Author Topic: Suika Fortress: Episode II - GAME OVER R.I.P. Drunken Graspings  (Read 29536 times)

Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #60 on: June 08, 2010, 06:03:05 PM »
Ah 129x257, that's fine then, I didn't pay attention to the first page of posts so didn't realise it was a rectangular world. Regarding population, I meant more in terms of ending worldgen very early before imba scenarios make certain civilisations extinct. Lower megabeast numbers is perfectly fine and we can check legends mode to make sure all the races survived.

My bad experience with aquifers was a one-off, but it was bad enough that I kept away from them ever since. I don't want to discover that  a cavern happens to breach the aquifer and is leaking out water in several locations that I cannot hope to plumb off in time. My way of dealing with aquiffers is to just remove them entirely from the game. Provided we get early confirmation that any aquifer is well above where the first cavern is, I'm happy to deal with them.

Regarding volcanos... well, I can't deny the appeal of having immediate surface magma. For me, they were unnecessary as I always embarked on flat areas where I could dig down to the deep magma fast. It would be less than 40 z-levels from surface to magma workshops. Very well, I'm all for more volcanos, good luck tweaking worldgen so it doesn't give you 1000 rejects before it manages it (increase elevation variance, tweak with volcanism mesh/variance, reduce zone-type checks). Oh and bear in mind unless you do extreme variance and mesh tweaks, it's hard to get both a volcano and a sedimentary rock layer. Iron is much rarer in igneous extrusive compared to sedimentary rock and doesn't exist in the other 2 layer types. I guess we could go hardcore and pillage/trade for it all from other civs to get our steel but that's extra difficulty.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 07:35:33 PM by Psieye »


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #61 on: June 09, 2010, 05:21:34 AM »
Well time to report.... and as it turns out...things are getting grimmer.....

First Month of Winter – Day 2

Woe, for these are the misriable day in this fortress…. The stanching smell of death lingers everywhere…. One of my close friends… dead….. and now I sit here looking at the yukkuri in the dining room as I wonder…..

“What is like to take it easy? How is it you all can enjoy yourselves by taking it easy?”

All they can tell me is to…”Take it easy”

I think I get it now….it means we must simply take it easy…. Do nothing, eat nothing…. Drink nothing…. It is the only way one can truly take it easy…. Soon I will take it easy for good…. And then all the Suikas will be delighted once they found out I have perfected the ways of “Taking it easy!”

First Month of Winter – Day 5

Everyone is so busy at work….acting like they must work hard…. Purvis is reseting the traps….gappy is cutting wood… why can they take it easy like me?!! I may be feeling very dry and feeling terrible migrains… but I can see this is the way we must go! We must TAKE IT EASY!!!!

First Month of Winter – Day 10

Just look at them…. They don’t know when to quit! Can’t they see that the only way to live is to take it easy?!!

They are all working too hard! I have deiced to inform the crow a few days ago that our fortress will not take it easy here!

Every one, TAKE IT EASY!!!


Take…it ….easy…..

Take…… it…………..

Aya’s Journal report – Day 282,  Year 3 of the Fortress

Greetings! Aya Shamemaru here! I was rencently informed by a rather bizarre oni that her fortress wasn’t taking it easy. I exactly don’t get what was running through her mind. It just seems abnormal to do that, but that’s not my concern here!

Today I come here because I was revealed this fancy new location that is reffered to as a “Suika Fortress”

I have no idea why our resident oni Suika is partaking in this unique project here but I have been informed to keep nose because it would “upset the balance”. Usually I wouldn’t heed such warnings but this is Yukari who told me this… so there something definetly going on here…

As of this point I’ve installed Cameras around different parts of the fort and left without notice. I think I’ll get a good idea what’s going on here after we let them take there time… maybe something will happen?

Aya’s Journal report – Day 284,  Year 3 of the Fortress

I hear a Suika miner in areas been expanding the burial site… I think they’re trying to get everyone who had died placed in their proper burial…. I find it stange though…. Since my clinet who brought this to my attention also payed with her life… but I can’t do anything about it. Either way, it’s rather amusing to see them at work…

Aya’s Journal report – Day 304,  Year 3 of the Fortress

I got word that one of camera took a shot of my client being laid to rest as well as the former expidition leader…. I wonder what this could mean. I didn’t know drunken onis had such civilized behavior to be honest. I thought they were always drunk, reeked of booze, and loved to show off their strength…. Perhaps there might be something to this place after all… but my client didn’t explain much of anything about “What” was killing them…..

Perhaps I’ll see eventually…

Aya’s Journal Report – Day 311

Brr….. it’s getting cold out here… I wonder how they make it out there? It seems they’re going about collecting the remaining corpses….. should we be letting Orin do this? Let me guess… Yuakri told her to stay out it as well…. I bet…. This is rather strange…. But we’ll see how this works out….

Aya’s Journal Report – Day 328

What’s this now? Are they making their own weapons?  Could it be there’s really a lot of danger out here? I mean we all know that to humans we youkai are a threat? But what could spook an oni out so much that she or rather… her tiny dulicates would start making weapons?.... I suppose there will be a meaning to this eventually….

Aya’s Journal Report – Day 341

It seems all the dead have been buried now and it seems life in the land has returned to normal. Though I wonder what they are all getting ready for… this is rather strange.. weapons, traps, and so forth… ths is a rather odd situation at hand….

Aya’s Journal Report – Day 347

At last, it’s all clear now, the enemy the Suikas are fighting against are yukkuri! But why are they do different, their bodies looks generticlly modified…. They’re not the same as standard yukkuri…. Course now the bigger concern it who’s going to survive?

What’s really amazing me right now is that the one Suika with the pick axe is fending herself off against he biokkuris really well. She’s made puncture wounds in many parts of their bodies…I’ll be surprised if she manages to be them all up!

Aya’s Journal Report – Day 350

Sadly she didn’t last long…. After a lot of running the biokkuri managed to catch up to her… so without much hope the miner known as “Stuffman” died very quickly I thnk they now have their eyes set on the remainder of the Fortress….

Aya’s Journal Report – Day 355

It seems that out of the blue they deicde to simply turn tail and head for the lake up north… something spook them? Are they ploting something… they’re simply waiting…. Though I see they got a few cuts and bruises… I just don’t see why they turn tail and run yet?.... Either way, now I know why the Suikas are scared… But it also seems one biokkuri fled the scene as well....

Aya’s BunBunmaru special for Winter!


I was brought to the attention that there was a fort in the middle of a forest in the Gensokyo region. I was curious what kind of person would build a place to call home out there where there was a volcano. Hunams are known to do funny things like this, but it’s even more strange when it’s a oni that does this!

As it turns out our resident Oni, Suika Ibuki is responsible for this. This strange place severed as a home for her tiny ducplicates, but little did we know that this may become a death bed for them too.

As it has turned out a strange type of genetically modified yukkuri known as “Biokkuris” have raided the fort and killed many of the Suika copies with ease. It is probably because of this that we have seen many painful death.

From my obsevation a miner took a fall for the team after luring them out of the fort.  And as of right now they just sit out by the lake while the remaining Suikas just hide behind closed door…. Exactly what is going on here? Why are they hiding? Aren’t they prepared? Who know?

I have asked to interview Suika on this, but our famed youkai Yukari Yakumo seems to be acting as her agent and she’s refusing to let me go in and talk to her right now…

As of right now, I will continue to check things out and report as the story progress.

- Aya Shameimaru

Aya's photo collection

What I have hear are pretty much what makes up the area of the Fortress as of this point:

Base Floor: Seems to be the trading and work stations

Floor B1: Dining area, farming area, and bedrooms

Flood B3: Burial grounds

Floor B4: ??? I can't make it out likely going to be a special room?

As it stands right now... our key miners are dead..... meaning as of right now if we're going to mine we're going to need a rookie to do it and they'll need to scrafice thier job at the moment.... who to choose though? I don't know....

But there are only 5 Suika Alive.... can we live another year in Drunken Graspings?

I will take my year turn and attempt to find out....

Oh and if your curious... we should be expecting the release of 0.31.06 within the next day or two...

It'll fix file export bugs and it'll also mark the beginning of some of the key changes to..... Military and combat! This should be promising....
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 05:32:57 AM by Totaku »
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #62 on: June 09, 2010, 07:27:06 PM »
Alright people! I this isn't a Drunken grasping report, but rather a Suika Fortress update!

Starting as of this point I will suggest that everyone update to the 0.31.06 mod! I went ahead and transfered everything and did all the nesseary changes needed for it to match what Toady has changed within the game.

A good summary of the update is that Toady managed to fixed up more crash related problems dealing with soap, globs and various items. He's also started fixing some military related bugs that would other wise making soldier unplayable. So we may soon get to see a much better performance! He also fixed the tooth, horns and hooves so they would be hard enough to go through now even yukkuri will pose a rather strong threat with their teeth!....

Also some various tweaks with zoning, SDL and tags have been fixed!

Here's the full report from Toady:
Quote from: Toady One

Current known bug: The menus in the SDL versions seem to be having a few more lingering debris and black spots than usual, but that should be mostly gone for next time.

Crash fixes
   (*) fixed crash on abandon related to having a box/cabinet building assigned to somebody
   (*) fixed crash from using nearly spent soap bars to clean people
   (*) fixed up crash from scrolling over globs in stock screen if certain fats were present
   (*) SDL mode image export crash fixed (Baughn)
   (*) fixed cursor position on farm season selection (possible crash)

Major bug fixes
   (*) made dwarves that initiate individual training recognize when they are no longer doing so properly
   (*) stopped dwarves from swapping out their equipment for newly made items of equal value
   (*) stopped dwarves from assigning equipment from caravans or unforbidden possessions held by outsiders
      also incoming woodcutters/miners/etc.
   (*) stopped dwarves from being assigned large equipment
   (*) added default trade capacity to creatures to stop near-infinite caravan goods from being added to certain creatures
   (*) fixed material template values causing many natural creatures to be very squishy and underpowered

Other bug fixes/tweaks
   (*) 2D mode colors fixed (Baughn)
   (*) curses mode color initialization fixed (Baughn)
   (*) sound header fix (Baughn)
   (*) fixed temporary pathing problems that came from digging out brook tiles (negative construction distance etc.)
   (*) fixed deletion for zones that have all their tiles removed
   (*) fixed problem stopping hospital zones that have some tiles deleted from updating their furniture assignments
   (*) removed forest temperature dampening for artificially hot worlds
   (*) fixed some duplicate tags and other issues in the raws (see file_changes.txt)
   (*) graphical map export should be back in the SDL versions

So other than a small graphic display issue, alot of things have been improved upon and within only a few days at that!

Here's the Suika Fortress downlaod for 0.31.06 please be sure to upgrade!

As another report, I would like to inform you that wether this fortress dies on my turn or if I survive to hand it off to the next player, I will begin work on the next upgrade to Suika Fortress itself!

Psieye here has been giving me an amazing amount of feedback since I talked to him and I have become interested on what can be achived with Suika Fortress as of this point. So I am considering doing some changes, by changing some items....changing some object.... perhaps even additional sprite work.  I got a good list of things to do and following that...

if this fortress just happen to be dead by the time I complete this.... we can attempt to run a new Suika Fortress using some of the changes! By the time I complete this, it'll be likely that Toady will have most of the military and combat issues fixed(since he's working on them right now). So by the time that happens, we can likely expect a more functional fortress and hopefully a game that won't end as grim as this...

But hey... what am I to say? I also love the wonderful saying that goes with Dwarf Fortress.....


Now I'll get back to trying to manage this fortress and hopfully have a report later on....
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #63 on: June 09, 2010, 08:08:57 PM »
According to Toady, he plans to get as much bugs squashed this month, and then he'll consider the next new features to Dwarf Fortress. So hopefully at or before the end of this month we'll have a stable base and Totaku will have gotten most/all of what he wants to do with Suika Fortress implemented.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #64 on: June 10, 2010, 05:52:14 AM »
I'll see what I can do once I finish the Suika Fortress year... as for now here's the Spring report...

Aya’s Journal Report: Day 4 Year 4

I got a shot showing that a Suika in the area has decided to start mining on it’s own…. Even though they pretty much lost their key miners, they keep pressing forward! Who know what could happen at this pint. But I’m certain this will lead to some interesting news as it develops….

 Aya’s Journal Report: Day 17 Year 4

Miasma begin to pour through the entrance of the dungeon…talk about a horrid stink…. It definetly won’t make a very welcmoming apperance…but what can they Suika do? The Biokkuris are outside and if those door open they’ll just be asking for trouble to waltz in there… I suppose the only safe spot in undergrond….

Aya’s Journal Report: Day 61 Year 4

I noticed that the Suikas just recently finished building a place that’s best fitted to train animals. But what would they use the Kennel for? To train yukkuri? I’m not sure if one can train a yukkuri, but either way this catches my interest….
Aya’s Journal Report: Day 68 Year 4

Over a long course of two month, the in experienced miner had been working on this hallway and along the way, the Suika miner found copper. This can be an important resource to them I suppose. Could make some sturdy armor and weapons I guess. Otherwise I guess a nice decoration could come into play? I can never tell what these onis are up to.

Aya’s Journal Report: Day 72 Year 4

After what seem to be nearly the entire spring, the biokkuri decided to leave the area out of bordem, at least now the Suikas have their doors open for anyone who wishes to come in….
Aya’s Journal Report: Day 73 Year 4

Now I get  why the animal kennel was made…it was designed as a training ground to train yukkuri! I figured that since this was a yukkuri ranch it would serve this purpose, but who would of though that the yusakutyas could be such loyal companions. I suppose if they have to go outside they might as well carry a pair of nasty teeth along with them into the battle field. Might give them the edge in combat!

Aya’s Journal Report: Day 79 Year 4

Out of the blue a bunch of Parsee yukkuris appeared out of the blue with a caravan filled with various good… I wonder what a bunch of jealous yukkuri would bring to offer? Needless to say, the Suikas are gathering their goods, perhaps we’ll see over the course of the summer?



In today’s report, I recently noticed that the Suikas pretty much holed themselves up in the mountain fort through the main part of the Spring. It was hard to get information since there are only 5 and thus activity just isn’t very active…. They seem to do things ranging from making bins, crafting furniture and mining out hallways… what will this all serve? I really don’t know yet…. But I do see that since the biokkuri forces left, the Suikas are in full swing. They seem to be training Yusakutas to act as a type of protective animal? How well this will do will remain to be seen….

And then there are the yukkuri parsees… what would such yukkuris want with the Suikas in terms of trading? What can they get from them? Will jealousy abound from their meeting?

Stay tune as  I continue to make my report here every season in the BUNBUNMARU!

- Aya Shamemaru

Well so far so good. I'm managing to keep the Suikas alive despite the dangerous results that had happened through T34G3's turn. I still concerned if they'll survive long enough to be able to either reproduce, or dig deep. This is proving to be a bit of the challenge.... and progress will be slooooowwww.....Stay turned for next season's report
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #65 on: June 10, 2010, 03:59:42 PM »
Time for the Summer report!

Aya’s Journal Report: Day 91 Year 4

A Suika appeared at the Parsee caravan to start making deals…. Sadly they were not interested in a lot of their stuff…. They mainly took a few cages, a few barrels and some buckets…. For some stone instruments. Talk about a small deal! The parsees despite their jealousy took the deal. And as of now everyone’s back at work.

Aya’s Journal Report: Day 120 Year 4

At around the end of the month, the Parsees left the area. But there was one rather strange thing that occurred from it…

The Parsee left some of their supplies at the depot! I’m not sure why they did that, but regardless since they have long left, the Suikas decided to claim the bags and all the wooden goods that were left behind…

(Totaku's Notes: I think the reasons the Parsee's left some of thier goods is because they brought a warthog that carried goods (which is no longer possible in 0.31.06. So when they packed up and left, the warthog's tags showed he couldn't carry goods. So... they left thier goods here... Guess it's because the tags were made in the spring time when the parsees were coming.... hopfully by next spring, they won't use wathogs anymore.)

Aya’s Journal Report: Day 135 Year 4

It seems now that the Suikas are stocking there new free animals they got. So far I know they got a yukkakkuri, Yukkurumias, giant loins, gibbons and so forth... what are they planning a zoo?! Now that would be worth looking at.
Aya’s Journal Report: Day 143 Year 4

With the gate open, the Suikas were able to give Stuffman a proper burial....or well what was left of her.... She pretty much rotted to a skeleton outside while the Suikas were holed up in thier place.

Aya’s Journal Report: Day 168 Year 4

It appears the human caravan has arrived, this could be a good golden opprotunity for the Suikas to get some great supplies since they seem to have come with a nice batch of supplies. And they still have plenty of the parsees' goods in the depot ready for trade. More to report when the time comes...



In today's report, we uncover the dark turth behind the Suika's weath. It turns out that they basiclly have found a way to swindle trader into leaving thier goods behinds so they can use it for thier own to sell to other caravans.

Traders beware, for if you come to dunken graspings you best keep a sharp eye on your supplies, or the little drunk onis will take them as you pack up and leave!

This is Aya Shameimaru bringing you as always the newest juicy gossip in the BUNBUNMARU!

-Aya Shameimaru

Other than a strange bug I exploited everything went slow this month.... And thaknfully everyone's still alive... Let's hope it remains that way... On to Autumn!

And as a quick update, Toady has reported that version 07 will have the fixes for the traction benches and sugery, which should take care of all the major bugs of the hospital system itself...but it's strongly adviced that you DO NOT PUT DOWN TABLES AND TRACTION BENCHES IN THE HOSPITAL TILL 0.31.07 IS RELEASED! Since it might mess things up.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 04:07:08 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #66 on: June 10, 2010, 10:22:49 PM »
Well people it's time for the Autumn report.... It only gets sadder here...

Aya?s Journal Report: Day 190 Year 4

Without even bothering to come communicate, the human traders had left. As it turned out the Suikas were too busy to worry about handling any trade negotiations for now? they seem too concern with getting the fortress back up on it?s feet. Considering it?s only a team of five this is a rather rigorous task.

Aya?s Journal Report: Day 242 Year 4

All the Suikas now have a Yusakuya each which seems to serve as a watch dog for them. They certainly must want to make sure the intruders know they have more bite than bark in them hahahaha.

And as an extra measure, yusakuyas have been chained up at the main entrance. They are definetly trying to send a message with this.

Aya?s Journal Report: Day 257 Year 4

A Biokkuri Ambush at the main entrance! I wintessed as the Yusakuyas were barking at the biokkuri but before long they simply just used thier spears and stabbed the yusakuyas to thier death and now they wait about the entrace...

Aya?s Journal Report: Day 260 Year 4

The Suikas were too drunk to worry about wbat was going on above and just when the finally come to realized something bad had happnened and shut the gates a long Suika was running outside looking for trees to cut.... sadlly this Suika met her end when the biokkuri jumped from above and killed the Suika on the spot along with her gaurd dog....This Suika was Gappy... And so now all the Suikas remained holed up inside..... knowing thier death could come at any minute.....



As it has turned out the Suikas did indeed set up a number of defences?but sadly the biokkuri were still too prepared to not handle what was coming to them?. This has caused the death of a Suika and now once again the Suikas our holed up inside the forest with no escape?.

All they can do is sit back and wait out as the biokkuri sit above the entrance as if they were vultures waiting for their pray?. And now the cold winter season approaches?will they survive with the enemy waiting above them?

Stay tune to the next report of the BUNBUNMARU!

- Aya Shamemaru

This is only going to get worse likely most likely for the next player.... but I'll admit this is FUN and it keeps me on my toes... I wonder how my winter season will go?
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #67 on: June 11, 2010, 01:53:39 AM »
Ok people, here's my winter report!

Aya?s Journal Report: Day 343 Year 4

It seem this winter has gone with little activity changes?. Mainly working on small structures here and there?. The only thing that?s interesting so far is that the Suikas have decorated the burial site with some statues, 3 yusakuya and a Suika Statue all made of copper..

Aya?s Journal Report: Day 350 Year 4

It looks like some yukkuri are now raiding the corpse of Gappy who?s been left outside as of this time. As of this point the Suikas still haven?t bothered to come out. But also it seems there?s no sign of the biokkuri near by?.did they leave?

Aya?s Journal Report: Day 355 Year 4

It seems the smithing shop is in the middle of producing some armor, what are they planning to do? They know they're out numbered right? This would  be amusing if they found a way to counter thier problem at hand....

Aya?s Journal Report: Day 360 Year 4

I found out that a series of rooms seem to have been in production on the floor with all the hall ways... what is it going to be exactly, there's defiently enough space for them to do lots of things here...but with just four.... there must be something going here. I just onder what.... if I could get an interview...


It seems this winter there has been no sign of the Suikas coming out at all, in fact the door are shut it seem. Have they given up? Have they gone into hiding forever? Are they planning a big surprise? Who knows?

But at the rate it?s going the above ground world may not see them for a while if ever?

I shall continue to investiage the matter to see if anything changes?

Until then  keep your eye on the BUNBUNMARU!

- Aya Shamemaru

As far as I know Serpetarius is still participating, and I'm still waiting to see if Stuffman is active (since he magically disappeared...) So as of this potin. I'm going to go ahead and hand off Dunken Grasping to here you go!
Let's see what you do with 4 Suikas who are barly hanging on by the edge of thier teeth.

Here what I was trying to attempt... That room down in the long hall ways at the bottom. I made plans to make it work as a military training room.

My idea is to have the remaining Suikas begin training in combat. as far as I know, the military system has fixed the bugs in drilling right now so we should be fine with doing training... actual combat on the other hand is subject for serious debate.....

But what choice do we have? Dig deep? hole up into the fort till we die? I'll let you figure things out Serp. So go on and attempt to keep this dying fortress alive!

And also... have FUN!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 05:24:01 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #68 on: June 13, 2010, 08:50:56 PM »
Got my back to the wall.  Just the way I like it.  I'll get right on this.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #69 on: June 15, 2010, 06:33:10 PM »
Suika Fortress now refuses to work on my machine.  Too frustrated with it to troubleshoot.  Take me off the list, I'll join it again when I have a computer that doesn't cause problems at every turn.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #70 on: June 16, 2010, 02:18:15 AM »
Are you sure? (This suddenly has me worried since I'm the only player)  What kind of complication are you having that's preventing you from running Suika Fortress?

Have you tried changing some of the init settings? Is there an error your getting? This could be a possible bug report you know?
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #71 on: June 19, 2010, 05:15:40 PM »
ok people I haven't had time to do an update. I've tried to talk serp into trying again , but he's sort of busy.... so... I guess I'll have to take a turn again.

In the mean time, before I get started on this dying fortress....

I would like to inform you that 0.31.07 is out!

pretty much Toady has spent his time during this fix to work out the bugs that are caused in the hospital, some military, and mainly...starvation bugs fixes.

Here's a list of the fixes...
Quote from: Toady One
Release notes for 0.31.07 (June 19, 2010):

Crash fixes
   (*)fixed crash when over 200x200 in some screens
   (*)fixed crash associated to assigning daggers to dwarven soldiers
   (*)fixed a crash on the military screen

Major bug fixes
   (*)stopped doctors from picking up and dropping their patients repeatedly when it was time to carry them
   (*)restricted doctors to using tables and traction benches in hospital zones (stalled doctors from old saves will ignore this)
   (*)made workers stop taking new jobs if they can and want to eat/drink/sleep instead
   (*)made certain jobs like updating records and partying quittable at any time due to hunger/thirst/drowsiness
   (*)fixed pathfinding problem in special features that were placed within surrounding liquid layers
   (*)allowed options screen from dwarf/adv mode setup
   (*)fixed some job overwrite issues
   (*)made stockpiles able to take from other stockpiles again
   (*)made ownable items like cloaks that are part of uniforms not put soldiers into pickup/drop loops
   (*)made cooking require a non-liquid object to start (prevents liquid food errors, powders okay)
   (*)stopped item namers from repeatedly naming their items
   (*)changed conditions for feeding/watering of injured dwarves so beds aren't required
   (*)made militia commander assignment from noble screen respect current squad settings properly
   (*)stopped removal of squad commanders from noble screen if they have subordinates
   (*)stopped dwarves from holding multiple positions that lead squads
   (*)got rid of some flashing and debris in SDL version

Other bug fixes/tweaks
   (*)reduced hunger/thirst/drowsiness skill/speed penalties
   (*)made hunger/thirst/drowsiness thoughts occur a bit later in the process
   (*)made alcohol turn into separate liquid objects less often
   (*)made non-brewing events that create liquids handle alcohol correctly
   (*)stopped clothier from messing up craft shop task listing (and some related issues)
   (*)stopped non-locals from announcing their item attachments
   (*)fixed traction bench situation on manager screen
   (*)added pillar tile to d_init

SDL Version: Baughn improved the curses and 2D output, fixed a text mode display bug, added keys to change the FPS up/down (default alt-- and alt-=), and likely some other things.

So thankfully once we start a new game, we should have a nearly if not fully functionable hospital.

I'll try and take a turn later today and work on getting everything transfered to the new version as well.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #72 on: June 19, 2010, 06:23:58 PM »
Alright, cool, new version looks good. Only big bug I can think of now is being unable to make stuff with shells.

Playing now would pretty much just consist of idling until the rest of the Suikas die...can't get much done with just four, so it's not surprising nobody really wants to play :V


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #73 on: June 20, 2010, 06:40:07 AM »
Time for another update... And it's it's short...

Aya's Journal:  Day 68 Year 4

It seems life is beginning to return to the fortress once again, there has been signs of Suikas doing activity around the area... mainly setting up another set f guard dogs.... I guess if it works the first time, it can work again....

Aya's Journal Day 88 Year 4

Once again, the parsees have returned loaded with goods like before... will they still remember to take thier good this time so the Suikas don't steal? Who knows, but we'll have to see.



There have been sign of activity going on in the fortress meaning that now things could begin to move again, how soon though is unknown... since there are stilll only 4 Suikas, but as we know right now they're loading the goods up for trade now/ But what will they do in the long run has yet to be seen.

This is Aya bringing you the latest in the BUNBUNMARU.

- Aya Shameimaru

As it stands right now, things are slow going. But I do have something else special to report....

Everyone should know by now that 0.31.07 just came out....

Welll now it's confirmed that it's been upgraded to 0.31.08.

Why so quick?

Well it's because there was a severe error in the game when you used k + enter to view the contents inside your goods.... it triggered a crash effect all the time. So Toady had to fix that right away....

He also fixed the world gen escape functions as well so all is good for now. I will put up a Suika Fortress of 0.31.08. Most of the content I have in this version won't be used for this game but for the next game..

Mainly because I'm expecting the Suikas to meet thier end sooner or later... but for now things are looking good so far in  Drunken Graspings.... I wonder how long these little Suikas will survive?
« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 06:42:27 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #74 on: June 20, 2010, 07:43:02 PM »
Ok time for the Summer report...

Aya's Journal: Day 118, Year 4

Pretty much it was expected... the Suikas once again ignored the parsees as they packed up and left. But at least this time they picked up thier goods. Guess they learned not to leave thier items behind....

Aya's Journal: Day 140 Year 4

Seems the small army of Suikas have decided to set up floodgates at the main entrance.... I assume they are doing this as another line of defense.... But when will they get around to making the gate functionable?

Aya's Journal: Day 165 Year 4

It appears the human caravan has arrived once more into the mountain home, Hopefully the Suikas will be getting thier goods ready this time. They stopped setting up the flood gate to let them in for the time being.... mean while thier trader still continues digging....

Aya's Journal: Day 175 Year 4

It seems that after a year of work, the dining room is finally looking more polished compared to before hand. I guess even onis has fine taste when it comes to certain things.



It seems the good ol mountainhome of Drunken Graspings is getting a make over, the Suikas seem to have been busy remodlinh alot of things over time, and there's no idea how long it'll take...

But there's also the real question....

When will they stop working and start working with thier trade dealings? It's not good business to keep the customer waiting no matter what you are...

Stay tune for the next report from the BUNBUNNARU!

- Aya Shameimaru

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - The Earth Strikes Back!
« Reply #75 on: June 21, 2010, 02:13:14 AM »
Ok this one's going a bit slow.... so I'm not going to do anything fancy here here's a good summary of the Autumn and Winter...

Pretty much the human traders packed up and left, I treid to get my Suika to quit his job so she could handle the trading, but it seems Purvis isn't interested in that... I wonder why.... this isn't a bug is it?

Eventuallly over late fall the room for the military training was pretty much in place... so I set up all the Suikas to become part of the military at once...

Course there's the name they decided on....


Pretty much the Suikas attempted to train, but then I forgot about that bug that I had issues with.... organizing combat training...... they seem to be getting ready.... but unless a Suika can get some good organization skills (in the current set up, it'll be impossible for the Suikas to actually do anything without good organizing skills.... should change sooner or later...)

Then there's the biokkuri that came in the late winter and prety much shot every yusakua and koyusakuya sitting out side....those horrobile monsters!!!

As for right now I'm trying to see if I can do anything to override the organization issue... but other wise I may make the Suikas do individual training instead at least then they can get thier weapons skills built.... then we can watch them die a glorious death! :D

So for now this year has ended. The next year has started...

If any of your are interested in attempting this insane attempt, feel free to sign up.... more or less I'm now just letting time pass as I'm wating for hopedfully a fix to combat training....

Oh and give me a little bit of time... I'll be uploading Suika Fortress. 0.31.08

Here you go!

This one pretty much contains alot of mods, but they aren't for the current we are playing. But for the next game. It'll have alot more Japanese themed items, foods, and weapons. Plus I changed the yukkuri up a bit so things will be a bit different..... You can download and play a new game if you want a sneak peek.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 02:51:39 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Well it's offical now, Drunken Graspings is now offically dead (technically)

Long story short....

In the late spring when the Parsees came over with thier goods our Suikas decided to open the gate....just as they entered.....

The Biokkuri made a surprise ambush!

As a result they killed the Parsee traders and pursed a Suika who happen to be outside....Arashi Kurabara.....

They apperently chased her up the mountain until they got to her....

The last things i saw before reports indicated she died....

Her tooth....flying down the mountain side....

And thus now Arashi Kurabara is now dead....

This leaves only 3 Suikas....

Purvis, Serpetarius, and Charoe.....

And because Charoe lost her lover....

There's is no sign of them even capable of reproducing now....Thus now this fortress is offically on it's death bed.....

The only thing these Suikas can do is either grow old and die, or fight to thier death.

So I'm calling an end to this game now....

I will still play this one if anyone is interested. But as of now we can call this game done..... since the Suikas are now offically doomed to die.

Well it's over for now. I will making preparations for the next Suika Fortress game, but it'll probably be a week or two since I'm currently watching Toady's updates.

I will confirm to you that in 0.31.09 we will finally have killable material beings. No more immortal slate demons ect. Course this only applies to randomly generated creatures.... the ones that are premade this way (like a bronze collosus) may still be immmortal, I don't know..... But we know it's coming along now...

UPDATE: Well  it looks like things got ugly real quick.

The Human Caravan came so I decided to have my Suikas prepare for the arrival....but guess what....

The Biokkuri ambushed at the entrance once again!

And because of this my Suikas were in a mess. Chaore was caught in the mess. And was stabbed and swered to death. And then from there the biokkuri started to attack all the Yukkuri that were present.
Sadly no Yukkuri for fight them off...

Following that up Purvis and Serp were also caught in the mess later one when I told them to get thier fighting weapons.

Sadly they still only had thier training as a was grim,

They were caught in the farming area....

Serpetarius was looking her fingers and toes and through the Autumn and winter....the biokkuri continued to torture them....
Serp eventually lost her teeth and one of her horns....and soon she was beaten up so badly that she died.....

Purvis mainly lost some teeth and eventually her horns were completely broken off and so she was a hornless Suika.... as she was continuously toutured and stabbed....

By around late winter, Purvis couldn't stand the tourture anymore as she was suffering from massive blood loss.....

And thus...

Drunken graspings is now dead..... as now the final Suika has died and now the Suikas have become extinced....

R.I.P. Drunken Graspings.... you managed to survive nearly 6 years.... but you will be missed....

Now wasn't that ..... FUN?

Well that's it for this game. I'll start up another fort in the next week or two since by then we'll be updated to 0.31.09 likely.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 04:34:06 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • mokomokomokomoko
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - GAME OVER R.I.P. Drunken Graspings
« Reply #77 on: June 29, 2010, 04:32:09 AM »

btw, i'd play if it wasn't because i simply cant even get past the title screen.
im using a Laptop, hence i dont have those Numlock number keys.

i've tried to play, but the lack of a manual to teach me, and the sheer frustration of my arrow keys not working (is it supposed adjust values or what...).....killed my interest.
Termnl_yt ht_i_sba. enfi_et uao_nri e_ewc_ gfo_f ineo kh_ tr o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - GAME OVER R.I.P. Drunken Graspings
« Reply #78 on: June 29, 2010, 04:38:50 AM »

btw, i'd play if it wasn't because i simply cant even get past the title screen.
im using a Laptop, hence i dont have those Numlock number keys.

i've tried to play, but the lack of a manual to teach me, and the sheer frustration of my arrow keys not working (is it supposed adjust values or what...).....killed my interest.

You and Wrathie seem to have the same wonderful complications.... do laptops where you at lack a number keypad? Or is it just the brand?

I got an idea for you though....

Have you looked into the Key Binding menu?

if you press esc at the main menu and go down, you can find a menu called "Key binding" This was made to help people like you create a different path to do some of the functions you want to do.

Just go into the key binding section and find the things you need to change to meet your needs. It'll take a while, but you can then save it and make it permament. It'll make your life alot easier.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - GAME OVER R.I.P. Drunken Graspings
« Reply #79 on: June 29, 2010, 08:15:08 AM »
Yeah I guess playing with Suikas on the border of extinction wasn't such a hot idea :V

We should probably find a way to tone down biokkuri aggressiveness, goblins typically don't show up til year 3 and the biokkuri were on us in force in year 2. That's not really enough time to raise a military or get quality weapon traps (especially since it now takes like 5 stonefalls to kill a creature under the new damage system, geez).

I'm fine with waiting til 0.31.09. Should we have a DF general thread where we show our own fortress layouts, or maybe even play our own individual Suika forts and see how they turn out? I'd like to try something other than Totaku's 3-way Depot entrance + large rooms setup next time, I think it's inefficient movement-wise.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - GAME OVER R.I.P. Drunken Graspings
« Reply #80 on: June 29, 2010, 01:05:58 PM »
Yeah I guess playing with Suikas on the border of extinction wasn't such a hot idea :V

We should probably find a way to tone down biokkuri aggressiveness, goblins typically don't show up til year 3 and the biokkuri were on us in force in year 2. That's not really enough time to raise a military or get quality weapon traps (especially since it now takes like 5 stonefalls to kill a creature under the new damage system, geez).

I'm fine with waiting til 0.31.09. Should we have a DF general thread where we show our own fortress layouts, or maybe even play our own individual Suika forts and see how they turn out? I'd like to try something other than Totaku's 3-way Depot entrance + large rooms setup next time, I think it's inefficient movement-wise.

Yeah it didn't work out too well... though it was amusing how we managed to survive for 6 years at least. Poor Suikas, they were brutually tortured to death in the end....

As for the Biokkuri situation, it all rides on the world gen. If I can generate a world with slightly less biokkuri. (Actually I think I made one like that recently.) We can attempt to play on a world in that setting. 

The recent world I've been playing while biokkuri exsist they haven't bothered to attack yet (other than the typical kidnapping) and the fortress population has hit over 100+ now. But I wonder if they're even going to bother going to war....

I think for the next game I'm going to randomly decide who goes first. Since I rather avoid having the entrance look the same....

Now if you want to hold a DF discussion thread... I'm fine with that, we can do that, though since it's a not party related or relay related and more individual discussion, to avoid any confusion I would probably recommnend Akyu's Arcade forum to hold discussion about that. ^^

Unless you got another idea for that.

Judging from what I've been reading though seems Toady is looking to balance out the damage system. So if everything comes together for 31.09 we should actually have more balanced combat. Also I really hope he can fix the "Organize combat training issue" It makes life hard for the military since they seem to be incapable of setting up training on a timly schedle....
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 01:56:31 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Episode II - GAME OVER R.I.P. Drunken Graspings
« Reply #81 on: June 29, 2010, 01:52:31 PM »
It also depends on the embark location. 1 season is enough to start pumping out steel weapons and traps on a flat embark with a sedimentary layer and magma about 40 z-levels below. That's in addition to setting up farming in the same season. Having magma forges by summer means you can pump out higher class trade goods (gem encrusted bolts or whatever metalcrafting you do) to get a head start on trade.