Author Topic: Waking up from the Dream - Discussion Thread (Previously Registration Thread)  (Read 53595 times)


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Waking up From the Dream - Welcome Home

Now also our Discussion Thread!

<Registration is now closed early due to the overwhelming number of interested players. We apologize if you were unable to sign-up.

Hi all~ Gappy's back with Waking up from the Dream! Big welcome to those of you who've never heard of it before. A warm welcome to the returning players from last season.

What is it?

Waking Up From the Dream is a Forum RPG based on Touhou Project by ZUN. The premise is - you are an outsider from the outside world, the world outside Gensokyo. For one reason or another, you end up in Gensokyo. However, now Gensokyo is collapsing and you are one of the few last hopes for survival for Gensokyo's inhabitants. There is only one answer - a select task force of Gensokyo residents must leave Gensokyo and sally forth into the outside world to investigate the reason for this collapse and somehow rebuild their home. To do that, they must survive and carry away the memories of Gensokyo, with which Gensokyo can be rebuilt in full. There is, however, one issue with this plan - The denizens of Gensokyo are beings who are greatly depend on spiritual power, mana. As such, they cannot subsist for long in the mana-deprived outside-world for long without forming a 'mana sharing contract' with someone from the outside world (i.e. you, you lucky mana batteries you). You will partner up with team of partner characters, Touhou characters, of your choice, and, together with your fellow outsiders and their individual partner teams, journey through the outside world to unveil the mystery and one day restore Gensokyo.

What is a Forum RPG?

It's a forum role playing game. For those of you who have never participated in one, it's more or less a collaborative piece of fanfiction, with each player posting short continuations revolving around their own characters.

Who decides what happens?

The overall story, major conflicts, etc. are determined by the GMs (Game Masters). However, everything else, from your actions and reactions in the story, to day to day life, to interactions with other players, are decided by you, the player. There is a great degree of freedom. However, with freedom comes responsibility - the point is to play together with everyone else, to create a story both you and your fellow players can enjoy together.

What do I need in order to play?

Not much. Just:

1) An internet connection.
2) A MotK account.
3) Decent command of written English. Please.
4) Manners and common sense.
5) Respect for other players.
6) A love for Touhou.

Can I control other players' characters?

To a very limited extent, yes. This must of course be done with their permission. If they disagree with what you've written in for their characters then you may be asked to remove the segment of your post that they disagree with. In order to properly capture other people's characters, you must do your best to keep them in-character, to consider how exactly they would react to this particular situation you're putting them in, etc. This takes considerable study of their character, both in-game, and through reading their character profiles. Remember - they have the same amount of control over your characters - if you write in awesome stuff for them, they'll do the same for you. 

Are there rules?

Yes, there are. They are very, very simple, however.

General rules
1) Be courteous and polite - respect your fellow players, and in turn they will respect you.

2) This is a group endeavour, a group project - in order for it to be fun for everyone, you must collaborate and cooperate with other players as much as possible. This means, to put it in plain terms, NOT hogging the spotlight, NOT power-gaming (playing as if you're Songoku from DBZ or god himself), NOT ruining the experience for everyone else.

Posting Rules
3) Please begin each post with a time, date, and location stamp, in this format - Time, Date, Location
For example - 8 AM, Day 1, Remilia's Room, Scarlet Devil Mansion, Gensokyo

4) Please, please break down your post into paragraphs. It makes things so much easier to read.

5) Speaking of paragraphs, try not to keep your posts short. 2-3 novel paragraphs at the most.

Story Rules
6) Try to stick together in groups of at least 2-3 players or more. Solo parts aren't all that interesting for everyone else so try to always involve other players in your posts whenever you can.

7) Collaborate and communicate with other players when you can. We have an IRC channel on PPIRC - #WuftD, where most players come to discuss the game.

8 ) Please do remember that you are just a normal human being from the outside world - you aren't superman or Captain America. There will be opportunities to become oh so much more powerful in the game, and starting low and weak, but taking advantage of these and slowly but steadily growing stronger in-game is so much more satisfying and rewarding than starting off as the Hulk.

In-Game rules
9) You are an average human being of the outside world. The outside world is, let's face it, not very magical. As such, you don't have all that much mana to spare to begin with. When in the outside world, your partner is heavily dependent on you for his/her mana supply. Supplying mana for yourself and for your partner is very, very taxing on you - imagine trying to climb up a mountain while carrying another person on your back - it's THAT tiring. Slowly, over time, your mana reserves will build up as you become used to the burden as well as become stronger in-game.

10) Your partner is capable of utilizing superhuman feats and spellcards, much like he/she could in Gensokyo. However, in the outside world, he/she will be expending mana - your mana. At the beginning of the game, utilizing one spell card would drain both of you to near passing-out. Utilizing any more than that can and will kill you. Flying is heavily mana-draining as well.

11) The further your partner strays away from you, the more the contract link is stretched, and thus the less mana they receive. Venture too far away and they will die.

12) Having multiple partner characters is like carrying that many extra people on your back while climbing a mountain. It's that much more tiring and crippling.

I'm a new player. Do I need to know what happened in Season 1?

No. You don't. You arrive in the story as a new character who doesn't know what happened in Season 1. The returning players will start afresh on the same page as you, so there won't be much need for catching up.

I'm a new player. How many player characters can I make?

At the moment - just one.

I'm a returning player. Is this a reboot/fresh start?

No, this is a continuation, a sequel if you will, of season 1. However, in a way, it is also a fresh start. You will again, for some reason you don't quite know, start in Gensokyo, having lived there for a good 2-4 years now, happily living amongst the other denizens of this fantastic mythical world. You're not quite sure what you were doing before you arrived in Gensokyo, knowing only that you're from the outside world.

I'm a returning player. Can I make a new character?

Yes, you can, if you so wish. Your old character will be removed from the game, however.

I'm a returning player. What's going to happen to the other old players who aren't returning?

There is an in-game reason for why they aren't returning and why their partners were freed from their contracts. You will find out what this is as the story progresses.

I'm a returning player and I had a RAI Force character. What will happen to him/her?

You can choose to keep him/her or have him/her removed from the game. Like everything else, there will be an in-game explanation for his/her removal.

How are partner characters for my team assigned?

It is requested by the player and assigned on a first come, first serve basis. At the moment new players are able to put down up to 6 characters on their wish list in order of priority. Provided you are the first to request (and the character doesn't already belong to a returning player's team), you will receive your first choice. If not, you will receive your second, and so on. You will be guaranteed to receive at least one primary partner character. Provided nobody else requests them as primary partner characters and nobody requests them as a secondary partner characters BEFORE YOU, you will receive up to 3 secondary partner characters as well.

Returning players are allowed to keep their old teams or swap out for new ones.

Is there a character creation system?
Yes, there is. That will be coming soon once registration is mostly done. And yes, there will be a full character profile sheet.

Who's organizing it?

This time around, we've got Nemoma and E-mouse acting as primary GMs. I'll be around to supply the story and whatnot (basically, I'm now advisor/assistant/backstage overlord), but most things will be organized by Nemoma and E-mouse.

How do I sign up?
For now, all you have to do is register your interest and which characters you want as your partner. You can register as follows:
Player Name:
Returning player : Yes/No

If you are a new player...
Planned Character name:
Planned Character gender:
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice:
2nd Choice:
3rd Choice:
4th Choice:
5th Choice:
6th Choice:

If you are a returning player...
Team Name
Character Name
Character Gender
Team Members

When do registrations close?
In about a week, on the 15th of April.

Available characters are:

Main characters

    * Hakurei Reimu (MTG)
    * Kirisame Marisa (MTG)

Highly Responsive to Prayers

    * Genjii (Anthony)
    * Elis
    * Sariel (Claimed)
    * Mima
    * Kikuri (Claimed)
    * Konngara (Claimed)

Story of Eastern Wonderland

    * Rika
    * Meira

Phantasmagoria of Dimensional Dream

    * Ellen
    * Kotohime
    * Kana Anaberal
    * Asakura Rikako
    * Kitashirakawa Chiyuri
    * Okazaki Yumemi
    * Ruukoto (MTG)

Lotus Land Story

    * Orange
    * Kurumi
    * Elly
    * Kazami Yuuka
    * Mugetsu
    * Gengetsu

Mystic Square

    * Sara
    * Luize
    * Yuki
    * Mai
    * Yumeko
    * Shinki
    * Alice Margatroid (MTG)

The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

    * Rumia
    * Daiyousei (Nemoma)
    * Cirno (Nemoma)
    * Hong Meiling
    * Koakuma (Jan)
    * Patchouli Knowledge (Jan)
    * Izayoi Sakuya
    * Remilia Scarlet
    * Flandre Scarlet (Zei)

Perfect Cherry Blossom

    * Letty Whiterock (Anthony)
    * Chen (E-mouse)
    * Lily White (Nemoma)
    * Lunasa Prismriver
    * Merlin Prismriver
    * Lyrica Prismriver
    * Konpaku Youmu
    * Saigyouji Yuyuko
    * Yakumo Ran (E-mouse)
    * Yakumo Yukari (E-mouse)

Ghostly Field Club

    * Usami Renko
    * Maribel Hearn

Curiosities of Lotus Asia

    * Morichika Rinnosuke
    * Tokiko

Immaterial and Missing Power

    * Ibuki Suika (MTG)

Imperishable Night

    * Wriggle Nightbug
    * Mystia Lorelei
    * Kamishirasawa Keine
    * Inaba Tewi
    * Reisen Udongein Inaba
    * Yagokoro Eirin
    * Houraisan Kaguya
    * Fujiwara no Mokou

Eastern and Little Nature Deity

    * Luna Child (Nemoma)
    * Star Sapphire (Nemoma)
    * Sunny Milk (Nemoma)

Phantasmagoria of Flower View

    * Medicine Melancholy
    * Onozuka Komachi
    * Shameimaru Aya
    * Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
    * Lily Black (Nemoma)

Perfect Memento in Strict Sense

    * Hieda no Akyuu

Silent Sinner in Blue

    * Reisen II (Moerin)
    * Watatsuki no Yorihime (Moerin)
    * Watatsuki no Toyohime (Moerin)

Mountain of Faith

    * Aki Shizuha
    * Aki Minoriko
    * Kagiyama Hina
    * Kawashiro Nitori
    * Inubashiri Momiji
    * Kochiya Sanae
    * Yasaka Kanako
    * Moriya Suwako

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

    * Nagae Iku
    * Hinanawi Tenshi

Subterranean Animism

    * Kisume
    * Kurodani Yamame
    * Mizuhashi Parsee
    * Hoshiguma Yuugi
    * Komeiji Satori
    * Kaenbyou Rin
    * Reiuji Utsuho
    * Komeiji Koishi

Undefined Fantastic Object

    * Nazrin
    * Tatara Kogasa
    * Kumoi Ichirin
          o Unzan
    * Murasa Minamitsu
    * Toramaru Shou
    * Hijiri Byakuren
    * Houjuu Nue (Moerin)

Touhou Hisoutensoku

    * Hisou Tensoku
    * Namazu

Double Spoiler

    * Himekaidou Hatate

Wild and Horned Hermit

    * Ibara Kasen

Other Characters

    * Hijiri Myouren
    * Konpaku Youki (Anthony)
    * Layla Prismriver
    * Lord Tenma
    * Satsuki Rin
    * VIVIT

Unofficial Characters

    * Inubashiri Momo
    * Izayoi Seiya
    * Kawashiro Mitori

Confirmed New Players

Username : kakyoin01
Partner Wish List:
Kawashiro Nitori
Kagiyama Hina

Analessa Dellaris
username: Adriel
Partners Wish List:
Reisen Udongein Inaba
Kamishirasawa Keine
Onozuka Komachi

Username: Sect
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Nazrin
2nd Choice: Fujiwaya no Mokou
3rd Choice: Mystia Lorelei
4th Choice: Parsee Mizuhashi
5th Choice: Inubashiri Momiji
6th Choice: Kawashio Nitori

Username: Kips
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Yuuka.
2nd Choice: Wriggle

Wodan Ymir
Username: Zengar
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Yumemi Okazaki
2nd Choice: Byakuren Hijiri
3rd Choice: VIVIT
4th Choice: Hisou Tensoku
5th Choice: Layla Prismriver
6th Choice: Satsuki Rin

Confirmed Returning Players
Team Heaven-Piercing Drill/Yakumo/SUPPATENKO ? E-Mouse (Jeremy Nezu)  confirmed
Yukari Yakumo
Ran Yakumo
Chen Yakumo

Team Library ? Jan-San (Jan)
Patchouli Knowledge

Team Fairy ? Nemoma (Amarillo) confirmed
Lily White
Lily Black
Sunny Milk
Luna Child
Star Sapphire

Team FUBAR - Mind the Gap (Mitaka)  confirmed
Reimu Hakurei
Marisa Kirisame
Alice Margatroid
Ruukoto Hakurei
Suika Ibuki

Team Silent Sinner - Theorist (Nate) confirmed
Reisen II
Watatsuki no Yorihime a.k.a. Magical Warrior Lunablade
Watatsuki no Toyohime

Team Michigan - Evil Spirit Anthony (Anthony) confirmed
Letty Whiterock
Sara (Anthony)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 09:09:53 AM by Gappy »

Okay, sure.

Player Name: Sect
Returning player : No

Planned Character name: Hugh
Planned Character gender: Male
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Nazrin
2nd Choice: Fujiwaya no Mokou
3rd Choice: Mystia Lorelei

Perfectly willing to work with people on character choices, though.

EDIT: Just making the changes I detailed below. Also, my choice of Nazrin is highly dependant on factors that I need to get with Gappy about, since I have ideas I want to do that are based on the concept of the game, and would actually involve me and Nazrin being away from other players for certain amounts of time, which is probably a no-no.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 05:15:50 PM by Sectimonious »

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Three questions, one, how long will this take approx.? Like... 5 threads? Two, can my player name be the same as my characters name? I really dont feel like thinking up a name other then Kips, though I guess I could always use my first name... And the third is that, would more characters mean more "mana" being used up for our character?

Player Name: Kips
Returning player : No

Planned Character name: (undecided)
Planned Character gender:
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Yuuka.
2nd Choice: Wriggle

Team Name: It'll most likely be called "FlowerxBug" or something. I'm personally fine with just Yuuka and Wriggle though, since I dont exactly want too many people on my team. seems a bit OP and would be annoying for my character.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Always was interested on joining the last one except for the fact that it was very advanced. Now I can actually join in!

Player Name: Zengar Zombolt
Returning player: nope.avi

Planned Character name: Wodan Ymir
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Yumemi Okazaki
2nd Choice: Byakuren Hijiri
3rd Choice: VIVIT To Trance!
4th Choice: Hisou Tensoku
5th Choice: Layla Prismriver
6th Choice: Satsuki Rin Fuck off Moerin

Oh man I am hyped.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 01:47:20 PM by IriZengar Kyouko »


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
I'll have you all fulfill my desires.

Player Name: Rabbit
Returning Player: Yes

Team Name: Zero-Sum
Character Name: Daimon "Daigo" Gordon
Character Gender: Male
Team Members:
- Mysterious Giant Catfish
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Player name: Etch-E-Sketch
Returning player: yes

Team Name: Cloudz
Character Name: Etch
Character Gender:
Team Members:
1. Hieda no Akyu
2. Ichirin
3. Unzan


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Player List:

Confirmed New Players

Username : kakyoin01
Partner Wish List:
Kawashiro Nitori
Kagiyama Hina

Analessa Dellaris
username: Adriel
Partners Wish List:
Reisen Udongein Inaba
Kamishirasawa Keine
Onozuka Komachi

Username: Sect
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Nazrin
2nd Choice: Fujiwaya no Mokou
3rd Choice: Mystia Lorelei
4th Choice: Parsee Mizuhashi
5th Choice: Inubashiri Momiji
6th Choice: Kawashio Nitori

Username: Kips
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Yuuka.
2nd Choice: Wriggle

Wodan Ymir
Username: Zengar
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Yumemi Okazaki
2nd Choice: Byakuren Hijiri
3rd Choice: VIVIT
4th Choice: Hisou Tensoku
5th Choice: Layla Prismriver
6th Choice: Satsuki Rin

Confirmed Returning Players
Team Heaven-Piercing Drill/Yakumo/SUPPATENKO ? E-Mouse (Jeremy Nezu)  confirmed
Yukari Yakumo
Ran Yakumo
Chen Yakumo

Team Library ? Jan-San (Jan)
Patchouli Knowledge

Team Fairy ? Nemoma (Amarillo) confirmed
Lily White
Lily Black
Sunny Milk
Luna Child
Star Sapphire

Team FUBAR - Mind the Gap (Mitaka)  confirmed
Reimu Hakurei
Marisa Kirisame
Alice Margatroid
Ruukoto Hakurei
Suika Ibuki

Team Silent Sinner - Theorist (Nate) confirmed
Reisen II
Watatsuki no Yorihime a.k.a. Magical Warrior Lunablade
Watatsuki no Toyohime

Team Michigan - Evil Spirit Anthony (Anthony) confirmed
Letty Whiterock
Sara (Anthony)

Etch-E-Sketch - Team Cloudz- Etch Confirmed
Team Members:
1. Hieda no Akyu
2. Ichirin
3. Unzan
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 08:20:58 PM by Refreshing Lillian »

Break anything that stands between you and them!

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
You know what? Yeah, I'm just going to make the characters name Kips. Cant think of anything else thats even remotely cool.

Player Name: Yono
Returning player : No

Planned Character name: Umbron
Planned Character gender: Male
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Shameimaru Aya
2nd Choice:Murasa Minamitsu
3rd Choice:Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
4th Choice:Komeiji Satori
5th Choice:Izayoi Sakuya
6th Choice:Remilia Scarlet



  • It's a cheer up charm!
  • *
  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
This is actually happening  :o

Player Name: Himiko
Returning player : No

Planned Character name: Himiko
Planned Character gender: Female
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Ibara Kasen
2nd Choice: Mizuhashi Parsee
3rd Choice: Reiuji Utsuho
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 11:14:14 AM by 日巫子 »

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hi. I'd like to shorten my list to Nazrin, Mystia, and Mokou.


  • I Have A New Obssession
  • *
  • ♥Puppy Love♥
I think I'll just watch this one since I have role play commitment elsewhere.

But I am curious as to why you have Yumemi and Chiyuri, and SSiB crew?


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
You know what? Yeah, I'm just going to make the characters name Kips. Cant think of anything else thats even remotely cool.
You probably have at least a few days' time before the event even starts, so no need to rush decisions for all OC information (but try decide quickly on and to stick to partner choices, to speed up the partner assignment process later on); the creators are likely trying to get a general feel for the interest of Neo Waking up from The Dream right now.

Keep in mind also that while most of the returning players from the first WufTD have many Touhou characters listed underneath them, those arrangements are not necessarily final, either.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 10:12:02 PM by kakyoin01 »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Ooo, this sounds quite interesting.

Player Name: Ax
Returning Player: No

Planned Character name: Viso
Planned Character gender: Male
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Rika
2nd Choice: Rumia
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 10:43:53 PM by axman36 »


  • *Roll*
  • *fwump*
Player Name: Anthony
Returning Player: Yes
Returning Character: Yes

Character Name: Joey Tolo (name changed)
Team Mixed Tool Box (name changed)
Team Members
-Letty Whiterock
-Youki Konpaku

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
But I am curious as to why you have Yumemi and Chiyuri
IIRC the Lunatic endings show them returning to Gensokyo since Yumemi was booted from her university due to her work on Magic not being believed.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
I'll post my current official list too, even though I'm already in the list, just so people know that I'm for real.

Player Name: Kakyoin
Returning Player: No
Character Name: Ken Shojiki
Character Gender: Male

Team Arcadia

Mana partners
Fujiwara no Mokou
Reisen Udongein Inaba
Sakuya Izayoi
Hina Kagiyama
Sanae Kochiya
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 09:41:02 PM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi

Team Name: Hirowaza never believed in the use of names... 大役満団 daiyakumandan - team daiyakuman
Player Name: Trance
Returning Player: Yes

Character Name: Yoh Hirowaza
Character Gender: Male/Female
Mana partners:
1: Meira

I also recall having VIVIT in the original game so I'm not entirely sure how that's going to go.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 07:59:27 AM by Miyuka »

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Isnt there multiple VIVITs? I recall seeing on the wiki about it once or twice...

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
There's VIVIT-r, yes, but she's a jerk.
Besides Yumemi's top priority for me, dunno of someone has her already. Remember the list is for priorities, we new players only get one character.


  • I'm a strange type of crazy...the one you love and fear
  • Do not challenge the gateguard
I'm back baby~ 8)
Player Name: Vant
Returning Player: Yes

Character Name: Vant
Character Gender: Male
Mana Partners:
Kanako Yasaka
Suwako Moriya
Orange(hoping to replace with Hong Meiling)



  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
There's VIVIT-r, yes, but she's a jerk.
Besides Yumemi's top priority for me, dunno of someone has her already. Remember the list is for priorities, we new players only get one character.

Well that pretty much lessens my worries significantly.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to satisfactorily participate. :ohdear:

So, here's a tentative sign-up while I ponder this/ask you some questions about the game tomorrow, Gappy.

Player Name: rdj
Returning Player: No

Planned Character name: Roark
Planned Character gender: Male
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Satori Komeiji
2nd Choice: Hina Kagiyama (relinquished to Ken)
3rd Choice: Nitori Kawashiro (relinquished to Ken)
4th Choice: Tenshi Hinanawi
5th Choice: Iku Nagae
« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 02:15:27 AM by Komardj Onozuka »


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Oh hey, now we're getting somewhere.

Returning player!

Player Name: Moerin~
Returning Player: Yes!

Character Name: Nate Wrist!
Character Gender: Male

Team Silent Sinner (a better name I could not think up!)
Reisen II!
Nue Houjuu!
Watatsuki no Toyohime!
And of course, the champion of love and justice! 8)  The Moon Princess Possessed by Divine Spirits! 8) 8)  Magical... Warrior... Lunablaaaaaaaaaaade~! >:( 8) :dragonforce: 8) >:( AKA Watatsuki no Yorihime. >.>

6th Choice: Satsuki Rin
You really think I'll stand by and let someone else take her!?  HAH!  Rin goes into the "not yet got, but got my eyes on" pile!  Mind you, might be nice to see someone else's interpretation, and I already have four characters already even if three of them aren't exactly some people's first choices for reasons I cannot fathom SO WE SHALL SEE!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 11:38:12 PM by Magical Moerin~♥ »
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
There's VIVIT-r, yes, but she's a jerk.
Besides Yumemi's top priority for me, dunno of someone has her already. Remember the list is for priorities, we new players only get one character.

>only one character

I just reviewed this with Nemo, and it means you only get to control one original character, not just have only one mana partner (a Touhou). In the first WufTD, there was at least one player who controlled two or more original characters, and each of those characters had more than 1 mana partner. This time, they're limiting the number of original characters per player to 1, possibly to remove issues from the first WufTD.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 11:45:23 PM by kakyoin01 »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
There are actually several VIVITs, namely Vivit (Erich's Daughter), VIVIT (Shuusou Gyoku's heroine), VIVIT-r (Banshiryuu's heroine), and many others (seen in Banshiryuu's 4B stage, as normal enemies).
First one cant use magic to my knowledge. The rest are, I would assume, game. So I guess that makes it three VIVITS who use magic? But then again... hmmm.

Yuyuko Yakumo

  • Carry me~ow
  • Rawr I eat your face with maaaaaagicalness
Yay, something fresh from the forum I can participate in! I'm kinda new here so you don't know how hard it is to fit in... x3


Player Name: Someone (my original forum name but you can call me YuyukoYakumo if you forget)
Returning player : No
Planned Character name: Yuki
Planned Character gender: Female
Partner Character Wish List:
0th Choice: Saigyouji Yuyuko (possibly)
1st Choice: Lunasa Prismriver
2nd Choice: Lyrica Prismriver
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 12:40:12 AM by YuyukoYakumo »
I know, I know. I'll get a real avatar and signature soon. -_-

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Player Name: Kips
Returning player : No

Planned Character name: Kips (same as player name due to omfgirunoriginalbastard)
Planned Character gender: Male
Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice: Yuuka.
2nd Choice: Wriggle

Team Name: It'll most likely be called "FlowerxBug" or something. I'm personally fine with just Yuuka and Wriggle though, since I dont exactly want too many people on my team. seems a bit OP and would be annoying for my character.

There, my final draft of my character. Wooo.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Using the same player and original character name does not make you unoriginal. I use my real name because I don't like hiding behind an alias.

The "OP" or overpowered issues (choosing Touhou characters that are widely regarded as stronger than other Touhou characters) will be balanced out, don't worry.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 02:11:59 AM by kakyoin01 »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Hm...  I could take a shot at another forum RPG.  Especially one with a reasonable chat.

Player Name: Iced Fairy
Returning Character: No

Team name?:  Well we'll see who I get paired with after assignment.

Planned Character name: Yuki
Planned Character gender: Male

Partner Character Wish List:
1st Choice:  Utsuho Reiuji
2nd Choice: Rin Kaenbyou
3rd Choice: Mystia Lorelei
4th Choice: Medicine Melancholy
5th Choice: Tatara Kogasa
6th Choice: Inubashiri Momiji
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 05:50:45 AM by Iced Fairy »