Author Topic: Touhou Project 12.5 ~ ダブルスポイラー (Double Spoiler) announced, girls are preparing.  (Read 237500 times)


And I don't know if it's because I associate with more open-minded people, but I've never heard anyone in Japan speak THAT harshly about America, although most conversations take place in real life so they might be toned down a bit. Not to mention how a lot of the people here see Hawaii and California as popular vacation spots.

Certainly, most Japanese people wish to go to America at least once, New York, Hawaii, Florida, California being the most major.
Many Japanese people consider Hawaii as half-Japanese half-American to begin with as well.

And yes, my conversations with Japanese people had much joke and exaggeration within it I'm sure. However, it is for certain that most Japanese people consider America to be a dangerous place.

Nevertheless, I don't believe Japanese people say anything "harsh" about America in comparison to what they say about Korea.

And Japanese people who haven't left Japan before are relatively more close-minded, not just to other countries, but even towards other provinces and cities within Japan, Osaka being a major victim of such close-mindedness.

I'm as close-minded as the number of facts I believe are in fact facts~♪
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 04:10:50 AM by Lucarius »


You did not just say that.  >:(

At least I believe CA is much friendlier (in terms of availability) to those who have a taste in otaku culture.

I've been posting too much.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 03:17:28 AM by Lucarius »


  • uHHH,
  • *
Japanese people think the first thing Americans will do when Americans see a Japanese guy walking down the street is throw curse words capped by "Jap" at them. Japanese people also think if those Japanese people were to retort, they'd get shot. The people I met this winter in Japan may have been exaggerating their opinions, but the only words that came to their minds when speaking of America is "f*****' Jap." This stereotype doesn't quite match the level of Japan against Korea, but it's still quite strong nevertheless.

it's certainly nice to see that we're thought of so highly.  :V


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Japanese people think the first thing Americans will do when Americans see a Japanese guy walking down the street is throw curse words capped by "Jap" at them. Japanese people also think if those Japanese people were to retort, they'd get shot. The people I met this winter in Japan may have been exaggerating their opinions, but the only words that came to their minds when speaking of America is "f*****' Jap." This stereotype doesn't quite match the level of Japan against Korea, but it's still quite strong nevertheless.
Not just only Japan, but most Asian countries believe in the same idea.

I almost hate to say this but...
Does Japan and Korea hate each other that much? Most I know are friends with each other but after seeing some stuff on this thread...  :ohdear:


  • Yeehaw!
  • Equestrian Fansubber
    • Youtube Channel
Ah, afraid of guns? I always looked to that particular aspect as one of our brighter sides. No need to worry about getting invaded, right? The citizenry will gun you down on its own if the military fails. (Though yes, lack of gun control does lead to several violent/sad conflicts that should never happen, it's a double edged sword.)

California is popular in the country on its own, it'd make sense that it would have a similar notoriety in foreign countries.

I wish America could reform its image, honestly. We're absolutely inundated with faults and problems, but surely it's something we can fix?


Not just only Japan, but most Asian countries believe in the same idea.

I almost hate to say this but...
Does Japan and Korea hate each other that much? Most I know are friends with each other but after seeing some stuff on this thread...  :ohdear:

Are you not aware of the recent "Korea cyberattacking Japan's 2ch" incident?

I'm not a Vipper so I don't know the specific details. I have some Korean acquaintances myself, and have never had anything against Koreans as a race.
However, as I've seen from various articles, including niclopedia, on the subject of Hankan/Hannichi (Japan vs Korea), it seems quite ghastly. Nicovideo seems to have an excessive amount of videos in various genres from sports to tv that ridicule and criticize Korea. In fact, I rarely ever see these types of videos against other countries (except maybe China's environmental problems). Videos on the FIFA International Soccer (don't know sports well) and the recent 2ch stood out. My parents tell me such ridiculous grudges originate from biased (but true, like enslavement etc.) education on historical events, but there seems to be no effort towards cleaning things up.

From what I know of the most recent incident, about 50,000 Koreans gathered to cyberattack one of 2ch's board which seemed to be ridiculing one of the Korean ice-skaters in the Winter Olympics. They spammed F5 on the Japanese 2ch server, causing it to crash. 2ch was inaccessible for a few days, and remained quite heavy for a while. There's a lot more on this in detail in several nicovideos explaining the incident from the Japanese point of view, but I don't really want to spend my time translating the whole incident, primarily because I really have no interest in this subject. (Note however that 2ch is not as closed-off and subcultural as it used to be. Many Japanese people from the ordinary social branch use it like regular customers. Hence many people were enraged.)

I don't know anything about the 2ch incident or anti-Japanese in general from the Korean side, because I've only received information on this subject from Japanese sources.

American Koreans and American Japanese people seem to have nothing to do with this conflict at all, or want to have anything to do with it, which is a good thing.

Ah, afraid of guns? I always looked to that particular aspect as one of our brighter sides. No need to worry about getting invaded, right? The citizenry will gun you down on its own if the military fails. (Though yes, lack of gun control does lead to several violent/sad conflicts that should never happen, it's a double edged sword.)

Most nations in the world don't mind that every household in Switzerland owns a gun. Many nations mind that Americans hold guns. We're not afraid of guns, we're more afraid of the Americans that shoot with them.

I really do consider whether I should post this in this thread or not, though it may seem I'm the main reason for derailing this thread...
« Last Edit: March 06, 2010, 07:39:04 AM by Lucarius »


  • Yeehaw!
  • Equestrian Fansubber
    • Youtube Channel
Most nations in the world don't mind that every household in Switzerland owns a gun. Many nations mind that Americans hold guns.

That was a very elegant way to make a nice point. I'll have to think about that, and I might use it sometime in the future myself.


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
I think part of the whole america being scary is thanks to due the whole Rap urban culture we got going on. I've heard that people sometimes will judge the US based on that culture.


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Well the historical facts are the reason why Korea and Japan seem to dislike each other, but most Koreans are friendly toward the Japanese (as I am Korean myself :V). But other families still do not like the Japanese because of the "incident" (although it happened many years ago) so that probably explains the Korean's side of why they argue with Japan.

Also like you, I have never had anything against the Japanese since I like the media (doesn't everybody XD) and have Japanese friends as well. I guess there is no way of cleaning things up... time will tell... =/

I sound like a history teacher.


I think part of the whole america being scary is thanks to due the whole Rap urban culture we got going on. I've heard that people sometimes will judge the US based on that culture.

The American urban culture certainly adds to the whole emphasis on curse words that Japanese people seem to have a large impression of.
However, Japan has rap, and doesn't find American rap scary in any way. Many people get laughs out of the amount of curse words in it though.
Most Japanese people would probably equate the American urban culture (hip-hop, rap, graffiti and all) with the Japanese late night motorbike gangs (not the Yakuza, but mid-high schooler stuff).

I personally don't really like the music genre of rap and hip-hop, nor do I really appreciate graffiti art, but I've never found it scary. Japan's gang deals are probably scarier, and Japan has its own kind of graffiti as well.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 06:10:39 AM by Lucarius »


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
The American urban culture certainly adds to the whole emphasis on curse words that Japanese people seem to have a large impression of.
However, Japan has rap, and doesn't find American rap scary in any way. Many people get laughs out of the amount of curse words in it though.
American rap music influences people all over the world in some way. I happen to live right next to Mexico so many of the cartels sing rap songs about violence and drugs, which is the main reason of all the fighting there.  :ohdear:

Formless God

Mmm ... I wonder what the Japanese think of people living in America ?


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
The American urban culture certainly adds to the whole emphasis on curse words that Japanese people seem to have a large impression of.
However, Japan has rap, and doesn't find American rap scary in any way. Many people get laughs out of the amount of curse words in it though.
Most Japanese people would probably equate the American urban culture (hip-hop, rap, graffiti and all) with the Japanese late night motorbike gangs (not the Yakuza, but mid-high schooler stuff).

That might explain why it was ok for a store in Yokosuka to be flashing gang signs and flipping me off. I swear, that was one heck of a trip when I first saw that.

Still though, where I live, there's quite a few people who try to live to that lifestyle they sing about to a T. Kinda annoying, and that's what I figured they saw when they saw rap.

Any idea if it is just the freedom to own firearms is the only reason? I remember part of the American stereotype there was we were gun happy.


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
ITT Europe, Africa and other continents do not exist. They are all 'America'.


Mmm ... I wonder what the Japanese think of people living in America ?

Japanese people think the first thing Americans will do when Americans see a Japanese guy walking down the street is throw curse words capped by "Jap" at them. Japanese people also think if those Japanese people were to retort, they'd get shot. The people I met this winter in Japan may have been exaggerating their opinions, but the only words that came to their minds when speaking of America is "f*****' Jap." This stereotype doesn't quite match the level of Japan against Korea, but it's still quite strong nevertheless.

Japanese people tend to get quite a laugh from videos like this:

May be somewhat of an exaggeration, but this. It's basically the summary of a part of a conversation I had with several Japanese guy in the mid-20s, explaining their first impression of a U.S. citizen. I can see how this thought would surface just by comparing the employees in a U.S. airport and a Japanese airport.

ITT Europe, Africa and other continents do not exist. They are all 'America'.

You have to understand that Japan gets much more cultural influence from the U.S. than any nation from Europe, Africa, South America, Australia, and Antartica. Many Japanese people are aware that Japan is dying as a nation, to the extent they fear China or the U.S. is going to dominate them within the next half-century.

Firestorm29: It is simple enough to name a few major things like guns. However, as one who has much experience in Japan and the U.S. (as well as several other nations), there are many other smaller things that come to my mind. I could go about explaining all of them, but would probably not be understood so well without the actual experience.

If you had enough experience to understand what I would say, then you would already have that knowledge within you, I'm sure. Quite frankly, I'm too lazy to go about listing everything I know that would make the place I currently live in (NY) sound like garbage. Perhaps after I move, if you're still interested. I'd have to start from the differences between educational foundations and what not.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 06:50:00 AM by Lucarius »


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
Well, I did technically live in Japan, though I didn't know Japanese. I say technically since my ship started leaving port more often towards the end of my tour there.


  • Serendipitous Youkai
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You seem to be a person very learned about the world, Lucarius. I hope you didn't mind answering all these questions from all us inquisitive folk. :3
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  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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ITT Europe, Africa and other continents do not exist. They are all 'America'.


New Touhou game! YEAH!! Double Spoiler! FUCK YEAH!!

I can't even clear any of the scenes from level 3

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.

You have to understand that Japan gets much more cultural influence from the U.S. than any nation from Europe, Africa, South America, Australia, and Antartica.

Germany is pretty well known in Japan as well, from my experiences, more than other European countries at least. The reason would probably be that there were lots of connections in politics and medicine in the past.
Funny thing is that people seemed to be more open-minded towards us when they realized we were not Americans as they always thought at first. We also saw a number of stores strictly for produts from Germany (mostly electronics, Siemens and the like). Oh, and not to mention beer: German beer-festival in Sendai, Yokohama Oktoberfest etc.
And while many people we encountered had problems with speaking English, but we ran into a German-speaking youth hostel owner once.

On the topic: I'm pretty excied for the new game. Though I know it will kick my ass. I only managed to clear some scenes by applying a speedhack and slowing it to 40%, else I wouldn't even survive the first second. My reflexes are that horrible  :V
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 07:07:33 AM by Moe Moe Sakana-Katana »

Nat Tea

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Re: Touhou Project 12.5 ~ (Double Spoiler) announced, g
« Reply #320 on: March 05, 2010, 07:05:57 AM »
that was the most strangest history lesson ever
Horie dorie~
Pixiv: / PSO2: Choja (Ship5) / 3DS: 3496-9942-9472 / PSVITA: choja206 (English) / chojahiragawajpn (Japanese) / Cosplays: Koishi Komeiji, Kogasa Tatara
Tumblr contains cooking and cosplay. Twitter contains me retweeting everything.
I draw but I do not use artist title. I also write, but I have been inactive lately. I want to get better at those things and more!


You seem to be a person very learned about the world, Lucarius. I hope you didn't mind answering all these questions from all us inquisitive folk. :3

My answers are nothing more than my own analyses founded on facts and opinions from my own experiences as well as reliable and unreliable secondary sources, and should only be treated as nothing more than internet gibberish, as unreliable as internet sources are. Even my translational knowledge is terribly unreliable now, because I haven't used English in over half a year or so. Simply put, what I say shouldn't be taken seriously in any way.

I myself only continue to do this to practice English, which I really don't use nor have any use for anymore, and to kill time while I'm unable to sleep. However, if my opinions are valued in any way, then I'd be glad to keep posting, to the extent that I can answer such inquiries.

Moe Moe Buri(゜∀゜)Hamachi Katana: There was a gardening exhibit run by German employees near the Suwa lake I visited last summer. It was quite fascinating how they advertised German gardening equipment.
And, although Japanese people are forced to learn English, only people who study the language on their own actually learn anything useful, so in reality, there aren't that many more people who know English as compared to other European languages. Especially after the yutori generation~♪

On-topic: Just wondering, how many days is expected to translate the whole of Double Spoiler? I don't really know how fast these games get translated under what efficiency, though it doesn't seem like it should take more than several hours. Probably several days or weeks to make a patch. Note how I was surprised that the other written works of Touhou were not completely translated when I first came here.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 07:30:39 AM by Lucarius »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
I only managed to clear some scenes by applying a speedhack and slowing it to 40%, else I wouldn't even survive the first second. My reflexes are that horrible  :V

Gimme  :)


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
Well, I for one, appreciate the insight, even if it's not 100%. Much better than the trash Google Translate give out half the time. :/


  • True
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  • The Real Treasure Is You
    • Let's Play Super Marisa World
On-topic: Just wondering, how many days is expected to translate the whole of Double Spoiler? I don't really know how fast these games get translated under what efficiency, though it doesn't seem like it should take more than several hours. Probably several days or weeks to make a patch. Note how I was surprised that the other written works of Touhou were not completely translated when I first came here.

From personal experience, I know Solamarle does work on the literary works when he has the time, and I think Akira does as well.  I don't specifically know about anyone else, though I assume they aren't the only two.

How long a translated script takes to come up depends on the nature of the game. The regular shooters usually have them in less than a week, however.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


  • Does not play well with others
I guess it will never change that playing comes before buying, if buying comes at all for most of you here. (?・ω・)

Well, ever since I met N-Forza I refuse to play the games (both official and fan made) before buying them first. As much as the anticipation from the wait killed me I patiently waited until my copy of UFO arrived to play it. For the official games my policy is strictly buy first now. However, in some cases with certain fan games if I'm unsure of if I really want it I'll download it first and buy it if I liked it.

I'm actually pretty excited about this game, I didn't expect any of this heated discussion about it.

We get to see new patterns with all of the newer characters. I thought the reaction here would be better to more Nue/Byakuren/Satori patterns. Its going to be much more mentally taxing for ZUN to create new and original stages/characters/story, so this is an effective break to think about the next game more. I wouldn't be surprised to see more THxx.5s now, for as long as Team Shanghai Alice is one person. Hopefully it will create both hype for TH13 and create an overall better product for the fans.

Also, StB was one of the best danmaku "training" games", right? The challenging difficulty often makes many players better (if only it could work on my computer D:). So I think its an ingenius move by ZUN.

Like stated before, it gets rid of all disingenuous fans and offer some type of reward for those who love Touhou for what it is, a danmaku game.

My thoughts exactly. I would much rather see ZUN take his time with TH13 then rush it just because a large number of people were expecting to have it this year. Besides like a few other people said he might also make another book to go with it.

I'm personally more interested in getting a more detailed look at Byakuren some of the newer characters then getting a new game with a bunch more new characters.

StB really was such great practice. I was never very good at it and it was frustrating as heck at times. But it felt so great and rewarding when I finally managed to beat a scene that had been giving me so much trouble. Overall I really liked the game. So I'm definitely looking forward to playing DS.


  • Serendipitous Youkai
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My answers are nothing more than my own analyses founded on facts and opinions from my own experiences as well as reliable and unreliable secondary sources, and should only be treated as nothing more than internet gibberish, as unreliable as internet sources are. Even my translational knowledge is terribly unreliable now, because I haven't used English in over half a year or so. Simply put, what I say shouldn't be taken seriously in any way.

You have some really good English there, I have to say. Far better than my Japanese for sure.   Of course you can't blindly accept everything you hear, but I think your words have value beyond mere internet gibberish.

On-topic: Just wondering, how many days is expected to translate the whole of Double Spoiler? I don't really know how fast these games get translated under what efficiency, though it doesn't seem like it should take more than several hours. Probably several days or weeks to make a patch. Note how I was surprised that the other written works of Touhou were not completely translated when I first came here.

No idea, I just keep abreast of any developments and eventually a patch comes out and circulates around. I don't really know if we have much in the way of translators that frequent here..
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 10:07:13 AM by SGGK »
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No idea, I just keep abreast of any developments and eventually a patch comes out and circulates around. I don't really know if we have much in the way of translators that frequent here..

If it's running on the same engine as SA and UFO did, it shouldn't take long at all - especially since StB1 was rather text-light to begin with.

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Moe Moe Buri(゜∀゜)Hamachi Katana


Now look at what you made me do   :D


  • Does not play well with others

Now look at what you made me do   :D

When I first saw one of those Buri(゜∀゜)Hamachi videos a few weeks ago the first thing I thought was somehow Sakana must be behind it all! :V

« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 11:26:00 AM by Valentia »