Author Topic: Dolphin Rider Koishi - The End  (Read 315162 times)

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #150 on: February 27, 2011, 06:47:14 AM »
Why is it so hard for a logical hard thinking person to read this whole story.

oh wait that's why fuck i cant stop giggling at the beginning parts of the story to continue onto the rest.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #151 on: February 27, 2011, 07:38:53 AM »
You're not the only one to notice similarities to Persona, Crystal Dragon. Although I think it feels more like Persona 3 than Persona 4, the evil-versions-of-people thing aside.

The Persona series in general is a big influence on the story. Remember the glasses that stop people from seeing crazy stuff? Yeah. :V

With protags: In terms of P3 and P4, both of them have different ways of really dealing with characters and their personal issues. In P3, characters usually start off with personas, already have their mental fuckups, and the plot gives them a reason to change (starting with
Akihiko's reaction to the death of Shinji
, still my favourite part of the whole damn game.). In P4, characters obtain their personas by accepting their flaws, and though optional social links you help them come to terms with their issues and improve.

I'm aiming for something of a combination of the two - the Teardrop activating with the power of a wish is the main way I'm doing that, and in between arcs there's gonna be a check-in on each of the girls to show how they're moving on.

Mindcoil victims are probably gonna play the Persona 4 'manifestation of all my fuckups' side a lot straighter. Thank you ATLUS for giving me such good ideas to steal borrow indefinitely OTL[/color]
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 10:58:24 PM by Rou You Can »

Cystral Dragon

  • [Prince of Nothing]
  • Hey you noticed me!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #152 on: February 27, 2011, 11:07:48 PM »
Now for my idea for parallelism.
Koishi- She seems more like the Persona 3 Protag but none of them honestly fit.
Moukou- AKIHIKO definitely. She calls Cirno kid like how Akihiko calls Ken a kid.
Cirno- Ken as stated above for reasoning.
Sakuya- Sakuya is a bit harder. I don't know how she works yet but I'm thinking maybe Mitsuru? Because the way she is bent on repaying that debt is like how Mitsuru  wants to regain the family honor. Maybe Naoto would work too since both are calm people.
Sango- Teddy. I mean the bear form=Dolphin while human is like the Youkai form. They both also serve as mission control until Rise replaces Teddie of course
But still I really liked the Persona Series . I would try beating the game if my PS2 wasn't broken.
Well I should've made it Prince of Void.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #153 on: March 04, 2011, 05:51:51 PM »
Crystal: I'd have to disagree with... well, probably all of your assessments. Can't think of any good character parallels at this time, except for Mokou, who's pretty damned similar to Shinji, not Aki (she mostly gives up everything after Kaguya's betrayal, similar to Shinji actively ruining his own life after
he kills Ken's mom
, is soft hearted to whomever she likes and tries to be a psuedo role model, similarly to Shinji (Aki plays the aloof cool brother, but has no idea how to relate to other people outside of fighting), and is mostly focused on improving other people (again, Shinji, once you get to know him)). Cirno's more like Kanji than Ken: Ken is a smart kid who lets his sense of justice overrun his good judgement, and tries to act more mature than he is to keep people from worrying about him, while Kanji tries to hide his insecurities by overplaying his "badassness", pushes people away with abrasiveness due to said insecurities, and gets frustrated way too easily.

We really can't say anything about Sakuya at this point, and I don't really have the time to analyze Sango right now. Nitori is definitely Funky Student. I'll get back with those after class today.

Note to self: Nitori will now speak in disco phrases and riddles.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 10:02:30 PM by Rou You Can »

Cystral Dragon

  • [Prince of Nothing]
  • Hey you noticed me!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #154 on: March 04, 2011, 10:26:07 PM »
Nitori is definitely Funky Student
Curse you! Now whenever I think of her I'm going to think of that.
Well I should've made it Prince of Void.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #155 on: March 05, 2011, 01:51:58 AM »
Yeah, I can't really think of a good Persona parallel for Sango: Teddie really doesn't work, partly because of his really goofy demeanor (Sango's goofiness is really more fish out of water :V ) and partly because he's one hell of a manipulator (which Sango is decidedly not, though she does have her moments of cleverness). As for Koishi... Fuuka.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #156 on: March 05, 2011, 10:29:47 PM »
As for Koishi... Fuuka.
oh god that voice




This was always the hard part. Koishi now had to convince Sakuya that she lived in a magical world of talking animals and murderous fishmen. It was only at times like this she appreciated just how ridiculous everything for the last few weeks had been.

Sakuya listened in as she led the pair to the outskirts of town. She jumped between confusion and surprise as the story wore on, and at one point grabbed at Sango?s back to feel at this fin of hers. The dolphin squealed so loudly that Koishi couldn?t resist giggling to herself about it.

When she?d managed to get everything across - at least, without going into the parts they were supposed to keep secret until Nitori came around - Koishi wrapped up her synopsis. Sakuya didn?t respond right off the bat, putting her hand on her chin in a thoughtful gesture.

?Well. I?ll be honest with you, and say that if you had told me this story yesterday I?d have dismissed you as a liar. Or a maniac. Perhaps a little of both, actually, because no liar worth their salt would try to sell a tale THAT ridiculous.?

There was an almost lecturing tone to Sakuya?s voice. She was speaking from her own experience with lying, Koishi assumed.

?That said,? Sakuya continued with a sigh, ?I?ve seen your handiwork first hand, and I?m relatively sure it?s the only thing that stopped me from getting a bullet between the eyes. I?m tempted to buy into your story...almost.?

The last word came out tensely, as Sakuya took a step further away from the pair. She glared back at Koishi, looking thoroughly unimpressed.

?You had one parlour trick in the clinic, and your friend has a ?fin? that may well be plastic. All well and good, but what?s to stop me from thinking this is some cunning double-bluff Morichika set up for me? Do you have any other proof for me??

Koishi frowned in response to Sakuya?s words. At her side, Sango let out a long sigh.

Should?ve figured this one would be a little suspicious of us...

The dolphin slumped her shoulders. She?d figured that she would be proof enough for Sakuya, but nothing short of outright conclusive proof was going to work here.

Koishi pondered for a moment, lifting her glasses upwards slightly. She?d never had a chance to see Sakuya?s magical form before, and maybe it would be enough to give her an idea.

Instantly, the thought struck her, and she grinned a little.

?Hey, Izayoi-san. What colour?s your hair??

Sakuya seemed almost offended by that, her nose scrunching up like Koishi had just insulted her. She responded matter-of-factly, looking more and more convinced that Koishi really was insane.

?What sort of question is that? Blonde, obviously.?

Koishi caught sight of Sango?s eyes widening at that answer. Of course the idea wouldn?t have come to her - she?d never used the glasses, so she had no idea what Sakuya thought she looked like.

?How sure are you about that??

Sakuya went from confused to cross in the space of about a second. She grabbed at one of the plaids at the side of her face, yanking it forward.

?Alright, you?ve crossed the line here. Thankful as I am, this has all been too convenient, and your story was hard enough to believe without you spouting nonsense like this. If this shade isn?t blonde, I don?t know what i-?

For an instant during the last sentence, Koishi saw Sakuya?s eyes move from her to the plaid of her own hair she?d held up.

Then Sakuya?s words died in her throat, and suddenly her attention was transfixed on her own appearance.

?That...that?s not blonde. That?s...silver.?

Sure enough, Sakuya was seeing her hair the way it really was now. All this discussion had opened her mind enough that even if she was still suspicious, she was aware enough that some fragments of the other world were seeping through. Fragments such as her own hair colour - what she?d seen as blonde, youkai like Sango had always seen as a flawless silver.

For a few seconds, Sakuya was silent. She tugged at the hair to check if it was real, and winced accordingly. She undid the ribbon, ensuring it behaved like hair was supposed to. Once again, it complied, in defiance to every logical thought process that Sakuya could produce.

From the amount of time she spent examining it, Koishi was concerned even THIS wasn?t going to be enough to prove the point to Sakuya. She had nothing to worry about, though - Sakuya could have been as suspicious as she wanted about other people, but now that she?d seen this sort of change in herself her skepticism couldn?t maintain itself. Her words were reluctant, resigned.

?...Fine. I?m out of explanations. You win. I?ll buy into your magical girl story.?

With that, whatever doubt Sakuya had left fell to the wayside. She was quickly aware of something growing out from Koishi?s sides - tendrils, purple ones, coming together to form some sort of sealed orb around her chest. It looked like an eyelid, almost, but whatever it was it was nothing natural. Sakuya?s eyes fell onto it with both amazement and a hint of fear.

?I...think that eye thing of yours would have done a much better job at convincing me.?

Koishi needed a moment to realise what Sakuya was referring to. So few people around her could see this third eye of hers that sometimes she herself forgot it existed. Only the awkward feeling of rubbing it against her bedcovers at night served as a reminder.

?Well, there?s another story behind that one...?

Sakuya shrugged, looking back to the streets. They were on the outskirts of town now, but from the look on Sakuya?s face there was still a long way to go.

?We?ve got time. You may as well get started.?


Now she didn?t have to worry about Sakuya thinking she was crazy, Koishi told her own story. She kept it short and impersonal, more for her own sake than for Sakuya?s. Talking about the past still wasn?t something she was comfortable with.

?Oh, on that note...we should probably tell you about your power as well.?

Sakuya?s face warped.

?You?re telling me I have one of these powers as well? Here I was thinking all I could do was change my hair colour at will.?

Sango laughed at that, perhaps a little too hard. Koishi gave her an awkward glare for it.

...What? I thought it was funny.

Paying the dolphin no mind, Koishi pressed onwards.

?...Anyway, you?ve got a thing you do, right? When you?re gambling, and you really need a card to come up.?

Sakuya was slightly stunned by Koishi?s deduction. She jerked her head back, her expression incredulous.

?I thought you said you couldn?t read minds. Yes, I do a visualisation of sorts when the tables get tense. Nothing major, just imagining myself placing the card I need of the...deck.?

By the end of the sentence her words trailed off as she mentally filled in the blanks. She nodded for a moment, actually looking more relieved than surprised.

?So it wasn?t just luck after all. Good! I was afraid I?d hit a downturn sooner or later.?

Sakuya?s eyes lit up, and she once again wore a pensive look. She started muttering to herself, getting more and more interested in her own ideas with every word.

?Yes, that?s interesting! I should definitely be able to find a way to use it for roulette, and that?s where the real money will be. Yes, that?ll work wonderfully...?

Koishi?s eyes widened at that. Sakuya had just barely escaped death after cheating one casino out of a fortune, and now she was looking to do it again? That wasn?t bravery, that was just plain madness. something wrong in that girl?s head?

Sango didn?t put her thoughts into words, but the message she sent across to Koishi was blunt enough to make a point. An awkward silence rose between the three for a while, though Sakuya seemed too absorbed in her own thoughts to really notice it. Finally, out of sheer need to understand what was happening inside the girl?s skull, Koishi blurted out a question she?d wanted to know the answer to for a while.

?Uh...Izayoi-san. Where exactly are you taking us??

That was enough to distract Sakuya from her plans for the future. She looked backwards again, her words making it sound like what followed was the most obvious thing in the world.

?Home, of course. I have a shift to get to - last night was my day off, so I need to compensate.?

Koishi blinked a few times at that, her brain not quite parsing the sentence properly. She saw Sango gripping her temples as a headache caught on.

?...Wait. You work a home? At night??

Sakuya nodded, seemingly unaware of how strange she sounded.

?Of course. That?s what a maid does, isn?t it??

Koishi needed a moment to recover from the initial shock. She could make out a slight whimpering from Sango - the word ?maid? reminded her too much of her outfit back at the casino. By the time she?d recovered, their destination was coming up fast on the horizon.

?So what, are you a cleaner? Because maid isn?t really a word I hear a lot outside of costume cafes. It always gives me this idea of an old Western mansion and the frilly aprons and head dresses.?

There was a pause as Koishi and Sango both waited for clarification from Sakuya. Surely she wasn?t THAT sort of maid. They existed only in fiction, didn?t they? Cleaners, maybe; employees, without a doubt. Maids? Way too far.

Rather than allay their fears, Sakuya shrugged.

?Well, it?s all of that. I work for a Western family, and they figured that even in foreign lands they should bring a little slice of home. Is that a problem??

?N-No, not at all. It?s just...?

Sakuya stared at Koishi for a moment, not quite understanding what the issue was. Seeing that Koishi wasn?t going to finish that sentence, she turned around and continued leading them on. Sure enough, a large Western-style mansion began to appear in the distance.

...So. The Sirens so far are me, a health-nut brawler, and now the sneakiest maid I?ve ever seen.

Sango didn?t even pass any thoughts across to Koishi in response to that. She just looked across to her and nodded, very slowly.

...Yukari has a pretty awful sense of humour, if you ask me.


Tewi couldn?t sleep.

Of course she couldn?t. How could she be expected to sleep after a night like that? Rinnosuke had let her off without any physical punishment, but the words he?d left her were painful enough.

?There, there, darling. It?s okay. Uncle Kourin is here for you.?

She owed him everything she had - this home, her riches, and more or less every moment she?d been outside of the orphanage. When everyone who cared about her was gone, he was there to stand in and act like a father.

But still, how genuine was it? How much did he actually care for her, and how much was she simply being used? Was she just a tool for him to exploit? A handy accessory, a pretty face?

Tewi lay on her bed, staring emptily at the ceiling. The thought hung in the forefront of her mind for a few minutes, and there was no answer she could decide on that didn?t feel slightly wrong to her. One option was honest, but the other wasn?t painful for her to consider.

As usual, she chose the latter and decided to rewrite the facts a little in her head. Even if she was just a playtoy, she thought, it wouldn?t matter if she told herself that Rinnosuke cared for her. It was one of those big self-help things going around, wasn?t it? The world is what you make it, or something like that.

Tewi liked that idea. It was comforting. So what if it wasn?t true?

That left her with only one problem. On the bedstand besides her, there was a tiny slip of paper with an address written on it. It was etched in Rinnosuke?s memorable handwriting - artistic to the point of barely being legible.

The address was Izayoi?s. The woman who?d played her for a fool last night. Rinnosuke hadn?t told her anything in particular when he handed her the card - just that it was ?something she might like to know?.

That was obviously a euphemism for ?feel free to get your payback if you feel like it?.

This time, there was no happy choice to distract herself with. Either she had to live with the shame of being beaten, or she had to dirty her hands. She?d never killed anyone before - all she?d done was cheat gamblers out of their money. Murder was...could she even do that? She?d been given a gun some time ago, but it was a rickety model, and she?d never fired it.

Yet on the other hand, she?d already let down Rinnosuke more than enough today. He would want something back from her, even if he hadn?t said as much. He hadn?t given her a blatant order to track down Izayoi and kill her, but he?d suggested it. From a person in his occupation, the implications were stronger than any outright demand.

If she could, she?d have disregarded the idea. Rinnosuke wouldn?t expect something like this from her! He loved her, right? She may as well forget it and wash all her worries away with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream.

The knowledge that she?d probably be beaten senseless if she disappointed him - like the dealer she?d been forced to watch - made denying the issue much harder.

Maybe Tewi would have lay there in bed forever, never making that decision, if there hadn?t been an unexpected knock on her apartment door at that precise moment.


Suddenly forced to focus, Tewi became aware of just how tired she was. Her body heaved itself upright, stumbling out of the bedroom. She ignored her dressing gown slipping down one shoulder. It was probably a door-to-door salesman running an evening shift, someone she could slam the door on with impunity. She could do with the stress relief after what she?d been through.

Even opening the door was hard for her when she felt this tired, but Tewi struggled against it nonetheless. When at last she won the gargantuan battle against the handle, she found herself being looked down on by a much taller woman, one who she didn?t recognise. She dressed well, at least - a tightly-clad black suit, the sort a businesswoman would wear on the verge of making a big sale.

She?d never seen a salesman this well dressed, but that didn?t really change the fact she was no-one Tewi wanted to see right now.

?Good evening, Miss Inaba! I?m with-?

?Whatever you?re selling, I don?t want it.?

Tewi made to shut the door, but she wasn?t quite quick enough. The woman on the other side jammed her foot in, and pushed her way in with almost impossible force. There was some ridiculous muscle behind that suit, Tewi thought to herself with shock.

?Now, let?s not be so quick to judge. I think you?ll find we have a mutual friend in Mr. Morichika, correct??

Tewi let out a loud gulp. She should have figured Rinnosuke would send someone to check on her. Best not to give her any other reasons to get angry, she decided, so she stepped aside to let the woman in. Ignorant of Tewi?s rather obvious fears, the visitor offered her a grateful nod as she closed the door behind her.

?Many thanks. Now, I?m to understand you have an issue with a Miss Izayoi, correct? One you?d like resolved permanently, so to speak.?

Straight to the point, and all with that pretty smile on her face. It was a little disturbing, to be frank, how these gangster folks could talk so lightly about death. Tewi was a good liar, perhaps, but that was one case where she couldn?t quite hide her feelings on the matter. She twiddled her thumbs, stepping backwards as she found herself slowly retracing her steps into the bedroom.

?...I never said I wanted to do that. How would I even pull it off, anyway? I?m a fast-talker, not a gunslinger.?

The suited woman followed her, just close enough to feel uncomfortable. Tewi picked up her pace a little, but her uninvited guest matched her with ease. Before she knew it the pair were in the bedroom again, with Tewi?s back to her own bed.

?I expected you to say that. See, that?s where I come in. I?m here to give you a in terms of dealing with Miss Izayoi.?

Even after Tewi had stopped, the gangster kept approaching. This was far too close now. Tewi fell backwards over her bed, trying to roll over to the other side, but all that did was leave her at a dead end. The woman in the suit walked around, still grinning. That grin was twisted, broken, wrong - Tewi knew from her own experience that was the smile of a woman who couldn?t be trusted.

?R-Really, I?ll be fine! Maybe. I need to think it over a little-?

The woman grabbed Tewi by the shoulders, leaning down so they were face to face. Their lips were only inches apart now, and the woman whispered just loud enough to terrify her.

?Who said I was giving you a choice??

Then their lips crossed, and Tewi felt something being forced down her throat. No, not down, up - past her nose, and into her brain, but that couldn?t be-

The suited woman grinned, seeing Tewi go limp in her arms. The coil had been planted, and within a matter of seconds the gambler was conscious again. Only a darker pair of eyes showed that anything was wrong with her.

As if to correct that, a murderous smile ran across her face.

?...If I tell myself I didn?t kill her, does it really matter if I did??

Tewi?s guest smirked, handing her a golden key.

?That?s the spirit, Miss Inaba.?

So easy to manipulate. Just like the rest of these filthy humans.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #157 on: March 05, 2011, 10:43:38 PM »
Looks like a certain someone is gonna have to mind-dive again.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #158 on: March 05, 2011, 11:27:55 PM »
Not that this is unexpected.


  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #159 on: March 06, 2011, 01:04:27 AM »
>Their lips were only inches apart now, and the woman whispered [...] Then their lips crossed...
this is hot

>and Tewi felt something being forced down her throat. No, not down, up - past her nose, and into her brain, but that couldn?t be-
oh god why

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Cystral Dragon

  • [Prince of Nothing]
  • Hey you noticed me!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #160 on: March 06, 2011, 01:12:57 AM »
Yukari does have an awful sense of humor... but I approve!
Well I should've made it Prince of Void.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #161 on: March 08, 2011, 09:45:31 PM »
This was Koishi?s first time seeing a Western mansion. It would probably have had more of an effect on her if the lack of light wasn?t stopping her from seeing most of it. She could just make out the crimson paint on the walls - the same shade as the bakery, and just as unnerving as it had been back then. A large gate blocked further entry, the only way past a fence that circled the entire building.

A small cubicle stood at the side of the gate, where presumably a guard was supposed to stand watch and ward off potential intruders. ?Presumably? was the word that ran through Koishi?s head because the woman inside the cubicle wasn?t doing much in the way of guarding. Snoring, on the other hand, she was doing more than enough of.

Sakuya let off an angry rapping through the glass window of the cubicle, and the guard sat straight with almost impossible haste. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism she?d developed after being caught napping on the job for so long. Either way, as the guard sat upright, Koishi recognised another familiar face - albeit one with a large red mark on her forehead from where she?d pressed against the glass.

?Wha-Hello, Sakuya! Lovely weather today, isn?t it?!?

Meiling stuttered out words like a machine gun, her eyes darting in every direction other than towards Sakuya. They quickly found something worthwhile to rest upon, stopping at the pair of newcomers Sakuya had brought with her.

?Wait...Koishi-chan? What?s she doing here? Are you two friends now??

Sakuya frowned slightly at that. She went off into her own little world of introspection, trying to find the word that best fit her relationship to Koishi.


?And you haul acquaintances out in the middle of the night to your place??

Meiling had woken up quickly, taking the first opening for a quip that Sakuya had given her. The maid rewarded her with a solemn-looking glare.

?Just open the door, China. You have no idea what kind of day I?ve had.?

She meant that from the bottom of her heart. Even with a pane of glass between them, Meiling could feel the intensity of Sakuya?s stare with ease. She started fiddling with the control panel in front of her, eventually pulling the gates open with a loud creak.

?Uh, there you go. Have a good shift, I guess??

Meiling?s voice faded with every word until she was barely audible. Sakuya paid her no mind, walking through the now open gateway and making her way towards the mansion proper. Koishi and Sango fell behind a little, still slightly taken aback by Sakuya?s general mood. The dolphin looked her, her expression sullen.

?...Don?t tell her I said this, but am I the only one who thinks Izayoi-san is sort of a jerk??

Koishi was very tempted to nod at that. They?d seen her play for dirty money at casinos, argue with every fellow employee she had, and in general they?d seen nothing out of her that was vaguely charitable.

?...Still. Does that sound like the sort of person Yukari would trust with a Teardrop? Someone who?d use the power to break the banks and die wealthy??

Sango shrugged. Even if the evidence in favour of it was weighing up, she still wasn?t very supportive of the ?grand plan? theory the professor kept preaching about.

?She?s got skill. What makes you so sure she?s not just a jerk with talent??

Sango pouted as she spoke. The thought of working with someone like Sakuya for any length of time wasn?t a pleasant one. Koishi, though, had chosen to withhold her judgements for now.

She couldn?t place it with words, but when she?d been around Sakuya there?d been a feeling of...unease. Panic. Desperation. Something else had been on Sakuya?s mind the whole time, and it wasn?t the money; at least, not directly. She remembered the conversation she?d overheard in the bakery - about a cure, and a debt Sakuya was planning to repay.

Maybe something inside the mansion would change Sango?s mind. At least, she hoped so - the look of disappointment on the dolphin?s face looked like it could curdle milk on sight.


It took the pair a couple of minutes to cross the pathway to the mansion itself. Sakuya had gone on ahead, but she?d at least been thoughtful enough to leave the door unlocked. Even the handle was foreboding - a beast?s face was carved into the metal, and Koishi half expected it to bite her as she gripped it. Was the family who owned this place deliberately trying to scare guests off?

The hallway which Koishi stepped into was in no way more welcoming. From the inside, Koishi saw now that curtains had been set up across all the windows, ensuring that light had no chance of making it inside. Only the dim lighting from the chandelier above stopped her from walking into a wall - or more likely, the two statues that had been set out in the hallway. They were men, both of them, relatively old but with fearsome glances that seemed to follow Koishi as she walked around. The light seemed almost deliberately set up to make them look foreboding as a cruel joke on the part of the designers. Koishi needed a deep breath before she could step forward and look more carefully at them, and by then a hand had already grabbed her by the shoulder.

?Koishi-saaaaan...maybe we should wait for Izayoi-san to come back. Y?know, we might end up going somewhere we aren?t meant to and all. Let?s just wait outside for now...?

Evidently, Sango was having an even worse time of this than Koishi was.

C?mon, Sango-san. You can fight for your life against magical abominations, and you?re scared of a few pieces of rock?

The dolphin pouted, puffing her cheeks up as she furrowed her brow.

I?m not scared! I?m just...being cautious, that?s all!

The Siren let out a little sigh. Turning around, she took Sango by the hand and gripped it tightly.

?If you get scared, just squeeze it. Okay??

Sango?s face went a little red at that, as she remembered the accident from earlier in the day. Still, Koishi?s hand in hers wasn?t exactly probing at anything...and it was a little comfortable, actually. A deep breath and a little squeeze later, Sango was ready to stand her ground in the face of whatever these statues were.

There were inscriptions beneath the statues, written in English. To Sango it was utter gibberish, but Koishi was fluent enough in the language to read them.

?Bram...Stoker? Wasn?t he a writer or something??

The name rang a vague bell in Koishi?s head, but beyond the books they covered in English she wasn?t very familiar with foreign literature. It was somewhere in her brain, but it?d take her a while to fish it out.

The statue of Stoker stood proudly with a book in his hand, running the other through a well trimmed beard. The stonework was well kept - it couldn?t have been more than a few years since it was sculpted. The man across from him was from a much darker age of history - dressed nobly for his time, but without the modern sophistication of Stoker. Perhaps most disturbing was the large stake the man was holding besides him - maybe it was a trick of the light, but Koishi could have sworn there were a few droplets of blood at its tip.

?Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia? And I thought Bram was a strange name for a ma-?

?You would do well not to insult those names, girl.?

Two sensations struck Koishi at once. First, a sudden chill down her spine as a powerful voice rang through the hallway. Second, the feeling of Sango squeezing her hand so hard she was surprised it didn?t break.

?P-Phwweeeeeee! Who?s there?!?

Sango had already taken refuge behind Koishi, both of them looking straight in the direction the voice had come from. Its owner stood in the stairwell, one hand on the railing as she slowly made her way down the steps. Every footstep echoed, as she deliberately avoided the red carpet in the middle and stepped on solid stone.

As she came into view, Koishi found her initial fears were mostly unfounded. Though she spoke with confidence, the girl who?d spoken up was no threat physically. Her skin was almost pure white, like it had never seen the sun, and her hair was only a fraction darker. Her red eyes were bright and powerful, staring straight into Koishi?s without fear, but they seemed out of place in that frail body. Combined with the light pink dress she was wearing, Koishi almost mistook her for a doll at first glance.

?Perhaps you Eastern folks are not educated in our histories. Pitiable, but understandable. Maybe you know him better by another name??

The booming voice echoed across the room again. She spoke Japanese in the same manner Patchouli did - fluently, but more formal than most conversation would ever need. Koishi had steeled herself against the stranger?s charisma, but Sango was still clutching tightly to her hand, ready to bolt out the door at any moment. The girl grinned at her reaction, picking up speed down the stairs.

?His people knew him as Vlad Tepes - Vlad the Impaler. Understandable, given that he saw no better punishment than to run a stake through those who he saw as immoral. Thieves, adulterers, liars, and the sort.?

Silence. The girl looked Koishi head on, looking for a hint of recognition. Again, there was nothing - Western history was perhaps an even worse subject for Koishi than Western literature. Professor Kamishirasawa hadn?t done anything to help with that, given her insistence on bringing up Japanese folklore every time she found an opening for it.

?...No? Still nothing??

The girl in pink frowned. For an instant, Koishi saw her proud stature give way, and instead of a confident, charismatic figure she found herself looking at a selfish, frustrated child. The proud grin was back a moment later, though, and she spoke again as if the lapse had never happened.

?Well, I suppose I shall have to give you all of the answers. You must know of Bram Stoker?s most famous book, mustn?t you??

This time, Koishi?s eyes did show a flicker of understanding. It was there - the name, she knew it, she just needed time to think-


Of course. How could she have forgotten? The clues were staring her right in the face. Vlad the Impaler. The stakes. The blood. This girl with ashen skin and brilliant red eyes.

The name fell of Koishi?s mouth as another wave of fear washed over her.


That was exactly what the girl had been waiting to hear. She cackled - laughing in a way that seemed to pass through the air into Koishi?s skin, leaving the hairs on the back of her neck tingling.

It can?t be...she isn?t a...?!

Sango was still horribly out of the loop here, clinging to Koishi?s hand for dear life.

Dracula? What?s that? Who?s that?! What?s going on!?

The lady of the mansion took the last few steps down the staircase, coming to a stop in front of her two guests. She was clearly enjoying this whole spectacle, an impish smile running across her face.

?I see you?ve put it all together, child. Allow me to congratulate you for deducing the blatantly obvious.?

She pinched the sides of her dress, then performed a flawless curtsy towards Koishi.

?Remilia Scarlet, the noblest vampire of Gensouto. Trust me, the pleasure is all yours.?


Koishi needed a moment to notice the change.

A few seconds ago it had been Sango squeezing her hand in panic and preparing to flee. Koishi had been relatively calm, ready to take on the ill-looking girl.

The instant the word vampire came up, the balance flipped. Suddenly it was Koishi letting her emotions get the best of her - all the stories about how they took young maidens in at the dead of night and drained them of their blood, leaving them dead or - worse - undead! Maybe recently everyone was convinced they sparkled and such, but from the way this girl had been booming out Koishi had no trouble believing she was the real deal! And maybe - maybe Sakuya was one of her servants, and they?d been lured here as a trap!?

Meanwhile, Sango?s fears had vanished entirely, and she simply gave Remilia a blank stare.


Koishi jerked her head back to Sango, unable to see what had suddenly made the dolphin so calm. She was ready to pull her out of this mansion right now, youkai strength be damned.

Sango-san, what are you waiting for!? We need to get out of he-

Vampires don?t exist, Koishi-san.

Awkward silence followed that thought. Koishi felt vaguely as if her heart had been thrown down a flight of stairs.


Trust me. I know a hell of a lot about youkai, and vampires are just one of those urban myths you humans like so much.

Koishi?s emotions moved swiftly from fear straight to humiliation. She?d been taken in entirely by Remilia?s monologue, her confidence. Hell, the girl sounded so genuine that it was as if she genuinely believed she was a vampire. Even as she saw the sudden lack of fear in her guests, she didn?t drop the act for a moment.

?Ah, so you are brave enough not to flee in my presence. That is impressive! It has been years since someone showed me such courage. Isn?t that right, Sakuya??

Remilia?s head turned suddenly to a side corridor, with Koishi and Sango turning to look in the same direction. They?d been watched, at least for a short while, by a young woman in the traditional maid outfit of old. A dark blue dress with a frilled white apron, it held to her figure perfectly. But even in this anachronistic choice of outfit, Sakuya was unmistakable.

?Milady,? Sakuya started, with a tone of respect that neither girl had heard from her until now, ?may I suggest you return to your room momentarily? I must inform our guests of your...heritage.?

Rather than calling out Remilia on her behaviour - or even on the fact that a girl her age shouldn?t have been up this late - Sakuya offered her mistress a deep bow alongside her request. Again, Koishi saw the expression on Remilia?s face shift for a moment to a childish pout, followed by a sigh.

?Very well, Sakuya. I hope this will not make tonight?s meal tardy??

?You underestimate me, Milady. I could lecture this pair for an hour and still have your dinner ready in advance.?

Remilia grinned. The maid felt no shame in matching her confidence, and that was exactly what she wanted in a servant. She began to make her way up the stairs again, offering a devilish smirk to the guests as a parting gesture.

?If you two are staying tonight, may I suggest a coffin? Somewhat stuffy, perhaps, but you?ll never have to worry about morning light.?

With that, she made her way up the stairs. The act broken, she dashed up in an utterly childish manner, leaping two stairs at a time. Maybe she looked unwell, but Remilia was still physically capable.

For a moment Koishi and Sango stood in place, unsure of what to make of their encounter with Remilia Scarlet. A petite cough from Sakuya was their cue to step back into reality and make their way down the corridor with her. Immediately, they were surrounded by doors on all sides, each one identical to the ones surrounding it without so much as a label. In spite of this, Sakuya traversed the twists and turns of the mansion with absolute confidence, and her two ?acquaintances? followed close behind out of fear of getting lost. Again, Koishi noticed that every window was blocked by a curtain - not only that, but they were much thicker curtains than most households ever used.

?I had hoped there would be a chance to explain this all before you met her,? Sakuya muttered, not even bothering to hide her frustration. ?Milady is a very...special case.?

Sango scrunched up her nose at the sound of ?Milady?. It was one of those fancy words that was thrown around a century ago, so why was it being used here?

?Uh, what?s with the whole ?Milady? thing? It?s kinda old-fashioned.?

?Well, given that she?s more or less responsible for me being alive today, forgive me if I feel the need to display respect for her.?

Sango?s head slumped. Even before Sakuya had got the first word out of her mouth she?d realised her faux pas, and decided to hang behind Koishi for the rest of the trip.

Learning from her companion?s mistake, Koishi was much softer with her approach. Something was going on behind the scenes here. Something important. Something that could be the key to awakening Sakuya?s Teardrop.

?Sakuya-san, be straight with us. Why does Remilia-san think she?s a vampire??

Sakuya came to an abrupt stop. Koishi almost walked into her back, and Sango almost walked into Koishi?s. The maid turned on her heels to face one of the identikit doors, unlocking it with her master key and pulling it open.

?I don?t feel I can give you a thorough enough answer. That?s why I?m taking you to an expert.?

Koishi couldn?t see more than a few feet inside, but she made out the first few bookshelves with ease. It was no challenge to conclude that this was a library, and Sakuya was taking them to meet the librarian. Still, she hadn?t had an answer to her question.

?An expert on what??

The term that flew out of Sakuya?s mouth was long and scientific to the point it made Sango?s head spin. Yet it was spoken with such ease, such grace, such simplicity, that it was clearly a term Sakuya knew far too well. One that had shaped her life for years, and had the potential to shape it until the day she died.

?Xeroderma pigmentosum.?

Cystral Dragon

  • [Prince of Nothing]
  • Hey you noticed me!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #162 on: March 08, 2011, 10:48:25 PM »
If there was one single thing I guessed correct it was the condition Remilia was suffering. All of a sudden Reality TV Shows payoff....
Well I should've made it Prince of Void.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #163 on: March 09, 2011, 02:41:08 AM »
Yeah, that's the sort of thing I was expecting. I wasn't expecting the vampires-don't-exist thing, though; I was expecting the whatever-condition thing to be something she thought she had when she was really a vampire, not the other way around.

Anyways, good stuff, and I'm looking forward to more.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #164 on: April 02, 2011, 06:01:54 PM »
>No update in like 3 weeks



The dim lighting reared its ugly head the moment Sakuya closed the door. Bulbs hung from the ceiling, making what must have been a deliberate attempt to give off as little light as possible. Koishi?s shoulders started grew sore after the third or so collision with a nearby bookshelf. She hadn?t been aware that walking forward could actually be this hard. Sango had apparently taken the smarter option by hanging behind - thus learning from Koishi?s mistakes - but that might have just been her trying to stay away from Sakuya rather than a clever move on her part.

The books lined up on these shelves shared a common theme - they were medical tomes, in more languages than Koishi even knew existed. Some were up-to-date, laminated for preservation; others were suffering badly from the wear of time, set to collapse entirely if touched with anything resembling force. The titles that were in Japanese may as well have been in gibberish from all the weighty scientific terms they used. In short, this was not Koishi?s type of literature.

The further in they went, the more the books started to display more common themes. One phrase jumped out more often the further in they walked, still in every language Koishi had heard of and several she hadn?t. If she hadn?t heard Sakuya say it a few minutes earlier, it would?ve been gibberish to her.

But there it was, coming up over and over again. Xeroderma pigmentosum. She almost considered pulling one of the books off the shelf and giving it a look, but based on the titles they?d likely be far too complicated for her to understand without five years of med school.

The march felt like it had taken an age, but in truth they?d been walking for a few minutes at best. Time seemed to hold no meaning here - there was no sunlight, and what little light there was could only be described as inadequate. Looking backwards, she could see no sign of the entrance either, like she?d stepped into another realm entirely.

Eventually, the trio came across the one object in the room that was not a bookshelf. A small desk was neatly placed between two of these shelves, perhaps the only surface in the library not to be covered by a layer of dust. On the chair behind it, a frail-looking young woman was lying back, letting off a quiet snoring. The light purple nightgown she?d worn made it clear she hadn?t fallen asleep by accident. Koishi recognised the woman in a few seconds - Patchouli, the stern-looking one from the bakery. Instinctively, she slowed her pace down so that her footsteps didn?t wake up the sleeping librarian.

Possessing none of her subtlety, Sakuya simply started to shake at Patchouli?s shoulder.

?, of course it isn?t lupus...?

The librarian mumbled to herself for a few seconds. Rather than taking this as a sign to stop, Sakuya began to shake at her even harder. The puffed-up white hat laying on her head eventually slipped off - Koishi wasn?t paying too close attention, but from what she could see the girl?s eyes leapt open the instant the hat hit the floor.


Patchouli?s eyes darted around the room for a moment. They stopped quickly on Sakuya, and the worried look on her face shifted back to the stern expression Koishi recognised.

?Ah, so you?re back after all. From the way you stomped out of the bakery, I hadn?t expected you to return without the almighty panacea in your hand.?

A vile glare passed from Patchouli to Sakuya, and straight back in equal measure. Just on reflex Koishi stepped backwards, accidentally smacking Sango in the chest with her head. For once Sango had an understanding of subtlety, and her cry of shock was muffled (for her standards, at least).

?So, what drives you to wake up a librarian unwilling in the middle of the night? From what I recall, the children are your responsibility for the next eight hours.?

Patchouli yawned. She wanted this conversation over quickly so she could return to whatever dream she?d been having beforehand. Sakuya didn?t share this concern, pointing straight at the pair she?d hauled in.

?I figured that you were the only one here qualified to explain what the situation with the mistress is.?

A glare, long and hard. Patchouli squinted towards the barely visible Koishi, beckoning her closer with one hand. Recognition dawned on her as the schoolgirl approached.

?Ah, you?re the one I asked to find Izayoi. Well, considering it was her bringing you in rather than you bringing her in, forgive me if I?m not willing to rummage around for the reward.?

Koishi shrugged. Frankly, she couldn?t care less about a discount at a bakery right now. There was a story here, and she needed to hear it; for Sakuya?s sake, and quite possibly everyone else?s as well.

?Wait. Why is Patchouli-san the only one who can explain this? She?s a librarian, isn?t she??

Koishi finally plucked up the courage to speak in the midst of this painful atmosphere. It felt as if at any point Sakuya and Patchouli could potentially jump their counterpart and beat them senseless, but it seemed that moment wasn?t due for at least a while.

?A librarian? Please. I think you should be giving me a little more credit.?

From the desk in front of her Patchouli reached forward, picking up her reading glasses. As she put them on, the level of professionalism and respect she gave off intensified considerably, making Koishi forget for a moment that she was in her nightgown and not a labcoat. Meanwhile, at her side, Sakuya passed Koishi the glare this time, silently sending her the message ?Great, now you?ve got her started on her monologue?.

?You are, after all, speaking to one of the world?s most talented geneticists. Specialising in rare genetic disorders and treatment of such, I graduated at the top of my class from the University of Cambridge. Combined with a natural gift for tongues, I gained my degree with the potential to work anywhere in the world if I so pleased-?

The soliloquy was (thankfully?) interrupted. A sudden hacking cough forced its way out of her throat, shaking her entire frame. For a moment Koishi could have sworn the woman was made of glass, prepared to fall apart at the slightest touch. After a few seconds of choking, Patchouli at last caught her breath.

?...At least, that is how my life would have gone were my physical health not something of an issue. I was rather quickly prohibited from being anywhere near patients for fear that I would either pass on whatever illness I happened to be carrying, or be killed by the very disease I was attempting to cure.?

Koishi caught, for the tiniest moment, a hint of sadness in Patchouli?s eyes. She was speaking eagerly of a life she never had the chance to live, and that fact had left its mark on her. The vulnerability was gone in an instant, though, and she was back to the haughty ?librarian? she?d been before.

?Perhaps I would have died penniless were it not for circumstance. A French philanthropist caught my name in an article, and knowing I could not seek employment elsewhere asked for my assistance. He was looking for a personal attendant, one who could aid his wife during her pregnancy. He had no intention of trusting the wellbeing of his children to state doctors - he wanted the best of the best, and thus he called for me. It was a fully-paid position, accommodation and all, so I saw no reason to refuse; even if he had perhaps misunderstood the English article and respected me for a duty that was not my specialty.

I was with them for nine months, and everything went as planned. The two children were delivered safely, to overjoyed parents who gave them all the love they could. As a family celebration, they organised a trip to Japan - to the tiny city of Gensouto, where the fresh air would be much more beneficial to them than the Parisian smog. To that extent, they were right.?

Patchouli?s face grew grim at that point, her earlier confidence decaying rapidly. Sakuya looked on, glare growing sterner with every word.

?But the children - something was wrong with them. The sun burned them far worse than it should have - half an hour out in the sun could leave them red all over. They gained freckles, far too many. And beyond all that, there were crusty, black blotches running across their skin. Their parents were terrified, looking for someone to tell them what was happening.?

The geneticist let out a long, heaving sigh. Koishi saw a little vapor trail slip out of her mouth in the cold air of the room, and imagined a little part of her soul slipping away with that sound.

?I told them their children were likely to be suffering from xeroderma pigmentosum. To protect the twins, the Scarlet family took a home here, and with my help they did everything to keep the children safe. To save them the trouble, I doubled as the daughters? teacher, ensuring they were fluent in Japanese as well as French. But the guilt was hard on the parents - perhaps if they?d never made that journey to Japan, they?d have been able to raise their daughters in their homeland rather than a foreign country neither of them truly knew-?

Sakuya had heard enough. At last, she interrupted Patchouli?s speech as it fell further onto needless tangents.

?We?re not here for the life story, Patchouli. I just want you to explain what XP actually is.?

For a moment, everyone?s eyes turned to Sakuya. Koishi seemed more stunned than anything. Sango pouted, glaring at Sakuya with barely hidden disgust. Patchouli looked as if she?d just been slapped across the face, her eyes glistening slightly with unshed tears.

The geneticist sniffled slightly.

?A...Ah. My apologies. When I speak of the past, I tend to...ramble.?

She gave Sakuya a short, but piercing stare. Patchouli cleared her throat, trying to regain any semblance of her earlier professionalism.

?Now. Before I say any more, understand that the sun is a powerful thing. It releases ultraviolet rays that could easily damage the DNA of skin cells, thus causing all sorts of deadly cancers. Thankfully, the human DNA system can typically repair itself from this sort of damage, and for the most part we are safe in the sunlight.

For sufferers of xeroderma pigmentosum, though, this repair system is not functional. As such, the sun?s rays will damage their skin with ease, leaving them prone to all these cancers I spoke of earlier. The easiest course of treatment is preventative, ensuring that the victim never makes contact with sunlight.?

The realisation hit Koishi with all the subtlety of a brick.

The sun hurts them...just like it would hurt a vampire.

All of a sudden, the young girl?s vampire act in the hallway took on an entire new meaning. This was what Sakuya had wanted to explain so they wouldn?t write her mistress off as a maniac or an eccentric. She had constructed a persona based on her limited openings in life - even to the extent of having Sakuya as her maid - and Koishi had felt the nerve to consider it strange. If Remilia had been in the room right then, Koishi would have wrapped her arms around the girl and done everything she could to comfort her.

?Then...what?s the cure? Is there any way to fix it??

Patchouli?s expression shifted for an instant into a sneer.

?Well, I suppose THAT would depend on who you ask. If you went to, say, a specialist, an expert, or indeed anyone properly TRAINED in the field, you?d be told that curing XP would involve literally altering the sufferer?s DNA and is more or less impossible. The disorder can only be worked around, not resolved.?

With that, she turned to Sakuya, the old glare of resentment returning.

?On the other hand, if you were to ask this woman over here, she?d insist that there?d definitely be a cure if she just put enough money into it. The doctors she was seeing about it looked so genuine after all, in their crummy clinics with gang thugs around every corner-?

?I?m trying to help them.?

Something new entered Sakuya?s voice at that moment. Something violent, something angry. The calm facade she?d put on up until now was starting to break apart.

Patchouli seemed unfazed. They had clearly had this argument before at least once, perhaps identical to the very word. She recited her next line with almost practiced familiarity.

?So your definition of help implies being away from the mansion during the time you?re meant to be looking after the children? You don?t seem to realise how much your actions are hurting them-?

?I said, I?m trying to help them. They?ll understand.?

Sakuya took a large step forward as she spoke, looming over Patchouli. Where words were failing her, she was letting her stature do the talking. Koishi gulped slightly, seeing the maid?s hands curl up into fists. Patchouli, in comparison, was perhaps too calm as she responded, adjusting her glasses.

?Understand when you...what? Defy every law of medical science and find a cure for an incurable disorder??

?But there IS a cure.?

Patchouli couldn?t help but roll her eyes as she looked up at Sakuya. The maid?s face was straight, but the rest of her body gave away her frustration.

?Oh? And who told you that? Did they, by any chance, insist they?d be able to create this cure if you showered them with wealth??

?S-She was a doctor! She had a degree! She insisted that...!?

The word died in Sakuya?s throat, her fists starting to shake uncontrollably. Patchouli seemed distracted, but Koishi was all too aware of the aggression Sakuya was letting off. If this got any worse, it was likely to end in tears. And blood. Mainly the latter.

Patchouli let out a barely audible sigh.

?Izayoi, understand this. I know it?s a difficult truth to face, but xeroderma pigmentosum is incurable. It?s as much a part of the sisters as their hair, their skin, their blood. You?re only hurting them more by keeping up this denial-?

The fist slammed down on the desk, inches from where Patchouli had placed her hand. The doctor flinched visibly. Tears had started to well up in Sakuya?s eyes, her entire body trembling with emotion.

?I?m NOT in denial! There?s a cure out there, and I?m going to find it!?

 Patchouli?s calm demeanour was starting to fall apart as she became aware that a punch was on the verge of being thrown.

?S-Sakuya...listen to me. There?s so much you could do around the mansion that?d make the girls happier. It?s been years now, and you really need to just put this to re-?


The fist came off of the table, rising upwards again. It flew forward, with blinding speed, ready to slam straight into Patchouli?s face.

Only a pair of arms grabbing at it from behind stopped the strike.

?Izayoi-san, snap out of it! Just...calm down!?

Koishi had clamped both her hands over Sakuya?s arm, holding her back from her devastating hook. The maid looked back, her furious expression turning to her new acquaintance for a moment.

That was the cue she needed to realise she had stepped too far.


Sakuya deflated physically. The anger holding her entire body rigid dissipated, and her shoulders slumped as low as her joints would let them. Her expression couldn?t be described as apologetic - that was far too generous a term. Better would be ?conflicted?, or at best ?regretful?. Seeing that the worst had passed, Koishi let go of her arm, hanging close in case Sakuya decided to go for another swing.

She didn?t, fortunately, simply sighing as she looked lazily at Patchouli again.

?...I apologise for my temper.?

Patchouli needed a few seconds longer to really recover from the shock of being attacked. Even surprise was enough to drain the energy from her, and she fell back onto her chair with visible relief.

?...Yes, well. Perhaps my words were too close to the bone.?

Silence hung in the library. The atmosphere had thankfully returned to the tense aura of earlier, and Koishi couldn?t believe she?d found that to be a good thing. Suddenly, the calm and collected side of Sakuya seemed to be entirely out the window. For that entire argument, her emotions had flared wildly out of control, to the brink of madness. She was devoted, verging on desperate, bordering on outright insane.

But...what could Koishi do about it? Sakuya wasn?t like Mokou, acting out of hatred for Kaguya. She had good intentions, but they were warped in such a twisted way that they?d do nothing helpful. How could she show Sakuya the error of her ways if there was nothing to show?

After a far-too-long pause, Sakuya turned back towards the entrance.

?I?ll leave you to return to your sleep, then.?

?Yes, you should be doing that.?

Sakuya returned the way she came, with all the grace and livelihood of a doll. Koishi followed afterward, her face a pained combination of concern and fear.

Sango was the last to leave. She hadn?t said a thing for the entire discussion, but it had made its impact.

Everything she didn?t like about Sakuya before, she outright hated now.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #165 on: April 02, 2011, 06:31:45 PM »
You did a great job with the tension surrounding this scene.

Can't wait for the next update~

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #166 on: April 02, 2011, 06:50:01 PM »
Thank God someone's not afraid to do away with that standard 'unbreakable elegance' of Sakuya's and, oh, I dunno, write something creative for once.
Yay updates \o/


  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #167 on: April 02, 2011, 07:15:58 PM »
I guess everyone talking about DRK after your short reminded you that it still existed >:3

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #168 on: April 02, 2011, 11:26:55 PM »
That was the idea.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #169 on: April 06, 2011, 12:40:55 AM »
Pushing to have this arc wrapped up by the end of the week. Not likely to happen, but it never hurts to aim high! :V


These corridors were too long, Koishi thought to herself. They gave her too much time to think to herself, and she didn?t like what was coming to mind.

What was she supposed to say?

She didn?t agree. She knew that Sakuya was taking this obsession too far. She knew that if someone didn?t tell her that and get it through her head, the girl would eventually end up biting off more than she could chew and find herself wearing a nice new pair of concrete shoes.

But how could Koishi get that across?

Did she even have a right to disagree? She?d met Sakuya yesterday, for crying out loud. Surely that was too early to be turning around and judging her. Then again, that?d be the rule under normal circumstances - ?attempting to save a new acquaintance from certain death at the hands of a secret youkai cult? didn?t qualify as normal circumstances.

If she was too forceful, there?d be bad blood between them. Considering they?d be working together afterwards, that was bad. But if she was too meek, Sakuya just wouldn?t pay any attention to her. She had to somehow hit the perfect middle ground...but what if there wasn?t one? What if the only way to get through to her was by being a jerk about it?

Then again, that didn?t work very well for Patchouli...

Koishi wasn?t really paying attention as Sakuya led her guests out of the library and back through the corridors. She caught a few vague details - Sakuya was walking the tiniest bit faster now, her footsteps just possible for Koishi to make out. Come to think of it, Sango had changed as well - not in speed, but definitely in volume. Every footstep stomped into the carpet, nudging it around slightly, ruining its straight path. Wisely, Koishi didn?t mention this fact to anyone.

Um...Sango-san? Are you okay?

In retrospect, that was a bad question. The moment Koishi looked back and saw Sango?s frustrated glare fall down on her, she knew the dolphin was anything but okay.

Lemme say something right now. If Izayoi wasn?t part of the race I?d sworn to protect, I?d be beating seven shades of hell out of her right this minute. She?s not just an asshole anymore - she?s an asshole with a few screws loose up there.


That suggestion had Koishi so angry she found herself speaking aloud. Sakuya turned back towards them, puzzled, but her understanding of what was going on was distracted by the mess that had once been a perfectly straight carpet.

?Ah. I should have guessed from those footsteps...whatever. It?s not like I can kick you out at this hour.?

Sakuya sighed beneath her breath with barely concealed irritation before getting back to her march. Everything about that aura of calm she carried felt...artificial, somehow. Lifeless. Played out. It frustrated Koishi in a way she couldn?t quite put into words.

Sango-san, that?s a horrible thing to say about her! She?s not a bad person, she?s just...misguided!

Sango?s hands were folded, like she?d locked them away so she didn?t lash out. Her grip on her elbows tightened as another thought made its way into her head.

Think about it, Koishi-san. These kids are meant to mean a lot to her. They?re so important that she?s going through all this trouble to save them. Don?t get me wrong - in another scenario it?d be kinda admirable, but the thing is she?s chasing after miracles that just aren?t gonna happen.


Koishi couldn?t think up a response to that. She wanted there to be a better way - maybe even a way to cure these girls and give Sakuya everything she?d ever want. She?d hoped that maybe the White Pearl could look into it, find some way to fix their DNA.

That idea had been quickly shut down. It was the first thing Koishi had asked of Sango when they left the library, and the response was instant. Magic, Sango had explained, could only heal to the extent of restoring something to its original form. It could heal damage, but only if that damage wasn?t normal.

With genetic disorders, Sango went on, the original form is the ?broken? one. It runs down to the DNA - it?s an integral part of their genetic code. If there was magic that could change that, it?d be able to go further and change every little thing about a person. That sort of power in the wrong hands could be disastrous - there?s a reason the White Pearl have never studied the subject.

Honestly, Koishi would have probably preferred a simple ?No?. Less downbeat. Less disheartening. And it didn?t rub in the futility of Sakuya?s quest quite as hard.

I...don?t want to tell her that it won?t work, Sango-san. It feels like...that desire is the only thing keeping her going. If we tell her she?ll never cure them, she might...

Koishi didn?t even want to finish that thought. She hung her head, having managed to successfully frighten herself even more. It was a relief for a hand to come from behind and place itself comfortingly on her shoulder.

Koishi-san. If there?s anything I?ve seen of you humans, it?s that you?re always a hell of a lot stronger than you think you are. Physically, and mentally. She?ll make it through.

Sango?s eyes looked up at Sakuya again as the maid turned a corner. Koishi could see the scorn seeping through.

Even if I have to pull her out, kicking and screaming.


As it turned out, Sakuya led the pair to the mansion?s kitchen. This was the one room that didn?t really fit the traditional Western style of the rest of the building - sleek marble walls and counters were adorned with the latest in kitchen utensils. The first thing that struck her after this was the lack of a fridge - this absence was quickly explained as Sakuya pulled at a lever built into the wall, revealing that it was hidden in plain sight.

The cutlery was just as ornate. Even if Koishi worked every day for the rest of her life, she?d have trouble affording one of the knives.

?I don?t suppose either of you are any good with cookery? After that little detour, I?m behind schedule for dinner.?

Koishi needed a second to let that thought go through properly. Instinct told her that it was the early hours of the morning and it was nowhere near time for dinner, but the Scarlet family was a massive exception. With that done, she stepped up beside Sakuya and offered her help. Best to get on her good side now, at least.

?What?ve you got to work with??

The fridge was filled with a wide range of ingredients, all first-class. This was a cut above the food they bought in bulk for the bakery - in fact, make that three or four cuts above. It was classy restaurant food, and it had all seen some use in recent days.

?Well, the girls haven?t been getting their greens of late, so I?m looking to make some salad.?

With this, Sakuya pulled out various leafy vegetables along with some potatoes and a hint of meat for good measure.

?I?ll be feeding you two as well, so the least you can do is help me out.?

She handed Koishi a knife and half a lettuce, expecting her to fill in the blanks herself. After a few minutes of digging around the counters for a board to cut it on, Koishi got to work with cutting it up. Sango, after insisting on helping out, was eventually given the prestigious job of washing the vegetables - one she took on with perhaps too much enthusiasm.

?No worries, phwee! I?m all about cleaning things up!?

Koishi chose the safest option and didn?t think about that any longer than she had to. Sakuya was next to her, peeling potatoes at a rate that would pass for a trained chef. Perhaps more disturbing was the way she could turn away from the job and look towards Koishi without a second thought, still wielding her deadly kitchen knife with perfect precision.

After a couple of minutes of awkward silence, Koishi managed to get a word out of her mouth. There was still so much she needed to know, so much about Sakuya that was a mystery. She had to get some hard facts about her if she was going to help.

?...So, how?d you end up working here? Part time job to make up the cash??

Sakuya didn?t so much as blink before she answered.

?Adopted. Orphanage.?

Suddenly, Koishi wished she could scoop her words out of the air and put them back into her mouth. She suddenly grew much more interested in the vegetable she was trying to dissect.

?I...I?m sorry. I didn?t know-?

?Of course you didn?t. Don?t worry about it.?

It was hard to take that as comforting given how neutral Sakuya?s voice was. Was the woman capable of positive emotion to anyone other than her beloved mistress? It was a question Koishi didn?t know the answer to, and it plagued her for some time afterwards.


?...You want to know, don?t you??

Slowly, painfully, Koishi nodded. She was curious - her past could be the key to saving her - but it felt so wrong to ask about that she?d stayed silent. Luckily, Sakuya was as on the ball as ever.

?It?s alright. It was a long time ago. I barely remember it, in fact. All I know is pretty much what people have told me about it.

I was in an accident as a kid. I presume my family was, as well. We were on a bus trip in the nearby mountains when the driver lost control and sent us out into the ocean.?

Sakuya sounded horribly disconnected from her own words as she spoke, like she wasn?t really talking about her own past. Frankly, that scared Koishi a little. Still, Sakuya was peeling potatoes with absolute precision.

?By some small miracle, I was the only one who managed to make it out of the bus. Of course, that still left me several feet underwater with only a vague idea how to swim. I?m told that I passed out, and a witness to the accident dived in to save me. Besides a bit of water in my lungs, I was more or less uninjured.

But the trauma took its toll. Sakuya Izayoi...isn?t my real name. I don?t remember it. I don?t remember anything about my family, in fact. Some of the bodies were lost in the crash, and none of the people they managed to identify had children my age, so I was basically alone in the world. There were oohs and aahs, and the occasional cry of how tragic and terrible it was, but they still sent me off to some goddamn orphanage in the middle of nowhere.?

That was the hardest part of the story. Koishi could tell that by the sudden loosening of Sakuya?s grip on the knife, and the slight waver that slipped into her voice. She was aware now that Sango was listening in, looking away as she left a cabbage to be soaked through by sink water.

?I?d still be there today if Master Val?ry - Remilia?s father - hadn?t visited. He and his wife, Alexis, saw the girls struggling to cope with not being able to see friends at normal hours, and so decided to adopt a young girl into the family to help all three of us out. They chose me, and that?s when I met the mistress for the first time. I suppose I don?t just want to help the family anymore - I want to thank them, pay them back for giving me a second chance to live my life.?

Something about this story frustrated Koishi. Eventually, the niggling point grew so out of order she had to ask it.

?Izayoi-san, why is it always ?Mistress?? Aren?t there two sisters? There?s Remilia and...what was the other one named again??

?Flandre is...a different case from her sister. On a more relevant note, you haven?t been cutting.?

Koishi had forgotten entirely about her job. She quickly started cutting at the lettuce again.

?Different how, exactly??

Sakuya paused. A look of guilt ran across her face, and for the first time she actually stopped her work on the potatoes.

?Best case scenario, you never find out. Worst case see her at the dinner table.?


Sango was kept strictly away from any and all machines inside the kitchen. Sakuya would give her a glare if she so much as looked at the oven, and Koishi refused to move away no matter how many times the dolphin insisted she could figure out how to use a microwave. Perhaps thanks to these precautions, the rest of the dinner preparations went smoothly from that point onward.

As the obnoxious chiming of the clock next door reminded Koishi, it was currently 3 in the morning. It had been years since she?d stayed up this late, and now she?d done it for two nights straight. Her sleep pattern was going to take one hell of a beating at this rate, but if it saved a life she could deal with some sore eyes.

The dinner table was large enough to seat at least a dozen, but only five chairs were set out at one end. That was still enough to seat the mansion?s residents in full, and even enough to allow Koishi and Sango somewhere to sit.

?Eh? What about Patchouli-san and Meiling-san??

?Patchouli?s asleep, remember. And as for China...?

From inside her dress, Sakuya pulled out a small walkie-talkie. It was labelled ?Gate?, ensuring no confusion as to who was on the other end. Turning it on with the click of a button, she shrugged to Koishi as a distinctive snoring sound came through the speaker.

?...Isn?t she meant to be working security??

?Technically, yes. She?s worked here for years, and no-one?s broken in, so we don?t exactly have grounds to fire her on. Even then, she was good friends with Master Val?ry, so I doubt Patchouli would let her go.?

Patchouli, Sakuya had explained, was the legal guardian of the children after their parents? passing on. She was in charge of running both the mansion and the bakery - a small business one of Val?ry?s distant relatives had started up in a foreign venture. It wasn?t a huge success, and it was only thanks to a weighty inheritance that the extravagant lifestyle the girls were used to had lasted this long.

?Enough talking, I think. It?s time for dinner.?

Sakuya seemed more than willing to leave the subject at that, heading into the kitchen to get together the various dishes to lay out on the table. The seating was set in stone - Remilia would sit at the head of the table, with Flandre to her left and Sakuya to her right. That left two chairs at the end for Koishi and Sango to take.

You?re sitting next to Izayoi, Koishi-san.

Sango got the message across to Koishi before she even had time to discuss it. Within seconds the dolphin had taken the seat, putting on a fake smile as she looked everywhere but straight at Sakuya. Koishi reluctantly nodded, taking the seat opposite from her.

Sakuya re-emerged from the kitchen shortly afterwards, hauling through plates of freshly made salad. She placed one neatly in front of each of the chairs, along with more types of knives and forks that Koishi knew existed a glass of orange juice.

?And for the finishing touch...?

Putting the plates to one side, Sakuya pulled out a small vial filled with red liquid. Placing it over Remilia?s glass, she allowed a few drops to fall into the drink. It changed colour within seconds, turning a deep shade of crimson. Koishi needed a minute to understand, then slowly nodded in recognition. Vampires wouldn?t be caught drinking anything other than blood, after all.

With all the preparations complete, Sakuya picked up a tiny bell on the nearby counter, and gave it a good ring.

?Milady! Dinner is served.?

Hurried footsteps paced down the corridors at the sound of that, suddenly stopping as they were on the verge of entering the room. Putting on a display of noble grace fitting for her standing, Remilia Scarlet entered while doing her best not to pant too hard from exertion.

?Sakuya, you?re a few minutes late. That?s unbecoming of you.?

?Apologies, milady. I was kept behind schedule, and thus had my guests help me. Were it not for their assistance, I would still be preparing half an hour from now.?

Was that...a compliment? It was the closest they?d had out of her, at least. Maybe Sakuya wasn?t that bad after all.

?Of course, it was their fault I was behind schedule in the first place, so the point is moot.?

Yup. Saw that coming. Still a bitch.

Sango folded her arms, grinning to herself. Koishi tried glaring at her, but the dolphin was focused on the mistress of the house. Remilia shrugged, walking towards her seat.

?Well, don?t let it happen again. I?ve been through many maids in my centuries on this earth, and I?m not keen on...incompetence.?

From behind Remilia, Sakuya shook her head violently. It was her way of quietly passing on the message ?she really hasn?t?. In front of her, the self-proclaimed vampire scrunched up her face as she saw what was being served tonight.

?Sakuya! Haven?t I told you a dozen times that the only dinner worth serving in this house is pot roast?!?

She turned back towards the maid, who nodded understandingly as if this declaration was nothing out of the ordinary.

?Milady, like I?ve always said, a true noble is always at her best physically. I understand the wonder of feasting on flesh, but all good things must be taken in moderation.?

Remilia pouted, forgetting herself again and acting like the child she was. For a few seconds she pulled the most pathetic pose she could, looking up at Sakuya with pleading eyes and a pouting lip. The maid refused to so much as budge under her mistress?s assault, and finally Remilia surrendered and took her seat.

?...Understood, Sakuya. Be glad that you?re my favourite maid, otherwise that sort of insolence would be enough to have me suck you dry.?

Remilia slowly reached down to the appropriate knife and fork, getting started on the salad Sakuya had prepared. Following her lead, Koishi and Sango picked up the matching cutlery in front of them and got to work on dinner. Sure enough, the food was excellent, thanks both to Sakuya?s culinary talent and the quality of the ingredients she was working with.

There was no discussion during dinner, other than a request for Sango to take her jacket off at the table (for certain fin-related reasons, Sango politely declined). Koishi?s eyes kept falling on the empty chair next to Sango, the one where Remilia?s sister was expected to sit. Why hadn?t she seen this girl yet? Why had everyone been unkeen on mentioning her? Something was being hidden from her.

She found out the answer very quickly. Or to be more precise, the answer stomped down the corridor into the dining room.

?Yo. Thanks for dinner, Sakuya.?

There was no way. No way they could be sisters. That was Koishi?s first thought as the girl entered the room. The hair matched, almost ash white, as did the blanched skin and red eyes. But that was where the similarities stopped entirely. Where Remilia stepped lightly and smiled with a hint of knowing, this girl went wherever she damn well pleased and seemed to be grimacing perpetually. She wore a jet-black shirt with a white vest underneath, and a frayed denim skirt. In short, she looked as if she?d just walked out of a punk rock concert.

Comparing that to the noble ?vampire? Remilia Scarlet, Koishi found herself seriously struggling to believe the two were sisters.

The girl?s eyes turned within seconds to the two newcomers. They then shifted to Sakuya, and for a moment Koishi swore she could see a tiny flame crackling within.

?Sakuya, you promised you wouldn?t bring any of your friends home.?

Sakuya had been caught off guard, having nearly fallen out of her chair when the second sister entered. Coughing and righting herself, she tried to come up with an explanation that wouldn?t lead to an argument.

?Ah, Flandre. Apologies about the intrusion of these two. My business this evening was...difficult.?

Flandre had her arms crossed rebelliously, and rolled her eyes at Sakuya?s testimony.

?Whatever. Good to see we?re letting more people in on the freak show.?

She sat at the table, leaning forward and picking up the first knife and fork to catch her eye. Without a care for the etiquette and care the rest of the table was taking for dinner, Flandre just mowed down her meal like she was being timed. The sounds of her munching and chewing filled the air for a minute or two, until there were only the bare remnants of a salad leaf on her plate.

?Good meal. Thanks again.?

The instant she?d finished, Flandre rose to her feet and made to leave.

?Wait, Flan!?

Remilia?s voice gave way again, sounding more childish than the self proclaimed vampire would like to admit. Flandre didn?t turn around, but paid her sister at least enough attention to stop in the doorway.

?...What is it??

Flandre?s sister frowned. For the first time, Koishi could look Remilia in the eye and see her emotion was genuine.  She bit her lip before starting.

?It?s just spend so long in your room, you see. I haven?t had the chance to talk to you for months-?

?Oh, I?m sorry. Does Little Miss Vampire want to waste her time on a wretched little human??

Every word out of her mouth had an almost physical effect on Remilia, leaving her bent over in her chair with a desperate look on her face. ?Flan, please! You?re my sister, and I never see you anymore! I?m worried about yo-?


Flan flung her hand into the doorway, slamming it into the wooden outline. The wood splintered, cracks running across it in all directions for a few inches. Koishi couldn?t help but gasp at the sight of it - such destructive power from a girl of such small stature. There was only one emotion that could fuel that sort of strength.

Unbridled, absolute hatred.

?I?m sick of this stupid game you keep playing. What if I don?t wanna be a vampire? What if I wanna be normal just like everyone else?!?

Remilia looked like she?d just been stabbed in the heart. Slowly, and with difficulty, she spoke.

?F-Flan...I?m sorry, but we?re never going to be normal. I know XP is rough, but there?s nothing we can do about i-?

?Yeah there is! Sakuya said so!?

Flan turned on her feet, her eyes locking on to Sakuya. Tears were running freely down her face as she looked at the maid with pleading eyes.

?Didn?t you, Sakuya? You can fix us, right?!?

Sakuya had taken this only slightly better than Remilia had. She was pinned to her chair, eyes unable to look away from Flandre?s sorry state. Remilia?s eyes turned on the maid just like Flan?s had.

?Wait. You told Flandre what??

She was pinned down on two fronts. Flandre and Remilia were both glaring at her, and both of them were waiting for her to say the opposite of what the other wanted to hear. Koishi saw the look of pain, of struggle on Sakuya?s face as her eyes darted between the sisters - from Remilia to Flandre, then back to Remilia, then back again.

After what must have been a minute?s silence, she turned to Sakuya and quietly nodded.

?...Yes, Flandre. I?ll find a way.?

Flandre put on a smug grin of satisfaction, but only for a few moments. Then she was back to shouting at her sister.

?See, Remi!? Sakuya promised me she?d find a way to make us normal! She promised!?

Remilia looked at Sakuya with scorn for a minute, before trying in vain to bring her sister to reason.

?Flan, listen to me! Patchouli has told us a hundred times, there?s nothing we can do about it! I?m begging you, just-?

?Shut UP, Remi! All I want is to be like everyone else, okay?! I don?t wanna be locked up in this house anymore! I just...I just...!?

The words ran dry as her throat locked up, and all Flan could produce was a series of choked sobs. Her hand slammed into the doorway again, sending the cracks an inch or so further out this time. Unable to put her feelings in words, she just ran straight out the door, her footsteps echoing into the room as she ran upstairs.

?F...Flan! Wait!?

Remilia forgot entirely about both her noble act and her dinner, standing up from the table and chasing after her sister. There were only three people left at the dinner table now: Koishi, struggling to offer any sort of response to the fight she?d just witnessed; Sakuya, sitting silently with her head in her hands, and Sango, glaring straight at Sakuya with a look of complete disgust.

For all intents and purposes, dinner had just ended.

?Izayoi. We need to talk. Kitchen. Now.?


  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #170 on: April 06, 2011, 01:08:23 AM »
>Flandre entering
?Yo. Thanks for dinner, Sakuya.?

this was the best thing that could have ever happened i am laughing so hard

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #171 on: April 06, 2011, 03:49:38 AM »
Yeah, not really sure why Sango's hating Sakuya so much.

Also, good stuff, as always. And push it! You can be done by the end of the week. Do it!

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #172 on: April 06, 2011, 06:45:48 AM »
Yeah, not really sure why Sango's hating Sakuya so much.
Just imagine hearing someone plan to change the very essence of someone else out of love. It might have good intentions, but forcefully altering another being isn't exactly a good thing. This, probably combined with some personal values on Sango's side, is why she's hated.

But this story is awesome! I've been following it for a while and only gotten around to replying now... Yeah, I'm slow.

And you can, Rou! You can finish before the end of the week! FIGHT!


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #173 on: April 06, 2011, 02:35:17 PM »
I don't think that's it. XP is a physical condition, and quite obviously a negative one. Sakuya's trying to cure an illness, not change who Remilia and Flandre are.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #174 on: April 06, 2011, 02:41:19 PM »
Yeah, not really sure why Sango's hating Sakuya so much.

Lemme say something right now. If Izayoi wasn?t part of the race I?d sworn to protect, I?d be beating seven shades of hell out of her right this minute. She?s not just an asshole anymore - she?s an asshole with a few screws loose up there.
Not really sure what's missing. Sakuya's a pretty abrasive asshole in this, and her threatening to beat Patchouli didn't help matters.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #175 on: April 06, 2011, 05:35:50 PM »
It was one incident that concerned what is a very emotional issue for Sakuya and Patchouli. Hardly enough to justify thinking Sakuya's an asshole.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #176 on: April 06, 2011, 06:51:01 PM »
God forbid there be something regarding Sango's reasons that the author wants to reveal later. ::)

Seriously, is there something totally incomprehensible about the idea of an action where the motives will only be revealed later?


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #177 on: April 06, 2011, 07:37:08 PM »

I must know, NOW


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #178 on: April 06, 2011, 07:40:40 PM »
God forbid there be something regarding Sango's reasons that the author wants to reveal later. ::)

Seriously, is there something totally incomprehensible about the idea of an action where the motives will only be revealed later?

No. The thing here is that we've seen everything involving Sakuya that Sango has, and I don't see anything that would justify that kind of attitude. But whatever.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi
« Reply #179 on: April 06, 2011, 07:42:00 PM »
No. The thing here is that we've seen everything involving Sakuya that Sango has, and I don't see anything that would justify that kind of attitude. But whatever.

Except that we're not Sango, so we don't have the same background as her to justify the hissin' and the spittin'.