Author Topic: Touhou "_______"; Luminous Wings of Cold Steel  (Read 50290 times)

Alrisandre Margaletrisame

  • The Raving Puppet
  • Protector of the Mercatian Border Enchuridion
Touhou "_______"; Luminous Wings of Cold Steel
« on: October 15, 2009, 09:56:55 PM »
First Post edited to contain details of the now-serious project.

NAME: Touhou "_______"; Luminous Wings of Cold Steel

STORY: One morning in Gensokyo, everyone wakes up to find that a massive rip has appeared in the sky, where the stars always shine bright in the black of night, contrasting painfully with the peaceful blue atmosphere with fluffy white clouds that float by unaffected. Patchouli, along with Rinnosuke, and Sakuya (with Remilia's permission, of course.) leave to create LAOS, also known as the Local Area Observatory Station, in the sky near the Anomaly that appeared overnight. Using LAOS, the three study the Anomaly, and are astounded to discover that it is artificially createde and sustained, meaning that it was put there on purpose! Unfortunately, at this point, A Huge Battleship (lol.) rumbles into Gensokyo's atmosphere through the anomaly with an unfathomable amount of smaller ships! With Patchouli, innosuke, and Sakuya all trapped inside, the battleship makes off with LAOS back into the Anomaly, but not before causing mass destruction upon the lands. The armada of ships that came with the battleship continue to raze Gensokyo to ash and rubble.

Nitori, Gensokyo's engineer kappa, decides this would pe a good time to reveal the secret project that she had been working on deep inside of Youkai Mountain. She had been designing a vehicle to take Gensokyo's residents to space, along with an automatic assembly line to mass-produce them, and a carrier to deliver them safely where needed. The ASANO series (Aero-Space Amphibious Navigation Object) has a very strange ability, in which the ship, when first used, changes it's shape to reflect the heart and soul of it's first user. Nitori hadn't quite fixed this like she wanted, where this shape shift could be done more than once, but at this point in time, once was enough. This meant that the first user of every ASANO was it's permanent owner, and the ASANO would eternally hold the shape of it's first user's soul.

Reimu, Marisa, Alice, Youmu, Cirno, Remilia, and Yukari are the first nes to contact Nitori about piloting an ASANO, each have their own reasons for fighting, but they all share a common goal: to save Gensokyo from total annhialation.

Reimu's Prelude
: Hakurei Shrine is one of the first places to be destroyed, which is reason enough for the Hakurei miko to seek retribution, preferably in the form of a donation large enough to rebuild the shrine and it's grounds, three times over.

Marisa and Alice's Prelude: Both Maisa and Alice happened to be shopping in Eientei for materials and consumables at the time. On their way home, they were stopped in their tracks by the sight of the moon-sized ship ominously gliding into existance through the Anomaly. Lasers caressing the countryside in explosive force, all they could do was watch in horror as their forest and home was lit completely ablaze by a single laser's sweep. As soon as they heard of Nitori's ASANO project, they set out with vengeful hearts.

Youmu's Prelude: Youmu, though Hakugyokurou was not directly affected by the Anomal and Assault, was sent to Nitori by Yuyuko because the netherworld was becoming burdened by too many ghosts entering at once with the battleship's attack on Gensokyo.

Cirno's Prelude: Cirno became involved when the battleship lasered her lake and boiled it away like the lake never existed there in the first place. Luckily, Cirno happened to be out with Rumia at the time, but that didn't mean that Cirno wasn't frightened and infuriated all at the same time. Frightened by the raw power used to vaporize her entire lake in seconds, nd infuriated that these aliens think they can just fly in through a hole in the sky and turn her lake into a cloud of hot steam on the wind and get away with it.

Remilia's Prelude: Remilia, concerned for the safety of Patchouli and Sakuya, immediately sets out to rescue them. Oddly, Scarlet Devil Mansion was left untouched by the initial Assault, but as soon as she sets out to request an ASANO from Nitori, the mansion was reduced to rubble in an earthshaking explosion.

Yukari's Prelude: Of course, with Yukari being notorious for her border manipulation mischief, she was the first one blamed for the gap-like Anomaly in the sky that brought destruction to Gensokyo. Not a soul believes that she was innocent in the matter, so she winds up having to gap-steal an ASANO, and chase after the abducted LAOS in an attempt to redeem her name and prove she had no part in the Anomaly. She hopes that by rescuing LAOS, her innocence will be proven.

Alrisandre's Prelude: To be added.

ASANO models:

Reimu: "Yin & Yang" - CONCEPTUALIZED
Marisa: "Five Point Power"
Alice: "Puppetmaster"
Youmu: "Yojimbo"
Cirno: "Ice-9"
Remilia: "NightWings" - CONCEPTUALIZED
Yukari: "Border Patrol" - CONCEPTUALIZED

Unlockable: (In no particular order)
Patchouli: "Ampersand" - CONFIGURED
Flandre: "NightLights" - CONCEPTUALIZED
Minoriko: "Bountiful Harvest"
Sanae: "Category Seven"
Aya: "Nevermore"
Hourai: "Marionette Lancer"
Tewi: "Corpore Sano"
Reisen: "Anima Sano"
Yuugi: "Another Round"
Sakuya: "Lunar Dial"
Nazrin: "Magnetic Chrysanthemum"
Yuka: "Lady Midori"
Shikieiki: "Apollo" (Subject to change)

(At this point,  know that I'm missing a bunch. Please post those that I'm missing!)

Alrisandre: (Yay, self-insert!)
Kamihana: "Lingo"
Sadismial: "Pain"
Achromia: "Colorless Future"
Phoebe: "Lacrima"
Hazel: "Million Dollar Angel"
Laevateinn: "Ultima"

Enemy ships:

Stage One concept has been written. Kit: Stage one theme is a vague mix of Einhander's "Streets". Try a fast-paced loop around Youkai Mountain, then up the river and waterfall, and through Moriya Shrine. Stage One boss is "Gomorrah". Stage one midboss is the first appearance of "Cerberus". Stage general enemies consist of "Swarmers", "Screamers", "Jumpers", and "Chasers".

Story Mode -  The usual single-player story play.
Co-Op Arcade Mode - Two players can play, story becomes ambiguous to all characters. Potential online use here.
Campaign Mode - Unlockable. This is a First or Third Person Simulation-style version, with a new story that takes place after Story Mode. Basic idea is to 'clean up' the remainder of the enemy in Gensokyo in challenging dogfights.
Versus Mode - Unlocked with Campaign Mode. Two or more players face off in a predetermined 'stage' and see who comes out on top. Potential online use here.
Endless Mode - One life. See how long you last in an endless stage.
Survival Mode - Unlocked with first new unlocked character. Basic idea is similar to Endless Mode, except you can only use each character once. When you lose a life, it pauses the action, and brings up an in-game character select screen where you pick your next ship and continue where you left off.
Double Mode - One player conrols two characters simultaneously in Arcade style.
Special Modes - game can be played in special arcade versions like 'Galaga Mode', 'Pong Mode', 'Arkanoid Mode', and more.
Create-a-Character Mode - Create up to five custom characters with five more unockable slots! As you play the game, more pieces and accessories will be unlocked.
Create-a-Ship Mode - Unockable. Create up to five custom ASANO ships with five more unlockable slots! As you play, more pieces, accessories, weapons, and attributes will be unlocked.
Create-an-Option Mode Unlockable. Create up to five custom 'Options' to fight alongside your ASANO ships! As you play, more parts, accessories, and attributes will be unlocked.
Create-a-Stage Mode Unlockable. Create limitless stages and program enemy flightpaths, camera angles, shot patterns and more here! As you encounter various parts, terrains, and objects, they will become unlocked for use here.
Create-an-Enemy Mode - Unlockable. Make your own bad guys here! A total of 25 slots available for villian creation. Parts, attributes, and other thingies will become unlocked as you play.
Create-a-Piece Mode - Unlockable. Want a piece not already in the gallery? Make them! This feature becomes avaliable after all parts and accessories have been unocked. Parts made here can be used in many of the above Creation Modes.

3 Dimensional Models
Camera Paths through stages to pan and rotate around ships and scenery
Predetermined Characterized Ships
ALL Characters exist (Pc-98 through current and fangame characters)
Spellcard Deck Selection with Unlockable Cards
Customizable Weapons Array Unlockable Feature
Special Modes - "Galaga", "Pong", "Arkanoid", etc.
Seven difficulty settings? (Training, Skirmish, Easy, Normal, Hard, Lunatic, Twilight. Difficulty increases onscreen bullet count, speed, pattern intricate-ness, and hitbox size.)
Unlockable Special Ships (Vic Viper, Falchion, Jade Knight, EDF's XA-1, FIRE LEO-03 Styx, Silver Hawk, Endymoin Mk.II, Astraea, Selena, Andromalius, Concert Master, Curtain Call, etc.)
Hangar Mode (Ship Gallery)
More than ten stages.
Extra and Phantasm stages.
Character-Ship effects.
Detailed 3-D Environment Mapping
Story progression in-action (Events and story progression can occur while in the heat of battle, for example: In one scenario, Remilia happens to join up with AI-controlled Meiling in one stage, and they fight alongside one another for part of the stage, then Meiling is incapacitated by a stray bullet and has to be left behind until the stage is completed. Occasionally, other characters will cross your flightpath, or may request assistance [Starfox, anyone?], and even the Player-Character will make comments and things while fighting. Story progresses from in or near Gensokyo, through space, across the moon, and beyond.)

New idea that could present a LOT of difficulty. Probably won't be incorporated into the PC version, but if I try to hit a console system with this: Dual-joystick movement. Left stick would cover the vertical "Up, Down, Left, Right", while the right stick would cover the horizontal "Forward, Reverse, Left, Right". This would allow the ships to be controlled like an etch-a-sketch cursor in a three-dimensional coordinate field. PC version will just simply have to stick with 2d movement and complicated flightpath to camerapath control adjustments for some parts, like in Ether Vapor.

Also, how hard would it be to take two or more existing game engines, and combine the more favored parts into one engine? If that is possible, I would like to take the existing Ether Vapor engine and dissect it somehow.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 05:32:53 PM by Alrisandre Margaletrisame »

Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 10:36:34 PM »
Well... I'm a little lost in this one, but to begin, what are the playable ships going to be? I think that'll help.

Rinnosuke Morichika

  • Bombs, rope, spell cards. It's yours, my friend!
  • I'm sorry, Marisa, I don't take credit.
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2009, 12:20:51 AM »
I'm pretty good at the design of futuristic spacecraft and such. Can you provide some visual examples of the kind of 3D models/ships you're looking at, and which characters in particular? I just might be able to help with some suggestions.

Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2009, 01:17:33 AM »
Hmm. A 3D in the vein of Wing Commander or X-Wing/TIE Fighter or Ace Online except with Touhous (or just cute girls in general) sounds like it might be actually interesting ... What's the kit you're using?


Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2009, 01:45:12 AM »
Use the freespace 2 open engine - it roxorz.


  • Media Analyst
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2009, 02:41:13 AM »
I'm pretty good at drawing machinery in general, but you're right, it will be a challenge to design ships based on characters.

Letty Whiterock

Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2009, 02:55:49 AM »
Vic Viper as piloted by Letty


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2009, 02:59:43 AM »
Obvious solution would be mechamusume.


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
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Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2009, 03:03:19 AM »
Obvious solution would be mechamusume.
Getting bad flashbacks to Otomedius...

Hououin Kyouma

    • When Posters Cry
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2009, 03:19:09 AM »
"DUMBASS!" "I'd hit it" "Bear-sona~!" "Critical hits to the nads!" "What you're really asking is... "Will you please beat the **** out of me, Kanji?" "...I Gotta pee." ''Everydays great at your Junes~'' "You calling me a loser?"


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2009, 03:37:07 AM »
Getting bad flashbacks to Otomedius...

Bad? :|

Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2009, 04:10:34 AM »


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
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  • I said it was a steal, but not for whom
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2009, 08:02:48 AM »
I just hated the concept. Another Parodius would've been better. But, at least there was a guy character available.

Grand Octopus

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Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2009, 08:08:07 AM »
The Silver Hawk, piloted by... I dunno, Mystia, Aya or Tokiko. Not Momizi, because she sucks.

Kitaen Silva

  • Motivate yourself to make that fake game.
    • Retro Fox Studios Online
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2009, 02:55:03 PM »
Alrisandre is making a game! (With Kit, of course)
Touhou Characters!

Only problem: Ally isn't the most capable vehicle designer. The idea is to try and keep a theme for each character's ship. But I don't know how to incorporate the character's personalities into a marvelous work of technology. I want them to look more cool than cutesy. Also, if anyone has played R-Type Final, or Ether Vapor, I want to try and use a mobile camera / viewpoint around 3D models, and this would change controls as the camera moves in a similar fashion. Post your suggestions here, please?

Ally, I know you're excited about this idea, and I also like the idea, but in the future, please bring your concepts to the team, so we can actually develop them to be fairly solid. However, this idea seems to have already generated a fair amount of positive feedback, so we'll stick with it for now. Secondly, we have no plot, we haven't chosen the playable characters, and we don't have any software or equipment to make this happen, nor will we have said things for an undetermined period of time. We don't even have a name for the story yet.

Furthermore, Good job on bringing your concept to the people who know what they're talking about when it comes to danmaku. Now you just have to gather information on what software to use.

Well... I'm a little lost in this one, but to begin, what are the playable ships going to be? I think that'll help.

We haven't made any decisions on which characters to use, but I personlly am leaning toward trying to get all official Touhou characters as playable or unlockable. Yes, even PC-98ers, like Konngara, would be an unlockable. Ally wants to somehow set it up so that players can create a custom ship/character/weapons array using unlocked parts.  Also, she wants several MotK-exclusive original characters to be included in the playble roster. (She's insistent that we use Phoebe for something, and we use the character Laevateinn from my story "Incredible Pains of Unarmored Heart". [Yes, THE Laevateinn. That was under Flandre's posession.])
I'm pretty good at the design of futuristic spacecraft and such. Can you provide some visual examples of the kind of 3D models/ships you're looking at, and which characters in particular? I just might be able to help with some suggestions.

Well, I'm leaning toward Einhander-esque in appearance, but Ally might have a different idea.

Hmm. A 3D in the vein of Wing Commander or X-Wing/TIE Fighter or Ace Online except with Touhous (or just cute girls in general) sounds like it might be actually interesting ... What's the kit you're using?

Lol. It's me. I am 'the kit'. Kit be short for Kitaen. And yes, Ally is using me for this project.  :V

Use the freespace 2 open engine - it roxorz.

Have a software acquisition location? This could be helpful in making this currently unnamed doujin game a reality.

Vic Viper as piloted by Letty
The Silver Hawk, piloted by... I dunno, Mystia, Aya or Tokiko. Not Momizi, because she sucks.

Vic Viper and Silver Hawk could be unlockable ships? And characters could be interchangable, adding or removing effects based on which character is used in conjunction with which ship?

Reimu in Reimu's ship for full homing capability, or Marisa in Reimu's ship for half homing half starpower?

Alrisandre Margaletrisame

  • The Raving Puppet
  • Protector of the Mercatian Border Enchuridion
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2009, 05:55:55 PM »
Ally, I know you're excited about this idea, and I also like the idea, but in the future, please bring your concepts to the team, so we can actually develop them to be fairly solid. However, this idea seems to have already generated a fair amount of positive feedback, so we'll stick with it for now. Secondly, we have no plot, we haven't chosen the playable characters, and we don't have any software or equipment to make this happen, nor will we have said things for an undetermined period of time. We don't even have a name for the story yet.

Furthermore, Good job on bringing your concept to the people who know what they're talking about when it comes to danmaku. Now you just have to gather information on what software to use.

Sorry boss... Oh, and I do have a story concept. I'll PM you my ideas, k? I just don't have a name yet...  was going to see what the MotK crew have for ideas on that.


Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2009, 06:14:47 PM »
Well kit, you can get the engine at these forums:

along with how to use it. It's basically an upgraded version of the game engine used for Freespace 2, and it's usual use is to modify said game...but several folks are making standalone games from it. Like this: (the developers have been known to take huge breaks or work at a slug's pace for that game, by the way....)


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
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  • I said it was a steal, but not for whom
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2009, 11:57:35 PM »
Reimu in Reimu's ship for full homing capability, or Marisa in Reimu's ship for half homing half starpower?
That's actually a pretty good idea. Give the characters and the ships different abilities and let the player mix and match. However, make it something like the real Touhou games, and have the different ships be based on different characters. Like Reimu in a Yukari-like ship.


  • Lily White Mage
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Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2009, 12:05:54 AM »
I'm kinda confused.... IS this going to be like Mechwarrior's Critical System or like R-type final where you can swap out weapons that only work with certain chassis?

It does sound like a cool idea, I just can't see it in my mind all the way yet. :/

Kitaen Silva

  • Motivate yourself to make that fake game.
    • Retro Fox Studios Online
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2009, 02:54:54 PM »
That's actually a pretty good idea. Give the characters and the ships different abilities and let the player mix and match. However, make it something like the real Touhou games, and have the different ships be based on different characters. Like Reimu in a Yukari-like ship.

That's what Ally said, too. She said something along the lines of "Characterized Ships", while trying to keep away from the gundam-esque mobile suit feel. I'm not sure how that would work, exactly, without the ships being horrendously cheesy (like some 'Kart' games out there). Some could be a unique paint job, with characterized accessories, while others could be outrageously strange? (Somehow I can't see Marisa in a mechanical mushroom. Maybe some sort of broom apparatus? Like... twin 'Broom Boosters'. lol.)

Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2009, 03:44:57 PM »
I think it's better to put spaceship-components that go by personality/feel than trying to directly replicate fantasy-elements on a space ship. I mean, it's okay to give Reimu's ship yin-yang decals and draw stars and a broom on Marisa's ship, but you should say "Okay, Reimu gets improved homing-missiles and is overall a slightly smaller target/Marisa gets faster speed-boosters" rather than "okay, how do we implement the yin-yang orbs/mushrooms?"

Abstract things like time-stopping and portals, on the other hand ...

Alrisandre Margaletrisame

  • The Raving Puppet
  • Protector of the Mercatian Border Enchuridion
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2009, 04:01:03 PM »
Okay! Here's a summary of the basic concept!

Name: Touhou (Luminous Wings of Cold Steel?)

3 Dimensional Models
Camera Paths through stages to pan and rotate around ships and scenery
Predetermined Characterized Ships
ALL Characters exist (Pc-98 through current and fangame characters)
Create-a-Character Mode with Unlockable Content (unlocked through achievements)
Create-a-Ship Mode with Unlockable Parts (unlocked through achievements)
Create-an-Option Mode with Unlockable Content (unlocked through achievements)
Create-a-Stage Mode with Unlockable Pieces (unlocked as encountered)
Create-an-Enemy Mode with Unlockable Content (unlocked as encountered and through achievements)
Spellcard Deck Selection with Unlockable Cards
Customizable Weapons Array Unlockable Feature
Co-Op Mode
Versus Mode
Online Mode (undetermined, but possibly an MMO in the future, if that could be considered possible.)
Special Modes - "Galaga", "Pong", "Arkanoid", etc.
Seven difficulty settings? (Training, Skirmish, Easy, Normal, Hard, Lunatic, Twilight. Difficulty increases onscreen bullet count, speed, pattern intricate-ness, and hitbox size.)
Unlockable Special Ships (Vic Viper, Falchion, Jade Knight, EDF's XA-1, FIRE LEO-03 Styx, Silver Hawk, Endymoin Mk.II, Astraea, Selena, Andromalius, Concert Master, Curtain Call, etc.)
Hangar Mode (Ship Gallery)
More than ten stages.
Extra and Phantasm stages.
Character-Ship effects.
Detailed 3-D Environment Mapping
Awkward Gameplay Cheats? (Hentai Modo, lol.)
Story progression in-action (Events and story progression can occur while in the heat of battle, for example: In one scenario, Remilia happens to join up with AI-controlled Meiling in one stage, and they fight alongside one another for part of the stage, then Meiling is incapacitated by a stray bullet and has to be left behind until the stage is completed. Occasionally, other characters will cross your flightpath, or may request assistance [Starfox, anyone?], and even the Player-Character will make comments and things while fighting. Story progresses from in or near Gensokyo, through space, across the moon, and beyond.)

This could possibly be extremely epic. It could also be very large in size.

Bad news: We have no experience in game programming. Period. X3 This means that it will all be trial-and-error, and things could be very buggy in the initial trial release. We don't have an expected release date, either. Everything is still on paper.

Worse news: We don't have a computer. We're using public access computers to gather our information, and everything else is just in the conceptual stage except for Kit's "Beyond Border Gensokyo", Yuna's "All I Need", and Hobb's "The Airship Chronicles". Luminous Wings of Cold Steel will be my studio debut project.

Slightly Repairing news: Kit is working on getting a computer that the two of us can share after he's paid off his small debt to his dad, and it will immediately be put to use on Luminous Wings of Cold Steel.

If anyone is interested in helping, please let me know! Please?

I think it's better to put spaceship-components that go by personality/feel than trying to directly replicate fantasy-elements on a space ship. I mean, it's okay to give Reimu's ship yin-yang decals and draw stars and a broom on Marisa's ship, but you should say "Okay, Reimu gets improved homing-missiles and is overall a slightly smaller target/Marisa gets faster speed-boosters" rather than "okay, how do we implement the yin-yang orbs/mushrooms?"

Abstract things like time-stopping and portals, on the other hand ...

Yeah, I agree. The "Broom Booster" idea puts things back into the cheesy 'Kart mode' of Kit's statement. I was first thinking of maybe simplifying things and using all those ship models in R-Type Final, along with the various other shmup ships out there, and personalizing them to suit each touhou character. But then I saw Ran in a yellow, white, and blue Arwing, and Chen in a red, brown, and gold Silver Hawk. So i bumped those ships all to "Unlockable Content", and went back to 'original ship designs'.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 04:07:49 PM by Alrisandre Margaletrisame »

Kitaen Silva

  • Motivate yourself to make that fake game.
    • Retro Fox Studios Online
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2009, 04:39:15 PM »

ALL Characters exist (Pc-98 through current and fangame characters)
So, you're saying we need a list of all characters ever featured in a Touhou game, right?

Create-a-Character Mode with Unlockable Content (unlocked through achievements)
Create-a-Ship Mode with Unlockable Parts (unlocked through achievements)
Create-an-Option Mode with Unlockable Content (unlocked through achievements)
Create-a-Stage Mode with Unlockable Pieces (unlocked as encountered)
Create-an-Enemy Mode with Unlockable Content (unlocked as encountered and through achievements)
Spellcard Deck Selection with Unlockable Cards
Customizable Weapons Array Unlockable Feature
Unlockable Special Ships (Vic Viper, Falchion, Jade Knight, EDF's XA-1, FIRE LEO-03 Styx, Silver Hawk, Endymoin Mk.II, Astraea, Selena, Andromalius, Concert Master, Curtain Call, etc.)
Special Modes - "Galaga", "Pong", "Arkanoid", etc.

Think there's enough Unlockable content? How are you going to program all of that?

Co-Op Mode
Versus Mode
Online Mode (undetermined, but possibly an MMO in the future, if that could be considered possible.)
Hangar Mode (Ship Gallery)
Extra and Phantasm
(Hentai Modo, lol.)

Lots of modes! Let's tackle one thing at a time, though, ok?

Seven difficulty settings? (Training, Skirmish, Easy, Normal, Hard, Lunatic, Twilight. Difficulty increases onscreen bullet count, speed, pattern intricate-ness, and hitbox size.)
More than ten stages.

Lolwut? I thought this was a Touhou fangame?

Character-Ship effects
Awkward Gameplay Cheats?
Detailed 3-D Environment Mapping

Make sure you aren't getting over your head with these parts, okay? Just the character and ship attributes are going to take ages to configure! Not to mention the environment mapping...

Story progression in-action (Events and story progression can occur while in the heat of battle, for example: In one scenario, Remilia happens to join up with AI-controlled Meiling in one stage, and they fight alongside one another for part of the stage, then Meiling is incapacitated by a stray bullet and has to be left behind until the stage is completed. Occasionally, other characters will cross your flightpath, or may request assistance [Starfox, anyone?], and even the Player-Character will make comments and things while fighting. Story progresses from in or near Gensokyo, through space, across the moon, and beyond.)

Hey! Do I see part of a plot unfolding for Remilia's Sceario?

Also: Are you going to be setting it so that every character has their own unique story path, or will they go in groups?

This could possibly be extremely epic. It could also be very large in size.


Bad news: We have no experience in game programming. Period. X3 This means that it will all be trial-and-error, and things could be very buggy in the initial trial release. We don't have an expected release date, either. Everything is still on paper.

Worse news: We don't have a computer. We're using public access computers to gather our information, and everything else is just in the conceptual stage.

Slightly Repairing news: Kit is working on getting a computer that the two of us can share after he's paid off his small debt to his dad, and it will immediately be put to use on Luminous Wings of Cold Steel.

Yeah, this as well. Wait, what? Immediately put to use on LWoCS? ... I guess. I'm still using notebooks for BBG anyway. And I'm interested in helping out where I can for this.

Yeah, I agree. The "Broom Booster" idea puts things back into the cheesy 'Kart mode' of Kit's statement. I was first thinking of maybe simplifying things and using all those ship models in R-Type Final, along with the various other shmup ships out there, and personalizing them to suit each touhou character. But then I saw Ran in a yellow, white, and blue Arwing, and Chen in a red, brown, and gold Silver Hawk. So i bumped those ships all to "Unlockable Content", and went back to 'original ship designs'.

Aww, you don't like my idea? (Not that it was totally serious, as I would have been surprised if you used the idea.)

I think that it could be possible to modify some existing models to suit characters... if there was a way to rip the models and modify them, that is.

Alrisandre Margaletrisame

  • The Raving Puppet
  • Protector of the Mercatian Border Enchuridion
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2009, 04:49:11 PM »
Lolwut? I thought this was a Touhou fangame?

It is! Is there an undefined rule that states all touhou fangames must have six stages and four difficulties?

Letty Whiterock

Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2009, 06:13:00 PM »
I just hated the concept. Another Parodius would've been better. But, at least there was a guy character available.
Get a little moe in your diet or something. It's not that bad.


  • Media Analyst
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2009, 07:03:30 PM »
It is! Is there an undefined rule that states all touhou fangames must have six stages and four difficulties?

I think it would be nice to break away from the Touhou style completely and make it play more like an older STG.


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
  • *
  • I said it was a steal, but not for whom
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2009, 12:02:26 AM »
Get a little moe in your diet or something. It's not that bad.
I get more than enough, OK.

But yeah, it's nice to dream big, but I wouldn't bite off more than I could chew either. And there's nothing wrong with not being a purely Touhou game either. References are fine, but play around with other ideas and inspirations.


Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2009, 02:01:41 AM »
Bad news: We have no experience in game programming. Period. X3 This means that it will all be trial-and-error, and things could be very buggy in the initial trial release. We don't have an expected release date, either. Everything is still on paper.

Worse news: We don't have a computer. We're using public access computers to gather our information, and everything else is just in the conceptual stage except for Kit's "Beyond Border Gensokyo", Yuna's "All I Need", and Hobb's "The Airship Chronicles". Luminous Wings of Cold Steel will be my studio debut project.

Detailed 3-D Environment Mapping

Online Mode (undetermined, but possibly an MMO in the future, if that could be considered possible.)

Story progression in-action

this seems more like a brainstorming session for cool ideas than anything that's remotely possible without a ton of effort and experience. This has been said, but don't try to make it too grand.
by the way when you say 'no experience in game programming' you mean 'experience in programming, just not with games', right?

Kitaen Silva

  • Motivate yourself to make that fake game.
    • Retro Fox Studios Online
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2009, 09:37:31 PM »

this seems more like a brainstorming session for cool ideas than anything that's remotely possible without a ton of effort and experience. This has been said, but don't try to make it too grand.
by the way when you say 'no experience in game programming' you mean 'experience in programming, just not with games', right?

As I keep saying too. I'm assuming that she intends this to be an ongoing project of hers, with updates being released as they are finalized. So the first version may only have story mode, and the second would have added arcade and co-op, the third would be versus, with many small updates for unlockable content and so on. These will probably come in patches, or even more likely as a "delete the old version and re-download the new one" thing.

Actually, we have no experience with programming of any sort. Well, I do have a miniscule knowledge of html, and had programmed a bunch of stuff in "Furcadia", so it might be easier for me to pick it up than the rest of our team, but in the long run, we haven't done anything so serious as this. If Ally is putting her all into it, though, as I have seen very clearly in the daily life of Ally, you can expect her to make this happen one way or another. If she says she's going to make somethng happen, she makes it happen, which is why I'm supporting her one hundred percent. Honestly, I've never seen her take so many notes and carry them around with her... she's even started working during meals! She's dead serious about it. Shall we see what this brings? I know I intend to help, what about you guys?

(Warning: If you offer help to Ally, expect 'Lunatic Mode: Inquire Sign - ["Question Danmaku"]' to follow shortly thereafter. She'll soak up every bit of information you could possibly throw in her general direction, which is why she's the studio's Aya-esque courier.)


  • Ask me about my Cat.
  • Not unwilling to shank you.
Re: Touhou and Starfighters!?
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2009, 01:56:39 AM »
Not Momizi, because she sucks.

Ok you haven't done anything bad but STILL.
I had a teacher who used to play radiohead during class once.