Author Topic: Flandre and the world outside  (Read 50345 times)

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2010, 07:18:01 AM »
Whoops! Looks like Flan is about to get ... patched.


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2010, 11:16:14 AM »
Her first instinct goes ?Kyu?, but she's promised(Agitating Flandre is far too easy, then again, she's a kid after all).
?Stop that or I'll go Kyu!? Sakuya would probably chastise her for this, but what Sakuya doesn't know won't hurt her. Besides, it's not like Flandre actually means it. It's just an empty threat, OK?
More dull bullets hit her. Ack, they're annoying!
?State your name and position.? a polite voice sounding a little too bubbly echoes throughout the darkness. It's as if someone's placed a spell making it impossible to determine where the voice is coming from. And more bullets keep coming from everywhere, stop that dammit! She covers her head with her arms, in an effort to shield herself.

?I, I'm Flandre! Flandre Scarlet!?

The barrage of annoying bullets seems to subside, and another voice speaks up. It's a deep, slightly raspy voice much like her sister got whenever she caught a cold-Flandre never got that kind of voice, but then again, she never coughed that much either.
?Gracefull *coughcough* Illuminatus?

A light appears in front of Flandre. When she looks down, it seems her entiere body has started glowing, almost like she was an angel from another world. It's rather pretty.

Then she remembers the fact that fairies glow, and quickley looks around to acertain that she isn't shrinking. No, she's the same as before. Still, best to keep her guard up, she wouldn't make a good tinkerbell. And what's worse, her assailors can probably see her now, damn, what if they tell-

?OK. I belive thee. Gracefull Illuminatus.?

Suddendly, the lights from the rows of bookshelves grow much much brighter, and she can see the two people standing in front of her. The raspy voice seems be coughing and adjusting her unnaturally long robes, wait, didn't Remilia have pyjamas like that once? The polite voice belongs to a tall, red-headed young women with-Is that bat-wings coming out of her head? And-Wow, she's got the same kind of wings as Remilia(and once Flandre) on her back.

She recognizes the lights; Remilia showed her that once. It's a simple kind of trick, and she thinks it might have something to do with this new thing called electricity that keeps showing up in her books. A glance at the floor, to see what kind of things they pelted her with, but there's nothing.
Maybe it was electricity, too, Flandre ponders before remembering her manners and curtseying for the two, hoping they don't know anything about ?kyu?.

The lavender-haired girl coughs before dryly remarking; ?So I take it you're the basement-fairy, huh??

A slight panic floods Flandre's body before she glances at her arm. No, she's not glowing anymore. Whew.

?Fairy?? It stings a little inside to be thought of as ?The basement fairy?. Her friend Eris had her aunt locked into the cellar because she went crazy, as was custom. She knew Remilia just wanted her not to hurt anyone, but it still stung a little. She'd thought her sister would at least have the courtesy to keep her secret, like back when she hid all those marbles and Remilia knew but never told on her.

?See?? Raspy Mcoughing turns to the redhead and grins slyly. ?I'm not the only person not bothering to keep up with slang. You owe me three dollars.?

?But, she hasn't been out the- a hundred years, nearly-? The maybe-vampire tries to protest, but finally grumbles and digs out some bills from her pocket. Lavender-girl nods and reverts to a slightly annoyed expression.
?So, I thought I told you to cover the door up today.?

?I did, too!? The redhead smiles a little too politely, making her friend sigh.
?Great. That kind of morning again.? Her voice is very sarcastic. ?Tell me, child. How'd you enter this dwelling?? She turns to Flandre, who's currently contemplating what position the two must fill. Clearly, they aren't maids- They were all out, Remilia said, though maybe she only meant the fairies.

?I used the door. There was a board in the way, but I moved it.?
The lavender-girl slaps her palm to her face while her redheaded friend whistles innocently.
?For the love of christ, Koa...?

?Sorry, sorry! I was in a hurry, alright??
'Koa' smiles politely again.

Their bickering is interrupted by Flandre.
?Uhm, are you even allowed to be here?? She cocks her head to the side, still quite puzzled over the fact that she's meeting two people who aren't fairys but seem to be living in the mansion-Is Remilia just a tenant? Or, more likely- Did these people sneak in and start living here by their own accord?

Lavender sighs again before turning to the mistresses sister.
?I'm cough Patchouli Kn-cough cough hack..? She breaks out into coughing fit while the other woman starts patting her back. Does she have tuberculosis? Flandre shifts her gaze. Joey and Paul had tuberculosis, and they both went to a sanatorium and never came back. She hopes it's not that severe, even if they might be intruders.

?Ah, I apologize.? The formerly-coughing girl stands up straight and nods at Flandre. ?It's my asthmatics..? She continues in the same dry tone, ?My name is Patchouli Knowledge, and I'm an acquaintance of your sister.? Oh, that explains it. She'll ask Remilia about it later, but for now she'll just have to take the words at face value. Patchouli gestures towards Koa. ?This is Koakuma, the librarien, we needed to hire one so here she is.? Koakuma waves. ?If you need anything, talk to her. Personally, I'm terrible with kids, so I'll be leaving now.? She turns around and starts walking towards another bookshelf, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

..What the heck was that?
Flandre can't remember the last time she's been brushed aside so rudely. Koakuma seems to have read her mind, ?Don't worry. She's always like that. I think it's her way of saying she likes you.?

?But she just went!?
The librarian nods knowingly. ?Yes, and if you'd been a nuisance, she'd have thrown you out.?

?That's strange..?

?It's just the way she is, I'm afraid.? Koakuma sighs. ?If you like, I can find you a book to read. We've got a large selection of storybooks over here..?
They walk through the winding labyrinth of bookcases, while Koakuma talks and Flandre asks the occasional question.

It seems Koa and Patchouli has heard a lot about her from Remilia, and that they'd both been given strict orders to keep the entrance to the library locked and hidden, though Koakuma had sort-of-kinda forgotten about sealing the door after placing a temporary board outside it.
Frankly, I think Patchouli's languege skills would be somewhat outdated thanks to all the old books she reads. Tried to make her socially awkward, since I've always imagined her as a deadpan, kinda grumpy girl who has very little experience with people since she'd rather read books.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2010, 04:13:24 PM »
'It's not like I l-like you, or a-anything!'



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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2010, 05:47:30 PM »
Neat Story


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2010, 09:25:16 PM »
I like your version of Koa.

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2010, 11:47:45 PM »
Heh, yeah, cute.

'It's not like I l-like you, or a-anything!'


Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2010, 01:17:56 AM »
I like your Koa. She's sorta similar to gatau's Koa in Faith is for the Transient Family Budget.

And-Wow, she's got the same kind of wings as Remilia(and once Flandre) on her back.
And this caught my eye. I hope we get to find out....


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2010, 07:24:37 AM »
^_^ Ok, why is it that everyone on Shrinemaiden is better at writing stories then me? This is awesome! I always thought of Patchy as quiet with a slight cough, you seem to have normal tone, but Mega-FlareCough


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2010, 03:01:23 PM »
'It's not like I l-like you, or a-anything!'


More like "You're interesting, but I don't know how to approach you."
Patchouli seems like she's not very interested in people, thus stunting her social skills.

I like your Koa. She's sorta similar to gatau's Koa in Faith is for the Transient Family Budget.
And this caught my eye. I hope we get to find out....

Ah, happy to hear, ^^ Yes, bit of foreshadowing going on. :)

^_^ Ok, why is it that everyone on Shrinemaiden is better at writing stories then me? This is awesome! I always thought of Patchy as quiet with a slight cough, you seem to have normal tone, but Mega-FlareCough
Are, thanks. I guess it's because the library is very dusty, ^^
It seems Koa and Patchouli has heard a lot about her from Remilia, and that they'd both been given strict orders to keep the entrance to the library locked and hidden, though Koakuma had sort-of-kinda forgotten about sealing the door after placing a temporary board outside it.

When she's sent on her way from the library, she's got a red book named ?Little Momo and the Time Thefts? resting in her arms. It's been a while since she had a ?modern? book to read, after all. Most of her books are from the turn of the century, after all it was around that time she last saw the world. Do cars still look the same? She wants them to look the same, they were really pretty. Remilia used to take her to the theater in the backseat of one, though they used the carrige for more formal occasions. Most of the time, Flandre wasn't invited to ?formal? things, lest she blew something up.

She hides the book under a sofa-cushion, close to the dining room before continueing on her treck. There's a door labeled ?kitchen?, she's not allowed to go in there- That's the servants place, after all. Though she can't see a ?servants only? sign, so it can't really be true, can it? Either way, it's not like she's technically violating any rules by just opening the door and having a little peek..

?Nananana Nanana Batman- Batman- Nanana...?
Oh, it's China. She's humming some sort of tune while working with, well, something. China's the gategaurd, right? She doesn't seem to be doing her job. Is she on her break?

Flandre decides she knows China, China is nice, so maybe China won't be mad or tell on her. She opens the door to find the kitchen is much more cozy than she'd expected, a large fireplace in the corner and lots of cupboards on the walls, along with a large white icebox in the corner. Last time she went into a kitchen(Sometime in the 1700's), it wasn't very nice at all, all rustling and black with soot and generally unpleasant.

China waves at her.
?Jaooo! Flandre!?

Flandre smiles and waves.
?Hi, China!?

China stands surprised for a few minutes. ?China? Ah'm Chinese, sure, but..? She's rapidly starting to look very confused. Flandre then realizes that she's somehow started thinking of the Chinese gatekeeper as ?China?, and never really caught her real name.
?Uh, sorry. It's just, I don't know your name..?

?Oh! It's Hong Meiling, but Ah guess you could call m' China if y' like. For some reason, evereh'one does..? And there she is looking confused and slightly flustered again. Flandre decides to shift the topic to something else, as she's seen her sister do when talking to higher-ups.
?Uhm, what's that?? She points to the weird white contraption that looks slightly like an ice-box, only it's got a glass door and a lot of weird cylinders in a a row near the top.

?Oh, that? That's a gas oven. Ain't it just the bee's knee's? Ye' don't even have ter use firewood ta warm it all' up!? Chi- Meiling's usual enthusiasm returns as she shows Flandre how to work the oven and she's making springrolls, would Flandre like to try? Flandre's eyes light up as she's taught all about the mysteries of cooking, and Meling is happy to explain everything to her. It's like playing with Remilia when she's in a good mood, only Remilia doesn't explain things?Fff, you're too young to understand? the same way Meiling does ?'Cause 'f Ah'd used onion flakes, the flavour would be shoot to he- heck.?. It's like one of the maids she used to know back when they lived in Paris, though that girl had to be fired when the war broke out.

They're just about done with the springrolls when the bell chimes for dinner and Flandre must go. Won't Meiling come? No, she's part of the staff. She eat's in the kitchen. Flandre is a bit sad to say farewell, but then remembers that her sister is waiting for her, and she has grown rather hungry.

The small dining room stands vacant, and instead Sakya appears to guide Flandre down to the dining hall. Is dining still a formal event, she wonders? She doesn't exactly own much clothing, just a nightgown and a dress that always sits neatly folded on her chair when she wakes up in the ?mornings?.

The dining hall is fantastic.
She gasps at the large, near unfathomable length of the table and the many paintings on the walls. Sure, it's not like she hasn't seen things like this before, but- Was it really this big? And, oh- Look, it's soup! Real soup, a whole bowl on each plate. Flandre licks her chops before noticing her sister and the other geust at the table, why, that's Patchouli!

?Good evening, Flandre.? Remilia smiles. ?I would introduce you to my comrade here, but I see you've already met.? Patchouli nods. Flandre freezes, hoping she didn't tell Remilia about threatening her with ?kyu?.

They sit down to eat. Even though Flandre is slightly uncomfortable, she tries her best to forget that while eating the delicious cucumber soup. It tastes slightly of mint and she briefly ponders if the oven would be able to explode, before completely ruling out the theory. She's distracted by her sister's voice- ?I heard you were on your best behavior today.? and Flandre tries her hardest to believe there is no hint of malice in her voice. She's been good, hasn't she? She didn't kyu, she didn't kyu..

?Un. I don't see why you keep talking about her as if she's insane.? Patchouli's voice doesn't seem as raspy now, and now that Flandre thinks of it, she hasn't coughed once during the entire meal. Is the library just dusty? Either way, her voice is still very deadpan, and Flandre has no idea if she's sincere or sarcastic. Please be sincere, please be sincere..
?I must say she lacks manners, though.? She wink rather clumsily at Flandre. Whew, this might mean it's sincere.. She ignores the remark about her manners. It's not like she has to leave a good impression on any aristocracy, and she can't see how manners would help her in the situation she is in now. Slurp, slurp, now the fresh cucumber has formed a little island and the mint leaves have turned into indian canoes going back and forth..

Remilia sighs.
?Yes, I must admit she hasn't picked up a terrible lot of manners living down there-Flandre, stop playing with your food, but to tell the truth, I didn't think there was any need for them back then...? Her voice trails off, and Flandre realizes that her sister has just made a mistake.
Well, that's strange. That's not very much like her at all. Usually, she plans everything in the slightest of detail and seems to always be in control, like she knows it all because she's older.

?Don't worry. She's a kid. Were you interested in learning manners at her age?? Patchouli remarks, making Remilia swallow.
Yes, wasn't she the one who used to take her little sister's hand and run away from the tutors? ?W-well, I was thinking of the role we played in society and all, and besides-? She regains her confidence ?We're two different people, and as you can see, I've just recently started evaluating the theory that she might not be as unstable as we previously thought.? In other words, she'd given up because she never thought Flandre would be sane again.

Patchouli nods in response. Putting up with a stubborn kid who thinks she's grown up isn't that easy at times, but Remilia is one of the few people who'll try to understand her and brush of all the mistakes she makes while trying to communicate.

Dinner consists of pot-roast, and some sort of spicy Mexican dish-It must be Mexican, since there was beans in it, after all. Beans and tomatoes are Mexican food, she's learnt that through an old cookbook Remilia accidentally brought up. Dessert is tea and the best ice cream she's ever had, and then Sakuya takes her back to her room.

This time, she's actually happy to go. Sakuya isn't holding her wrist, and she's got a nice new book to read along with a snack to eat, spring rolls courtesy of China(What was her name again? It started with a H..). When she reaches her room, Sakuya nods, tells her goodnight, and Flandre would start reading the book only she's exhausted and just a little nap turns into a long night of good sleep.
Don't worry, there will be more to come-I've got a few things planned, X3
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2010, 05:38:34 PM »
Heh, this is great and very cute


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    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2010, 05:41:31 PM »
I take it Meiling likes to read outside world comic books?

Also, that soup Flan was eating sounds pretty good; I'm gonna look it up later :3

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #41 on: July 23, 2010, 09:51:16 PM »
This is too adorable.

It's a very refreshing change from AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA IMMA KEEEEEEEEL YEW psycho Flandre.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #42 on: July 23, 2010, 11:01:39 PM »
Good sir/madam, I applaud and commend you.

You've presented what I consider to be the best depiction of Flandre I've ever seen. She's childish, somewhat sad, and thankfully not psychotic.

I'd tip my hat to you, if I wore one. Keep it up, I look forward to seeing more of this.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #43 on: July 25, 2010, 09:25:10 AM »
I was considering doing something like this, but this blows whatever I had in mind out of the water. Actually, thats the understatement of the century. You are to be thoroughly commended for this splendid piece of work. I hereby request more.

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #44 on: July 25, 2010, 10:06:43 AM »
I also endorse these works. Continue!


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #45 on: July 25, 2010, 10:36:01 PM »
I take it Meiling likes to read outside world comic books?

Also, that soup Flan was eating sounds pretty good; I'm gonna look it up later :3

Well, Kourindou keeps 'em stocked. :3

Oh, do. It has a slightly minty taste when warm, ^^ And the part about the stove was a shout-out to a book. :D Dunno if anyone will figure it out, though..

This is too adorable.

It's a very refreshing change from AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA IMMA KEEEEEEEEL YEW psycho Flandre.
Ah, I'm personally very tired of that depiction myself..

Good sir/madam, I applaud and commend you.

You've presented what I consider to be the best depiction of Flandre I've ever seen. She's childish, somewhat sad, and thankfully not psychotic.

I'd tip my hat to you, if I wore one. Keep it up, I look forward to seeing more of this.
Oh, thank you! I can't find too many english-languege fanworks with this kind of Flandre. It's too bad, really.. Of course, there will be more. ^^

I was considering doing something like this, but this blows whatever I had in mind out of the water. Actually, thats the understatement of the century. You are to be thoroughly commended for this splendid piece of work. I hereby request more.
Ah, r-really? I'm glad, thank you.. Well, here's more. Hope you like it!

The following weeks are not very different from earlier, except they really really are.
Flandre wakes up and spends some time alone, reading or playing with teddy, and then Sakuya calls her up for breakfast and later dinner with Remilia and Patchouli. She doesn't like walking through the halls a lot, since the fairys occasionally pull their tongues out and make faces when Sakuya isn't looking. She's decided to try and fight the fairys next time they try something, next time the maid isn't following her(Well, it might be half an eternity till then, but still..). Of course, she's sent down immediately after the meal, but at least she's full and happy. There is no more cake. Just food, real wonderfull food(And tea with "rose petals").

And  she's not that lonely anymore.

Some days, Meiling comes down to visit her, bringing some of her Chinese snacks along. Other days, Remilia will come down to visit, asking her about life and stuff and all the things they couldn't talk about before because Flandre couldn't go outside her room. Even Patchouli sends Koakuma down with the occasional children's book.

Oh, and today is a very very very special day.

Why? Because Flandre's going outside.
She's been jittery since she woke up. Waiting for Sakuya is a pain and it feels like forever for her to arrive. Flandre's been passing the time with Paddington and the adventures of a prince-princess in one of Meiling's comic books. She's just reached the part with the pirates when she hears a knock on the door.

Quickly, she runs to open it.

?Jaoo! It's time to go!? Meiling smiles at her warmly. She's holding a picnic basket in her hands that is no doubt filled with her own home-made food. Flandre licks her chops at the smell; She's in for a real treat!

?Uh, Fla-?
She can't finish the sentence because Flandre has already whizzed past her, enthusiastic about finally, finally being able to go outdoors. ?C'mon! C'mon!?

?Well, alrighty, then.? The Chinese girl laughs as she follows her younger friend, who's practically bouncing ahead of her. For the first time, she's actually going out! And she's allowed to! Oh, how many times hasn't she snuck a peak out the windows while on her way to dinner, taking little snap-shots and pretending to explore them with paper-Flandre(Created from scissors, crayons, and paper, all courtesy of Koakuma's surplus office supplies and Meiling), letting the books substitute for mountains and buildings. Her chest had practically burst with excitement yesterday, when Remilia told her about the plans. She'd be out for just a few hours, they'd have a picnic and if the weather was gloomy, perhaps she might go for a swim.

Go for a swim.


At those words, she had hugged her sister very tightly and promised, promised, promised to be good. Waiting for the trip was pure agony, but at least she's here now, skipping through the corridors at full speed. Sakuya is standing by the door, waiting with an even bigger basket in her hands. Patcouli is -not coughing-, but still wearing the same sort of pajamas. Oh, and she's got some sort of black glasses on her nose, what did Meiling say about them again? Ah, sunglasses. Flandre giggles a little, after all, Patchouli's not the vampire-that-has-to-stay-out-of-the-sun. Her sister is wearing a hat with a very wide brim, lest the sun should come out. It's a cloudy evening, but still..

?Good evening, Flandre.? She nods towards her sister, who is literally jumping up and down with excitement.

?Hi Remilia!? Flandre nearly yells. ?Where are we going??

?We'll be having a picnic by the lakeside.? Again with the cool, aristocratic attitude.

?Milady..? Sakuya opens the door and motions for Remilia to leave the building. Flandre quickly remembers what position she holds and walks after her, nose held high. After all! She's the second Scarlet sister, isn't she? The title hasn't meant anything to her in very long, but today she wants to celebrate it just a little. She's this dignified lady's little sister!

The outside is really great.
It all looks so, so vast-Like there aren't any walls anywhere, and there isn't, though that's a tiny bit hard to stomach. Oh, look! It's trees! And it's real, real trees, not the kind in storybooks, she can touch these!

?Flandre, there's poison ivy growing on that.?

She pulls away from the tree, slightly red-faced over not realizing her own mistake. But, oh, there! Poppies! Just like in ?The Wizard Of Oz?! They must be poppies, they're red, and they look kinda like the flowers in that watercolour-
?Y'like the red posies, missy??

Oh. She was sure they were poppies.
Meiling smiles. ?Ah'll kin fix ye' a flower pot o' them, if ye' like.?
Her face grows redder. She used to know what poppies looked like...

Ah well. She looks up at the sky instead, wow, is it blue! Well, right now it's kinda grey, though. It's so vast, like an ocean, and- Was that a bird just now? She used to be friends with a boy who liked birds, he'd taught her how several different birds sounded. Wah, that must be-
?Oh, listen! A turtledove!? She grabs the nearest person's arm and points to the sky.

?The young mistress must be mistaken. That is a sparrow.? Sakuya is not impressed.

..It's really been a long time, hasn't it?
She can't even remember what her favorite bird sounds like. A tear slowly starts forming in her left eye, rolling down her cheek as she tries to recall the face of her friend, and realizes that she's forgetten his name.

?I-I apologize.. Young mistress, please don't cry.? Sakuya's voice is still cool, but with a hint of regret as she picks out a handkerchief and dabs at Flandre's eyes. There, the tear is gone now, see?  Flandre rubs her eyes. She's a tough girl. Won't cry. It's OK for ladies to cry, but today's supposed to be a happy day! She's got a picnic to look forward too, and then she'll go swimming. Her face brightens.

?Flandre? Are you OK??`Remilia turns to her upon hearing Sakuya's voice. Flandre nods, she's fine now. ?I just remembered how long I've been in the basment.?

Remilia shifts her gaze downwards. ?A-ah. Well, hopefully you'll be able to go out a little more often..? Her voice trails off, like that time Flandre asked her if mama would survive the fever. Was she reminded of something bad? Poor Remilia.

?She looks pretty happy to me right now.?
Patchouli adjusts her sunglasses. Remilia looks up.
?T-true. We've arranged for a new swimsuit for you, though it's a bit more, ah, decent than the usual swimwear people wear these days.? She gestures towards the bag Chi- No, Meiling is carrying. Huh, Flandre didn't notice that before.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #46 on: July 26, 2010, 06:46:31 AM »
By the Gods, Flandre's excitement is contagious. I was nearly bouncing in my seat alongside her as she was anticipating her picnic.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #47 on: July 26, 2010, 02:35:40 PM »
This is adorable.

I do see some places with grammar issues or awkward phrasing, but overall this is great.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #48 on: July 26, 2010, 10:15:57 PM »
Yes. This Flan is made of dorbls and yay, isn't she?

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #49 on: July 27, 2010, 06:26:04 PM »

You have succeeded in confusing me over who is the most adorable: Che(eeeeeee)n or Flan.
I hope nothing goes wrong when they go swimming.


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2010, 03:11:12 PM »
Hoping the spelling/grammar issues aren't too awkward. This chapter might seem a bit wierd since I had a little trouble putting a certain feeling into words, and because certain characters havn't started hanging with certain other characters yet, meaning little to no respect for most people..
?More decent??
Flandre's face falls. In worst cases, this might mean a full-on overcoat with fur trimmings.

?Yes. I am aware of the fact that swimwear fashion has indeed, changed, while you were... ah.. However, I have acquired a swimsuit for you that fits certain standards.? Her sister nods calmly.

Damn. Fur overcoat it is, then.
Remilia's notorious for selecting old-fashioned bathing suits. Last time they'd gone to the sea, she'd made Flandre wear a hideous two-piece swimsuit that covered her whole body, and when she tried to swim the outer piece slowly filled with water until it got heavy and stuck to her legs. She'd wanted one of those new, cute kid's suits with bloomers, but noooo, those left her arms and legs bare and that was very ?un-ladylike?.
Ah well, at least she'll be able to go swimming.

She hums the tune of ?Frere Jaques? as she skips down the path. Remilia occasionally has to call for her to stop so the others can catch up, seeing as most of them are already having to run now and then in order to match her speed. China seems to not mind at all, though Patchouli occasionally has to stop and catch her breath, making her lag behind the others. Remilia seems to be the only one able to reach Flandre's speed, though she lacks her enthusiasm. If she were still human, Flandre would be huffing and wheezing like Patchouli too(though she wouldn't have been locked up in the basement for so long then), only she's never had to catch her breathe while running for a long time.

The lake comes into view, and it's absolutely spendid. It's so blue, in a whole other way than the sky, and there's even a little patch of sand by the water, just waiting for someone to build a sandcastle on. There are little fairys flying far away in the distance, real fairys, flying. Flandre's never seen them actually fly before- She's mainly identified them through their wings and very similar behaviour.

China spreads a picnic blanket beneath a tree, and Sakuya takes the bag with ?swimwear?. Remilia turns towards her sister, who's currently trying to climb up into a tree and failing utterly due to her inexperience.

?Flandre, please come over here.? Oh, right. Climbing trees isn't ladylike, huh? She pouts and runs to the blanket where Sakuya is currently holding up some sort of towel.

Remilia nods. ?As you know, it's not advisable to swim for at least an hour after eating.? She points to a cloth-bundle on the picnic blanket and continues: ?You may change, if you like, and go for a swim. Don't go too far out, and be back when we call for you.? Flandre smiles. ?Yes, I'll be good! I promise!? She rushes towards the bundle of clothing and holds it up to find a nice suprise indeed:

It's almost exactly like the one she wanted that time at the beach, long ago, well, it's got a slightly longer hemline but that' not that important. She grins as she runs to her sister and hugs her, ?Thankyouthankyou thank you!? leaving a slightly flustered Remilia while she bounds off to change, Sakuya holding a towel around her to preserve her decency. Once clothed, she bounces off towards the small sandbank.

?Don't go too far out now!? Remilia calls, but her voice is wasted to the splashing of the waves. The sand bunches up between Flandre's toes as she steps into the water. One, and two- it's not very deep here. She wades farther out, clothes sticking to her body as she dives in the shallow water. Ah, she can swim! What luck, she'd expected to have forgotten that, too. The water is cool and warm at the same time, and she decides to try and see how far she can swim out. Been a while since she's had some exercise, and- Is that an iceberg floating out there? Hmm. This needs to be investigated. She swims towards it with long, broad strokes, just like Remilia taught her.

She hears the fluttering of wings behind her.
?Who're you??

?Flandre Scarlet. You?? She turns around to see a young fairy dressed in blue, hands resting on non-existant hips.

?Eye'm Cirno. The strongest fairy of the lake.? The fairy nods proudly. ?Hmm, Flandre, flandre, flandre.. Where have I heard that name before..?? She ponders. Now that Flandre thinks, this fairy looks like pretty much like a kid. And the ?I? was pronounced with a funny accent..

?Oh! I know! You're the basement-freak!? Cirno folds her arms and nods proudly as if she just figured out the theory of relativity.

...Basement freak. So we're back to that, huh? A spark of anger goes through the young vampires body like lightening.
?I'm not a freak!? She yells, notably offended. She's not very sure she likes fairys, now.

?Why'd your sister lock you up into the basement, then?? The little ice-fairy taunts. ?Oh! I get it! It was 'cause you keep blowing people up, cuz you're crazy, right!??

Flandre's not crazy.

Flandre's never been crazy. Her sister said sorry, said she wasn't crazy, so she's not. Sakuya knows she's not crazy. Patchouli knows she's not crazy.

She feels like she wants to cry.

?Ah, that means you ran away again, didn't you?? Cirno cocks her head, before pointing to her. That's rude, Flandre thinks. Remilia keeps telling her it's rude to point, but this is one of the few times she actually feels offended by it.

?Hey! I know why they locked you up!? The fairy nods again, and Flandre could swear she just saw a lightbulb flash over her head. ?You're a bastard!?


?You've got different hair and wings than Remilia, see. So you must be a bastard!?



The word sinks into her brain like a weight cast into water.


She's.Got. The. Same. Parents. As. Remilia.
She remembers how the court ladies used to look at her and nod sadly, while Remilia took her hand and told her to ignore their gazes, ?They're just jealous because we have a good mother.?, how some stared at them with cold eyes, ignoring them when they asked for assistance or tried to make conversation.

Flandre knew what a ?bastard? was. It was someone unwanted, someone who had a different mother than the lady their fathers had married(However that would work). But she wasn't unwanted. And was it mothers fault that she couldn't have children of her own?
?You're both my little girls, no matter what blood you have.?

They had absolutely no right to call her and her sister ?bastards?. It was the one word that made her blood boil; The one word she thought had gotten a different meaning throughout the years but was now being used in the very same way that had alienated her and Remilia so long ago.

She can already feel her blood boiling. That stupid fairy has crossed a line!

She wants desperately to kyu her, but settles for splashing her with water instead. ?Hey, that's mai dress you're wetting!?(Again with the funny accent on ?my?) The fairy frowns and starts shooting miniature bullets of ice at her. They feel nearly like Patchouli's non-existant-bullets, only they're smaller and they hurt. ?Bastard! Crazy Bastard from the basement!?

And this is enough to drive little Flandre over the edge. It hurts and her heart hurts from being called a bastard and not being able to defend herself; It's all hot and she grabs around until she finds the eye of the area under the fairy and the eye of the fairy's being, take them both and squeeze-

And they shatter in her hand as a large bubble of energy splatters fairy-guts, blood, and limbs all over the lake while a large wave hits the shore.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2010, 03:25:16 PM »

Well, that was an interesting bit of character development. Cirno had it coming.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #52 on: July 29, 2010, 03:30:14 PM »
Seems like everything went to hell...

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #53 on: July 29, 2010, 09:24:52 PM »
that's it, I'm outta here. :V

An Odd Sea Slug

  • Not here, but not really there.
  • Only the best.
    • You can save the world by clicking this link!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #54 on: July 29, 2010, 09:54:38 PM »
Nice job breaking it Cirno.

Am eye'm the only one who imagined Cirno with a Scottish accent during that exchange?


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #55 on: July 29, 2010, 11:11:48 PM »
Eh, Cirno'll be fine, give her about an hour or two.

Flandre will be waiting.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #56 on: July 30, 2010, 12:15:04 AM »
Nice job getting broken Cirno.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #57 on: July 30, 2010, 06:45:18 PM »
Cirno with a Scottish accent? That actually sounds kinda cute. ^^

..Did she just?

She blinks just to make sure it's not just a nightmare.
Yes. It's real. She really did ?Kyu? a person.

It, it just happened.

Her mind blanks. This wasn't supposed to happen- This never, it..

But it happened.

She just killed a person.

Flandre doesn't feel like bathing anymore. Her chest aches as she swims to shore, and she takes care to look extra-hard at the sky, since this might be the last time she ever sees it, before she's locked up again.

It's so blue. It really is a different kind of blue than teddy's eyes and the cover of ?Peter Pan?, she thinks as she does the backstroke. Remilia will be furious, she knows that but tries not to think about it. There's still ten, seven, six more strokes till she reaches land, don't think about it until then.

But nothing changes the fact that she does reach shore, eventually.

?Jaoo, Flandre!? China looks up from the picnic blanket and smiles at her. Flandre nearly smiles back before she remembers just what she's done. ?Hi China.? Sakuya bows slightly, ?Back so soon, young mistress?? pokerface still intact.

..They know, don't they?

Don't they?

She gulps, again. It's like she's got a big lump inside her stomach that's eating away on her insides.
?H-hi everyone..?

China will still come visit her, right..?

Remilia looks up from her magazine, unfazed.
?Hello, Flandre..? She stops herself as she sees her sisters red face, wet with lake water and tears.
?F-flandre..? Are you alright?? And she starts twitching slightly, like she always does when she gets worried.

?I-I'm OK.? The lump inside her stomach grows even heavier. Maybe it's true, maybe she does belong down there. In the basement, where she can't hurt anyone.

?It's just, I went kyu.? There, she said it. She closes her eyes and braces herself for what she's sure will be Sakuya's hard grip on her shoulders, ushering her into the house and back into the darkness, forever.

But there is no Sakuya-grip, even after more than five seconds. In fact, there is no noise whatsoever. She opens her eyes to find that Remilia has fallen over backwards, and it looks like she might have fainted with an expression of madness on her face.

Sakuya sighs and starts laying Remilia sideways. Patchouli raises her eyebrow and looks slightly befuddled, while China's jaw seems to have dropped from London bridge all the way down into the Thames.


Flandre turns around. She's not really sure what she should do or why Remilia fainted or if she'll ever see the light of day again. Right now she just wants to sit down and maybe go to sleep for a couple of hundred years.

?What does kyu mean?? China raises her hand. Flandre sighs and decides, the bubble's already popped, so there's nothing to lose. She grabs the eye of a nearby branch and breaks it. Little bits of bark and wood fly in all directions.

Then she turns to China, who looks completely amazed, and Patchouli, who seems to be very interested judging from her gaze.

?That. I did that to a person.?

China swallows. ?We-well, tha-that's a problem, Ah guess..? Patchouli pushes up her glasses. ?Who??

?Cirno?, she replies, recalling the short introduction. ?She was a fairy.? Patchouli steps forward,  eyebrows curved, one hand outstretched. Flandre closes her eyes, certain that whatever is in store for her can't be good...

?That's OK. Why did you kyu her?? And she gets a freindly (albeit clumsy) pat on her head. Huh.

?She called me a bastard, then she started throwing ice at me.? Flandre sighs as she recounts the tale. There, look. She's insane for doing that, isn't she? Please get this over with..

Strangely enough, Patchouli nods again, ?I see. Why didn't you use danmaku??

Danmaku? She's never heard of such a word before.

?Dan-mah-kyuu? Is that a kind of sword??

Patchouli slaps her hand to her head. Of course. Leave it to Remilia to let a tyke bomb out of the basement without any form of defense and then scold her for using her powers. China sighs, relieved, as if she's just now realized what went on.

?Don't cha' worry, missy.? She smiles as she takes Flandre's hand. ?Cirno's a fairy, she'll respawn. 'an bein' a fairy and 'all, Ah think she just mighta' deserved it this one time.? She winks at Flandre, who's starting to notice a smile of her own forming on her face. Does this mean it was OK just this once? Has she been saved?

They're interrupted by Sakuya's stern voice: ?Young mistress, I suggest you retreat.? Coming from her, that's an order. Meling sighs.
?Ah'll take her, if it's alright with ya'.? The maid nods, and Meiling takes her hand. ?C'mere. We can stop by the library first and find a book, if you'd like.? Flandre nods, she'd very much like that. Maybe it'll take her mind off of things.

It might have been the last time she saw the sky, but for some reason, Flandre's not that sad.
After all, China's promised to come visit no matter what, and Patchouli likes her. Koakuma said so.
So maybe, it won't be that bad, after all.

That night, she dreams that she's in a circus in the starry heavens with her sister, and China is Mary Poppins.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #58 on: July 30, 2010, 07:07:42 PM »
Interesting. I like the results of this one. Rather touching, in a way.

I am curious if you'll bring Four of a Kind into this at all. And does she already have Laevateinn?
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #59 on: July 31, 2010, 01:07:04 PM »
I'd quote it but I'm too lazy to go hunting for the first instance of it, but
