Author Topic: Scarlet Training  (Read 9065 times)


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Scarlet Training
« on: March 23, 2011, 10:32:16 AM »
Yeah, yeah, Touhou/Pokemon - they don't belong to me, blahblahblah.

I'm not much of a writer but I did do this so I figured I may as well post it here.
Hoping to get some guidance on what to do with it.
There's another version of this which can be found real easily through the power of Google.
Frankly, I'd rather that not be the version you read, as it contains some NSFW content.
I have a few reasons for this, but some of them should be pretty obvious.
I'm not going to explain myself and I'm not going to include the NSFW content here.
As far as I'm concerned, this is the official version.

Anyway, the idea wasn't originally mine (it's ridiculous, I know), it was a suggestion/request/demand and so I did it, and now here we are.  :V
Any and all comments/criticism is welcome. (Be nice.  :ohdear: )

Scarlet Training - Chapter 1
Satoshi-kun started at 10; I started at 505 ~ Scarlet Escape

"Welcome to the world of Pokemon!" >SKIIIIIIIIIIP.
There is a knock on the door.
Izayoi Sakuya: "Flandre-ojousama, you have a guest."
I'm pretty bored, so a guest sounds nice.
The door opens, and down come Izzy and some woman.
She always cheats, more than anyone.
There's no way I'm playing ball with her.

I turn away from my computer.
"What do you want?"
Yakumo Yukari: "Flandre Scarlet, I have a proposition for you."
Yu: "Izayoi Sakuya, please leave."
Izzy looks like she wants to object, but instead hesitantly leaves.
Yu: "After that last issue of Aya's paper, your interests have become public knowledge."
"That damn vulture. I really wanted to kill her for that you know!"
Yu: "Well, if you want though, I can get you into that world."
Yu: "How does that sound? You could become a... what was the word, trainer, yourself!"
" Izzy and my sister have to come?"
Yu: "If you want."
"Well...Izzy's got work to do here, and I don't want my sister to come. She wouldn't be good at it anyway."
Yu: "So will you go alone then?"
Yu: "Alright then."

She opens a border next to her.
Yu: "Once you step through here, you'll be in that world."
Yu: "Here, take this."
She hands me a bunch of Trainer's equipment.
PokeGear, PokeWatch, PokeDex, PokeNav, trainer card, badge case and ribbon case, a money case with a bunch of coins and money, a bag, some PokeBalls, a Potion, guidebooks, etc, as well as a large sunhat, a coat, and some rain gear.
Yu: "I've enchanted the bag with a border so you can hold a very large number of things inside it.
Yu: "If things get really bad, you could even get in yourself."
In other words, it's a bag-of-holding. That's really convenient.

"Oi. Why're you doing this for me?"
Yu: "Hm? Well I'm pretty bored today, to be honest. And Ran lied to me about having made pancakes too!"
Yu: "I'll be able to keep up with you via the gear. There's also a card installed on it so you can contact me."
Yu: "I figure it'll be fun see you become a great trainer."
"I'll do it, I'll go."
I take the stuff and toss a majority of it into the bag, and put on the watch, gear, and hat.
Yu: "Oh, a bit late for this now, isn't it? I should have said earlier that I've already spoken to your sister, and that she's fine with it."
"Like I care what she's fine with."

Yu: "Oh one thing though."
"What's that?"
Yu: "You may want to get in the bag right now and I'll toss you through. There's no guarantee you'll land safely, so the bag will protect you."
I certainly wouldn't want to get hit by random falling icebergs. I heard border space is full of them.

Ah, my wings'll be weird over there, so I'd better pull them in.
I may not be able to have them out over there, ever maybe... but that's a small price to pay.
I step inside the bag and drop down. The top is just over my head.
She zips it up.
Yu: "Okay, here we go!"
I'm then tumbling about inside the bag, and it seems like it won't ever stop.
When it finally does...

I reach for the zipper inside, and pull it open.
Looking outside, I do not see the sun.
It is nighttime.
I step out of the bag to find myself next to a tree on some hill, overlooking a town down below.
I look up.
There is no moon out tonight.
But...there are...many, many stars.
There are no stars in my basement.
It's...really pretty.
I stare up at the night sky and think about what I just did.
I just...left home, and I won't be coming back for a very long time.
I sigh.
I'm fine though.
I don't need Izzy or my sister.
I can handle this myself.
Thinking so much, and entranced by the beautiful sky, I don't even notice right away when something fuzzy brushes against my leg.

When I finally do notice... I look down.
It's mostly brown, has pointy ears, a bushy tail with a cream-colored tip, and has a cream-colored tuft of fur collaring its neck.

That's... an Eevee.
I sit down on the grass up against the tree and start petting it.
"Hi there, you're pretty cute. I'm Flandre, nice to meet ya."
The Eevee purrs and nuzzles my leg.
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
The Eevee doesn't seem to understand what I mean.
I pull out the PokeDex from the bag, and use it on the Eevee.

-Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon. It has the potential to evolve into one of several different Pokemon.
Gender is Female.-
It also shows the Pokemon's stats and type, and move set.
The move set is basic - it only knows Tackle, undoubtedly because its level is apparently 5.
The Eevee jumps into my lap.
It's fur on my legs feels really soft.
"Hehe, you're really soft."
Eevee looks, really happy.
"You need a about I call you....
"Then I guess it's settled..."
"We should sleep in the bag, since I can't be out in the day.
Oh wait..."
I grab a PokeBall from the bag.
"Ui-chan, wanna come with me?"
I set the ball down in the grass, and she walks over to it and touches the button with her nose.
Light flashes and Eevee is pulled inside the ball.
It shakes three times and settles.
"Yay, I caught my first Pokemon!~"

I pick up the ball and place it in the bag, then step inside and zip it up.
Wow...I caught my first Pokemon immediately upon arriving.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
With wonders of my new adventure in mind, I fall asleep.


No I don't really have a plan for where this is going yet.
While I know the PSL guidelines say you shouldn't post suggestions, I personally frankly welcome them.
It's how this story came to be, and without them I'm sure I won't have any idea what to do with it.
Also, a note about my writing style. It's weird. I know. If you don't think so, you will later.

You guys are lucky though. You get a copy that I actually bothered to edit and use spell check on!  :V
Also, too much formatting?   :3
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 05:28:25 AM by あさらぎシジェ »
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 12:53:37 PM »
Not enough explosions

But seriously, This has potential to be something great. My only problem is how does Flanny know about Pokemon already?

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
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Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 03:07:59 PM »
But seriously, This has potential to be something great. My only problem is how does Flanny know about Pokemon already?
Yukari's got a hand in it, she always does.
Remember, Pokemon's an outside world thing. Yukari has ties to the outside via borders and gaps.
So it's obvious that a GB/GBC/GBA/DS or something found it's way into Gensokyo, where it was obtained by a member of the SDM, and subsequently given to Flan.
Or it found it's way directly to her, via Yukari.

But aside from that, I agree.
Reads like a script, but it has potential. I'm particularly interested in what evolution she might end up with, or what other Pokemon she'll get, thanks to B/W coming out recently.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2011, 03:11:20 PM »
EoSD was in 06 or something like that

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2011, 03:38:08 PM »
EoSD was in 06 or something like that
Problem with your logic bro, this version of the fic's circa 2011 right?
Ergo, there will most likely be 5th Gen.
And plus, ongoing pokefics alter the story somewhat as the continuity is expanded on, same goes for long-running touhoufics.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 04:01:31 PM »
Screw Pokemon's continuity. It never had any to begin with.  BV
Don't read too much into the meta-timeline, there isn't one.
I made the chapter title "I started at 505" only because that was my guess at Flandre's age assuming she'd lived in the SDM's basement since her birth, and therefore that would be her age as of 2010, the year when I originally wrote this.
I didn't post it until now due to :reasons:.
There is backstory information though!


Basically Flandre has a computer.
Quote from: unlableable
I turn away from my computer.
She also has internet access due to :borders:.
Where she got it and how it has internet, is probably obvious (Yukari/Rinnosuke/Sakuya/etc) but isn't important.
Anyway, she got into Pokemon, became an active member of online forums and such, and even worked her way up to Admin on Bulbapedia!
But, one day Aya found out, Flandre was anger, everyone was lol, stuffz happened, etc.
So Yukari (whether she's got some real plan for this or not is yet to be decided) decides to ya know, help a brother sister out and makes Flandre's dream come true!
And here we are.


I'll post ch2 prolly later today or summat, once I get around to reformatting it.
But after that, honestly, IGN.
For now, here.
An explanation of my writing style as copypasta'd from my profile on another site.
(which is TOTALLY COINCIDENTALLY where the other version of this resides.)

Quote from: unlableable
I think I should provide an explanation of my writing style, as in some ways it's a bit different than what you normally see.

First off, things said outside quotes are usually thoughts by the character who's point of view we are reading the story from. Dots outside quotes count in this too. Usually this is done by writing it as a quote, but in apostrophes and/or in italics.
In lines containing a quote and other stuff, I generally will put the comma or whatever outside the quote, so as to avoid it looking as if it is a part of the quote. I understand I'm supposed to put them inside, but I just don't like it that way.
When using a period string (I forgot the proper term), I try to restrict myself to three, maybe four; however I do admit I tend to prefer using as many as I think will effectively illustrate the time being elapsed.
I also sometimes write with Japanese mixed in with the English. Sometimes in Romaji, other times in actual Japanese characters. (I make sure it's not erratic though when/if I do.)
Like for example,

"I opened my shoe locker to retrieve my shoes, just like I do every day at this boring school in this boring life. Well, at least, I expected to find only my shoes... There's a small folded paper atop my shoes.
Unfolding the note, I find it to read "スキです。"
...It's unsigned. That was all it had on it.
A very cowardly way of going about this...but, I guess it's kind of cute."
(Possible future story idea!? Could be! Maybe. Probably not.
I dunno!)

I write bilingually partially as a way to help illustrate that the majority of, if not all, of my writings are set in Japan. If you're a Westerner and don't get it, then I apologize in advance.
But I think I may keep from doing that with stuff I post here. Or not. Who knows.

Anyway. I think that about sums it up, concerning my writing style.

Concerning updates.
I have no idea.
I add a chapter to something I'm writing when I get a solid idea of what that next chapter will basically be.
And I always freewrite. Usually, nothing is planned, nothing is jotted down, and nothing of a chapter is said to anyone until completion of its rough version.
I really hate using outlines and webs and stuff like that.
So yeah, time between updates could be anywhere from right away to nearly never. Sorry about the complete unreliability in that.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 04:09:58 PM by あさらぎシジェ »
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.

Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 05:38:10 PM »
Well, finally you put this up on MotK.

I'm still waiting for Chapter Three, Lable. Where's Chapter Three?


  • MS Paint Lasers incoming!
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Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2011, 05:39:48 PM »
It's... lost in borderspace? I don't know yet.
Ask Yukari damnit.
It'll be done once she gets those pancakes I guess.
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.


  • Undying hunger
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Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2011, 08:49:27 AM »
Awww, little Flan has already made a friend. They grow up so fast...

Just don't shoot danmaku in the world of Pokemon...


  • MS Paint Lasers incoming!
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Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2011, 12:16:31 PM »
Just don't shoot danmaku in the world of Pokemon...

I want ideas, not restrictions!  :(
Danmaku could, if you look at it one way, actually fit in well in the Pokemon world.
Whether or not I'm going to actually do that is completely unknown at this point, however, so I may not.

Dropping off the second chapter.   :X


Chapter 2
Sigh ~ The Obligatory Rival

Surprisingly, it isn't all too difficult sleeping inside the bag at all.
What I mean is, you would think that air would run out fast.
But that isn't the case at all.
Since it's as spacious as my basement inside the bag, there's more air than you know what to do with.
And when I reach into the bag, it's like it knows exactly what I want.
I don't know what exactly she did to this bag, but it sure kicks the blood out of any lame purse.
I could easily live in this bag!
I very well could.
Oh wait,....
I do now!
Well, I guess that means I won't need to set up camp or pay for lodging very often, if at all.
And I'm sure I don't need to mention that since vampires are creatures of the night, I don't really need a source of light inside this thing either.
...There isn't one anyway.
Anyway, I need to get dressed.

For some reason I get the feeling my mop hat will fit right in here in this world.
Donning it, I unzip the bag to discover that it's twilight right now.
The sun's light is very weak right now so I should be fine.
At most it may merely sting a little.
I step out into the open and stretch, then look down over the cliff upon the town below as I let out a yawn.
I pick up my bag.
Night descends upon the world as I descend upon the town.

Now that I've a better look at it, perhaps 'village' would be a more appropriate word to use?
Merely four houses stand before me.
The town's sign reads:
"Twinleaf Town ~ Where new leaves breathe."

...Well there doesn't seem to be anything here, so I'll just leave.
Or well, that's what I was GOING to do.
But, apparently, that's not going to be the case...
This is due to the fact that, just as I turn around and begin walking away from the four houses that supposedly can be called a town, I am stopped by the voice of another girl.
??: "Hm? What's a little girl like you doing in a small town like this?"
I think even calling it a "small town" is being generous.
"I'm not really IN the town. I'm technically just outside."
She is merely a meter or so behind me.
...Just where did she come from, anyway?
I don't bother turning around to face her, and instead continue walking.
If she were using magic, I would have sensed it.
She couldn't possibly have just walked up behind me without me knowing, and certainly not in that very small window of time.
Even Izzy isn't that stealthy.
With a mere blink of my eyes, she has appeared before me.
She definitely caught me off guard, as I'm stopped in my tracks.
??: "Hehe~, am I too fast for ya?"
That can't be it. Playing ball requires much faster eyes than tracking this person.
Even so, those with abilities like this are usually stage five bosses.
I'm technically Ex-rank, but that's only if I'm not the player character...
At least I'm cuter as the player character!
Wait, that's totally irrelevant.
"Not really. But I suppose I can admit you surprised me."
I may as well take this moment to case her.
Just looking at her, she's cocky and determined.
Short, black hair with blonde highlights.
Blue jeans and a gray inner t-shirt, and a hoodie-jacket blue on the outside with a yellow interior, the hood down.
I assume she rarely actually uses the hood.
A small Pokeball hangs from her necklace.
Probably the Pokeball for her Starly, which I do realize I've not mentioned it.
Her Starly I noticed first before going down the hill, and again when I half-entered the set-of-four-houses-which-can-apparently-be-called-a-town.
It perched on her shoulder just after she appeared in front of me.
For some reason, she pisses me off.

てきば たかこ
的場  鷹子
Tekiba Takako
The Typical Rival

テーマ:  不退の翼 ~ 鷹飛行始
Theme:  Wings of Determination ~ The Hawk Takes Flight

Takako: "Sou~ nano ka~?
Maybe I should surprise you a bit more while you're still stricken with awe!"
...An opponent?
I'm expected to defeat a stage five boss on the first stage?
Not even my sister is that cruel...
Honestly, I've only a level five Eevee!
Well... Complaining aside.
Gotta start somewhere I suppose, but I didn't expect a trainer battle right away.
I grip at Ui-chan's ball in my hand, my thumb placed on the button and ready to release her.
"Maybe I was mistaken.
With a line like that, you're more like a stage one boss!"
Takako: "Stage one boss? What are you talking about, some kind of STG?"
My finger presses the button on the ball, releasing Ui-chan.
I don't let go of the Pokeball, because the effect in the anime that you can throw it and it just magically come back to your hand is obviously fake.
Well, I probably could make it come back to my hand magically... but it's easier to just not throw it.
Ui-chan appears before me in flash of bright light.
Takako: "An Eevee? That's unusual for this area..."
??: "It certainly is."
??: "Eevees never appear around here. Curious you would find a specimen such as this one around our little Twinleaf Town."
I don't know who this guy is. And I don't like how he used the word "specimen" either.   
Takako doesn't seem to be surprised by him at all...
He caught us, or at least me anyway, off-guard. Just like she did...
Surely they can't border. The only one who can do that is, HER.
He's an old man too... Grey hair and matching optimal grey mustache. A strapped briefcase. And a white coat.
Oh. This guy must be a professor.
Nanakamado: "Ahem, my apologies. My name is Prof. Nanakamado.
I am the leading Professor here in the Sinnoh region, based here in little Twinleaf Town.
I see you've met young Tekiba-san here. I hope you two will get along just fine, but she is a bit of a troublemaker."
Takako: "Mou, Nanakamado-hakase, that's so mean!"
Nanakamado: "Oh, and who was it that broke one of the lab windows last week?"
Takako: "Uuu..."
Nanakamado: "You should come to my lab sometime. I'd like to hear more about you, and I don't think you're from around here either."
Well, while he did use the word specimen, he doesn't seem like a bad person. And he's got an up on Takako, so that should be useful too...
"Yeah, I might stop in sometime. Ok."
Nanakamado: "Splendid! Off we go then!"


I introduced Takako the same way characters are in the normal Touhou games, with their name and title appearing over the conversation, rather than them actually exchanging names in the conversation. Not only is this nice because it's a nod to the games, but it also allows me to avoid trying to fit an exchange of names into the conversation somewhere.  :V
I think only opponents will be introduced this way, though.
And obviously "Border of Duel" is from the fighting games.
I think I'll use this too.

Also if you haven't noticed, I'm using the Japanese names for characters from the Pokemon world, but English names for the Pokemon themselves.
Even though I always watched the English Pokemon anime, I write using Japanese names for people.
So I just felt I had to.
Speaking of which.

About Takako's name.
Her surname, Tekiba, is written with the Kanji 的場. 的 means "typical", and it's reading (てき, teki) is also the reading for 敵, which means opponent, rival, or adversary. And 場 (ば, ba) means place or occasion.
As for her given name, Takako, it's written with the Kanji 鷹子. 鷹 (たか, taka) means falcon or hawk, and 子 (こ, ko) means child (typically girl) and is a very common ending of girls' given names.
Hawks are a natural enemy of bats.
Thus her name means "The hawkling at the usual spot", but you could just say she's the typical(/annoying) bird(brain) or typical(/annoying) rival.
If I say she's an annoying bird though, she's more like a second stage boss.
Or maybe it's fourth!
Well, she's not a sparrow or a crow, though.
I'll say fourth, since that's where rival player characters always show up (not future player characters, except for a originally red-haired magician), and that Flandre just isn't very good at gauging other people's abilities yet, at least not in this world.

Oh yeah, and to be clear, Takako's Starly isn't the same Starly seen in Prof. Nanakamado/Rowan's lab in the first episode of the Diamond and Pearl season of the anime.
She caught it nearby a while back and they've been inseparable since.


Also. Chapter one was written and completed within February of 2010.
Chapter two. Written in the time after that, the stalled all the way to February of this year, 2011, when it was finally completed.  :derp:
Personally I don't think this setup is that amazing to be worth a year-long wait.
I know I sure as hell wouldn't wait that long if I wasn't the writer.
But, oh well. Motk just gets the special treatment.
Except for the fact that this is now caught up, which means now I need to write chapter three like right away.
Hopefully posting the story here will help me gather ideas so I can figure out where the hell I want this thing to go.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 04:20:38 PM by あさらぎシジェ »
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.


  • Undying hunger
  • Om nom nom
Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2011, 02:30:12 PM »
Sorry, I actually said that for fun, I wasn't really restricting. Now that I think about it, it will be kinda interesting if Flan suddenly starts shooting in the middle of a trainer battle or uses her power on Pokemon etc
Actually quite a lot of possibilities for this story, hope chapter 3 comes out soon :V


  • MS Paint Lasers incoming!
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Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2011, 03:19:21 PM »
Lol I know I was kidding.
But in the middle of trainer battle.. I don't know about that. That'd screw with trainer battle rules, wouldn't it?
I was thinking perhaps more during plot points, events, THERE IS A STRANGE TREE IN THE WAY - you know, shit like that.
I dunno.
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.


  • MS Paint Lasers incoming!
  • Surprisingly different
    • [あさらぎ Works]
Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2011, 07:06:56 AM »
Yes I know I'm only using Japanese for names of characters but English for everything else. Its terribly inconsistent but for some reason it just feels natural to me that way, I don't know why.
An English name for Takako might be Gavina, but it doesn't sound catchy or memorable enough for her I think.

And yeah. I double-posted. I'm a hypocrite. Sue me. :V

Chapter 3
But I already have my starter! ~ FOR SCIENCE

Nanakamado: "So tell us a little about yourself."
While I said that I'd stop by "sometime", I wasn't actually planning on stopping by "ever". I'll bet the stupid programming locked me in place behind him. That must be why they were able to appear so suddenly without my detection too...
Yet, here we sit, in what appears to be a sitting area, yet we are surrounded by what look to be very complicated machinery and all kinds of science. I bet some of the Kappa and that girl with glasses would love to get their hands on this place.
You know, I could really use a strawberry banana smoothie right about now... kinda thirsty, and spilling through Border Space in a back pack isn't really the smoothest of rides.
Wait that's completely irrelevant, isn't it?
Anyway Prof. Nanakamado sits across from me in one of two armchair and Takako sits to my left on the sofa. They aren't big pieces of furniture or grand in any way... they're white and rather box-shaped. It goes with the feeling of being in a lab I suppose. Even the coffee table sitting between us is white and plasticky.
...Oh! I need to answer his question with something enigmatic don't I! Almost forgot, describing places is such work. I don't know how _ did it so well...
"My name is Flandre, and I come from... well, someplace far away. I don't really wanna talk about it, if that's OK with you.
In any case, I won't be returning for a long time."

A short silence.
Nanakamado: "Well, I'm sure you have your reasons. Everyone has their own reasons.
I won't press it if you don't want to talk about it."
He then changes the subject.
Nanakamado: "So, are you familiar at all with the region?"
I don't think it's such a good idea I mention the anime or games... Probably break some sort of Prime Directive or something.
Really though, I'm actually not too familiar with Sinnoh, actually.
Why she dropped me here, I've no idea, but at least I don't have to deal with that damn vulture and her accursed black and white slanderous rag not even good enough to line the cage of a diseased pest, a pest perhaps miraculously more annoying, more infuriating than those who cheat when they play ball with me, I absolutely hate it when people cheat, it makes me just want to tear out their-
I've gone off on a tangent haven't I?
The traditional old man and the not-so-stylish girl throw me worried looks...
I respond quickly with a spla- an excuse to further the conversation.
"Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself there.
No, I'm really in the dark, actually.
I'm not familiar with the region at all."
Actually, didn't she say there was a map in my bag?
Hm.. no, she said guidebooks, now that I think about it, but they'd probably have a foldout map inside regardless.
Nanakamado: "Ah, well, don't worry. I'm sure you and Tekiba-san will get along just fine!"
Takako: "Yes, I'm sure we wi- BWUUUUUUUHHHHH?"
Nanakamado: "Well, young Flandre-san says she's quite unfamiliar with the region, and it's just about time you set off on your own Pokemon adventure as well. So I figure why don't the two of you travel together. As a native citizen of the Sinnoh region, you could show her around. I'm sure you two could be great friends!"
Takako: "But, but, Nanakamado-hakase, you can't just decide my traveling partner for me! What if I want to travel by myself!"
...What, does she think I'm not good enough for her or something? The very nerve.
Nanakamado: "Now now, Tekiba-san don't be mean to her. And you certainly seemed eager enough to battle with her earlier. They say the first person you fight is the first friend you make!"
Who says that...?
Judging by her expression, Takako just said "That's BS and you know it." in her head.
Takako: "That's BS and you know it."
Oh, guess I was right.
Takako: "And speaking of which, that's right! We were going to have a battle! Alright, if you want to travel with me, you're gonna have to defeat me in a fight to the death!"

てきば たかこ
的場  鷹子
Tekiba Takako
The Typical Rival

テーマ:  不退の翼 ~ 鷹飛行始
Theme:  Wings of Determination ~ The Hawk Takes Flight

"I thought it was supposed to be a Pokemon battle."
Takako: "That's what I meant!"


Nanakamado: "Would you please settle down Tekiba-san? Honestly, your Starly can't even fly yet. Let alone use Fly. All it knows is Tackle. Wait until your Pokemon are at least Level 10 before you two fight. At least that way the two of you won't be using the same Move each turn and it just comes down to who has a higher base HP stat."
While I understood what the Professor just said, Takako appears to be completely lost.
Takako: "I'm lost."
Ah, I was right again.
Takako: "But that's not the point! I want to beat her into the ground!"
What did I do to incite this girl's wrath, honestly? Is everyone in this world like this..?
Well, I suppose it's not too different from Gensokyo in that respect if it is.
Takako: "Why do you keep interrupting me, Nanakamado-hakase!"
"Because if the only Move our Pokemon know is Tackle, it's going to be a very boring fight. I'd like my first battle to be more exciting than simply who has more HP, if you don't mind."
Takako: "What, you think you're better than me? I'll show you!"

てきば たかこ
的場  鷹子
Tekiba Takako
The Typical Rival

テーマ:  不退の翼 ~ 鷹飛行始
Theme:  Wings of Determination ~ The Hawk Takes Flight

...When did I say something like that?


Nanakamado: "This is getting tiresome."
"Agreed. Mind if I knock her out?"
Nanakamado: "While normally I wouldn't condone such a thing, in this case I'll make a special exception.
Go for it."
The annoying birdbrain is on the floor, head spinning.
She needs to learn to graze.
Her Starly pecks at her cheek to try to wake her up.
Nanakamado: "My, that was quite effective, and quick too. All I saw was a short, small flash of light."
"Lasers are great, aren't they?"
Nanakamado: "...huh?"
"They make my heart soar. Which gives me free reign to all my dark desires."
Nanakamado: "Uhh...I see.
Well, anyway, normally I'd give you a starter Pokemon and Pokedex, but you already have a starter."
"I have a Pokedex too."
Nanakamado: "Right, well then here's my contact information. Feel free to contact me at any time about discoveries you've made or even come back to visit again sometime."
He hands me a small card with his contact information on it, and what appears to be a MicroSDcard, probably containing the same information stored in an electronic file, most likely to be used with PokeGear or one of those other similar devices that she gave me a bunch of.
Uhh, what should we do about her..?"
Nanakamado: "Don't worry, I know just the thing to do.
Here, take this."
...She's an item now?
Well whatever, at least now I can move her without having to strain myself trying to carry her.
I really wouldn't be willing to carry her further than a pixel, to be honest.
Hehe~ "Well, I'll be leaving then."
Nanakamado: "This late? You should at least wait for Dawn."
"No thanks, I'd rather get an early start. I've wasted enough time as is.
Since I can't ask Birdbrain right now, where's Sinnoh's first gym?"
I'm not sure if I really want to go for Badges or Ribbons yet, but I may as well start with the first gym, see how I like it, then decide from there I guess.
Nanakamado: "You'll find the first gym in Oreburgh City. North of here, Sandgem Town, is Jubilife City, and East of Jubilife lies Oreburgh."
I turn and start for the door.
"C'mon Starly."
It's reluctant to follow me, but since I've got it's trainer in the bag, it doesn't really have a choice, does it?
Understanding this, it follows me without question.
I casually wave goodbye to Professor Nanakamado and head out the door.
I'm greeted with the beautiful sight of the starry night sky.
The same, yet also mysteriously different starry night sky that greeted me upon arrival here in this world...

Only a couple months for this one! And my birthday was a week ago!  :toot:
Maybe this means it won't take so long for the next chapter!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 06:31:44 AM by あさらぎシジェ »
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.

Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2011, 07:46:43 AM »
A vulture? Pretty evil... Come on, she only ever sold about 200 before we caught her........... She's not a vulture.
More like, a slanderous, half-hag gnat girl. :V
Also, that Dawn was just there to infuriate me, I bet. :|
All in all, it was good. Now work on part four. X:


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Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2011, 09:28:01 AM »
Slave driver. :|
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.


  • MS Paint Lasers incoming!
  • Surprisingly different
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Re: Scarlet Training
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2011, 02:38:50 AM »
Lol not enough replies means I have to double post.
I don't like double posting, damnit! It's hypocritical!
As if I'm not enough of a hypocrite as is.
Moving at a semi-progressive pace here!

Chapter 4
Reflection ~ Moonlight

He said to go North.
There's a path that leads North between the PokeMart and the Pokemon Center, the Center being next door to the Professor's lab.
...This town is rather small too, isn't it?
At least it's not FOUR HOUSES.
Well, actually, this town is two houses. Three if you count the lab. Plus a Pokemon Center and a PokeMart.
The town sign reads:
"Sandgem Town ~ The sandy town connected to the ocean.
You're telling me they managed to fit 25 people--
Oh never mind, I'm not even going to bother.
Twinleaf Town's sign said the population there was 10, but at least that's believable for four houses.
Even if four houses cannot possibly be called a town to begin with.
This place is more like a pit stop, to be honest.
Well, while Jubilife is up that Route to the north, I haven't really trained my new Eevee at all yet, have I?
I almost battled Birdbrain... several times, in fact.
But what would be the point if both of our Pokemon are as much noobs as we are?
I pull out the guidebook and open to the map of Sinnoh.
Ok... here is Twinleaf Town, and then... right now I'm in Sandgem, which is.. here.
And then between these towns is Route 201.
Now from what I recall, the wild Pokemon on the first route in a region are usually about level 1 and 2.
Ui-chan is level 5.
Hm... but I don't really feel like backtracking.
What about the next route?
That's... ah, Route 202.
If the first route's wild Pokemon are about level 1 and 2, then the second route should have wild Pokemon at levels 3 and 4.
There's a water route South of Sandgem, Route 219.
Oh that must be Sandgem's "connection to the ocean".
Hm, well, I can take a little detour.
It's still early on, and Birdbrain won't be up for a while anyway.
I head straight South from between the Pokemon Center and the Poke Mart, and past one of the two houses.
A few more steps, and my feet touch sand for the first time.
A few more steps, and I can see the water.
A few more steps, and I stand at the edge of the shore.
It doesn't stretch out for very far, there's a sandbar a few meters in front of this shore, but beyond that it seems to go on for quite a ways.
According to the guidebook, that's Route 220 up ahead.
I can't see it from here though...
These two routes make up the southernmost part of the Sinnoh region.
If there was a map of the world, what would the area south of here, just off this map here, look like?
...Actually, this guidebook doesn't have a map of the world.
How weird.
Well, maybe I can get one later anyway...
I've just started my 'grand Pokemon adventure' so, maybe it's best I not worry about the rest of the world beyond this region for now...
Aaaahhhh, but even so....
"Ui-chan, come on out."
The Pokeball opens, and beams forth a bright light that gently forms into my Pokemon.
Isn't it supposed to burst out violently..?
Well, maybe it's just the atmosphere.
"C'mere Ui-chan."
She happily leaps into my lap with a "Ui!~"
I give my new Pokemon a gentle squeeze.
The moon, it shines so brightly upon this small beach tonight.
Surrounded by all those wonderful stars...
Did my sister always get to see this kind of sight... every night?
I wonder if she still gazes at its wonder, over five hundred years since we were born.
These being the first few nights I've been able to spend outside... it's very difficult for me to not be simply awe-stricken by the night sky's beauty...
I wonder if, after five hundred years-worth of night skies, will I too take this beauty for granted?
Will I no longer be captivated by the infinite expanse of darkness, dotted with tiny bits of light, high above the world?
Having known nothing but darkness, darkness,... and nothing but more darkness above my head for the past...,
No, for my whole life...
I don't think I can imagine myself not being amazed by the night sky's wondrous beauty.
I think, it'd be very sad if I were to not be amazed by it.
I think, it'd be like forgetting my past.
I think, it'd be as if I was no longer myself...
The feeling of Ui-chan's soft fur against my hands...
I stroke her back, from the top of her head, to just behind her ear, and down her back.
She's so warm...
"ui~" she lets out a quiet purr.
Isn't it funny?
I'm a vampire.
Before coming here... I've never seen the moon before in my entire life.
I've only known darkness.
I'm sure if it weren't for my ability to break stuff, they wouldn't have had to lock me up...
Well, I say "lock", but really it was pretty lenient.
I could go about the mansion as I liked, so long as I didn't go upstairs while it was day, or ever went outside.
It was still really dark though...
Sis wouldn't even let me have a lamp or candle in my basement.
She didn't know I had a computer or games, the others were nice enough to keep that a secret from her for me.
I'd have been soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored without those.
And, well, I was, for a long time.
I didn't get those until not even fifty years ago, if not thirty.
Didn't know how to work them until fifteen.
I still don't understand why She of all people would want to do something like this for me...
Ah, that moon.
It could in part be due to that I'm a vampire, but it's probably more that I've never seen it myself before...
I just can't get enough of gazing at it...
The way it and the stars reflect off the water, and the way it just hangs up there so mysteriously...
Even if it is nighttime, even if I am right on the water,...
I don't feel chilly at all.
Perhaps it's because Ui-chan is with me...
But right now,
Under the moonlight,
I feel, so warm inside.
"Ui-chan, let's go to sleep.
It's a bit early but, right now I'm so sleepy."
I press the button on her Pokeball, and with the same bright, yet gentle light as before, she returns.
I hold her Pokeball close to my chest, then look back up at the moon.
"I wonder... was coming here really the right thing to do?
After a pause, I decide to dismiss pondering this, at least for now.
I put Ui-chan's Pokeball away, then climb into the bag and head to sleep.
Before, when I'd close my eyes, I saw the same darkness inside my eyelids as I saw around me.
Now, I see the same starry sky that lies high above me.

I'm worried I might set some sort of record if I keep writing chapters for this without an actual Pokemon battle of some kind.
But, I'm getting a slightly clearer idea of things now, so it may not be too far off.
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.