We can have explosions AND lasers!
And less than 20 FPSseriously guys think of the processor impaired
Also, fucking lasers. It's doable though, if anybody agrees with the idea. Keep in mind, however, with so much additive blending (drawing curved lasers), some people may suffer significant slowdown, so I might have to convert the shot type to actual bullets instead of lasers, to spare people the computer bleed.
You need for OMES.(Random fact: in PCB, the Phantasm stage is a not-quite-remix of the Extra stage, with the same tempo and with the key shifted up a couple notes and a different intro. And the stage 2 theme also has the same temp, and the key shifted down the same number of notes. Should we do something with that?)
Come on now Suikama what the fuckat least link to the video with the blue peoplei mean god damn
Sorry, I didn't say it right. I'm not going to use any of the three styles exactly, I want to know what attributes of the three people like the most. Telling me which one you like the most doesn't really give me any details.
Jesus that was the best OVA ever Y/Y
It's actually a movie
I'm gonna Rou yer boat
Rou yer boat
This hand of mine glows with an awesome power...