Author Topic: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)  (Read 48699 times)

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Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« on: May 30, 2010, 10:26:13 AM »
(The person responsible for this knows who he or she is)

Her ears twitching, Mystia focuses a steely eye on her grill in the pale light of her lanterns. Before her lie three strips of filleted lamprey, sizzling away and quietly leaking clear oils. She focuses on the sizzle, ignoring the omnipresent crickets, waiting for the pitch to just change just so. There's a music in the sound of sizzling meat, one that she has grown to know as well as her own voice over the years. The distinctions between beef, venison and fish; the difference between frozen meat, thawed meat, and fresh meat; all practically genres in themselves to the ear of the experienced chef. She waits, waiting the juices slowly pour from the until they obtain just the right consistency. Then she closes her eyes, for they will no longer avail her. She listens as the sizzling slowly reaches its crescendo, arcing her head back to better let the interplay of meat and spice waft to her nostrils.


With a deft motion, she scoops up the three pieces of meat and deposits them on a plate. Following with a quick series of stabs, she places them on a skewer. Bringing the meat just below her nose, she inhales the aroma slowly. Just right. Exactly perfect. Hopeful, she takes a small bite from the topmost strip. Chewing it slowly, her face falls. She swallows, then sighs. Almost, but not quite right. The texture was close, properly crispy but still too chewy. The flavor just a little too sweet, a little too strong. Sighing again, she sets the skewer back on the plate. So close, yet so far. Does it need less spice? More spice?

"Oh B Vitamins~"  comes a woman's sing-song voice from behind.

Mystia starts from the sudden sound, then slumps. "God. No."

Two arms clad in blue silk close around Mystia's waist, hugging her against the woman behind her. "Oh yes, my little Creatine," says the voice into her ear, "I could feel your disappointment from across the netherworld, and I couldn't just leave you alone here~"

"So you were spying on me, Yuyuko?" says Mystia, not turning around. She relaxes herself a bit, there's no point in fighting it now.

"You seemed very busy and it would be terribly impolite to have interrupted you," says Yuyuko, as she squeezes Mystia, "wouldn't you agree, my dear Protein?"

"But afterward is fine, then?" Mystia replies. She would give Yuyuko a sidelong glance, but being a night sparrow rather than an owl denies her the necessary range of motion.

"Why, it's only that you seemed like you needed a hug after your disappointment," says Yuyuko, squeezing harder. Seeing no point in trying to struggle any longer, Mystia leans back against her assailant. "But I must know, my little Niacin, whatever were you trying to make? It smells perfectly delicious."

Silence hangs in the air. Mystia closes her eyes, considering. "Are you alright, dear?" says Yuyuko.

"Yuyuko," Mystia says slowly, "I have the hunger."

"Oh my!" says Yuyuko.

Mystia stiffens and cries out as she feels the ghost princess' teeth gently bite into her ear. "N-not that, dammit!"

"Mmm, one thing at a time, my Riboflavin," Yuyuko mumbles through a mouthful of ear.

"No, I mean it!" Mystia says, gently twisting her head to remover her ear from Yuyuko's reach. "I...I haven't eaten anyone in years, and I can't stop thinking about it."

"It's better that way, my Thiamin," says Yuyuko. Mystia stiffens again as she feels her assailant's fingers trace along her stomach in a curious pattern. "It's so much better that way, don't you think? Isn't it nicer to have friends than meals you don't even need?"

Mystia sighs again, her breathing coming a little faster. "I know, I know. Everything you said is exactly right." And it was: since the bad old days came to a close, her customer base has surged. Not only that, it was wasn't so easy to eat someone after they had sincerely kinds words, or complimented one's voice. "But...I can't stop thinking about it. I can still taste it sometimes..."

"We'll do something about such niggling memories, my Pyridoxine," says Yuyuko. Mystia feels the ghost princess' left hand hand start to unbutton her dress, while her right continues its ministrations. "We'll do something about that right now~"

"Why can't I quit you?" Mystia answers through a shuddering breath as she feels Yuyuko's hand slip beneath her dress and continue to trace along her torso in teasing loops that work their way lower then higher.

"Oh, you should stop trying to fight it, dear Biotin," says Yuyuko. Mystia sighs as she feels the ghost princess' hands trace their way upwards and cradle her chest. "Isn't it so much better to sit back and enjoy things? Isn't that what we've learned since the old days? But the hunger is such a pain, isn't it? Let's do what we can for it, shall~" Mystia moans a little in response to the ghost princess' fingers, feeling it expresses her thoughts better than anything. "Though to be honest, wouldn't it be alright to just make a deal with a certain human? After all, it's not like they're going to use it once they're gone and-"

Mystia's suddenly opens her eyes, Yuyuko's hands forgotten. "That's it! Yuyuko, you're a genius!" Wasting no time, she disentangles herself from the ghost princess' grasp and starts running toward the human village. It's perfect, so simple and so elegant. If they could bring the fighting under control and make it beautiful, why not do the same with the hunger? And she knew just the place to start...


"Wait!" Yuyuko shouts as Mystia runs. "Wait! Or at least button up your dress!" She sighs, knowing her words weren't reaching Mystia. "Confound it, B vitamins, you weren't supposed to look into that until we were done..." She heaves a frustrated sigh, then takes the forgotten skewer in hand. "Oh well, it's a good thing I was saving you for later anyways..."


Up head, in the clear light of the waxing moon and stars, Mystia could see a outline of a farm house. Some distance outside of town, in the old days it would have been a tempting target for any hungry youkai. But now it is more of a target for mischievous faeries; she notes a badly concealed bucket resting atop a partially open barn door. A lone light shines through the one of the windows. Pausing to catch her breath and re-button her dress, Mystia considers removing the bucket for the residents. Then the light in the window goes out. "Gah! No! Wait!" she cries, and hurries across the field while fumbling with her last few buttons. Reaching the door, she gives it a solid knock before the occupant can go to bed. She finishes with her last button as the door opens.

A small, thin woman in a coarse nightgown peers out the door. Her hair is short and mussy, giving her something of a ratty look, while her tanned and weathered face makes her look a little bit older than she should. The woman regards Mystia with raised eyebrows, then says, "Did I leave something at the stand?"

"No no, nothing like that," says Mystia. "But I need to talk business with you. Right now. It's important."

"Thea?" comes a voice from inside, "Who's there?"

"It's Mystia from the lamprey stand, dear," answers the human woman, looking back into the darkened house. "We need to talk a bit; I'll come to bed in a little while."

"Alright," replies the voice, as Thea steps out and closes the door behind her. She sits down on the front steps, groaning a little. Mystia stares for a moment, trying to ignore her mouth watering. But she's right there, all nine or so stone of her. Enough for days of good eating. With just a little lemon and pepper rub, or maybe some chili juice if there's any to be had. And then the leftovers, minced and baked into a bun, and...No!

"Are you alright?" Thea asks.

"It's nothing," says Mystia, as she has a seat on the ground next to the stairs, looking toward the stars and away from the temptation. "Thea, I know this is sudden, and that you're just a regular and stuff, but I want to make a deal with you."

"I sold all my herbs for the day," says Thea. "You'll have to wait til tomorrow for me to get any more. Though if there's something you're looking for, I'll be happy to keep an eye out for you."

"No no, it's not about herbs," says Mystia, waving her hands and looking over toward Thea. "Well, it kinda is, but it's not about buying them. But it's important."

Thea nods. "I figure it'd have to be important to send you running up here in the dead of night with your dress buttoned wrong."

"Ack!" Mystia glares down at her dress for a moment. Stupid treacherous garment! And stupid ghost for taking it off to begin with! "Okay, just pretend you didn't see that."

Thea cackle a thin and reedy cackle. "I didn't see a thing. Now let's hear what you want."

Mystia turns the words over in her head for a moment, then says. "I want to buy your body."

There is silence. Mystia counts three heartbeats before Thea says, "...I'm happily married."

"No, not like that," says Mystia. "I've got more than enough of those problems already without making things even more complicated. What I mean is, well, you're going to die someday. And when you do, I want to take your body."

"What in the-" says Thea, before cutting herself off. Her voice hardens. "Wait. Wait. You want to eat me, don't you?"

Mystia nods. Thea starts to stand up. "Wait! Let me finish!"

"What is there to finish?" Thea asks, glaring down at Mystia. "I'm not some lump of meat for you!"

"Just let me say everything, first, okay?" says Mystia, "I'm not going to kill you or anything! And I'm not doing it for free!"

"Tch, fine," says Thea, sitting back down. "But I'll have you know if the shrine maiden ever gets wind of this, she'll beat your head in with one of those balls."

"Oh, I know that better than you could possibly imagine," says Mystia, frowning memories of the flower incident. "Anyways, this is what I was planning. I'll give you money now. And when you die, I'll come get your remains."

"I'm supposed to be buried, you know," Thea says, looking away from Mystia toward the ground. "It's important."

Mystia nods, as she hugs her legs to her chest. "Yeah. What I was thinking is this. We'll have the funeral, I'll even attend if you want, and then I'll take your remains with me. But I'll leave your bones in one piece. Don't worry, I'm really good at that. I debone fish all the time. Then, when that's done, I'll take them back and we bury them with all the proper rites."

"I still don't like it," says Thea. "Why did you ask me, anyways? Why not, I dunno, someone in town?"

"It's because of what you do," says Mystia. "You gather up herbs. So you have to do things like climb the mountains. Stuff that's dangerous. So, you have a high chance of being in an accident. Which means, well, you'd be in better condition than someone who went due to age. I mean, it's not a nice thing to say, but you're in more danger than most people."

Thea gives a nod and looks back to the sky. "Still don't care for it, but I see where you're coming from. Now I'm kinda wondering just what you were thinking to bribe me with."

"Well..." says Mystia, as she pulls out her purse and shows Thea the offer she had in mind. Silence dominates the air.

"So," Thea says at length, "will you expect me to drink soy sauce?"


It is late, uncomfortably close to sunrise, as Mystia reaches her stand and her home just behind it. Still, she can't help but sing a cheery song; it takes all of her self control not to jump and kick her heels together yet again! It worked! It actually worked! There's an end in sight now! It's one thing to deal with a craving that would never be sated. But now, it's only a matter of time. Perhaps it won't be as fresh as she'd like, but that's why one learns to be a chef to begin with. No more futile experiments that will never fill the hole. All that needs to be done with wait. She opens the front door of her house and walks inside. Closing it behind her, she kicks off her shoes and lets her eyes adjust to the gloom, and-

Woosh. Slam!

Mystia finds herself pinned against the door. In front of her, staring into her eyes, is the pink-haired ghost princess, her hands pressed against the door as she leans close to Mystia. She can feel Yuyuko's presently bare chest against her own, pushing her against the door as the Yuyuko leans in. "I've been waiting for you, B Vitamins," she says, smiling in a way that makes Mystia's stomach uncomfortable. "I hope you have tomorrow free, for we have a great deal of time to make up for. With interest, my dear little Folic Acid. My time is very valuable, and one must expect to pay heavy interest on such things..."
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 10:31:04 AM by Hoboverlord Purvis »

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2010, 05:28:16 PM »
Ahaha. What?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2010, 05:47:47 PM »
Oh dear.

Well, this is quite interesting :V
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Bias Bus

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2010, 07:09:26 PM »
I was expecting Vore.

Still you've given ME an idea...or at least a different way to approach one I already had :I
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2010, 07:29:41 PM »
I love playing with loopholes around that hunger for humans issue~

Yuyuko's pet names are at once disturbing and hilarious. Also,

but being a night sparrow rather than an owl denies her the necessary range of motion.

this is a good line.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Paul Debrion

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2010, 08:03:00 PM »
This is certainly a very interesting way to go about this.
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!


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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2010, 08:35:38 PM »
B Vitamins.


Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2010, 09:38:04 PM »
Thiamin isn't a word :P

Otherwise it's brilliant. Human recycling...!


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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2010, 10:04:58 PM »
I'd chaff it up to thiamine having a silent "e".

I'll keep a watch on this one.
[16:25] <Kuruminut> Shut up MS Word, "fangirlism" is totally a word
[07:59] <Sapz> ベーティさんは馬鹿っぽいだろう、この「っぽい」好き者

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2010, 10:23:15 PM »
Thiamin isn't a word :P
It is. In German :smug:


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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2010, 07:59:35 AM »
Otherwise it's brilliant. Human recycling...!

Soylent green Youkai food is humans!

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2010, 10:31:43 AM »
(Since you people cannot be happy with just that. And since I have another scene in mind, I'll gives yalls a bit more)

The birds chirp merrily and Mystia wishes with all her heart that they would shut up for just five minutes. The sun shines brightly; Mystia considers offering an actual prayer to any deity that would listen for one of them to go and kick it until it stops. The stand is empty now, and the grill turned low. Mystia sits in the most comfortable chair that she could quietly drag from the house; there's no way her legs would support her for long. Left to her own designs, she wouldn't even be out here right now. She looks back toward the house and shudders. ...Anywhere but there.

The grass crunches, drawing Mystia's eyes toward the curtain covering the customer side of the stand. She stands up, wincing a bit, and puts on her best smile. It'll be nice to have someone to talk with and distract from the soreness. The curtain parts...

"Hello, Mystia," says Reimu, as she walks into the stand and has a seat. She pulls out a spellcard and places it on the counter. Mystia glances down at it instinctively, stiffly; her soreness and frustration forgotten. It is turned her direction, she can clearly read: "Divine Spirit: [Fantasy Seal]. Reimu leaves the card on the counter, and rests her chin in her hands, with a smile that does not reach her eyes. Looking from the card, Mystia can't tear herself from those eyes.

"Mystia, Mystia, Mystia..." says Reimu. "I am truly surprised at you. You know that? Of all the people, I didn't think it would be you. I mean, I could see Utsuho doing it? Or maybe Rumia? But you? Never in a million years. Mystia, I am so, so disappointed in you."

"Wait, I can explain!" says a voice, and Mystia is moderately surprised to find it's her own. She slaps her hands to her mouth, but Reimu's eyes have already hardened.

"Mystia, I only asked for one thing from you guys, just one thing, you know that?" Reimu continues, as though there were no interruptions. "All I asked for you guys to do was knock off the killing and harassing people. That's it. It's all I wanted. It's so simple, you know? I even made spellcards for you guys, so you could still fight and have fun. Don't you like spellcards, Mystia?"

Mystia nods, her hands still over her mouth. Stupid! Stupid! Never interrupt the shrine maiden when she's in a mood!

"I like spellcards," Reimu says, "I know because I worked forever to make them.  I like them because they're better. They're better for you. You know that, right? Remember who beat down Sariel? It was me. Remember who took out Yuka, back in the day? Me. Remember Shinki? The Makai Goddess? Know why she doesn't bother us anymore?" Reimu extends a thumb and points to herself. "You know why Evil Eye Sigma isn't a problem?" She points to herself with both thumbs. "Mystia, do you really want us to go back to that era?  Do you? Do I have to break limbs keep you people in line, rather than giving you beautiful ways to deal with your problems? Is this what you want, Mystia? Because I don't want it."

Mystia winces as Reimu reaches forward with her free hand and pats Mystia on the cheek. "I like you guys, Mystia. I really do. I'd like us all to be able to get along. Wouldn't you like for that too, Mystia? Doesn't it make you happy to have such good friends like me around?"

Mystia nods dumbly,  tensing herself. It'll come soon... She tries to swallow, but her throat refuses to move.

"But Mystia," Says Reimu, sitting straight up, her eyes never leaving Mystia's, "you nod like you agree with me, but then you go and screw it all up. Mystia, I am so ashamed of you. You were doing so well. So very well. Now I have to make a mess of you so no one else gets any funny ideas. Do you understand that I didn't want to come here and break you in half, Mystia? That wasn't what I planned on doing today at all. I was going to go sweep the front of the shrine. It's filthy, you know that? It needs to be swept very badly. Even Suika can't deal with it anymore. But look where I am. I'm here, and this is not getting my walk swept at all." She pulls her hand from Mystia's cheek now. "Now, I am a kind and loving person at heart, Mystia, so I am going to give you five minutes, just five, to validate my time with lamprey skewer and a very good reason for me to not cave your head into the side of this shop. Now, take your hands from your mouth, and...Go."

Mystia moves her hands, breathing slowly through her nose. Inhale, hold it, exhale. Don't shiver. Don't shiver! Inhale, hold it, exhale. She draws a couple of lamprey filets from the icebox, dimly noting she'll need to get Cirno to freeze it again soon. She puts the meat on the grill and adds some more charcoal to the fire. Then she takes the spices in hand, and begins to apply them.

"You're not convincing me, Mystia," says Reimu. "This is a generous offer, you shouldn't waste it. I didn't offer this to Byakuren, but I am for you."

"It's...a business deal," says Mystia, trying to keep her breathing steady, and her voice from quavering. "All I did was offer her money for her remains. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"Mystia, does my forehead say  'Idiot' on it?" asks Reimu, her face neutral. Mystia shakes her head, her breathing focus lost.  "Did the faeries trick me while I was on my way here? In fact, does my forehead have any writing at all? Maybe my cheeks?" Mystia continues to shake her head, tensing herself. "Then, Mystia, why are you treating me like I'm an idiot? Have I done something to deserve this? Did I stop speaking in words and shift to barks and meows? No I did not."

"But, all I did was-"

"All you did was mark that woman for death!" Reimu says, slamming a fist on the counter and making the spellcard jump. "You think I'm dumb? You think I don't get the implication behind her saying 'It's okay'? Now you have exactly no reason to let her go. All you have to do is not get caught. You could bribe some dumb ox of a youkai to kick her off a cliff for you with promises of a forearm and plausible deniability! And even if you don't, what's to keep some other moron from going out and doing the same thing?!"

"N-No, I wouldn't!" Mystia says, holding her hands open before her, shaking them as though to ward off the accusations. "If I was going to do that, I wouldn't even pay her money, would I? I'd just arrange for the accident, right? Wouldn't that be easier and cheaper?"

"And have that much less an alibi," says Reimu, arms folded in front of her and icily calm. "Better to spend a little money and seem that much less suspicious to the causal observer, isn't it?"

Mystia bows her head and exhales a great sigh. "I'm not going to be able to convince you I mean what I say, am I?" she says. "I could make any kind of gesture of goodwill, and you wouldn't believe me. You don't even know what it's like, Reimu. So, just do your worst, already."

"You see," says Reimu, shaking her head. "These are the kinds of things that make me wonder how you can sing so well when you can't even hear what's going around you. It doesn't even matter what you guarantee, like I said, when someone else tries to be clever about it. The problem, Mystia, is you're opening the floodgates here. If we let this slide, we have to let it slide when Remilia wants to do it. Or when Satori wants to and uses that mind control business... You see what I mean?"

"Does Satori even eat people?" Mystia asks before her thoughts really understand that she's back-talking Reimu.

"Probably," says Reimu with a shrug. "She's a youkai, it's what you do. And we're getting beside the point. The point is, Mystia: what are we going to do about this situation? I will tell you what I'm not going to do. I'm not going to go around policing these little contracts of yours, and I'm not going to bust my hump to investigate every one of these deaths for possible foul play. Because I have better things to do, Mystia. I have an oni to feed. Do you know how much time that takes up? A lot. So, it looks like you get to make a choice, won't you? You going to go ahead with this, or back out?"

Mystia turns her eyes toward the sizzling lamprey, biting her lip. Could she give up now? After all the trouble of convincing Thea to go through with it? After that bright, shining ray of hope? But what could be done? Having come this far, could she give up now?

"...I'm going to go through with it," Mystia says.

"Alright then," says Reimu, picking up the spellcard.

"Wait! Wait!" Mystia cries. "Let me finish!"

Reimu tucks the card between two fingers and folds them down against her palm. She looks at Mystia with cool eyes.

"I think I can make this work, just let me explain. First, I'll need you to declare only I get to do this, okay? That way if anyone else tries, you can beat them up."

"Or I could just beat you up right now and stop it before it becomes a problem," says Reimu. "I think I'll go with that one."

"Okay, okay, okay, how about this?" says Mystia, waving her hands. "I'll do what I can to keep everything together, but you make the declaration anyways. We'll save you for a last resort. And then, I'll keep everything under control. I'll make sure no one does anything stupid, and I'll report everything to you. Okay? Just leave it all to me."

"Mystia, I like you, I really do," says Reimu, "And you are tempting me to give you a chance. So, I think I will. And you're not going to let me down. You're going to assist any investigations, alright? And, you're going to let people who want out buy back their contracts. No price bloat. Or else. In fact, I'm not going to catch you making any kind of money off this at all. and you're going to keep very good records to prove it to someone who actually cares to go over that shit, like Keine. Alright? Good. Is my lamprey done?"

Mystia nods through all of that. She hadn't thought of making a profit, but if she is going to have to keep other people from getting into this, then money is going to have to come from somewhere... She skewers the lamprey, and hands it to Reimu. "Good, thanks," Reimu says as she pockets the spellcard. "I'm heading home. Come visit...I dunno, later, and hammer out all the fine details. I have things to do that aren't being here or giving a crap right now. Ciao." And with that, Reimu departs the stand, munching on her lamprey skewer.

Exhaling, Mystia falls back into her chair. "What a mess..." she mutters. Things just got so much more complicated. She'll need someone to keep others from trying this, some way to pay for it, some way to make certain a youkai doesn't try her luck...

"Oh Riboflavin~" comes a voice from behind, punctuated by the front door flying open and smacking into the wall, "Let's have lunch!"

Silent Harmony

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2010, 05:24:13 PM »
Dammit Yuyuko!

Anyways I was happy with what you had before, which shows how sad an individual I am. Wow, just wow. Reimu absolutely gave me chills; I love it.

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Paul Debrion

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2010, 05:41:01 PM »
Now that's a scary Reimu.
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!


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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2010, 08:55:45 PM »
Reimu the mob boss, and handled very well.

Love how everyone involved is being (relatively) reasonable about their interests.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2010, 10:02:04 PM »
Reimu Hakorleone, anyone? Wait, I know ... Don Maku, the Hitbox Boss!

I was particularly amused by the "Does Satori even eat humans?" "Of course she does, isn't that what you youkai do?" casual-racism bit for some reason. (Side-note, Satori only reads minds, she doesn't control them, but I guess Reimu doesn't need to know that for the purposes of this discussion.)


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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2010, 10:33:12 PM »
I was particularly amused by the "Does Satori even eat humans?" "Of course she does, isn't that what you youkai do?" casual-racism bit for some reason. (Side-note, Satori only reads minds, she doesn't control them, but I guess Reimu doesn't need to know that for the purposes of this discussion.)

Is that before or after the spellcard rules were introduced, and/or Former Hell was sealed off from most of the world? This is important.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2010, 10:51:18 AM »
Wrapped in Yuyuko's arms, the ghost princess snuggled behind her, Mystia can't help but feel that everything is all right. True, there is a persistent stiff soreness below her waist that doesn't feel like it's going to go anywhere for the next couple days. As well, she could kill for a bath right now, and almost shudders to think how much she's going to need to clean the futon. She can also barely keep her eyes open, were it not for Yuyuko's elbow digging into her ribs just enough to keep her from drifting off. But all things considered, life is good. Even if Yuyuko was just a little too insistent about things, and just a bit creepy in the process, at least she is is skilled and thoughtful enough to make it worthwhile on the whole.

"Yuyuko?" she says softly.

"Mmm?" answers the ghost princess, shifting a little and hooking her leg around Mystia's.

"Yuyuko, I think I need you to do me a favor," Mystia says.

"Already?" says Yuyuko, tracing her hand down Mystia's stomach, "My, we'll make a marathon runner of you yet with that kind of stamina..."

"No, no, not that!" Mystia says, grabbing Yuyuko's hand before it can go any lower. "I swear, don't you think about anything else? Can't we at least have a tender moment for awhile?"

"There's no need to be upset, my Niacin," Yuyuko says softly, wrapping her arms around Mystia once again, "It was just a little joke."

"Only because I stopped you," says Mystia, sighing with relief as Yuyuko shifts her elbow just enough to relieve the pressure.

"Well, yes," says Yuyuko, "It would be terribly unkind of me, I think, to make an offer then retract it and say it was only a jest. Don't you agree?" Mystia suppresses a grumble. Yuyuko always had a way of making a kind of sense about such things, always when it's most frustrating. "In any event, you wanted something?"

"Yeah," Mystia says. "I need your help. I got visited by the Red White today about the idea you had. And, uh, she was kinda mad."

"Oh dear," says Yuyuko. "I don't think I could beat her, I'm afraid, so I must leave you to sort out that issue on your own."

"No, no, I don't want you to fight her," says Mystia. "Geez, you get on my nerves sometimes, but I'm not about to wish that on you. No, I need for you is to help me other youkai from messing everything up."

"By beating them up, I take it?" Yuyuko says.

Mystia frowns. This could be going better. "Well, if we have to. Really, I'm hoping your presence will make people think twice under the threat of you beating them up. And, um, to keep them from trying to hurry things along..."

"I'm touched you have such a high opinion of my abilities, Mystia," Yuyuko says through a giggle. "But, it would be rather troublesome, I think. I shouldn't leave Hakugyokorou for too long." Mystia has to clench her teeth to avoid a retort that demands to be made. "As well, it would be a little strange for me to be involved in such a venture in the world of the living."

Mystia sighs, trying to stave off the crushing disappointment. "So you won't do it?"

"Now, I didn't say that," says Yuyuko. "I will help out, but you shouldn't rely on me for such things. But now I must wonder something, myself..."

"Hmm?" Mystia asks.

"When are you going to make an honest woman of me?"

Mystia's heart lurches, as she stammers a reply. Did she just...?! Is she... No!  No, no, NO! "W-w-what!?"

"Surely the idea isn't that repellent, my Protein," says Yuyuko. "Have we not already shared so much? Have I not already given myself over to you freely? Does this mean so little to you?"

"We barely even do anything together!" Mystia cries.

"Oh, we're done quite a lot together, don't you think?"

Mystia's stomach begins to turn; her breathing grows shallow as she tries to fight back the sudden surge of nausea. "And you were the one that came after me! And- and-"

"Shhhh," says Yuyuko, putting a finger to Mystia's lips. "Don't worry, little Biotin, it's just another joke. Relax. I wouldn't make that kind of demand from you. But I would like you to consider there is a reason why I come to you and not to Wriggle or someone else. So, it does hurt slightly when you protest so."

Mystia says nothing, thankful that Yuyuko can't see her grimace. Damn it, how can Yuyuko sound like she's the victim in all this? How can she act like she's not the one who appears out of nowhere and starts with the the molesting?! Agh! Still... it was just a joke. Mystia sighs. "I didn't mean it like that, just you caught me off guard..."

"That's alright," says Yuyuko. "Now, let's consider your situation. You're worried about people competing with you and causing problems? On reflection, don't you feel that way of thinking is useless? You are thinking about contracts and such, so why not keep that line of thought instead? How would a proper business deal with keeping competition out?"


"Oh wow, I can have all this for free?"

"Mmmhmmm," Says Mystia, leaning on the counter and smiling at her customer as she presents another plate of lamprey skewers.

"You're the best, you know that?" says the customer, grinning broadly. "If you ever need a hand with something, just say the word!"

"Actually, about that," says Mystia. "How would you like to get into some danmaku fights, and get paid for it?"


Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2010, 04:47:01 PM »
Oh ... dear. It looks like Mystia's going to start getting people nuked in the face.


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2010, 05:32:26 PM »
Oh ... dear. It looks like Mystia's going to start getting people nuked in the face.

I approve this idea. There are people in the world who should be nuked in the face.


  • *Roll*
  • *fwump*
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2010, 12:13:53 PM »
Oh ... dear. It looks like Mystia's going to start getting people nuked in the face.

^pretty much this

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2010, 09:57:18 PM »

Best use of this catch phrase yet.

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2010, 11:10:31 PM »
I will never look at Yuyuko and Mysita the same way again

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2010, 12:24:09 AM »
You mean this never occurred to you before? ;)

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #24 on: June 06, 2010, 12:53:29 AM »
You mean this never occurred to you before? ;)
It had, in the since that Yuyuko eats Mystia, but never like that


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2010, 10:25:51 PM »
I'm quite enjoying this, but you'd best make the ending be Reimu kicking everyone's ass through the face like it always should be.
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2010, 12:38:49 AM »
Don't be silly, the endings are all Reimu drinking tea with the people whose asses she just kicked.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2010, 02:35:59 AM »
Well, yeah, that's how they end. Normally.

How they should end, though... /gg


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2010, 04:40:09 AM »
Don't be silly, the endings are all Reimu drinking tea with the people whose asses she just kicked.
Good point, but that's after her going 'fuck it' and kicking those asses, thus solving the incident.
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2010, 03:28:19 PM »
(Feel free to make requests. Even if I don't use 'em, they may give me good ideas. Also there's a recurring theme, can you find it!?)

It hasn't been a bad week, Mystia decides while cleaning the grill in the wake of the lunch rush. Business has dropped off a little, but that was to be expected. Other customers came with numerous questions. It has gotten a little monotonous, repeatedly explaining that no she wasn't coming after them, no she wasn't going to force no one into it, and no she didn't want to buy the remains of aunt Yuki who died ten years ago even if they did they digging. Many have proven at least mildly disgusted by the prospect; seldom were they reassured when she told them it was impossible to make lamprey taste like human and the reverse was probably true. Others are curious about it to the point that it is a little unnerving. But humans were slowly coming back in larger numbers as they got used to the idea, and there had yet to be any mobs. If they didn't make a mob, it means they'd learn to live with it.

Among Youkai, the word has spread less quickly. The few who had heard of it never had much an interest in eating people to begin with. This is a conundrum. Were the other youkai simply not interested in the whole thing? That would make life so much easier. Or were they up to something, and doing their best to hide it? Mystia shakes her head to clear away such thoughts. It'll be alright. The major competitor has already been bought out, and she should be more than able to keep any rogues in line.

The front curtain swishes open. Mystia looks up, having been so absorbed in the her cleaning and her thoughts that she hadn't heard the customer approach. "Welcome," she says, "What'll you have to-"

"Oh, nothing much," says Aya as she sits down in at the counter and opens her notepad, "Just some facts and a few statements." She smiles and begins to scratch some things down. "So, when did you give into the hunger?"

Mystia frowns, and restrains herself from making a reply that would involve accusing Aya of bestiality. This could be a perfect opportunity, but it would take some careful presentation, given Aya...  "I haven't, seriously," she says after a moment. "I mean, it's just so hard to put it off, you know, so I've just made some arrangements. That's all. There's nothing sinister about it at all."

"Well, I wouldn't know," says Aya, scratching away with her pen, "We never engage in that kind of thing. But anyways, how do you intend to murder that poor herb gatherer? She has a spouse, you know!"

Mystia puts her fingers to her forehead, as if to ward off the coming headache. "For the last time, I'm not going to murder her. It's a contract that states when she meets her natural end, I get her remains. That's all. If I arranged for her to be killed, the Red White wouldn't let me last more than five minutes."

More pen scratching. Mystia notices that Aya isn't even looking at the pad; instead keeping eye contact and a smile. "Of course, of course. This would, of course, mean that the rumors that you hired Utsuho as an assassin, and perhaps pre-cooker, are somewhat off base?"

"Of course they are!" Mystia says, fighting off the urge to throw down spatula at the ground. "I did hire Utsuho to help me out with a few things, and so she wouldn't go haring off on her own and causing problems with the contracts. There's nothing sinister like you were saying about it! I'm just trying to find a way to make things work out so everyone can be happy. So, do you have any more questions?"

"There's always more questions," says Aya, chuckling. "For instance, how does the contract actually work?"

"Oh, it's rather simple, really," Mystia says, brightening now that Aya seems to have calmed down. She proceeds to outline the agreement she made with Thea, emphasizing her intention to allow for funerary services and to return the woman's bones afterward. Having summarized it a few times already, Mystia is confident in her explanation, hitting all the pertinent points and downplaying common misgivings that people have about it.  Aya nods along, writing away on her pad and periodically asking for clarification.

"I think that you've told me plenty to make a proper story on it," says Aya. "But, would you like to give me a closing statement and sum up your thoughts on the issue?"

"Certainly," says Mystia. "What I am trying to do is to find a way for us youkai to get something we want without it being a problem for humans, just to come to a mutual sort of agreement we can both be happy with. I know some people are going to be a little worried about it, but I think when a little time passes and everyone gets used to the idea, it won't be a problem at all."

Aya nods, putting her pen away and closing her pad. "Thank you for your time, Mystia. I should be able to write a great article with everything you told me." She nods her head into a small bow.

"Just try to keep it accurate," says Mystia, as the tengu leaves the stand.


"How bad is it?" Mystia asks, as she closes the front door behind her and notices Yuyuko curled up in a chair, mostly obscured by the newspaper. There was a time when Mystia would had been taken aback to randomly find someone else in her house, but Yuyuko has long since adapted her to such things. She merely walks over and has a seat opposite of the ghost princess.

"You'll be quite pleased," says Yuyuko, not bothering to lower the paper. "It's a a front page story! I must say, she's done an excellent job of making you look rather savage. I don't imagine anyone would want to try to face you after reading this. Did you honestly say it was so hard to resist, when asked when you gave into the hunger?"

"Oh damn it," Mystia says, leaning her head back and staring at the ceiling. "I was hoping Aya would be a little nice about it. Maybe I should have given her a free skewer?"

"I don't think it would have done anything," Yuyuko says. "But I must know, my Riboflavin, did you really say, 'It's a contract that states when she meets her natural end, I get her remains.' when asked about murdering that herb gatherer?"

Mystia frowns. What did she say, exactly? After a moment, she gives up trying to remember. "Maybe. But I'm pretty sure I would have started by saying no, then cleared it up."

"I assumed there was some creative quotation involved," Yuyuko replies. "I must say, I do like how she juxtaposed that with your hiring Utsuho. It makes everything sound so very sinister. If I didn't know any better, my Niacin, I would think you quite the mastermind."

Groaning, Mystia looks back toward Yuyuko, still hidden behind the paper. "I hate that stupid tengu. Did she at least portray the contracts accurately?"

"Well, she did," Yuyuko says, "But one does note she points out that the signer's demise need only pass as natural. But I imagine everyone was thinking that already, so no real harm there."

"I need something to drink," Mystia mutters, as she stands and heads for the kitchen. A moment later, she returns with some cold tea left over from this morning. While not exactly a hard, nerves-calming drink, at least it would do something to massage the lump in her throat. She sits down again and sighs. "Yuyuko, I don't suppose I could convince you to send your gardener over to set Aya straight for me?"

"If you're really disappointed about this," says Yuyuko, "Perhaps you could go to Hatate's newspaper instead? I'm sure she'd love to get the real story."

Mystia frowns, searching her memories. After a moment she says, "Whotate?"

"Yes, that would be the problem," Yuyuko replies.

Giving Yuyuko a confused look, Mystia says, "What?"

Yuyuko shakes her head; her cap's motion just barely visible over the edge of the newspaper. "Don't worry about it."

"Okay," Mystia replies after sipping her cold tea, "So, no deal with the gardener?"

"Would that really achieve anything, my Folic Acid?"

Mysita shakes her head. "No, but it'd make me feel a lot better."

"Oh, I don't need to involve Youmu to make you feel better," says Yuyuko, setting the paper aside.

Mystia pauses from taking a drink. "Damn it, I just got done with the stand! Can you at least let me rest up a bit before using me?"

"Don't worry," Yuyuko replies as she stands and stalks toward Mystia. "You'll be relaxed beyond the limits of your vocabulary when I'm through..."
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 03:42:44 PM by Diamonds Purvis »