Author Topic: Monument of Emergence  (Read 4243 times)

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
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Monument of Emergence
« on: September 09, 2010, 06:12:49 PM »
Prologue: Monument to Life and Death

Chapter 1: Life

Death. News of it always pained her. She was a doctor, dammit, and she tried to heal people here. But sometimes it wasn't enough. Sometimes they slipped away from her. She sighed and looked over her notes, but her thoughts, for just a little bit slipped away to the past.

She loved her clinic. It was her baby. She cleaned it, fed it, tucked it in at night. She had been a doctor for as long as her memory served her, and she had tried her best to get her clinic to any and all rough patches along the way. She practiced alone, yes, but it had always worked so well...except when something like this happened.

She looked at the person wrapped in a crimson mantle in front of her. She could swear she saw glowing dots were the eyes would be underneath the shadow of the hood. She felt pity for the poor creature in front of her. It never is easy, being the harbinger of news as grim as those of death. She took a deep breath and approached the figure. Purvis was finally ready to go through with it...she just hoped the figure in front of her was.

"Ms. Zand...I am sorry to tell you this are dead."

The crimson figure moved the hood back to reveal a bare skull.

"No shit, Sheerluck. What tipp...wait, I am female?"


Trance: "Hello, I am TranceHime~."

E-Mouse: "And I am E-Mouse."

Trance: "And we are here to comment on this silly story in ways we likely never would if we were in control over ourselves."

E-Mouse: "Blasted author hijacking us."

Trance: "I know... Anyways, weren't we supposed to be bosses or something.?"

E-Mouse: "Given that apparently Purvis of all people is in the lead role, I wouldn't be surprised if we still get our sorry behinds handed to us."

Trance: "Oh boy, you mean the fourth wall is in just as much danger in the story as it is in here?"

E-Mouse: "If not more so."

Trance: "Well, I guess we can just hope for some serious epicness then~."

E-Mouse: "Serious isn't quite the word...anyways, my interlude interruption sense is tingling, I think a second chapter is coming."

Trance: "Well, then without furt-"


Chapter 2: Death

Trance: "Cut off...unbelievable!"

Life. Faith in it had driven her for as long as she could remember. Faith had driven her every action in some way or another. Faith in her Gods, to keep her alive, faith in her companions, to keep her strong, faith in love, to keep her happy. For as long as she could remember she had been a priest on a mission to save those in need.

The van had looked filthy and out of place. She had seen a world of technology and had possibly lived there for a while, and this piece of junk metal had to have come from there. The van was rusty, had lost its paint, except for a few spots which oddly spelled out "Clinic." She had felt the need to go in and save the poor soul inside, bring said soul towards the light of her gods.

After she had entered, she was stunned...the inside looked surprisingly clean, almost like a hospital. She sat down on a small bed which somehow fit in there and watched as a young woman began prodding her and looking over her, taking down notes onto a piece of cardboard...the woman was completely delusional...if oddly attractive. Finally the spell of the moment was broken when the woman spoke.

"Ms. Zand...I am sorry to tell you this are dead."

"No shit, Sheerluck. What tipp...wait, I am female?"


E-Mouse: "And here we are again."

Trance: "Humph, no manners."

E-Mouse: "None whatsoever, I am sure."

Trance: "Why did he have to just cut me off like that?"

E-Mouse: "Probably because he thought it'd be funny? The first chapter did start very depressingly."

Trance: "Talk about mood whiplash."

E-Mouse: "Hey, I never claimed that idiot was good at writing. :x"

Trance: "Yeah...I do wonder now though why that...Zand was her name? Why she seems surprised at her gender being female?"

E-Mouse: "It must obviously be because she is a Priest that doesn't remember her life, but constantly has boners for girls, and thought she must be a guy."

Trance: "You think she is a lesbian undead priest?"

E-Mouse: "I am being somewhat sarcastic there."

Stein: "And perfectly right on top of that."

E-Mouse: "..."

Trance: "..."

Stein: "..."


Stein: "Oh right, no business here. Up up and away! See y'all next time!"

E-Mouse: "You mean it's ov-"


Ok, my own comment time.

E-Mouse: "Stop cutting us off!"

Err...sorry about that.



This is a story I randomly thought of while listening to's gonna be the adventures of the delusional, antisocial hobo doctor you all know and love, Purvis, and the drunken, perverted lich priest you all don't know at all, Zand. I plan on silly epicness, and plenty of stupidity alongside seriousness. Nothing like a good mood whiplash to get in reparations...
Crud, I'd be the one paying those reparations...
Eh, screw it.

Anyways Mk. II.

This story will involve a select group of forum members in adapted or not adapted versions of their Ijiyatsu personae. This is not an Ijiyatsu story, not a Touhou story, just a little silly standalone thingie I am cooking up.

I hope you like it.

PS: Back after almost a year, bitches. And crud, now I have 5 story threads to work on. T_T
PPS: Comments welcome...I like to bask in acknowledgment as much as anybody~
PPPS: While all the main character slots are taken, I might be able to squeeze cameos in if anybody wishes to have one...*shrug*
PPPPS: All characters used with owner's permission. If I fuck something up, slap me upside the head and let me know.
PPPPPS: At the end of each section (Prologue, Stage 1, Stage 2, etc.) I will put up profiles for the characters debuting or experiencing major changes in each section. So yeah.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Monument of Emergence
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2010, 07:30:18 PM »
Mus is perfectly cast.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Monument of Emergence
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2010, 08:50:45 PM »
The first thing that confuses me is that the chapter titled 'Life' starts with the word 'Death', and vice versa. Also, the fact that Trance+E-Mouse get a segment for comments longer than the main story is a little worrying. Maybe cut it down a little next time, or make your base chapters a little longer?

That said, Doc Purvis is pretty entertaining. Not sure what to say about Zand at the moment, need to see more of her (him?). Feel free to continue: I'll be paying attention to this.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: Monument of Emergence
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2010, 09:42:15 PM »
What Purvis said. My god, that second line.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Re: Monument of Emergence
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 02:50:11 AM »
The first thing that confuses me is that the chapter titled 'Life' starts with the word 'Death', and vice versa.

Obviously intentional (or a really, really odd coincidence :V)...?

I absolutely love the contrast between the two chapters. And... interesting story, I'll give it that :V


  • Demonic★Moe
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Re: Monument of Emergence
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2010, 07:44:56 PM »
Good luck with writing, Edward. I greatly enjoyed reading this x3