Author Topic: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor  (Read 5854 times)

Usually Dead

Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« on: December 27, 2009, 05:25:07 PM »
The second-to-last Ibunshu installment is up!

This most recent story is titled Touhou Kashinken - Recount and Full Moon Predecessor.

The story can be found (as always) at: -> Stories -> Recount and Full Moon Predecessor

The next Ibunshu installment will be the finale, and RaFMP is a prelude to it. I look forward to having this series completed!

As always, comments and typos go in this thread. Please read, discuss and enjoy!


  • Exploring the Twin Labyrinths
  • Be light of heart;
Re: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 01:30:52 AM »
Amazing as always. I was a bit irked by Mokou's characterization- I've always pictured her as more elegant- but of course that isn't really important.

Whenever I read one of your stories, I get impression that you very carefully walk the line between 'deep and philosophical' and 'cliche'. So far (especially with the PCB retelling) you've managed to keep on the right side.
Your stories are brilliant, just make sure not to cross that line!

(By the way, is it on purpose that all your Touhou stories' titles start with 'Re'?)
"Happiness is like a cat, If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you; it will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing against your legs and jumping into your lap."

Usually Dead

Re: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2009, 01:43:08 AM »
Amazing as always. I was a bit irked by Mokou's characterization- I've always pictured her as more elegant- but of course that isn't really important.

Whenever I read one of your stories, I get impression that you very carefully walk the line between 'deep and philosophical' and 'cliche'. So far (especially with the PCB retelling) you've managed to keep on the right side.
Your stories are brilliant, just make sure not to cross that line!

Thanks for reading.

(By the way, is it on purpose that all your Touhou stories' titles start with 'Re'?)

You realize you're the first person in three years to ask that?

Nope, no coincidence here. I figure if ZUN can start all his stuff with the same two characters, why can't I?

Re: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2009, 08:56:12 PM »
I am 24 and what is this

EDIT: good for what it is, as usual, I guess. And I guess you're not going to counter "Eirin x Kaguya" with "Keine x Mokou."

Why is the fact that you not only contrived to get all three main characters naked, but two of them get specifically get naked together, one of the things that stands out the most? :V

Also the fact that the fairies very nearly overrun the village ... I'd've thought someone would have noticed this and word gotten to Reimu et al.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 07:21:40 AM by KimikoMuffin »


Re: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2010, 03:29:15 AM »
Commenting not only on this work, but all of the 'Retelling' stories as a whole ... UD is pretty upfront about his quirks, motivations and author appeals. Nothing being perfect, I find these stories good to read simply because they focus on the characters themselves, they expand and develop each character in a way that is usually believable.

I haven't taken a real interest in Touhou if not for the past few months, but I'll say that reading UD's stories gave me enough of an interest to come here, the Touhou Wiki and other places to find out what this is all about.

At this point I've played a few of the windows games, 1cced IN on easy (nothing special, and I got lucky, I'm still learning) ... all of this stated to make the point that my opinion is valid simply for what it is, and nothing more.

Does the fact that UD has a very strong alternative character interpretation of Yuyuko, a completely different take on the 'cannon' events of PCB, or the fact that he likes to get just about every single character naked for seemingly arbitrary reasons appeal to me? No, none of these things do.  I accept them because I still find his stories engaging, and the characters he writes interesting.

I honestly enjoy a depiction of Touhou where character interaction and plot progression involves something more than a series of pointless danmaku battles ... even if that is all that really strictly happens in 'cannon'.

To UD ... I'd thank you for providing me one perspective on this fandom ... I find your stories highly interesting and entertaining to read.

Re: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2010, 03:32:03 AM »
I've been meaning to comment here for the past few days but always forget :V

Second-last? So, the retelling ends at IN? Awww, I was really looking forward to Medicine and Yuka. :c
Great work as usual, although I can't say I'm particularly fond of Mokou. It's not how you wrote her, I just don't like Mokou in general (although her answer in one of the Ask Yuyuko emails was hysterical).

Speaking of which, is Ask Yuyuko ever going to be updated again?

EDIT: And now I'm listening to you and Kelvin talking about UFO. Byakuren's hot, eh?
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 04:50:36 AM by Serafie »

Re: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2010, 04:51:54 AM »
Byakuren's hot, eh?
[deadpan]It is a good thing he's not going to do UFO, because then he'd probably get Byakuren naked.[/deadpan]

Usually Dead

Re: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2010, 04:54:47 AM »
It is a good thing he's not going to do UFO, because then he'd probably get Byakuren naked.

She would be naked for the entire story.

In fact, her nakedness would be the story. Undefined Clothing Disappearance ~ My Mistress is an Unholy Flasher! :o

Re: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2010, 04:59:04 AM »
Well, at least you'd've dropped the pretense.

Usually Dead

Re: Recount and Full Moon Predecessor
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2010, 05:00:21 AM »
Well, at least you'd've dropped the pretense.

There was a pretense!?

Wow I gotta make sure not to do that next time!