was, indeed, jealous of her. The Shadow states that its objective is to ensure Yukiko?s dependence on Chie, the obvious superior. As Souji, Yosuke and Teddie rush in to assist Chie, the girl shouts at them to stay back, obviously deeply ashamed of herself. The Shadow continues demeaning Chie?s shame of her unconscious repression of Yukiko, simultaneously encouraging this behaviour, as Yukiko is vital to Chie?s confused feelings of self-worth. Chie finally breaks down, rejecting the Shadow, which, laughing in glee, turns into a Freudian monstrosity.

We have to take this thing down quickly ? who knows how long Chie will last in here. Yosuke and I were at full strength, and we laid into the Shadow.

It looks like the Shadow is vulnerable to wind attacks, making Yosuke?s Garu valuable. The two of us are far better able to exploit openings once an enemy is knocked down.

The Green Wall message tells me all I need to know ? the Shadow?s somehow protected its Wind weakness, meaning that we have to tough it out until it wears off.

It seems that Yosuke did something to piss off the Shadow ? every so often it focuses on him at the expense of everything else. I tell him to just Guard through everything while I continue attacking. Good thing, too ? Mazio is a lightning attack that hits us both.

Despite the Shadow?s taunts and insults, the pair bring down the monster and rush to Chie?s aid. Seeing Chie?s discomfort, Souji reassures her, just as he did Yosuke, that the monster they had just faced was but a small part of Chie. With the reassurance she receives, Chie is able to accept the Shadow as part of herself.

It made her stronger. The Persona Tomoe will be watching out for her.

Chie, still uncomfortable with the revelations Souji and Yosuke were witness to, attempts to defend herself, but Yosuke reassures her that her friendship with Yukiko is genuine. Deciding to call it a day, Yosuke and Souji help an exhausted Chie back to the real world.

Yukiko will be fine here for the moment, at least until it fogs over. That?s our time limit.

Souji realizes that Chie?s physical condition is no doubt partially due to the fog in the area that he and Yosuke had mitigated with the help of Teddie?s glasses. Teddie presents Chie with a readily prepared pair. Yosuke insists that nobody work alone when investigating the television realm.

He?s right about working together, at least. I?ll be able to put together information much faster with more people at my side. All of a sudden they appoint me leader, and the Social Link flash hits again. I think I?ll like working with this team.

Later that evening, Souji, Nanako and Dojima are together, eating dinner. Dojima sits quietly, his face stern. After some deliberation, he inquires if Souji is engaged in any strange business, no doubt still bothered by what happened at the station.

I literally can do nothing but either be annoyingly cryptic or outright lying. I go for the latter option, at least it?ll keep Dojima stress-free.

Nanako, worried, wonders if Dojima and Souji are fighting, and the two reassure her that no such thing is happening. Dojima emphasizes that Souji must not get into trouble, and leaves the matter alone. Souji apologises to Nanako for the tense atmosphere and heads upstairs.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Soccer is the winner in this short poll. I'll let the second choice hang about for the moment.

Persona 4 is for the PS2, if I understand your comment correctly.
Oh. :derp:

I still don't have the means to play it though. :ohdear:

Also things keep getting more and more interesting~
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 01:10:30 PM by Kasunagi-no-Tsurugi »

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
So, yeah, three questions. Are you going to max all S.Links?

And, ednings, are you going to show them all or just the True One?

And how are you gonna deal with the fast forward at the end of the game?


  • Fighter than anyone else
So, yeah, three questions. Are you going to max all S.Links?

WIll try, but I might end up not making some. More than one are just so dreadfully boring.

And, ednings, are you going to show them all or just the True One?

Got something planned for that.

And how are you gonna deal with the fast forward at the end of the game?

I'll figure it out.

Will try, but I might end up not making some. More than one are just so dreadfully boring.

FWIW, as far as I'm concerned I vote you prioritize party member links, then any links that tie to REALLY AWESOME PERSONAS, and then just do what you can for the rest. Obviously all max is the best, but I totally get if it doesn't work out.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 8, April 18, 2011.

Yosuke and Souji are in class, wondering how Chie was feeling after yesterday?s events. Their worries are dispelled by Chie?s assurance of her good condition. After a brief pause, she thanks Souji and Yosuke for their help the day before, admitting her embarrassment that her feelings were revealed in such a violent manner. Chie asks Yosuke what his facing of his Shadow was like.

Yosuke answers with the most shameless change of topic since Nikita Khruschev asked what the weather was like in Cuba.

Chie and Yosuke wonder why Souji did not have to face a Shadow of his own, and Chie comments that it is perhaps that Souji has little to hide, and that this openness draws others naturally to him.

It seems that I?m too much of a little girl to be suave about this. Scratch that, even Nanako could have done that. So I went for a poor joke instead. Chie didn?t get it, but Yosuke came back with a pretty good line.

Their mood improved, the three agree that their main priority is the rescue of Yukiko.

Chie really trusts me with this business. I won?t let her down. The flash informs me that I?m on the right track ? the Charior Arcanum has grown in power.

Souji asks Chie for her contact information, claiming that it would help the three?s investigation.

During school, Souji is tasked to identify a definite article from a group of three. He chooses the correct one, reaffirming his strength of Knowledge.

?The.? A warmup question: English can and, probably, will get much trickier. Knowledge Increased. School ended soon after that, so I decided to check up on a rumor I?d heard.

Souji finds an afro-haired student on the third floor of the school, who quizzes Souji on a series of colours.

Red, White and Green are in group A. Grey, Orange and Pink are in group B. The question is ? which group does Black belong to? This guy knows his quizzes, but I figure it out ? it?s all about flag colours.

Having defeated the riddle master, Souji gathers himself and heads to Junes. The investigation team decides to use the central studio as a hub point, returning to it should they get separated. Souji notices a door to the Velvet room here, but does not feel the need to use it at the moment.

I ask Teddie to lead us to the castle. It?s go-time, we?re coming back with the shield, or on it. Teddie gives me something called a Goho-M ? it should help me come back should things get too hairy.

Souji has no trouble pushing his way through the first few floors of the castle.

If I can get surprise attacks on the Shadows, I don?t have to use up any resources on the fight. Good ? the less we use, the further we can go before using any of our medicines or drinks. Some of the shadows glow an ominous red ? I figure that these are stronger than typical. Still, they give us the experience we need much faster. I manage to pick up the Persona Ukobach on the way.

Upon reaching the door behind which Souji and Yosuke had found Chie on their first foray into the castle, the three investigators feel a strange presence. They rush through.

We found Yukiko. Well, not Yukiko precisely ? it was clearly her Shadow. For some reason, Yosuke and Chie didn?t catch on quite as quickly. 

Yukiko?s Shadow wonders at the presence of her new guests, but quickly rushes off to search for her Prince Charming, complaining how hard it is to find him

The Shadow is looking for something to rely on, something to protect it, something it can serve.

Souji continues his battle through the castle, hearing Shadow Yukiko?s voice around him.

  She really wants that Prince to come for her ? some sort of knight in shining armour bursting in to rescue her from her captivity in this castle. The Persona Sandman is added to my collection as well, to replace Pixie.

Souji keeps hearing the voice of Yukiko?s Shadow, sometimes interspersed with seemingly the voice of Yukiko herself. She greets the visitors to the Amagi Inn, beckoning them forward.

Does she feel trapped by her function in the Amagi Inn? I?d probably be upset about having my life be decided for me from childhood. Anyway, by the time we reach the fifth floor, things start getting really weird.

Despite their efforts to continue ahead, Souji and his companions were continuously transported around the floor, accompanied by Shadow Yukiko?s mocking laughter. Soon enough they realized how to trick the Shadow?s traps and were able to navigate the floor freely.

I find myself a Kevlar vest there, which I promptly equip. Soon after that, we find the Shadow again, beside one of the bigger Shadows I?ve seen in this castle ? a tall knight with a nasty-looking spear. I promptly reduce its attack damage and agility, relying on Slime to keep me protected from the worst of the knight?s attacks.

It turns out that the knight is, much like Slime, resistant to physical attacks. I ensure that Yosuke and Chie are at their best to lay into it with their magic by reducing the knight?s defense as well. We get a bit of a scare where a critical hit nearly takes down Yosuke, but it was too little, too late ? the knight went down on the next turn. The Shadow fled sometime during the battle ? I didn?t notice it leave. I dose out the TaPs and soul drops and we continue upwards.

Yukiko?s voice gets more and more agitated as we go up. She screams that she should be left alone, and wants nothing more than her Prince to come and take her away.

Soon afterwards I find a tuxedo, of all things. Why it offers better protection than a Kevlar vest I cannot fathom, but I?ll take anything. By the time we reach the top, we?re empty and exhausted, I?m level 14, my Angel regenerates me naturally and I?ve figured out how to extract my Slime?s Physical resistance. The nearby butterfly takes us down, and I head to the Velvet Room. I have work to do.

In the Velvet Room, Igor explains to Souji what he can do. He says that he can take Souji?s Personas and fuse them, giving rise to new, more powerful Personas that inherit their parents? abilities. He reminds Souji to register the Personas he sees in Margaret?s compendium to then be able to resummon them for a price.

I first clear up some space ? having only six slots limits my options, but it appears that I am in for quite the day. As I try to fuse an Orobas from Izanagi and Sandman, the card slips off Igor?s table. Instead, I get Obariyon, who is even somewhat above my own level. It appears fusion accidents can break certain rules in this manner. Still, I need that Orobas, so I fuse him from Slime and Apsaras, making sure he inherits Slime?s Resist Physical. Forneus himself is not hard to find, and I form one from a fusion of Ukobach and Apsaras. Finally, the fusion of Forneus and Ukobach results in the fire-immune Senri, inheriting Resist Physical.

I decide to bite the bullet and go save Yukiko now. I couldn?t let the girl stay here any longer than she already had. Against my better judgement, we head back up to the double-doors.

Souji and the rest burst through the heavy double doors to finally come face-to-face with the Shadow Yukiko, as well as the real Yukiko, who is sitting helplessly at her Shadow?s feet. The Shadow expresses her delight at having three princes come in to rescue her, and invites her prince to go elsewhere, where she would not be recognized. A brief moment of confusion follows where the four investigators cannot decide which of them are the three princes, but Yukiko?s Shadow confirms that Chie is indeed a prince to her, a strong leader. However, the Shadow exclaims that Chie no longer suffices, as she is not capable of taking Yukiko from her metaphorical prison. Despite the real Yukiko?s protests, the Shadow rants at the chains holding her down ? the history of her family?s inn, as well as her position as a manager. She derides everything having been decided for her. Yukiko, strained, tries to deny this, but the Shadow mocks the girl, pronouncing her useless, with no strength to stay, nor the courage to leave, thus relying on others to rescue her. Yukiko vehemently denies everything the Shadow claims and, with a burst of laughter and exhilaration at its newfound freedom, the Shadow assumes its monstrous form.

A monstrous bird in a gilded cage. An apt description for the darker side of Yukiko?s feelings. Still, I know there?s far more good to her than what this thing is trying to tell us.

A few moments in, the Shadow summons a pitiful little simulacrum of a prince. We wreck the thing before it can cause any more trouble, keeping it off its feet with ice attacks.

Soon enough, the Shadow decides that enough is enough, and brings out its big guns, I make sure Chie guards all the time ? no doubt the Shadow?s words cut deep. Also she is weak to fire. Yosuke is my main damage-dealer for this fight, his Persona?s Bash attacks being a reliable move. My role throughout the fight is to keep everyone on their feet with Senri?s Dia ? the Shadow essentially cannot hurt me, so I?m comfortable in concentrating on the others.

Despite my best efforts to protect her, Chie goes down eventually to the Shadow?s attacks, but not before doing her part in bringing down the monster?s hit points. Yosuke and I finish the job.

Yukiko, who had been knocked out at the beginning of the fight, comes to. Seeing her Shadow, she weakly attempts to defend herself, but Yosuke reassures her that she is not alone in her struggles. Chie stumbles over herself to profusely apologize to Yukiko for never understanding Yukiko?s problems, despite being her friend. Chie admits her jealousy of Yukiko, and how she wished for Yukiko to depend on her, admitting that she ended up depending on Yukiko. Yukiko, in turn, admits to never seeing Chie?s real feelings either, so caught up was she in finding an easy way out of her situation. Filled with understanding, Yukiko accepts the Shadow?s words and nature, acquiring the strength of a newborn Persona ? Konohana Sakuya. Exhausted, she falls to her knees.

Teddie asks the question we should have been thinking of all this time. Then again, Yukiko?s safety, really, is equally important. Still, she didn?t remember who threw her inside. The only conclusion we come to there is that there must be an actual individual doing these things.

Despite her fatigue, Yukiko takes the time to promise Teddie that she would visit him again. Teddie immediately takes a liking to the girl for her gentle words.

I decide to call it a day, have Chie take Yukiko home and let her rest. It makes me an Understanding person.

That evening, Dojima comes home with Adachi in tow, to Nanako?s confusion. Dojima introduces everyone, and Adachi tells Souji that Yukiko has been reported as found again.

I play up the relief angle.

Adachi says that the case remains open, as Yukiko?s report gave the police force no information to work with. Before Adachi reveals any more police information, Dojima gives him a solid hit, berating the man for his loose-lippedness. Nanako reminds everyone that it is dinnertime, and the group sits down to a lively get-together.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Note for you Americanians: I?m playing the Europe-localised version, and what we call Football you call Soccer. You weirdoes. :V

Day 9, April 19th, 2011.

Souji is woken up by a call on his cell phone from Margaret. She reminds Souji that improving his Social Links is likely the most potent manner to acquiring stronger Personas.

On the way to school, Souji overhears some gossip between some students. He learns that sports clubs would be accepting applicants today. Curious about the options on offer, Souji inquires at the school?s faculty office. Despite his simple request, he finds getting lectured once again on the virtues of moderation in his romantic life by Morooka. After an indeterminate amount of time, Morooka finally informs Souji that he can join either the Football or the Basketball club, reminding Souji that club days are on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

I prefer the open air. Football it is.

The physical education instructor introduces Souji to the football team, enthusiastic at having a player from the city. The rest of the team do not take kindly to being cast as inferior.

It would have been embarrassing if I weren?t just so good. At the ball-kicking part, anyway. I say the usual pleasantries, hopefully they won?t hate me too much.

Despite the team?s disinterest, one of the players ? a square-jawed young man with a bandage on his nose - greets Souji as the rest of the team disperses over the field. With a smile, he tells Souji not to worry about the team?s attitude, and to have fun in the game. He introduces himself as Daisuke Nagase. Just as he finishes, a lanky student with messy hair shouts out to him. The new arrival recognizes Souji, and quickly uses the opportunity to make a few jokes at Daisuke?s team?s expense. Daisuke responds with an outburst about the messy-haired boy. The two are clearly friends as Daisuke introduces Souji to Kou Ichijo, who claims to be the basketball team?s up-and-coming most valued player.

They?re a really open pair, I reckon they?ve been friends for a while.

Daisuke and Kou welcome Souji into their carefree banter.

I?m almost expecting the flash to come, and, right on time, it hits. The Strength Arcanum has grown.

Souji and Kou wait for Daisuke to finish the exercise that the football team?s engaged in, and the three head home.

On the way home I stock up on TaPs. Just in case. Daidara mentioned something as I was leaving last time, so I came back to sell all the junk we?d picked up on the run through the castle. It turns out that Daidara is some sort of metal-working machine, carving through the things I sold him and making cool new stuff. I replace the golf club with a longsword.

That evening, Souji takes some time to catch up on his studies.

Knowledge Increased. Twice ? it seems the dictionary still holds some secrets from me.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Come on people, I need a tiebreaker for the second set! First choice posted gets the green light!


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Drama Queen. :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 10, April 20th, 2011.

During lunch break at school, Yosuke invites Souji to eat together, if Souji had the time.

Had a bit of a quiz this afternoon from a guy with his own face as a hand-puppet. And they say life in the country is boring. Yosuke was the one being asked this time, and he looks lost as anything. I whisper to him a handy little mnemonic on how to spell millennium. My Expression increased from that.

After school, Souji rushes out to town. He picks up Orobas from the Velvet Room, and purchases the book A Great Man[/i] at the nearby bookstore. He then goes back to school, and finds Yosuke standing idly in one of the hallways.[/i]

I had nothing better to do that day, so I decided to take Yosuke up on his offer.

Souji and Yosuke head to a food stall in the central shopping district, where Yosuke claims excellent steak was sold. Yosuke makes light-hearted fun of the region?s peculiar delicacy. The mood is somewhat fouled, however, by the gossip of passers-by, who talk of Junes? slow takeover of the area?s commerce.

I start on how the smaller stores could compete by offering luxury goods and modernizing their sales strategy, but Yosuke waves it off, saying not to worry. I sympathise with the guy, though, I guess the infamy can wear on.

Yosuke shrugs, saying that there is little he can do about the situation, commenting with a wink that he believes that there must be few people who do not know him in Inaba.

I?m getting to know Yosuke better. The flash confirms that.

The two enjoy the peculiar steak croquettes and head home soon afterward. Souji spends the evening reading the book he had purchased earlier that day.

That stuff?s surprisingly inspiring. It literally increased my Courage.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 11, April 21st, 2011.

At school, Daisuke reminds Souji that he has football practice and urges him to come. Souji decides to act on this and rushes to town straight after school to pick up a persona of the Strength Arcanum.

It looks like having a matching Persona improves my relationship with a person. I?ll be keeping that in mind.

Souji comes back to school in time for football practice.

Adhering to a schedule increases my Diligence.

After practice, Souji is tasked with taking down the goalposts before leaving.

I go for it, not the time to be a smartass. That improves my Understanding.

Daisuke inquires about Souji?s conversation, and expresses his disbelief at the team?s behaviour, stating that everyone has to take turns. He suggests that Souji ignore the task and go home, but is interrupted by Kou coming onto the field. Kou learns of the situation, disapproving of the situation as well, but suggesting they do the task anyway, as a way of getting closer to the team. Kou offers his help.

The three of them finish the job quickly, Kou exhausted from enthusiastically engaging in polishing the footballs. Souji thanks the pair for their help.

The flash tells me that things are going well with those two.

Afterwards, Daisuke, Souji and Kou head to the Aiya Chinese diner, where Kou mentions spotting a girl expressing interest in Daisuke. Daisuke brushes off the comment, and offers to help Souji with his football techniques. Kou is quickly roped into the venture, and the three spend the rest of the day discussing football practice. Souji ends the evening by reading his book.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 12, April 22nd, 2011.

Yosuke?s wondering if I have any free time after school. Turns out I do.

Souji finds Yosuke in the corridor, and Yosuke leads the two, by a small journey, to Okina city, just off Inaba. Yosuke expresses nostalgia for their surroundings, noting his admiration for the scent of the city over that of Inaba.

Apparently that makes him sound like Teddie, so I go for the joke about hair on the back of his hands. He actually got the joke as well! I?ve never been happier.

Yosuke is interrupted by his phone ringing, but he quickly finds that it is merely advertisement. Souji commiserates with Yosuke, noting that there?s no way to dodge this sort of invasive message. Yosuke responds that he has considered changing addresses, but is hesitant to do so, as he feels he may yet receive messages from old contacts. Wondering about his old life, Yosuke finds himself unable to recall in detail his friendly relations. With a nod, he decides that Inaba is fine enough for him.

He feels he has something to do, so it?s driving him forward. The flash comes and goes.

After spending some time in the city, the two head back. In the evening, Souji continues reading his book.

Just reading that book made me Reliable!


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 13, April 23rd, 2011.

Daily gossip, being his most reliable form of news, this morning Souji learns that part-time job ads have been posted on the town?s notice board. Souji decides to have a look at them later that day.

The girls talk about Diligence and Understanding required. Mine aren?t the best, but a guy?s got to start somewhere.

In class, Souji learns of ancient Mesopotamia from Ms. Sofue. She tells that the civilization grew between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and was called what it was due to this. All the great civilizations, according to her, grew near great rivers.

Yosuke was seriously asleep throughout this. I had to remind him, through a careful series of hand gestures, what the teacher had said just moments ago. No wonder my Expression increased.

After school, Souji remembers that he had football practice. He decided he had enough time to rush to town and check out the bulletin board.

Envelope constructor, Translator, Origami crane folder? Nothing too interesting. Assistant day care caretaker, however? I don?t mind kids too much. I apply ? looks like I?ll be busy on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays. Speaking of Saturdays, back to school!

Souji gets back to school on time for football practice.

As usual, Diligence increased, and, as usual, I get stuck with cleanup duty.

Daisuke suggests that they take some more time to work on Souji?s technique. Kou, seemingly everpresent, offers his assistance, and Daisuke instructs him on what to do.

I?m just this guy, but they?ve completely accepted me this quickly. These guys. Flash again.

During an intermission, a pair of girls approach Daisuke, about to ask him something, but he gives them a curt brushoff. Kou tries to apologize for him, but the girls rush off in a huff.

I wonder what that was all about.

That evening, Souji returns to his studies.

Pretty awesome so far. Sorry I don't have anything else to say.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 14, April 24th, 2011.

Today Souji has a day off. He gets a call from Kou, who invites him out to spend some time with Daisuke, but Souji declines. Instead, he heads off to find Yosuke. Eventually, he catches up with him patrolling around in Junes.

I haven?t talked to the guy like this in a few days, so I decided to make sure he didn?t forget me, or something.

We find the two sitting in the Junes food court. Yosuke says that he enjoys spending time with Souji in this manner, informing us that he gets a minor discount at Junes. Yosuke is interrupted by a pair of girls, who come to him with complaints of conflicting working hours at Junes. Yosuke attempts to reason with them, reminding them that the conflict is entirely their fault. Yosuke is clearly irritated at the girls? irreverence and poor work ethic, but does not say it out loud. Instead he says that he will try talking with the manager.

Those girls had gaudy and snooty written all over them. And just as he was about to sit down again, this woman comes over with complaints about the butcher. It looks like this happens often. The guy?s a champ for sticking through it, though. I reassure him that we?re going to get through the murder case no problem. He?s enthusiastic about the deal, and that?s what I want to see in him.

Yosuke admits that he is happy that it was Souji who was involved in the incident with Yosuke?s shadow and thanks him for his support.

Flash again. Who would think that experiencing each other?s deepest secrets would bring people together like this?

The two spend some more time at the food court before heading home. Souji ends the day studying.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 15, April 25th, 2011.

This morning?s gossip tells Souji that cultural clubs are accepting applicants. That very morning, Mr. Kondo greets a drowsy physical education class and decides that the best manner to wake the lot up is with a surprise quiz.

I?m the target, as usual. Turns out thieves will sneak into your house more commonly in the morning. I just guessed, but the more you know.

After school, Souji inquires about the cultural clubs at the faculty office. He receives a lecture he had heard once before from Mr. Morooka and then learns that the two clubs available are the drama club and the school band.

I?m pretty good at putting on the face that I need to at a given moment, for better or worse, so I decide to go for drama.

Souji heads over to the Practice Building where he can never find the Drama club?s room and finds that the Drama club has appropriated the meeting room for their activities.

I walk in on them doing tongue-twisters. Not the most dramatic of things, but I?m sure it?ll get better. This one girl rattles them off one after the other like it was nothing ? I?m having trouble reading them off the paper without going cross-eyed. She has a portrait, so I reckon she?s going to be important some way or other.

The president ? a boy called Nagai - recognizes Souji and introduces him to the rest of the club. The girl Souji took notice of earlier introduces herself as Yumi Ozawa. A student inquires as to Yumi?s introduction having ulterior motives, but Yumi brushes him off. The president tells Souji that the group has neither a stage, nor a script, so they are spending their time practicing. Another student emphasizes that Souji is bound to improve his expressiveness if he attends the club often.

The club proceeds to faff about, so Yumi recruits me as a practice partner.

Yumi instructs Souji on how to use his voice properly. Souji cooperates well. So caught up is Yumi in teaching Souji that she does not notice that school has ended and that most students had already gone home for quite a while. She urges Souji to come to the next meeting.

Not one to let the opportunity go wasted, I crack a joke about her being a brutal taskmaster. She just plays it straight. What have I gotten myself into? Heedless of my worries, the flash informs me that I have made a link of the Sun Arcanum.

Yumi suggests that Souji watch live performances of bands or drama troupes, lamenting her club?s being lax in that area. The two walk home together. Souji finishes the evening by studying.

All that studying?s made me Informed!


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 16, April 26th, 2011.

At school, Souji hears rumours of an animal dwelling in the shopping district area. The teacher continues talking about the value of currency in the modern economy, segueing into mathematics. Chie gets asked to answer a question that she is unable to.

A tricky one, after all the easy stuff. A natural number that?s half the sum of its positive divisors is a perfect number, but I know that only because I saw it somewhere the other day. I convey the information through interpretive dance. That sure did a number for my Expression.

After school, Souji heads off to football practice, and, upon it ending, he heads home.

I find something in the fridge. It looks like white miso, but I?m pretty sure it used to be red miso. Still, can?t waste food, so down she goes!

Souji is too ill to study that evening.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 17, April 27th, 2011.

It?s raining today, and nobody wants to hang out. I saw a poster over in town, so I?ll head off to check it out.

Souji finds the poster in question, a promotion held by the Chinese Diner Aiya. The offer is of a Rainy day challenge, 3000-yen Mega Beef Bowl, offering it for free for whomever might finish the quintuple-sized bowl.

I accepted the challenge. Perhaps that was my first mistake ? that thing was vast. I?m suspecting complex theoretical physics and membrane theory were used to construct this monstrosity. As I am, at the moment, unable to harness the laws of entropy to my will, I do not finish the bowl. Soon however, soon. My Knowledge, Courage and Diligence all increase, like a defensive mechanism adapting to an implacable foe. I?ll get you yet, bowl.

That evening, Souji returns to his studies after his unexpected short break.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 18, April 28th, 2011.

That morning, Chie tells Souji that Yukiko will have recovered enough to come to school the day after next.

I thank her for the assist back then.

Remembering he had drama club after school that day, Souji runs to the Velvet Room to get the Persona Cu Sith from the fusion of Nata Taishi and Obariyon.

  I also load up on TaPs. It looks like the vending machine got refilled.

Souji rushes back in time for drama club. After spending some time practicing, the president suggests the group attempt some actual performing. He holds a brief audition, which involves reciting a line from memory. Souji is the first to be picked, and Yumi cheers him on.

  Remembering the line wasn?t the hard part. It is getting it out in front of a bunch of people whose deepest, darkest secrets I am unaware of. Perhaps that came out somewhat wrong.

Yumi attempts the line next, showing a masterful reading of the simple line, impressing the rest of the group.

  Crying on cue, as well! Very nice.

Yumi challenges the rest of the group to do better than her, and the president awkwardly tries to make light of the matter. Yumi responds by calling the president out on his incessant flirting and his poor acting talent. Noticing the boy?s discomfort, she drops the issue and, with the urging of the club?s vice-president, the club went to work on reciting the line, only proving Yumi?s superior acting skills.

  She is voted into the lead role unanimously. I am voted into her opposite right afterwards. I?d protest, but this is something I can do well.

Yumi is very serious, near-professional in her acting ethic, and Souji responds equally. Yumi comments that she enjoys the freedom of character acting brings with it, enabling her to take on the life of another person.

  Oh no. I think I know where this could be going.

Yumi says that she need not lights nor costumes, but merely to have a role, merely to not be herself. She catches herself, and resumes practicing her lines.

  That flash comes whether I like it or not. This girl could need some serious help.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Wait - are you soloing like you originally planned, or did you scrap that for a party?

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
Wait - are you soloing like you originally planned, or did you scrap that for a party?

Fun fact: you can only start the solo run when you can select party members, i.e. only once you've got Kanji. At least, as far as I've been able to tell.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
I know you can solo at least as early as when you have access to the Sauna, so... :wat:

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
I know you can solo at least as early as when you have access to the Sauna, so... :wat:

Will check when I'm back at the console.

Day 19, April 29th, 2011.

With nothing to do that day on account of it being a public holiday, Souji attempts the Aiya Beef Bowl Challenge.

Long story short, I didn?t make it that time, either. Next time, bowl. Next time.

That evening, Souji, Nanako and Dojima are gathered around the television, where the weather forecast predicts more rain in the future, and a thick fog to set in that night. Dojima hopes that the fog is not a sign of more trouble. A commercial rings out upon Nanako?s changing channels, advertising events to attend during Golden Week. Nanako exclaims that Junes will be open during Golden Week, and Dojima asks with a laugh if she wants to go somewhere during the holiday. Nanako is shocked at this development, and Souji confirms that he has no plans for the week. Nanako excitedly proposes that they all go somewhere as a group, suggesting in no uncertain terms that that destination would do well to be Junes.

She?s really hyped about this sudden outing. I wouldn?t mind having some fun with her and Dojima.

Souji returns to his room to watch the Midnight Channel, curious as to what he?d see now that Yukiko had been rescued.

The answer is? nothing. It?s actually quite a relief. No news is good news, as they say.

Elsewhere, at a location shrouded in fog, surrounded by houses and shops, we see a lone figure. The figure pauses, thinking to itself, and walks on.

Wait! Go back! Give me some description! Damn it, if I run out I should be able to-

Elsewhere, at a location shrouded in fog, surrounded by houses and shops, we see a lone figure. The figure pauses, thinking to itself, and walks on.

Wait! Go back! Give me some description! Damn it, if I run out I should be able to-

Sorta the opposite of that one Persona 3 LP I saw where "protag can 'see' cutscenes he should have no access to" is explained by
visions caused by Thanatos


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 20, April 30th, 2011.

Souji meets Yukiko, who is smiling sheepishly at him at the school gates. Souji inquires as to how she was feeling, to which she responds positively, looking eager to go to school again. Having trouble finding the right words, she settles on thanking Souji for his help, and expressing her realization that she was perhaps too caught up in trying to achieve too many things by herself.

Wasn?t I? doing something last night? It was after the Midnight Channel? Doesn?t matter. Yukiko looks much calmer, anyway ? I think she?ll do fine.

Yukiko states her embarrassment at her emotions being put on display in the manner that they had, and Souji reassures her that the Shadow was merely a small part of her. At that moment, Chie calls out to them, and Souji leaves the girls alone to catch up.

I get picked on again for questions. Geography this time, of all things, with a trick question. The highest mountain is Mars? Mt. Olympus.

After school, Souji, Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko gather on the school roof to discuss matters, Yukiko bringing ramen for Chie and herself. Yukiko reaffirms that she remembers nothing of the incident of her kidnapping, except for the doorbell ringing and her name being called. Chie muses whether this means the visitor is the culprit, and Yosuke wonders about what sort of person would kidnap so overtly. The group can also not ascertain the kidnapper?s motive. Yosuke reassures Yukiko that he and Souji will be the ones to catch the culprit.

I do the same. Chie reminds us that she?s helping, whether we like it or not, threatening the kidnapper with violence. Then, all of a sudden, Yukiko asks to help as well, claiming a part in this whole affair as well.

The group agrees to work together to catch whomever is behind the murders.

And flash ? our group grows bigger by the day.

Despite their lack of leads, the group decides to outpace the killer next time he decides to strike. Yosuke suggests that the connection between the victims is that they are all women, as well as the second and third victims having a connection with the first. He also suggests another angle of approach ? if another person disappears, they might be seen on the Midnight Channel. Indeed, the Channel might show the victim before they even disappear. Despite not knowing why it happens, Yosuke suggests that this is a manner of identifying the next victim.

We?re talking and talking, and the smell of delicious instant noodles wafts at Yosuke and I. The girls generously offer us a bite, but I?m afraid to say that they do not quite understand men and food.

Souji and Yosuke apologise profusely for eating all of the girls? food, and Chie warns Yosuke that compensation was expected for this event. Yosuke hurriedly offers steak in exchange, which Chie gladly accepts. Yukiko, still shocked at the loss of her fried tofu, accepts the offer as well. Souji agrees to assist Yosuke with the bill.

Later that evening, the group is gathered at a table at the Junes food court, where grilled steak has started to be served that same day.

I honestly feel bad for doing that, but the girls seem to be placated enough by the steaks.

The group gets back on-topic regarding the discussion of the kidnapping and murder cases. They briefly consider the revenge angle before remembering Misuzu Hiiragi?s solid alibi. There is agreement that the murder of Saki Konishi was performed to prevent the girl from telling anything. Unfortunately, the bizarre nature of the murder precludes any strong evidence cropping up that would help the police. As the group continues their discussion, Adachi strolls by, examining the new menu. Noticing Souji, he tells him to pass on the message to Nanako that Dojima will be coming home on-schedule that day. Adachi introduces himself to the rest of the group. Following Chie?s question, Adachi confirms that the police are also considering the reason of Saki Konishi?s murder as having the motive of silencing her, and that they might have been close to her. Adachi catches himself before he can divulge any more information, and reassures the group that the police have the matter well-in-hand.

We decided to check with Teddie, as well as show Yukiko what the place is all about.

Yukiko recognizes Teddie, who is obviously clearly infatuated with the girl. Teddie states that he was expecting Yukiko to join the group and presents her a pair of glasses that he had prepared beforehand. Teddie wonders about Yosuke?s disinterest, and attempts to get close to demonstrate the dexterity of his fingers. Yosuke pushes him away, and Teddie drops something that he was carrying. Teddie says that it is a pair of glasses that he was unsatisfied with, and Yukiko promptly tries them on.

It?s? quite a thing. Complete with googley eyes, fake nose and mustache. Yukiko seems to love them. Fortunately for everyone, that pair does not have the right lenses.

Yukiko urges Chie to put on the pair of comedy glasses, and Chie accepts with a sigh.

She looks as ridiculous as you would think. Yukiko can?t stop laughing. How did it come to this?

Teddie threatens that more such artifacts might be aplenty should he be left to his devices that often.

That evening, Souji, Dojima and Nanako discuss their plans for Golden Week. Dojima states that he believes he can get the required days off work. Nanako cautiously wonders at this, and Dojima reassures her that he can and will. Nanako presents evidence that Dojima is well-known for cancelling such events. Dojima suggests that the group head out on a trip, once again exciting Nanako into excitement. Nanako exclaims that she would prefer they all go on a trip together, and Souji agrees. Dojima volunteers Souji to help Nanako with making boxed lunches, which Nanako is highly pleased with.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 21, May 1st, 2011.

Souji declines Chie?s invitation to explore the world behind the television screen.

Chie?s right ? Yukiko does need some experience there eventually, but, for the moment, I don?t think it?s that important.

Instead, Souji spends the day catching up on studies.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 22, May 2nd, 2011.

Yukiko catches up to Souji as he walks up the hill to school in the rain. She contemplates the feelings of the group during raintime, as, no doubt, it must have been a tense experience. She asks Souji if he has any plans during Golden Week, to which Souji replies that he has an outing planned with Dojima and Nanako.

That afternoon, Souji listens to an impassioned lecture from Mr. Morooka, who explains the teachings of Descartes and the attainment of an idealistic great virtue. He also reminds the class that mid-term examinations start the next week, suggesting that successful students are those that tend to experience the most popularity.

I somehow got smarter by listening to all that. The Descartes bit was quite interesting, granted.

That afternoon, Souji once again partakes in the Aiya challenge, once again not quite succeeding at the task.

I am now Persistent, however!

That evening, Souji and Nanako watch the news report about a destroyed ATM machine. Nanako notes gloomily that her father is late. The phone rings and Nanako answers, looking more and more dejected with every minute of the conversation.

Nanako gives me the phone, and mutters that Dojima couldn?t take Golden Week off. Before I can say anything, she runs off and shuts herself in her room. I don?t know what to do.

Dojima informs Souji that he has to cover for the illness of one of the younger policemen.

I realize just how hard it must be for the guy, but I can?t stop myself from rubbing it in a little and mention Nanako.

Despite the tense atmosphere, Souji diligently spends the rest of the evening studying.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 23, May 3rd, 2011.

Today is a day off for Souji. He finds Nanako in the living room when he comes downstairs. The doorbell rings soon afterward, and Souji is somewhat surprised to see Chie at the front door. She invites Souji along for an outing, mentioning that Yukiko is coming as well. Noticing Nanako, Chie eagerly invites her along as well, and Souji encourages her to do so.

We all somehow ended up gravitating towards Junes again. Nanako and Yosuke got along like a proverbial house on fire, what with her being such a diehard supporter.

Nanako explains about the cancelled outing and Yukiko picks up on the details regarding the boxed lunches that were planned.

Nanako points at me, which promptly earned me the title of cook and big bro.

The conversation turns to cooking, Chie assuring the group that she, too, is probably a good cook. Yosuke promptly declines her offer of preparing lunches, and a fired-up Chie challenges Yosuke?s attitude. Yosuke is unperturbed, and offers that Nanako be the judge of the proposed culinary contest, suggesting that no doubt they would prepare something on par with Nanako?s mother?s cooking.

There?s no way he could have known. I still winced.

Nanako reassures the group that they should not worry, expressing her trust in Dojima and, blushing, exclaiming that she now has a brother. The group agrees to meet up more often.

Yosuke and Nanako head off to get some soda, and Yukiko puts it better than I could have done. Nanako?s a strong girl, all right. I should look out for her. The flash hits, telling me of the growth of the Justice Arcanum.

That evening, Souji continues studying for the upcoming examinations.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 24, May 4th, 2011.

It is another day off for Souji. He declines Yosuke?s invitation to an outing and, instead, heads off to the central shopping district, stopping by the Velvet Room on the way, to meet up with Chie.

Chie can be pretty insightful sometimes, so I wondered if we might brainstorm about the situation somewhat.

Chie has other things in mind, however. She leads Souji to the bank of the local river, claiming that it is an excellent spot for physical training.

I didn?t quite realize how active she was. She?s got a point, though ? training before TV excursions keeps one in good shape!

Souji accepts Chie?s suggestion to have a training session. Chie muses on her embarrassment at feeling weak in front of her Shadow self, and resolves to work harder.

Chariot grows as a result ? I knew this was worth my time.

Souji continues studying that evening.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 25, May 5th, 2011.

Souji enjoys another day off, and decides to take this opportunity to investigate Inaba and its surroundings.

There was this shrine in the shopping street. It looked abandoned, but it?s still probably got some interesting things to see.

Indeed, Souji finds nobody on the premises of the shrine. It is dusty and poorly-maintained, with grime and dirt covering everything. On the way out, Souji gets an uncanny feeling of being watched. Ready for anything, he turns around, only to find himself being observed by a strange animal.

It them leaps ? I?m not kidding ? fifteen feet into the air and lands in front of me. I get a chance to see that it?s a fox, wearing a red bib, before it thrusts an ema plaque into my face.

Souji examines the plaque, which has a wish written on it in a child?s scrawl for the recuperation of their grandparent. Souji notices a leaf stuck on the back of the ema.

I?m still trying to figure out what goes where when an old man walks up. He tells me that he?s a voluntary caretaker at the shrine, but he can?t work as well due to his legs. He mentions his grandson ? Keita ? and, as I start putting things together, he snags the ema out of my hand, along with the leaf. Turns out it?s a traditional remedy.

The leaf?s effects are near-immediate, reinvigorating the old man. The fox looks approvingly at Souji, then examines the shrine?s offertory box.

Looks like the fox is somehow collecting donations for the shrine all by itself. As I look at the pile of leaves that the fox is showing me, the flash hits. I do believe that I?m a fox?s sidekick in its quest to grant people?s wishes for shrine donations. Stranger than fiction, huh, Narrator? Still, those leaves might help over in crazyland.

That evening, Souji and Nanako learn that the ATM robber had been arrested, and, soon afterwards, Dojima comes home. Nanako greets her father happily, and Dojima apologises for canceling the trip they had planned. On account of it being Children?s Day, Dojima got both Souji and Nanako presents ? Nanako a t-shirt with a humorous picture, and Souji a pair of swimming trunks.

Souji ends the evening studying.