Author Topic: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 73365 times)

Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #960 on: August 30, 2010, 10:27:02 PM »
>"How can you build a building of that size without some sort of plan?"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #961 on: August 30, 2010, 10:32:22 PM »
>"How can you build a building of that size without some sort of plan?"

>"Exactly," says Nitori. "Looks like it's going to start out as a big barn, maybe a few of them put together in interesting ways, and they'll work from there."


Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #962 on: August 30, 2010, 10:35:52 PM »
>"That... sounds like it would almost be a happy accident if they got a working building by the end of it."
>"If they were so interested in building this, why didn't they get together and figure out something more concrete before beginning?"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #963 on: August 30, 2010, 10:38:25 PM »
>"That... sounds like it would almost be a happy accident if they got a working building by the end of it."
>"If they were so interested in building this, why didn't they get together and figure out something more concrete before beginning?"

>"Inspiration doesn't like it when you take time," says Nitori, as she walks back inside to check on the rice pot. "By the time they had something that's anything like what was int he dream designed up, a lot of people would have stopped caring and moved on. So they're probably just starting now, and trying to work in a plan as they move along."


Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #964 on: August 30, 2010, 10:40:14 PM »
>"I'm getting the feeling that a lot of the stuff built around here is kind of done spur-of-the-moment."

Hello Purvis

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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #965 on: August 30, 2010, 10:55:11 PM »
>"I'm getting the feeling that a lot of the stuff built around here is kind of done spur-of-the-moment."

>"Sometimes," says Nitori. "It's not so bad when you're working alone, then you plan and plot at your own pace. But when you get a whole bunch of eager people together? It turns into what you're seeing across the river."



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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #966 on: August 31, 2010, 12:12:26 AM »
Sounds like the heretic might be a useful resource if Kanako's willing to risk her reputation on this. Though it'd probably piss off some other people, too... wonder if she's even practicing good science.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #967 on: August 31, 2010, 12:16:06 AM »
It's possible, but I think we risk offending or dissuading Nitori further by asking her about it. If we're curious, it's probably best to ask someone else.

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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #968 on: August 31, 2010, 12:21:34 AM »
I'm pretty sure Nitori is talking about a certain scientist from the PC98 days. Maybe not, though.

Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #969 on: August 31, 2010, 12:40:57 AM »
>"Well, thanks for your time, and I'll keep an eye out for both ghosts, and other people who could lend a hand with the jet. See you later!"
>Head back towards the SDM

Hello Purvis

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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #970 on: August 31, 2010, 12:46:06 AM »
>"Well, thanks for your time, and I'll keep an eye out for both ghosts, and other people who could lend a hand with the jet. See you later!"
>Head back towards the SDM

>"You too!" says Nitori.
>You make your way back toward the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
>Drawing close to the lake, you can see it's even more crowded than before. There's probably a few dozen faeries there now, some playing on the banks, others flying above it.


Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #971 on: August 31, 2010, 12:50:31 AM »
>Oh well.
>Head to Byakuren's

Hello Purvis

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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #972 on: August 31, 2010, 01:07:53 AM »
>Oh well.
>Head to Byakuren's

>You decide to cut your losses, and fly to the ship-cum-temple instead. It is more or less as you recall it, with a fair amount of people around the well. You see Nazrin lounging outside near the door, arms crossed behind her head and idly chewing a bit of straw. "Lo Maribel," she says as you land nearby.



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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #973 on: August 31, 2010, 01:08:45 AM »
Wait, did we already tell Kanakers about finding Renko?

Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #974 on: August 31, 2010, 01:16:39 AM »
Wait, did we already tell Kanakers about finding Renko?

Yes, we told her about the whole mess already.

>"Hey there! Byakuren still around?"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #975 on: August 31, 2010, 01:20:19 AM »
>"She's in the main room," says Nazrin, jerking a thumb toward the door. "Just head straight on in and you'll see her."


Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #976 on: August 31, 2010, 01:21:07 AM »
>Head on in and find Byakuren


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #977 on: August 31, 2010, 01:21:46 AM »
Don't we have to visit her tonight to find Coy is she?

Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #978 on: August 31, 2010, 01:22:45 AM »
Don't we have to visit her tonight to find Coy is she?

She said she'd send Sanae to tell us if she found anything

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #979 on: August 31, 2010, 01:44:43 AM »
>Head on in and find Byakuren

>"No problem," says Nazrin, shifting her bit of straw to the other side of her mouth.
>You head inside, walking down the cloth-lined hallway, and soon come to the altar room. Byakuren doesn't seem to have moved from where she was last time you were here. She has shifted her legs a bit, but little else has changed. Her eyes are closed in obvious concentration as you enter, but she opens them and smiles at you after a moment. "Welcome back, Maribel. I think you'll be pleased to know Ichirin has returned."


Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #980 on: August 31, 2010, 01:52:31 AM »
>"Oh, is she? Although, I suppose the situation I came to speak with her about originally has changed a little since then. Still, I might talk with her before I leave."

>"I came here about the power augmentation you offered. Actually, I have a couple more questions about that which came up when I last spoke with Patchouli. She said something about how, if I were to eventually become a youkai in any case, I would be better off following your path; that this enchantment you offer would preclude any other, potentially stronger ones in the future. She... seems a little biased on the topic, so I was wondering if you might be able to explain to me a little of what she meant."

Hello Purvis

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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #981 on: August 31, 2010, 02:05:02 AM »
>"Oh, is she? Although, I suppose the situation I came to speak with her about originally has changed a little since then. Still, I might talk with her before I leave."

>"I came here about the power augmentation you offered. Actually, I have a couple more questions about that which came up when I last spoke with Patchouli. She said something about how, if I were to eventually become a youkai in any case, I would be better off following your path; that this enchantment you offer would preclude any other, potentially stronger ones in the future. She... seems a little biased on the topic, so I was wondering if you might be able to explain to me a little of what she meant."

>She nods. "I'm sure Ichirin will be delighted to help you."
>Byakuren's face shifts slightly, becoming less serene and more solemn. "Ah, she said that, did she? Well, I suppose if you choose to look at it that way, she is correct. She is right in that it is generally not possible to apply more than one such enhancement to a person permanently. Exceptions can exist, but they are rare and generally something we can't reproduce at all, let alone at will. And, she is right that if you look at it from the perspective of gain, what I have done to myself would grant you far more than what I have planned to do for you. Do you wish to do this, instead?"


Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #982 on: August 31, 2010, 02:10:29 AM »
>"I... hadn't really given that the thought it deserves. I was just wondering if that was how it worked. Is your... um, size also an inevitable result of this same process?"
>"And do these enchantments set the upper bound of what is possible for a person to achieve? Or do they just boost you down the path that you were already traveling, through study and effort?"
>"Is it at all possible to safely remove an enchantment to apply another, at some point?"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #983 on: August 31, 2010, 02:24:43 AM »
>"I... hadn't really given that the thought it deserves. I was just wondering if that was how it worked. Is your... um, size also an inevitable result of this same process?"
>"And do these enchantments set the upper bound of what is possible for a person to achieve? Or do they just boost you down the path that you were already traveling, through study and effort?"
>"Is it at all possible to safely remove an enchantment to apply another, at some point?"

>She nods. "Very well. I suppose won't worry about what you choose to do. What you've told me, and the things I hear, suggest regardless of your choice there will be nothing to worry about. And....yes, you probably would be end up significantly larger. Perhaps not quite so pronounced as I, but you would be. I suppose all I can say is that aspect really isn't as bad as it may seem."
>"They exist to raise one's upper boundaries of natural talent, as well as move one along."
>"Not normally, and not in any way that could be reproduced that I know if. It may be possible through means I do not know, but I don't think they could be done at will, such as this is."


Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #984 on: August 31, 2010, 02:28:01 AM »
>"I guess one gets used to it, in time. Our of curiosity, what's involved in this other enchantment?"


  • .... what're you looking at?
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Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #985 on: August 31, 2010, 02:34:28 AM »
In case anyone's interested in pursuing the Kisume bucket mystery, asking her to see where it was stolen from to see if there's any evidence of who might have been there might be a lead to work with. Whether she'll agree to let Mary look is another story.

Also, Patchouli may be a better person to talk to about doubts about how much to help the SDM and/or fairy treatment there - Sakuya is not at her best right now. We may also want to ask someone about how... deadly... her knifework is, or if it's just stylized danmaku.

... hmm, I wonder what Flandre would think about the whole fairy affair? Or Meiling, for that matter? Not that China has much say in how things are done, but if dear little sister wants to be nice to the fairies...
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #986 on: August 31, 2010, 02:39:40 AM »
>"I guess one gets used to it, in time. Our of curiosity, what's involved in this other enchantment?"

>"The process is essentially the same, as far as you would be concerned," says Byakuren. "I would need another ingredient or two. You've actually already brought me one of them; extra star mushrooms. The others would be water from the depth of the Sanzu River, a vial of blood from an immortal, and the essence of the netherworld. I would be willing to provide the blood myself."


Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #987 on: August 31, 2010, 02:43:11 AM »
>"How deep does the water need to be? And... is the water of that river actually harmful to the living, or is that only actually crossing it?"
>"How does one go about getting the essence of a place, anyway?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #988 on: August 31, 2010, 02:50:20 AM »
>"How deep does the water need to be? And... is the water of that river actually harmful to the living, or is that only actually crossing it?"
>"How does one go about getting the essence of a place, anyway?"

>"It must come from a depth of about four fathoms, and no, the water is not harmful any more than normal water. As for the essence, you would have to travel to Hakugyokurou, and find the place where that gives way to mist. Only a little is needed, but more will make it easier. I am not sure how willing the ghost princess would be toward allowing such a journey, but I think she would be accommodating. There may be other ways to get it as well, but that is how I got it."


Re: Maribel Quest Continuation: A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #989 on: August 31, 2010, 03:01:13 AM »
>"And are you supposed to gather this mist into some sort of container, then?"
>"Where can I find Hakugyokurou?"