Author Topic: I heard you like request threads...  (Read 39783 times)


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2010, 04:57:21 AM »
Aya Syameimaru, BBC World News intern.
Aya needs a to be British'd.

She just does.

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2010, 11:42:50 AM »
Aya Syameimaru, FOX News intern.
Aya needs a to be British'd.

She just does.

"Dammit Aya," the editor shouts, "will you drop the goddamn birth certificate thing!? Illegals are what we're after now! Or maybe catch a Democrat in a bathroom stall with another guy for once!"

"Not until he shows the bloody longform!" Aya shouts back.

Also a day in the life of Cho Marisa, either ZUN Gensokyo or "Real" Gensokyo.


Day [Redacted]

Marisa Kirisame's Next Big Day!

X Make sure the Faeries haven't broken in.
X Breakfast
X Do 500 reps
_ Clean up the house
X Move bookshelves
_ Visit Kourindou
X Lunch
X Weights
_ Drop in on Alice
/ Supper/Carb loading
_ Break in the new rowing machine.
/ Work on Love Sign: Disaster Spark

Daily Calender for Lily White

X Water the tulips
X Trim the rose bushes
X Check the mulberries
/ Put out the snapdragons
X Clean up a little bit
_ Go to Misty Lake
_Have lunch with faeries
_Find some anemone seeds
_Get home in time to make supper

Suika Ibuki's Inebriation Agenda

X Wake up, make sure size is normal before moving
/ Get Reimu to give gourd back
/ Find where Reimu hid gourd
/ Get tavern to extend tab
X Head to Forest of Magic
X Roll whatever mook comes along for booze money.
X Put money toward tab
X Get proper pissed
Suika Ibuki's Inebriation Agenda

Day [Redacted+1]

Marisa Kirisame's Next Big Day!

X Breakfast
X Do 500 reps
_ Clean up the house
X Fix Lily-shaped hole in roof
X Tend to Lily
X Lunch
X Weights
X Drop in on Alice
X Supper/Carb loading
X Break in the new rowing machine.
X Work on Love Sign: Disaster Spark

Daily Calender for Lily White

/ Stop being beat up

Suika Ibuki's Inebriation Agenda

X Wake up, make sure size is normal before moving
/ Get Reimu to give gourd back
/ Find where Reimu hid gourd
/ Get tavern to extend tab
X Head to Scarlet Devil Mansion
_ Nab some goods to hawk
_ Hawk stuff Underground
_ Put money toward tab
_ Get proper pissed

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2010, 09:20:19 AM »
Cirno waiting for the bus.

"I don't get how this thing works," says Chen, sitting on the bench, her tails wrapped demurely around her side.

"It's super simple," says Cirno, as she kicks her feet in the air and looks down the road. "You just wait for it to come, and then you get on! Then it'll take you places!"

"Couldn't we just fly places?" Chen says, frowning. "I mean, it's kinda really weird when you think about it."

Cirno smirks, baring a few teeth in her disdain. "Flying's for losers and shrine maidens! Nobody who's awesome flies anymore! Us cool people, that's you and me, Chen, us cool people have the bus take us places! Because it's super keen, you don't even know! "

"I guess I don't," says Chen. "Well, you've done this before so I guess you're right." She looks around idly, trying to pick out some interesting birds or something from the surrounding trees. Instead she sees a dark-haired faerie with a blue bow standing in the bough of a crabapple tree, picking a few of the fruit. Upon noticing Chen, the faerie sticks her tongue out. Chen is all too happy to return the gesture.

"Here it comes!" says Cirno, leaping to her feet. Chen looks down the dirt road, as a sort of rumbly growly sound comes to her ears. Then it turns around the corner, and Chen can only stare in wonder. Moving forward on its large wooden wheels, it looks like a couple of hay wagons joined together. A roof has been built over it; she can tell from the shape that it was made from an old rowboat. On the side of it is a door, possibly taken from some unused closet. Why it rumbles and growls, she cannot say, but she notices a large flywheel protruding from the side of the bus, connecting by a pulley to the front wheels and spinning them. A burst of steam escapes through a pipe on the far side of the bus.

It rumbles to a stop in front of them, and the door opens, revealing a set of stairs into the vehicle, and Nitori. She sits in front in a large overstuffed chair, holding a large wheel affixed to the front of the bus. She grins down at the two of them. "Hop aboard, kids, the next stop is the Myouren Temple!"

Chen walks on, looking around with wide eyes. Inside are a number of chairs; kitchen chairs, easy chairs, rocking chairs, stools, and more, all set in somewhat orderly rows. Several people sit in them; Chen waves to Alice, happy to see a familiar face.

Cirno climbs after Chen and looks around with a bored expression. Then she pulls out a spellcard and shouts. "Nobody move! This bus is going straight to the playground, or so help me you're all getting frostbite like nobody's business!"


  • Developer fairy
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2010, 09:27:37 AM »
So there is a bus in Gensokyo. Huh. Thanks.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2010, 09:58:32 AM »
Cirno climbs after Chen and looks around with a bored expression. Then she pulls out a spellcard and shouts. "Nobody move! This bus is going straight to the playground, or so help me you're all getting frostbite like nobody's business!"

God damn it, Cirno.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2010, 04:52:49 PM »
Meiling is actually a dragon sealed in human form, sealed by Remilia or by someone else.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #36 on: July 08, 2010, 04:00:34 AM »
So there is a bus in Gensokyo. Huh. Thanks.
I'm more surprised that 1) there's a playground
2)it's a landmark to be referred to as 'the' playground
3)Cirno knew about the bus before Chen.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #37 on: July 08, 2010, 04:15:17 AM »
I'm more surprised that 1) there's a playground
2)it's a landmark to be referred to as 'the' playground
3)Cirno knew about the bus before Chen.

and then and then STUFF HAPPENED xD I never get tired of that sig, please never change it, or if you do, make it your pic at least :D It's way to good to get rid of!

On topic... Mokou/Kaguya(your pic) decides she wants a girlfriend or 50 and starts being a player, quite possibly on top of her already having Keine/Eirin respectivly. Hilarity of course ensues.

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #38 on: July 08, 2010, 11:22:29 AM »
Also, it's noteworthy I don't take these in any order.

Meiling is actually a dragon sealed in human form, sealed by Remilia or by someone else.

"Are you sure this is wise?" says Patchouli, as she withdraws her arms into her robe against the wind. Standing in the garden in the middle of the night was hardly healthy for someone of her condition. A number of dishes are scattered at her feet, painstakingly placed

Remilia smirks, then looks back at Patchouli and says. "If you've got a better idea in case Flandre breaks out of the basement, We'd like to hear it!"

Patchouli shrugs, keeping her arms close by. "Point yielded."

"Of course it is," says Remilia. "Now put a coat on! You're going to catch your death of cold like this!"

"From what I've read," Patchouli says with a frown, "a coat will be the last thing on my mind once we've summoned it."

Remilia frowns, then decides that Patchouli had earned some magnanimity and lets the point drop. "Now, are you sure this is going to work?"

"Most certainly," says Patchouli. "Every source I've read agrees on this point; dragons love bowls. And seven is the most sacred number, so it is only fitting for such a heavenly creature."

Remilia picks up one of bowls and examines it. "And the stars? We must say, you've painted them well."

"To represent the constellations," says Patchouli. "Without even a dim reflection of heaven, a being such as a dragon would not bother to descend to the earth outside of its own desires. Now, let us place them as I told you, and I shall begin the summons."

Nodding, Remilia places the bowl where Patchouli had indicated it should go, then stands aside as the witch arranges the rest, shivering now and again. "Now really, our Patchouli," says Remilia, "You must go get a coat! We worry for your health! Do you want to just drop dead on us? It would break our heart, you know!"

"Just a moment," says Patchouli, as she withdraws a small drum with two balls dangling from it on strings. She lifts it to the air and twists back and forth a few times. The balls smack into the drum, producing an irregular beat.  After a couple moments, Patchouli retards her arm. There is silence.

"That's it?" Remilia says after a few moments pass. The witch nods, prompting a scowl from Remilia. "We could have hired some child from the village to do that! If you are wasting our time with a joke, our Patchouli, your distressing lack of a coat will be the least of your worries!"

"Perhaps you have not noticed," says Patchouli, "But I stopped shivering once I played the drum."

"...Ah," says Remilia, as she eyes Patchouli critically and finds the witch is no longer huddling against the night air. Looking up, she grins as she notices a splash of red against the darkened sky. "It's coming, Patchouli, it's coming! Oh, but We are so proud of you right now!"

The red light grows, looking as though the sun were somehow rising out of the middle of the sky. The air grows warmer, as the glow begins to scintillate a variety of colors. Remilia grins, practically shaking with anticipation. To glimpse the face of the creature response for the creation of this world, a privilege few beings could claim since the creation of the border. Then, the chains would bind them all the more tightly, oh yes... Thunder crackles from the air, with no lightning to precede it. The night air feels like a spring day, while the earth itself seems to vibrate as if heralding the coming of the dragon. But these were not harbingers of the dragon, Remilia could feel. These were the dragon itself! It was far too vast an existence to confine to mere flesh, for its the stuff of reality itself! The draconian creature that most thought of as the dragon was merely one part of itself. The earth was the dragon, as was the sky, the clouds, the light and the darkness. All these things were manifestations of it. She grins as the air begins the warp and distort. To see its scaly form, though, was to hold its attention.

The air continues to distort and warp, the red light in the sky shining downward, seeming to coalesce into a solid shape, a huge twisting form that blots out firmament. The light begins to take a solid shape, becoming a twisting and writhing serpent whose vermilion coils seem to glow with their own light. It turns its vast, scaly head toward them, adorned with frills and ridges like the decor of the most elaborate gown. "You, who have summoned me," it says. Its mouth does not move, rather the air itself seems to be its voice. "Speak your desires."

Remilia shoots a look at Patchouli, who is staring at the beast with an expression of befitting someone who had just been struck by lightning. "Patchy! This doesn't look like the statue in the village at all! We demand to know the meaning of this!?"

"Ah, uh..." says Patchouli, wrenching her attention away from the dragon. "Oh. Well, this is a dragon, not The Dragon."

"What!" Remilia puts her hands on her hips, "Our Patchouli, we believe you have misheard our request, and we are not pleased!"

"Worry not," says Patchouli, "It may not have forged the Great Hakurei Barrier or made Gensokyo, but I assure you that is only because The Dragon did it first."

"Excuse me," the air rumbles.

"What?" Remilia says, looking up at the dragon.

It brings around one of its talons, connected to a hand easily large enough to fill a gallery in the mansion, and points toward them. "Are you going to use those bowls? They're quite nice."

"Maybe," says Remilia. "Our Patchouli did paint them especially by Our request."

"I'll give you a wish for them," rumbles the air.

"Very well," says Remilia. The bowls lift into the air, and disappear into the dragon's hand.

The dragon draws its head closer to them. "Make your wish."

Grinning wide enough to show her fangs, Remilia speaks. "Speaking Our wish is but a mere formality! Fate has bound you and We already, but let us observe all proper forms, shall We? Our wish is for you, dragon! You will serve Us eternally! You will be Our servant, at our beck and call, willingly and cheerfully! "

"You're gonna regret that," the air rumbles.

Then the light and thunder suddenly cease. The air is cold once again, and earth quiet as it should be.  Remilia looks around wildly. There's no way it could have just ran off, not after they had been bound! Then she sees a tall woman clad in green, carrying a stack of bowls in one hand and approaching with an easy stride. Most notable about her is...nothing. Remilia scowls. There is nothing notable about this youkai! No grand power, no sublime connection to the world! Just some Youkai!

"Reporting for duty," says the dragon, grinning and saluting with her free hand. "When's breakfast, by the way?"

Remilia's response, thankfully, is out of earshot of any children.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #39 on: July 08, 2010, 05:54:13 PM »
You should extend this.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2010, 12:31:37 AM »
Remilia's response, thankfully, is out of earshot of any children.

I cackled.


(7/9/2010 1:18:39 AM) syrazemyla: Idea for a fan game: Shingyoku Damacy.
(1:18:54 AM) E mouse2000: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 05:20:04 AM by KitsunΣ-mouse »
There was something here once. Wonder what...


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2010, 05:45:58 AM »
Aya and Hatate have to team up.  Why?  Because someone with a grudge against them has kidnapped the kappa who knows how to make newsprint.
Possibility of Interminable Reciprocity - A Touhou RP

Join us, or Kisume will cry.

Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2010, 06:10:44 AM »
I'm liking these shorts :)
Yumeko is pissed because no circle will make a good vocal remix of Doll of Misery, so she makes one herself.


  • .... what're you looking at?
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #43 on: July 09, 2010, 06:18:09 AM »
(2:16:43 AM) syrazemyla: Odd thought:  People in Gensokyo hear about Danmakufu, only they think it's Danmafuku and so they wear really short skirts.
(2:17:10 AM) E mouse2000: I think I hate you, but in a good way.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Hello Purvis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #44 on: July 09, 2010, 10:05:05 AM »
Aya and Hatate have to team up.  Why?  Because someone with a grudge against them has kidnapped the kappa who knows how to make newsprint.

It is just after lunch time, and Aya has to do everything in her power to keep tongue civil as she looks across the table to the plaid-skirted tengu sitting there. Hatate frowns at a piece of paper in front of her. Around them, life goes on in the village. Tengu fly between their tall, balconied homes, some go to pay their respects to the Moriya shrine while others fly down toward the kappa village to pick up their fish for the day. Others appreciate the beauty of the little park where the two have met.

"Can you even read that?" Aya says after a moment.

"Easily," says Hatate with a little smirk, "I've dug out so much worse handwriting, you don't even know. Like this one time, I was looking at this picture of the old treaty the kappa made with the humans and it was so-"

"Just read the damn letter."

"Oh fine," says Hatate. She clears her throat. "Stupid tengu, I took your kappa printer. Stop with the bad stories and undies pictures or she gets it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Aya frowns. "You telling me that she actually wrote out the laughter?"

Hatate nods. "You're lucky I didn't try to pronounce the spelling, it's something else." She sets the letter aside, giving it a dirty look.

"So," says Aya, as she rubs her chin and frowns at the sky, "The facts are: The printer's been kidnapped. Someone sent us both a ransom note, kinda. This person can't write or spell to save her life. And she's dumb enough to write out the laughter."

"That sounds right," Hatate says. "And no matter how you look at it, there's not a lot of people who fit that description."

"Well clearly, even you couldn't let this stand," says Aya, leaning on the table.

"As if," says Hatate. "We just have to figure out who did it, and then it's go time!"

"Oh, I already have a good idea who it is," says Aya.


"Gyaaaaaah!" cries Tenshi as she sails through the air and smacks into a tree with a meaty noise, crumpling around it.

"Give us back the printer now, bitch!" Hatate shouts as she soars after the celestial and smacks her in the back with a heavy branch. Aya follows a moment later, landing a solid kick to Tenshi's rear. The celestial groans as the two tengu loom over her and glower. After a couple seconds, Hatate smacks her with the branch again. "I said now!"

"Don't know...nothin' about...printers..." Tenshi groans, her voice partially obscured by the tree.

"How about now?!" Hatate says, smacking Tenshi with the branch again.

"Nothin'..."  Tenshi says, choking back a sob, "You gotta...believe me."

"All I believe is I'm about to whup your ass!" Hatate shouts, raising the branch again.

"Hold it," says Aya, raising a hand. The plaid-skirted tengu halts her swing, and looks at Aya with a raised eyebrow. Aya kneels down by the battered celestial's head. "Tenshi, hon? Where's the kappa?"

"Y'mean..." Tenshi says, "The one...Alice had?"

"Oh son of a bitch!" Hatate says, flinging her branch down to the ground. "I am not going two places!"

"This will be fine," says Aya, as she takes a picture of Tenshi's bruised and bloodied form. "I have a plan. You see, Alice has one big weakness..."

"Oh really?" Hatate replies, snapping her own picture of Tenshi.


"So if you stupid tengu don't stop printing terrible fake stories about me and my friends," Alice shouts, shaking a fist with vigor. "Things are going to get nasty! This is just a warning!"

"Just a warning," Aya says, as she scribbles the puppeteer's words down. "Gotcha."

"I mean it!" says Alice.

"Mean it." says Aya as she jots that down too.

Alice narrows her eyes. "You know what? Just get off of my yard. I don't think you're going to get your printer friend back."

"And then the madwoman," Aya says as she writes, "flustered at having her own words repeated at her, ordered the reporter to leave and threatened her hostage. As well, she has still declined to answer the reporter's questions about the suspicious marks on her knuckles, in conjunction with the rumors that she beats her friends."

"There aren't any marks on my damn knuckles, you stupid chicken youkai!"

"She then denied the evidence, and made an ill-thought out personal attack against the tengu people as a whole..."

"What! That's not what I meant!"

"She vigorously defended her slurs," Aya continues over the sound of her pen scratching. "As well, she still has yet to explain why she thought making ransom letters with intentionally terrible spelling would really serve any purpose."

"Oh that's it," Alice shouts as she produces a spellcard. "I'm gonna beat you like a drum!"

"Got her!" comes Hatate's voice as she opens the front door to Alice's house from inside. Alice looks back, staring with wide eyes and a slack jaw as the plaid-skirted tengu steps out, leading a middle-aged kappa with long braided hair. Aya takes this opportunity to whip out her camera and snap a picture of the rescue, including Alice's face.

"Don't do that!" Alice shouts, whirling back toward Aya. She then has a visible facial tick as Hatate's camera snaps behind her.

"Tata!" says Aya, taking to the air.

"Hey!" Alice cries, "I'm not done with you yet!"

"That's fine, we're done with you," says Hatate with a smile, as she takes to the air after Aya, the printer following close behind.


"I'm still surprised Alice didn't follow us," Hatate says, as she and Aya fly back toward home.

"The thing with people like Alice," says Aya, "Is they like to think they're cool and rational. So if you wind them up, they hard a hard time thinking straight. By the time she would have decided how she wanted to chase us, we were already long gone."

"Oh, I see," says Hatate. "You know? We make a pretty good team."

"Like hell."

"Yeah, it just seemed like a nice thing to say. Your paper is still complete garbage."

"Your paper is the remains of an uncleaned catbox," says Aya. "Hey, is it just me, or is there an awful lot of smoke coming from the village?"

Hatate peers ahead and frowns. "Yeah, I think you're right."

"Stupid tengu whose houses got burned down say what!?" shouts a voice from above.

"Wha-?" says Hatate, looking toward Aya quizzically. Both tengu look upward, and see a distant figure hovering a few hundred yards overhead. Still, it is not hard to make out her distinctive dress and wide-brimmed hat, nor is there any mistaking her voice as she laughs down at them.

"Oh shit, my collection!" Aya shouts, zooming ahead and leaving Hatate. The plaid-skirted tengu hovers in place for a moment as she considers the situation. Then she swoops toward the ground and grabs a sizable branch that had fallen from one of the trees.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #45 on: July 09, 2010, 06:20:58 PM »
Oh, God, it's now possible that I both hate and respect Aya at the same time now. Of course, I hate her more than I respect her, and I hate her more than I used to, but this is still a feat.


  • Small medium at large.
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2010, 06:49:50 PM »
Violent Hatate is awesome.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • .... what're you looking at?
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #47 on: July 09, 2010, 10:15:56 PM »
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Furniture
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #48 on: July 11, 2010, 02:59:42 PM »!

Stage 1 of IN and Reimu and Yukari have to fight Wriggle but this time, Wriggle brought her girlfriend Yuka along.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #49 on: July 11, 2010, 04:58:48 PM »
Poker Night at the SDM.

Everyone is invited. Except Letty.


  • .... what're you looking at?
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #50 on: July 12, 2010, 01:14:32 AM »
How Marisa became 'Cho-'Marisa.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • serial time-waster
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #51 on: July 12, 2010, 01:50:27 AM »
April Fool's Day in Gensokyo.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #52 on: July 12, 2010, 05:20:13 AM »
Keine has an epic drinking night.  The next day, EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT (and completely screwed up).

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #53 on: July 13, 2010, 05:41:50 AM »
Keine has an epic drinking night.  The next day, EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT (and completely screwed up).

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #54 on: July 13, 2010, 12:01:03 PM »
Suika and Yuugi's excellent noir adventures.

I have never read anything Noir. Closest I've read is Problem Sleuth. LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS!

Rain falls like the aftermath of a distillery explosion. Yuugi looks out the window of her second office, peering over the roof line of the City. A stinking pit of booze, riots, broken dreams, and broken people. Who knows how many people are out there, living, working, sweating, partying, and just trying to get by? A city hidden away in a dank, dark cave on the flip side of defunct hell. Every street's a gutter, each filled with its own brand a trash. It's a hard city, ready to pounce on the green and eat them alive. She'd seen it happen a thousand times, good kids going wrong and then bam! Just like that.

Her city.

She pours sake into her bowl and sips, savoring the warm flavor while continuing to look out the window. There's a million stories in The City. Stories of love and rage and inebriation. But now, some joker is out there causing funny business. That won't fly in this city.

"Wotcher, Yuugs," comes a voice from behind.

"What'd y' find?" Yuugi, then takes another sip of her sake. It was starting to turn sour, but that's just how things go. The first sip is always the sweetest. She doesn't bother to look back, she knows that voice like she knows her own. Suika was always there, always ready for a scrap or a swing. She was a good kid, but you couldn't trust her; just a little bit insincere. Someday it was going to get them all in hot water.

"Dame Komeiji ain't got nothin' to do with it," says Suika. "Not 'er pets, neither."

Yuugi nods. It wasn't like Dame Komeiji to cause trouble, even if her girls were a bit on the rowdy side. They kept to themselves. She's too good for this city, Dame Komeiji. She sips her sake again. "Check with K?"

"Ain't been 'round," says Suika. Yuugi could hear the shrug in her voice. Deva K had a way of coming and going. Who knows where she vanished off to? Maybe she has some other place, some sweet retreat she kept all to herself. K was a mystery, alright. Never said a word, silent as the stones.

"Not gettin' a thing done here, are we now?" Yuugi says, standing up then finishing off the dish. The sake burns its way down her throat like memories of old humiliations, the kind that never let go no matter how how much time goes by. She sets the dish aside. "Y'did right good looking around, Suika. All's that's left it go right to th' problem, innit it now?"


The rain doesn't let up. Walking under a large umbrella, Yuugi focuses her eyes on an old warehouse up ahead. It's been empty since who knows when, just like the rest of this neighborhood. Old houses and shops everywhere, abandoned like grandma's dreams. No one comes here anymore, there's no point. No one until recently, anyways.

There's activity in that warehouse, anyone and their sister could hear it from a block away. Banging, hammering, shouting, and danmaku, a regular riot in there. Through the open doors, anyone could see the place is lousy with faeries. Yuugi clicks her tongue. Faeries where a fact of life, like crummy beer and crummier women. You could never get away from 'em. But when there's that many in one spot, nothing good was going on.

"What ya want we ought to do 'bout this?" Suika says, while she idly spins her umbrella and slings rain about.

"What y' think we're gonna do, y' mook?" Yuugi replies. "We're gonna head roit in there as if we own the place, on account of us ownin' it, and we're gonna beat the shit outta everyone what moves and maybe a few what isn't"

"Only I had to be sure, didn't I now?" says Suika, shooting a look like last week's garbage at Yuugi. "What with you sometimes getting th' clever ideas and whatnot."

"Salroit," says Yuugi, as she starts across the grimy cobblestone streets. "Just keep y' head zipped on straight."

She strides through the warehouse door, giving her umbrella a shake and closing it. She looks around, taking note of the warehouse's layout. It's clean, which makes Yuugi frown. An abandoned warehouse has no business being clean. The place is shaped like a big L, with a large wing to the right and another up ahead. It was dry inside, that much could be said for it. The place was holding up surprisingly well, like a reliable old dog who's been there for the years and still has your slippers ready in the morning. You could do things with a place like this, and it seems like someone is doing just that. Dozens of faeries float about in the air, watching them carefully, their former tasks forgotten.

"Hi?" says one of the faeries.

"Wotcher!" replies Suika.

Silence hangs in the air like a messy divorce. Then a faerie shouts, "Get 'em!"


To their credit, Yuugi decides as she smooths a dent of their umbrella, they did get a few licks in. Not that it amounted to much, kids like that don't last long in this town. Maybe on a better day, she would have taken one of them aside, showed them how things worked in the City. But not today. It just wasn't their lucky day. On a bad day, the City eats you alive. She glances over at Suika, who polishing a bit of something from one of her chains.

"Hey," comes a voice across the warehouse, "you did in all my faeries, didn't you!"

Yuugi looks up, and her draw drops. She barely notices the speaker. Who could care about the speaker in the presence of that? The finest bowler she had ever seen, complimenting an immaculate vest, a perfect bow tie...everything about the outfit is perfect. Soft gold in color, the suit seems to shine with with its own light. It's like if every classy ball and highbrow event were put into a single suit of clothes. They drip class like confetti in a parade. It is the perfect suit. Almost as afterthought, she notices the person actually wearing it; a small and thin youkai with blonde hair. She wears a fake mustache of exquisite quality, seeming almost natural in its place, and a monocle with a thin and exquisite gold rim. Yuugi barely notices that the youkai is standing with her arms outstretched.

"Get a load of th' gladrags on her," Suika mutters.

"Yeah, ain't they?" says Yuugi, shaking her head and trying to look the Youkai in the eyes. "And who are you, anyways?"

"I'm the boss!" says the immaculately dressed youkai, as she twiddles her mustache. "And it's going to take me nearly half an hour to get those faeries back, you know." She waggles a finger in Yuugi's direction.

"Kid," says Yuugi, "Y' got some nerve, barging in my warehouse like I wasn't gonna notice." She massages her knuckles. That kid may be dressed so far to the nines she might as well be a hundred, but nobody messed with this City and how it's run. Nobody!

"Oh, is it a problem?" asks the youkai. 

"It's only Yuug's bleedin' warehouse, innit?" Suika says, crossing her arms.

The youkai frowns. "It is?"

"Yes!" Yuugi shouts.

"Can I have it since you're not using it?" asks the Youkai, twiddling her mustache.

Yuugi closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. No, that wasn't going to cut it. She opens her eyes again. "Get 'er!"


"Okay, fine..." Yuugi mutters, staring at the ceiling while waiting for her limbs to work again. "Y' can have the bleedin' thing! Jus' pay some rent!"

"How'd the zoggin' 'ell she do that, Yuugs?" Suika asks, somewhere to Yuugi's left. "Only there was bleedin' ice an' lightning an' wossnames outta nowhere!"

Yuugi doesn't bother to answer. It's been a rotten day. The city would eat you alive if you weren't ready for it. And no one could be ready for it forever. It's a lousy world out there. One day you're on the top of it all, and the next you're laying on a warehouse floor with some-

"Hey, you want a muffin?" asks the youkai, hovering over Yuugi.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #55 on: July 13, 2010, 01:07:21 PM »
Cirno outsmarts Yukari.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #56 on: July 13, 2010, 01:20:44 PM »
The phoenix possessing Mokou becomes self-aware resulting in a duel personality.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #57 on: July 13, 2010, 03:10:44 PM »
Yukari = Maribel = Renko = Sana

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #58 on: July 13, 2010, 11:54:00 PM »


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #59 on: July 13, 2010, 11:56:44 PM »
Before reading:

I have never read anything Noir. Closest I've read is Problem Sleuth. LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS!

This can only be wonderful.
And I was not disappointed.

Suggest: The Canonality of Yukkuri
There was something here once. Wonder what...