Author Topic: Black Stories 3 ~ Case 41: The Spaniards  (Read 75762 times)

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Black Stories 3 ~ Case 41: The Spaniards
« on: May 11, 2010, 08:41:37 AM »
Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am honored that you have followed my invitation.
I see before my eyes right now some of the finest detectives this world has to offer.
Now I am sure you wonder for what reason I might have called you.

Tonight, I shall present to you riddles, cases and mysteries that yearn for solution.
It shall be your task to take what I give you and work your way towards the truth.
So take a seat, have a tea and sharpen your minds, for our game shall begin now.

In this thread I want to invite all of you to play the game 'Black Stories', which I'm sure many of you know by a lot of different names.
I don't know if it'll be able to pick much interest, but there's no knowing without trying, right?

The game is simple: I will give you a short description of a case, only a bare minimum of facts.
Your goal is to resolve the case and find the truth behind the events there.
To reach that goal, you will ask me questions that I will answer, but I will only answer with 'Yes' or 'No'

So, here are the rules:
> Every question you give me must be answerable with 'Yes' or 'No'
> I will answer with 'Yes, 'No' or 'Irrelevant/ Unknown'
> To solve a case, simply state the truth of what happened
> There might be situations in which I may provide a little more information than just Y/N (i.e. if you're horribly stuck), but I will ask beforehand if you want me to reveal anything
> At points, it might be helpful for you to try and sum up the information you have gathered. I will then state whether your summary/ conclusion is correct
> Everyone may post as often and with as much questions as he/she wants to, even if I have not answered their previous question yet, but please don't overdo it (No 20 questions in one post, for example)
> I will try to answer as often as possible, but due to time zones I might not be around during the most active times. Please bear with me there.

>The riddles all consist of events that are possible, however often improbable, in the real world. Riddles where this the use of supernatural explanations is allowed will be specified as such.

> If you have a theory you want me to evaluate, you can state it in aqua. I will then answer if your theory is correct in red or tell you which parts are correct and which are wrong.
I will not force anyone to do it that way though, as not everyone likes Umineko references.

Some more meta information:
A number of those riddles might be widely known around the world, maybe with slight variations.
I won't be angry with anyone that asks questions but only realizes that they know the riddle already a bit later, but please don't post if you are sure you know the answer from the start.
If you are not sure if the riddle you know is the same one I'm asking, simply PM me.
If anyone knows a riddle he/she wants to let people solve, simply say so in the thread or PM me and I'll let you be the gamemaster once the current riddle is solved.

Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen,
excuse my lenghtly introduction, I must have bored you.
Now, let us begin the fun, shall we?
There are a large number of riddles I have ready for you.

Detective's Record:
Case 1 - The Man at the Window - SOLVED
Case 2 - Dead in the Desert - SOLVED
Case 3 - The Radio - SOLVED
Case 4 - Exotic Meal - SOLVED
Case 5 - Elevator and Stairs - SOLVED
Case 6 - The Sauna - SOLVED
Case 7 - A Strange Corpse - SOLVED
Case 8 - Murder Without Consequences - SOLVED
Case 9 - Thank You - SOLVED
Case 10 - The Mayor - SOLVED
Case 11 - Mother's Funeral - SOLVED
Case 12 - Simple Murder - SOLVED
Case 13 - Tram of Death - SOLVED
Case 14 - The Morning - SOLVED
Case 15 - Dangerous Call - SOLVED
Case 16 - Special Photo-Answer Round ~ Two Dead Men - SOLVED
Case 17 - Deadly Silence - SOLVED
Case 18 - Deadly Jump - SOLVED
Case 19 - Busy - SOLVED
~Create a Touhou Black Story Challenge~
Case 20 - Touhou ~ Down to the bottom of Misty Lake (by Thaws) - SOLVED
Case 21 - Touhou ~ Suika (by Pesco) - SOLVED
Case 22 - Touhou ~ Cat - SOLVED
Case 23 - Touhou ~ Intruder - SOLVED
Case 24 - Touhou ~ Suwako - SOLVED
Case 25 - Touhou ~ Killer Unveiled - SOLVED
Case 26 - New Shoes - SOLVED
Case 27 - The One-Armed Men - SOLVED
Case 28 - Flickering - SOLVED
Case 29 - Overslept - SOLVED
Case 30 - The High-Rise Building - SOLVED
Case 31 - The Bank - SOLVED
Case 32 - A Spoonful of Grandma - SOLVED
Case 33 - Cursed Vacation - SOLVED
Case 34 - In the Mountains - SOLVED

Case 35 - Futile Wish    | Also: Plans for Black-Stories-IRC-sessions - SOLVED
Case 36 - Helpless - SOLVED
Case 37 - The Diva - SOLVED
Case 38 - Resentful - ABANDONED
Case 39 - Thirst - SOLVED
Case 40 - The path - SOLVED
Case 41 - [url,6067.msg465719.html#msg465719]The Spaniards[/url]
« Last Edit: October 20, 2010, 04:59:27 PM by Sakananoko »

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Well, well, well
Look at that, my dear players.
We have already reached our third thread.
Let us see how far we will be able to continue.
Be assured I have not yet run out of riddles, far from it.

So, let us continue where we left off.
But wait, we can't just start the third thread off normally, right?
So, this case will be once again a special.
Just like the one we did in Case 16, Case 34 will be...

A Photo-Answer-Special!

The rules are the same as before.
I will answer your questions not by words, at least not primarily, but by pictures of my humble self.
For that, funny, weird etc. questions and theories are strongly encouraged,
as it will make answering a lot more fun~
Also, please note that I will only answer once or twice a day mostly, since taking pictures takes some time.

So, on this card is the case you will be dealing with next.

Here, let me show you

Case 34: In the mountains
In the mountains, on a big clearing, lay a dead man.
A few metres away lay a rifle.

Well then, have fun~


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Did the man die from being shot?

Is the rifle still loaded?

Are there any animals nearby?

Is the altitude important?

Did the man die by getting shot by rifle that is specified on the riddle?
Was there another person with him? near him?
Is the fact that man is at big clearing relevant?
Did the man kill himself? (have to cross this bridge) died due to natural causes? killed by other person? killed by animal?
Was the man hunting?
Prior to his death was he being quiet? shouting?
Is the fact that rifle is red relevant?  :]
Is the rifle specified on the riddles owned by the dead man or the someone else?
Is there any other object present at the clearing?
Is area above the man (sky) relevant to solving this riddle?
Was the man dressed abnormally? as animal (animal fur coat etc.)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 12:25:52 PM by ventuswings »

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
My deepest apologies. Due to my health deciding to fail me today, I'll only be able to post answers tomorrow morning.
Because right now I'm in no state to take any picture that will not have me look half-dead >_>

The world is struck by zombie apocalypse. Defeated and bitten, terrified soldier flees up the mountain clutching his rifle strongly. While walking on the big clearing, the man finally succumbs to the infection, loses his strength on the body, and drops- his dead body lying on the ground. The rifle he held so preciously bounces away, lending few feet away from the fallen soldier. Of course few minutes later the man lets off a moan than walk away, but we shall not concern ourselves with what happens to the man post-riddle.  :derp:

I hope you recover well.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Yeesh, alive again.

Did the man die from being shot?
Did the man die by getting shot by rifle that is specified on the riddle?

Is the rifle still loaded?

Are there any animals nearby?

Is the altitude important?

Was there another person with him? near him?

Is the fact that man is at big clearing relevant?

Did the man kill himself? (have to cross this bridge)

died due to natural causes?

killed by other person?

killed by animal?

Was the man hunting?

Prior to his death was he being quiet? shouting?

Is the fact that rifle is red relevant?  :]

Is the rifle specified on the riddles owned by the dead man?

Is there any other object present at the clearing?

Is area above the man (sky) relevant to solving this riddle?

Was the man dressed abnormally? as animal (animal fur coat etc.)

The world is struck by zombie apocalypse. Defeated and bitten, terrified soldier flees up the mountain clutching his rifle strongly. While walking on the big clearing, the man finally succumbs to the infection, loses his strength on the body, and drops- his dead body lying on the ground. The rifle he held so preciously bounces away, lending few feet away from the fallen soldier. Of course few minutes later the man lets off a moan than walk away, but we shall not concern ourselves with what happens to the man post-riddle.  :derp:

It seems you have discovered our plans for a zombie apocalypse. It seems we will need to...

...dispose of you. Don't take it personal, hehehe...


  • _m廿廿m_
Yay another photo round!  :V

Did he die from suffocation?

Did he die from a heart attack?

Did he die from a physical injury?

Has he shot anything with his rifle while he was on the mountain?

Hououin Kyouma

    • When Posters Cry
There was a storm and the man lifted his rifle because he was shooting the sky so the lightning got attracted to the rifle
"DUMBASS!" "I'd hit it" "Bear-sona~!" "Critical hits to the nads!" "What you're really asking is... "Will you please beat the **** out of me, Kanji?" "...I Gotta pee." ''Everydays great at your Junes~'' "You calling me a loser?"

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Did he die from suffocation?

Most likely. There are other possible causes of death, but this one is the most probable one.

Did he die from a heart attack?

Did he die from a physical injury?

He probably was injured as well, but it's not the cause of death.

Has he shot anything with his rifle while he was on the mountain?

There was a storm and the man lifted his rifle because he was shooting the sky so the lightning got attracted to the rifle



Nah, that's not it.

Is the hunter asthmatic?
Was the man in state of fear and/or panic prior to his death?
Was the man in condition to go back to safety prior to his death?
Is the molecular composition of atmosphere relevant to solving this riddle?
Was the man injured due to animal? accident?
Was the thing the man shot animal? Did his shot manage to hit his target? missed? hit something else? If hit, killed the target?
Is the weather relevant to solving this riddle?
Is the presence of rifle relevant to solving this riddle?
Is the man's injury relevant to solving this riddle?

So, the man was in the mountains, he lay dead, his rifle out of bullets. We know that he died of suffication. He died in a big clearing, with no one around.
Was he eating aything of some sort?

Is the emptiness of the rifle because he shot all of his bullets? Or because he never brought any in the first place?

Was he injured by another person? Injured by an animal?
Did he know of his condition prior to going to the mountain?

Did he indirectly lead himself to his own death?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Is the hunter asthmatic?

Was the man in state of fear and/or panic prior to his death?

Was the man in condition to go back to safety prior to his death?

Is the molecular composition of atmosphere relevant to solving this riddle?

Was the man injured due to animal?
Was he injured by another person? Injured by an animal?


Was the thing the man shot animal?

Did his shot manage to hit his target? missed? hit something else? If hit, killed the target?

Is the weather relevant to solving this riddle?

Is the presence of rifle relevant to solving this riddle?

Is the man's injury relevant to solving this riddle?

Was he eating aything of some sort?

Is the emptiness of the rifle because he shot all of his bullets?

Or because he never brought any in the first place?

Did he know of his condition prior to going to the mountain?

Which condition anyway?

Did he indirectly lead himself to his own death?

Here I go. My first offensive.

The man goes out to hunt, but during the process manages to injure himself and is no longer in condition to return back. The weather is bad (raining), and man fears of him getting stranded and possibly dying exposed to such condition. Hoping to draw attention of other people that is nearby he moves to big clearing where he can be visibly seen. Then he tries to produce loud sound by shooting his rifle but to his horror discovers he had spent all his rounds. He soon faints and lie facedown on the ground, and either the raindrop forms a puddle at man's face causing him to choke to death or the snow covers his face completely.

>Was the man with other people when entering the mountain?
>Was it raining? snowy? stromy? or just really really cold?
>Was man conscious right before he died?

Did the man shoot something which led to his death?
Was there anything on top of the corpse itself?


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Does the man have any artificial limbs?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Uwah.. busy, busy day. Answers will come tonight (like, late tonight, somewhere close to midnight >_>), please wait warmly~

Just that much: Ventuswing's theory is not correct.


Well, at least I hope there are some reds among blues.  :ohdear:

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
The man goes out to hunt, but during the process manages to injure himself and is no longer in condition to return back. The weather is bad (raining), and man fears of him getting stranded and possibly dying exposed to such condition. Hoping to draw attention of other people that is nearby he moves to big clearing where he can be visibly seen. Then he tries to produce loud sound by shooting his rifle but to his horror discovers he had spent all his rounds. He soon faints and lie facedown on the ground, and either the raindrop forms a puddle at man's face causing him to choke to death or the snow covers his face completely.

The red is pretty much 'He went to the mountain, something happened, he died. Nothing you didn't know already.

>Was the man with other people when entering the mountain?

>Was man conscious right before he died?

>Was it raining? snowy? stromy? or just really really cold?
Was there anything on top of the corpse itself?

Counter-question: When?

Did the man shoot something which led to his death?

Does the man have any artificial limbs?

Was there something that was on him but then went off of him?
Did something fall onto him?

Was the corpse of animal on top of the man at any point prior to man's death?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Was there something that was on him but then went off of him?

Did something fall onto him?

Was the corpse of animal on top of the man at any point prior to man's death?

But you replied that the area above the man (sky) is not relevant to the question. How is it possible something fall on a man without the object being on top of the man?  ???

Edit: Thinking is haaaaard

Edit 2:
Did the man cause an avalanche by shooting his rifle?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 09:28:12 PM by ventuswings »

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
But you replied that the area above the man (sky) is not relevant to the question. How is it possible something fall on a man without the object being on top of the man?  ???
Sky is sky. And the sky is irrelevant.
But the sky is not the only place from which something can fall on you.

Also, if you haven't realized it yet: Look again at the question I answered with a counter-question. There lies the answer to your confusion.

Did the man cause an avalanche by shooting his rifle?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Err yeah, I'll only be able to take photos tomorrow morning again >_>

This one is pretty much solved, you might want to formulate a final theory.

I think I'll take that as a yes.

A man was out hunting in the mountains during winter. He was surprised by an animal, and fired his rifle; however, in doing so, he caused an avalanche , was buried under the snow, and died. When the snow melted in spring, his corpse was revealed.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
I'm the master of delays \o/

A man was out hunting in the mountains during winter. He was surprised by an animal, and fired his rifle; however, in doing so, he caused an avalanche , was buried under the snow, and died. When the snow melted in spring, his corpse was revealed.

Well done, well done~

So, with this, I'm going to put Black Stories on hold for a while.

There's a number of things that require my attention, plus I have run out of interesting riddles.
I still have a number of riddles left, but none are as good as those we have played before.

So, in the meantime, I will be searching for new and exciting Stories to solve in the future.
And once my schedule allows it, Black Stories will be revived again~