Author Topic: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 1st - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye  (Read 171130 times)

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Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #390 on: October 08, 2010, 03:25:39 AM »
>Why are we paying attention to manipulative sinister voices?
>Achy: "Usually, there is some unspoken dissatisfaction on part of the servant that gets magnified out of proportion, from what I've seen."
>Ghostly: Shift uncomfortably a little.
>ReiRei: "Really I just want to find what is doing it so I can beat on them for a few hours. Today is becoming a real pain."


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #391 on: October 08, 2010, 04:06:43 AM »
>Why are we paying attention to manipulative sinister voices?
>Even if you try to ignore it, you can still hear it. Even if there are other voices in the room.

>Achy: "Usually, there is some unspoken dissatisfaction on part of the servant that gets magnified out of proportion, from what I've seen."
>"I see."

>Ghostly: Shift uncomfortably a little.
>If only Youmu had told you about her dissatisfactions...

>"Sakuya, do you have anything that you would like to complain about? It's okay, Sakuya. Speak up."
>"Well- despite your generosity and concern for me- and I mean this with no disrespect, mistress- that you sometimes act like a spoiled brat. You act as if you are a queen, but you are not."
>"However, I come from a long line of vampires descended from Vlad Tepes Dracula himself. I should at least be an aristocrat."
>"Yes, except you aren't a descendent of Vlad Tepes Dracula, and are only pretending to be so you can boost your massive ego. I mean no disrespect with that, but you really need to learn some humility."

>ReiRei: "Really I just want to find what is doing it so I can beat on them for a few hours. Today is becoming a real pain."
>Remilia responds "Sorry, I can't help you right now, I'm too busy explaining to Sakuya why I deserve this position of higher power."

>Would you like to interview, interrogate, inter, interbreed, interact with, interest, interrupt, or intercept the vampire? Or would you like to intercede?
>Or leave.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 04:10:59 AM by Valkyrie Lupia Blitzer »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #392 on: October 08, 2010, 07:12:11 AM »
>Observe for now.
>Haunter: If it looks like things are about to get tense, get ready to dive and intervene.
>Genji Gardener: Keep intuition sharp for weird things.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #393 on: October 09, 2010, 12:37:39 AM »

>Haunter: If it looks like things are about to get tense, get ready to dive and intervene.
>You can't let something like what happened a few hours ago (or an hour) happen again. Not after Youmu.

>Genji Gardener: Keep intuition sharp for weird things.
>You keep your intuition sharp in case strange things come up.

>Observe for now.
>"Aside the fact that I am descended from the greatest of vampires, why should I not be as prideful as I am? I am that great, after all."
>"Except not. Reimu and Marisa did stop you all those years ago, after all. You do make mistakes, mistress."
>"Nonsense. Reimu and Marisa just graze very well, that is all. Not to mention the Spell Card rules stoppig people from creating unblockable patterns."
>"That's not the point. The point is, you do make mistakes, but you aren't able to see them because of your overinflated ego. When you do eventually get humiliated later in life, if you don't learn some humility, you will break down. Hard."
>"I don't think I will be humiliated."
>"See, that's another example of you making mistakes but not seeing it because of your huge ego. And that's some big tempting of fate, there."
>"I can manipulate fate so I don't get humiliated, you know."
>"Are you sure? It will come when you least expect it..."

>There seem to be no physical interactions between them, except what seems like a staring contest.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 12:39:21 AM by Valkyrie Lupia Blitzer »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #394 on: October 09, 2010, 02:54:45 AM »
>Yuyu Ltd: "Stop it! Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!"
>Interpose self between them, put a hand on each of their shoulders.
>"Don't you see what it's doing to you? You both care for each other! Even if you disagree on some things, you both know it's not this bad! This is what that thing does to you! It's making these things seem worse than they really are! Think about it, how much has this really bothered you over the past? It can't be that important, given how long your two have been together, right? You two have to care for each other deeply, don't you? Please, just stop this. It's making things seem so much worse to you than they actually are!"
>Bullfrog Botherer: Keep that intuition up.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #395 on: October 09, 2010, 04:19:32 AM »
>Yuyu Ltd: "Stop it! Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!"
>Interpose self between them, put a hand on each of their shoulders.
>"Don't you see what it's doing to you? You both care for each other! Even if you disagree on some things, you both know it's not this bad! This is what that thing does to you! It's making these things seem worse than they really are! Think about it, how much has this really bothered you over the past? It can't be that important, given how long your two have been together, right? You two have to care for each other deeply, don't you? Please, just stop this. It's making things seem so much worse to you than they actually are!"
>The voice says in Eiki's head "Hey, I didn't cause this conflict! And jeez, the Reisen and Eirin thing isn't as bad as you think..."
>After a moment where Sakuya and Remilia are surprised at your outburst, Sakuya wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyylys replies "Yes, we have been together for a long time. Yes, we do care about each other. No, it does not mean there can't be changes." Then she slowly walks out of the room while staring at Yuyuko.
>Remilia does not react. She is still shocked.

>Bullfrog Botherer: Keep that intuition up.
>You flinch for a moment when Yuyuko delivers that speech, but you keep it up. You vaguely wonder how you do that.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #396 on: October 09, 2010, 04:27:27 AM »
>GhostlyTrickster: "No, don't walk off! That isn't going to help anything at all!"
>Chase after Sakuya if she doesn't stop.
>Eiki: Actually, did we judge this Vlad fellow? That kind of record definitely has to stand out.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #397 on: October 09, 2010, 04:38:57 AM »
>Eiki: Actually, did we judge this Vlad fellow? That kind of record definitely has to stand out.
>Judging by the foreign-sounding name, you imagine that this person was judged far, far away from where you ever were.

>GhostlyTrickster: "No, don't walk off! That isn't going to help anything at all!"
>"Kinda ironic, isn't it? You say that this...thing makes our problems seem worse than they really are. However, you see our problems as worse than they really are."
>"Now, this moment is I'm just going to back out now. Mistress, I hope you keep these things in mind."

>Chase after Sakuya if she doesn't stop.
>You chase Sakuya. She was only walking away, so you catch her easily. What would you like to do now?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #398 on: October 09, 2010, 04:50:48 AM »
>Booberry Check: "Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just panicking. I'm sorry, it's just I've seen this get so much worse. I was just afraid of seeing the same thing happen again."
>Yamecha: Consider if it would be ethical to ask for information on this person via the bureaucracy and trace his descendancy?
>ReiRei: "She's pretty much right, you know."


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #399 on: October 09, 2010, 05:50:21 PM »
>Booberry Check: "Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just panicking. I'm sorry, it's just I've seen this get so much worse. I was just afraid of seeing the same thing happen again."
>ReiRei: "She's pretty much right, you know."
>"The same thing...? What happened between you and Youmu?"

>Yamecha: Consider if it would be ethical to ask for information on this person via the bureaucracy and trace his descendancy?
>It would be ethical. Whether it would possible, on the other hand...

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #400 on: October 09, 2010, 05:55:59 PM »
>Ectobiology: "It's...a bit personal. Let's just say I made some mistakes, and that...thing fed on it, until...well,,,Youmu said some things I truly hope she didn't mean and declared she was leaving me forever. And...I hope you can see why I panicked."
>Eikinator: Ponder if said information could be requisitioned under the auspices of studying a present-day case under which such data would be particularly pertinent to judging a case black or white.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #401 on: October 10, 2010, 03:36:50 AM »
>Ectobiology: "It's...a bit personal. Let's just say I made some mistakes, and that...thing fed on it, until...well,,,Youmu said some things I truly hope she didn't mean and declared she was leaving me forever. And...I hope you can see why I panicked."
>As Eiki: The voice in your head sarcastically says "I love the fact that she got the situation correct."
>"Well, I can understand you. having that outburst now. And she said that she would leave you forever, huh? Did she actually say 'forever'?"

>Eikinator: Ponder if said information could be requisitioned under the auspices of studying a present-day case under which such data would be particularly pertinent to judging a case black or white.
>You usually just use the Cleansed Crystal Mirror, but you could try to request this information. However, it may not be possible depending on how foreign this "Vlad Tepes Dracula" is.

>Remilia pipes up, "If you're not going to continue a conversation with me, I suggest you leave. I think I'm going to need some alone time."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #402 on: October 10, 2010, 04:06:09 AM »
>Booster: "She implied it very strongly. Perhaps she'll get over it, but the way that the Enma has spoken, that outside influence makes it unlikely. But, don't you feel it would be better to finish off with some kind words to Remilia, rather than leave things as they are?"
>ReiRei: "You know. I really kind of want to shoot up that thing a whole lot."
>Enmatic: "I'm sorry, I was just lost in thought. We'll leave you in peace, please don't be too angry with her."


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #403 on: October 10, 2010, 05:25:54 AM »
>Booster: "She implied it very strongly. Perhaps she'll get over it, but the way that the Enma has spoken, that outside influence makes it unlikely. But, don't you feel it would be better to finish off with some kind words to Remilia, rather than leave things as they are?"
>"Yes, I could have done better, but ah well."
>ReiRei: "You know. I really kind of want to shoot up that thing a whole lot."
>"What problems has this...thing caused?"

>Enmatic: "I'm sorry, I was just lost in thought. We'll leave you in peace, please don't be too angry with her."
>"I'm not, I did not make her the head maid just because of her time-freezing abilities and domestic skills. Anyways, Sakuya will show you out of the mansion now."
>Sakuya nods, and beckons for you and your group to follow.


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Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #404 on: October 10, 2010, 11:40:07 PM »
>Yama: "Wait, I forgot. A quick warning first, about our original reason for coming. Apparently there's a fairy army planning to attack the mansion sometime soon. The thought is insane, but there's another fairy army that's apparently going to interfere with that... I have no idea what caused that, but whether you know why this might have happened or not, I believe it would be important to know."
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #405 on: October 11, 2010, 12:38:25 AM »
>Yama: "Wait, I forgot. A quick warning first, about our original reason for coming. Apparently there's a fairy army planning to attack the mansion sometime soon. The thought is insane, but there's another fairy army that's apparently going to interfere with that... I have no idea what caused that, but whether you know why this might have happened or not, I believe it would be important to know."
>Remilia gives you a "WTF?" kind of look.
>"  You aren't lying, are you?"
>The voice says "And just so you know, lying is still wrong."


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Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #406 on: October 11, 2010, 12:54:22 AM »
> Eiki:  "I know it sounds crazy, but its true."
> Eiki:  Quiet you.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #407 on: October 11, 2010, 02:22:34 AM »
> Eiki:  "I know it sounds crazy, but its true."
> "Well, I suppose the Yama doesn't you know anything about these armies other than this?"

> Eiki:  Quiet you.
> The voice says "Hey, just trying to guide you."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #408 on: October 11, 2010, 04:45:35 AM »
>Yamanamana: "Nothing reliable at this time, no."
>Follow Sakuya out.


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Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #409 on: October 11, 2010, 04:47:49 AM »
> Libra Incarnate "Well, either my source of finding out about the army was lying and was concealling it very well, or it's true. I certainly hope they were lying, in that a Fairy Army can not be a good thing."


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #410 on: October 11, 2010, 11:01:10 PM »
>Legs: "Given the unusual nature of the army and hearing of possible hostile intent to the Mansion, I believe it would be good to warn you of the matter - whether it would be wiser to actively investigate it or prepare for the invasion and observe then if your decision. But I am curious about it as well, so should you discover anything, I would like to hear about it the next time we meet."
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest - Insert Word Salad Title Here
« Reply #411 on: October 12, 2010, 03:45:42 AM »
>Yamanamana: "Nothing reliable at this time, no."
>"I see."

> Libra Incarnate "Well, either my source of finding out about the army was lying and was concealling it very well, or it's true. I certainly hope they were lying, in that a Fairy Army can not be a good thing."
>"Well, since you are leaving now, I should have Sakuya investigate." Sakuya nods to this statement.

>Legs: "Given the unusual nature of the army and hearing of possible hostile intent to the Mansion, I believe it would be good to warn you of the matter - whether it would be wiser to actively investigate it or prepare for the invasion and observe then if your decision. But I am curious about it as well, so should you discover anything, I would like to hear about it the next time we meet."
>"I understand. You will hear about anything Sakuya manages to find."

>Follow Sakuya out.
>You follow Sakuya out. Midway through Remilia's room and the gates, Sakuya asks "What was your source involving this strange fairy army matter?"


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 1st - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #412 on: October 15, 2010, 02:12:28 AM »
>Photosynthesis Pimp: "Reisen said that she heard it from some fairies allied with the group that was going to 'defend' the mansion, for lack of a better term."
>Frog Flippant: "And we're gonna be having her lead us to Eintei once we're back at the village, unless she's already snuck off to pick a fight with those fairies."
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 1st - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #413 on: October 15, 2010, 02:19:04 AM »
>Photosynthesis Pimp: "Reisen said that she heard it from some fairies allied with the group that was going to 'defend' the mansion, for lack of a better term."
>"I did hear that Reisen was in good standing with the fairies lately. And defend the mansion? Why would they do that?"

>Frog Flippant: "And we're gonna be having her lead us to Eintei once we're back at the village, unless she's already snuck off to pick a fight with those fairies."
>"And...why are you going to Eientei? Does it have something to do with the nightmares, or the fairies?"


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 1st - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #414 on: October 15, 2010, 02:24:39 AM »
>Hatlegs: "Rivalry with the group that was attacking, reportedly.
>Which IS relatively normal for fairies... right?
>Genji Grappler: "Nightmares. Apparently Reisen took hers to heart and decided Eirin was a jerk. Somehow it didn't explode and Reisen is still at the town shop, but there's something up there, and we're gonna find out."
>Oppai Yosei: We... what would be best to say to Sakuya right now? Argh!
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 1st - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #415 on: October 15, 2010, 03:31:38 AM »
>Hatlegs: "Rivalry with the group that was attacking, reportedly."
>"Interesting. But why would they not directly attack the other's encampment or soldiers?"

>Which IS relatively normal for fairies... right?
>Fairies can be as petty as this, but people rarely see it.

>Genji Grappler: "Nightmares. Apparently Reisen took hers to heart and decided Eirin was a jerk. Somehow it didn't explode and Reisen is still at the town shop, but there's something up there, and we're gonna find out."
>"How much of this has something to do with Youmu?"

>Oppai Yosei: We... what would be best to say to Sakuya right now? Argh!
>What kind of things do you want to communicate to Sakuya, outright or implied?


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 1st - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #416 on: October 16, 2010, 10:55:10 PM »
>bkubborg: "Apparently, neither knows where the others' base camp is. I wouldn't be surprised if there have been skirmishes elsewhere, but I suspect both of them are waiting on the mansion invasion."
>Salamander Slapfighter: "Told you, servant-master pair getting in a spat. She denied having any nightmares, but I'm not about to write this off as a coincidence. 'specially with Remilia not acting her age, either."
>The Hunger: "... don't be too hard on her, please... she must understand on some level..."
>Armpits: "Hah. When's the last time she admitted to her own faults?"
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 1st - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #417 on: October 16, 2010, 11:58:05 PM »
>bkubborg: "Apparently, neither knows where the others' base camp is. I wouldn't be surprised if there have been skirmishes elsewhere, but I suspect both of them are waiting on the mansion invasion."
>"I see. Do you know if they have done any...activities outside of the invasion?"

>Salamander Slapfighter: "Told you, servant-master pair getting in a spat. She denied having any nightmares, but I'm not about to write this off as a coincidence. 'specially with Remilia not acting her age, either."
>"And by 'not acting her age', do you mean she's not acting ten years old or five hundred years old?" Sakuya smiles slyly, which is very much unlike her...

>The Hunger: "... don't be too hard on her, please... she must understand on some level..."
>Armpits: "Hah. When's the last time she admitted to her own faults?"
>From Eiki's point of view: Sakuya mutters "Hypocrite." under her breath, but Reimu and Yuyuko don't seem to hear.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 1st - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #418 on: October 19, 2010, 12:59:34 AM »
>ReiRei: "Other activities? Not as far as I know. Just might be a good idea to keep an eye on them. Make sure the gate guard's aware and has some back up and stuff. And as far as not acting her age? ...Yes."
>Achy: Console self with the knowledge that Yuyuko does seem to be doing a bit better, whatever her prior transgressions.
>Yuyu Co: "So, you've not heard anything interesting, Sakuya?"



  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: (Shiki)Eiki Quest the 1st - Text Adventure of the Demonic Eye
« Reply #419 on: October 19, 2010, 04:02:53 AM »
>ReiRei: "Other activities? Not as far as I know. Just might be a good idea to keep an eye on them."
>"Okay. No matter how organized a fairy army is, they will eventually cause trouble..."

"Make sure the gate guard's aware and has some back up and stuff. And as far as not acting her age? ...Yes."
>"Speaking of Meiling, I've had this strange urge to stab her in the face recently...not like me at all..."
>"'Yes'? You didn't answer my question if you meant if she wasn't acting ten or five hundred and seven. Assuming you meant 507, however, the mistress should be more wiser at this age."

>Achy: Console self with the knowledge that Yuyuko does seem to be doing a bit better, whatever her prior transgressions.
>She seems to be calming down from Youmu's...departure. Hopefully this will all turn out for the better...

>Yuyu Co: "So, you've not heard anything interesting, Sakuya?"
>"No, I haven't. The villagers don't seem to be talking about it. Or know about it."