Author Topic: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included  (Read 45833 times)

Vile Lasagna

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Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« on: May 02, 2009, 11:08:13 AM »
So people kicked us out of the "You know you're addicted to touhou when...." thread and I brought the discussion here then.

i hope it gets fixed soon...

anyways, i make magic sets for touhou but am currently doing a persona 1, no idea how to play with it thou.. -sigh-

and Magic was okay until the later sets, i blame Timespiral for making it crappy and onwards.

I actually liked timespiral. No only where the cards extra shiny there was a LOT of stuff hidden in there. It was like more than half of the cards of the set you could look at it and " oh... !!...ooooohhhhh!!!!". Also the Ravnica block was quite enjoyable, as much as its predecessor planeshift. I think what really made me "HIIIISSSSSS!!!!!!" was from eight edition and onwards when Wizards decided that they would shift a lot of roles and strategies around the colours (things like getting rid of Disenchant and putting control cards on red...). But definetely my most hated of them all has got to be Onslaught block. Although I DO like Scourge with is "BRING ON THE 7+ COSTED CARDS!!!" Legions and Onslaught was just.... Urgh! Face down cards? Slivers?! A set with ONLY creature cards? Yeah Wizards.... being bought by Hasbro was a BAAADD bad thing for you u.u
rofl bye


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2009, 12:35:25 PM »
what, onslaught imo was thebest set for the amount of beatdown that we had, it was easy to craft a deck and easy to get into magic with the lack of control cards in the first set.

Legion blows as the amount of: OMFG BIG FAT CREATURES and broken made it bad..

Scourge was good, storm was made awesome.

U want to discuss which block sucks the most for breaking magic?

Mirrodin block, hands down.

Mirrodin + darksteel is enough to make any Non-artifact hate deck cry, unless u were playing extended.

The rest was a little okay..

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 01:14:24 PM »
I have to +1 regarding Mirrodin... but mechanically I think it "tried harder" than Onslaught and thus gets more points. It's that over-simplicity that I hate about Onslaught. It felt like they tried to make Magic feel like Yu-Gi-Oh! which has fail written all over it in bile-dripping letters.
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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2009, 02:56:41 PM »
And yeah, I'll agree that YGO has been getting a little unbalanced (DAD, Goyo, Blackwings, What The Hell Konami?),
DAD important cards been limited/banned so is not that great anymore, blackwing just swarm, not that broken, the worst is all the synchro...those are practically free power up to ANY deck.

Ah yes, the Gladiator Beast sure how much it got banned, but wow was it powerful...
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 03:06:57 PM by shinyjam »


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2009, 01:49:07 AM »
you just have to play with a jap player and call him daddy after breaking his deck so hard you swore the cards were laughing in your face -_-"

anyways, Mirrodin was broken, hands down. Any deck can use any broken card in it's arsenal with SkullClamp being the meanest.

Card Advantage to Green? Wut?!?

And not to mention indestructablity and screwing the mana curve with Tooth and Nail and ether vial......

I give props to Kamigawa for Arcane and that's when it stopped.

onslaught i think was an attempt to make Magic easier for new gamers, what with Judgement and Prophecy and iNvasion being:

Wild Mongrel. Discard Basking Rootwalla, immune to dark banashing... and let's not go into other details.

on the otherside, most of the combos involve 2-3 key COMMON cards while in Onslaught it's the fattie that comes up, mostly Rorix, Akroma or Exalted that hits play would mean pretty much an All k.o.

weenie decks were fun to play even if a Wrath of god would mean lights up without some good rares.

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2009, 03:20:08 AM »
Anyone know any original touhou card design?


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2009, 03:23:05 AM »
I do remember there already being a hard-to-find Touhou Card Game of some sort; I just ran into it while browsing the Wiki. Try searching around.


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2009, 03:50:43 AM »
I saw some, most are too simple and unoriginal.

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2009, 08:00:46 AM »
And speaking of Akroma, oh gods, WHY do they have to keep relaunching that shit? Once was NOT enough, it was EXCESS! It should have NEVER been released. It's probably the most horrid and devoid of style card EVER. "Hey, dawg, we heard you like creatures with abilities so we put, like, them all abilities on your creature"....

Dark blots in Magic history u.u
rofl bye


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2009, 09:26:48 AM »
it's for players like us who dun wanna spend tons of money on some game broker combo and bring Magic back to RUTHLESS AGGRESSION

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2009, 09:30:08 AM »
It's not about money, it's about brainpower. I don't wanna spend tons of money either
rofl bye


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2009, 09:33:53 AM »
When brainpower = thinking of a great combo = breaking it = increasing card prices

you get what i mean.

Fat creature's price is steady as they are just fat.

Akroma is a bomb in the wrong and right ways.

1. She is almost unkillable to Red and Black decks, when White is made of weenies.

2. She is still vulnerable to blue cards, making her still manageable if foes are not ready for her.

3. Double white 8 mana cost, of coz in onslaught block that's common but in extended, you're lucky to get even 6.

Tell me again why is she broken when you can't even cast her in previous sets and Onslaught is known for being a slower set?

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2

M. Burusu

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2009, 10:06:55 AM »
DAD important cards been limited/banned so is not that great anymore

Heh. Tell that to the Synchro DAD deck I went up against recently. Armageddon Knights, Synchro Summoning, etc. all made for very quick DAD. And if it wasn't DAD, it was Goyo or Stardust (or worse, all three on the field for extra raep). Granted, my funky little Fiend Beatdown had its way with the wretched thing twice in a row after it slaughtered my Iron Chain Deck, so I was satisfied, but STILL. DAD's the only important card IN DAD, and even that doesn't stop people.

blackwing just swarm, not that broken,

Fez and the rest of the table would beg to differ. Consider: The Tuner can halve ATK and DEF, the Level 4 monster has piercing, they just released a guy who recruits when he kills (and has 1800 ATK), the Level 5 monster can be Summoned if your field is bare AND can pump up one Blackwing (coughBORAcough) by the ATK of all other Blackwings (and said Level 5 monster comes with 2000 ATK of its own) . . . yeah. BLACKWINGS ARE MORE BROKEN IN PRACTICE THAN THEY ARE ON PAPER.

the worst is all the synchro...those are practically free power up to ANY deck.

I don't think so. Synchros need Tuners, and if you just cut it off there there's no real threat -- there's only 2 broken Synchros, and they happen to be Goyo Guardian (who got limited FAST, thank god) and Stardust (who now has an even WORSE Assault Mode).

Why they haven't limited Stardust still escapes me, but I'm extremely glad that there's still enough out there to run a WATER, Batteryman, or Iron Chain Deck with little worries.

- WATER Decks are fairly easy to run, considering that they had that Structure Deck a while back with Levia-Dragon in it (sod Neo-Daedalus and his errata, give me the classic nuke!), A Legendary Ocean is a common in a pack with fairly good everything-else-in-it (i.e., you won't be disappointed if you don't pull Legendary), and the Field Searcher is 1) a regular Rare in TAEV, 2) 1900 ATK normally, and 3) a Level 4 monster and thus able to Gravity Bind with his Field Spell. Gagagigo or Familiar-Possessed Eria help as well, as does Nightmare Penguin and his double-duty effect. And fairly easy to get at your local hobby shop (or at least it is for me).

- Batteryman Decks are equally easy to run, what with how most of the monsters needed are Rare rarity and below (emphasis on needed -- Superelectromagnetic Voltech Dragon is about as required as his name is short, though he's damned fun to unleash and the ONLY reason to use a Batteryman C at all). Batteryman AA, Batteryman D, Batteryman Micro-Cell and Batteryman Charger are the only required monsters, really, and you should have 3 of each. Also, their break-everything card 'Short Circuit' is an enemy-field nuke that you can run three copies of and has a fairly easy prerequisite (you need 3 Batterymen on the field; not hard with Micro-Cell and Charger).

- Iron Chains are cheap (cost-wise, not gameplay-wise -- gameplay-wise they're tricky to work) and fun (when you get them running). Not much for tournament play, but they're still nice to throw around with your friends. My advice: use Warrior Toolbox support. And by that, I mean stock some Marauding Captains, The Warrior Returning Alive, Reinforcements of the Army, and whatever else you want considering that half the non-Synchro monsters in the archetype are Warriors (Repairman and Blaster, the two that you can use to break your opponent in half if you play them right) and that you won't always be attacking (Coil can select itself as much as it wants while you have it, and Poison Chains stack on each other -- think about that for a while) . . . so yeah, try it out, the highest-rarity card in the Chains is the Synchro (which isn't even mandatory, though it is a good idea considering it's an easy 2500 ATK), and they're all in Crossroads of Chaos.

So, yeah, I guess this is just my longwinded way of saying that . . . YGO is not just Stop Having Fun Guys -- there are [still] little old mavericks like moi who prefer to try out the unusual, oddball decks for the fun of it (and surprisingly/enjoyably enough, the most unlikely, way-off-cookie-cutter themes may turn out uncommonly good results).
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN1-BN3 = Odd Idea
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN4-BN6 = Bad Idea


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2009, 11:00:55 AM »
Well I mean by them self, of course is damn powerful if you have those uber synchro and tuner, your blackwing example alone shown how the tuner alone make it deadly.

I know DAD still alive in other form, although is quite risky when you up against someone who know how to deal with it and have the cards for it. :p

I used batteryman and water deck too, those are fun...but still can't find a fast way to bring levia out fast enough. Although other variation works wonderfully.

Didn't play it for a while, so not too sure about the new cards.


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2009, 11:22:57 AM »
Akroma existed for reanimator decks. If she's getting hardcasted, you're doing it wrong.

Let's not forget rarities have a part in card pricings. An in demand uncommon will generally be cheaper than an eqally in demand rare. At the end of the day, it's just business for the company. They know exactly where the game is going and how the metagame will develop, the players determine the rate of movement only. Everything that becomes a chase card will be one at some stage.

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2009, 11:24:26 AM »

1. She is almost unkillable to Red and Black decks, when White is made of weenies.

Actually white is one of the strongest colours creature wise. I guess it only loses to green.

2. She is still vulnerable to blue cards, making her still manageable if foes are not ready for her.

Zomg! She is not "instant win regardless of ANY other circumstances" !!!

3. Double white 8 mana cost, of coz in onslaught block that's common but in extended, you're lucky to get even 6.

There are MANY ways of speeding up mana or, depending on how cheap you are, you might even not need to and just put her into play from the graveyard or whatever.

My point is not that "ZOMG! AKROMA IS BROKEN11!!!!!1oneoneone"

The thing is that it is ugly, stupid and lacks style and elegance. It's not like, say, a guy starts playing this weird game, controlling, poking and barely making it through. You just think he has a bad deck when suddenly he puts a Door to Nothingness on the table and you realise he was setting up for that.
That's way better, but, you want to REALLY go stylish, then you gotta take a look at things like Eater of Days, THEN you'll start to understand what's wrong with Akroma.
rofl bye


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2009, 11:27:50 AM »
Eater of days is rofl without Stifle, and if u let it resolve successfully, you're doing it wrong.

and pesco: u're right, reanimator decks ftw, pity there is limited choice in OnSlaught block and i'm talking about Onslaught block in general.

White has one of the strongest creatures yes, the chase rares yes...
Green is fat, pure fat but ironic the best is a weenie..

She is instant win in Onslaught block if u dun take care of her asap due to lack of alternatives to kill her easy.

Yea, agree on the mana accel point, 8 mana is not a big stumbling block if you plan ur deck well..

i'm talking casual and casual players normally don't get so far.

Tt said, Stifle was ahead of it's time

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2009, 11:30:49 AM »
Door to nothingness? Eater of days?

I like you.

Edit: Didn't play Onslaught, dunno what you're talking about.

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2009, 08:43:18 PM »
Stifle = U, instant, Counter target activated or TRIGGERED ability.

It's an awesome counter.

But although it is obviously tempting to stifle an Eater, that's not really the FUN way to do it. When you just throw it on the table and put that smile across your face, accepting that the enemy is going to play bloody three times in a row. You KNOW its a gamble, but you just keep the pressure on, play the mind game, huhuhu..... SO GOOD  8)
rofl bye


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2009, 09:24:42 PM »
Turn 1 double rite of flame then this

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2009, 09:55:28 PM »
That's evil and shiny. I'd use it for a "professional" deck, but a first turn combo wouldn't be enough for it to make it into one of my casual/official decks. For that I'd have to be saying : "Yes, PLEASE draw some cards!".
rofl bye


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2009, 09:57:17 PM »
Underworld Dreams should be good enough for your cut.

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2009, 10:00:43 PM »
I can't get too close to Magic any more... I can SEE the days and days spent just shuffling through cards, thinking up strategies, uses for cards... Days I certainly already don't have and my recent addiction to Touhou has already taken so much of... I mainly keep a "respectful distance" now...
rofl bye

M. Burusu

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2009, 10:58:45 PM »
Well I mean by them self, of course is damn powerful if you have those uber synchro and tuner, your blackwing example alone shown how the tuner alone make it deadly.

Actually, I DID mean that they were broken by themselves -- I didn't even make a mention of the Blackwings' synchro monster, considering that the monsters alone are the main problem.

I know DAD still alive in other form, although is quite risky when you up against someone who know how to deal with it and have the cards for it. :p

The only way to stop DAD from being a threat is to A) run D.D., B) have an easy-to-summon, bigger monster (or D-Hero Plasma, if you so prefer), or C) run Stardust into the dirt. In my experience, when someone gets out a DAD things start to go downhill from there.

I used batteryman and water deck too, those are fun...but still can't find a fast way to bring levia out fast enough. Although other variation works wonderfully.

Well, if you play your cards right you don't quite need Levia except as a last resort (and even then, Yomi Ship is your best friend when they've got a beatstick you want gone) or an advantage-pusher -- Giga Gagagigo is a common-rarity Level 5 WATER Normal Monster w/ 2450 ATK. TAEV came out with a Rare rarity Spell card called 'Summoner's Art' which lets you add a Level 5 or higher Normal Monster to your hand. A Legendary Ocean only works on the monsters in your hand or on the field. By their powers combined, you have a 2650 Level 4 Beatstick 6 times out of 40.

Didn't play it for a while, so not too sure about the new cards.

Well, here's a small List of Good Things to give you some ideas about what new stuff there is to run. You can also use this list for a bit of threat assessment, if you so prefer, as these are all up-and-coming rising stars in the New Duel Order, shall we call it.

Crossroads of Chaos released plenty of Plant support (and monsters), making them viable even without Synchro support -- for example, Gigantic Cephalotus is Level 4, starts with 1850 ATK, and gets 200 ATK for each Plant that's sent to the Graveyard; Tytannial, Princess of Camellias is a Level 8 with decent ATK and the ability to stop targeting effects by tributing Plants; The World Tree gains counters for each Plant killed (not sent to the Graveyard, but actually killed) and can use them to pump up Plants' ATK, destroy cards, or Special Summon a Plant. And with two cards from Phantom Darkness -- the Yubel pack -- named Lonefire Blossom and Gigaplant, plants have immense swarm potential.

Psychic-type monsters, a new type released in The Duelist Genesis (the first 5D's pack), despite their use by the series' main Complete Monster (interestingly enough named Divine), are fairly interesting considering that they require some HEAVY micromanaging of your Life Points -- and you thought Archfiends were LP-cost-heavy, wait until you get a load of the Psychics! However, their effects are generally worth the cost -- if you can keep paying it, that is. Psychics are heavily dependent, as a result, on their Spell/Trap support and their Synchros -- for ALL of their Synchros involve gaining LP (Magical Android gives you 600 LP for ea. Psychic you control, Thought Ruler Archfiend gives you LP in the same way Flame Wingman burns, Psychic Lifetrancer gives you 1200 LP by removing a Psychic in your Graveyard, and Hyper Psychic Blaster [the latest one] combines LP gain with Wingman-style burning).

And last, but certainly not least, on the list of Good Things that have been released in 5D's would be the Morphtronics. Another theme for the micromanager, this one has you keeping track of what position your monsters are in (it also boasts the silliest censoring in the entire card game, of D-Former Zippon to Morphtronic Datatron -- that's right, they turned a lighter into a flash drive, and didn't even bother to censor it in the ANIME).

Each Morphtronic monster gets a different effect depending on the position it's in -- for example, Morphtronic Magnen can only attack the strongest monster if it's in Attack Position, but is the only monster the opponent can attack if it's in Defense Position (and thus two Defense-position Magnens = yet another Maruading Lock). The only problem with Morphtronics, however, is that as a general rule (to which there are 2 exceptions) they have pathetic ATK and DEF. However, they have a Field Spell that gains counters when a monster's battle position switches and gives them ATK for each counter on the Spell (which is a very Good Thing).

Recommended cards in the series are Morphtronic Radion (exception #1, as it gives a hefty boost to the stat of its current position -- 800 ATK and 1000 DEF), Morphtronic Boomboxen (can attack 2x in Attack Position, can negate 1 attack in Defense Position), Morphtronic Magnen (for the Magnen-lock), and Morphtronic Boardon (exception #2, with 1800 DEF, but that's not why it's important -- while in Attack position, it lets ALL Morphtronics attack directly, while in Defense Position it keeps all other Morphtronics from dying by battle). And, of course, there is some recommended support: Morphtronic Accelerator, for some easy draw-and-destroy power (return a Morphtronic card to your deck, shuffle, draw 1 card, kill 1 card on the field), the Field Spell (Morphtronic Map), and two Trap Cards that were introduced in Crimson Crisis (I forget the names, though; they're the only 2 Morphtronic traps in the pack, though, if memory serves me).
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN1-BN3 = Odd Idea
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN4-BN6 = Bad Idea


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2009, 11:20:42 PM »
The only way to stop DAD from being a threat is to A) run D.D., B) have an easy-to-summon, bigger monster (or D-Hero Plasma, if you so prefer), or C) run Stardust into the dirt. In my experience, when someone gets out a DAD things start to go downhill from there.
There are few other ways too, like anti-Special summon, gravekeeper deck, anti dark deck, graveyard lock, RFG deck, negate summon, deck milling, what you said, and other cards. Once DAD is out of the way, the opponent are pretty screwed if they don't have backup strategy...well that how I usually deal with it anyway, unless my opponent suck at making one.

A Legendary Ocean only works on the monsters in your hand or on the field.
A legendary ocean work on both players hand and field, but they usually don't have water monster or low enough level to make a difference.  ;D

Plant support
Yes, faced that before, not that great, but good for plant to finally getting the attentions.

Psychic-type monsters
Try those before, didn't work well with my style.

To me their effect is not good enough to worth the trouble of switching, although would be fun to pack with cards that switch the heck out of every monster on the field to also screw with opponent attacking monster.  ;D

You still didn't mention Gradiator Beast...those are dangerous.....

M. Burusu

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2009, 11:43:48 PM »
Yes, faced that before, not that great, but good for plant to finally getting the attentions.

They probably weren't abusing Giga enough. Consider the following: Lonefire lets you trib a plant to summon ANY plant with 1500 or less DEF, Giga is a 2400 ATK Gemini that has an effect that lets you summon ANY Plant from your hand or Graveyard . . . and can be summoned with Lonefire. From there, it's just taking it easy and using a few traps to trip people up.

Try those before, didn't work well with my style.

Eh, like I said -- Psychics require heavy micromanagement. Unless you abuse Telekinetic Charging Cell, Psychic Rejuvenation, that Hate Buster knockoff they have that heals you instead of burns them, and maybe the Synchros, you're not really going to be able to get the full force of your Psychics . . . or enjoy their benefits.

To me their effect is not good enough to worth the trouble of switching, although would be fun to pack with cards that switch the heck out of every monster on the field to also screw with opponent attacking monster.  ;D

Windstorm of Etaqua is the card you're looking for, AND it pumps Morphtronic Map full of counters (it should be noted that it doesn't limit itself to YOUR battle position changes). Also, you don't have to fiddle around with switching all the time -- a lone Radion has 1800 ATK, more ups it further, Boomboxen can attack twice and Boardon can let them all attack directly. A Morphtronic Beatdown Deck is theoretically possible, especially with a good 50% or so of them being machines (coughLimiterRemovalcough).

You still didn't mention Gradiator Beast...those are dangerous.....

And don't I know it (hell, I run it every now and again). Gyzarus is the Grade-A biggest threat the Gladiator Beasts can pump out, considering that 1) it's practically a Monarch Beast (summon it and kill 2 things) and 2) it lets you return it to the Extra Deck (aka the Fusion Deck) to special summon two Gladiator Beasts -- something that Heraklinos doesn't offer (yes, Heraklinos lacks the trademark Gladiator Beast effect).

But now for something completely marginally different.

I mentioned in the past that I'm working on a PatchCon card series. I've already made the Base Set (all the Spell cards needed for it), the Scarlet Devil Mansion set (the ESoD Set), the Hakurei Shrine set (Reimu, Alice, Marisa, Cirno, Suika), and 80% of the Perfect Cherry Blossom set, but that's where I've ground to a halt.

You see, I had originally intended for Ran to have this effect:

As long another "PatchCon" monster exists on the same side of the field as it or its controller's Graveyard, this card gains the following effect:
* The opponent takes all Battle Damage to this card's controller that he/she would have taken from a battle involving this card.

But then I had second thoughts -- there was a reason why Amazoness Swords Woman was an Ultra Rare, after all, and there WERE better ways to simulate the Ran doll's danmaku-reflection effect.

So, I'd like to ask you all for your opinions on her effect; I should give her/it:

A) Chthonian Soldier's effect, wherein BOTH players take the damage from the battle,

B) The original effect, wherein the ENEMY takes all the damage from the battle,

C) The original effect with a coin toss to make it either work or fail,

or D) A completely different effect, wherein any effect damage you would take with a Ran is either 1) reflected entirely, 2) halved and shared [that is, you take half the damage and your opponent takes half], or 3) done like 1 or 2, but with a coin toss to make it either work or fail.

Input is appreciated!
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN1-BN3 = Odd Idea
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN4-BN6 = Bad Idea


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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2009, 12:15:32 AM »
Not sure about what patchcon is, but for my card design I take advantage of shikigami system between Ran and yukari, where if Yukari is on the field, Ran's base atk, Hp, and damage double. Same for chen when Ran is on the field.

M. Burusu

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Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2009, 12:24:05 AM »
Not sure about what patchcon is, but for my card design I take advantage of shikigami system between Ran and yukari, where if Yukari is on the field, Ran's base atk, Hp, and damage double. Same for chen when Ran is on the field.

PatchCon: Defend the Library is a Touhou fangame, Real Time Strategy genre, and basically involves you taking a set of 5 doll varieties based off of Touhou characters (and grouped, with the exception of the Hakurei Shrine set, by game), buying and upgrading quantities of them to defend a set (or sets) of bookshelves from wave after wave of enemy dolls. If too many books get stolen, you lose, but if you make it a full 12 (sped-up) hours, you'll have won.

There's even a pretty kickass fanfic of it (which seems to have stopped updating) that was apparently hosted here in the past but that was also uploaded to (which is where I found the fic after I got the game and fell in love with it).

It's easy to write cards for them because each doll has its own abilities inherently defined, and it's a simple matter of emulating those abilities.

Here's galleries for the Scarlet Devil and Base Set packs:

PCDL, 'PatchCon: Defend the Library'

PCSD, 'PatchCon: Scarlet Devil Mansion'

. . . And I would still like some input as to which effect to use, considering that I provided 4+ different possible effects and I was hoping to hear which one sounded like it would be the best idea out of them all for a balanced YGO card.
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN1-BN3 = Odd Idea
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN4-BN6 = Bad Idea


  • Permabanned by TheStupidOne
  • I am a complete asshat!
Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2009, 12:32:24 AM »
Oh...I was expecting something new...

I can't really help, non of the effect match Ran's profile. You might as well decide base on balancing between all cards instead.

M. Burusu

  • ... What is that?
  • Who knows.
Re: Trading Card Games - Touhou may or or may not be included
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2009, 12:36:55 AM »
I can't really help, non of the effect match Ran's profile. You might as well decide base on balancing between all cards instead.

Actually, the effect was designed with the effect of the in-game doll in mind -- y'see, some dolls in the game have a chance of reflecting danmaku back at the user (there are 3 basic types of doll -- Melee, which are Exactly What It Says On The Tin, Danmaku, which are ranged attackers, and Flying, which can fire explosive shots a short distance; Ran is a Danmaku-type doll, BTW), and Ran happens to be the only one who has only defensive abilities to go with her danmaku -- hence, I intended to replicate the reflection effect.
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN1-BN3 = Odd Idea
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN4-BN6 = Bad Idea