Author Topic: Mode's Shorts  (Read 5577 times)

Easy Mode

Mode's Shorts
« on: February 16, 2011, 04:04:51 AM »
This may include poetry in the future!

Lately, I've been wanting to write more and more Touhou fics, but a lot of the time I lack the drive to do just that. In this, I'm going to make myself start writing as much as possible.

Here's the first story so far:

Yuugi is pretty much just creepin' on Parsee from a rooftop. Not much happens.

   It was really hard to not just ogle those hips, you know? The fabric all stretched out across them like some perfect coffee tapestry, accentuating every little curve and crease of her pert behind as it wriggled with each sly-footed step she took- you'd have to be blind not to notice that. Or maybe I was just getting a little too into things, watching her the way I do. That must have been it, I'm sure. Where's the harm in just watching?

   That's one thing you sometimes never let yourself notice. Mostly because, well, it's a little embarrassing to admit that it's just a flowery way of saying ?I was staring at her ass earlier today?, but I guess the realization of that doesn't sting too bad after a while. When you're this high up, staring at some girl from a rooftop, it really draws away from whatever else creepiness you've got gushing out of you, no matter how damn flowery it may be.

   Still, I lean over the edge a bit and stare, my hair trailing across my face and affixing itself to my lips and chin with slobber and booze. Before you start asking, I wasn't drooling over her or anything, just watching. Watching and drinking, it's part of my nature, you see. I bet she'd understand if I just took a step down and said hello once in a while, and she wouldn't have any weird judgments or reservations about some creepy oni glaring down at her from a damn roof.

   Sometimes I think I can see her looking back up at me, down on that paved road, like, if I squint hard enough I know I can see it, or at least pretend. She's staring right at me, her enormous green eyes reflecting the sun with a shine rivaling every dewdrop collected on every blade of grass after a Summer storm, unblinking and watching- watching me like I actually matter to her or something. Just the thought of it really leaves me a giddy, childish mess. Like I said before, it's embarrassing.

   Her lips are always taut closed, as if she's trying to hold something in- as if she would part her mouth and every word would spill out onto the ground beneath her, every secret she's ever held and every whisper, every gasp and yell, every sentence, beginning and end- and you know what? They'd all float up to me, and with open palms I'd catch each one and hold it tight. I'd cradle it to my heart, hold it against my chest, and breathe in every last one of those words, inhaling them deeply so she can't ever get them back.

   Maybe she'll never say my name. Maybe she'll never even lock eyes with mine, high up here on this rooftop. I guess you can say I've made myself a bit of an outsider, I've alienated myself from her and I've got nobody else to blame. I guess you'd be right.

   ?Parsee Mizuhashi,? I say to myself aloud, crossing my legs underneath me and leaning over to stare. ?Watch me for once.?


  • Toasty
  • What is Death, anyway? Is it like pudding?
Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 04:18:30 AM »
Charming. Actually I really enjoyed this. Probably because it perfectly describes how I feel about Aegis. *nosebleed* Heh. Good use of imagery as well. I'd like to see you writing a little more too, ya lazy.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2011, 04:31:54 AM »
This was really nice. I like that the tone goes from casual conversational to poetic with ease. And I really, really liked the visual of Parsee's words floating up and into Yuugi's hands. Yuugi also has an edge to her affection for Parsee that's a little unsettling. I like this.

The only suggestion I'd make is a technical one - that I'd not use a plot summary of the story to follow. You don't need it, I don't think.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2011, 10:29:12 PM »
yuuparu shipping strength ++++++++ read about me playing league i guess

Easy Mode

Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2011, 03:43:45 PM »
Thanks, guys. :3 I really appreciate comments!

I'm going to try writing something new today, and will get around to finishing the OrinxSatori fic I was working on a while ago.


  • Toasty
  • What is Death, anyway? Is it like pudding?
Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 04:09:16 AM »
I demand moar! Mao!

Easy Mode

Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 09:24:32 PM »
Two poems i had to write in class. The first is an "I Am" poem, which is the stupidest fucking thing in the world. It's like: "I am, I wish, I want etc".

The second poem is supposed to be in the rhyming scheme of The Raven. I hate rhyming so much oh my god.


I am
a teenage, hopeful pessimist

I wonder
if I will ever find myself in the Paradisaical Heaven's Valhalla

I hear
the unspoken, unwritten word

I see
the music penetrating the lobes of my mind

I want
to follow in the footsteps of the Serpent

I am
a teenage, hopeful pessimist

I pretend
to wish well upon this world

I feel
the moon, its immortal smoke

I touch
upon the wanton whines of my soul

I worry
that I too may lose the will to wish

I cry
for the deaths of cartoon deer

I am
a teenage, hopeful pessimist

I understand
the inner workings of striped, cotton panties

I say
that which I feel, lacking an any filter in my words

I dream
about soft serve skirts and aprons

I try
to grow with the planet

I hope
for the light and downfall of our worlds

I am
a teenage, hopeful pessimist

Within the darkened chambers of the girl's palace
Underground voices, lonely and cold
Whip against the cracks of stained glass
Blowing in salvaged, forgotten corridors of old
Flowing through empty caverns, whispering fables then untold
Upon her ears, a third eye listens as stories unfold

It opens wide, inhaling the unspoken words
Gossip and lies, hushes and cries
The girl smiles a painful smirk
At the cost of her friends, the flings and good-byes
That pained smirk falters as, inside, she dies
Cursed forever to be lonely, picking apart hearts with bloodshot third eyes

Sitting alone in the darkened girl's palace
She's closed shut her third eye for good
With needle and thread, haunted blood spills
Stitching together tight, the tortured flesh stood
With her two glaring eyes under a psychological hood
Hartmann's Youkai Girl, she is: the girl least understood.

Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2011, 09:26:51 PM »
The Chireiden

by Edgar Allen Mode

Easy Mode

Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2011, 10:27:12 PM »
This is something I had originally wrote for the Valentine's Day thing, but my computer was being a bitch so I lost it. Thankfully it was still in Skype logs.

The girl's eyelashes fluttered gently under the heaving light of the simulated sun, dusting against her soft cheekbones like tiny black feathers. Her lips were parted just slightly with miniscule amounts of drool encrusting either corner of her mouth, her thick, tousled hair encircling her chin like a pink halo. As she slept, the loose, white blanket draped around her chest rose and fell with each deep, calm breath, as if it was being moved by some unseen, angelic force. It was certainly something nice to look at, even if the view left such a large stone in the pit of her stomach.

 The girl sleeping peacefully beside her just happened to be her master.

 Orin was simply the pet.

 Sitting up sharply at the disgusting realization of this, the nekomata sat up and screwed her eyes shut, being hit with the awful truth a little too roughly.

 'Last night, last night?' Orin thought to herself, her reasoning drowning and perishing in a typhoon of negative emotions, with winds of uncertainty thrashing about for good measure. She brought her palms to her face and cupped them over her eyes with a sigh, sliding them down her cheeks in exasperation. 'Just what the hell happened last night?'

 Her eyes fell onto Satori and lingered on her nearly-nude form for just a minute, idling until she could bring herself to accept their previous ?engagement?.

 - - -

 ?Miss Komeiji, you're going to stay home again?? Orin asked gently, squatting next to the girl strewn limply across the brocade couch. ?Especially on a day like this? I'm sure you must be lonely.?

 ?I don't see what makes today any different from every other day of the year!? Satori snapped back, her voice grating and sharp. The bitterness of her retort made the nekomata recoil in shame. Perhaps she was digging a little too deeply in Satori's affairs. After all, it wasn't really her business, as a pet and all. This embarrassment humbled her greatly for a matter of seconds before she decided to prod again.

 ?Miss Komeiji,? she began, her words softer than the ones last spoken. ?I don't mean to pry, but you aren't upset about being without a mate again tonight, are you? Still, I understand you cannot breed and all that, but I think it's strange to not at least have someone.? Pausing, she allowed her words to sink into Satori's mind for a little while before continuing again. ?Or are you content with just pets? That's even more strange!?

 Without warning, Satori shot upwards in her spot, her body rigid with anger. She opened her mouth to yell, but regained a bit of composure- enough to hiss at Orin lividly.

 ?Mind your own matters! All I need are my pets. I don't need a mate.? Satori's voice quaked as she spoke, as if she was skirting on the edge of tears. It didn't take all the studies in the world to know that Orin's guess was right: Satori really was lonely, and she was trying her damnedest to deny it.

 The nekomata bit her lip and glanced at the floor, unsure of what she could possibly say to remedy the situation she had gotten herself into. After a few seconds of digging within her thoughts subtly to avoid her mistress's mind-gazing third eye, she reached a glimmer of hope for the problem.
 ?I have a proposition for you. How about, instead of being your pet, I be your mate tonight?? Orin piped up. Aside from her slight breathing, Satori was mostly silent. ?Just for tonight? You can try out not being lonely for on-?

 ?Fine. Fine. Whatever.?

- - -

'Was that really all it took?' Orin stared at her sleeping mistress again and flopped back onto the pillows below, her head landing with a soft thud. The rock in the pit of her stomach rolled about as her nerves flared. How would she explain this to the rest of the Palace? How would she even explain it to herself? Beside her, Satori mumbled and reached above her head, causing her already flimsy blanket to slide down to her waist and expose her breasts, which were sloping slightly into her chest thanks to her lazily stretching position. The nekomata's cheeks burned under the fiery blush spreading across her face.

 If she were to fix the blanket, it would undoubtedly wake up her mistress.

'Why is this even an issue? I can just turn my face over to the side and- and- oh, why is this so hard?' Orin couldn't lift her eyes from the girl's chest, despite her best efforts to not stare.

She drew her lips into a tight little line and exhaled a sigh through her nose.

'I have to do this. I can't keep staring like this.'

- - -

?This wine really is something,? Satori mused aloud, swirling the frothing, red liquid around in her fluted glass. It splashed about dangerously, despite being contained in its clear cage. ?I can taste- what, a century or so on it? Too classy for that oni, I'm sure.?

The nekomata sitting across from her squirmed in her high-backed seat. Never had she seen her mistress that open and friendly, chatty even. It unnerved her quite a bit. Was she drunk after just a glass? The possibility dropped a stone in her gut.

Soon, though, her thoughts were interrupted by a shriek.

?Orin! Hurry! Help me clean this mess up! Ah, it's getting everywhere!?

- - -

With the gentleness of the very breeze that pounded softly against the glass of the stained glass windowpanes, the nekomata leaned over slightly to pull the blanket over Satori's bared chest. However, before she could cover them up, she was met with dewy, half-open eyes. They blinked once, twice, three times before Orin felt two hands pressed against the back of her head, dragging her down.

Satori smiled as she pressed her lips to her pet's, lingering for a split second, thoughtfully. She pulled away soon after, giggling at the nekomata's rather dopey smile- which quickly hardened into an pensive frown.

?Miss Komeiji, I'm sorry. I really am, I promise.? Orin apologized, staring down at the creases in the blankets, which zigzagged across her body like cracks in cement. ?Berate me however you want. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that. I'm sorry, really.?

Satori stared at her dully for a full minute, her happy face retaining its usual apathy and sallow.

?You stupid, stupid cat. What could you possibly be whining about?? she said dryly, folding her arms over her chest in annoyance.

?Are you saying you aren't mad or something?? Orin replied. ?I don't understand, Miss Komeiji. Honestly.?

Satori's glare melted into the smile from before and she leaned into the nekomata's arms.

?You're so oblivious.? she murmured, nuzzling her face into Orin's chest. ?It's cute.?

The nekomata leaned back onto the headboard, her mistress's face buried in her bosom soft as the very light shining upon them. While she was still mulling over the oblivious comment, she certainly wasn't going to ask any questions.

She had found her mate.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2011, 10:34:23 PM »
Now as touching as that was, Orin is a Kasha. 0/10.

But in all seriousness, that was actually pretty good.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2011, 10:47:54 PM »
Your work always has this unpretentious darkness in it; it's sincere without being melodramatic. I think you have a real feel for the macabre. It's really refreshing, honestly, because it's not very easy to pull off.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Easy Mode

Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2011, 10:48:52 PM »
Now as touching as that was, Orin is a Kasha. 0/10.
same thing uguu
Your work always has this unpretentious darkness in it; it's sincere without being melodramatic. I think you have a real feel for the macabre. It's really refreshing, honestly, because it's not very easy to pull off.
Thank you, Tony Tengu. e we~

I really appreciate that, mostly because I worried that I'm getting too "crawling in my skin."


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Mode's Shorts
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2011, 10:52:51 PM »
Not at all. The way you use the language lets the darkness speak for itself, as opposed to "emo" style writing, where the author tries too hard to wring out as much darkness as possible with melodrama and style over substance.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."