Author Topic: This is the 9th thread dedicated to the recording of failures at playing Touhou.  (Read 150708 times)

Completely screwed up that No Bombs run.

Mystia first boss card
Mystia final nonspell
Keine's midboss card
Not Ephemerality 137
Three Treasures
Legend of Gensokyo
Not Asteroid Belt
Midboss Marisa's second nonspell
Midboss Marisa's final spell

Credit feed the rest and end up No Bombs 5cc because I'm that damn bad at Eirin. Screwed up Reisen. Failed Hourai Elixir at 0 seconds left. That Apollo 13 capture doesn't even make up for all those fails.

I should probably practice more on Kaguya as it's been a while since I practiced her a lot.


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
    • Animu List
Okay, just because I haven't touched Subterranean Animism in a month does not mean I am allowed to die in the first stage, against Capture Web. It also does not mean I'm allowed to die in stage 2, right before midboss Parsee, during Grandpa Hanasaka, and Midnight Anathema Ritual. Nor against Yuugi's KO in Three Steps.

That run really sucked ;_;

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)

One playthrough of PoFV on Normal equals:

a) a sore thumb from firing so many shots
b) a sore fist punching the wall when Sikieiki refuses to die for 3 minutes after going to her last hp.
Quote from Myosotis:
"Marriage is a game you can't win. Also, no replay value and the level design is bullshit.


  • :|
  • XephyrEnigma
UFO, Normal, Reimu B.
Beat midboss Ichirin with 0.66 lives, gained one and lost it due to carelessness.
Replay here
Iced-Fairy: "Danmaku is like soccer, except instead of hooligans you get fairies and the riot is before the game." 

My YouTube channel where I often screw about - Latest Upload: IN Border Team Easy Clear

It sucks that I seem to have forgotten how to do midboss Marisa's second nonspell.


No Miss No Bomb Stage 4 on practice mode then failed Marisa's Last Spell.

Also, after that tried another No Bombs attempt, perfecting the first 3 stages last spells included, then died 4 times on stage 4, 3 times on stage 5, twice to Eirin's nonspell, then game overed on Kaguya's opener.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 02:46:39 PM by Chaotic Phoenixma »

Sometimes its hard to believe that there can possibly exist shmup players worse than me.
Okay. What do we have for today that's remarkable among countless instances of running into bullets?

Died to Murasa's first spell. Dying twice to Murasa's third spell in another run against her. Complete lack of ability to tackle Greatest Treasure, Byakurens 2nd non-spell and Shou's 1st and 2nd non-spells. Its depressing. Especially the thing about Shou's non-spells since my failure against those just indicate a reaction speed that's too slow.

The only one of those that is somewhat shameful is Murasa's first spell, and dying twice to Murasa's third spell(assuming you bombed, which is not the case)

And if you want bad playing, just watch This Horrible No Bombs fail. So many idiotic deaths in that replay.

I normally don't use bombs in practice mode. I am suppsed to practice my dodging after all.

The things I mention that I suck at might not be so shameful but it still irritates me to no end that I don't seem to improve the slightest on them no matter how much practice I put into them.

Oh and I will give your failed run a watch.

Having watched your replay, I noticed some very sad deaths that you have my deepest condolences for. Your performance might well match up with mine in UFO before in terms of being bad. But you do show plenty of potential for 1cc'ing IN without bombs so don't give up on that.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 06:59:05 PM by ゼンゲク »


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.


TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Welcome to the club! :D

Yeah, that probably happens to everyone.

That score... what were you trying to do?

Also, what's up with that cap rate? :V
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 08:22:27 AM by ゼンゲク »


  • Metang@
  • ( 。゚ 3っ   )っ
  • Click on link
  • Reimu B. Y'know, not mowing down the Spell Card in about 12-15 seconds? Also lack of (or heck, non-existent) stage practice so what do you do? Bomb. Duh (usuallycoughcough)

Also Naut, for future reference:
低速封印 - "Low Gear / Speed Seal(ed)" better known to us (silly) Westerners as "No Focus"
ノーベントラー - you should know what this one is  :u
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 10:00:50 AM by LHCling »
[16:25] <Kuruminut> Shut up MS Word, "fangirlism" is totally a word
[07:59] <Sapz> ベーティさんは馬鹿っぽいだろう、この「っぽい」好き者

Derp. Didn't notice there was a link.  :D
Naut, you crazy fool, what do you think you are doing? No focus and no UFO...

PCB Lunatic is just something else to me.  I could 1cc up to Yuyuko easily if I wanted, but that says nothing other than "Borders everywhere, Sakuya has lots of bombs".  Everything dense is a panicbomb to me, and whenever I try to not bomb through something it just gets me killed because I can't handle the micrododging.  I mean goddamn, even Cirno and Letty make me jumpy, that's not supposed to happen on stage 1!

I need more practice =(.

I used SakuyaB for PCB Lunatic because I actually like the shottype. Had nothing to do with the 4 bombs per life, but that still made it simpler to get a let's get it over with 1cc done

Ragequitted  PCB hard final stage  -.- had one life left with 2 bombs till i stopped wanted a highscore past 955,xxx,xxx.
Was at 6xx,xxx,xxx when ragequitted no chance imo to beat it gotta try hard -.- if people stop distracting me while playing!

I used SakuyaB for PCB Lunatic because I actually like the shottype. Had nothing to do with the 4 bombs per life, but that still made it simpler to get a let's get it over with 1cc done

I assume you've beaten the game with other characters as well?

Reimu B. Y'know, not mowing down the Spell Card in about 12-15 seconds? Also lack of (or heck, non-existent) stage practice so what do you do? Bomb. Duh (usuallycoughcough)

I thought I did successfully bomb it tbh, but clearly I was mistaken. Hurts that I lost two other bombs by dying too early during stage 4 as well, meaning I wasted 4 plossible screw ups :( Almost made up for it with a perfect stage 5 stage portion <_<

Also, what's up with that cap rate? :V


Also Naut, for future reference:
低速封印 - "Low Gear / Speed Seal(ed)" better known to us (silly) Westerners as "No Focus"
ノーベントラー - you should know what this one is  :u

K・G uses "No slow," ノー低速 so that's what I used :V I didn't know what no UFO was so I just listed quantities.


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
    • Animu List


I watched that replay, and I kept asking WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?

I would love to attempt a normal no UFO run, but I gotta get past Normal first :ohdear:

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)

Paper Conan

  • Productivity, all day 'erry day
  • NOPE, just kidding~
I can't even breath anymore.

Stage 1: Perfect
Stage 2: Good
Stage 3: Good
Stage 4: Ok
Stage 5: Ok (STAGE FAIRIES I"M GOING TO KILL YOUUOUOUOOOOOOOOOOOOO dodging skills were excellent, though)
Stage 6:  :colonveeplusalpha:

Gameover at Hourai Barrage. Do you have any idea how stressing this is? This would've been my first Lunatic 1cc ever.
So what if I died/bombed/deathbombed everything Kaguya threw at me?....

Eh, I guess I can practice Kaguya a lil' bit more and those big fairies in stage 5 fucking bitches gonna get it next time.
I'm ashamed to say that this also could go in the accomplishment thread since I hardly have any real runs now-a-days in which I actually try.


  • Metang@
  • ( 。゚ 3っ   )っ

let's pretend that never happened
[16:25] <Kuruminut> Shut up MS Word, "fangirlism" is totally a word
[07:59] <Sapz> ベーティさんは馬鹿っぽいだろう、この「っぽい」好き者


  • #totes
  • #legit
Eosd lunatic: I had like 4 deaths on stage 4 >.>  still each time i try i get a little bit farther each time.  some of the deaths were silly too =/  gdi marisa speed always throws me off   *Shadykoopz kicks bricks* everything else went pretty good though well 'cept for stage 5 but that's okay

One playthrough of PoFV on Normal equals:

a) a sore thumb from firing so many shots

sorry to hear about b), but I've never gotten a) on PoFV.. but a) makes me remember Raiden 2 (when you try to keep the toothpaste laser strong and alive), Varth (without Autofire -- think for a moment that bombing or getting items so that you can point-blank enemies with autofire during invincibility isn't as safe without autofire, and the game becomes instantly considerably harder) and.. oh wait, you said thumb! (keyboard player here.. except for Raiden 2 :p)

Honorable mention to Dangun Feveron for the amount of quick movements you'll be doing if you play as the cat :p

in order to keep this post a bit on-topic, you don't have to keep firing too much, because it's not good for chaining (hitting enemies while a chain is running resets the chain hit counter -- not the chain itself). Charge meters aren't difficult to refill with proper bullet chaining (make use of activated spirits, too), so you'll often have lvl 2 charge shots to spend and raise your attack level up to 16. Practice chaining and chain resetting for summoning/countering bosses, and against Sikieiki, you may want to try not shooting too much, if you want to defend yourself (rather than try to end the match when you have enough life/charge meter lead), because then you'll give Sikieiki less bullets to make those gray bullet spawner clouds from.

Also, in order to make this post a bit more on-topic, I'm not playing Touhou consistently since months ... due to DotS and my rather unguided practicing, which didn't include a bullet-hitbox learning plan. I was (and still am) too frustrated with stage memorization being necessary for scoring/grazing (above average, since scoring in Touhou doesn't seem to have intermediate risks/rewards -- at least for greedy people), and didn't realize the importance of knowing bullet hitboxes as accurately as possible to minimize deaths until few days or weeks. Unfortunately, though, there's so far no screenshots detailing these, as well as no established or published scoring route (not in the sense of "get those medals without letting them fall or else your chain may reset; how you plan your medal collection is up to you", but "activate borders here/summon these UFOs in order to boost your point item value/cash on these blue items/hug those DNA-shooting fairies on SA stage 1/use invulnerability to point-blank graze spellcards in EoSD or stage 5 fairies"). Being bad at memorizing routes and deal with distractions would make me dislike Mars Matrix and Strikers 1945 II (whose gold bar pickup for maximum points is more difficult to do than in Gunbird 2, though the latter has coin chaining), so it's not like I treat the Touhou shmups different from other shmups, just I'm frustrated that I wanted to like as many scoring mechanics as possible (except for Ikaruga's, for example) for their exercises, but information (faqs, strategy threads, gameplan description, hard data save for Mefidex's shot/bomb strenghts, etc.) regarding the Touhou shmups is scarce/vague imho. (for comparison, the Battle Garegga strategy thread tells the reader how many points are awarded for a lot of enemies/boss parts if you destroy them with shots/bombs)
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.


  • rawr
    • home of a KEWNE-type familiar

Each of these three bullets has killed me at least once today out of 5 attempts... Koishi's fourth noncard. Seriously. This one noncard where you push like 1 button every 3 seconds.

Edit: 6 tries later, the top left one is now up to 4 deaths and a "wait this didn't kill me" all by itself.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 05:55:07 PM by Kewne »


  • :|
  • XephyrEnigma
Okay, seriously. I want some critiquing going on this, if you all would be so kind.  I almost had Reisen on stage 5 of my Normal run of IN, but I got careless. Seriously, what am I doing wrong here?

Iced-Fairy: "Danmaku is like soccer, except instead of hooligans you get fairies and the riot is before the game." 

My YouTube channel where I often screw about - Latest Upload: IN Border Team Easy Clear


  • =.=
Okay, seriously. I want some critiquing going on this, if you all would be so kind.  I almost had Reisen on stage 5 of my Normal run of IN, but I got careless. Seriously, what am I doing wrong here?


General tips:
You can PoC without full power by focusing! Use that to your advantage.
Bomb proactively: when you think you might die, unfocus and bomb! It's also a good idea to plan bombs in specific areas to bypass annoying attacks and collect items.
With 7 starting lives, you can afford to bomb all the time if you just don't wait until *pichun* and then deathbomb.
It's also a good idea to Spell Practice and Stage Practice a lot.

Stage 1: okay, although Wriggle's 1st spell is just streaming, no need to move very much at all.
Stage 2: don't die to Mystia's nonspells. Her 2nd nonspell is much easier if you unfocus and kill familiars
Stage 3: You can make Keine's nonspells easier by staying under Keine unfocused and kill some familiars. Practice to survive her spell cards and plan which ones to bomb. If you can capture the her first card consistently, you can probably do all other cards.
Stage 4: You lost too many lives here. Memorize a path through the stage and bomb proactively on Marisa.
Stage 5: figure out when to PoC. Sometimes killing stuff is more important than getting a few more items. Oh, and one of those dense wave of fairies before Tewi has bullets that cancel out after some time (ie you don't have to bomb lol, just wait in a corner or something) Reisen's nonspells are really easy if you don't move around wildly and just stay at the bottom of the screen.


  • :|
  • XephyrEnigma
General tips:
You can PoC without full power by focusing! Use that to your advantage.
Bomb proactively: when you think you might die, unfocus and bomb! It's also a good idea to plan bombs in specific areas to bypass annoying attacks and collect items.
With 7 starting lives, you can afford to bomb all the time if you just don't wait until *pichun* and then deathbomb.
It's also a good idea to Spell Practice and Stage Practice a lot.

Stage 4: You lost too many lives here. Memorize a path through the stage and bomb proactively on Marisa.
Stage 5: figure out when to PoC. Sometimes killing stuff is more important than getting a few more items. Oh, and one of those dense wave of fairies before Tewi has bullets that cancel out after some time (ie you don't have to bomb lol, just wait in a corner or something) Reisen's nonspells are really easy if you don't move around wildly and just stay at the bottom of the screen.

Really. Thanks for this. Gonna have to try that again right now.
Iced-Fairy: "Danmaku is like soccer, except instead of hooligans you get fairies and the riot is before the game." 

My YouTube channel where I often screw about - Latest Upload: IN Border Team Easy Clear


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
    • Animu List
Okay, seriously. I want some critiquing going on this, if you all would be so kind.  I almost had Reisen on stage 5 of my Normal run of IN, but I got careless. Seriously, what am I doing wrong here?


I say, once you memorize where the fairies come from, don't be afraid of getting near them (just make sure you don't crash). By the time you get to midboss Wriggle, you should be at 81 power max. At boss Wriggle, your power should be around 107.

By destroying familiars, you shouldn't have to deal with a lot of bullets.  i.e. Mystia's second non-spell during the boss fight.
Stage 3, during any of Keine's non-spells, destroy the familiars as fast as you can.
At her last Spell Card, Phantasmal Emperor, destroying the familiars makes it easier to dodge the arrowheads and lasers

Stage 4, I find it easier to deal with by memorizing where everything comes from.
If I recall correctly during my Youmu run, Marisa's star generating familiars can be destroyed easily. Try to destroy them as Reimu, though it'll be tricky getting past through the dense stars.

During the huge swarm of fairies, the red and blue rice bullets are aimed at your hitbox (I don't think all of them are, though) so use that to your advantage. Also, know when to go for the POC.
During Reisen's non-spells, calm down. Stay where you are for a bit and you'll see that the bullets will form a path for you to go through. Don't go everywhere.

Also, you seemed to be a bit jittery when playing. Calm down a bit.

Speaking of Boundary team, I died at Stage 3 Normal right after midboss Keine and right in the beginning of Stage 5 :derp:
Those 2 lives probably would've helped against Kaguya.

3/26 FAIL: EoSD Stage 5 Midboss - didn't finish Misdirection in time to get that 1-up with Marisa A and died too many times in Stage 3. I even lost a life at Perfect Freeze =(
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 09:41:39 PM by Railgun »

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)