Day 3, 2:05 PM
From a bunker deep in the bamboo forest of the lost, the residents of Eientei prepared for their usual war.
?Squad three, report.?
?All clear!?
?Squad four, report.?
?All clear!?
?Squad five, report.?
??Squad five??

?All squads, we have a possible Mokou sighting in the south east quadrant. Prepare your weapons and head out.?
?Yes ma?am!?
?Princess, this could be a prank by Tewi and the other rabbits, which means that responding leaves us open from the north.?
?Good point Eirin.? ?Tewi, report to the control room immediately!?
?Yes princess?? a short girl with rabbit ears popped in to the room.
?Why isn?t Reisen responding??
?It must be Mokou, ma?am.?
Kaguya continued to glare at the girl, and Tewi began shirking away.
?Are you sure it?s Mokou.?
?Yes ma?am.?

?I swear it wasn?t me this time. I was on patrol in the northern quadrant.?
Kaguya continued to glare.
?Fine, I was stealing carrots from the village gardens. Happy now??
?We?ll talk about that later. But for now, we?ll treat the southern threat as Mokou.?
?You shouldn?t.?
A white haired girl came bursting into the room, where outside two guards were out cold. Normally the burns would have killed them, but youkai guards are much hardier than human guards.
?Mokou, how did you find us??
?I followed that rabbit home. You know, when you decide to steal, you should really avoid doing it from Keine?s garden.?
?Tewi, we?re going to have a long talk after this.?
?Followed by extensive medical testing,? Eirin added, to Tewi?s terror.
?So, do I win??
?Not yet. Eirin, use the arrows!?
Erin shot Mokou through the chest several times, while Mokou began twisting Kaguya?s right arm.
?Say uncle.?
?Come on already, we went all out with the poison on the arrows. Even if the chest wounds don?t get you, you should be on the floor screaming from the poisons.?
Then, Kaguya?s arm sickeningly cracked, and blood began flowing out of the tear.
?Alright, alright I give. But why aren?t you writhing in agony??
?Eirin?s stuffed me full of embalming fluid and dissected me on two different occasions. Did you really think there exists a poison that hurts more than that??
?You?re no fun. At least pretend to look tortured.?
?You?re one to talk. I just twisted your arm off, and you?re already exchanging pleasantries.?
?Princess,? Eirin cut in, ?if Mokou and Tewi are both here, then there is probably a third party involved in the communication break with Udonge. Perhaps we should investigate??
?Exactly. We?re immortal, we can torture each other to death later. But Udonge isn?t.? Kaguya picked up the radio with her good arm, the other one lying limp and bloody by her side. ?Troops, what is the status on squad five??
?There appears to be several humans in the south east quadrant taking prisoners. Current objective unknown, but they are using some strange weapons. They shoot bullets like spell cards, but only a few bullets at a time, and the shots move way too fast to dodge.?
?Mokou, want to come along? I could use some extra protection.?
?Sure, I always wanted to use you as a meat shield.?
?And please rip those arrows out outside, the sound they make coming out is disgusting.?
?Well sorry for being shot, princess.?