Author Topic: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?  (Read 18347 times)


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What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:54:26 PM »
I've seen pictures of fire Cirno, and it made me wonder what would happen if everything in Gensokyo was the opposite of normal.

For instance:
  • Cirno would be fiery
  • Lily White would announce fall
  • Marisa would give things to people
  • Medicine would cure poison, and want to become someone else's doll

Does anyone have anything else to add?
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 08:59:14 PM by HA☆NA☆SE »
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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 09:03:36 PM »
-Reimu would respect people
-Chen would be Ran's master, which would be Yukari's master.
-Sakuya would make time go faster
-Flandre would create things instead of destroying

And so on...
When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 09:08:11 PM »
Alice would be a socialite with unnatural clumsiness and a massive doll phobia.

Byakuren would be a serial killer.

Rumia would constantly be surrounded by her own mini-sun and blind everyone with the light, including herself. That... isn't all that different from normal, actually.

oh, and Suika/Yuugi would be nuns
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2010, 09:09:39 PM »
Everyone would be Guys and it would be Wester style, but every one would wear Japanese cloths anyways.
Wotters gonna' wot


Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2010, 09:09:44 PM »
Koishi would have her third-eye opened, more depressed like Satori, colours inverted.

Satori would have her third-eye closed, much more mindless and cheery, maybe colours inverted...

oh wai...


  • Still working on the Grimoire
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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2010, 09:15:32 PM »
-Chen would be Ran's master, which would be Yukari's master.

- Ran would stay roughly the same in terms of strenght, Yukari would be pathetic and Chen can curbstomp God and would be omnipotent. Ran is a rough, tough gal and a chain smoker who doesn't give a shit about anyone, Yukari would be an incredibly cute toddler and hopelessly try and look adult, and Chen would be a Grade S+++ goddess of smoking hotness and be dead serious at all times.
- Remilia loves sunbathing, Meiling is a competent guard, Flandre is highly civilised and polite, Patchouli can run across the world five times non-stop and still have enough energy to play fifty hours straight of DDR and Sakuya has E cups.
- Yuyuko is anorexic.


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2010, 09:21:37 PM »
Warning, buzzkill approaching fast!!!

The problem with "everything is opposite" theories is that people generally don't mean everything literally, so people are forced to psychicly know what qualifies as correct. For example, gensokyo would be the real world, and the border sucks thing in. And everyone would swim or burrow instead of fly. Cirno wouldn't just be a fire fairy, she'd potentially be a long haired naked male fiery not-fairy with no wings burrowing underground. Who hates using her powers, and when she does they would be used for good, or on herself, the list can go on and on.

Of course, most people somehow DO know exactly what you mean by everything opposite =p

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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2010, 09:38:29 PM »
Murasa would be an airplane pilot and hate the water.

Mokou and Kaguya would be best friends.

Tewi would be like Washington, "I cannot tell a lie".

Komachi would be a workaholic who keeps being told to relax by her lazy boss Shikieiki.

Helix ⑨

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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2010, 09:39:03 PM »
Intruders wouldn't get past the gates of Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Mokou and Kaguya would have a lesbian relationship.

Instead of half human and half ghost, Youmu would be half ghost and half human.... wait....


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2010, 09:58:05 PM »
Mokou would wear a skirt.


[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2010, 10:00:21 PM »
- Sakuya would actually wear PADs.
- Remilia would act childish, but be very humble and kind.
- Nue would show off her real form all the time.
- Aya would be extremely calm.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Still working on the Grimoire
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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2010, 10:01:48 PM »
- Hina is an actual curse goddess now, who terrorizes the Human Village every day with horrific curses.
- Reisen's eyes cure people from psychological disorders, making her the most succesful psychiatrist in all of Gensokyo.
- Kaguya is outside all day and plays soccer and tag with her bunny friends. She also knows everone's name, adres, number and identity and hangs out in the Human Village and the Hakurei Shrine frequently.
- Yuuka has a germ phobia, and thus stays away from plants and nature as far as possible.
- The Prismrivers are a Heavy Metal band.


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2010, 10:02:17 PM »
-Kisume would have legs coming out of the bottom of her bucket. Long hairy legs.
-Nue would actually be a boy
-Suwako hat and Renko hat would meet and fall in love


  • Still working on the Grimoire
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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2010, 10:06:06 PM »
- The real Suwako is the hat. The body underneath it is a doll.
- Ruukoto and Genji are still around the Shrine.
- Kogasa is the most terrifying being in existance, able to drive you mad with fear.
- Shinki would dress and act like Overlord Prier.


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2010, 10:07:34 PM »
Youmu would be a pair of twins, one fully human and one a full ghost, and they would weild guns or something and secretly be ploting Yuyuko's downfall
Wotters gonna' wot


  • Yeah that's a very pleasant attitude to have
Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2010, 10:36:58 PM »
-Nazrin would chase Orin away
-Utsuho would use nuclear FISSION instead of FUSION
-Parsee would be happy with other's happiness
-The character which we are playing with would throw Danmakus and the enemy would die with only one hit if they fail to evade.

When a child dies, we call the corpse an ADULT.


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2010, 10:41:44 PM »
Mang why you gotta tempt me like dis

The PC-98 crew would exist, so that I don't have to come up with stuff for them. Except Yuuka.

Reimu would be an airheaded American kid, chewing bubblegum and chattering her opponents to death.

Marisa would be a very generous Korean girl that insists on wearing traditional garb, and always apologizes immediately if she thinks someone else is offended by her actions.

Rumia would have eyes that radiate brighter than the sun: She has to wear sunglasses strong enough to blind her to avoid blinding everyone else.

Cirno would be a meek fire fairy, afraid to use her own powers: Daiyosei bullies her into causing trouble every once in a while.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion would actually be a group of small, competing gangs that generally don't get along: Meiling's group specializes in infiltration and never gets enough sleep, Patchouli's thugs put Cho Aniki to shame (and Patch herself is secretly illiterate) with Koakuma as the real brains of the outfit, Sakuya leads an Italian-Mafia style outfit of butlers that take great pride in their padded shoulders and would be dangerous if they had enough sense of time to be coordinated in any fashion, and Remilia's group consists of a bunch of dark-skinned snipers that loathe physical contact, with herself having a severe phobia of blood.
The Crystal Rainbow Troublemakers are kept in check by Lady Flandre, an eternally-calm creation goddess that cleans up their messes between constant outings from her plantation to sunbathe.

Letty would be a hotheaded (no pun intended) summer youkai, oddly reminiscent of Mario 3's Angry Sun.

Alice would be a toddler version of her PC-98 self, being raised by an adult-sized living doll named Hourai.

The Prismrivers would be a trio of deaf artists that prefer to communicate through elaborate drawings/paintings/etchings made within seconds.

Yuyuko would be a lich necromancer, with Youmu as her most successful and long-lasting reanimation attempt (despite a little bit of exposed skeleton). The PCB 'incident' was over Yuyuko refusing to eat until her phylactery was found (even though she hid it herself to get away from Youmu's horrible cooking).

The Yakumos would be reversed in power level, obviously: Chen as a beautiful and ancient nekomata that tries to make herself look ugly just to piss off Ran (and everyone else), Ran as Yukari's emotionally-abusive, distant 'mother' constantly ashamed of her tails and trying to hide them, and Yukari as a shy little girl that tries too hard to please everyone.

Suika would be a cherub, constantly trying to play matchmaker. She's allergic to alcohol.

Wriggle would be a neat freak with a severe bug phobia.

Mystia would be an optometrist. A very near-sighted optometrist.

Eintei would be themed after Native Americans, with the rabbits and 'lunarians' in an uneasy truce. Eirin is the only one with a nearly-ineffectual gun, which she generally fires to scare off the rabbits beating Kaguya senseless as she charges into battle for no good reason. Reisen is a brawler best known for punching people hard enough that they throw up their lunch, and Tewi is a very young, very honest rabbit that manages to keep the two groups from REALLY trying to kill each other.
The rabbits and lunarians are searching for their missing, warring deities; the sun bull Keine and water swan Mokou. The two are rumored to fight every sunset somewhere in the barren deserts.

Lord Aya would be the slow-footed, secretive ruler of the Tengu, constantly trying to censor contact with the rest of the world. Tenma smuggles out everything anyway.

Medicine would be a nigh-invisible ghost with a purification field of sorts around her. She's very social, but since most people can't hear her, she put up with a lot of abuse from the few that could until the 'PoFV' incident made her presence public knowledge when she exposed the Pearly Gates.

Komachi would be a rather sadistic angel at heaven's gates, regularly bemoaning the lack of suicide candidates to arrive. But she loves her work all the same, what with all the death tales to hear. Shikieiki, on the other hand, constantly slacks off on janitorial work in favor of cheering up souls uncertain about their qualifications for Heaven. Often this entails getting drunk out of her mind.

Rin Satsuki also made an appearance in the incident as an ever-present, talkative stalker that made sure no one would ever forget her. Ever.

I think that's enough for now.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2010, 11:22:33 PM »
The SDM, Yakumo, Alice and especially the Komachi/Shikieiki ones are absolutely genius. But I don't get why Bizarro Chen would try to make herself look ugly. Since when does our Chen try and look beautiful?


Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2010, 11:31:49 PM »
Would Bizarro Wriggle be a trap, or a girl who actually looks like one?


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2010, 11:46:23 PM »
-Utsuho would use nuclear FISSION instead of FUSION
She does.
Utsuho would be more like a nuclear god crow that swallowed a hell raven and gained the power to regulate the fires of former hell.

Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2010, 11:48:43 PM »
I would've said that Utsuho would be an Enviromental Activist


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2010, 12:15:53 AM »
Bizarro Gensokyo will be the Outer World, and the Outer World would be Gensokyo.

Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2010, 12:16:48 AM »
Luize would never blink.


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2010, 12:22:03 AM »
The SDM, Yakumo, Alice and especially the Komachi/Shikieiki ones are absolutely genius. But I don't get why Bizarro Chen would try to make herself look ugly. Since when does our Chen try and look beautiful?

Replace "beautiful" with "cute" and it might make more sense. Remember that the usual Ran/Chen relationship is "Ran-shama!" "KAWAII CHEEEEEN" - here it's more "hay ran am i cute uguu" "Chen-sama please don't embarrass us ;_;"

Would Bizarro Wriggle be a trap, or a girl who actually looks like one?

Bizarro Wriggle would be like Cho-Marisa: Muscles, muscles everywhere, but not a dick in sight.

Moving on.

Since I forgot Lily, she'd be a mute maid fairy that sweeps up all the leaves at the end of fall for winter's arrival.

Shizuha and Minoriko would be bitter rivals of early summer, competing between the growth of vines and vegetables and flowers and fruits. Since neither stays around to see the results of their efforts in fall, nothing ever gets resolved. Letty wants to hug them to death for being adorable and awesome, but then they burn up.

Hina would be kinda like medicine; a ghostly presence that's largely unknown. She's surrounded by a cloud of mist that is thought to bring good fortune, since often small trinkets of value are left in its wake. In reality, Hina just makes lots of little trinkets in her impenetrable cloud of obscurity and constantly has the bad luck of losing them soon after they're finished.

Nitori would be a kappa shaman with a severe distrust of any physical tool more complex than a basket.

Momiji I also forgot, as Aya's right-hand-man (figuratively) focused on rooting out internal dissent.

Kanako and Suwako would be refugee demons, wanted in Hell for becoming lovers despite their animal representations being bitter enemies. Sanae is a butch Wiccan lesbian activist that smuggled them out after a botched summoning because she thought it was the right thing to do.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2010, 12:22:39 AM »
-Cirno would be the smartest being in Gensoukyou

-Shikieiki would send people to hell just for the hell of it

-Komachi would be working her butt off and be happy of it

-Yukari would be a small, pure, light-headed but a passionate little girl

-Flandre would have tea parties three times a day, 7 days a week.

-Youmu woun't care a bit about her mistress, and Yuyuko would be a conservative small eater.

-Yuugi and Suika would be introverted and be bad against liquor of any kind.

-Ichirin would be the cloudy old man and Unzan will be the cute little......... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!(MIND SCAR

8lue Wizard

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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2010, 12:27:21 AM »
-Shizuha and Minoriko would be the most powerful Youkai in existence.
-Nazrin would be skilled at losing things.
-Spellcard system would be abolished 'cuz it's too dangerous.


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2010, 12:49:31 AM »
-Shizuha and Minoriko would be the most powerful Youkai in existence.
ROTFL I can just imagine this happening.
Minoriko "Big sis, I thought we were gods? ... Since when did we become the most powerful and bewildered Youkai?"
Shizuha "..."

With that
-Kanako would be a small loli waddling because of her Onbashira and Shimenawa
-Suwako would capture all the faith with her good looks and sex appeal.


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Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2010, 01:00:11 AM »
Wriggle Would be a boy who is made fun of for wearing a kilt and being generaly girly
Wotters gonna' wot


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Re: What would bizarro Gensokyo be like?
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2010, 01:21:30 AM »
Marisa would walk all day long in a skintight suit made of her own magical hair, which she can use to form huge ass demons. And she'd replace her broom with shit loads of weaponry and torture devices.
"Danmaku is for pussies. Real witches summon the horrors of Hell...BY STRIPPING!"