Author Topic: [WC3 - DotS] General discussion thread I  (Read 573806 times)


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #630 on: February 15, 2011, 06:47:52 AM »
Alice wih the right support can take down the middle tower in 5 minutes and if met with the double lane, takes down the next tower by 7 minutes. But this is highly situatitional and relies on meeting no resistance. What I'm saying here is that Alice just needs the right play skills to be a strong hero. Most of us don't have those skills, so we never want to pick Alice and find ourselves doing badly. Dular seemed to have picked up Alice rather well the last time we heard from him.

Captain Infinity

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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #631 on: February 15, 2011, 06:59:08 AM »
Alice wih the right support can take down the middle tower in 5 minutes and if met with the double lane, takes down the next tower by 7 minutes. But this is highly situatitional and relies on meeting no resistance. What I'm saying here is that Alice just needs the right play skills to be a strong hero. Most of us don't have those skills, so we never want to pick Alice and find ourselves doing badly. Dular seemed to have picked up Alice rather well the last time we heard from him.

Alice requires too much effort for me to play. Although DotS itself is probably too much effort for me to play too! orz


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #632 on: February 15, 2011, 09:53:20 AM »
I want to play Alice just for the fun of running a proper RTS army but I don't think I have the skill for it :V

Reducing the number of Alice's dolls but increasing their individual strength, resulting in the same overall power, might make her less cumbersome. She has so many in late game you can't select them all to move at once! Also does each doll type still have the same Shanghai icon while selected? They should have different ones.

Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #633 on: February 15, 2011, 10:07:37 AM »
I've only played Alice vs comps once, but it's hella fun and frantic trying to manage that ever growing army of dolls. Gives those with godly micro skills an opportunity to show off by selecting the appropriate Shanghai to tank while having the rest go on assault while dancing them around to spread out the damage and unsummoning the injured ones to recover mana to resummon OH GOD I HAVE NOT ENOUGH AGILITY IN MY FINGERS. I don't know if the design was intentional, but linking her dolls' hp buff to her int stat makes her super fragile if she wants to buff her dolls up. Besides, what's she going to do with all that mana once her dolls are summoned anyway? Seems like she can't really do anything on her own, which although is the point of her character, might be a little extreme. Maybe have her ult provide a small bonus aura for her teammates/dolls? Although she's a loner in the story of the main Touhou shmups, I doubt any team will want to leave her alone for too long in any lane... I like that :P A well-played Alice against someone who doesn't have the ability to get behind those Shanghais quickly is a nightmare.

Please also play a soundbite of Kylie Minogue's Loco-Motion when the Shanghais line up and do their charge :P


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #634 on: February 15, 2011, 10:13:48 AM »
Please also play a soundbite of Kylie Minogue's Loco-Motion when the Shanghais line up and do their charge :P

If only the map wasn't already at the size limit.

Alice can make use of activatable items with her spare mana. Stuff like Reitaisai, SDL, GHGM are all pretty good items to keep you even more busy with :V


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #635 on: February 15, 2011, 10:51:15 AM »
Incoming walls of text and lots of gungnirs.

Exploits and bugs
  • Kogasa should NOT be allowed to board Minamitsu's ship when she is in W mode. Period. Neither she should be possible to be teleported (Yukari/Kaguya)
  • Genji should not be able to be mass teleported with Yukari. This can pretty much screw up things

Faith usage, Genji/Onbashira towers
  • Automated Genji AI is not working. It totally wrecks the strategic usage of Genji. Reverting back to old controllable Genji would be nice.
  • The 30 --> 40 faith for Moriya thunder makes no sense. It doesn't do damage any more and it has been a good strategic counter skill. 30 was fine.
  • 6 faith for the Genji son armour is too much in my opinion. The armour lasts really short time to justify for the high faith usage. The old 3 faith usage was plenty.
  • 6 faith for Onbashira's haste is as well too much. The speed bonus is good for instant chase or instant run away, but 6 is overkill. The old 5 was overkill as well. 3 or 4 faith would be more justified.
  • Soy Sauce needs rebalancing. The 140 seconds cooldown is WAY too much. Often in games I have pondered to get Soy sauce because Koakuma / Letty keep slowing things down. But the cost and cooldown renders it useless. And late game nobody will buy it because you don't have an inventory slot any more. The Soy Sauce should cost less faith (10) and cooldown should be decreased to 90s or something. (Open for debate)

Primeterator (monkey)
Why was this removed puzzles me. It makes Heaven's peach useless because Anchor is way too overpowered. Primeterator was an awesome item to turn some girls into beasts making the game more interesting.

Wish: Return back this item.

I have no idea why this item was introduced into this game. An item that adds critical damage and the chances increases the more you receive damage? As if Oar and Niceboat were not enough. Anchor is design to benefit Koishi even more. Which we don't need. Remove this item, return back Primeterator please.

Wish: Remove this item.

Turn it back to what it was. A lot of girls were dependant on the abilities of Hakkero giving them strategic abilities. I somehow sense that the Hakkero got changed just to benefit girls like Byakuren and Koakuma more. I just don't understand this. They are already extremely strong and then the devs add something like this.

The old Hakkero allowed Kaguya to stay alive for 12 seconds or Patchouli to act more aggressive for 12 more seconds. It made the games more tactical and interesting. +40 INT and 25% CD bonus is just dull and boring and benefits the wrong girls.

The second major argument would be that the old Hakkero had the best syncing build up for any magical girl. Because Eirin doll, Party basket and Sake were benificial items to get. This way the person building up Hakkero would not receive backfire from MP management. But now with the twin stolen book it has become silly. Farming 2x 2100 is just silly, it is not a Tacticus item. Back to the old hakkero please.

Wish: Return old hakkero with old values.

HJBUG and Adamantine
Why did the devs remove the armour bonus and regen bonuses? These two items were very good to have late game for weak INT girls or AGI.

Wish: Add back the armour and regen bonus.

Stolen Magical book
I am happy the devs want to use the new +STR/INT/AGI items more in fusions, but blatantly changing everything to enforce purchasing is not nice. First of all, 2100 gold is quite a number to farm. You need to die less in order to achieve this. Like TranceHime has stated above, due to these kind of changes the game turns into "Who farms best" instead of "who cooperates the best". Due to Stolen Magical Book recipes (Yukkuri stick etc), nobody is buying 'Magician's hat' any more. While Magician's hat is a pretty good item. 'God's right hand' has been nicely used. And Tengu's fan is also being only used in two items. Devs seem to just randomly mix in this item. Uninspired in my opinion.

Wish: This item functions already enough for Yukkuri stick. Do not force it in other recipes.

Llama limited edition
I have no idea why they increased the cost on the recipe. It is a cheap way of annoying the players. This item had perfect balance.

Wish: Pricing back to 500 please.

This item got overpowered because you only need 2 tengu amulets instead of three. See Inaba illusion laser for the explanation.

Wish: Turn back to 3 tengu amulets to build.

Inaba illusion laser
Overpowered item because it became too easy to build. I have no idea why the devs added the little screwdriver by removing one Lunarite build. Which leads to the following: Why did the atk speed % bonus got improved? It doesn't justify when you remove one lunarite from the recipe.

Wish: Atk speed bonus should be toned down back to 35%. Old recipe build please: 2x Lunarite 1x Frozen frog and recipe.

Shinigami Scythe
This item is bit overpowered. And the only reason is the damage formula. If the damage formula can be tweaked, this item will become balanced.

Wish: Slightly tone down the dmg formula. As it is now, it is quite strong.

Same as Scythe. The item is extremely overpowered on very fast AGI heroes. And compared to Scythe, this item is even more dangerous. Same principal here. Katana needs to be toned down to make it more balanced. I wonder when we are going to get a INT version of Scythe/Katana. . .

Wish: Tone down the dmg formula and MP burn.

Green Dam Youth
I thought the Green dam was an icon in the chinese community? Why did they remove the recipe build? Why did they remove the stat bonuses? It makes no sense. There is no reason for this. The item was already fine as it was. Adding quite a lot of HP / MP AND having 6 seconds of magic godmode is not balanced.

Wish: Return Green dam back to its old recipe build and stats. For the sake of Dots.

3D Escapade
This item was fine, now it got rendered annoying because it is too expensive. The new slowdown effect upon use is fine. The price is just not justified.

Wish: Return back 3D to 800 recipe cost.

Ice Cube
Increasing the cost and adding +1 all stats ? ? ? ? ? ? Why ?  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Again same argument here, this game is turning into "Farm the best, win like the rest".

Wish:  Icecube back to 2100 cost and +8 stats please.

Bun / Sake
I have no idea why this became cheaper. It is unfair compared to Sake which is still 875. Either make them both the same price or both the old price.

Wish: Bun back to 875 or Sake to 825 as well.

Karakasa box
This item got removed because it was pretty much useless. True, but it could be made useful if it wasn't this expensive and gave other beneficial bonus. I see potential in this item but not with the old build. Right now Cirno is the only one with such skill (pull aggressive)

Wish: Return back Karakasa. Make the item cost ~ 3000-3500 and adding a bit HP, armour and regen perhaps? (Open for debate)

Hakurei Shrine Amulet
Another item which got rendered useless. The main reason why most people bought Hakurei Amulet is to protect them from ultimate attacks such as Satori / Yuyuko etc. I have no idea why suddenly they changed this. The increase from 20s to 30s is ok. I agree with the cd increase, but not with the change in effect.

Wish: Hakurei amulet back to blocking ALL magic skills target. 30s cool down is fine.

Scarlet Devil Launcher
I seen in 0.958k they made the item cheaper but also weaker. This is way too easy form of balancing. Making things cheaper and weaker is not the way of balancing. The problem with Scarlet Devil Launcher was the bonus being given and the recipe cost. 1200 is a lot, but 1000 would be better. Also the +ATK INT and AGI stats make no sense.

Wish: SDL should be 1000 for the recipe. Return back to old damage rates. Remove the +AGI bonus and add back the old INT bonus and negative STR bonus.

Girls and skills
Oh boy, here we go. I am only going to mention the girls worth mentioning

Suika is suppose to be a tank in this game. But her poor HP and poor nerfed abilities don't make up for it. Her ultimate is the only attack that can actually do something. Her mist labyrinth is her only defense. She is more like a cute punching bag rather than useful hero. Only early game she is dangerous, but once people have reached lvl 16, it becomes nothing.

Wish: Suika's throwing atlas needs to do more damage. Her MP regen is weak. Mini Suika's should last a little longer. Missing power should turn Suika resistant against Stun, sleep, confuse etc. I don't mind her taking magical damage but it is pretty stupid you can sleep Suika when her ultimate is her only attack which works...

Why do the devs keep nerfing down Meiling. Ok, she is pretty strong. Her F skill is very deadly vs INT / AGI and her W skill disables everything.

Wish: Turn back her R skill to 300 radius and increase put back the % chance to trigger to 0.957i.

Patchouli is fine except for her R skill. Why did you nerf down the maximum damage on this? The skill costs a lot of MP and it doesn't even do damage unless the enemy is using a toggle orb skill.

Wish: 120/150/180/210MP --> 75/100/125/150MP  and damage --> 2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5 and maximum damage cap is removed or at least increased to something fair (200/400/600/800) or something.

Flandre is overpowered and "Kyu". If you buy for Flandre Sai Li and Kitsune, she can destroy anybody. Her passive ability makes her only stronger for no reason.

Wish: Tone down Flan's F passive. It has too much chance. With her attack speed it becomes permanent slow. R passive is also too strong. Tone it down slightly (not too much)  W skill (200/300/400%)

It is good Rin's wheel barrow got nerfed down. It was too strong. No idea why her zombie summon skill became 2s --> 4s. The problem is not her zombie summoning but her W skill. It does TOO MUCH damage on buildings.

Wish: Adjust W skill so it does less damage on buildings.

What I always disliked about Youmu was her passive F skill. I know that Youmu is a weak AGI hero and is hard to play. But that is kind of stupid. Her W skill is extremely strong vs AGI/INT heroes and she is equiped with Blink which allows her to chase and run away. Her passive F does not make her fair, especially when Myon is out because it has 100% at lvl 4. Right now her passive F skill is only useful vs strong STR heroes with a lot of armour (especially when they have Myon)

Wish: -4 armour should either become -1 armour per hit or if the -4 is kept make sure it only stacks maximum of 5-7 times. ( -20 / -35 armour ) is plenty enough imo. (Open for debate)

Everything is wrong about Koakuma. The 200 damage at lvl 4 on D skill is overpowered. Also, why does a slowing skill do extra magical damage? Because it bounces, the stacking of slow becomes extremely unfair. If the skill bounces 3x on you at level 4, you already have -96% movement speed. Letty needs W skill + D skill in order to achieve this, but Koakuma just needs only one skill. We have seen this quite often and it does not make any sense.

Wish: tone down D skill damage. Tone down F skill slow down effect and damage. 8/16/24/32% should become 4/8/12/16%. If we count that average you get hit 3x , you will be slowed down for 48% which is fair when we look at Sanae's whirlwind and such.

Mokou has been always an issue in Dots. Ever since 949 series she was considered one of the strongest heroes in the game. And she isn't even STR.  This is mainly due to her infinite ability to just turn into an egg --> wait 4 seconds --> Mokou-tan is back. =.=

Wish: Mokou is almost balanced but needs tweaking on her Egg skill. I don't mind the 4s resurrection delay on her egg, but the cooldown is unfair. Turn 70/40/20/5s --> 60/50/40/30s. This way Mokou cannot just go egg around and solo towers or enemy girls.

Yamame is pretty fair except for 2 things. Her spider skill and W poison skill. The spiders last 13 seconds and her cooldown is 16s, meaning she has net downtime of only 3 seconds. Her poison lasts way too long and is bugged. When you use Reimu's invincibility ability (border or single border) while being poisoned, it becomes bugged and you keep it for ever.

Wish: Fix the bug with her poison please and increase cooldown on the spider summon or make it scale at least with the level of the skill.

I am going to just say: See all the previous replies about Koishi. Anything I say will be duplicate. Ever since 949 (when i started playing) she has been worse hero in this game.

Not much to complain or suggest. Just a fix on her clone would be nice to prevent the lame exploiting.

Wish: Don't make the clone invulnerable, but allow it to be hurt by the guilty herself, but for less damage than the guilty person would receive damage.

Komachi was bit broken but ever since the devs added invulnerability mode during her W skill is unfair. Before we could save our allies if we quickly killed Komachi. Right now Komachi can always get a sure kill, even if she is in danger. Next point is her souls. They do too much damage and last TOO long.

Wish: Remove Komachi's invulnerable mode when she is using her W skill. Tone down damage of the soul explosion OR make them last shorter. (120s --> 90s). The minimum HP to trigger Komachi's death should not be 50% but 30% or 35%.

I don't know for sure but should her W skill kill people who are invulnerable? Because I tried ingame using Adementine and then moved but still died. Same goes also when you are using Reimu's W border or Yukari's D skill. Please check this bug.

BunBunMaru is the only skill  I can note being broken. Mainly because together with her passive R skill this skill becomes quite dangerous and overpowered when she has atk speed. Wind god girl skill teleport cooldown is too low. Needs adjustment.

Wish: Tone down bunbunmaru and increase CD on wind gorl skill at lvl 3 slightly.

Like with Koishi, Nitori seem to have a special thing with the devs. Every time she is adjusted, she gets even more crazy. Why does her cucumber cannon have 0s cooldown at lvl 4? It does a lot of damage, has long range and aoe. Her D skill has too much damage making her extremely unfair, but that is mainly because of her passive R skill. We are not even talking about giving her Melon sword + Titanic oar. Her W skill is probably the worst here. Cucumber cannon should have a cooldown, no matter what. Because spamming 390 damage with 0cd is unfair.

Wish: Make R skill scaling %, but never 100% at level 4. W skill damage should be toned down. Duration should be either lower and/or damage should be lower. Cucumber cannon should receive CD and damage should be toned down. 390 at level 4 is TOO much.

Rumia has been since 949 also the most unfair girls. Just like Koishi and Nitori and Flan. She needs a lot of tweaking. Her W skill is most troublesome. Having girls INSTA killed at 650 life means a lot of trouble. Even Yugi cannot do that without making the girl move atleast. 600 HP on any girl has a lot of meaning, because it means fighting on. But if Rumia can instantly remove that girl, it is just stupid. Not to mention the STR bonus she receives.

Wish: Rumia's D skill should have larger cooldown. 9s is not enough at level 4. Her passive F skill should not slow less. The 8% chance should be reduced back to 4%. It was fine. Rumia's W skill minimum HP to eat should be changed. 300/450/600 --> 250/350/450. The STR bonus she receives should be temporarily and not permanent. Definitely not permanent. We have seen games where Rumia gets 6000 HP and breaking the game.

Wriggle was fine in 0.957i until the devs broke her. She above replies about her. Though she is easy to fix.

Wishes: Wriggle bugs should have maximum 3-5 armour or scaling with the level. 12 is too much. Wriggle's W skill. Please - turn - back - to - old - wriggle.   3s/2s/1s.

I understand old Kaguya was too strong with her 100% HP and MP revive. But now she has become quite weak. I am only annoyed about her MP recovery. She has none any more. While people complain about her speed, I think it is fine.

Wishes: Her speed is fine. Please give her some MP recovery when she revives. Right now it is extremely punishment.

Tewi's problem is her orb skill. It does too much damage. As mentioned in other people's replies, this one needs some tweaking. I have seen strength heroes 3 shotted by Tewi.

Wishes: Her toggle F skill needs reconfiguration for the formula.

Shizuha's only problem is her strong R passive. It needs to be toned down because she receives too much AGI. Especially when her D skill immobilizes the enemy. She can easy kill any weak AGI and INT hero.

Wishes: Tone down her R Skill please.

Poor Minoriko got nerfed. For no reason. Her only problem was the apple healing a bit too much. While many people will suddenly become angry on me, I think it is unfair that it can heal this much. Either the cooldown needs to be increased or the healing % needs to go down.

Wishes: D skill cd up or heal down. Please return back her R skill bonding % as it was before 0.958. It is now extremely weak.

Another girl which the devs seem to like too much and giving her all the abilities to kill everyone. Give her the new hakkero and she becomes even stronger. Not fair.

Wishes: D skill needs extreme changes in cool down and stun duration. 7.5s at lvl 4 is too fast for a skill that can stun, dmg and do aoe. Her F skill needs also nerfing. Increase the CD a lot because this skill can destroy a lot of weak girls. Her W skill was already mentioned above. Byakuren is not a vampire and should not be able to leech HP. Remove the life leech effect.

Nue keeps being modified all the time but none of the versions have actually balanced her. Her problem is the D and R passive in combination with W. UFO does too much damage, stuns too long, the AOE is too wide.

Wishes: Tone down the dmg bonus for D or increase the cooldown. I prefer to see cooldown increase. There two things  or her R and W.  Do not make all skills resetting with her lvl 4 R skill. Especially NOT UFO. Cool down for UFO should be kept at 150/135/120s. The stun duration should be 0.5s/1.0/2.0s and the damage should be 100/150/200. Area of Effect should be 200/250/300.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 10:59:04 AM by Helepolis »

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #636 on: February 15, 2011, 10:55:31 AM »
The old Hakkero allowed Kaguya to stay alive for 12 seconds or Patchouli to act more aggressive for 12 more seconds.
Patchouli? Don't you mean Remilia?

Mokou has been always an issue in Dots. Ever since 949 series she was considered one of the strongest heroes in the game. And she isn't even STR.  This is mainly due to her infinite ability to just turn into an egg --> wait 4 seconds --> Mokou-tan is back. =.=

Wish: Mokou is almost balanced but needs tweaking on her Egg skill. I don't mind the 4s resurrection delay on her egg, but the cooldown is unfair. Turn 70/40/20/5s --> 60/50/40/30s. This way Mokou cannot just go egg around and solo towers or enemy girls.
Mokou is STR.
And you can't just egg anywhere, after all, one hit and it's dead.
Skills such as Nue's spear will also kill your egg.
30 seconds is longer than her ult duration too.
If you were to ult immediately after hatching, you'd have to eat fire for 10 seconds.
Not to mention how her ult eats HP now.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 11:05:23 AM by Dormio »

Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #637 on: February 15, 2011, 02:36:57 PM »
It's nice to see familiar faces from time to time. I've been expecting to see you here, Helepolis. It is nice someone still cares about the wiki. The pictures? Actually I did make them, so I have the initials at my hand.

I've reported back most of everyone's thoughts. Now we can only wait.
Personally, I also consider the current state of the map to be weird at least. And I hope it will stabilize as soon as possible.


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #638 on: February 15, 2011, 02:45:33 PM »
It's nice to see familiar faces from time to time. I've been expecting to see you here, Helepolis. It is nice someone still cares about the wiki. The pictures? Actually I did make them, so I have the initials at my hand.
You make them?! That is quite surprising to hear. I have to say I am very happy about the new icons. They look awesome.

Also, thank you for the compliment about the wiki. Not only I but others also helped me to maintain the wiki.  I had a lot of help from TranceHime for translations and also other users helping out  with the new map links, value changes when I am not around. Busy student =)

I've reported back most of everyone's thoughts. Now we can only wait.
Personally, I also consider the current state of the map to be weird at least. And I hope it will stabilize as soon as possible.
We will watch warmly as the devs and girls are preparing.


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #639 on: February 15, 2011, 06:54:29 PM »
Wth? SDL is finnaly usefull ~~, please do not make it like it was before.

Also, I see no problem with Youmu, China and Suika...

Yea, I agree that Hakurei's Amulet need to block all spells. ESPECIALLY TENSHI'S ULT. Seriously, WHY it does not block? Make it like DotA's Linken's Orb please!

Alice should change. She's just no-fun to play.

Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #640 on: February 15, 2011, 07:54:40 PM »
And one more thing!
Ran, Patchouli, Kaguya and Murasa will most likely have their skillsets changed. As far as I recall. Especially Ran, since we'll most likely see Chen's debute in DotS soon. And Kisume's too. I've also heard something about Parsee and Toramaru. They are definitely loading themselves a lot, these guys.


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #641 on: February 15, 2011, 09:05:49 PM »
Yea, I agree that Hakurei's Amulet need to block all spells. ESPECIALLY TENSHI'S ULT. Seriously, WHY it does not block? Make it like DotA's Linken's Orb please!
Well, old amulet blocked debuffs/negative effects not damage though. Tenshi's ult is just damage.

And one more thing!
Ran, Patchouli, Kaguya and Murasa will most likely have their skillsets changed. As far as I recall. Especially Ran, since we'll most likely see Chen's debute in DotS soon. And Kisume's too. I've also heard something about Parsee and Toramaru. They are definitely loading themselves a lot, these guys.
I hope they don't mess too much with Patchouli. Her skills are pretty ok =(. Chen debute. We also seen previews of Parsee, Kisume. Minamitsu could use some changes indeed. Kaguya? I wonder why.


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #642 on: February 15, 2011, 11:53:13 PM »
... Murasa will most likely have their skillsets changed. ...

Someone's going to get quite angry with this depending on how exactly Murasa gets remade :derp:

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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #643 on: February 16, 2011, 07:21:52 AM »
We just need 2 more to hit the expected number for signups. Hele's looking to be back up and running in the next few days, so signups might be closing soon.

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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #644 on: February 16, 2011, 07:24:11 AM »
where are the signups anyways :V


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #646 on: February 16, 2011, 07:26:05 AM »
I'll fill the spot if needed. =_=


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #647 on: February 16, 2011, 07:26:55 AM »
Jerkcrabs always last to arrive.

You don't need to 'fill in'. I designed things so that we can take any number of players. It's only I modelled my plans on a certain number of players.


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #648 on: February 16, 2011, 09:12:48 AM »
Oh man playable Chen? ROCK ON. :]

Also Parsee might be another main for me depending on what her skillset winds up looking like (man are we gonna have ANOTHER girl who clones herself?)

Curious about the status of the Prismrivers as well.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #649 on: February 16, 2011, 09:16:25 AM »
Also Parsee might be another main for me depending on what her skillset winds up looking like (man are we gonna have ANOTHER girl who clones herself?)
IIRC Parsee had reverse Yuugi ult.
Move or die.

Captain Infinity

  • Captain of Echo Platoon, 3rd Battalion.
  • To bring chaos and honor to this world gone soft.
Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #650 on: February 16, 2011, 09:23:44 AM »
IIRC Parsee had reverse Yuugi ult.
Move or die.

Yuugi + Parsee, pretty much guaranteed kill with that skill lol.


Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #651 on: February 16, 2011, 10:46:16 AM »

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #652 on: February 16, 2011, 10:50:18 AM »
Er, what?


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #653 on: February 16, 2011, 10:54:29 AM »
Er, what?

Kogasa spin is magic immune.

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Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #654 on: February 16, 2011, 10:58:43 AM »
Yeah, I assumed that was what he was saying.
But typos and bad grammar aplenty in that post.


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #655 on: February 16, 2011, 11:04:30 AM »
Yeah, I assumed that was what he was saying.
But typos and bad grammar aplenty in that post.

Curiously, I forgot if Rumia's OM NOM NOM skill bypassed Kogasa's spin magic immunity.

If it works anything like Axe's Culling Blade, it technically should.

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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #656 on: February 16, 2011, 11:11:59 AM »
its 5am of course id make grammer mistakes so easily, not to mention im on my phone.


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #657 on: February 16, 2011, 11:13:05 AM »
its 5am of course id make grammer mistakes so easily, not to mention im on a horse.

Fixed :V


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Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #658 on: February 16, 2011, 11:13:49 AM »
Hmm, reading about Alice makes me want to play as her again.

Also I hope Patchouli's skill set is not changed much, I just started playing as her....well, in relative to when I last played DotS....

Captain Infinity

  • Captain of Echo Platoon, 3rd Battalion.
  • To bring chaos and honor to this world gone soft.
Re: 东方幻想乡[D]efense [o]f [t]he [S]hrines (DotS, WC3)
« Reply #659 on: February 16, 2011, 11:51:43 AM »
its 5am of course id make grammer mistakes so easily, not to mention im on my phone.

Noob, I don't make that many errors while I don't sleep for 3-4 nights in a row. So DWI.

On a side note, I'm not sure why Patchouli really needs changing.