Author Topic: The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)  (Read 5167 times)


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The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)
« on: January 09, 2011, 10:50:52 PM »
One day, while flying over my new home in Gensokyo, I noticed that my ROBO-BOOSTERS had begun to falter. Before I could even think of whether or not Mistress Modes had refilled my gas tanks I was plummeting through the air, flailing wildly/erotically. I'm sorry, I meant robotically, not erotically. I'm not sure why that happened there. A few moments after I crashed through a strange roof into a home that was so cluttered it seemed impossible for anyone to have been living there I noticed a strange feeling in my ROBO-LEGS BECAUSE I AM A ROBOT. There was oil leaking everywhere! Also my legs were broken! And the prom is tomorrow! I am not certain what that means, I think I have not fully recovered from the damage I incurred, I am sorry. 

I somehow got back to the workshop Mistress Modes uses when I am in need of repair or modification or my output unit needs to be serviced. I am uncertain of what purpose this service lends itself to, as the only difference I detect is a lower fluid balance in my chassis. In any case when I regained function my Mistress was beating me with some sort of floppy stick and yelling about impotence, but then she hugged me. I like hugs. But actually she was just turning on my new boosters. She said to go test them so I went into hover-mode and opened the door to the outside world. A cool breeze rustles my ROBO-HAIR as I stepped out onto the veranda. The wheat field neat the garage was waving softly as though welcoming me into its folds. I must remember to ask mistress to frolic with me in the wheat sometime soon. I took off, relishing the power of my new flight unit. I decided to head over the forest again, and perhaps apologize to that huts owner.

"Hey asshole!" Hmmmm? I was perplexed. As my design is in no way rectally designed. I turned to see a strange girl with a pointy hat and a black and white dress. Who might you be madam? I inquired. "I'm the one whose fucking house you left a bitch shaped hole in yesterday asshole!" Now I am not certain if you know of my sordid past. But my bum-bum is a sensitive topic for me. I may have lost my temper. Which is to say, my ROBO-TEMPER. Which is, in fact, non-existent. I realized that I was going to be attacked so I fired first. I am told this was wrong. I scored an indirect hit with the lowest setting of the Zeto-Gun. Which merely singed her dress. Consider that a warning shot, Blondy. All-of-a-sudden, the air was filled with shining orbs and stars and all other kinds of crazy things. But they were moving really slow and with my new boosters I had no trouble dodging them. I shot her again, this time with the Proto-Nariaki  (Meiji-era FTW) and ended her projectile bombardment. Then my HUD showed a lot of numbers that made no sense because I didn't have time to read them before another hail of shinies was headed my way! I Fired the Zeto-Gun at maximum power because I was getting pretty bored. I nailed her right in the chest and said quietly "Dead-Center" while bowing my head to watch her plummet to the Earth. She seemed ok though, I saw her scampering off... Somewhat naked though, as the Max-Gunn has an extremely high heat rating and... well her clothes may have become, well, fiery. And she, understandably, removed them. And it being October there were a few dry leaves here and there... As I flew home I did feel I could maybe possibly be somewhat responsible for the conflagration that engulfed the forest. Perhaps.



« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 04:45:53 AM by Zetogunn »


  • Toasty
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Re: The Booster Test (or how I killed a forest)
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 01:12:39 AM »
I suppose I'm just bored, but I thought I might
Just post here again. To say that the next installment of Zeto's incredibly shite adventure will not be put up for a long time to come.
Sorry, non-existent fans, I'm sure you're all holding your non-breath.


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Re: The Booster Test (or how I killed a forest)
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2011, 02:35:06 AM »
Uggh marisa lrn2dodge. Anyways I may not be a writer but ill give some input.  First I feel that you should of described your char at some point. It was kinda confusing who was who or maybe it was cuz I skimmed it(not tht ur story is bad!) Otherwise I kinda enjoyed it and I look forward to more.  Robohappiness!! ...I had to do it :D


  • Toasty
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Re: The Booster Test (or how I killed a forest)
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2011, 05:03:10 AM »
Ok... Because ShadyKoopa made me feel wanted (and because Paper Mario and cake are both awesome) I'll continue the story of the upgrades. Actually the whole not describing Zeto kinda has a point, but I'll get to that later. *Ahem*... HOURS LATER!

"Toaster-Boy what the HELL is going on out there!?" My Mistress, the great Modeska Calzatti, was screaming at me as I shot in through the window and crashed into a work-bench, sending parts-scattering-all-over.

"I-am-sorry-mistress, I failed to estimate the nature of my weapons. Why do they destroy clothes?" I said my stub-legs kicking wildly in the air as I tried to right myself. I was on top of my neck at a very odd angle. I imagine for a human it would be most uncomfortable.

"Eh? That's uh- That's just this thing..." She trailed off. "Anyway, I guess  shouldn't have let you use the Toaster-Gunn without testing it."



"It's called the Zeto-Gun. And I am Zetogunn, not toaster boy." I stood up, somehow, and fixed my head so it sat correctly on my shoulders.

"Won't that get confusing? Having the same name for you and your gun?"

"The Gun is a gun. I am a gunn. More N."

"Oooookay... I think you need another tune-up Z." I flinched at those terrible words.

"Noooooooo." I said, not quite garnering the effect I desired since my facial muscles kicked in too late. Leaving me with a monotone cry of anguish followed by spastic facial expressions.

"Didn't you use that joke last time?..."






She grabbed a wrench, "Tune-up time." I wrapped my arms around her and started weeping, very sincerely.

"Please, no! Mistress they hurt so bad!" I felt her hand go to yank me to my feet by the hair but instead I just heard a tearing sound.

"The hell...? Yo Z, look at me." I looked up at her, tears still streaming down my face. "HOLY SH*T OF SUWAKO WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HEAD?!"

I cocked my head to the side. "You pulled out my hair."

"No, I mean yeah, but your fu*king face!" She grabbed a shiny piece of scrap-metal and thrust it in my face. The reflection therein was that of a tired robot, balding, sagging, with two horrifying wounds like tear-trails running down his face, exposing the metal beneath.

"Oops. I put the wrong solution into my tear-ducts. gross." I felt decidedly unrobotic, even though as the pseudo-skin peeled away from the metal beneath it became more and more apparent that I was no human, not even close. I started crying again, removing still more flesh, for reasons unclear to me even now.

"Why does a robot even need to cry?" My mistress was trying not to look at my rapidly dissolving face.
I looked at her shudderingly.

"Some-people-need-you-to-cry." I didn't need to say anymore than that. It had been three years since Mode had pulled my amalgamatory components from the wreckage of Club 7, but she had told me she would never forget the horrors she saw within. She erased them from my memory banks, but sometimes, when I am recharging...

She tore off the rest of my face and hugged me, holding my cold frame close to her body. "Don't worry! I'll fix you right up... Zetogunn."


(Oh, Zeto was the brand of toaster she used to make the heat gun, and some of the core-precessing units.)

Soon, Zeto will adopt his final appearance! I'm kinda shaky as to what I actually want him to look like, but I guess I can always change it if I need to! Thanks for reading!


  • #totes
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Re: The Booster Test (or how I killed a forest)
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2011, 01:24:22 AM »
guess it's up to me again *cracks knuckles*  I do like where this story is going.  Just dont make it overly cliched with like a robot discovering it's feelings.  Also is Mistress Mode human or will that be revealed later?  Lol at toaster gunn.  Srsly thats quite creative.  Oh yeah and im calling ruukoto+zetogunn pair right now  :derp: Nah i kid but uh I hope you have more planned after the characterization.  Cuz it better not be solely about finding zeto's past -.- Still keep on writing!
Edit: I thought of more stuff.  So I feel I was a tad harsh when I said don't write solely about zeto's past.  I intended to say go about it in an original way as possible.  I hope that makes sense... Plus if you want a better more seasoned critic take the best part of your story and enter it in the new writers contest.  You'll have my support!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 04:28:01 AM by Shadykoopa »


  • Toasty
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Re: The Booster Test (or how I killed a forest)
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2011, 04:38:18 AM »
Thanks Shadykoop! I don't really feel like I'm having him "discover his emotions" and it certainly won't be all about his past. It's more like he's trying to cope with his new life and his fantastic abilities, but he's only equipped with the mind of a very sexy toaster.  :V Oh and as for Modes she's actually a real person, who posts on this board even. I believe she is human but she's never been very clear on the subject. Thanks for your input, as always, but I'm afraid I have to put this on the backburner for a bit while I  watch porn work on a few other projects. So updates will somehow be even more infrequent. I'm also going to start taking more than a few minutes on each chapter. :___(  ACID TEARS!!!!


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Re: The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2011, 03:38:14 AM »
No prob bro! I think I want that toaster though :D  oh and take as much time as you need as it will cultivate inspiration. Don't worry about being prompt with your story everybody needs a break.  And I lurk enough to when it will be updated ;)
PS I love this story and its chars. Don't abandon this! Plus that pic in your sig you had with who I think was zeto was awesome. You draw it?


  • Toasty
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Re: The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2011, 06:05:59 AM »
Thanks SK! I was just working on the next chapter and I gotta say... I don't know when the next real action going to come around! I'm just having too much fun having Mode boss me around! Uh... Don't tell her I said that. And the pic in my sig is of Male Aegis from P3. I can't draw for sh*t as you'll see if I ever get around to doing any actual work on Flesh The Wolf. I probably won't though, ever.

Easy Mode

Re: The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2011, 06:40:29 PM »

Zetogunn could be in a robot Kawata Shoujo. :3


  • Toasty
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Re: The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2011, 08:52:34 PM »
                I looked into my reflection and rubbed my skinless hand across my new face.  Mode smacked my hand away, cutting herself on gear 37C. ?I just finished that, don?t go cutting it up now.? Mistress? She sucked on the wound, grumbling. Grabbing for some tape with her left hand, she fumbled with it until it dropped to the floor. ?Dammit!? Allow me to do that. I slowly and carefully wrapped her injury to perfect symmetry and tore the tape at a perfect straight line. ?You idiot,? she mumbled as I worked. ?Always getting hurt, and being one of the only ones like you who can feel pain, I expect you to be more careful from now on.? She pulled her hand away and rushed out of the room. A moment later she came back in and we both said ?Thank you!? at the same time before she looked again at me in that odd way and rushed out again. As I remembered, she was going into the human village to get more Synthetic Skin. Although it did not make much sense to me why the humans would have such a thing.
                   I turned back to the mirror, and the face that gazed into mine was wholly unfamiliar. ?Hello.? I said and watched the lips of the strange man move in sync with mine. It was me in the mirror? I had a shock of wavy blond hair coming out of my head, spilling over almost down to my shoulders, mostly covering my eyes. I lifted the hair, shining silver gears were turning around and around in my eyes. I let the hair drop back into place. My mouth had gone from a small, pursed thing to a pair of full, red lips. I stared at it for a moment, then headed into the parlor. I sat down at the bar and started disassembling my hand. I do not know why I was doing it, I just suddenly started taking it apart, piece by tiny piece. When I heard the door slam I came to and saw that I had taken my right arm apart to the elbow, every piece laid out methodically down the length of the bar. Mode was in the Special Room, which I was not allowed to go into, and had left a bit of a mess behind in the entrance. I rapidly reassembled my arm and proceeded to clean up the mess. Shortly after I finished, mistress came out of the Special Room with a new arm cover. ?There you are, Zeto, and aren't we being a good little robot today? Usually you put cleaning off until nightfall. Maybe that new programming is starting to kick in? Or is this your way of thanking me?? I didn't say anything, I couldn't. I felt increasingly odd as this bewildering night wore on, but I knew one thing for certain. I had to modify a few things before the night was over or terror would surely strike our hidden base. Even I don't know where this place is, in case I fall into enemy hands. I can get here, but I'm not sure how it works. I mumbled some colloquialism and headed into my  room. I opened up the closet and looked over my clothing options. Over half of them were... I exhaled minty-freshness from my mouth an a brief, hard burst. Sigh I removed my maid clothes, which were clearly not designed for a man to be wearing, and Grabbed a pair of too-tight jeans off the rack. I didn't bother with a shirt, but I did grab the jacket Mode had given me last week. The sleeves were too long, so I used my knife to shorten them, and hemmed the edges. Now they were about halfway to my elbows. Perfectly symmetrical. I looked over at my closet again. I had about four pairs of normal jeans and about 30 pairs of cargo pants. Before I knew what I was doing I was screaming and tearing all of the zippers out of, off of, and away from the cargo pants.

                     I awoke in a heap of destroyed pants, fabric gently falling through the air. I was wearing that jacket I had modified, only it was covered in zippers! Zippers on the sleeves, zippers on the pockets, zippers on the neckline, some of them seemed to have just been sown into the fabric of the jacket itself. Mode burst in. ?What the hell is-!...? She started laughing hysterically, her eyes wild. Her hair was flying as she threw her head back and let more roars of insane laughter roil out. I started crying again ?I destroyed Mistress' gifts to me.? She looked down at me (I was kneeling on the floor) and laughed even harder. Then she pulled out a handkerchief and wiped my face with it. I stopped crying, I like it when she does things like that. ?First of all...? She said choking back more laughter. ?You look ridiculous. And secondly...? The handkerchief unrolled in her open palm and she chuckled again. ?You put the wrong stuff in your tear-duct again.? The kerchief was covered in black oil. I grabbed my hair and yelled again. I rushed over to the mirror in my closet to see two perfectly aligned trails running down my face. The ink had sunken into the skin. I was tattooed. ?I-I kind of like it.? I said, pulling off my face and removing the tear-ducts. Mistress chuckled some more.  ?You know what? I kind of like it too.
A few more tune-ups, and I was ready for another trial run. Hopefully, this one won't require combat. If it does though, I'll be ready.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 04:13:47 AM by Zetogunn »


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Re: The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2011, 04:50:16 AM »
Great update to me at least.  The only thing zeto needs now are spell cards.  One of em better involve toast :p also where are all the real critics cuz yall need to get in here and give this bro some advice

capt. h

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Re: The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2011, 06:09:36 AM »
This update desperately needs paragraph breaks.

Also, I believe you spent the first 3/4's of it describing your characters appearance.


  • Toasty
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Re: The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2011, 04:12:00 AM »
Actually I did add in paragraph breaks but for some reason when I posted it they reverted! Seriously, what the hell is going on! I even tried to go back in and edit it and it STILL wouldn't work. And the reason there was so much description was because this was his first imagining. Really I just wanted to set up his character, in fact that's kinda the whole point of the upgrade saga. Until he reaches MAXIMUM POWA! Thanks for posting here guys, I REALLY appreciate it. Like, a lot. Granted I only write this to take a break from writing Tragedy and Johnny but even so Zeto's a character I can never get enough of. His real story is SO dark that I decided to put him into the Touhouverse where nothing has any serious consequences and he can be free~ As opposed to living out the constant nightmare of depression that is Fatebreaker. I HAVE WAY TOO MANY PROJECTS. Also caps-lock, F that right? Anyway. New update some time this week. If you really care. I'll try again to fix that last post...


  • Toasty
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Re: The UpGrade SaGa (Now with 200% more REFERENCES!!!Q!)
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2011, 04:15:00 AM »
Meh, good-enough.